Determination. You can see it on their faces, these employees working out at 6:15 a.m. in the Kimray Wellness Center. As the horizon brightens with the coming of sunrise, these folks exercise with intensity in their eyes. It is a deter- mination that is a characteristic of all who make use of the Wellness Center, and one part of the unique culture that has developed over the last year in the fitness facility. This June marks the first anniversary of the Kimray Well- ness Center. Over the past year, fitness beginners as well as pros have used the facility and benefited from the friendly and encouraging staff. From healthy cooking seminars to free fitness classes to the pedometer challenge, the Kimray Wellness Center has provided 365 days of fun and accessible opportunities for employees to improve their health and wellness. In their own words, here are Kimray employees’ perspectives on the Wellness Center. “I’ve been using the Wellness Center since it opened. I use it so much I sold my treadmill at home. I like the good, physical activity you can get there, it has easy access for anybody. My husband and son work at Kimray and they come in too.” Sandra Dennis, Parts Puller, third shift “I was excited about the Wellness Center before it even opened. Aaron [Ludwig] and I used to walk up the street to peek in the windows and see the construction. I like to stay in shape and I try to get my coworkers to hit the gym with me. At one time we had six guys up from my area working out together. I do cardio more than anything and they have everything I need there.” Clayton Coursey, Machinist, second shift FEATURE ARTICLE employees and spouses who have used the wellness center over the past year That’s 54.2% of our employee Base (as of 5/8/2014) 493 KIMRAY | JUNE 2014

Red Iron Producer - June 2014

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Kimray's Monthly Newsletter

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Page 1: Red Iron Producer - June 2014


Determination. You can see it on their faces, these employees working out at 6:15 a.m. in the Kimray Wellness Center. As the horizon brightens with the coming of sunrise, these folks exercise with intensity in their eyes. It is a deter-mination that is a characteristic of all who make use of the Wellness Center, and one part of the unique culture that has developed over the last year in the fitness facility.

This June marks the first anniversary of the Kimray Well-ness Center. Over the past year, fitness beginners as well as pros have used the facility and benefited from the friendly and encouraging staff. From healthy cooking seminars to free fitness classes to the pedometer challenge, the Kimray Wellness Center has provided 365 days of fun and accessible opportunities for employees to improve their health and wellness.

In their own words, here are Kimray employees’ perspectives on the Wellness Center.

“I’ve been using the Wellness Center since it opened. I use it so much I sold my treadmill at home. I like the good, physical activity you can get there, it has easy access for anybody. My husband and son work at Kimray and they come in too.”

Sandra Dennis, Parts Puller, third shift

“I was excited about the Wellness Center before it even opened. Aaron [Ludwig] and I used to walk up the street to peek in the windows and see the construction. I like to stay in shape and I try to get my coworkers to hit the gym

with me. At one time we had six guys up from my area working out together. I do cardio more than anything and they have everything I need there.”

Clayton Coursey, Machinist, second shift


employees and spouses who have used the wellness center over the past year


54.2% of our

employee Base(as of 5/8/2014)



Page 2: Red Iron Producer - June 2014


“When I heard we were getting a gym, I was pumped. I used to go to another gym after work, but it was really hard to make time. Now I go four days a week on my lunch hour here. I absolutely love the atmo-sphere of our Kimray gym – the interns and staff really make it awesome.”

Allison Dennis, Accounting

“The Wellness Center staff wrote training programs that helped me lose weight and they have given me plenty of advice about nutrition and what I should be eating. I appreciate that the Wellness Center is on-site and free for employees.”

Jed Clark, Lead Carpenter

“I started going two days a week in September. Even though I’m a busy Mom, I can make two days a week work. I go in my lunch hour. Having the gym on campus is everything - If the gym wasn’t here, I wouldn’t work out. Taylor and the interns helped me get comfort-able using the weights and equipment. I’ve built up to a well-rounded workout now. I’m so thankful Kimray opened the gym here. People in my department have noticed my excitement, and almost half of our depart-ment works out there now.”

K.T. Stickel, Accounting

week pedometerchallenge

280 employees participated

from OKC, Kilgore, Shreveport and Indiana

172,869,563Total steps taken during

pedometer challenge

86,434Total miles walked by pedometer

challenge participants

The Wellness centeroffers

2,740 Square feetof locker rooms,office andequipment.

Page 3: Red Iron Producer - June 2014


“I like the people in the Wellness Center a lot – Taylor and interns Tre, Bobby and Javon were all help-ful. I’ve played sports but I’ve never done weights before, so these guys designed different workouts for my goals and came up with new routines. They also helped me with diets to help me reach my goals. I really enjoy the employee-directed weight loss incentives too, they help me keep focused.”

Jered Lawrenson, Technical Support

employees and spouses attended the healthy cooking seminar in February

Shad Glass and employees gather for the grand opening of the Wellness Center in June, 2013.


Tier 1


Tier 2


Tier 3

$63,350invested in Kimray employee’s

health & wellness

Total Amount paid out for each tier:


Tier 1


Tier 2


Tier 3

more than


of Kimray employees have completed

all three tiers

number of people who have completed tiers:

(as of 5/1/14)

(as of 5/1/14)

Page 4: Red Iron Producer - June 2014


S trengthening the family – It’s one of Kimray’s core values.

Kimray’s family-friend-ly events like bowling, the fall carnival and the annual Christmas banquet make this core value evident. Our employ-ees are not required to work on Sundays and we make every effort to avoid scheduling work on Satur-days. One of the most

important ways we put this core value into action is Kimray’s desire to provide a safe working environ-ment.

You may have heard that quality is everyone’s responsibility. This is no less true with safety. Manage-ment has a responsibility to eliminate or reduce hazards, make employees aware of any hazards that cannot be eliminated, educate employees on the proper use of equipment and ensure safety proce-dures are being followed. Employees are responsible to follow all safety procedures and to look out for each other.

Manufacturing environments have hazards by their very nature, particularly in machine shops where multi-ton machines turn, drill and cut metal at thousands of RPMs. For this reason, Don Dennis, Kimray’s Safety Manager, and a team of others have developed some excellent “Safety Snakes” training

material. Snakes are things that can bite you if you are not educated and alert. All Assembly and Machine Shop employees will participate in Safe-ty Snakes training. This information will also be covered daily in shift start-up meetings.

Let me close with a story. When I was about 10 or 11 years old I convinced my mom to buy me the Footloose cassette tape. (I’m not sure which I’m more embarrassed by – the fact that I wanted the Footloose soundtrack or the fact that I bought it on cassette tape.) In my rush to get the tape out of the plastic packaging, my pock-etknife slipped and I cut my leg. I hid my injury from my mom because I didn’t want my pocket-knife to get taken away. I’d show you the scar but shorts were shorter in those days and I’m already embarrassed enough.

I tell this story to remind you to please be alert of unsafe conditions. Follow all safety procedures. Inform other employees if you see them doing something unsafe. Tell your supervisor. Tell me. My promise to you is we’ll address it immedi-

ately. Together, we can all ensure a safe working environment at


Plant Director, Neil Ferguson

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The International Distributors Meeting 2014 took

place May 1 - 3 in Odessa, TX. Thirty-seven distribu-

tors and Kimray staff gathered for the meeting, with

fifteen nations plus the USA represented. Karl Kovac-

ich of Control Equipment, Inc. provided a tour to the

group. Thank you to everyone who contributed to

this great event!

Page 6: Red Iron Producer - June 2014


Waldo says, “THANK YOU”

to all of the Water Stop

volunteers and hopes to see

you again next year!



Page 7: Red Iron Producer - June 2014



Steve Copeland, 14 years, Bakersfield, CA

John Kincaid, 7 years, Bakersfield, CA

Jared Vaughan, 3 years, Bakersfield, CA

Andres Rodriguez, 2 years, Corpus Christi, TX

Patrick Johnson, 2 years, Kilgore, TX

Richard Weaver, 1 year, Indiana, PA


remember to take advantage

of the employee referral

bonus! Encourage your

friends and family to apply

for jobs at Kimray, and if one

of them is hired, you can

collect $500 after they’ve

been here 90 days. Check

with your manager or the

front desk for full details!

Page 8: Red Iron Producer - June 2014









Crating Team Makes a Difference

For the three employees who work in Kimray’s crating area on first shift, splinters are a way of life.

“You can go a couple weeks without splinters, and then you’ll get two in the same day. Kimray provides good gloves, but you do get some splinters,” said Bryan Coyer.

Coyer is joined by Doug Sturdy and Jeremiah Staton to make up the crating team. They are responsible for build-ing crates to protect Kimray’s larger products from dents and damage as they ship to customers. It is a task all three enjoy, but they also understand the important role they play in providing quality products to our customers.

“We ensure the product gets to the customer intact and we help preserve Kimray’s product quality,” said Coyer.

“Some parts of our products are delicate, like tubing, so we make sure the product is stable in the crate,” said Staton.

Each day is fast-paced, and the team has been known to build up to 100 crates in a day. Their collaboration helps them keep up with the demand.

“We have three stations. One of us will cut the wood to the right size, another one subs up the crate and the third will put the valve in the crate. The smaller crates go faster, which is great,” said Staton.

Although they work with wood every day, the team enjoys the work.

“I never get tired of the smell of wood. I grew up watch-ing my Grandfather do woodworking, and I’ve done it since I was old enough to work a saw,” said Sturdy.

Like many other employee groups, the crating team plays a vital role in supporting Kimray’s good name for quality products – even if they do get an occasional splin-ter along the way.

“…for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8 ESV

Kimray’s wellness program is committed to promote health for body, soul and spirit. It is beneficial for all of us to have an intentional plan to address all three. Throughout the Old Testament the words ‘spirit’ and ‘soul’ are used to refer to our non-physical portion. Our spirit is the true essence of our being and the soul is also non-physical and is described as being our mind, will and emotions. The body is the just the house we live in while on Earth.

There are certain things we should do and certain things we should not do in order to maintain good health in bodies. This is also true for the soul and spir-it. The apostle Paul tell us, “Finally, brethren, whatev-er is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8 NASB).” The spirit is nourished by God’s Spirit who lives in all of His Children, those who have been born again. Jesus illustrated this by saying He is the vine and we are a branch.

Godliness, which comes from the words ‘God like-ness’, is the greatest value because it involves our minds being renewed with God’s truth which will give us the wisdom and strength to care for our bodies and use them in godly ways.

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 NASB