Recreational Maths Games

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Aim: To be the first to reach the opposite end .

Objective: To think of strategies before moving.

Target: Lower and upper primary levels.

Materials: 1. Checkers mat (10 by 14)

2. Twenty coloured marbles

i.e. player A – ten yellow marbles

player B – ten red marbles

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How to start?

Put the ten marbles at the end of the checkers mat and the other ten marbles at the other end of the checkers mat.

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How to play?

Take turns to move a marble to the empty box.

Can only move forward and sideways.

Cannot move backward and diagonals.

Must only move one spot at a time.

Can take opponent’s marbles when his/her marble is in between your two marbles.

Player whose marble reach the opposite end first, wins the game.

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Caught in the Middle!

Can take the opponent’s marble.

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First to reach the opposite end.

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Aim: To be the first to reach the end of the game.

Objectives: 1. To motivate children to think mentally

2. To motivate children to think faster

Target: Upper primary levels.

Materials: 1. Board

2. Questions cards

3. Instruction cards

4. Two dices

5. Toy cars

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How to start?

Place the questions cards and the instruction cards on the board.

Place your toy cars at the ‘Start’

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How to play?

Throw both dices and then move your toy car on the board according to the number on the dices.

Then you need to take one question card and MUST answer it within 10 seconds! (Other player or players can do the counting).

If you can answer the question within 10 seconds, you may proceed one spot.

If you can’t answer the question within 10 seconds, you need to move backward five spots.

When you stop at a spot with a car picture on it, you MUST take one instruction card and follow the instructions.

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A Car Picture

Must take one instruction card.

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The first player to reach the end of the game, wins!

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Aim: To pair up with the same shape and name.

Objectives: 1. To identify the shapes with its names

2. To identify the shapes characteristics

Target: Upper primary levels.

Materials: 1. Shapes (Equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle, right angled triangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, rectangle, square and circle)

2. Names cards of the shapes

3. Questions papers

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How to start?

Divide the class into two groups of children.

In group A, give each child one different shape from the others.

In group B, give each child one different name card from the others.

How to play?

A person in charge will read out the question to the children.

If the children think they have the answer, they need to stand up. (One child from each group)

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Example: Rectangle

(A question card, a name card Rectangle and a shape of a rectangle)

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Aim: To make other children to guess what the other person is trying to say.

Objectives: 1. To identify shapes and its names

2. To identify the shapes’ characteristics

Target: Upper primary levels.

Material: Number cards with the name of a particular shape at the back.

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A shape’s name is at the back of the number card.

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How to start?

Place the number cards from 1 to 9 on a board.

How to play?

Ask a child to take one number card from the board.

Instruct him/her to tell the characteristics of the shape he/she got to the rest of the children without saying the shape’s name.

The rest of the children must guess the shape.

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