Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E) Request for Proposal for the Operation of Markets in Council Reserves Reference: Contract No. 2018/010E

Reference: Contract No. 2018/010E - City of Newcastle

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Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  


Request for Proposal

for the

Operation of Markets in Council Reserves

Reference: Contract No. 2018/010E

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Newcastle City Council supports quality markets in the Local Government Area (LGA). Markets provide for the needs of the community, ranging from the provision of fresh food, entertainment, goods and services. They can also complement the offerings of local businesses and provide opportunities for emerging enterprises. Council recognises the potential contribution of markets to community life and local economies.

1. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 1.1 Invitation Newcastle City Council invites proposals from persons or business entities interested in operating markets in designated areas of prime parklands within the Newcastle LGA. (Refer to section 3.1.) This will include monthly markets (no more than 14 markets per year) as well as proposals from persons or business entities interested in operating on a seasonal basis (i.e. 3 or more markets per 12 month period). Persons or business entities interested in operating 2 markets or less per year will not be considered as part of this invitation, however, will be able to make an application through standard event processes. Council also encourages operators to identify other proposed market sites which may be appropriate and of interest. This Request for Proposal is for the operator of the markets. Persons only interested in being a stall holder should not respond to this invitation. This Request for Proposal does not include Fort Scratchley or Honeysuckle and these locations will not be considered as part of this invitation.

1.2 Strategic Plan This invitation has been prepared in line with Council's strategic direction. Newcastle 2030 The Newcastle 2030 community strategic plan reflects the community’s vision for a smart, liveable and sustainable city. 'Vibrant and activated public places' is one of the seven focus areas in the plan. Parkland and Recreation Strategy The Parkland and Recreation strategy has been developed to guide the sustainable provision of parkland and recreation facilities for current and future communities. Plan of Management - Community Land

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

A plan of management is developed to determine and guide the future management of a place - such as a park. They are developed in conjunction with the community, and act as an agreement between Council and the community as to how a place is to be managed and its values protected. Events Plan Newcastle City Council is a proud supporter of events in our community and recognises the role of events in building social capital, encouraging community participation and enhancing tourism opportunities.


2.1 The Markets Newcastle City Council seeks markets that can become an attribute in the Newcastle LGA. The markets would showcase product creativity by providing a diverse mix of stalls including food and beverage, clothing, arts and crafts and other goods and services, and low-key entertainment to create an activation point at different parkland locations across the city. 2.2 The Market Operator Council seeks an experienced Market Operator with a proven track record in market operation. The Market Operator should ensure the traditions and excellence of community markets held in the Newcastle LGA are sustained. The Market Operator will be required to demonstrate capacity to contribute to social cohesion, strengthen the local economy, and complement the offerings of local businesses. The Market Operator should be experienced in managing markets and possess sound professional management and financial skills, understand (and demonstrate consideration of) public safety and have a marketing and promotion strategy. It is the Market Operator's responsibility to obtain all necessary consent/approvals to operate the market. Consent/approvals issued will contain conditions regarding the use of the land and the operation of the market. Consent/approvals will be subject to review in consultation with the Market Operator ahead of a new licensing period. If successful the Market Operator will be required to submit an event application and gain approval and must meet all necessary criteria prior to consent/approval being issued. This will include (but is not limited to) providing evidence of consideration of the following;

Site management Utilities requirements (e.g. electricity, water etc.) Amplified sound (e.g. music, PA systems etc.)

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Amusements (e.g. jumping castles, rides etc.) Food and alcohol service/sale Waste management Amenities and facilities management Temporary structures Road closures and traffic control (including parking and pedestrian

management) Safety Management Plan

3. THE SITE 3.1 Proposed Sites Newcastle City Council proposes the activation of the following (Table 1) parkland sites for markets. Maps for all sites are contained within Appendix 1. (Use of the proposed sites will generally be restricted to the areas indicated on the maps.)

Table 1

Civic Park* 201 King Street, Newcastle (Appendix 1, Map 1) Gregson Park 130 Tudor Street, Hamilton (Appendix 1, Map 2) Henderson Park 42 Lockyer Street, Merewether (Appendix 1, Map 3) Islington Park 151 Maitland Road, Islington (Appendix 1, Map 4) Kotara Park 190 Park Avenue, Kotara (Appendix 1, Map 5) Lambton Park 50 Howe Street, Lambton (Appendix 1, Map 6.1, 6.2) Pacific Park* 1 Pacific Street, Newcastle (Appendix 1, Map 7) Rowland Park 77 Glebe Road, The Junction (Appendix 1, Map 8) Waratah Park 2 Young Street, Waratah (Appendix 1, Map 9) * See 4.5. Traffic and other disruptions in these locations are likely due to major city centre projects.

3.2 Infrastructure The proposed sites are mainly district level parkland areas and most sites contain adequate infrastructure and utility services for the operation of markets, dependent on the layout proposed by operators. Infrastructure provision varies in Council parks. Council are under no obligation to update existing infrastructure to accommodate market operations. It is the Market Operator's responsibility to supply any infrastructure which is not available at the site. 3.3 Site Conditions The Market Operator is to ensure that the park remains open and accessible for passive recreational use.

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

The Market Operator is to ensure that the design and operation of the market will be implemented carefully to ensure minimal impact to the park. Market Operators must take into account the risks associated with planning outdoor events. In line with Council's Operational Procedure for Wet Weather Sportsground Closures & Parkland Events Bookings, the Market Operator will be required to complete a Wet Weather Parkland Assessment form prior to the setup of the market, and again at the completion of the market. It is in the Market Operator's interest to supply photos where possible. Council officers may also undertake wet weather assessments at their discretion. Any damage caused to the parkland as a result of the market operation will be the responsibility of the Market Operator. Event bonds and/or additional charges may be applied to cover damage costs and will be payable by the Market Operator. Market Operators will be required to work with Council officers where existing bookings are in place, to ensure the interests of all stakeholders are considered in an equitable and reasonable manner. From time to time, park maintenance or other works will be required. Council will endeavour to provide as much notice as possible.

4. ADDITIONAL ITEMS 4.1 Park Usage Fees Council fees and charges are reviewed annually and a Market Operator will be charged for a licensed period based on Council's current (at time of application) Fees & Charges Schedule. The Market Operator will be required to pay an application fee upon the completion of a pre-assessment of an Application For Licence To Stage An Event form which has been submitted to Council. If an event bond is applicable to the Market Operator's event, the bond will be payable prior to the granting of a licence. Upon the granting of a licence, the operator is to pay to Council park usage* and utilities fees per event, and any other fees which may apply. NB: *Park usage fees are charged as per Council's current Fees and Charges Schedule, based on the Application For Licence To Stage An Event assessment of impact to the park. No refunds will be given for any market cancelled as a result of wet weather or any other reason given by the Market Operator. Market Operators will instead have the

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

option to move the event to a backup date (maximum 4 per 12 month period). (Refer to 4.2.) 4.2 Timing The commencement date of the markets is negotiable. However the approval period Council is looking at is 2018 to 2020 only. The day(s) and times (hours) that the markets operate will be subject to ongoing prior agreement with Council and annual licence. No more than 14 markets per 12 month period will be permitted. The Market Operator will be authorised a maximum of 4 backup dates (per 12 month period) which can be used in the event of wet weather or should an event need to be moved for any other reason. A backup date will need to be negotiated and approved by Council in writing prior to the Market Operator moving forward. The successful applicant(s) will be granted a 12 month Event Authorisation under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 (if all assessment conditions are met), and will be contracted for a 3 year period. 4.3 Marketing & Promotion Marketing and promotion of the markets is the responsibility of the Market Operator. Council may assist marketing through our website and event promotion activity. The Market Operator must not undertake any form of marketing or promotional activity until consent/approval has been granted in writing by Council. 4.4 Safety Management & Security

The Market Operator will be responsible for conducting the markets having regard to public safety. The Market Operator will be required to prepare and submit to Council a safety management plan. The safety management plan must include details of roles and responsibilities for emergency management procedures. The Market Operator will acknowledge the current global issue surrounding security at this type of event, and will work with Council and other Emergency Services agencies to ensure the safety of the public and the asset. The Market Operator will comply with any additional requirements which may arise during the licensed period as directed by Council or Emergency Services officers at their own cost. 4.5 Civil Works

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

There are a number of civil works projects (both planned and underway) which may impact a market event, particularly in the eastern end of Newcastle. Council reserves the right to cancel or move an event should the parkland area become unsafe or unsuitable for market operations at any stage during a licensed period. Council will endeavour to provide Market Operators with as much notice as possible should this be required. Council will work in consultation with the Market Operator to ensure as minimal impact is placed on the Market Operator and their stallholders as possible. 4.6 Unexpected Market Seizure In the event that the market is not successful and the Market Operator ceases to hold the market as agreed, the approval of Council will lapse and Council may seek another operator. 4.7 Sale of Market If successful, an event licence/contract is authorised to the applicant only. In the event that a market is sold to another operator during the licensed period, the approval of Council will lapse. A licence/contract is not transferrable to another Market Operator.


5.1 Enquiries All enquiries concerning this Request for Proposal must be directed to Council’s Events and Bookings Officer, Emma Leece on telephone 02 4974 2000. 5.2 Submissions Applicants are required to provide written responses to the attached Schedules. Failure to respond to the Schedules, in whole or in part, may render the submission non-complying. 5.3 Lodgement Date Submissions must be delivered to Council by 2.00pm on Tuesday 8 August 2017 (at council’s Tender box) and in accordance with the Lodgement Method as stated at 5.5. Responsibility for lodgement of the completed tender documents by the deadline lies solely with the applicant. 5.4 Undertakings by the Applicant

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

In the preparation and submission of a response and without limiting the applicant’s obligations, the applicant shall:

• submit a proposal which includes all information sought (refer to Schedules) together with any other documents, information and details necessary to make the submission complete;

• not submit a response without a firm intention to proceed;

• not engage in any form of collusive practice;

• not directly or indirectly canvass support from an elected member or employee of Council at any time.

5.5 Proposal Lodgement Complete submissions (i.e. containing all information and details required) shall be considered ONLY if received by hardcopy or facsimile. Email submissions will not be accepted. Where a hardcopy submission is made the tender must be in the Tender Box by the lodgement date stated at Item 5.3. Submissions MUST be enclosed in a sealed envelope or package and clearly endorsed:

Request for Proposal – Park Markets

Contract Number 2018/010E The Tender Box – Newcastle City Council Ground Floor, City Administration Centre

282 King Street NEWCASTLE N.S.W. 2300

Facsimile submissions must be to (02) 4974 2404 and be received on or before the lodgement date/time. In addition, as a formal confirmation, the original submission must be posted before the deadline and received within 5 business days after the deadline. Proof verifying the time of posting must be provided. It must be consigned to the Tender Box. 5.6 Evaluation of Proposals Selection criteria for markets will include the extent to which applicants can demonstrate in their proposal:

1) A proven track record in market operation (please note as part of the assessment process, you may be required to submit a financial model for the proposed market)

2) Mix of stalls – diverse mix of stalls including art and design stalls as well as

food and beverage options

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

3) Entertainment options to add atmosphere to the markets

4) How the markets propose to utilise the space, both practically and aesthetically, including timing of markets proposed

5) A partnership approach with the surrounding local businesses and services to develop potential options for coordinating activities

Respondents must also complete and return all the Schedules. (Refer to attachment.) Council may short list applicant(s) and require short listed applicant(s) to attend a meeting with Council at Council premises to clarify or provide additional information regarding their submission. Attendance at a meeting shall be at the applicant’s expense.

Council is under no legal obligation of any kind to any applicant unless and until a licence and contract has been executed with the successful applicant.

6. References

6.1 Laws and Standards

Local Government Act 1993 (section 68)

6.2 Policies and NCC Newcastle 2030

Procedures NCC Parkland and Recreation Strategy

NCC Plan of Management - Community Land NCC Events Plan NCC Operational Procedure for Wet Weather

Sportsground Closures and Parkland Events Bookings NCC Fees & Charges Schedule 2017/2018 (or current) NCC Application For Licence to Stage an Event NCC Event Authorisation

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 1

Civic  Park  201 King Street 



Approx. Area:  9,107.96m2  

Vehicle Access: No 

 Vehicles Permitted on 

Reserve: Yes 

 Water Access: 


Electrical Access:  Yes 

(See left)  

Male/Female Amenities Yes 

 Disabled Amenities: 

No Electrical Access: 1. East side of park (1x 50 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 1x 32 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 5x 15 amp single phase outlets RCD Protected) 2. Darby St end, Northeast side of park (1x 50 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 1x 32 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 5x 15 amp single phase outlets RCD Protected) 3. North side of park (1x 50 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 1x 32 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 5x 15 amp single phase outlets RCD Protected) and (7x 15 amp single phase outlets,  RCD protected) 4. On path to  Art Gallery (1x 50 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 1x 32 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 5x 15 amp single phase outlets RCD Protected) 5. Behind public toilets in grove area (1x 50 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 1x 32 amp 3 phase 5 pin outlet, 3x 15 amp single phase outlets RCD Protected)  

This area preferred for use for entertainment related activities only 

This area preferred for use by 

stallholders only 

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 2

Gregson Park 130 Tudor Street



Approx. Area:  8,599.02m2 

Approx. Perimeter:  372.50m 

 Vehicle Access: 


Vehicles Permitted on Reserve: 


Water Access: Yes 

 Electrical Access: 

Yes 1. Near Lindsay St, east side of tennis courts (3x single 

phase 15 amp RCD protected outlets, 1x 3 

phase & neutral 50 amp outlet) 

2. North side of war memorial  (1x 10 amp double power point, 

RCD protected)  

Male/Female Amenities: 


Disabled Amenities: Yes 

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 3

Henderson Park  42 Lockyer Street 



Approx. Area:  5,133.65m2 Approx. Perimeter:  350.78m 

 Vehicle Access: 


Vehicles Permitted on Reserve: 


Water Access: Yes 

 Electrical Access:  


Male/Female Amenities: Yes 

 Disabled Amenities: 


Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 4

Islington Park  151 Maitland Road 



Approx. Area:  5,949.63m2 Approx. Perimeter:  447.13m 

 Vehicle Access: 

Very limited  

Vehicles Permitted on Reserve: 


Water Access: Yes 

 Electrical Access:  


Male/Female Amenities: No 

 Disabled Amenities: 


Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 5

Kotara Park  190 Park Avenue 



Approx. Area:  2,395.18m2 Approx. Perimeter:  222.93m 

 Vehicle Access: 


Vehicles Permitted on Reserve: Yes 

 Water Access: 


Electrical Access:  No 

 Male/Female Amenities: 


Disabled Amenities: No 

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 6.1

Lambton Park  (Elder Street Side) 

 50 Howe Street LAMBTON 


 Approx. Area:  9,306.11m2 

Approx. Perimeter:  456.710m  

Vehicle Access: Yes 

 Vehicles Permitted on Reserve: 


Water Access: No 

 Electrical Access:  


Male/Female Amenities: No 

 Disabled Amenities: 


Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 6.2

Lambton Park (Morehead Street Side) 

 50 Howe Street LAMBTON 


Approx. Area:  7,966.67m2 Approx. Perimeter:  354.16m 

 Vehicle Access: 


Vehicles Permitted on Reserve: 


Water Access: No 

 Electrical Access:  

Yes 1. In park between tennis 

courts and rotunda (In park between tennis courts and rotunda) 2. South side of 

Rotunda in window insert (1 x 15 amp GPO fed from sub‐board under rotunda, RCD 


Male/Female Amenities: Yes 

 Disabled Amenities: 


Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 7

Electrical Access: 1. Adjacent to MSB (4x15 amp single phase outlets, RCD protected. 1x 32amp three phase outlet) 2. Garden line opposite fountain (5x 15 amp single phase outlets, RCD protected. 1x 32 amp three phase outlet) 3. In park, mounted on south and north ends of brick dais (2x 10 amp single phase outlets fed from nearby Pacific Park Padmount, both RCD protected) 

Pacific  Park  201 King Street 



Approx. Area:  11,752.24m2 Approx. Perimeter:  463.51m 

 Vehicle Access: 


Vehicles Permitted on Reserve: 


Water Access: Yes 

 Electrical Access:  

Yes (See left) 

 Male/Female Amenities 


Disabled Amenities: No 

Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 8

Rowland Park  77 Glebe Road THE JUNCTION 


 Approx. Area:  4,006.80m2 

Approx. Perimeter:  331.71m  

Vehicle Access: Yes 

 Vehicles Permitted on Reserve: 


Water Access: Yes 

 Electrical Access:  


Male/Female Amenities: Yes 

 Disabled Amenities: 


Request for Proposal Park Markets (Contract No. 2018/010E)  

Appendix 1: Map 9

Waratah Park  2 Young Street 



Approx. Area:  12, 190.62m2 Approx. Perimeter:  363.13m 

 Vehicle Access: 


Vehicles Permitted on Reserve: 


Water Access: Yes 

 Electrical Access:  

Yes In park adjacent to tennis 

courts west side. (1x 15 amp single phase outlet, RCD 


Male/Female Amenities: No 

 Disabled Amenities: 
