Approximately a fifth of people over 55 years old have mental disorders unrelated to the normal ageing process (Malmgren, 1994). Older people have the highest suicide rate of any group, reaching 20 per 100 000 at age 85 years in the USA. In France rates are particularly high, reaching 148 per 100 000 for men and 24 per 100 000 for women over 85 years old. BRITISH JOURNAL OF P SYCHIATRY ( 2 0 0 4 ) , 1 8 4 , 14 7 ^ 1 5 2 Prevalence of DSM^IV psychiatric disorder in the French elderly population K. RITCHIE, S. ARTERO, I. BELUCHE, M.-L. ANCELIN, A. MANN, A.-M. DUPUY, A. MALAFOSSE and J.-P. BOULENGER Berdasarkan Tabel 3.9.1, terlihat bahwa prevalensi psikosis tertinggi di DI Yogyakarta dan Aceh (masing-masing 2,7‰), sedangkan yang terendah di Kalimantan Barat (0,7‰). Prevalensi gangguan jiwa berat nasional sebesar 1,7 per mil. Riskesdas, 2013. Gangguan jiwa berat. BADAN PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN KESEHATAN KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN RI .Jakarta. Indonesia. Ageing has not only social but also economic, political and health-related implications.1 The population aged 60 years and above will grow from 77 million in 2001(7.4%) to 150 million (14.41%) in 2020 and 2050 it will touch 300 million being 2nd largest geriatric population in the world..2 Geriatric populations comprises 7.2% of total population of West Bengal. Age is an important determinant of mental illness. The overall prevalence of mental and behavioural disorders tends to increase with age due to the normal ageing of the brain, deteriorating physical health and cerebral pathology.3 Lack of family support and restricted personal autonomy are other important contributing factors .Geriatrics are more prone to infections and injuries and they have increased risk of disease, disability and death. Mental health is an important concern and depression accounts for the greatest burden among them, expected to become the leading cause of disability by year 2020 closely following ischemic heart disease.4 Globally, prevalence of depression in geriatric population varies from 10% to 20%, while in India; it is even higher varying from 13%

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Approximately a fifth of people over 55

years old have mental disorders unrelated

to the normal ageing process (Malmgren,

1994). Older people have the highest

suicide rate of any group, reaching 20 per

100 000 at age 85 years in the USA. In

France rates are particularly high, reaching

148 per 100 000 for men and 24 per

100 000 for women over 85 years old.BRITISH JOURNAL OF P SYCHIATRY ( 2 0 0 4 ) , 1 8 4 , 14 7 ^ 1 5 2Prevalence of DSM^IV psychiatric disorder

in the French elderly population


A.-M. DUPUY, A. MALAFOSSE and J.-P. BOULENGERBerdasarkan Tabel 3.9.1, terlihat bahwa prevalensi psikosis tertinggi di DI Yogyakarta dan Aceh (masing-masing 2,7), sedangkan yang terendah di Kalimantan Barat (0,7). Prevalensi gangguan jiwa berat nasional sebesar 1,7 per mil.Riskesdas, 2013. Gangguan jiwa berat. BADAN PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN KESEHATAN KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN RI

.Jakarta. Indonesia.

Ageing has not only social but also economic, political and health-related implications.1 The population aged 60 years and above will grow from 77 million in 2001(7.4%) to 150 million (14.41%) in 2020 and 2050 it will touch 300 million being 2nd largest geriatric population in the world..2 Geriatric populations comprises 7.2% of total population of West Bengal. Age is an important determinant of mental illness. The overall prevalence of mental and behavioural disorders tends to increase with age due to the normal ageing of the brain, deteriorating physical health and cerebral pathology.3 Lack of family support and restricted personal autonomy are other important contributing factors .Geriatrics are more prone to infections and injuries and they have increased risk of disease, disability and death. Mental health is an important concern and depression accounts for the greatest burden among them, expected to become the leading cause of disability by year 2020 closely following ischemic heart disease.4 Globally, prevalence of depression in geriatric population varies from 10% to 20%, while in India; it is even higher varying from 13% to 25%.5 Depression in old age is associated with genetic susceptibility, chronic disease and disability, pain, frustration with limitations in activities of daily living, personality trait (dependent, anxious or avoidant), adverse life events and lack of adequate social support. In a hospital-based study.6 it was found that nearly 52.5% of the patients with chronic medical illness suffer from psychiatric illness, depression being the most common. Uwakwe et al 7 evaluated all the patients aged more than 60 years, who were admitted in psychiatric wards in a teaching hospital and observed that 45.3% of the patients had psychiatric illness, with depression being the commonest followed by organic disorders, adjustment disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. An epidemiological study on Depression and related factors among Geriatrics in a tertiary care Hospital. Dr Siddhartha Sankar Saha 1, Dr Pradeep Kumar Saha 1

1Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Kolkata, IndiaIOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 12, Issue 6 (Nov.- Dec. 2013), PP 14-17 www.iosrjournals.orgEpidemiological surveys of community dwelling elderly people report that around 10% have a psychiatric illness and 5-10% have dementia.

Hideen psychiatric morbidity in elderly prisoners. Seena Fazel, Tony Hope, Ian ODonnell, Robin jacoby. British journal of psychatry. 2001. 179. 538-539

Results: The prevalence of depression was 47%. The depression was high among the elderly who were aged 80 years and above (54.3%), females (56.5%), illiterates (59.0%), those who were below the poverty line (86.1%), those who were living alone (87.3%), those who were economically partially dependent (63.3%) and those depended totally for the activities of daily living (100.0%). These factors were significantly associated with depression.

Conclusion: The prevalence of depression was found to be positively associated with increasing age, the female sex, illiteracy, a low socio-economic status, those who were living alone, those who were economically partially dependent and those who were totally dependent for the activities of daily living. The Prevalence of Depression among the Rural Elderly in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh. Swarnalatha N. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 Jul, Vol-7(7): 1356-1360The Indian aged population is currently the second largest in the world.

The proportion of those who would be aged 60 years and above is estimated

to be 7.7% for the year 2000, and this proportion is expected to reach

12.6% in 2025.1 A high prevalence of mental disorders is seen in old age.

Predominant among these is depression1. The future projections of global

DALYs in the year 2020 show that mental disorders are projected to

increase to 15% of the global disease burden and unipolar major depression

could become the second leading cause disease burden after ischemic

heart disease12 especially in high-income countries. In this study, the prevalence of depressive disorders among the geriatric

population was determined to be 21.7%. The prevalence rates of depression

among the males and females were 19.9% and 22.6%, respectively.

Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that age group of 80 years

and above and a history of death in the family within the last six months

were indepenc1eny associated with depressive disorders in the geriatric

population.JIMSA October - December 2007 Vol. 20 No. 4 DEPRESSION IN ELDERLY:


Ankur Barua, Das Acharya, K Nagaraj, H Vinod Bhat, NS Nair

Department of Community Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India