[redacted] Summer school on real-world crypto and privacy 2015 ˇ Sibenik, Croatia Jacob Appelbaum [redacted] 05 June 2015 Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 1 / 35

[redacted] - Summer school on real-world crypto and privacy ...[redacted] - Summer school on real-world crypto and privacy 2015 ibenik, Croatia Author Jacob Appelbaum Created Date

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  • [redacted]Summer school on real-world crypto and privacy 2015

    Šibenik, Croatia

    Jacob Appelbaum


    05 June 2015

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 1 / 35

  • Happy Anniversary

    Thank you Edward Snowden!

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 2 / 35

  • Context

    ”World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division betweenmilitary and civilian participation.” - Marshall McLuhan in Culture Is OurBusiness

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 3 / 35

  • Anonymity and Censorship: a cypherpunk history

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 4 / 35

  • Anonymity and Censorship: an academic history

    anonbib: http://www.freehaven.net/anonbib/censorbib: http://www.cs.kau.se/philwint/censorbib/

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 5 / 35


  • Surveillance in context

    ”But it is just terrorists...”

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 6 / 35

  • Surveillance in context

    ”But it is just terrorists...”

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 6 / 35

  • Surveillance in context

    ”We Kill People Based on Metadata” - Michael Hayden, Former Directorof the CIA

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 7 / 35

  • Mass surveillance as an API

    Actual XKeyscore rule sample:

    // START DEFINITIONr e q u i r e s grammar v e r s i o n 5/∗∗∗ I d e n t i f y c l i e n t s a c c e s s i n g Tor b r i d g e i n f o r m a t i o n .∗/

    f i n g e r p r i n t ( ’ anonymizer / t o r / b r i d g e / t l s ’ ) =s s l x 5 0 9 s u b j e c t ( ’ b r i d g e s . t o r p r o j e c t . org ’ ) o rs s l d n s n a m e ( ’ b r i d g e s . t o r p r o j e c t . org ’ ) ;

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 8 / 35

  • OTR thwarts passive surveillance

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 9 / 35

  • Tor, Tails, Redphone and more

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 10 / 35

  • ”You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To changesomething, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” -R. Buckminster Fuller

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 11 / 35

  • Building a new model

    We know that cryptography works when applied properly.We need a cryptographic system to protect metadata and content.

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 12 / 35

  • Tor

    An anonymity system for everyone: https://www.torproject.org/

    Full details available in our torspechttps://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git repository and invarious peer reviewed papers.Tom Ritter produced an incredible overview document:https://ritter.vg/blog-all_about_tor.html

    Free Software for Freedom, community run, freely available, etc.

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 13 / 35


  • Tor

    An anonymity system for everyone: https://www.torproject.org/Full details available in our torspechttps://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git repository and invarious peer reviewed papers.

    Tom Ritter produced an incredible overview document:https://ritter.vg/blog-all_about_tor.html

    Free Software for Freedom, community run, freely available, etc.

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 13 / 35


  • Tor

    An anonymity system for everyone: https://www.torproject.org/Full details available in our torspechttps://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git repository and invarious peer reviewed papers.Tom Ritter produced an incredible overview document:https://ritter.vg/blog-all_about_tor.html

    Free Software for Freedom, community run, freely available, etc.

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 13 / 35


  • Tor

    An anonymity system for everyone: https://www.torproject.org/Full details available in our torspechttps://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git repository and invarious peer reviewed papers.Tom Ritter produced an incredible overview document:https://ritter.vg/blog-all_about_tor.html

    Free Software for Freedom, community run, freely available, etc.

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 13 / 35


  • How does Tor work?

    The basic idea is conceptually simple: compartmentalize information

    Currently the network has ˜6500 nodes for Tor ˜2m active daily users

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 14 / 35

  • How does Tor work?

    The basic idea is conceptually simple: compartmentalize informationCurrently the network has ˜6500 nodes for Tor ˜2m active daily users

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 14 / 35

  • User interface

    Two primary interfaces:

    Tor as a SOCKS proxy

    Tor (as a) Browser

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 15 / 35

  • Tor circuit

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 16 / 35

  • Tor circuit

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 17 / 35

  • Tor circuit

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 18 / 35

  • Tor circuits

    Constrained by various parameters tuned by members of the networkitself.

    Source routed

    Compartmentalized with cryptography

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 19 / 35

  • The Tor Network

    The Tor network assigns various flags and details to nodes:


    Directory Authority





    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 20 / 35

  • The Tor Network

    Directory Authorities produce a consensus document

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 21 / 35

  • The consensus

    A document cryptographically binding together various details about nodes

    Observed bandwidth

    IP and port information

    cryptographic details


    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 22 / 35

  • The consensus

    A document cryptographically binding together various details about nodes

    Observed bandwidth

    IP and port information

    cryptographic details


    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 22 / 35

  • The consensus

    A document cryptographically binding together various details about nodes

    Observed bandwidth

    IP and port information

    cryptographic details


    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 22 / 35

  • Hidden Services

    See rend-spec.txt in torspec

    Also seehttps://www.torproject.org/docs/hidden-services.html

    End to End Encrypted, anonymized connections

    Used to host TCP services

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 23 / 35


  • Tor Hidden Services

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 24 / 35

  • Tor Hidden Services

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 25 / 35

  • Tor Hidden Services

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 26 / 35

  • Tor Hidden Services

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 27 / 35

  • Tor Hidden Services

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 28 / 35

  • Tor Hidden Services

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 29 / 35

  • An example built on anonymity technology

    The Tor Browser on Tails visiting a normal journalistic website:

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 30 / 35

  • The internet is more than the world wide web

    Jabber offered over Tor Hidden Services composed with OTR

    Pond: https://pond.imperialviolet.org/

    Tails: https://tails.boum.org/

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 31 / 35


  • making the existing model obsolete

    Privacy Enhancing Technologies change the playing field.

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 32 / 35

  • History provides a model for change

    Russell-Einstein Manifesto - issued July 9, 1955 in London

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 33 / 35

  • History provides a model for change

    ”Remember your humanity, and forget the rest.”

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 34 / 35

  • Questions?

    I encourage you to become the next Chelsea Manning, Thomas Drake,Jesselyn Radack, William Binney, Mark Klein, J. Kirk Wiebe, EdwardSnowden, Daniel Ellsberg - a long line of heroic people whose sacrificeshave brought us here today.

    Jacob Appelbaum ([redacted]) [redacted] 05 June 2015 35 / 35