RECTOR’S MESSAGE Dear Saints of James, We have passed the half way point in our Lenten journey and are now pressing on to Jerusalem and Holy Week, to travel the path of Jesus to the cross and resurrection. I hope these 40 days of opportunity for spiritual disciplines, self-reflection, and spiritual growth, are more than a test of endurance, but result in a transformation of your life. This Lent I am part of 3 different book groups and I’m reading: Razing Hell-Rethinking Everything You’ve Been Taught about God’s Wrath and Judgment; The Nearness of God, Parish Ministry as Spiritual Practice; Reluctant Pilgrim, A Moody, Somewhat Self- Indulged Introvert’s Search for Spiritual Community. In addition to dedicating time for this reading, I have also intentionally set aside time to ponder what I have been reading, to be in silence and let the Holy Spirit blow through my thoughts, bringing new ideas, insights, revelations, challenges, and questions. In my prayer time, I am fasting on words and feasting on silence so that I might hear more clearly the still small voice of God. I have found this to be a particularly timely practice for one particular prayer concern, and that is our parish deficient budget. For the last several years, our expenses have exceeded our income, which means we have to use funds from our General Reserve to pay our bills. We are behind in our income for the first few months of 2011, and the Vestry was discussing this about the time I read a profound statement in The Nearness of God: “We need to find ways to pray long enough for our anxiety to move into trust, for our scattered thoughts to give way to listening, and for our desire to manage the situation to hand itself over to God.” (pg. 68) I know that our God is a God of abundance, and has not forsaken us at St. James during our past 60 years. I believe in the power of prayer, and so I have committed myself to a daily time of silent prayer and discernment about our deficit. I challenge you also to join me in prayer with the intention that we: pray long enough to allow our anxiety to dissolve into trust; are silent long enough for our interior chatter to cease so that we might listen and hear God; give up our need to be in charge, so that God might guide us into the abundance that will sustain us. Anything is possible with God, and together as the people of God, through prayerful listening, divine inspiration, and faithful action on our part, I believe we will continue to be richly blessed. (continued on page 2….) April 2011 Volume 11 Number 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sunday Schedule 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II 11:15 AM Coffee & Fellowship Children’s Education 5:30 PM Sudanese Worship Holy Week Services: Palm Sunday, April 17 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday April 18, 19, 20 12:15 PM Meditative Eucharist Maundy Thursday, April 21 7:30 PM Service Good Friday, April 22 12 Noon Service at St. James 7:30 PM Good Friday Liturgy Holy Saturday, April 23 9:00 AM Liturgy of the Day The Easter Vigil, April 23 8:30 PM Festive Eucharist Easter Day, Sunday, April 24 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II 5:30 PM Sudanese Worship St. James Episcopal Church 4515 Delray Street Roanoke, VA 24012 Phone: 540-366-4157 Fax: 540-366-2851 E-mail: [email protected] www.stjamesroanoke.org

RECTOR’S MESSAGE · 2011-11-01 · Holy Spirit blow through my thoughts, bringing new ideas, insights, revelations, challenges, and questions. In my prayer time, I am fasting on

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Page 1: RECTOR’S MESSAGE · 2011-11-01 · Holy Spirit blow through my thoughts, bringing new ideas, insights, revelations, challenges, and questions. In my prayer time, I am fasting on


Dear Saints of James, We have passed the half way point in our Lenten journey and are now pressing on to Jerusalem and Holy Week, to travel the path of Jesus to the cross and resurrection. I hope these 40 days of opportunity for spiritual disciplines, self-reflection, and spiritual growth, are more than a test of endurance, but result in a transformation of your life. This Lent I am part of 3 different book groups and I’m reading: Razing Hell-Rethinking Everything You’ve Been Taught about God’s Wrath and Judgment; The Nearness of God, Parish Ministry as Spiritual Practice; Reluctant Pilgrim, A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulged Introvert’s Search for Spiritual Community. In addition to dedicating time for this reading, I have also intentionally set aside time to ponder what I have been reading, to be in silence and let the Holy Spirit blow through my thoughts, bringing new ideas, insights, revelations, challenges, and questions. In my prayer time, I am fasting on words and feasting on silence so that I might hear more clearly the still small voice of God. I have found this to be a particularly timely practice for one particular prayer concern, and that is our parish deficient budget. For the last several years, our expenses have exceeded our income, which means we have to use funds from our General Reserve to pay our bills. We are behind in our income for the first few months of 2011, and the Vestry was discussing this about the time I read a profound statement in The Nearness of God: “We need to find ways to pray long enough for our anxiety to move into trust, for our scattered thoughts to give way to listening, and for our desire to manage the situation to hand itself over to God.” (pg. 68) I know that our God is a God of abundance, and has not forsaken us at St. James during our past 60 years. I believe in the power of prayer, and so I have committed myself to a daily time of silent prayer and discernment about our deficit. I challenge you also to join me in prayer with the intention that we: pray long enough to allow our anxiety to dissolve into trust; are silent long enough for our interior chatter to cease so that we might listen and hear God; give up our need to be in charge, so that God might guide us into the abundance that will sustain us. Anything is possible with God, and together as the people of God, through prayerful listening, divine inspiration, and faithful action on our part, I believe we will continue to be richly blessed.

(continued on page 2….)

April 2011

Volume 11 Number 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sunday Schedule 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II 11:15 AM Coffee & Fellowship Children’s Education 5:30 PM Sudanese Worship

Holy Week Services:

Palm Sunday, April 17 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday April 18, 19, 20 12:15 PM Meditative Eucharist Maundy Thursday, April 21 7:30 PM Service Good Friday, April 22 12 Noon Service at St. James 7:30 PM Good Friday Liturgy Holy Saturday, April 23 9:00 AM Liturgy of the Day The Easter Vigil, April 23 8:30 PM Festive Eucharist Easter Day, Sunday, April 24 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II 5:30 PM Sudanese Worship St. James Episcopal Church 4515 Delray Street Roanoke, VA 24012 Phone: 540-366-4157 Fax: 540-366-2851 E-mail: [email protected] www.stjamesroanoke.org

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St. James Episcopal Church


The Rev. Susan E. Bentley Rector

[email protected] The Rev. Dr. Robert T. Copenhaver

Adjunct Pastoral Associate

Staff: Mrs. Connie Bierly, Secretary

Mr. Andrew Cochran, Choir Director & Organist Mrs. Donna Park & Mr. Marshall Hudson, Sextons

The Connection:

Send copy to: [email protected] All Saints of James, Reporters

Internet Web Page:

www.stjamesroanoke.org Laura Anderson, Web Master

[email protected]

The St. James Vestry: Senior Warden, Donna Frost, 989-3054

Junior Warden, Tim Buchholtz, 366-5779 † Clerk, To be appointed

Treasurer, Matt Cordani, 362-3016 Ass’t. Treasurer, Avis Aheron, 774-0010

†Rec. Treasurer, Bob Bird, 366-0996 Sam Campbell, 489-4536

Tricia Champion, 563-9554 Cam Srpan, 562-0954 Renee Toth, 334-2060

Michael Kennedy, 389-1003 Steve Wiegandt, 966-3108 ( † - Not Vestry members)

Standing Committees & Chairs Christian Education: Vacant Finance: Gail Fields, 265-0786

Liturgy: Helen Campbell, 489-4536 Membership: Pat Ball, 725-8730 Outreach: Ray Kasey, 562-1956

Parish Life: Tricia Champion, 563-9554 Pastoral Care: Donna Frost, 989-3054 Property: Tim Buchholtz, 366-5779 Stewardship: Avis Aheron, 774-0010

Episcopal Church Women: Doris Mattox

992-3088 Daughters of the King: Dorothy Herndon


Rector’s Message continued . . . We are all very aware that the economy has suffered greatly these past few years and times are hard for many people. The redemption in this situation is that it offers us an opportunity to grow spiritually and depend on God. Let me know what you are hearing, as we listen carefully for the guidance of God, in resolving our budget deficit. Lenten Blessings, SEB+

Feed Gertie the Goat Gertie the Goat is collecting donations during Lent for the Heifer Project. This international organization provides livestock and training to struggling people around the world so they can become self-reliant for food and income. Gertie is on the counter in the Parish Hall and welcomes contributions from all members. Our goal is to raise $120.00 to purchase a goat for a family in South Sudan. Currently we have collected $22.00 – consider saving your money by not eating out these weeks in Lent, and feeding Gertie, so she might feed another family in need.

The Rector’s Lenten Book Study

Our Lenten study book this year is Razing Hell: Rethinking Everything You’ve Been Taught about God’s Wrath, by Sharon L. Baker. This is a book that rethinks the issues surrounding traditional understandings of hell as a place for eternal punishment in favor of a view more consistent with that of a loving God. Baker argues for a kinder, gentler image of the afterlife that is compatible with the nature and intentions of a gracious and loving God. One result is that the book includes refreshing ways of thinking about how justice might be reconciled with forgiveness. This book will be on sale in the Parish Hall for $14.00; checks can be made out to “St. James Discretionary Fund. Any one is welcome to buy this book; we will be discussing it on the remaining Lenten Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, April 3, and April 10th, in the Parish Hall.

Page 3: RECTOR’S MESSAGE · 2011-11-01 · Holy Spirit blow through my thoughts, bringing new ideas, insights, revelations, challenges, and questions. In my prayer time, I am fasting on

The Holy Week Journey at St. James Episcopal Church The services of Holy Week commemorate Jesus’ descent into death before the great miracle of Easter. If you allow yourself to descend to the depths of despair in what seems to be Jesus’ final hours, you will experience in new ways the incomparable power of the resurrection of Easter. Daily Eucharists trace the journey, building through the foot washing service on Maundy Thursday, the veneration of the Cross on Good Friday, the waiting of Holy Saturday, to the triumph of Easter in the Great Easter Virgil service and the joyous Easter Sunday celebrations.

Palm Sunday: 8:00 am and 10:00 am; 5:30 pm Sudanese Worship Palm Sunday comprises two very different themes. Initially we focus on the Messiahship of Christ, which we celebrate with the blessing of palms and a procession into the church. Then, the mood switches to sadness as we remember the events leading up to our Lord’s death in the solemn reading of the Passion Gospel.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Holy Week: 12:15 pm These are meditative Eucharists in which we reflect on some of the lesser-known themes of Holy Week. These services provide the time and space for quiet reflection on our journey to the Cross. On Tuesday the laying on of hands and anointing for healing will take place in the liturgy for those who wish to participate.

Maundy Thursday: 7:30 pm Maundy Thursday commemorates the humility of Jesus and the institution of the Holy Eucharist. To follow Jesus’ example of servant ministry, we will be washing the feet of those who desire it, and following the celebration of Holy Eucharist, the Holy Sacrament will be taken downstairs to the Altar of Repose in room #16. You are invited to keep vigil and pray as the Disciples were instructed to do, in the presence of the Holy Sacrament. The altar and sanctuary will be stripped at the end of our service, symbolizing the stripping of Jesus’ clothes. We will leave silently in the darkness.

Good Friday: Noon and 7:30 pm The Williamson Road Clergy Association will have an ecumenical noonday service and St. James will be the host this year. At 7:30 pm, we will gather at St. James to join Jesus at his crucifixtion with our Good Friday liturgy.

Holy Saturday: 9:00 am There is no celebration of the Eucharist on this day as we wait suspended between Jesus crucifixion and his rising from the dead. The Holy Saturday liturgy is a solemn one of lessons and prayers.

The Easter Vigil: 8:30 pm The Easter Vigil is the first service of the Easter season celebrated after sun down on Holy Saturday, and it is the premiere liturgy of the Christian year. We will join with Trinity, Buchanan, and St. Mark’s, Fincastle, to celebrate Christ’s victory over the power of sin and death. We hear the story of God’s saving acts throughout history. We will renew our Baptismal promises to live as new creations in Christ. We will encounter the Risen Lord in the breaking of the bread. Following the service we will celebrate our Risen Lord with a Gourmet Dessert Party in the Parish Hall. Don’t forget to bring a bell to ring at the Easter Acclamation and a finger dessert for our party.

Easter Day: 8:00 am and 10:00 am; 5:30 pm Sudanese Worship Come and celebrate the Risen Lord. If you have garden flowers in bloom, please bring them for the children to flower the cross at the 10:00 am service.

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The Way of the Cross This is a spiritual meditation to do during Holy Week. Just read it and reflect. Copied from Spirituality for Today, March 2004.

I. Pilate Condems Jesus to Die, Mark 15:15-17 Meditation: Lord Jesus, often I judge others and fail to be understanding or loving. Help me to see the people in my life through your eyes, not the eyes of a Pontius Pilate.

II. Jesus Accepts His Cross, John 19:16b-17

Meditation: Lord Jesus, you embraced your cross to redeem the world. Help me to embrace the crosses in my life—the hardships, struggles, disappointments, pain. Only by recognizing my own weakness, can I discover your strength.

III. Jesus Falls the First Time, Isaiah 53:4 Meditation: Lord Jesus, you know how often I fall trying to follow you. Yet you are always there to lift me up. Help me always to trust in your loving care for me. IV. Jesus Meets His Mother, Luke 2:34b-35

Meditation: Lord Jesus, your mother Mary’s grief was surpassed by her love for you. So often you come to me in others and their love gives me new life. Help me to see how often you love me through the people in my life.

V. Simon Helps Carry the Cross, Luke 23:26

Meditation: Lord Jesus, sometimes I am indifferent to the needs of others in my life. I even neglect those whom I love. Help me to see that loving others is the surest way to find you in my life.

VI. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus, Isaiah 53:2-3

Meditation: Lord Jesus, at times I am afraid to reach out to others. I do nothing when I should act; I say nothing when I should speak out. Give me a deeper and more courageous faith. Help me to trust that you are with me.

VII. Jesus Falls the Second time, 2 Peter 2:24

Meditation: Lord Jesus, failure and disappointment sometimes lead me to despair. I hide behind my pride and self-pity, withdrawing from you and others. Give me the hope I need and help me never to be afraid to begin again.

VIII. Jesus Speaks to the Women, Luke 23:27-31

Meditation: Lord Jesus, your great compassion for others overwhelms me. I feel pretty and selfish when I think of you and the way you love. Help me to pour out my love, that you might fill me with your love.

IX. Jesus Falls the Third Time, Hebrews 4:15-16

Meditation: Lord Jesus, your failing strength makes me see how helpless I am. Without you, I can do nothing. Help me to rely on your strength, to see how much I need you.

X. Jesus is Stripped of His Garments, John 19:23-24 Meditation: Lord Jesus, seeing you so cruelly humiliated makes me realize how I cling to my accomplishments, my possessions, my way. Help me to let go of those things in my life that prevent me from growing closer to you and others.

XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross, Matthew 27:39-40

Meditation: Lord Jesus, I can never doubt your great love for me when I see you crucified. Help me to see your cross as the great sign of your love for me.

XII. Jesus Dies on the Cross, Mark 15:37-39

Meditation: Lord Jesus, your broken and lifeless body calls me to deeper faith. You chose death, even death on the cross. Help me to see my crosses as ways of loving you.

XIII. Jesus is Taken From the Cross, John 19:38-42

Meditation: Lord Jesus, seeing your body taken from the cross reminds me how fearful I am of letting go of my own life. I am frightened when I think of being unimportant, useless, helpless. Help me to place my life in your hands.

XIV. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb, Matthew 27:59-61 Meditation: Lord Jesus, when I see the great stone sealing your tomb, I feel alone and abandoned. Even though you sometimes seem distant or absent in my life, help me always to believe in your closeness and oving presence.

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What Is a Vigil, Anyway?

In the evening of Holy Saturday (8:30 on April 3) we have an opportunity to celebrate the Great Vigil of Easter. I hope that each of you will join your fellow Saints of James in this most wonderful celebration. If you have not attended the Great Vigil in past years, you owe it to yourself to come and see what it's all about. The whole thing takes less than two hours, but also spans the entire history of God's love for us. I don't believe any Saturday evening television program can make that claim. The Great Vigil of Easter celebrates our Lord's passage from death to life, and our participation in that victory through the paschal mystery. In spirit and mood, the Great Vigil begins with light emerging from darkness in Lent, and then rises to the first joyful Eucharist of Easter. The liturgy for the Great Vigil begins on Page 285 in the Book of Common Prayer. It was added in 1979, along with proper liturgies for Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Holy Saturday. Christians had been worshiping on those occasions since ancient times, of course, but it is only now that we have specific liturgies for them in our Prayer Book. The Great Vigil has four major divisions: the lighting of the Paschal Candle, the Liturgy of the Word, the Renewal of Baptismal Vows (or Baptism if there are candidates to be baptized), and the first Eucharist of Easter. Weather permitting, the service will begin outside. The new fire is kindled, from which the large Paschal Candle is lit. The Paschal Candle will then burn for all services through the Day of Pentecost. The Celebrant, holding the Paschal Candle aloft, and the Congregation process into the darkened Church. As we process, we symbolically participate as the light of Christ scatters the darkness of night. Three times during the procession, the Celebrant chants "The Light of Christ” and the people respond "Thanks be to God". The Paschal Candle is then placed in its stand and a cantor then chants the ancient prayer known as the Exultet. The Liturgy of the Word consists of readings, psalms and prayers, as in the ancient Jewish tradition. The readings, all from the Old Testament, recall to us the history of God's relationship to humankind. Each reading is followed by a psalm or canticle, a period of silence, and a collect. The Prayer Book includes nine selections, but only two are required by the rubrics. The story of Israel's

deliverance at the Red Sea, from Exodus, is always included. The renewal of Baptismal Vows is our opportunity to reaffirm the promises that we made or that were made for us when we were baptized. Since ancient times, the first service of Easter has been a favored time for baptisms. The last major division of the Great Vigil of Easter is the Eucharist. lt is a festive Eucharist in which we sing and say "Alleluia!" for the first time since the last Sunday after the Epiphany. The next morning, on Easter Day, we will repeat the Eucharist complete with the flowering of the cross by the children of the Parish. Why then, some may ask. should we celebrate twice? The Eucharist is a vital part of the Great Vigil of Easter, but it is only part. The service of new light, the Liturgy of the Word, renewal of Baptismal Vows, and Eucharist combine for us on this special occasion to be both the signs and the means of our participation in the victory of life over death. In the Easter Vigil Liturgy we go down into the grave with our Lord and are raised with him to new and unending life with Christ in God. As a people, we pass over with Christ from darkness to light. I have found the Great Vigil of Easter to be one of the most meaningful worship experiences of the year. Other members of our Congregation have told me that the same is true for them. I believe that you too will find it so.

[Written by William O. (Bill) Capps, Jr. In 2007]

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Easter Vigil Gourmet Dessert

Please bring a gourmet finger food for the reception following the Easter Virgil, April 23rd. This Easter feast will break our Lenten fast as we celebrate the Easter joy of our risen Lord.


In April, we give thanks for the services of the Property Committee members and the Gardeners. We pray that their ministry to maintain, enhance, and beautify the parish property and grounds continue to be rendered to the Glory of God. UPCOMING EVENTS. . . Saturday, April 16, 9 a.m. everyone is invited to help make the crosses needed for Palm Sunday. Please contact Lonnie Bower at 563-2650, [email protected] or Odell James at 562-1307 for more information. Baptismal Dates for 2011: “Holy Baptism is especially appropriate at the Easter Vigil, on the Day of Pentecost, on All Saint’s Day or the Sunday after All Saint’s Day, the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, (the first Sunday after Epiphany.) It is recommended that, as far as possible, baptisms be reserved for these occasions or when a bishop is present.” The Book of Common Prayer, page 312. The Baptismal dates for St. James in 2011 are: the Easter Vigil, April 23; the Day of Pentecost, June 12; and All Saints Sunday, November 6, 2011. If you would like to be Baptized or have a child you would like to be Baptized, contact the Rector. Serving Lunch at RAM House: St. James’ youth group began serving lunch at RAM House over 25 years ago. Those youth all grew up and other members of the parish continued this important feeding ministry. Now we are in need of new volunteers to serve lunch on the 3rd Saturday, every other month, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. For more information, contact Jean Schaefer, 366-8410. Coming in April: You are invited to participate in the 1st annual Interfaith Conference on Care for Creation : “Faith, Hope, Love+Deeds” on April 2,

2011, 9:00 am-2:00 pm at Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic Church. Keynote by The Rev. Rebekah Simon-Peter, author of Green Church: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rejoice! and Seven Simple Steps to Green Your Church. Registration: $15 (includes lunch). Register online: http://bit.ly/hQJ61D - or mail a check to Our Lady of Nazareth, 2505 Electric Road (Rt. 419), Roanoke, VA 24018. Mission Trip Opportunity : Habitat for Humanity Mission Trip in Guatemala The diocesan MDG Committee is sponsoring a mission trip this July 9-17 to Guatemala for 12 to 20 people. We have been approved to join the Habitat for Humanity program to build a house there. The trip is open to those age 18 years and older. The per person cost is around $1000.00 plus group airfare. This expense includes food, housing in a motel, local transportation, and the purchase of building materials. Partial scholarships are available. We will be led by Nick Moga of this diocese who has led many mission trips to Central America in the past. All local arrangements there are handled by Habitat for Humanity. For more information email Nick Moga at [email protected] or David Dixon at [email protected] . The deadline for signing up is April 15. VESTRY CORNER. . . By Helen Campbell At the Vestry meeting on March 21, 2011, the Vestry took the following action:

• Helen Campbell was elected Clerk of the Vestry.

• Adjustments were made to the calendar. December Vestry meeting will be December 12. The Bishop’s visitation will be October 23, 1011. The Rector will be out of town April 3 (PM) to April 6, for her father’s 94th birthday.

• The Junior Warden attended a worthwhile Warden’s Day March 12. The wardens were told that the theme of Council 2012 will be “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You.” The pancake supper netted about $250, which goes to the Williamson Road

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• Ministerial Association for emergency relief. The plumbing bill was $1,875. Insurance may pay it. The church sign still needs for the city to reinstall it.

• Pledged and unpledged support is in arrears through February by $3,940.69. The total operating income through February is $5,188.82. Operating expenses are slightly better. Total expense is $43,168.18 and the budgeted amount is $45,046.08, leaving a variance of $1,877.90. The cumulative deficit over several years is $35,975 -- major concern.

• The parochial Report was approved. Membership is 225 including 56 children under 18 years of age.

• A request will be made to the Bishop for us to continue an internal audit even thought the canons require it to be conducted by an outside source.

• Delegates to Council 2012 will be Doris Mattox, Avis Aheron, and Donna Frost. Alternates will be Bob Ostrom and Grace Aheron.

• The Rector’s compensation package was approved.

• The Vestry met with Jenny Fife of the Diocesan Sustainability Committee to discuss the survey that was completed by Vestry members and certain members of the congregation.

YOUTH NEWS . . . By Beth Wiegandt The 30 Hour Famine was a great success with 29 people participating in the overnight event at St. James. We had 4 parishes represented. Our time was spent exploring issues of poverty both world-wide and locally including those who fall through the cracks of the system here in Roanoke. Thanks to Hank Bostwick and Sam Campbell for speaking about local issues and giving us some eye-opening statistics! The youth thank St. James for supporting us in this event and for the great use of the church during our lock-in.

Upcoming events:

SYE: for grades 5-8 at Phoebe Needles April 29 – May 1. Spring Youth event is a great way to connect with your age group throughout the Diocese! Registration available now at youth.dioswva.org Happening # 3: April 8-10 at St John’s Roanoke for Grades 9 – 12. Applications are due NOW! EYE: Episcopal Youth Event open to 9th – 12th graders. Contact Aimee NOW if you are interested! [email protected] Bradford Youth Exchange: It is our turn to hop across the pond to visit our friends in Bradford. For 18 and up. Please contact Aimee if interested. NEWS FROM THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE By Avis Aheron All things come from you, O Lord, and of your own have we given you. + + + Time + + Talent + + + + + + + Treasure Pledged and Unpledged Support: In February, St. James received $8,710.64 in pledged and unpledged support. The monthly budgeted income amount was $9,590.21, leaving a shortfall of $879.57. The year-to-date shortfall is -$3,940.69. As our treasurer, Matt Cordani reported to the congregation on Sunday, March 27, we find ourselves in a “catch-up” mode earlier in the year than in previous years. Please try to get your pledges in if you have missed fulfilling your commitment, and try to keep current this month and in the coming months. Up-to-date pledging allows St. James to meet the monthly budgeted expenses without having to use reserve funds. Kroger Gift Cards: This program has proven to be an easy and simple way to contribute to St. James. In order to participate in this program, you must purchase a Kroger gift card from the church which is already loaded with $5.00. At the grocery check-out, simply tell the cashier how much money you

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wish to put on your gift card. At the end of the month, if we have collectively spent $5000.00 in groceries and/or gas, St. James receives a check for 5% of the total sales. Our average monthly income in 2010 was $500.00. If you already have a St. James Kroger gift card, but you have not used the card in 90 days or more and there is no money left on the card, you will need to purchase a new card in order for your purchases to be credited to St. James. Cards will be sold during coffee hour each Sunday or you can see Mother Sue or Connie Bierly, the church secretary. Treat of the Week Continues on in 2011: Each Sunday, we will be “giving away” a treat during coffee hour following the 10 o’clock service. Examples of past Treats of the Week have been plants, a basket of baked goods, and gift cards to local restaurants. All proceeds will go to the Building Fund. Don’t miss an opportunity to receive a treat and contribute to the Building Fund. If you would like to donate a treat, please contact Helen Campbell. Jimmie Jar Collection for the Williamson Road Ministerial Emergency Relief Fund: What do you do with the loose change that sits on your bureau, fills up the ash tray in your car or weighs down your wallet/purse? Furthermore, who has the time to collect up the coins, sort and wrap them, and take them to the bank? ‘Jimmie Jars’ are the answer! Put your loose change in the ‘Jimmie Jars’ and help the Williamson Road Ministerial Emergency Relief Fund. Jimmie Jars were distributed to the congregation on Sunday, February 27 with all proceeds to go to the Williamson Road Ministerial Emergency Relief Fund. With the economy struggling to recover from the recession of the past two years, many people are unable to pay their bills for housing, utilities, food and medicine. As partners in the Williamson Ministerial Association, this outreach provides financial support to many needy individuals and families.

A Stewardship Minute “You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11 Using what God has given you to help another person in need, or to enable the church to minister to the “least and the lost,” is a fundamental tenet of

stewardship. Most of us are able to give to others and the work of the church because God’s hand has been opened generously toward us. And what some of us, perhaps many of us, have learned is that the more we live in grace and gratitude, the more resources we have to engage in whatever ministry the Lord has for us to do. And, amazingly, that is when we learn that good stewardship brings forth great joy and gladness in life! “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over...” Luke 6:38

2011 ADOPT-A-DAY GIFTS (Gifts shown in bold were received after printing of the March issue of St. James Connection.)

In 2011, you can Adopt-a-Day for $60.00 or Adopt-a-Half Day for $30.00. You can celebrate a special occasion or honor a loved one on their special day (birthday, anniversary, retirement, etc.). For each day adopted, the annual deficit is reduced by one day. Forms can be found on the table outside the secretary’s office. Forms will also be emailed during the first week of each month and can be filled out and returned to the parish secretary via email. Please consider “adopting” a day or a half day in 2011. With permission, all Adopt-a-Day contributions will be published in the monthly Connection. Through February, $700 has been received in contributions.

January 9 adopted by Cathie Cook in celebration of Madalyn Taylor Linkous's Baptism. January 13 adopted by Cathie Cook in memory of my father, Bill Cook, on his birthday. February 13 adopted anonymously in celebration of the first day of Mother Sue's second decade as St. James' Rector. February 15 adopted in celebration of Madalyn Linkous's 3rd birthday from "Mickey," Elmo," and all her other stuffed animal "guys." February 24 adopted by Pam Reilly in celebration of Wayne Reilly’s birthday. February 28 adopted in celebration of Esther Williams's birthday by Pansy, Merlin and Felix.

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St. James Connection April 2011 Page 9

March 1 adopted by anonymous in honor of Pat and Carl Ball who do so much for so many. March 17 adopted by James R. Champion, Sr. and Doris Champion in memory of our son, James R. Champion, Jr. April 19 adopted in celebration of Jean Schaefer's birthday by her friend "who loves her more!" April 25 adopted in celebration of Bill Williamson's birthday by Pansy, Felix and Merlin. August 15 adopted by Robert and Carol Killinger in celebration of Lonnie Bower’s birthday. August 26 adopted by Frances Stebbins in memory of Charles H. Stebbins on his birthday.


Q: Why change a good will? A: To include a bequest to your church.

ECW News . . . By Pam Reilly, Reporter ECW held its semi-annual business meeting and potluck luncheon at the home of Jackie Leonard on Tuesday, March 1. Officers elected for a two-year term were: Doris Mattox – Convener, Renee Toth – Co-convener, Jean Schaefer – Secretary, Ann Bird - Treasurer, and Pam Reilly – Reporter. The group decided to buy at least 7 additional new prayer books for the nave (more if additional donations are received for this project) and three dozen new lemonade glasses for the kitchen to replace some of the old glasses that have become discolored. The following benevolences have been selected for 2011: $50 for the National Cathedral, $60 to Adopt-A-Day, $100 for the Sabbatical Fund, $100 for the Building Fund, $100 to sponsor two members of Little Church for Christmas gifts, $100 to sponsor a boy from Boys’ Home at Christmas, $100 for the Rector’s Discretionary Fund, and $100 for the Millennium Goals for Sudanese education

Everyone should mark their calendars for the following ECW sponsored activities for 2011:

• Sunday, March 20 – A “Stone Soup” and bread luncheon to accompany Mother Sue’s presentation on her pilgrimage to Egypt.

• Sunday, May 15 - A special coffee hour to honor Newcomers and the sale of homemade spaghetti sauce.

• Monday, June 13 - Ladies’ and Men’s Night Out at Veranda Bistro

• Tuesday, Oct. 4 – ECW Fall business meeting and potluck luncheon

• Sunday, Nov. 20 – ECW Craft and Bake Sale

• Monday, Dec. 5 - Parish Holiday Dinner APRIL BIRTHDAYS . . . April 1 Barbara Turley April 1 Ryan Kovac April 3 Sovanny (Sophie) Ruth Taylor April 6 Crystal Ohl Miller April 7 Gwen Lawrence April 10 Bud Konrad April 10 Joanna Baker Capps April 11 Mildred Edwards April 11 Pat Ball April 15 JoAnn Buchholtz April 19 Jean Schaefer April 24 Molly Hassell April 26 Bill Williamson April 29 Sam Campbell APRIL ANNIVERSARIES . . . April 10 Mother Sue – 20th ordination as Priest April 18 Ron and Reneé Toth April 29 Deidre and Billy Franey ALTAR FLOWERS . . . Easter Flowers this year will be begonias at $12.50 each. If you would like to give a flower in thanksgiving or in memory of someone, please fill out a form included with this newsletter and found in the Parish Hall on the counter and give it to either Lynn Wright or leave it at the office with Connie or you can call Lynn Wright at 540-904-5439 or the church office.

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Kids Fellowsh



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6:30 PM V



10:00 AM P

rayer Group

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3:30 PM A


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ible Study

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OK Spring




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Kids Fellowsh



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rayer Group

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6:45 PM Little Church


ocial Club


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Kids Fellowsh




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Maundy Thursday

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Good Friday

12 Noon Community

Service at


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oly Saturday



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Kids Fellowsh


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aster Vigil


Easter Sunday


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ible Study

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Kids Fellowsh


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SERVER SCHEDULE FOR APRIL 2011 Apr 3 8 AM Lector – Susan Tolliver, Chalicist – Tim Buchholtz 10 AM Crucifer Ryan Kovac Ushers Michael & Matthew Bentley

Acolyte Felix Counihan Coffee Larry & Doris Mattox, Maile Armstrong T Bearer Sarah Perry Nursery Lisa Gardner, Butch Johnstone Marjorie Price Tellers Michael Kennedy, Ron Toth Chalicist Matt Cordani Altar Guild Katie Cordani, Lawton Kasey, Pam Reilly Lector 1 Chuck Cohen Lector 2 Betsy Briggs Prayers Sandy Maxwell

Apr 10 8 AM Lector – Susan Tolliver, Chalicist – Tim Buchholtz 10 AM Crucifer William Ostrom Ushers Carl Ball, Larry Mattox

Acolyte Taylor Flynt Coffee Boots Ingram, Odell James, Pam Reilly T Bearer Cole Mattox Nursery Matt & Katie Cordani Josie Wiegandt Tellers Arby Frost, Kristen Johnstone Chalicist Lawton Kasey Altar Guild Linda Bryant, Dorothy Herndon, Nan Mallen, Lector 1 Ryan Kovac Sharon Miller Lector 2 Avis Aheron Prayers Maile Armstrong

Apr 17 Palm Sunday 8 AM Lector Tim Buchholtz, Chalicist – Jo Schultz 10 AM Crucifer Jessica Wiegandt Ushers Ron & Renee Toth

Acolyte Josie Wiegandt Coffee Avis Aheron, Tricia Champion T Bearer Morgan Cordani Nursery Hank & Aimee Bostwick Felix Counihan Tellers Larry Mattox, Jackie Leonard Chalicist Kevin Shepherd Altar Guild Laura Anderson, Lonnie Bower, Jean Schaefer Lector 1 Kate Perry Lector 2 Helen Campbell Prayers Bob Ostrom

Holy Week Schedule: Weekday. Noon Services (12:15 PM) Monday, April 18, Chalicist/Acolyte – Avis Aheron, Lector – Jackie Leonard **Altar Guild: Odell James – Set up for Tuesday Tuesday, April 19, Chalicist/Acolyte – Pat Ball, Lector – Helen Campbell Altar Guild: Jean Schaefer- Set up for Wednesday Wednesday, April 20, Chalicist/Acolyte – Lawton Kasey, Lector – Sandy Maxwell Altar Guild: Lawton Kasey– Set up for Thursday Maundy Thursday, April 21

Crucifer Alex Bentley Ushers Michael Kennedy, Jackie Leonard Acolyte Jessica Wiegandt Coffee ------------------------- T Bearer ------------------------- Nursery ------------------------- Chalicist Avis Aheron Tellers ------------------------- Lector Sam Campbell Altar Guild All Altar Members Prayers Lynn Wright

Good Friday , April 22, Chalicist – Butch Eanes, Crucifer – Matthew Bentley, Acolyte/Torch Bearer Kirin Johnstone, Torch Bearer Ian Johnstone, Lector – Michael Bentley, Ushers Ryan Kovac, Bill Witz, Altar Guild: Sue Bentley April 23 Saturday, Easter Vigil Crucifer Hunter Hart Ushers Chuck & Cathy Cohen Acolyte Ashley Nelson Coffee Parish Life

T Bearer Sarah Ostrom Nursery ------------------------ William Ostrom Tellers ------------------------ Chalicist Tim Buchholtz Altar Guild Betsy Briggs, Helen Campbell, Lisa Gardner, Lector Hank Bostwick Boots Ingram, Odell James, Kate Perry, Susan Tolliver Prayers Betsy Briggs

Page 12: RECTOR’S MESSAGE · 2011-11-01 · Holy Spirit blow through my thoughts, bringing new ideas, insights, revelations, challenges, and questions. In my prayer time, I am fasting on

St. James Connection April 2011 Page 12 Apr 24 Easter Sunday 8 AM Lector – Tom Orville, Chalicist – Jo Scultz 10 AM Crucifer Dustin Hassell Ushers Ray Kasey, Alex Bentley

Acolyte Molly Hassell Coffee Nan Mallen, Sharon Miller T Bearer Mark Curley Nursery Ann Bird, Laura Anderson Marjorie Price Tellers Maile Armstrong, Steve Wiegandt Chalicist Matt Cordani Altar Guild Katie Cordani, Lawton Kasey, Pam Reilly Lector 1 Sandy Maxwell Lector 2 Kristen Johnstone Prayers Donna Frost

May 1 8 AM Lector – Susan Tolliver, Chalicist – Tim Buchholtz 10 AM Crucifer Taylor Flynt Ushers Ron & Renee Toth

Acolyte Sarah Perry Coffee Carl & Pat Ball T Bearer Madeline Clouser Nursery Bob & Sara Ostrom Morgan Cordani Tellers Michael Kennedy, Ron Toth Chalicist Kevin Shepherd Altar Guild Linda Bryant, Dorothy Herndon, Nan Mallen, Lector 1 Maile Armstrong Sharon Miller Lector 2 Alex Bentley Prayers Laura Anderson

DOK Gift Bag Preparation: Esther Williamson and S andy Maxwell

Note: If you can't meet your scheduled time please find a substitute and let the Office know.

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Easter Flowers Order Form (2011)

This year for Easter we have begonias for $12.50 each. Please indicate below if you would like to give a flower or make a donation to one of the funds listed below. _______I would like to give a flower . Please have the dedication read as follows: _______I wish to make a donation to the Endowment Fund . Please have the dedication read as follows: _______I wish to make a donation to the Building Fund . Please have the dedication read as follows: In Loving Memory of : ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ In Thanksgiving for : _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Given by: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to the church office:

St. James Episcopal Church, 4515 Delray Street, NW, Roanoke, VA 24012 540-366-4157

[email protected]