R. A. Litz page 1 May 2013 Vita REGINALD A. LITZ OFFICE RESIDENCE I. H. Asper School of Business 361 Cambridge Street 688 Drake Center Winnipeg, Manitoba University of Manitoba R3M 3E8 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Telephone: 204-487-1600 Telephone: 204-474-9406 Email: [email protected] Fax: 204-474-7545 Email: [email protected] WORK EXPERIENCE FULL-TIME ACADEMIC POSITIONS May 2011 - present Stu Clark Fellow Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba June 2008 - present Professor Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba September 2005 - May 2008 Associate Dean Research & Graduate Programs Professor Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba March 2004 - August 2005 Professor Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba March 1999 - March 2004 Associate Professor Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba January 1995 - March 1999 Assistant Professor Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba VISITING & SESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS May 2012 - June 2012 Visiting Lecturer Semester At Sea Institute of Shipboard Education University of Virginia , (Charlottesville,VA, USA) February, April, June 2011 Toft Visiting Professor

REGINALD A. LITZ - University of Manitobaumanitoba.ca/faculties/management/faculty_staff/media/CV_Litz_5... · R. A. Litz page 3 April 1981-August 1982 Special Projects Coordinator

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May 2013




I. H. Asper School of Business 361 Cambridge Street

688 Drake Center Winnipeg, Manitoba

University of Manitoba R3M 3E8

Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Telephone: 204-487-1600

Telephone: 204-474-9406 Email: [email protected]

Fax: 204-474-7545

Email: [email protected]



May 2011 - present Stu Clark Fellow

Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba

June 2008 - present Professor

Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba

September 2005 - May 2008 Associate Dean – Research & Graduate Programs


Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba

March 2004 - August 2005 Professor

Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba

March 1999 - March 2004 Associate Professor

Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba

January 1995 - March 1999 Assistant Professor

Asper School of Business - University of Manitoba


May 2012 - June 2012 Visiting Lecturer

Semester At Sea – Institute of Shipboard Education

University of Virginia, (Charlottesville,VA, USA)

February, April, June 2011 Toft Visiting Professor

R. A. Litz page 2

Jönköping International Business School

Jönköping, Sweden

June 2010 - August 2010 Visiting Lecturer

Semester At Sea – Institute of Shipboard Education

University of Virginia, (Charlottesville,VA, USA)

June 2008 - August 2008 Visiting Lecturer

Semester At Sea – Institute of Shipboard Education

University of Virginia, (Charlottesville,VA, USA)

January 2005 - June 2005 Visiting Professor in Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Business

Bond University (Gold Coast, Australia)

January 2002 - June 2002 Visiting Scholar in Family Business

Centre for Family Business and Entrepreneurship

Haskayne School of Business

University of Calgary (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

August 2001 - December 2001 Visiting Lecturer

Semester At Sea – Institute of Shipboard Education

University of Pittsburgh, (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

August 1991 - December 1994 Graduate Research Assistant and Teaching Fellow

Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business

University of Pittsburgh, (Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

June 1990 - July 1990 Visiting Instructor in Business Policy

Xian-Jiatong University (Peoples Republic of China)

May 1989 - June 1989 Visiting Instructor in Corporate Social Responsibility

University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

January 1986 - June 1991: Instructor in Business Administration

University of Manitoba, (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)

September 1983 - June 1984 Teaching Assistant in Business, Govt. & Society

Carlson School of Management

University of Minnesota


January 1995-September 1997 General Manager of Marketing & Operations

June 1984-June 1991 A. Litz Construction Ltd., Winnipeg, Canada. Duties

included management of marketing and operations of a

portfolio of Winnipeg-area commercial property rentals.

R. A. Litz page 3

April 1981-August 1982 Special Projects Coordinator

Camp Arnes, Winnipeg, Canada.

Duties included fundraising and publicity for Manitoba

camping organization.



Ph.D. 1991-1997 The University of Pittsburgh

Concentration: Strategic Planning and Policy

Minor: Environmental and Ethical Policy

Dissertation Title: Lilliputian strategies: The strategic

significance of expert service, interfirm networks, and

extraorganizational clan-building for small incumbents

facing large entrants.

Defended: May 1997

M.B.A. 1983-1984 The University of Minnesota

Concentration: Management

B. Comm. (Hons.) 1978-1981 The University of Manitoba

Concentration: Finance


Online Learning Excellence (OLE) 2013 Educator-to-Educator Training (Victoria, B.C.)

CCSBE Conference

Entrepreneurship Education 2007 Experiential Classroom VIII

Syracuse University

Nvivo 2005 Thoughtware Training (Brisbane, Australia)

Qualitative analysis software

Entrepreneurship Research 2004 Weatherhead School of Business

Case Western University

LISREL 2002 The University of Calgary

Prairie Regional Data Training School

Multivariate Analysis 2002 The University of Calgary

Prairie Regional Data Training School

International Business 1998 The University of South Carolina

Faculty Development in International Business

R. A. Litz page 4

Case Teaching 1986 The University of Western Ontario

Teaching with Cases Workshop




Litz, R. & J. Pollack. (Accepted June 2012). “Interfirm rivalry between small hardware stores

and “Big Box” retailers: Market commonality and product mix similarity as antecedents to

competitive response.” Journal of Small Business Management.

Brundin, E., Litz, R. & von Schlippe, A. (2013). “Taking a hard look at soft issues in family

business: Introduction to the special issue.” Journal of Family Business Management


Litz, R. A. (2013). “Leaving the godfather to follow God the father: successor generation

conversion in a mob family.” Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, (ahead-of-

print), 1-29.

Litz, R. & N. Turner. (2013). “Sins of the father's firm: Exploring responses to ethical dilemmas

in family business.” Journal of Business Ethics. 113, 297-315.

Litz, R. A. “Hidden Champions of the 21st Century: Success Strategies of Unknown Market

Leaders.” Family Business Review. 26, (1): 100-103. (Book Review).


Samu, S. Krishnan, P., and R. A. Litz. (2012). “Impact of brand-building activities and consumer

brand equity on retailer brand communities.” European Journal of Marketing. 46, (11),


Litz, R., Pearson, A. & Litchfield, S. (2012). “Charting the future of family business research:

Perspectives from the field.” Family Business Review. XX(X): 1-17.

Litz, R. (2012). “Double roles, double binds? Double bind theory and family business research.”

In A. Carsrud and M. ‘Understanding Family Business: Unique Perspectives, Neglected

Topics and Undiscovered Approaches’. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Also cited as:

International Studies in Entrepreneurship, 15: 115-132.


Litz, R. A., D. McStay, S. Janczak and C. Birmingham. (2010). “Kitty Hawk in the classroom: A

simulation in creative and entrepreneurial behavior.” International Review of

Entrepreneurship. 8, (4), 1-16.

Litz, R. A. (2010). “Jamming across the generations: Intergenerational creative collaboration in

the Marsalis family.” Journal of Family Business Strategy. 1, (4), 185-199.

Funk, J, Wan, F. and Litz, R.A. (2010). “Windows of opportunity for a Canadian family

business: An interview with Charles Loewen.” Journal of Applied Management and

Entrepreneurship. 15, (2), 130-142.


R. A. Litz page 5

Laplume, A., Sonpar, K. and Litz, R.A. (2008). “Stakeholder theory: A longitudinal review of a

theory that moves us.” Journal of Management. 34, (6), 1152-1189.

Litz, R. and S. Samu. (2008). “Altruistic by association; Altruistic for advantage? Buying groups

and small firm community involvement.” Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 37, (4),


Litz, R. A. (2008). “Two sides of a one-sided phenomenon: Conceptualizing the family business

and business family as a Mobius Strip.” Family Business Review. 21, (3), 217-236.

Litz, R. A. and G. Rajaguru. (2008). “Does small store location matter? A test of three classic

theories of retail location.” Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship. 21, (4), 477-492.


Litz, R. A. & K. Walker (2007) “Buying into buying groups: Are they good for the family firm?”

International Entrepreneurship& Management Journal. 3, 419-436. (also received Best Paper

award from Canadian Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship. (Halifax, November



Chrisman, J. J., J. H. Chua, and R. A. Litz. (2004). “Comparing the agency costs of family and

non-family firms: Conceptual issues and exploratory evidence.” Entrepreneurship: Theory &

Practice. 28, (4), 335-354.


Litz, R. A. (2003). “Red light, green light and other ideas for class participation-intensive

courses: Method and implications for business ethics education.” Teaching Business Ethics.

7: 365-378.

Chrisman, J. J., J. H. Chua, and R. A. Litz. (2003). “A unified systems perspective of family firm

performance: An extension and integration.” Journal of Business Venturing. 18, 467-472.

Litz, R. A. (2003). “Cheating at solitaire: Self-deception, executive mental health and

organizational performance” Business & Society Review.108, (2), 235-261.

Litz, R. A. (2003). “Looking at both sides: Jack Welch in review.” Academy of Management

Review. 28, (4), 670-673. (Book Review).


Litz, R. A. and C. A. Folker. (2002). “When he and she sell seashells: Exploring the relationship

between management team gender balance and small firm performance.” Journal of

Developmental Entrepreneurship. 7, (4), 341-359.


Litz, R. A. and Kleysen, R. (2001). “Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall

see visions: Toward a theory of family firm innovation with help from the Brubeck family.”

Family Business Review. XIV. (4), 335-351. (also received Entrepreneurship Theory &

Practice Award for Best Conceptual Paper. United States Association of Small Business &

Entrepreneurship. (Orlando, FL, February 2001) and Best Unpublished Research Paper on

Family Business. Family Firm Institute 2000 Conference. (Washington D. C., October 2000)

and was included in Best of Family Business Review II: Volumes 9-16 (2007).


R. A. Litz page 6

Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. C. (2000). “Trade-name franchise membership as a human resource

management strategy: Does buying group training deliver ‘True Value’ for small retailers?”

Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice. 25, (1), 125-135.

Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. C. (2000). “Where everybody knows your name: Extraorganizational

clan-building as small firm strategy for home field advantage.” Journal of Small Business

Strategy. 11, (1), 1-13. (also received Best Applied Paper Award at USASBE/SBIDA 2000


Litz, R. A. and A. C. Stewart. (2000). “Charity begins at home: The family firm and community

involvement.” Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 29, (1). 131-148.

Litz, R. A. and A. C. Stewart. (2000). “The late show: Small retailers, extraordinary accessibility

and selling beyond Sundays and evenings.” Journal of Small Business Management. 38, (1),


Litz, R. A. (2000). “Group exit: How breakaway organizations happen.” Academy of

Management Executive. 14, (4), 144-146. (Research translation)

Litz, R. A. (2000). “Field Casework: Methods for Consulting to Small and Startup Businesses.”

Journal of Small Business Strategy. 11, (1), 90-93. (Book Review).

Litz, R. A. (2000). “Moral imagination and management decision making.” Academy of

Management Review. 25, (1), 256-259. (Book Review)


Litz, R. A. (1999). “The logic and lure of acquisitions in global competition: A case study from

the steel industry.” Journal of Business and Psychology. 14, (1).

Litz, R. A. (1999). “The courage to teach: Exploring the inner landscape of the teacher’s life.”

Academy of Management Review. 24, (2), 364-366. (Book Review)


Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. C. (1998). “Franchising for sustainable advantage? Comparing the

performance of independent retailers and trade name franchisees.” Journal of Business

Venturing. 13, 131-150. (Received Emerald Management Review Citation of Excellence for

Practical Implications).

Litz, R. A. (1998). “Self-deception and corporate social responsibility: A micro-level

conceptualization.” Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy. 15, 125-143.


Litz, R. A. (1997). “The family firm’s exclusion from business school research: Explaining the

void, addressing the opportunity.” Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice. 21, (3), 55-71.

(Received Emerald Management Review Citation of Excellence for Research Implications).


Litz, R. A. (1996). “A resource-based-view of the socially responsible firm: Stakeholder

interdependence, ethical awareness, and issue responsiveness as strategic assets.” Journal of

Business Ethics. 15, (12), 1355-1363. (Received Emerald Management Reviews Citation of

Excellence for Research Implications).


Litz, R. A. (1995). “The family business: Toward definitional clarity.” Family Business Review.

7, (2), 71-81. (also contained in: The transformation of work and organizations for the 21st

century: Best paper proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting, The Academy of Management

Meetings, Vancouver, 100-104) (1995).

R. A. Litz page 7

Litz, R. A. and Prescott, J. C. (1995). “Self-deception in strategic management: Conceptualizing

the influence.” Advances in Applied Business Strategy. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 4, 147-


Litz, R. A. (1995). “Self-inflicted capture: An exploration of the role of self-deception in

regulatory enforcement.” Administration & Society. 26, (4), 419-433.



Litz, R. (October 2011). “Preparing MBAs for their executive responsibilities.” Odette School of

Business, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.

Litz, R. (May 2011). “Understanding the family business and business family as a house.” Witten

Institute for Family Business. Witten University. Witten Germany.

Litz, R. (April 2011). “Sins of the father’s firm.” Jönköping International Business School.

Doctoral seminar presentation. Jönköping , Sweden.

Litz, R. (February 2011). “Jamming across the generations: Intergenerational creative

collaboration in the Marsalis family.” Jönköping International Business School. Doctoral

seminar presentation. Jönköping , Sweden.

Litz, R. (February 2011). “Understanding the family business and business family as a house.”

Jönköping International Business School. Doctoral seminar presentation. Jönköping ,


Litz, R. (February 2011). “Family business research: At a breakthrough or hitting a brick wall?”

Jönköping International Business School. Faculty seminar presentation Jönköping ,


Litz, R. (January 2011). “Innovative teaching techniques for family business courses.” Pre-

conference session at USASBE Conference. Hilton Head, SC. (Co-presenters: K. Eddleston,

F. Hoy, R. Kidwell, R. Sorenson).


Litz, R. A. (November 2010). “Understanding the family business and business family as a

Mobius Strip”. Levene Graduate School of Business, University of Regina. Regina,



Litz, R. A. (October 2009). “Experiential learning and entrepreneurship education”. Building

Bridges: Educators and Industry Conference. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Litz, R. A. (October 2009). “Family businesses and business families as Mobius strips”.

University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Litz, R. A. (April 2009). “Family businesses and business families as Mobius strips:

Implications for the family farm and the farm family”. University of Manitoba

Manitoba Agriculture Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) & Faculty of Human Ecology.

Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Litz, R. A. (March 2009). “When family is business and business is family.” Young Presidents

Organization. Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Litz, R. A. (February 2009). “When family is business and business is family.” University of

Manitoba. Bringing research to life lecture series. Winnipeg, Manitoba.


R. A. Litz page 8

Litz, R. A. (October 2008). “Family business research.” University of New Brunswick.

Fredricton, New Brunswick.

Litz, R. A. (January 2008). “CAPTION! A classroom exercise for introducing the systems model

of creativity.” USABE 2008 (United States Association for Small Business and

Entrepreneurship) San Antonio, Texas.

Litz, R. A. (January 2008). “The parable of the talents (Revisited): An exercise in small firm

resourcefulness.” USABE 2008 (United States Association for Small Business and

Entrepreneurship) San Antonio, Texas.


Litz, R. A. (January 2007). “Kitty Hawk in the classroom: A simulation exercise in creative and

entrepreneurial behavior.” USABE/SBIDA 2007 (United States Association for Small

Business and Entrepreneurship / Small Business Institute Directors Association, Orlando,



Litz, R. A. (February 2003) “Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see

visions: Toward a theory of family firm innovation with help from the Brubeck family.” (Get

to Know Research…At Your University Speaker Series). Winnipeg.


Chrisman, J. J., J. H. Chua and R. A. Litz (December 2002). “Do Family Firms have Higher

Agency Costs then Non-Family Firms?” Academic Disciplinary Conference 2002: Theories

of the Family Enterprise. The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia.

Litz, R. A. (October 2002) “Survey research in family business.” (Family Firm Institute 2002

Conference). Dallas, Texas.

Litz, R. A. (August 2002) “Innovation in family firms.” (Canadian Association of Family

Enterprise). Winnipeg, Canada.


Litz, R. A. (June 2001) “Red Light, Green Light and Other Ideas for Class Participation-Intensive

Courses.” (Offered through University Teaching Services of the University of Manitoba).


Litz, R. A. and R. F. Kleysen. (October 2000). “Your old men will dream dreams, your young

men will see visions: A conceptualization of innovation in family firms.” Family Firm

Institute 2000 Conference. (on recipient of Family Firm Institute’s 2000 Award for Best

Unpublished Research Paper on Family Business). Washington, D.C.

Litz, R. A. (June 2000) “Disgusted With Discussion? Reconsidering the Classroom Experience

as a Conversation.” (Offered through University Teaching Services of the University of


Litz, R. A. and R. Kleysen. (April 2000). “Your old men will dream dreams, your young men

will see visions: A conceptualization of innovation in family firms.” Innocom 2000

Conference at the University of Calgary. Calgary, Canada.


Litz, R. A. (March 1999). “Lilliputian strategies: What small businesses can do when Gulliver

moves into their back yard.” On The Edge Lecture Series at the University of Manitoba.

Winnipeg, Canada.

R. A. Litz page 9



Litz, R., Turner, N., Brundin, E. & Von Schlippe, A. (July 2013). “Wicked problems and the

family firm: Exploring student perceptions of a succession decision in Per Fly’s ‘The

Inheritance’. International Family Enterprise Research Association. Zurich, Switzerland.

Litz, R. Rau, S. & Turner, N. (July 2013). “Responding to inherited ethical dilemmas in family

firms: A relication and comparison. International Family Enterprise Research Association.

Zurich, Switzerland.

Litz, R. (May 2013). “The Venturer's New Clothes: Conceptualizing the Influence of Self-

deception in the New Venture Formation Process".” Canadian Council for Small Business and

Entrepreneurship. Victoria, Canada.


Litz, R. & J. Pollack. (January 2012). “Responding to the ’Big Box’: The effects of market

commonality and product mix similarity. USASBE, New Orleans, LA.


Litz, R. A. (October 2011). “Profiles in Entrepreneurial Leadership: The I.D.E.A. Award

Recipients.” Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Windsor, Canada.

Litz, R., Pearson, A. & Litchfield, S., (August 2011). “Charting the future of family business

research: A report from the field.” Entrepreneurship Division. The Academy of Management

Meetings. San Antonio, Texas.

Litz, R. & Turner, N., (August 2011). “Sins of the father’s firm: Exploring responses to inherited

ethical Dilemmas in Family Business.” Entrepreneurship Division. The Academy of

Management Meetings. San Antonio, Texas.

Litz, R. A. (May 2011). “When customers see ‘family’ as adding value to the transaction:

Insights from the retail hardware industry.” EIASM 7th Workshop on Family Firms

Management Research. Witten, Germany.

Litz, R. A. (May 2011). “Someday it will all be yours: Conceptualizing the economy of parental

promise-making and gift-giving in the family firm.” Family Enterprise Research Conference.

Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Litz, R. (January 2011). “Double roles, double binds: Double bind theory and family business

research. USASBE, Hilton Head, SC.

Litz, R. A., D. McStay, C. Birmingham, & S. Janczak. (January 2011). “Kitty Hawk in the

classroom: A simulation exercise for facilitating creative and entrepreneurial behavior.”

USASBE, Hilton Head, SC.


Litz, R. A. (October 2010). “Understanding the family business and business family as a house:

An organizing framework for family business education.” Family Firm Institute 2010 Family

Business Education Symposium 2010. Chicago.

Litz, R. A. & Pollack, J. (August 2010). “Do ‘Big Boxes’ Evoke 'Big Responses' From Small

Retailers?” Entrepreneurship Division. The Academy of Management Meetings. Montreal.

Litz, R. A. (April 2010). “Double roles, double binds? Contemplating the relevance of double

bind theory for family business research. ” Family Enterprise Research Conference. Cancun,


Litz, R. A. (April 2010). “The house of: When family businesses and business families rise,

R. A. Litz page 10

stand, fall and rise again.” Family Enterprise Research Conference. Cancun, Mexico.


Litz, R. A. (October 2009). “Jamming Across the Generations: Toward a Theory of

Intergenerational Creativity With Help From the Marsalis Family’s Jazz Celebration.”

Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Toronto, Canada.

Litz, R. A., D. McStay, C. Birmingham, & S. Janczak. (August 2009). “Kitty Hawk in the

Classroom: A Simulation Exercise for Creative and Entrepreneurial Behavior.” Management

Education Division. The Academy of Management Meetings. Chicago.

Funk, J. & R. A. Litz. (April 2009). “Got Family?: The influence of family identity on customer

loyalty.” Family Enterprise Research Conference. Winnipeg, Canada.

Litz, R. A. & N. Turner. (April 2009). “Sins of the father’s firm.” Family Enterprise Research

Conference. Winnipeg, Canada.


Litz, R. A. (April 2008). “Toward a Mobius-based view of the family business and business

family.” Family Enterprise Research Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Litz, R. A. (April 2008). “Jamming Across the Generations: Toward a Theory of

Intergenerational Creativity With Help From the Marsalis Family’s Jazz Celebration.” Family

Enterprise Research Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Pollack, J. & Litz, R. A. (April 2008). “Is a Big Family a Big Weapon against a Big Box?.”

Family Enterprise Research Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Litz, R. A. (April 2007). “Jamming across the generations: Toward a theory of family creativity

with help from the Marsalis family.” Family Enterprise Research Conference. Monterrey,


Litz, R. A. (April 2007). “Storyboarding a Mobius strip through time.” Family Enterprise

Research Conference. Monterrey, Mexico.

Litz, R. A. and G. Rajaguru (January 2007). “Location, location, location? A test of conventional

logic for small retailers.” USABE/SBIDA 2007 (United States Association for Small

Business and Entrepreneurship / Small Business Institute Directors Association, Orlando,



Litz, R. A. and D. McStay. (August 2006). “Kitty Hawk in the classroom: A simulation exercise

in creative and entrepreneurial behavior.” Entrepreneurship Division, The Academy of

Management Meetings, Atlanta.

Krishnan, P, S. Samu, and R. A. Litz (June 2006). “Exploring the role of retailers in brand

communities: Brand equity, identification, and performance in trade name franchises".”

Marketing Division, The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Banff, Canada.

Litz, R. A. (April 2006). “Buying into buying groups: Is it good for the family firm?” Family

Enterprise Research Conference. Niagara Falls, Canada.

Litz, R. A. (April 2006). “Understanding the family firm through metaphor: An alternative

strategy for conceptualizing the family business.” Family Enterprise Research Conference.

Niagara Falls, Canada.

Litz, R. A. (April 2006). “Sins of the father’s firm: Next generation ethical dilemmas in family

firms.” Family Enterprise Research 2006 Conference. Niagara Falls, Canada.

R. A. Litz page 11


Litz, R. A. (October 2005). “Sins of the father’s firm: Conceptualizing next generational ethical

dilemmas in family firms.” Family Firm Institute 2005 Conference. Chicago.

Litz, R. A. (July 2005). “Toward a metaphor-based view of the family business and business

family.” Bridging the Gap: Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice. Singapore Management

University. Singapore.

Litz, R. A. (July 2005). “Small firm opportunity perception: The case of the large proximate

rival.” Bridging the Gap: Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice. Singapore Management

University. Singapore.


Litz, R. A. (November 2004). “When the firm becomes a gift: ‘Unwrapping the connection

between the entrepreneur and the family firm.” Canadian Council for Small Business and

Entrepreneurship. Regina, Canada.


Litz, R. A. (June 2003). “Can small firms have big agency problems? The case of the small

family firm.” Entrepreneurship & Family Business Division, The Administrative Sciences

Association of Canada, Halifax, Canada.


Litz, R. A. (November 2002). “Buying into buying groups: Is it good for the family firm?”

Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Halifax, Canada.

Litz, R. A. and C. Folker. (August 2002). “When he and she sell seashells: Exploring the

relationship between management team gender balance and small retailer performance.”

(Revised) Gender & Diversity in Organizations Division, The Academy of Management

Meetings, Denver.

Litz, R. A. (May 2002). “Red Light, green Light and other ideas for class participation-intensive

courses.” Management Education Division, The Administrative Sciences Association of

Canada, Winnipeg, Canada.

Litz, R. A. and P. Robinson. (May 2002). “Kitty Hawk in the classroom: An exercise in

individual and/or collaborative creativity and/or entrepreneurship.” Management Education

Division, The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Winnipeg, Canada.


Litz, R. A. and C. Folker. (February 2001). “When he and she sell seashells: Exploring the

relationship between management team gender balance and small retailer performance.”

USABE/SBIDA 2001 (United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship /

Small Business Institute Directors Association), Orlando, Florida.

Litz, R. A. and R. F. Kleysen. (February 2001). “Your old men will dream dreams, your young

men will see visions: A conceptualization of innovation in family firms.” USABE/SBIDA

2001 (United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship / Small Business

Institute Directors Association), Orlando, Florida. (an earlier version was presented at

Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, November 2000, Ottawa,

Canada.) Received Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice Award for Best Conceptual Paper.

($500 US).


R. A. Litz page 12

Litz, R. A. (August 2000). “Cheating at solitaire: Self-deception, executive mental health and

organizational performance.” Managerial & Organizational Cognition Division, The Academy

of Management Meetings, Toronto.

Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. C. (February 2000). “Small prospects against big boxes: A partial test

of Chen’s (1996) theory of interfirm rivalry.” USABE/SBIDA 2000 (United States

Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship), San Antonio, Texas.

Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. C. (February 2000). “Where everybody knows your name:

Extraorganizational clan-building as small firm strategy for home field advantage.”

USABE/SBIDA 2000 (United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship),

San Antonio, Texas (also received Journal of Small Business Strategy Award for Best

Applied Paper Award) ($500 US).

Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. C. (February 2000). “Niching on know-how: Information-intensive

transacting as sustainable niche strategy for small retailers.” USABE/SBIDA 2000 (United

States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship), San Antonio, Texas.


Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. (November 1999). “The late show: Small retailers, extraordinary

accessibility and selling beyond Sundays and evenings.” Canadian Council for Small

Business and Entrepreneurship. Banff, Canada.

Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. (November 1999). “Trade-name franchise membership as a human

resource management strategy: Does buying group training deliver ‘True Value’ for small

retailers?” Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Banff, Canada.

Litz, R. A. (August 1999). “Managing Your Dissertation Workshop: Topic selection.” Business

Policy & Strategy Division, The Academy of Management Meetings, Chicago.


Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. C. (August 1998). “Charity begins at home: The family firm and

community philanthropy.” Entrepreneurship Division, The Academy of Management

Meetings, San Diego.

Dyck, B., Litz, R. A. and Mischke, G. (June 1998). “An unfinished tale of Gulliver’s travels

among the Lilliputians: A longitudinal study of small incumbents’ responses to rumored and

actual entry of giant retailers.” Policy Division, The Administrative Sciences Association of

Canada, Saskatoon.

Litz, R. A. (June 1998). “Strategy in time and space: A two dimensional perspective on strategy

and interfirm competition.” Policy Division, The Administrative Sciences Association of

Canada, Saskatoon.


Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. (October 1996). “When small firms join big buying groups: Intended

and unintended consequences.” Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.


Litz, R. A. (October 1996). “The family firm’s exclusion from business school research:

Explaining the void, addressing the opportunity.” Canadian Council for Small Business and

Entrepreneurship, Montreal.

Litz, R. A. (May 1996) “The logic and lure of acquisitions in global competition: A case study

from the Canadian steel industry.” The Fifth Annual Bayer International Conference: Robert

Morris College, Pittsburgh.


R. A. Litz page 13

Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. (August 1995). “Lilliputian strategies: A typology of niche-based

strategies for small incumbents facing large entrants” Entrepreneurship Division, The

Academy of Management Meetings, Vancouver.

Litz, R. A. (August 1995). “The family business: Toward definitional clarity.” Entrepreneurship

Division, The Academy of Management Meetings, Vancouver.

Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. (June 1995). “Lilliputian strategies: Theoretical context and research

agenda” Entrepreneurship Division, The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada,


Litz, R. A. (June 1995) “The self-deceived strategist: Theory and propositions.” Business Policy

Division, The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Windsor.


Litz, R. A. (August 1994). “Cognitive sabotage: Conceptualizing the influence of self-deception

in strategic management.” Business Policy and Strategy Division, The Academy of

Management Meetings, Dallas.

Litz, R. A. (August 1994). “Regulatory enforcement and self-deception: Conceptualizing self-

inflicted capture.” Public Sector and Nonprofit Division, The Academy of Management

Meetings, Dallas.

Litz, R. A. (June 1994) “Publicly-traded and privately-held: Extending the public-private

framework.” Second Biennial International Conference on Advances in Management,


Litz, R. A. (June 1994) “A resource-based-view of the socially responsible firm:

Interdependence, ethicality, and responsiveness as strategic assets.” Second Biennial

International Conference on Advances in Management, Calgary.

Litz, R. A. (April 1994). “The family business: Toward definitional clarity.” 3rd Annual

Conference of the Family/Small Business Institute of Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH.

Litz, R. A. (April 1994). “Succeeding at succession: Understanding the adult businesschild's

individuation and leadership challenges within the family-controlled enterprise.” 3rd Annual

Conference of the Family/Small Business Institute of Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH.

Litz, R. A. (March 1994). “Business and society education: A supplemental approach.”

International Association for Business and Society Conference, Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Litz, R. A. (March 1994). “Corporate social responsibility and self-deception: A micro level

conceptualization.” International Association for Business and Society Conference, Hilton

Head, South Carolina.


Litz, R. A. (August 1993). “The family firm and business school research: Explaining the void,

addressing the opportunity.” Association of Management Meetings, Atlanta.

Litz, R. A. (August 1993). “Strategic doublethink: Self-deception in strategic management.”

Association of Management Meetings, Atlanta.


Stewart, A. and Litz, R. A. (September 1992). “Environmental Change, Issue Diagnosis and Strategic

Choice: The Effects of the U.S./Canada Free Trade Agreement.” Strategic Management Society

Meetings, London.


R. A. Litz page 14


Litz, R. A. and Kleysen, R. (2002). “Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall

see visions: A conceptualization of innovation in family firms.” In J. J. Chrisman, A. D.

Holbrook and J. H. Chua (Eds.) Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Western Canada: from

Family Businesses to Multinationals. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 269-298.


Stewart, A. and Litz, R. A. (1994). “The U.S. - Canada Free Trade Agreement: International,

political, and strategic response of U.S. and Canadian firms.” in D. Salvatore & K. Fatemi

(Eds.) The North American Free Trade Agreement. New York: Peragamon, 83-100.

Kilmann, R., R. Albright, D. Gambill, I. Kilmann, N. Kurland, K. Pitts, L. Serafin, D. Swanson,

G. Tan and R. Litz, (1994) “Introduction: The personal struggle for identity, competency,

value, worth, and responsibility.” in Managing ego energy: The transformation of personal

meaning into organizational success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.



Litz, R. A. (June 1996). “Lilliputian strategies: Small business responses to big business entry.”

U.S. Small Business Administration: Office of Advocacy (Contract #SBA-8124-0A-94).

Washington, D.C.

Litz, R. A. and Stewart, A. (June 1996). “Lilliputian strategies: Small business responses to big

business entry.” University of Pittsburgh Central Research Development Fund (1994-95)

Grant #5-31883.



Litz, R. A. (June 17, 2011). http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-



Litz, R. A. (May 19, 2011). “Tenants balk when landlord spikes rent” Globe and Mail: Your

Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-


Litz, R. A. (April 22, 2011). “Coffee shop takes over university faculty club” Globe and Mail:

Your Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-



Litz, R. A. (March 25, 2011). “What to do when big boxes undercut you?” Globe and Mail: Your

Business (Online). (http://m.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-



Litz, R. A. (February 25, 2011). “Wal-Mart has left the building. Now what?” Globe and Mail:

Your Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-


Litz, R. A. (January 28, 2011). “Family run store tackles supplier problem.” Globe and Mail:

Your Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-

R. A. Litz page 15




Litz, R. A. (December 31, 2010). “Digital revolution inspires musician to take different path.”

Globe and Mail: Your Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-



Litz, R. A. (December 3, 2010). “Musician inspires children to become songwriters.” Globe and

Mail: Your Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-



Litz, R. A. (November 4, 2010). “When work isn’t fun any more.” Globe and Mail: Your

Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-


Litz, R. A. (October 8, 2010). “Winnipeg music store bucks sales trend.” Globe and Mail: Your

Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-



Litz, R. A. (September 3, 2010). “Photo studio documents artists to remain relevant.” Globe and

Mail: Your Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-



Litz, R. A. (August 2010). “When people quit saying ‘Let’s do lunch’.” Globe and Mail: Your

Business (Online). (http http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-



Litz, R. A. (July 9, 2010). “How a small coffee shop took on the big guys.” Globe and Mail:

Your Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-



Reprinted in: Organization Theory and Design (Second Canadian Edition) By R. Daft & A.

Armstrong, (2012). Nelson Education, Cengage. pages 347-348.

Litz, R. A. (June 11, 2010). “Big-box stores create supplier headaches for indies.” Globe and

Mail: Your Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-



Litz, R. A. (May 3, 2010). “The challenge: How to reduce Interac transaction fees.” Globe and

Mail: Your Business (Online). (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/your-





“Palliser Furniture Corporation in Taiwan” contained in:

Business (2nd edition).” by F. A. Starke and R. Griffin. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall

Canada Inc. (1996). 108-109.

R. A. Litz page 16

Management in Canada by F. A. Starke and R. W. Sexty. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-

Hall Canada Inc.(1995). 704-707.


“Software piracy at Clone City” (with B. Honigman, T. Klaassen, and P. Mills) in:

Introduction to Canadian Business (4th Edition) by F. A. Starke, B. E. Owen, J. A. Reinecke,

G. Dessler, and W. F. Schoell. Toronto: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. (1990).

“Old Country Meat Market” (with A. Bykerk, D. Crapper, D. Jansen, N. Kuprowski, and R.

Spracklin) contained in:

Introduction to Canadian Business (4th Edition) by F. A. Starke, B. E. Owen, J. A. Reinecke,

G. Dessler, and W. F. Schoell. Toronto: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. (1990).




Family-Owned Business Institute Research Scholar 2009-20010. Grand Valley State University.

($5,000 US). (Grand Rapids, MI) (April 2009).


University of Manitoba Travel & Conference Sponsorship Program for Family Enterprise

Research Conference. ($1,000). (2008).


Family-Owned Business Institute Research Scholar 2006-2007. Grand Valley State University.

($5,000 US). (Grand Rapids, MI) (May 2006).


University of Manitoba Ethics Research Fellowship. Centre for Applied and Professional Ethics.

($4,400). (2005-2006).


Brian Farlinger Award for Emerging Researchers. Canadian Council for Small Business and

Entrepreneurship, ($2,500). Banff, Alberta, (1999).

Research Grant. University of Manitoba - Faculty of Management Seed Grant Research

Development Award. (Cdn$1,765) (1999-2000).


Case Writing Grant. National Management Education Project in Business and Environment at

the Schulich School of Business, York University. ($5,500) (1998).


Research Grant. University of Manitoba - Faculty of Management New Faculty Research Grant.

(Cdn$20,000) (1995-1997).


R. A. Litz page 17

Research Grant. United Small Business Administration (Research Grant #SBA-8124-0A-94),

Washington, D.C. (US$14,500) (1994-1995).

Research Grant. University of Pittsburgh Central Research Development Fund Award. (Grant #5-

31883) (with A. Stewart as primary applicant) (US$14,000) (1994-1995).



Kennesaw State University/Cox Family Enterprise Center Best Family Business Paper awarded

to R. Litz & N. Turner, “Sins of the father’s firm: Exploring responses to ethical dilemmas in

family business” Entrepreneurship division, Academy of Management. (US$1,500).


Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba. CMA Canada-Manitoba Partner

Academic Merit Award for Excellence in Research & Teaching. ($7,500) (2007-2009, three

year award of $2,500 per year) (also noted in listing of teaching awards).


Honorable Mention Award. Krishnan, P, S. Samu, and R. A. Litz (June 2006). “Exploring the

role of retailers in brand communities: Brand equity, identification, and performance in trade

name franchises".” Marketing Division, The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada,

Banff, Canada.


Best Unpublished Research Paper on Family Business. Family Firm Institute 2004 Conference.

“When the firm becomes a gift: The special role of gift theory in understanding the family

firm.” ($2,000 US). Boston (October 2004).


Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba. CMA Canada-Manitoba Partner

Academic Merit Award for Excellence in Research & Teaching. ($7,500) (2003-2005, three

year award of $2,500 per year) (also noted in listing of teaching awards).


Best Paper. Canadian Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship. “Buying into buying

groups: Is it good for the family firm?” ($500 Cdn.) Halifax (November 2002).


Best Conceptual Paper. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice Award for Best Conceptual Paper.

“Your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions: A conceptualization of

innovation in family firms.” with R. F. Kleysen. United States Association of Small Business

& Entrepreneurship. ($500 US). Washington, D.C. (February 2001).


Best Unpublished Research Paper on Family Business. Family Firm Institute 2000 Conference.

“Your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions: A conceptualization of

innovation in family firms.” with R. F. Kleysen. ($2,000 US). Washington D. C. (October


R. A. Litz page 18

Associates Award for Excellence in Research & Teaching. ($4,000) Awarded by the Associates

of the Faculty of Management, Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba.

(based on 1999-2000 academic year) (also noted in listing of teaching awards). (September


Best Applied Paper Award. Journal of Small Business Strategy Award. “Where everybody

knows your name: Extraorganizational clan-building as small firm strategy for home field

advantage.” with A. C. Stewart. United States Association of Small Business &

Entrepreneurship. ($500 US). (February 2000).


Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba. CMA Canada-Manitoba Partner

Academic Merit Award for Excellence in Research & Teaching. ($7,500) (1999-2001, three

year award of $2,500 per year) (also noted in listing of teaching awards).

School Representative. Academy of Management Business Policy and Strategy Division New

Faculty Consortium:. Chicago, IL (1999).


School Representative. Academy of Management New Faculty and Doctoral Consortium:

Entrepreneurship Division. San Diego, CA (1998).

Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence for Practical Implications (formerly

known as Anbar Citation of Excellence) (1998) “Franchising for sustainable advantage?

Comparing the performance of independent retailers and trade name franchisees.” Journal of

Business Venturing. 13, 131-150.


Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence for Research Implications (formerly

known as Anbar Citation of Excellence) (1997). “The family firm’s exclusion from business

school research: Explaining the void, addressing the opportunity.” Entrepreneurship: Theory

& Practice. 21, (3), 55-71.


Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence for Research Implications (formerly

known as Anbar Citation of Excellence) (1996). “A resource-based-view of the socially

responsible firm: Stakeholder interdependence, ethical awareness, and issue responsiveness

as strategic assets.” Journal of Business Ethics. 15, (12), 1355-1363 (1996).


Best Conceptual Paper. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice Award for Best Conceptual Paper.

"The family business: Toward definitional clarity.” Entrepreneurship division, Academy of

Management. (US$500) (1995).


School Representative. Academy of Management Doctoral Consortium: Business Policy and

Strategy Division. Dallas, TX (1994).

Honorable Mentions


R. A. Litz page 19

Finalist. Free Press Doctoral Dissertation Competition. (One of four finalists selected from a

field of 20 entrants) Business Policy & Strategy Division, Academy of Management. (1998).


TEACHING EVALUATIONS1 (by academic year, institution, term, subject and program)


University of Manitoba

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 38/42 3.39

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 26/41 3.19

September Administrative Theory Undergraduate 38/47 4.00

September Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 34/40 4.03

September Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 32/38 3.84


University of Manitoba

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 39/45 3.69

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 39/42 3.69

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 23/37 3.52

September Environment & Functions of business Undergraduate 17/24 3.41

September Administrative Theory Undergraduate 47/53 4.06

September Contemporary social issues in business Undergraduate 30/37 4.23


University of Manitoba

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 28/43 4.29

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 38/44 3.55

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 37/42 4.05

January Retail management Undergraduate 46/52 3.54

September Administrative Theory Undergraduate 48/56 3.98

September Administrative Theory Undergraduate 32/42 3.97

September Retail Management Undergraduate 32/34 3.75


University of Manitoba

January Environment & Functions of Business Undergraduate 8/10 4.13

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 47/55 4.11

January Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 25/30 3.76

University of Toronto

Summer Business Ethics M.B.A. 44/46 4.55

Summer Business Ethics M.B.A. 46/54 4.20

University of Manitoba

September Administrative Theory Undergraduate 47/57 3.64

September Administrative Theory Undergraduate 50/57 4.18

1 From institution-sponsored end-of-course teaching evaluation item rating ‘Overall instructor effectiveness’

on five point scale (with 1 = ‘very poor’ and 5 = ‘very good’) unless noted otherwise.

R. A. Litz page 20


University of Manitoba

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 34/53 3.91

January Introduction to Management Theory Undergraduate 48/54 4.33

January Introduction to Management Theory Undergraduate 45/46 3.78

Xian-Jiatong University – P.R.C.

Summer Business policy M.B.A. not evaluated

University of Manitoba

September Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 32/38 4.13

September Administrative Theory Undergraduate 43/51 4.07


University of Manitoba

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 35/40 4.31

January Administrative Theory Undergraduate 32/42 4.03


University of Pittsburgh

January Planning and Control Systems M.B.A. 48/48 4.23

January Planning and Control Systems M.B.A. 45/45 3.51


University of Pittsburgh

January Planning and Control Systems M.B.A. 43/50 4.53

January Planning and Control Systems M.B.A. 34/50 4.12


University of Pittsburgh

January Business Environment and Social Policy M.B.A. 35/48 3.75


University of Manitoba

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 26/30 4.50

September Administrative Policy Undergraduate N/A. 4.302


University of Manitoba

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 29/33 4.28

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 26/30 4.00

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 16/18 3.75

Summer Studies in Managerial Character M.B.A. N/A. 4.30

September Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 24/34 4.63


University of Manitoba

2 This represents an unofficial score as all official evaluation procedures were suspended due to a university

-wide three week strike during the 1995-96 September term.

R. A. Litz page 21

January Conceptual Perspectives on Strategy M.B.A. 21/21 4.81

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 31/33 4.23

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 20/24 4.36

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 18/19 4.40

Summer Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 12/13 4.75

September Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 16/19 4.81


University of Manitoba

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 31/39 4.59

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 34/39 4.32

Summer Selected Topics in Intl. Business Undergraduate 10/10 4.60

Summer Entrep. & New Venture Formation M.B.A. 13/16 4.76

September Business Policy M.B.A. 5/6 4.80

September Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 12/13 5.00

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 36/38 4.55


University of Manitoba

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 29/37 4.28

January Administrative Policy Undergraduate 27/33 3.96

January Small Business Management Undergraduate 28/37 4.75

Summer Entrep. & New Venture Formation M.B.A. 15/15 3.87

Summer Small Business Management Undergraduate 10/11 4.90

September Entrepreneurial Creativity Undergraduate 19/24 4.89

September Small Business Management M.B.A. 9/9 4.89

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 31/35 4.71


University of Manitoba

January Small Business Management Undergraduate 49/53 4.80

January Entrepreneurial Creativity Undergraduate 41/45 4.83

Summer Small Business Management Undergraduate 10/11 4.90

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 35/37 4.83

September Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 38/40 5.00


University of Manitoba

January Small Business Management Undergraduate 39/45 4.83

January Entrepreneurial Creativity Undergraduate 49/53 4.80

Semester at Sea - University of Pittsburgh

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 24/25 4.67

September Creativity & Entrepreneurship Undergraduate 28/28 4.71

September Selected Topics in International Business Undergraduate 22/23 4.41


University of Manitoba

Summer Small Business Management Undergraduate 8/8 5.00

September Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 36/39 4.86

R. A. Litz page 22

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 46/56 4.78


University of Manitoba

January Family Business Management Undergraduate 13/14 5.00

January Small Business Management Undergraduate 46/57 4.78

September Creativity & Entrepreneurship Undergraduate 36/45 4.74

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 21/22 4.76


University of Manitoba

January Small Business Management Undergraduate 46/57 4.78

January Family Business Management Undergraduate 13/14 5.00

Summer Small Business Management M.B.A. 11/19 4.27

Summer Small Business Management Undergraduate 6/8 4.83

September Creativity & Entrepreneurship Undergraduate 21/28 4.86

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 42/50 4.61

September Industry Analysis MBA 16/18 4.50


Bond University (Visiting professor)

January Entrepreneurship Undergraduate 57/69 4.463

January The Entrepreneurial Process MBA 12/16 3.754

January The Entrepreneurial Process EMBA 23/29 3.575

University of Manitoba

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 35/48 4.86


University of Manitoba

January Creativity & Entrepreneurship Undergraduate 30/33 4.73

Summer New Venture Formation MBA 20/21 4.30

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 40/48 4.70


University of Manitoba

January Executive Responsibilities MBA 28/30 4.46

January Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 8/8 5.00

Summer Seminar in Business & Society Research Ph.D. 4 N/A6

Summer New Venture Formation MBA 20/21 4.30

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 34/38 4.74


University of Manitoba

3 Based on a score of 6.25 on Bond University’s 7-point teaching evaluation scale (with 7 = Excellent, 6=

Very good, 5 = Good, 4= Satisfactory, 3 = Not quite satisfactory, 2 = Poor, 1 = Very poor). 4 Based on a score of 5.00 on Bond University’s 7-point teaching evaluation scale (as noted previously).

5 Based on a score of 5.25 on Bond University’s 7-point teaching evaluation scale (as noted previously).

6 Institutional evaluations limited to classes of five or more.

R. A. Litz page 23

January Executive Responsibilities MBA 58/60 4.59

Semester at Sea - University of Virginia

Summer Family Business Management7 Undergraduate 20/34 4.74

Summer Creativity & Entrepreneurship Undergraduate 45/50 4.20

University of Manitoba

September Family Business Management Undergraduate 20/23 4.75

September Contemporary Social Issues in Business Undergraduate 13/15 5.00


University of Manitoba

January Executive Responsibilities MBA 53/58 4.64

January Creativity & Entrepreneurship Undergraduate 40/46 4.85

Summer Small Business Management Undergraduate 9/13 4.78

September Creativity & Entrepreneurship MBA 12/15 4.83

September Family Business Management Undergraduate 23/25 4.83

September Starting a New Business Undergraduate 24/41 4.38


University of Manitoba

January Executive Responsibilities MBA 44/48 4.89

January Profiles in Entrepreneurial Leadership Undergraduate 23/26 4.78

Semester at Sea - University of Virginia

Summer Family Business Management8 Undergraduate 14/14 4.50

Summer Creativity & Entrepreneurship Undergraduate 28/28 4.07

University of Manitoba

September Profiles in Entrepreneurial Leadership Undergraduate 12/14 4.79

September Family Business Management Undergraduate 29/32 4.48


University of Manitoba

January Executive Responsibilities MBA 49/55 4.82

September Profiles in Entrepreneurial Leadership Undergraduate 19/27 4.79

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 29/43 5.00


University of Manitoba

January Executive Responsibilities MBA 40/46 4.73

January Social Entrepreneurship Undergraduate 15/19 4.87

January Small Business Management Undergraduate 42/44 4.81

Semester at Sea - University of Virginia

Summer Bus. as Tool of Oppression and Liberation9 Undergraduate 3/12 5.00

7 Both Semester At Sea teaching evaluations were based on reverse-scored items (where 1 is the highest and

5 is the lowest possible score); these were converted to a conventional 5-point-scale (where 5 is highest

possible score and 1 is the lowest possible score) by subtracting all scores from 6. 8 Both Semester At Sea teaching evaluations were based on reverse-scored items (where 1 is the highest and

5 is the lowest possible score); these were converted to a conventional 5-point-scale (where 5 is highest

possible score and 1 is the lowest possible score) by subtracting all scores from 6.

R. A. Litz page 24

University of Manitoba

September Entrep. as Tool of Liberation & Oppression Undergraduate

17/22 4.94

September Small Business Management Undergraduate 31/38 4.87


University of Manitoba

January Executive Responsibilities MBA pending

January Profiles in Entrepreneurial Leadership MBA n/a

January Family Business Management Undergraduate pending


Jeremy Funk (Ph.D. Program committee chair and Dissertation supervisor)

Ni Na (Ph.D. Program committee and Dissertation committee member)

Andrew Gaudes (Ph.D. Dissertation committee member)

Kent Walker (M.Sc. Program committee member)



Case study: “Virtuous Vegetables Agricultural Cooperative: In search of a sustainable

development.”National Management Education Project in Business and Environment at the

Schulich School of Business, York University. (1998).


End-of-section video cases to accompany: Business (2nd edition) by R. W. Griffin, R. J. Ebert

and F. A. Starke. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall Canada Inc. (1995) including:

Skyfreight Express (page 114), Ethicscan (115), Edgar Bronfman Jr. (202), Earth Buddy

(203), Family Business (292), Unions growing (293), Radio Shack (378), Wal-Mart Wizard

(379), Flops (492), Bank Battle (620), French Fries (621), Trepassy (720).

Revision of test bank (with L. F. Litz) for Business (2nd edition).” by F. A. Starke and R. Griffin.

Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall Canada Inc. (1995).




Litz, R. A. (May 2013). “Entrepreneurship as a Tool of Liberation and Oppression.” Winner in

2013 Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Innovation in

Entrepreneurship Education Competition. Victoria, Canada.

9 Semester At Sea teaching evaluations are based on reverse-scored items (where 1 is the highest and 5 is

the lowest possible score); these were converted to a conventional 5-point-scale (where 5 is highest possible

score and 1 is the lowest possible score) by subtracting all scores from 6.

R. A. Litz page 25

Litz, R. A. (May 2013). “Profiles in Entrepreneurial Leadership: The I.D.E.A. Award

Recipients.” Finalist in 2013 Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Innovation in Entrepreneurship Education Competition. Victoria, Canada.


Litz, R. A. (October 2011). “Profiles in Entrepreneurial Leadership: The I.D.E.A. Award

Recipients.” Finalist in 2011 Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Innovation in Entrepreneurship Education Competition. Windsor, Canada.


“Caption!” Top 10 Finalist. 2007 3E-Learning.org Innovation in Entrepreneurship Education

sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and George Washington University.

“Parable of the Talents.” Top 10 Finalist. 2007 3E-Learning.org Innovation in Entrepreneurship

Education sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and George Washington



“Kitty Hawk in the Classroom” Honorable Mention for the 2006 Innovation in Entrepreneurship

Pedagogy Award sponsored by the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division and

McGraw-Hill. (Atlanta)

“Kitty Hawk in the Classroom” Received 4th Place for the 2006 3E-Learning.org Innovation in

Entrepreneurship Education sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and

George Washington University.



University of Manitoba. Merit Award for 2012 for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching.



University of Manitoba. Merit Award for 2010 for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching.


University of Manitoba. Dr. and Mrs. H.H. Saunderson Award for Excellence in Teaching 2009-

2010 (Cdn$2,000).


University of Manitoba. Merit Award for 2003 for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching.



University of Manitoba. Merit Award for 2001 for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching.


University of Manitoba Nominee for Canadian Teacher of the Year (2001).


University of Manitoba. Merit Award for 2000 for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching.


R. A. Litz page 26


University of Manitoba. Merit Award for 1998 for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching.


University of Manitoba. Olive Beatrice Stanton Award for Excellence in Teaching 1997-98



University of Manitoba. Merit Award for 1997 for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching.




Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching. ($4,000) Awarded by the Associates of the

Faculty of Management, Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba. (based on

2011-2012 academic year).


Finalist for The Golden Shovel Award at the Faculty of Management at the Asper School of

Business at the University of Manitoba. (Student nominated) (based on 2009-2010 academic


Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba. Student-Teacher Recognition Award &

Certificate of Teaching Excellence. (Nominated by Matthew Ullenboom ) (2010).


Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching. ($4,000) Awarded by the Associates of the

Faculty of Management, Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba. (based on

2008-2009 academic year).

Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba. CMA Canada-Manitoba Partner

Academic Merit Award for Excellence in Research & Teaching. ($7,500) (2007-2009, three

year award of $2,500 per year) (also noted in listing of research awards).


I. H. Asper School of Business Nominee for PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Leaders in

Management Education (2004).


Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba. CMA Canada-Manitoba Partner

Academic Merit Award for Excellence in Teaching & Research. ($7,500) (2003-2005, three

year award of $2,500 per year) (also noted in listing of research awards).


Associates Award for Excellence in Research & Teaching. ($4,000) Awarded by the Associates

of the Faculty of Management, Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba.

(based on 1999-2000 academic year) (also noted in listing of research awards).


R. A. Litz page 27

Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba. CMA Canada-Manitoba Partner

Academic Merit Award for Excellence in Teaching & Research. ($7,500) (1999-2001, three

year award of $2,500 per year) (also noted in listing of research awards).


Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba. Student-Teacher Recognition Award &

Certificate of Teaching Excellence. (Nominated by Michael W. Treytiak) (1998).


Faculty of Management at the University of Manitoba. Student-Teacher Recognition Award &

Certificate of Teaching Excellence. (Nominated by Sara L Koonz) (1996).


Katz Graduate School of Management at the University of Pittsburgh Richard D. Irwin

Foundation Doctoral Teaching Fellowship. Burr Ridge, IL (US$2,500) (1994-1995).



Popular Profs: Maclean’s Guide to Canadian Universities. 2006. (page 91).



Extra-University service

Family Enterprise Research Conference: Conference Chair (2009)

Canadian Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship: Regional Director (2002-2004)

Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management: Regional Liaison. (2001-2002).

Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management: Research Committee. (1999-2001).

University-wide service: University of Manitoba

Reappointment Advisory Committee for Dean of the Asper School of Business . (2009)

Rhodes Scholarship Committee- Chairperson. (2007, 2008)

Rhodes Scholarship Committee- Committee member. (2006)

Advisory Committee to Provost – Access to An Exceptional Education. (2003)

Center for Higher Education Research & Development - Peer Consultation Program (2003)

University of Manitoba Bookstore – Survey on Campus Bookstores (Fall 2000)

Research Committee of Senate (1998-2001)

Research Committee of Senate - Sub-Committee to Review the Transport Institute (1999)

Faculty Council of Graduate Studies. (1997-1999)

Faculty-specific service

Faculty of Management - Undergraduate Program Committee. (2002-2003)

R. A. Litz page 28

Faculty of Management - Steering Committee. (2000-2001)

Faculty of Management - Business Policy Search Committee. (1999).

Faculty of Management - Marketing Search Committee. (2002).

Faculty of Management - Research and Publication Committee. (1998-2000).

Faculty of Management - Tenure Committee. (1999, 2002).

Faculty of Management - Promotion Committee. (2003).

Community service

July 2012 Winnipeg Aboriginal Sport Achievement Center (Winnipeg)

Judge on student business plans

June 2010 Winnipeg Leadership Group (Winnipeg)

Presentation on family business

May 2009 2009 Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc.


Presentation on business ethics to the Joint Annual Conference of

the Compliance Section and Consumer Complaints Offices Section

September 2006 Canadian Association of Family Enterprise (Winnipeg)

Presentation on gift theory and family firm succession

October 2004 Mennonite Economic Development Associates (Pittsburgh)

Presentation on Lilliputian Strategies

October 2003 Mennonite Economic Development Associates (Winnipeg)

Presentation on Lilliputian Strategies

August 2002 Managers Forum (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business fads

September 2000 -June 2001 Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School (Winnipeg)

Board of Directors & Finance Committee

September 1999 Managers Forum (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business fads

September 1999 Managers Forum (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business fads

July 1998 The Rotary Club (St. James Chapter - Winnipeg)

Presentation on Lilliputian strategies

April 1998 Canadian Association of Family Enterprise (Winnipeg)

Presentation and facilitation on family firm succession

April 1998 Red River Community College (Winnipeg)

Directions ‘98 Business Conference

Presentation on Lilliputian strategies

April 1997 Camp Arnes (Arnes, Manitoba)

Review and assessment of strategic orientation

September 1996 Association of University Personnel Administrators

1996 Western Canada Conference (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business fads

April 1996 University of Manitoba - Faculty of Management

The music of management seminar and research study

Facilitated Dr. Henry Mintzberg’s (McGill University) study and

seminar discussion of Maestro Bramwell Tovey (Artistic Director,

Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra) resulting in Mintzberg publication

R. A. Litz page 29

of “Covert Leadership: Notes on managing professionals.” in

Harvard Business Review. (November-December 1998).

Review service: Editorial Board Membership

Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice (2002-2007)

Family Business Review (2008-present)

Ad Hoc Review Service: Journals

Journal of Small Business Management

Academy of Management Journal

Family Business Review

Nonprofit & Volunatry Sector Quarterly

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

Ad Hoc Review Service: Conferences

Management Education Division - ASAC

Academy of Management Journal – Entrepreneurship Division

Entrepreneurship & Family Business Division - ASAC

Media service

April 2008 CBC-AM

Interview on business ethics

October 2002 CJOB-AM

Interview on business ethics

May/June 1999 Canadian Retailer

“Satisfaction guaranteed”

(page 37 by Mary McGugan)

March 1999 Winnipeg Free Press

“Small business may thrive in a big box world”

(March 18, 1999, pages B7, B12 by Geoff Kirbyson)

January 1999 CBC-AM (“Information Radio” radio program)

Interview on Lilliputian strategy research

January 1999 CBC-AM (“Questionnaire” radio program)

Interview on Lilliputian strategy research

November 1998 CBC-AM

Interview on Lilliputian strategy research



December 2010 MTS Allstream

R. A. Litz page 30

Presentation on business ethics

November 2008 Manitoba Hydro Professional Engineers Association

Presentation on business ethics

March 2008 Manitoba Federal Council (Winnipeg)

Presentations on emotional intelligence

November-December 2007 National Leasing Group (Winnipeg)

Presentations on business ethics

November 2006 Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Presentation on business ethics

October 2006 Manitoba Hydro

Presentation on business ethics

February 2006 Wardrop Engineering

Seminar on business strategy

September 2005 Wardrop Engineering

Seminar on business strategy

June 2004 Ten Thousand Villages (Winnipeg)

Seminars on business strategy and small firm niche strategy

January 2004 Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

One day seminar on business ethics

May 2003 M.B.A. Manitoba (Winnipeg)

One day seminar on business ethics

February 2003 Part-time M.B.A. Program – Asper School of Business (Winnipeg)

One day seminar on business ethics

May 2001 University of Manitoba – Organizational Development (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business strategy

March 2001 M.B.A. Program – Asper School of Business (Winnipeg)

One day seminar on business ethics

February 2001 M.B.A. Program – Asper School of Business (Winnipeg)

One day seminar on business ethics

February 2001 University of Manitoba – Organizational Development (Winnipeg)

Presentation on creativity in organizations

January 2001 National Leasing Group (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business ethics

March 2000 M.B.A. Program – Asper School of Business (Winnipeg)

One day seminar on business ethics

January 2000 M.B.A. Program – Asper School of Business (Winnipeg)

One day seminar on business ethics

September 1999 Canadian Insurance Adjusters Association (Manitoba Region)

(Winnipeg) Presentation on business ethics

June 1999 Kroeker Seeds Limited (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business strategy, family firm management

and corporate governance

November 1998 University of Manitoba Book Store (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business strategy

April 1997 Human Resources Management Association

(HRMAM-Manitoba) (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business fads

March 1997 Wawanesa Insurance (Winnipeg)

Business ethics seminar

R. A. Litz page 31

November 1996 Cargill Seed (Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Edmonton)

Presentation on business strategy

February 1996 Willmar Window (Winnipeg)

Presentation on business strategy

November 1995 Canadian Institute of Charter Accountants

(Winnipeg) (with J. Melnyk)

Presentation on business strategy


July 2005-August 2006 Mueller Retail Hardware Research Foundation (Indianapolis)

Small retailer customer research study

July 2003-August 2004 Mueller Retail Hardware Research Foundation (Indianapolis)

Small retailer niche strategy research study

December 1999 Cargill Seed (Winnipeg)

Supplier research study

December 1997 Cargill Seed (Winnipeg)

Market research study

August 1994 U.S. Small Business Administration – Office of Advocacy

Small retailer research study

January 1994 WQED Communications - Pittsburgh Magazine

Performed divisional strategy review (with A. Stewart).


December 2007 Campus Alberta Quality Council (Edmonton)

Program review of Bissett School of Business at Mount

Royal College (Calgary)


July 2000 - June 2001 Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School (Winnipeg)

April 1999 - May 2001 Palliser Furniture Corporation (Winnipeg)

International Advisory Board (1999-2001)


December 19, 1958 Canadian