Digital Re-print - January | February 2013 Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds www.gfmt.co.uk Grain & Feed Milling Technology is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2013 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1466-3872

Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds

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When food is manufactured, a number of by-products are created and a proportion of the finished product can’t be placed on the market for consumption by humans. This can be for a variety of reasons such as packaging defects, or for technological reasons such as the wrong size or weight biscuits, over-baking, trial runs or over ordering and out of date stock.

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Page 1: Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds

Digital Re-print - January | February 2013 Recycling surplus factory food

into quality animal feeds


Grain & Feed Milling Technology is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2013 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1466-3872

Page 2: Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds

When food is manufactured, a number of by-products are created and a proportion of

the finished product can’t be placed on the market for consumption by humans. This can be for a variety of reasons such as packaging defects, or for technological reasons such as the wrong size or weight biscuits, over-baking, trial runs or over ordering and out of date stock.

Many of these former foodstuffs, includ-ing biscuits, bread, breakfast cereals, grain products, crisps and confectionery can have a very high nutritional value – being a source of high quality fats, sugar and carbohydrates. After checking their safety and traceability and therefore suitability, SugaRich converts them into high quality ingredients for use in animal feed, avoiding waste from food that is not destined for human consumption.

After processing, the foods are blended to the required feed formulation, then sieved and ground to create a free flowing meal. Finished feed is delivered direct to the com-pounder, blender or farm.

With so many other issues to man-age within busy food production sites or supermarket chains, getting the surplus food disposed of as waste may seem like the simplest choice, even if this results in a cost being levied to the business and the waste potentially ending up in landfill. However, by working in partnership with feed compound-ers, blenders and farms, we provide food businesses with an environmentally friendly alternative.

According to a United Nation’s study, ‘Global Food Losses and Food Waste’ , a third of the world’s food is wasted and we all have a part to play in solving this problem. Former foodstuffs should be regarded as a resource, not a waste product.

Diversion of food waste from disposal is becoming an increasing priority for the UK government. Under current European Union waste regulations, the waste hierarchy gives the highest priority to waste prevention, fol-lowed by re use through the development of markets for valuable products, recycling and recovery. Disposal of waste products through landfill should be avoided wherever possible.

Business and environmental benefits

This ‘closed-loop’ recycling, by which the waste from one product is used in the mak-ing of another product, brings measurable economic gains to businesses and long-term benefits to the environment.

Food loss and waste are a major squan-dering of resources - water, land, energy and labour - and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Food sent to landfill biodegrades, releasing methane into the atmosphere that has damaging effects on the environment, while incineration may cause harmful green-house gas emissions.

The recovery of former foodstuffs and by-products for use as animal feed is a sus-tainable and economically beneficial solution for all major food businesses, encouraging zero waste to landfill, cost savings and even revenue generation.

Preventing food waste makes good busi-ness sense. Revenue is generated not just by the money saved from sending waste to landfill and the associated charges involved, but from the waste itself. Using materials

more efficiently, and managing waste better enables manufacturers to reduce costs, make money and decrease the environmental impact.

From our work with the largest European food manufacturers, supermarkets and dis-tributors, over 350,000 tonnes of surplus food per annum has been diverted from traditional waste disposal routes.

Many businesses are unaware of how significantly waste impacts on their bottom line. We replace the term ‘waste’ with ‘resource,’ working with organisations to help them ensure compliance in respect of the waste hierarchy, encouraging them to reduce, reuse and recycle. Organisations need to think differently about waste to move beyond waste reduction to actively eliminating waste from the supply chain.

Legislative compliance Anything designated for feed use will

ultimately be re-entering the food chain, so strict adherence to regulations are essential. When former foodstuffs are used to pro-duce animal feed, certain legal obligations are placed on the factory of production. By law, the factory is deemed a ‘Feed Business Operator’ and has to be compliant under the Feed Hygiene Regulations EU 183/2005, which applies to all businesses that make, use or market animal feed.

Feed businesses in this context include manufacturers selling by-products of food production into the feed chain, livestock farmers and arable farms growing crops for feed use. The regulation applies at all points in the supply and use of feed, and requires feed businesses to comply with standards in respect of facilities, storage, personnel and record-keeping.

Hygiene standards are very important in the disposal of the surplus foodstuffs.

Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds

by Paul Featherstone, group director, SugaRich, United Kingdom

Grain&feed millinG technoloGy12 | January - february 2013


Page 3: Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds

When food is manufactured, a number of by-products are created and a proportion of

the finished product can’t be placed on the market for consumption by humans. This can be for a variety of reasons such as packaging defects, or for technological reasons such as the wrong size or weight biscuits, over-baking, trial runs or over ordering and out of date stock.

Many of these former foodstuffs, includ-ing biscuits, bread, breakfast cereals, grain products, crisps and confectionery can have a very high nutritional value – being a source of high quality fats, sugar and carbohydrates. After checking their safety and traceability and therefore suitability, SugaRich converts them into high quality ingredients for use in animal feed, avoiding waste from food that is not destined for human consumption.

After processing, the foods are blended to the required feed formulation, then sieved and ground to create a free flowing meal. Finished feed is delivered direct to the com-pounder, blender or farm.

With so many other issues to man-age within busy food production sites or supermarket chains, getting the surplus food disposed of as waste may seem like the simplest choice, even if this results in a cost being levied to the business and the waste potentially ending up in landfill. However, by working in partnership with feed compound-ers, blenders and farms, we provide food businesses with an environmentally friendly alternative.

According to a United Nation’s study, ‘Global Food Losses and Food Waste’ , a third of the world’s food is wasted and we all have a part to play in solving this problem. Former foodstuffs should be regarded as a resource, not a waste product.

Diversion of food waste from disposal is becoming an increasing priority for the UK government. Under current European Union waste regulations, the waste hierarchy gives the highest priority to waste prevention, fol-lowed by re use through the development of markets for valuable products, recycling and recovery. Disposal of waste products through landfill should be avoided wherever possible.

Business and environmental benefits

This ‘closed-loop’ recycling, by which the waste from one product is used in the mak-ing of another product, brings measurable economic gains to businesses and long-term benefits to the environment.

Food loss and waste are a major squan-dering of resources - water, land, energy and labour - and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Food sent to landfill biodegrades, releasing methane into the atmosphere that has damaging effects on the environment, while incineration may cause harmful green-house gas emissions.

The recovery of former foodstuffs and by-products for use as animal feed is a sus-tainable and economically beneficial solution for all major food businesses, encouraging zero waste to landfill, cost savings and even revenue generation.

Preventing food waste makes good busi-ness sense. Revenue is generated not just by the money saved from sending waste to landfill and the associated charges involved, but from the waste itself. Using materials

more efficiently, and managing waste better enables manufacturers to reduce costs, make money and decrease the environmental impact.

From our work with the largest European food manufacturers, supermarkets and dis-tributors, over 350,000 tonnes of surplus food per annum has been diverted from traditional waste disposal routes.

Many businesses are unaware of how significantly waste impacts on their bottom line. We replace the term ‘waste’ with ‘resource,’ working with organisations to help them ensure compliance in respect of the waste hierarchy, encouraging them to reduce, reuse and recycle. Organisations need to think differently about waste to move beyond waste reduction to actively eliminating waste from the supply chain.

Legislative compliance Anything designated for feed use will

ultimately be re-entering the food chain, so strict adherence to regulations are essential. When former foodstuffs are used to pro-duce animal feed, certain legal obligations are placed on the factory of production. By law, the factory is deemed a ‘Feed Business Operator’ and has to be compliant under the Feed Hygiene Regulations EU 183/2005, which applies to all businesses that make, use or market animal feed.

Feed businesses in this context include manufacturers selling by-products of food production into the feed chain, livestock farmers and arable farms growing crops for feed use. The regulation applies at all points in the supply and use of feed, and requires feed businesses to comply with standards in respect of facilities, storage, personnel and record-keeping.

Hygiene standards are very important in the disposal of the surplus foodstuffs.

Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds

by Paul Featherstone, group director, SugaRich, United Kingdom

Grain&feed millinG technoloGy12 | January - february 2013


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GFMT13.01.indd 29 12/02/2013 16:01

Page 4: Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds

ent challenges. Our expert team audit the whole location and production processes to identify the areas where there are issues to be addressed and highlight possible hidden revenue sources. Tailor-made surplus food handling installations are designed and built to suit each individual food factory site, with on-going maintenance, reporting and review.

Critical control points for food safety are implemented through our HACCP systems which prevent the mixture of any non-food waste and ensure feed materials are free from any chemical or microbiological impurities.

Where inedible products or products prohibited from inclusion in feed (such as meat or fish) are stored or handled on the same site as surplus foods intended for feed use, there must be physical separation between these products and the feed prod-ucts. This will ideally be full physical segrega-tion of buildings and equipment. Detailed records of disposal of non-feed products must be maintained.

To make the process of segregating the waste as straightforward as possible, the

total waste management side of our busi-ness, SugaRecycle, can help with the stream-ing and managing of all waste products from plastics and oils through to card, packaging, metal and more.

Sealed containers with surplus food are collected and returned using specialist vehi-cles. All containers are clearly marked to avoid any chance of confusion between surplus food materials and waste.

The surplus food is then transported to our purpose built reprocessing centres where computer generated formulations manufacture a feed material to exact cus-tomer specifications. SugaRich produce a range of bakery, biscuit and confectionery meals to suit feed compounders, blenders and home mixers. This includes SugaRich Premier Biscuit, a high oil biscuit meal suit-able for inclusion in both broiler and high intensity pig feeds.

Quality feed within the food chain

Remember to take the advice of a nutritionist on feed mixtures and ensure

they are used as part of a balanced diet paying particular attention to an adequate supply of long fibre. Animal feed plays an important part in the food chain and has implications for the composition and quality of the livestock products (milk, meat and eggs) that people consume. Our high-quality feed is delivered direct to the compounder, blender or farm. This high-energy livestock feed helps to improve livestock productivity.

The Food Standards Agency is responsible for drawing up the rules on the composition and marketing of animal feed. The Agency's main aims in this area are to help protect consumer and animal health. Another aim is to ensure that those buying the feed are provided with sufficient information to allow them to make informed choices.

In summary, by recognising that former foodstuff is a resource and not a waste prod-uct, the feed industry and food businesses can work together to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill every year, save costs, turn waste into revenue and lessen environ-mental damage.

Grain&feed millinG technoloGy14 | January - february 2013


Page 5: Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds

ent challenges. Our expert team audit the whole location and production processes to identify the areas where there are issues to be addressed and highlight possible hidden revenue sources. Tailor-made surplus food handling installations are designed and built to suit each individual food factory site, with on-going maintenance, reporting and review.

Critical control points for food safety are implemented through our HACCP systems which prevent the mixture of any non-food waste and ensure feed materials are free from any chemical or microbiological impurities.

Where inedible products or products prohibited from inclusion in feed (such as meat or fish) are stored or handled on the same site as surplus foods intended for feed use, there must be physical separation between these products and the feed prod-ucts. This will ideally be full physical segrega-tion of buildings and equipment. Detailed records of disposal of non-feed products must be maintained.

To make the process of segregating the waste as straightforward as possible, the

total waste management side of our busi-ness, SugaRecycle, can help with the stream-ing and managing of all waste products from plastics and oils through to card, packaging, metal and more.

Sealed containers with surplus food are collected and returned using specialist vehi-cles. All containers are clearly marked to avoid any chance of confusion between surplus food materials and waste.

The surplus food is then transported to our purpose built reprocessing centres where computer generated formulations manufacture a feed material to exact cus-tomer specifications. SugaRich produce a range of bakery, biscuit and confectionery meals to suit feed compounders, blenders and home mixers. This includes SugaRich Premier Biscuit, a high oil biscuit meal suit-able for inclusion in both broiler and high intensity pig feeds.

Quality feed within the food chain

Remember to take the advice of a nutritionist on feed mixtures and ensure

they are used as part of a balanced diet paying particular attention to an adequate supply of long fibre. Animal feed plays an important part in the food chain and has implications for the composition and quality of the livestock products (milk, meat and eggs) that people consume. Our high-quality feed is delivered direct to the compounder, blender or farm. This high-energy livestock feed helps to improve livestock productivity.

The Food Standards Agency is responsible for drawing up the rules on the composition and marketing of animal feed. The Agency's main aims in this area are to help protect consumer and animal health. Another aim is to ensure that those buying the feed are provided with sufficient information to allow them to make informed choices.

In summary, by recognising that former foodstuff is a resource and not a waste prod-uct, the feed industry and food businesses can work together to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill every year, save costs, turn waste into revenue and lessen environ-mental damage.

Grain&feed millinG technoloGy14 | January - february 2013


Page 6: Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds

Products no longer intended for human consumption, which may be destined for farm animal feeding, must be kept separate during transport, storage and dispatch to and from a supermarket returns depot or food manufacturing plant.

Our services are fully accredited to the

Feed Materials Assurance Scheme (FEMAS) standard ensuring that all feeds are fully traceable from source to supply giving both quality controlled service and products. The scheme is based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles, an inter-nationally recognised system of hazard analy-

sis. Over recent years HACCP has become a central requirement of food and feed safety legislation.

The logistics – from food production to the feed industry

Each food production site has differ-

Grain&feed millinG technoloGy January - february 2013 | 13

Are you social?Keep up to date with us in-between issues by following us on any of our social platforms

Take a look at our newly re-vamped Facebook page, that now covers updates from GFMT as well as all of the very best of The Global Miller’s newshttp://www.facebook.com/GrainFeedMillingTechnology

See our previous editions online for free


A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• NIR in practice

• Rice and contract terms

• New weighing software for UK co-operative

May - June 2012

• LC-MS/MS:The New Reference Method for Mycotoxin Analysis

• Fast, reliable and flexible:

the world of modern bulk weighing

• Mould controlin grain and feed preservation

GFMT12.03.indd 1 22/06/2012 08:48

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• Improving supply from farm to fork

• Victam Asia Product Showcase

• Global grain & feed markets

March - April 2012

• Assessing cereal quality parameters

• Controlling Insects with heat

• Grinding by a proven concept makes your choice simple

GFMT12.02.indd 1 17/04/2012 13:05

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• Increasing storage capacity

• Digital microwave moisture measurement

• Global grain & feed markets

January - February 2012

• Bulk storage & handling

• Preservatives Preservatives are a recurring

topic in public discussions

• EfficiencyEnergy saving in flour milling

GFMT12.01.indd 1 02/02/2012 10:12

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• Mycotoxins an overview

• Database for animal diet formulation techniques: A glance to last decade

• Food safetyin the grain milling industry

• Recent advances in rapid grain testing

November - December 2011

• African advances

Animal feed milling is one of the most buoyant activities in the agri related field

• Optical sorting Optical sorting has come of

age and should be considered as a serious option for inclusion in any modern wheat cleaning plant

• Get in lineProcess analysis solutions open new opportunities for improved profit and quality

GFMT11.06.indd 1 30/11/2011 17:28

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• Sample preparation of feeds and forage for NIR analysis

• 15-Year Celebration: Fortifying with folic acid prevents 22,000 birth defects annually

• Global Feed Markets:Wheat supply grows and grows as corn crop shrinks

October 2011

• Producing Flaked breakfast Cereals

• Direct Cold Plasma: The innovative answer to odour control in the food and feed industry

• Milling Technology Redefined

GFMT11.05.indd 1 05/10/2011 09:49


Page 7: Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds


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A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891INCORPORATING PORTS, DISTRIBUTION AND FORMULATION

In this issue:

• Efficient barge unloading technology

• Feed enzymes in animal nutrition

• Controlling the explosion risks within hammer mills

• Use of computer programming in animal diet formulation

• Recycling surplus factory food into quality animal feeds



- Feb


y 20


first published in 1891




Article reprintsAll Grain & Feed Milling Tecchnology feature articles can be re-printed as a 4 or 8 page booklets (these have been used as point of sale materials, promotional materials for shows and exhibitions etc).

If you are interested in getting this article re-printed please contact the GFMT team for more informa-tion on - Tel: +44 1242 267707 - Email: [email protected] or visit www.gfmt.co.uk/reprints

Products no longer intended for human consumption, which may be destined for farm animal feeding, must be kept separate during transport, storage and dispatch to and from a supermarket returns depot or food manufacturing plant.

Our services are fully accredited to the

Feed Materials Assurance Scheme (FEMAS) standard ensuring that all feeds are fully traceable from source to supply giving both quality controlled service and products. The scheme is based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles, an inter-nationally recognised system of hazard analy-

sis. Over recent years HACCP has become a central requirement of food and feed safety legislation.

The logistics – from food production to the feed industry

Each food production site has differ-

Grain&feed millinG technoloGy January - february 2013 | 13

Are you social?Keep up to date with us in-between issues by following us on any of our social platforms

Take a look at our newly re-vamped Facebook page, that now covers updates from GFMT as well as all of the very best of The Global Miller’s newshttp://www.facebook.com/GrainFeedMillingTechnology

See our previous editions online for free


A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• NIR in practice

• Rice and contract terms

• New weighing software for UK co-operative

May - June 2012

• LC-MS/MS:The New Reference Method for Mycotoxin Analysis

• Fast, reliable and flexible:

the world of modern bulk weighing

• Mould controlin grain and feed preservation

GFMT12.03.indd 1 22/06/2012 08:48

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• Improving supply from farm to fork

• Victam Asia Product Showcase

• Global grain & feed markets

March - April 2012

• Assessing cereal quality parameters

• Controlling Insects with heat

• Grinding by a proven concept makes your choice simple

GFMT12.02.indd 1 17/04/2012 13:05

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• Increasing storage capacity

• Digital microwave moisture measurement

• Global grain & feed markets

January - February 2012

• Bulk storage & handling

• Preservatives Preservatives are a recurring

topic in public discussions

• EfficiencyEnergy saving in flour milling

GFMT12.01.indd 1 02/02/2012 10:12

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• Mycotoxins an overview

• Database for animal diet formulation techniques: A glance to last decade

• Food safetyin the grain milling industry

• Recent advances in rapid grain testing

November - December 2011

• African advances

Animal feed milling is one of the most buoyant activities in the agri related field

• Optical sorting Optical sorting has come of

age and should be considered as a serious option for inclusion in any modern wheat cleaning plant

• Get in lineProcess analysis solutions open new opportunities for improved profit and quality

GFMT11.06.indd 1 30/11/2011 17:28

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891

In this issue:

• Sample preparation of feeds and forage for NIR analysis

• 15-Year Celebration: Fortifying with folic acid prevents 22,000 birth defects annually

• Global Feed Markets:Wheat supply grows and grows as corn crop shrinks

October 2011

• Producing Flaked breakfast Cereals

• Direct Cold Plasma: The innovative answer to odour control in the food and feed industry

• Milling Technology Redefined

GFMT11.05.indd 1 05/10/2011 09:49