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recipebook in 6 languages. A Comenius project material.

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This Comenius project aims to encourage pupils in our schools to be aware of the need to lead

healthy and active lives to sustain their lifelong learning. It also aims to ensure that pupils are

prepared to be active citizens of their own community, country and of Europe with the necessa-

ry entrepreneurial and leadership skills.

Funded by EU Comenius Education and Culture Lifelong Learning Programme.

Comenius Project 2010-2012

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1. Nettoyer, laver et émincer les blancs de poireaux. 2. Faire suer les poireaux dans le beurre à couvert pendant 5 à

6 minutes. 3. Ajouter la farine et mélanger. 4. Verser le bouillon de poule tout en remuant. 5. Porter à ébullition. 6. Ajouter du sel et du poivre. 7. Réduire la chaleur et laisser mijoter à couvert pendant 30

min. 8. Mixer et tamiser la préparation. 9. Cuire un blanc de poireaux émincé dans du beurre, et

réserver. 10. Ajouter la crème fraîche (en réserver un peu pour la

décoration). 11. Présenter sur assiette avec les blancs de poireaux étuvés. 12. Garnir chaque assiette d’une bonne cuillerée de crème et

de ciboulette ou persil haché. NB : Vous pouvez ajouter de fines tranches de céleri avec les blancs et les verts de poireaux

Crème de Poireaux Ingrédients:

• 500 g de blancs de poireaux.

• 2 oignons.

• 1l de bouillon de poule.

• 3 cuillères à soupe de crème fraîche allégée.

• 50 g de beurre.

• 70 g de farine.

• Sel et poivre.

• 3 cuillères à soupe de ciboulette ou persil haché

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1. Clean, wash and thinly slice the whites of leeks and half of the greens.

2. Melt butter and cook leeks in a covered pan for 5 to 6 minutes.

3. Add the flour and stir. 4. Add chicken stock while stirring to the boil. 5. Add salt and pepper. 6. Reduce heat and simmer under cover for 30 min. 7. Mix and then sieve the mixture. 8. Cook a thinly sliced leek in some butter, and reserve. 9. Add the crème fraiche leaving some of it for the decoration. 10. Present on plate and garnish with the thinly sliced leek. 11. Top each serving with a dollop of crème fraiche and

sprinkling of chives or parsley .

Cream of Leek Soup


• 500 g of whites of leeks and half of the greens

• 2 onions

• 1l chicken stock

• 3 Tbsp low-fat crème fraiche

• 50 g butter

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Tomates Crevettes


• 4 grandes tomates

• 350 g de crevettes grises décortiquées

• 4 cuillères à soupe de sauce ranch allégée (voir ci-dessous)

• Jus d’un quart de citron

• 4 brins de persil plat

• Quelques feuilles de laitue

• 3 ( ou 4) , oeufs cuits dur

• Salade de concombre.

• sel

Ingrédients (sauce range au babeurre allégé):

• ½ tasse mayonnaise allégée

• ½ tasse babeurre

• 2 cuillères à soupe de persil haché

• 2 cuillères à soupe de ciboulette hachée

• 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre de cidre

• 1 gousse d’ail

• ¼ cuillère à café de sel

Préparation des tomates:

1. Equeuter le persil et ciseler finement.

2. Couper l’extrémité supérieure des tomates avec un couteau. Les « chapeaux » des tomates serviront de décoration.

3. Evider l’intérieur des tomates. Retirer un maximum de chair.

4. Saupoudrer l’intérieur des tomates évidées de sel.

5. Retourner les tomates évidées. Laisser-les égoutter pendant 15 minutes . Les tomates doivent être bien sèches. Récupérer une partie du jus dans un bol.

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Tomatoes with Shrimps

Preparing the tomatoes:

1. Remove the parsley leaves from the stems and chop them finely.

2. Cut off the tops off the tomatoes with a knife. The tops will be used as decoration .

3. Scoop out the inside of the tomatoes. Remove as much of the flesh as possible.

4. Sprinkle the insides of the hollowed-out tomatoes with salt.

5. Flip the scooped-out tomatoes upside-down. and let them drain for 15 minutes. It is important they will be as dry as possible. Save some of the draining tomato juice in a bowl.

Ingredients (serves 4)

• 4 large tomatoes

• 350 g peeled shrimps

• 4 tbsp low-fat ranch dressing (see below)

• juice from ¼ lemon

• 4 sprigs of flat –leaved parsley

• Some leaves of lettuce

• 3 ( or 4) eggs, hard-boiled

• cucumber salad

• salt

• ½ cup low-fat mayonnaise

• ½ cup buttermilk

• 2 tbsp parsley, freshly chopped

• 2 tbsp chives, freshly chopped

• 1 tbsp cider vinegar

• 1 clove garlic

• ¼ tsp salt

Ingredients (Low-fat buttermilk ranch dressing):

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Escudella catalana Ingredients:

• 400 g de cigrons • 1 os d’espinada • 1 punta de pernil • 200 g de cansalada salada • ½ peu de porc • 300 g de magra de vedella • 1 botifarra negra • 1 col • 2 pastanagues • 1 ceba • 200 g de fideus gruixuts • Sal


1. La nit anterior s’han de posar els cigrons en remull i trossejar les verdures. En una olla gran posada al foc es posen tots els ingredients en aigua, excepte els cigrons.

2. Quan bulli, s’afegeixen els cigrons i la carn i es deixa al foc durant dues hores i mitja. Es pot anar afegint aigua a mesura va baixant el nivell per evaporació, però sempre calenta per no alterar la cocció dels cigrons.

3. Un cop passat el temps, es treu la carn i les verdures. Es couen els fideus amb el brou de l’olla.

4. La carn es trosseja, ja que, quan estiguin cuits els fideus s’haurà d’afegir una altra vegada amb el brou juntament amb les verdures.

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Catalan Stew Ingredients:

• 400g of chickpeas • A bone of spine • 1 piece of ham • 200 g of bacon • ½ foot pig • 300g lean beef • 1 black sausage • 1 cabbage • 2 carrots • 1 onion • 200g of thick noodles • Salt


1. The night before must be put to soak the chickpeas and the chopped vegetables. In a large pot set fire to put all the ingredients in water, except the chickpeas.

2. When it boils, add the chickpeas and the meat and leave the fire for two hours and a half. We can add water because the level goes down due the evaporation, but always hot for not alter the cooking of the chickpeas.

3. After this time, remove the meat and vegetables. The noodles are cooked with the broth form the pot. 4. The meat is chopped because when we cooked the noodles we have to add again with the broth and

the vegetables. Finally, the chickpeas and the noodles are served with a little bit of broth that contains meat and vegetables.

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Paella de marisc Ingredients:

• 4 escamarlans de platja.

• 8 llagostins o gambes

• 1 sèpia grossa, comprada bruta.

• 16 musclos de roca.

• 16 cloïsses.

• 1/2 gotet de vi blanc.

• 2 tomàquets madurs.

• 1 ceba grossa.

• 1 branqueta de julivert

• 2 grans d’all.

• 4 cullerades d’oli d’oliva.

• 1 tassa de cafè plena d’arròs (per persona).

• Fumet de peix (fet amb peixos de roca, espinosos). Si no en tenim podem aprofitar el suc de bullir els musclos.


1. Abans de començar, netegem tot el marisc: traurem la pell i la tinta de la sepia, la tallarem a daus petits, netejarem els musclos de totes les adherències, tallarem els “bigotis” dels llagostins, etc.

2. Escalfem l’oli a temperatura mitjana. Abans que estigui massa calent, hi rossegem els escamarlans i els llagostins i els reservem. En el mateix oli, afegim els alls tallats a làmines ben fines, remenant amb una cullera de fusta perquè no es cremin. Hi ajuntem després la branqueta de julivert tallat ben petit.

3. Afegim ara la sèpia i les cloïsses. Traiem les cloïsses perquè no es trenquin. Sense treure la sèpia, posem la ceba tallada a trossets molt petits. Quan la ceba estigui cuita (transparent), hi posem la polpa del tomàquet ratllada amb un ratllador i quan aquests vegetals estan daurats hi tirem el got de vi blanc, remenant.

4. Rossegem l’arròs en aquest sofregit i afegim el fumet de peix. La mesura de líquid acostuma a ser “les mateixes tasses d’arròs, més una per la cassola”.

5. Salem i deixem que es cogui l’arròs fins que estigui “al dente”. Just abans de treure la cassola del foc hi posem els escamarlans, els llagostins, les cloïsses i els musclos fent forma de rosassa.

N.B.: no podem remenar l’arròs perquè es trenca el tel que fa el midó. Si veiem que cal afegir una mica més de líquid, podem posar-hi una mica més de fumet, vigilant que no es perdi el bull. El gust característic de la paella li dóna la cassola de ferro. Cal conservar-la untada lleugerament en oli d’oli perquè no es rovelli. Les paelles antiadherents canvien totalment el gust d’aquest plat.

És un plat consistent, servit sempre com a únic.

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Seafood paella Ingredients:

• 4 lobsters

• 8 prawns or shrimps

• Cuttlefish

• 16 mussels.

• 16 clams.

• 1 / 2 cup of white wine.

• 2 ripe tomatoes.

• 1 big onion.

• 1 sprig of parsley

• 2 cloves of garlic.

• 4 tablespoons of olive oil.

• 1 cup of coffee full of rice (per person).

• Fish broth (made with rock fish, spiny). We can also take the juice of the boiled mussels.


1. Clean the shellfish: remove the skin and ink of the cuttlefish, cut it in small dices, clean the mussels of all adhesions, cut the "whiskers" of shrimp, etc..

2. Heat the oil at medium heat. Before it is too hot, fry lightly the lobsters and shrimp and reserve. In the same oil, add garlic sliced very thin, stirring with a wooden spoon, and then we add some parsley chopped very small.

3. After, we add the cuttlefish and clams. Without removing the cuttlefish, put the onion cut into very small pieces. When the onion is cooked we put the tomato pulp with a grater and we throw the glass of white wine and we stir in order to mix it.

4. We fry lightly the rice in the sauce and add the fish broth. The measurement of the broth usually is “the same cups of rice plus one for the pot."

5. We add salt and let it cook until the rice is "al dente". Just before removing the pan from the heat we put the lobsters, prawns, clams and mussels.

NB: we cannot stir the rice. If we need to add some more liquid, we must be careful not to break the boiling

The characteristic taste of this dish is due to the iron pan which must be kept lightly greased in olive oil so

it does not rust. The use of other kind of pans completely changes the taste of this dish.

Paella is served always alone, as a single dish.

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Dakos Ingredients

• 6-8 barley rusks

• 2 medium ripe tomatoes, washed and chopped into small pieces (by hand)

• About 100 gr. of feta cheese (if you cannot find “xinomizithra”)

• Extra virgin olive oil


1. Place barley rusks under running cold water just to wet them slightly. (This must be done very fast so that rusks do not absorb much water).

2. Place them on a serving dish and drizzle some olive oil on top of each one. Top them with the chopped tomatoes.

3. Spoon the crumbled feta cheese and season with salt and oregano.

4. Drizzle with some more olive oil.

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Black eyed beans salad


• 2 cups black eyed beans

• 1/3 cup olive oil

• 3-4 Tbsps lemon juice

• 1 onion cut into thin slices

• ½ cup coarsely chopped walnuts

• 1 garlic clove minced

• Salt and pepper to taste

• ½ cup chopped parsley

• 1 green pepper diced


1. Wash beans, place them in a pot and cover them with cold water.

2. Bring them to a boil, reduce heat to medium and let them simmer for about 5 minutes.

3. Drain.

4. Place them back to the pot, cover them again with cold water, bring them to a boil, lower heat and simmer for about 20-30 minutes, till beans are tender.

5. Drain once again.

6. Place beans in a salad dish.

For the dressing:

1. In a blender mix olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper together.

2. Pour over the salad and mix to cover beans.

3. Decorate with chopped parsley.

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Barszcz Czerwony Składniki:

• 100 g suszonych grzybów

• 2 ząbki czosnku

• 4 średniej wielkości buraki

• 2 litry wywaru z warzyw (marchew, cebula, pietruszka,por)

• suszone zioła (listki laurowe, 2 łuŜeczki majeranku, czarny pieprz)


1. WłoŜyć grzyby do rondla, zalać 2 szklankami wody i

odstawić na noc.

2. Następnego dnia, ugotować grzyby do miękkości, około

20 minut, w której się moczyły, z dodatkiem liści

laurowych i czosnku.

3. Umyć buraki, zawinąć w folię aluminiową, umieść w

piekarniku i upiec do miękkości.

4. Obrać i potargować na tarce z duŜymi otworami.

5. Do gotującego się wywaru dodać majeranek, pieprz,

wszystkie przyprawy i pietruszkę.

6. Dodać potargowane buraki, doprawić pieprzem i solą,


7. Zdjąć z ognia i dodać sok cytrynowy. Połączyć oba

wywary. Kilka grzybów zostawić w zupie, a resztę zuŜyć

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Borsch Ingredients:

• a handful of dried mushrooms (100 g), the best mushroom (possibly mixed with mushrooms).

• 2 cloves garlic.

• medium beets.

• 2 liters essences vegetable broth (carrots, onion, parsley, leek) dried herbs 2 bay leaves,.

• 2 tablespoons marjoram, black pepper, 6 grains, 4 grains of allspice.

• 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley.

• 3 tablespoons lemon juice.

• salt and freshly ground black pepper



2. Rinse the mushrooms in the sieve, put it into a saucepan, pour 2 cups of cold water and leave for the night soaks. The next day, cook mushrooms until tender, which may take about 20 minutes in the water in which they soak, with the addition of bay leaves and garlic.

3. Wash the beets, wrap each in aluminum foil, place on baking sheet and bake until tender in for about an hour (check the knife stuck in beetroot smoothly enter into it.)

4. Peel and grate them on large holes.

5. The boiling broth with vegetables to add marjoram, pepper, allspice and parsley. Add grated beets, season with salt and boil.

6. Remove from heat and add lemon juice.

7. Vegetable brew decant and combine with the brew of mushrooms. A few mushrooms left in the soup, the rest is used for stuffing for ravioli.

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• 1 łyŜka oleju roślinnego • 1 szklanka posiekanej cebuli • 2 ząbki czosnku • 1 / 2 szklanki posiekanej marchwi • 1 / 4 szklanki posiekanego selera • 2 puszki zgniecionych pomidorów • bulion warzywny 3 1 / 2 szklanki • 1 łyŜeczka soli • 1 / 2 łyŜeczki suszonego tymianku • 1 / 2 łyŜeczki mielonego czarnego pieprzu

Zupa pomidorowa


1. Rozgrzać olej na duŜej kuchence na średnim ogniu. 2. PodsmaŜyć cebuli i czosnku, aŜ cebula będzie miękka. 3. Dodaj marchew i seler, gotować 7 do 9 minut do miękkości, często mieszając. 4. Wymieszać pomidory, bulion, sól, tymianek, pieprz. 5. Zmniejszyć ogień do niskiego. Dusić pod przykryciem 20 minut, często mieszając.

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• 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

• 1 cup chopped onion

• 2 cloves garlic, minced

• 1/2 cup chopped carrot

• 1/4 cup chopped celery

• 2 cans crushed tomatoes

• 3 1/2 cups vegetable broth

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme

• 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

Tomato soup


1. Heat oil in a large oven over medium-high heat.

2. Saute onion and garlic until onion is tender.

3. Add carrot and celery; cook 7 to 9 minutes until tender, stirring frequently.

4. Stir in tomatoes, broth, salt, thyme, pepper.

5. Reduce heat to low.

6. Cover and simmer 20 minutes, stirring frequently.

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Beringela assada Ingredientes:

• 4 beringelas (tamanho médio) • 3 ovos grandes • 1 requeijão (400gr) • 1 chávena de queijo ralado • Orégãos • Azeite • Molho de tomate


1. Lave as beringelas e retire as extremidades. 2. Corte-as às fatias e deixe-as em água salgada cerca de uma hora. 3. Escorra-as, coloque-as num tabuleiro de ir ao forno e tempere com

sal e pimenta. Deite azeite por cima e leva ao forno (180° C) cerca de 20 minutos.

4. Entretanto misture os ovos com ½ chávena de queijo ralado, o requeijão e os orégãos.

5. Retire as fatias de beringela do forno e aproveite o tabuleiro. 6. Coloque uma camada de fatias de beringela cobertas com o molho de

tomate, outra camada de fatias de beringela cobertas com a mistura do requeijão e assim sucessivamente até acabarem os ingredientes. A última camada deve ser coberta com o restante queijo ralado.

7. Leve ao forno até que o queijo esteja derretido e tostado.

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Baked aubergines Ingredients:

• 4 aubergines (medium size) • 3 large eggs • 1 curd (400gr.) • 1 cup grated cheese • Oregano • Olive oil • Tomato sauce


1. Wash the aubergines and trim off their stems. 2. Cut them in round slices and let them soak in salted water for about an hour. 3. Drain the aubergine slices, put them in a baking tray and season with salt and pepper.

Sprinkle with olive oil and bake them (oven at 180 ºC) for about 20 minutes. 4. Meanwhile mix the curd with the eggs, ½ cup grated cheese and the oregano. 5. Take the aubergine slices out of the oven and use the baking tray again. 6. Put one layer of aubergine slices covered with tomato sauce, another layer of aubergine

slices covered with the curd mixture, and alternate the layers until it ends. The last layer should be sprinkled with the remaining grated cheese.

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Caldo verde Ingredientes:

• 6 batatas

• 100gr de feijão branco

• 450gr de couve galega

• 1 dente de alho

• Sal

• Chouriço

• Boroa de milho


1. Demolhe o feijão seco durante 24 horas. Se não o fizer leva mais tempo a cozer

2. Descasque e parta as batatas às rodelas. Adicione o alho e o feijão.

3. Deixar ferver até que as batatas e o jeijão estejam bem cozidas.Coza o chouriço juntamente, mas só durante 10m. Reserve o chouriço até à hora de servir.

4. Entretanto lave as couves e com elas faça um rolo bem apertado. Corte em fatias muito finas. As couves devem ser bastantes para que o caldo não fique muito fino.

5. Quando as batatas e o feijão estiverem bem cozidos, retire do lume e reduza tudo a puré com a varinha mágica. Leve novamente ao lume e deixe ferver novamente.

6. 15 minutos antes de server incorpore as couves e deixe ferver sem a tampa.

7. Verifique o sal e acrescente o azeite sem ferver.

8. Corte o chouriço às rodelas e coloque na tigela onde vai server o caldo verde. Sirva com fatias de boroa de milho.

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Green broth Ingrediente:

• 6 potatoes

• 100gr dry white beans

• 450gr kale

• 1 garlic clove

• Salt

• Sliced smoked pork sausage (“chouriço”)

• Sliced Cornbread (“broa”)


1. Put the beans in water for 24 hours. If you do not do this it will take much longer to cook.

2. Peel and slice the potatoes; add the garlic and the beans.

3. Boil the potatoes, garlic and beans till they are well cooked. Boil the smoked pork sausage, but only for 10m together with this mixture. Reserve the smoked pork sausage till the serving time

4. Meanwhile, wash the dark green cabbage or kale- in Portugal called “couve galega”- roll the leaves tightly and slice them as thinly as possible. The cabbage should be abundant to give body to the soup.

5. When the potato mixture is well-cooked, mash everything / reduce to puree with a blender. Put on the heat again, stir in and bring to a boil.

6. Add the kale and boil uncovered for about 15 minutes (until it is tender and jade green).

7. Check the salt and add the olive oil with letting it boil.

8. Cut the smoked pork sausage in slices and put one or two slices in the boils where the soup will be served. Serve with Portuguese “broa” cornbread for dipping.

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Cullen Stink Ingredients

• A large smoked haddock

• 1 large onion, finely chopped

• 1200ml milk

• 1 large potato chopped finely

• 1 bay leaf

• Salt and pepper to taste


1. Skin the haddock before cooking.

2. Place the smoked haddock with milk and bay leaf, in a large pan.

3. Poach gently for a few minutes.

4. Remove fish from pan.

5. Add onion and potato to pan and cook gently until soft.

6. When the vegetables are soft, remove the bay leaf.

7. Liquidise the milk, onion and potatoes until they are like a smooth cream

8. Return to the pan, and add the flaked haddock.

9. Season with pepper.

10. Add chopped parsley

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Scots Cock-a-Leekie Soup


• 1.25kg fresh, whole chicken

• 12 medium sized leeks, well washed and chopped to 2cm lengths

• 100g long grain rice, washed

• 3 - 4 medium sized carrots, peeled and grated

• Salt and crushed black pepper


1. Put the chicken in a pot with enough water to more than cover.

2. Add ½ of the leeks

3. Cover the pot and simmer gently for 1 hour or until the chicken is falling off the bone.

4. Remove the chicken and reserve.

5. Strain the stock into a fresh pot, add the rice and cook in a covered pot for 10 minutes.

6. Add the grated carrots and the remainder of the chopped leeks and continue cooking for 20 minutes.

7. Taste for intensity of flavour and, if necessary, reduce further to increase the taste. Season with salt and pepper.

8. Chop a little of the reserved chicken and add to the finished soup

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Main dishes

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Poulet Waterzooi à la Gantoise

1 poulet

500 ml (3 tasses) de bouillon de poule.

4 branches de céleri

5 carottes

1 poireau

3 jaunes d’œufs

30 g de beurre


40 g de farine

1 tasse de crème fraîche allégée

2 cuillères à soupe de persil haché

1 cuillère à soupe de cerfeuil haché

Une pincée de muscade.




1. Couper le poulet en 4.

2. Trancher le céleri, les carottes et le poireau en fines lamelles. (à la julienne)

3. Mélanger une noisette de beurre dans une casserole, y ajouter les légumes et faire cuire à feu doux pendant 10 minutes sans roussir.

4. Ajouter le bouillon de poule pour recouvrir les légumes.

5. Ajouter les morceaux de poulet, du sel et du poivre et cuire à petit feu pendant 25 minutes.

6. Enlever les morceaux de poulet et les placer dans un plat avec un peu de sauce.

7. Mélanger le reste du beurre dans une casserole, y ajouter la farine et mélanger avec une spatule en bois afin d’obtenir une texture jaunâtre.

8. Egoutter les légumes, et les mettre dans un bol.

9. Ajouter le roux à ce mélange en continuant de remuer.

10. Faire cuire à feu doux pendant encore 10 minutes.

11. Mettre les morceaux de poulet dans une casserole.

12. A l’aide d’une cuillère, mélanger les jaunes d’œufs ensemble dans un bol et battre avec de la crème.

13. Ajouter ce mélange à la sauce.

14. Faire chauffer mais non bouillir.

15. Mettre les légumes dans la sauce.

16. Assaisonner avec de la muscade.

17. Mettre la sauce avec les légumes sur le poulet.

18. Saupoudrer avec le persil et le cerfeuil.

19. Servir dans des bols and Accompagner de pommes de terre cuites à l’eau ou de riz cuit à l’eau.

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1. Cut the chicken into 4 pieces.

2. Slice the celery, carrots and leek into thin sticks (julienne style).

3. Melt a knob of butter in a saucepan, add vegetables and cook slowly for 10 min without browning.

4. Add chicken stock to cover vegetables.

5. Add chicken pieces, salt and pepper and simmer gently for about 25 min until cooked.

6. Remove chicken pieces and place them in a dish with a little stock.

7. Melt the rest of the butter in a pan, add flour and stir with a wooden spatula to get a slightly yellow texture.

8. Strain the vegetables and put them into a bowl.

9. Add remainder of stock to this mixture (roux), continuing to stir.

10. Simmer slowly for another 10 min.

11. Place the chicken pieces into pan.

12. Using a spoon mix the yolks together in a small bowl and stir in cream.

13. Add the mixture to the sauce.a

14. Heat but do not boil.

15. Put the vegetables into the sauce.

16. Season with nutmeg.

17. Put the sauce with the vegetables onto the chicken.

18. Sprinkle with parsley and chervil.

19. Serve in soup bowls accompanied with boiled potatoes or boiled rice.

Chicken Waterzooï à la Gantoise


1 chicken

500 ml (3 cups) liquid chicken stock

4 celery stalks

5 carrots

1 leek

3 egg yolks

30 g butter

40 g (¼ c) flour

1 cup low-fat crème fraiche

2 tbsp parsley, chopped

1 tbsp chervil, chopped

Pinch of nutmeg



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Moules marinière à la crème, ail et persil


• 3.5 kg de moules

• 4 gousses d’ail finement haché

• 4 échalotes finement hachées

• 100 g de beurre allégé

• Un bouquet garni de persil, thym et feuilles de laurier

• 300 ml de vin blanc sec

• 250 ml de crème fraîche allégée

• Une poignée de persil grossièrement haché

• Pain complet


1. Laver les moules abondamment sous l'eau courante froide. Enlever les moules ouvertes qui ne se ferment pas lorsque l’on les presse légèrement.

2. Enlever les filaments d’attache et les balanes avec un couteau. Rincer les moules à nouveau pour enlever les petits morceaux de coquillage.

3. Faire revenir les échalotes et l'ail dans le beurre avec le bouquet garni, dans une grande casserole.

4. Ajouter les moules et le vin, augmenter la chaleur, puis couvrir et cuire à la vapeur dans leur jus pendant 3-4 minutes. Secouer la casserole de temps en temps.

5. Enlever le bouquet garni, ajouter la crème et le persil haché. Retirer du feu.

6. Verser dans quatre grands bols réchauffés et servir avec du pain complet (ou aves des frites comme en Belgique)

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Mussels marinière with cream, garlic and parsley Ingredients

• 3.5 kg mussels

• 4 finely chopped garlic cloves

• 4 finely chopped shallots

• 100 g low-fat butter

• A bouquet garni of parsley, thyme and bay leaves

• 300 ml of dry white wine

• 250 ml low-fat crème fraiche

• Handful of coarsely chopped parsley

• Whole wheat bread


1. Wash the mussels under plenty of cold, running water. Discard any open ones that won't close when lightly squeezed.

2. Pull out the fibrous and barnacles with a large knife. Give the mussels another quick rinse to remove any little pieces of shell.

3. Soften the garlic and shallots in the butter with the bouquet garni, in a large pan.

4. Add the mussels and wine , turn up the heat, then cover and steam them open in their own juices for 3-4 minutes. Give the pan a good shake every now and then.

5. Remove the bouquet garni, add the cream and chopped parsley and remove from the heat.

6. Spoon into four large warmed bowls and serve with whole wheat bread (or chips like in Belgium).

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Estofat de vedella • 1 kg. vedella • 2 cebes • 1 fulla llorer • 150 gr tomàquet mal tallat • 4 alls • 2 branquetes de llorer • 100 ml. de vi sec • 1 cullerada de postres de farina • 10 almonds • 200 ml. d’aigua • 2 pastanagues • 250 gr. de patates • Oli, sal.


1. En una cassola, posem oli, la vedella tallada a trossos petits, el llorer, 2 alls sense pelar. Remenem de tant en tant deixant-ho al foc Durant uns 10 minuts.

2. Després afegim la ceba ila pastanga tallades a trossets petits. Continuem remenant. Quan tot plegat està força cuit hi afegim el vi sec i el tomàquet.

3. Then we’ll leave it approximately 10 minutes more.

4. En un morter fem una picada amb els dos alls que encara tenim, el julivert, les ametlles i la farina. Hi afegim la farina I una mica d’aigua i ho afegim a la cassola.

5. Deixem que es cogui tot junt durant 30 minuts sense que deixi de bullir.

6. Finally we will throw the potatoes cut to small pictures and the rest of water until they remain covered; then, only there will be necessary to hope that they are cooked. Also it is possible to dust with a bit of black pepper (when they start boiling the potatoes)

7. Finalment, hi posem les patates tallades a trossets petits i la resta de l’aigua. Deixem que es coguin. També podem salpebrar el plat una mica.

Consell: Podem afegir una mica de farina quan la vedella estigui cuita. El plat és més saborós si es cuina a foc lent.

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Veal stew • 1kg. Veal • 2 onions • 1 leaf of laurel • 150 gr. of sliced tomato • 4 garlic cloves • 2 branches of parsley • 100 gr. of dry sherry • 1 spoonful of desserts of flour • 10 almonds • 200 ml. of water • 2 carrots • 250 gr. of potatoes • Oil, salt


1. In a casserole with oil, we put the meat in small bits, the laurel and the garlic cloves without peeling; we will remove it occasionally leaving it approximately 10 minutes to the fire.

2. Later we will add the onion and the carrot cut in small bits, we’ll continue it removing and when it is average cooked we will add the sherry and the sliced tomato.

3. Then we’ll leave it approximately 10 minutes more.

4. In the mortar we’ll puncture both garlic cloves that we have still had, the parsley, the almonds and the flour will fill it with water and will throw it inside the casserole.

5. All that we will leave it to cook to slow fire approximately 30 minutes, without it stops boiling.

6. Finally we will throw the potatoes cut to small pictures and the rest of water until they remain covered; then, only there will be necessary to hope that they are cooked. Also it is possible to dust with a bit of black pepper (when they start boiling the potatoes)

Warning: The veal, after having cut her, we can flour it. When we are cooking it we have to try to do it to slow fire.

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Mar i muntanya


1. Poseu l’oli d’oliva en una cassola. Quan estigui calent daureu-hi els escamarlans i reseveu-los.

2. En aquest oli rostiu ben bé el pollastre.

3. Afegiu-hi, primer els alls, vigilant que no es cremin. A continuació, la ceba i quan ja estigui daurada, el tomàquet ratllat. Quan aquest sofregit estigui gairebé cuit, tireu-hi el vi sec.

4. Afegiu ara el brou de manera que els talls de pollastre quedin coberts de suc. Deixeu que faci xup-xup durant 15 minuts. Poseu ara els escarmarlans que havíeu tret.

5. Rectifiqueu de sal.

6. Feu la picada en un morter, intentant que tots els ingredients formin una massa compacta. Afegiu un parell de cullerades de brou a la picada per poder-la remenar bé al morter. Afegiu-la a la cassola i deixeu-ho coure 5 minuts més.


• 1 pollastre tallat a trossets petits.

• 8/12 escamarlans o llagostins grossos

• 1 ceba grossa

• 4 o 5 alls mal tallats

• 1 tomàquet madur gros

• 2 fulles de llorer

• 1/2 gotet de vi sec

• 6 cullerades d’oli d’oliva

• 1/2 gotet de vi sec

• Brou de pollastre

• Picada: sal, 2 alls, julivert, ametlles, avellanes, 2 galetes, safrà.

• Sal

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Sea&mountain Ingredients:

• 1 chicken cut into small pieces.

• 8 / 12 large prawns or lobsters

• 1 large onion

• 4 or 5 chopped garlic

• 1 large ripe tomato

• 2 bay leaves


1. We put olive oil in a saucepan. When it is hot, we fry lightly the lobsters and we reserve them. Then, we roast the chicken.

2. After we add the garlic, the onion and when it is golden brown we add the grated tomato. When the sauce is almost done, we throw the wine dry.

3. Now we add the broth so that the chicken pieces remain covered in juice and we cook for 15 minutes. After, we add again the lobsters we had reserved.

4. Season with salt.

5. We prepare the chopped ingredients in order to get a compact mass, we can also add a few tablespoons of broth and we stir it well. We add it to the pan and cook 5 more minutes.

• 1 / 2 cup of dry wine

• 6 tablespoons of olive oil

• 1 / 2 cup of dry wine

• Chicken broth

• Chopped: salt, 2 garlic, parsley, almonds, hazelnuts, 2 cookies, saffron.

• salt

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• 2 kg. eggplants washed, cut into thin slices (finger size) vertically.

• 2 kg. (medium to large size) zucchini, washed well, cut into slices vertically.

• 250 gr. Crumbled feta cheese


1. Brush eggplants and zucchini with olive oil on both sides.

2. Place them on baking sheets covered with parchment paper.

3. Season with salt and pepper and bake until tender about 45 minutes in a 175 0C oven.

Meanwhile prepare tomato sauce:

1. In a saucepan brown onion in olive oil.

2. Add garlic and tomato paste and stir well about 3-4 minutes. Add tomatoes, sugar, vinegar, salt, pepper and ground paprika.

3. Stir well and let it simmer on low to medium heat for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and add chopped basil.

4. In a large baking dish pour some tomato sauce to slightly cover the bottom of the dish. Make a layer with eggplants.

5. Sprinkle with some feta cheese, some of the yellow, shredded cheese and top with some tomato sauce.

6. Make a second layer, this time using the zucchini slices.

7. Sprinkle with the cheese (feta and gouda) top with some tomato sauce. Continue making layers until all ingredients are used. Finish with tomato sauce and shredded yellow cheese.

8. Bake in a 1800C for about 45-50 minutes.

For the tomato sauce:

• 6-8 tomatoes peeled and shredded

• 1 onion chopped

• ¼ of a cup olive oil

• 2 garlic cloves minced

• 1 Tbsp tomato paste

• 1 tsp sugar

• 2 Tbsp vinegar

• Salt and pepper to taste

• 1 tsp ground paprika

• Chopped fresh basil

Vegetable casserole

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Pork with celery and

lemon-egg sauce Ingredients

• 1 kg. pork meat cut into small bite size pieces.

• 2 kg. celery washed, cleaned, cut into 4-5 cm pieces

• 8 scallions sliced

• 1 cup chopped dill

• 2 onions chopped

• 1 cup olive oil

• 500 ml dry white wine

• Salt and pepper

For the sauce:

• 3 eggs

• Juice of 3 lemons


1. Place celery in boiling water and let it cook until slightly tender. Drain well.

2. In a large saucepan brown in olive oil the meat and chopped onions, stirring from time to time. Add scallions and dill. Continue browning till tender. Add dry white wine, lower heat, cover saucepan with its lid and let it simmer for about 30 minutes.

3. Add celery and continue simmering for another 30 minutes.

4. When the meat is almost done, we prepare sauce.

5. In a blender mix together eggs and lemon juice. Blend well.

6. With the blender still running add slowly about ½ cup of the meat-celery sauce from the saucepan.

7. Add the lemon-egg sauce to the meat and stir well shaking back and forth carefully the saucepan holding it from its handles.

8. Remove from heat immediately and serve.

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Pieczona kaczka

z jabłkami Składniki:

• 1 cała kaczka • Sól i pieprz • 1 łyŜeczka przyprawy do drobiu • ½ łyŜki stołowej masła • 3 łyŜki stołowe cebuli pokrojonej w piórka • 5 posiekanych łodyg selera naciowego • 3 filiŜanki obranych ze skórki, bez nasion i posiekanych jabłek • 1 łyŜka stołowa oliwy z oliwek

Sposób przygotowania:

1. Kaczkę dokładnie oczyścić; natrzeć solą, pieprzem i przyprawą do drobiu. 2. Masło roztopić na niewielkiej patelni na średnim ogniu. 3. SmaŜyć cebulę i seler w maśle aŜ zmiękną. Zmieszać razem, aby powstał sos (jeŜeli to konieczne,

dolej trochę wody). 4. Rozgrzać piekarnik do 175 stopni C. 5. WłoŜyć farsz do kaczki z sosem i zaszyć. 6. Nacierać zewnętrzną część kaczki oliwą z oliwek i miejsce w płytkiej brytfannie. 7. Piec w rozgrzanym piekarniku 60 do 80 minut albo do czasu gdy wewnętrzna temperatura osiągnie

80 stopni C.

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Baked duck with Apple Ingredients:

• 1 whole duck • salt and pepper to taste • 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning • 1/2 tablespoon butter • 3 tablespoons chopped onion • 5 stalks celery, chopped • 3 cups peeled, cored and chopped apple • 3 cups cornbread crumbs • 1 tablespoon olive oil


1. Rinse duck and pat dry; rub with salt, pepper, and poultry seasoning. 2. Melt butter in a small skillet over medium heat. 3. Saute onion and celery in butter until tender. In a medium bowl, combine with apple and cornbread

crumbs. Mix together to make dressing (if necessary, add a little water to moisten). 4. Preheat oven to 175 degrees C. 5. Fill the duck's cavity with dressing, and sew shut with kitchen twine. 6. Rub outside of bird lightly with olive oil, and place in a shallow roasting pan or baking dish. 7. Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 80 minutes.

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• 1,5 kg karpia • sól • pieprz • jajka • bułka tarta • oliwa

Karp smaŜony

Przygotowanie :

1. Karpia sprawić, umyć, odciąć płetwy, ogon i łeb (przydadzą się na zupę rybną lub galaretę). 2. Pokroić na dzwonka, lekko osolić (nie naleŜy trzymać zbyt długo w soli). 3. KaŜdy kawałek maczać w rozbitym jajku, a następnie w bułce tartej. 4. Na patelni rozgrzać 2 - 3 łyŜki oliwy, kłaść rybę na wrzący tłuszcz i zrumienić najpierw z jednej,

potem z drugiej strony na złoty kolor. 5. PrzełoŜyć do Ŝaroodpornego naczynia, wstawić do ciepłego piekarnika, Ŝeby powoli doszedł. 6. Podawać z surówką z kiszonej lub białej kapusty.

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Fried carp Ingredients:

• 1.5 kg of carp

• salt, pepper

• egg

• bread crumbs

• oil

Preparation :

1. Wash the fish, cut off the fins, tail and head (useful for fish soup or jelly). 2. Cut the bell, lightly salt. 3. Dip each piece in mixed eggs, then in bread crumbs. 4. Heat 2 - 3 tablespoons olive oil, fry first with one, then the other side until they are golden brown. 5. Put them into a ovenproof dish and put into a warm oven that has come slowly. 6. Serve with salad or pickled cabbage.

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Bacalhau com grelos e

batatas dourado no forno


• 3 Postas de Bacalhau • 3 Ovos • 2 Batatas • Grelos • Broa de Milho • Azeite • Alho

Preparação: 1. Cozem-se as postas de bacalhau com os ovos e as batatas às rodelas, e à parte os grelos. 2. Escorre-se tudo depois de cozido. 3. Num pirex coloca-se uma camada de grelos cozidos e bem escorridos, as batatas às rodelas, o

bacalhau lascado temperado com um pouco de pimenta e noz-moscada, limpo de peles e espinhas, os ovos cozidos cortados em pedaços e a broa esfarelada.

4. Termina-se com o resto dos grelos e por cima mais um pouco de broa esfarelada. 5. Rega-se generosamente com azeite aromatizado com alho laminado e leva-se a forno-pré-aquecido a

220º até a broa ficar dourada e crocante.

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Golden codfish with turnip

greens and potatoes Ingredients:

• 3 Codfish steaks • 3 eggs • 2 potatoes • turnip greens • corn bread • olive oil • garlic


1. Boil the codfish steaks with the eggs and the sliced potatoes, and in another pan the turnip greens. 2. When everything is boiled, drain the ingredients. 3. In a Pyrex place layers of boiled and well drained turnip greens, then the sliced potatoes, the

chopped steaks of cod, seasoned with a little pepper and grated nutmeg, sliced eggs and crumbled corn bread.

4. Finish with crumbled corn bread. 5. Pour a lot of olive oil seasoned with garlic clove slices Put it in pre heated oven at 220º C until it is

crispy and brown.

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Anho assado Ingredientes:

• um pedaço de anho(perna, costelas…)

• Alho • Colorau • folhas de louro • limão, • salsa fresca • vinho branco • batatas • cebolas • tomates • pimento preta • azeite


1. Antes de cozinhar, temperar o anho com alho, colorau as folhas de louro, limão, sal vinho branco e coloque no frigorífico durante doze horas.

2. Ligar o forno a 220ºC. 3. Colocar o anho no tabuleiro de ir ao forno e rodear a carne com as batatas (pequenas, para assar). 4. A seguir, cobrir a carne com rodelas de cebola e tomate. 5. Adicionar a salsa fresca, um pouco mais de colorau, pimento preta8 um pouquinho), o azeite e o

sal. 6. Colocar no forno até a carne estar bem passada. 7. Enquanto está a assar, adicionar vinho branco ao molho e regar a carne, para que esta não seque. 8. Repetir o processo duas a três vezes. Servir com arroz e/ou uma salada mista

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Roast lamb Ingredients:

• A large piece of lamb (leg, ribs,…) • Garlic • ground sweet pepper • bay leaves • lemon, • salt • white wine • Potatoes • Onions • Tomatoes • Fresh parsley • Black pepper • Olive oil


1. Before cooking, season the lamb with garlic, ground sweet pepper, bay leaves, lemon, salt, white wine and put it in the fridge for 12 hours. Turn on the oven to 220ºC.

2. Put the lamb in the oven tray and surround the meat with potatoes (1/4 or small size). Then cover the meat with slices of onion and tomato. Add fresh parsley, a bit more of ground sweet pepper, black pepper (very little), olive oil and salt. Place it in the hot oven until the meat is well done.

3. While roasting, add white wine to the sauce and cover the meat with it. This way the meat doesn´t dry much. Repeat this process two or three times. Serve this dish with rice or a mixed salad

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Peppered Scottish Salmon Ingredients:

• 400 g new potatoes • 4 fillets of salmon • ½ lemon, juice only • freshly ground black pepper • 2 tsp olive oil • 1 tbsp parsley, chopped • 320 g peas


1. Cook the potatoes in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Then, drain through a sieve and leave in the pan.

2. Season the potatoes with pepper, then add oil and parsley and crush roughly with a wooden spoon.

3. Squeeze lemon juice over the salmon and sprinkle with pepper. Then grill the salmon for about 6 minutes. The fish is cooked when it changes colour and flakes easily with a fork.

4. Serve the salmon on top of the crushed potatoes with peas.

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Scottish Broccoli

and Leek Quiche Ingredients:

For the pastry:

• 250g plain flour

• 125g polyunsaturated margarine

• A pinch of salt (0.25g)

• 100ml cold water

• For the filling: • 1 white of leek, sliced and washed • 200g broccoli floretes • 100g mature Scottish cheddar cheese, grated • 3 free range eggs • 300ml semi-skimmed milk • A pinch cayenne pepper

A pinch nutmeg • A pinch of freshly ground pepper (0.05g) • A pinch of salt (0.25g)


1. To make the pastry, sift the flour and the salt into a basin and rub in the margarine to give a granular texture.

2. Make a bay in the centre and mix in a sufficient amount of water to form the ingredients into a light smooth paste.

3. Cover the paste and place in the fridge for 30 minutes before using. To make the filling, line a buttered 20cm diameter flan ring with the pastry and allow it to rest for 30 minutes.

4. Garnish the bottom of the flan with the leeks, broccoli and cheese. Whisk the eggs well, add the milk, and season with a pinch of salt and pepper, cayenne and nutmeg, mixing it together well.

5. Fill the flan to within 1-2cm from the rim. Bake in a moderate oven at 175°C/gas mark 4 for about 35 minutes so as to cook the pastry and set the filling, giving a light brown colour to the surface.

To check the quiche is ready take a small knife and insert it into the middle of the quiche. The blade of the knife should come out clean. The quiche can be served either hot or cold.

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Clafoutis aux prunes


1. Préchauffer le four à 180C.

2. Verser le lait, la crème et la vanille dans une casserole et faire bouillir pendant une minute.

3. Retirer de la chaleur et laisser refroidir.

4. Verser les œufs et le sucre dans un bol et les battre jusqu'à obtenir une consistance légère. Ajouter la farine un peu à la fois.

5. Verser le lait refroidi et la crème sur le mélange d'œufs et de sucre en fouettant légèrement. Mettre de côté.

6. Placer un peu de beurre dans un plat pour le four et le chauffer jusqu'à ébullition

7. Ajouter les prunes et le sucre brun et cuire au four pendant 5 minutes, puis verser la pâte dans le plat et les amandes effilées, (si vous en utilisez).

8. Cuire au four pendant environ 30 minutes, jusqu'à obtenir une couleur dorée.

9. Saupoudrer avec du sucre glace et servir immédiatement.


• 125ml de lait

• 125ml de crème allégée

• 2-3 gouttes d’essence de vanille

• 4 oeufs

• 170g de sucre semoule, 150 g de sucre brun ( cassonade)

• 1 cuillère à soupe de farine blanche

• 30g de beurre

• 500 g de prunes, coupées en deux, dénoyautées

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• 125ml milk

• 125ml low-fat cream

• 2-3 drops vanilla essence

• 4 eggs

Plum clafoutis


1. Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4.

2. Pour the milk, cream and vanilla into a pan and boil for a minute.

3. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.

4. Tip the eggs and sugar into a bowl and beat together until light and fluffy. Fold the flour into the mixture, a little at a time.

5. Pour the cooled milk and cream onto the egg and sugar mixture, whisking lightly. Set aside.

6. Place a little butter into an ovenproof dish and heat in the oven until foaming.

7. Add the plums and brown sugar and bake for 5 minutes, then pour the batter into the dish and scatter with flaked almonds, if using.

8. Cook in the oven for about 30 minutes, until golden-brown.

9. Dust with icing sugar and serve immediately with cream.

• 170g caster sugar, 150 g brown sugar

• 1 tbsp plain flour

• 30g butter

• 500g plums, cut in half, stones removed

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Mousse au chocolat facile Ingrédients:

• 1 boîte de lait condensé sucré • 20 cl d’eau • 1 paquet de mélange pour crème pudding au chocolat • Une bombe crème fraîche chantilly allégée


1. Dans un grand bol, mélanger le lait condensé avec l’eau

2. Rajouter le mélange de pudding au chocolat et battre vigoureusement

3. Mettre au frais pendant 5 minutes

4. Rajouter de la crème chantilly

5. Verser dans des petits bols et remettre au frigo

6. Décorer les bols (feuille de menthe, biscuit, fruit,……….)

7. Servir bien frais

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Quick chocolate mousse Ingredients:

• 1 can sweetened condensed milk • 1 cup cold water (20 cl) • 1 package instant chocolate flavour pudding mix • Aerosol whipped low-fat cream


1. In a large bowl,mix sweetened condensed milk and water. 2. Add pudding mix; and beat well 3. Chill 5 minutes. 4. Fold in whipped cream. 5. Spoon into serving dishes and put them in the fridge 6. Garnish the bowls (mint leaf, biscuit, fruit,……. .) 7. Serve chilled.

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Crema catalana Ingredients:

• 6 rovells d'ou • 3/4 de l de llet • 75 g de sucre • 1/2 canó de canyella • 1 trosset de pela de llimona • sal


1. Mulleu la cassola (evitareu que s'enganxi la llet en coure-la) i feu-hi bullir la llet amb la pela de lli-

mona, la canyella i un pols de sal. Apagueu el foc i deixeu-ho infusionar. 2. Treballeu els rovells amb el sucre fins que blanquegin i el sucre sigui fos. 3. Afegiu-hi a cullerades la llet infusionada per tal que no quallin els ous. Poseu la barreja en un cassó al

foc. 4. Aneu-la remenant amb una cullera de fista fins que quedi presa. Retireu-la del foc i aboqueu-la en un

bol. 5. Aneu-la remenant de tant en tant per evitar que es formi un tel. 6. Quan la crema sigui freda, poseu una mica de sucre i cremeu-lo amb un ferro roent. N.B: Podeu substituir la canyella per una beina de vainilla. La sal reforça el gust dolç. Per evitar que es for-mi tel, també podeu recobrir la crema amb un paper d'alumini untat amb mantega. Perquè no es desfaci el canó de canyella, el podeu lligar amb un cordill, tal com es fa amb la carn de rostir.

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Catalan cream Ingredients:

• 6 eggs yolks

• 3/4l of milk

• 75g ofsugar

• ½ bar of cinnamon

• A small piece of a lemon peel

• Salt


1. Wet a bit the pot( in order to avoid the milk sticking on it when boiling), boil the milk with the peel of lemon, the cinnamon and a pinch of salt. Remove it from fire.

2. Mix the yolks with the sugar until it gets white and it is melt.

3. Add the milk in spoons to avoid the curdle. Put the mix into a pot and on the fire, stir it with a wooden spoon until it is mixed. Remove it from fire and pour into a bowl.

4. Stir it from time to time to avoid coating.

5. When the cream is cold, put a bit of sugar and burn it with a red-hot iron.

N.B. You can change the cinnamon for a sheath of vanilla. You can also cover the cream with aluminum paper spread with some butter to avoid coating.If you don’t want the bar of the cinnamon to undo, tie some string as if it were roasted meat.

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Braç de Fabiola Ingredients

• 4 rovells d'ou

• 4 cullerades de sucre (soperes)

• Coco ratllat • 200g de margarina

• Galetes maries

• Cafè


1. Es barregen els rovells amb el sucre, després s’hi afegeix la margarina i es remena tot fins que quedi

una massa. 2. Després es posa la pasta en un bol i en una tassa s’hi posa cafè, se suca una galeta i s’unta de marga-

rina. Seguidament suca una altra galeta i es torna a untar i així successivament amb totes les galetes, es van posant una darrera l'altra fent un braç de gitano.

3. Tot seguit es baten les clares dels ous amb una cullerada de sucre i un polsim de sal . 4. Quan ja hem acabat aquest procés es cobreix tot el braç de gitano amb nata muntada i es tira el coco

per damunt.

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Fabiola’s arm Ingredients:

• 4 yolks of egg • 4 spoonfuls of sugar • Stripes of coconut • 200g of margarine • Biscuits • Coffee


1. Mix the yolks with the sugar, add the margarine and blends all. 2. Then we put the dough in a basin and we put coffee in a cup, dunk the biscuits and spread with

margarine. This we repeat with all the biscuits and we make a “braç de gitano” ( a sort of a “biscuits train” ).

3. Afterwards we whip the eggs white with a spoonful of sugar and a fine dust of salt to make easy the increase of whipped cream.

4. When we finished the course we cover all the “braç de gitano” with whipped cream and we throw the stripes of coconut superficially. It’s better leave it in the fridge twenty-four hours.

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Fruit salad

with yogurt sauce Ingredients:

• 2 apples washed well, seeded, cut into small pieces.

• 2 pears peeled, seeded, cut into pieces.

• 2 kiwis peeled, cut into small pieces.

• 2 bananas peeled and sliced

For the sauce:

• 2 cups strained yogurt mixed with ½ cup of honey


1. Place fruits into small serving bowls.

2. Top with yogurt dressing just before serving.

3. Sprinkle with coarsely chopped walnuts and ground cinnamon.

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Walnut pie Ingredients:

• 2 cups of sugar

• 2 cups of coarsely chopped walnuts

• 2 cups of fine dry bread crumbs

• 10 large eggs (separate yolks from egg whites)

• 3 tsps of baking powder

• ½ cup of brandy

For the syrup:

• 2 cups of sugar

• 2 cups of water

• 1 cinnamon stick

• 4 to 5 gloves

• Bring them to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and continue boiling for 5 minutes. Let it cool completely.

Preparation: baked in a 32 round baking pan

1. First prepare the syrup and let it come to room temperature.

2. Beat eggs with sugar well (to double in volume).

3. Add fine dry bread crumbs, baking powder, walnuts and brandy. Mix well.

4. In another bowl beat egg whites using a hand mixer at medium speed until soft peaks form. Add the egg whites slowly to the sugar-egg mixture. Pour butter into a well greased 32 cm baking pan. Bake in a preheated oven in 180 0C for about 45 to 50 minutes. To see if the is done place a clean knife in the center and remove. If it comes out clean your cake is ready.

5. Pour the cold syrup slowly to the hot cake.

6. Cut into pieces. Let it cool down before serving.

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Makowiec Ciasto:

• 1 kg mąki

• 35 dkg cukru

• 8 Ŝółtek

• 10 dkg droŜdŜy świeŜych

• 0,5 litra ciepłego, ale nie gorącego mleka

• 25 dkg margaryny

• sok z 1 cytryny

• szczypta soli

Masa makowa:

• 0,5 kg maku

• 25 dkg cukru

• 4 łyŜki miodu

• 10 dkg droŜdŜy świeŜych

• cukier waniliowy (16g)

• 10 dkg rodzynek

• 10 dkg orzechów włoskich

• 4 białka

Przygotowanie :

1. w sicie, ucierać przez dwa, trzy razy. Roztopić masło w garnku, dodać cukier, mak, miód, rodzynki, orzechy, i smaŜyć przez parę minut na wolnym płomieniu, ciągle mieszając. Kiedy trochę się chłodzi, dodać Ŝółtka jaj ubijając na piane i miksując. Rozdzielić mak na dwie części.

2. Wymieszać droŜdŜe z 35 dag cukru, jednym kilogramem cukru, na 100 ml., lekko ciepłym mlekiem. Zmiksować dobrze i pozwolić temu podchodzić.

3. Utrzeć Ŝółtka z pozostałym cukrem, i dodać do tego droŜdŜe, mleko, sól i mąkę.. Wyrobić ciasto.. Na koniec dodać rozpuszczoną margarynę i sok z cytryny. Wymieszać. Zostawić ciasto Ŝeby urosło.

4. Rozdziel ciasto na 2 części. Rozwałkuj kaŜda cześć, lekko posypując mąką. Potem rozprowadzić

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Poppy Seed Roll


1 kg flour

35 dkg sugar

8 egg yolks

10 dkg yeast

0,5 l milk ( lightly warm)

25 dkg margarine

pinch of salt.

1 lemon juice


0,5 kg poppy seeds

25 dkg sugar

4 spoons of honey

10 dkg butter

vanila sugar (16g)

10 dkg raisins

10 dkg walnuts

4 egg Wites


1. Rinse poppy seeds, scald with hot water and let sit overnight. The next day drain the poppy seeds in a sieve, grind at least two, three times. Melt butter in a pot, add sugar, poppy seeds, honey, raisins, nuts, (candied orange peel, optional) and fry a few minuts on a low flame, still mixing. When slightly cooled, add egg whites whisked into a froth and mix. Divide the poppy seed mixture into 2 parts.

2. Mix yeast with 2 Tb of sugar, 2 Tb of flour, about 100 ml. of lightly warm milk. Mix well and let it rise.

3. Grind the yolks well with the remaining sugar, and to this add the raised yeast, milk, salt and flour. Make a dough. At the end add melted margarin and lemon juice. Mix well again. The dough must not stick to your hands. Cover with a towel and let the dough rise.

4. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Roll out each part of the dough, lightly sprinkled with flour. Evenly spread the poppy seed mixture on the dough, roll up the dough and place in long, app. 18 -inch loaf pans. Close the edges of the rolls so that the poppe seed mixture doesn't come out during rising. Let the rolls rise again in a warm place covered with a towel, then brush with an egg mixed with 1 tsp. milk.

5. Preheat oven to 360 F and then place the rolls in for ~ 40 minutes. Check if ready with toothpick, which should remain dry. When slightly cooled, take out of the pans and glaze.

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• Pokrojone jabłka (lub gruszki) • ½ szklanki cukru • 1 szklanka mąki pszennej razowej • ¾ łyŜki stołowej sody oczyszczonej • ½ łyŜki soli • 1 ½ łyŜki cynamonu • 1 jajko • ½ szklanki musu jabłkowego • 1 łyŜka wanilii


1. Rozgrzać piekarnik do 180 stopni C. Posypać pokrojone jabłka cukrem, odstawić. 2. W małej misce wymieszać mąkę, proszek do pieczenia, sól i cynamon. 3. W innym naczyniu ubić jajka. 4. Następnie wymieszać w mus jabłkowy i wanilię. 5. Zmieszać mąkę z jajami, dodać jabłka. Piec przez 35 minut.


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• cups diced apples (or pears ) • 1/2 cup sugar • 1 cup whole wheat flour • 3/4 tsp. baking soda • 1/2 tsp. salt • 1-1/2 tsp. cinnamon • 1 egg • 1/2 cup applesauce • 1 tsp. vanilla

Apple cake


1. Preheat oven to 180 C. Grease a 9" or 10" round pan with a non-stick cooking spray if needed. 2. Sprinkle diced apples with the sugar, set aside. In a small bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, salt, and

cinnamon. 3. In another bowl, beat the egg. 4. Mix in the apple sauce and vanilla. 5. Stir the flour mixture into the egg mixture, until well mixed. 6. Add apples. 7. Bake for 35 minutes.

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Sericaia Ingredientes:

• 8 ovos

• 300 g de açúcar

• 3 colheres de sopa de farinha

• ¾ de litro de leite

• 1 Pitada de baunilha

• 1 Casca de limão

• Canela


1. Põe-se o leite a ferver com a casca de limão e, enquanto este ferve, bate-se muito bem as gemas o açúcar e a farinha.

2. Quando o leite está a ferver deita-se a massa a fio no leite e acrescenta-se a pitada de baunilha, vai-se mexendo sempre até fazer uma massa grossa.

3. Retira-se do lume e deixa-se arrefecer.

4. por último mistura-se-lhe as claras em castelo e é esta massa final que vai ser distribuída às colheradas num prato de barro levando-o ao forno polvilhado de canela.

5. Ccozer durante 45 minutos no forno a 220 graus – isto é variável de forno para forno.

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Sericaia Ingrdedients:

• 8 eggs

• 300 g of sugar

• 3 tablespoons of flour

• ¾ of litre of milk

• 1 touch of vanilla

• 1 lemon peel

• Cinnamon


1. Boil the milk with the lemon peel and meanwhile beat the yolks together with the sugar and the flour.

2. Once the milk has boiled, slowly mix the previously beaten eggs and add the vanilla. Don´t stop stirring until it makes a thick mixture.

3. Remove from fire, let it cool and slowly mix the whipped egg whites.

4. Pour the mixture in a traditional earthenware dish. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake it for 45 minutes at 220º C.

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• 1 Chávena de arroz

• Sal

• 1 litro de leite gordo

• Cascas finas de limão

• 4 Gemas

• 1 chávena de azúcar

• Canela

Preparação: 1. Cozinhe o arroz em água temperada com sal, até abrir. 2. Escorra e junte o leite a ferver e as cascas de limão. 3. Cozinhe em lume brando, mexendo várias vezes, durante 10 minutos. 4. À parte, bata as gemas com o açúcar. Fora do lume deite esta mistura no arroz sem parar de mexer. 5. Cozinhe em lume brando, mexendo sempre. 6. Deite o doce num prato ou travessa, deixe arrefecer e polvilhe com canela em pó.

Arroz doce

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Rice pudding Ingredients:

1 cup of rice


1 lt of whole milk

3 thin lemon peels

4 egg yolks

1 cup of sugar



1. Cook the rice in water seasoned with salt, for a short time.

2. Drain it and add the hot milk and the lemon peels.

3. Cook it on low heat, always stirring, for 10 minutes.

4. Separately, beat the egg yolks together with the sugar.

5. Turn off the heat and add the mixture to the rice, always stirring.

6. Cook it on low heat again. Don´t forget to stir it. When it is cooked pour it on a serving platter, let it cool and sprinkle with cinnamon.

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Cranachan Ingredients

• 5 tbsp porridge oats

• 150 ml (5 fl oz) whipping cream

• 150 g (5 1/2 oz) fromage frais

• 2 tbsp clear honey

• 2 tbsp whisky.

• 400 g (14 oz) raspberries


1. Preheat the grill to high. Line the rack in the grill pan with foil and spread the oatmeal over the foil. Toast under the grill for about 3 minutes, stirring once or twice, until the oatmeal is golden. Set aside to cool for about 15 minutes.

2. Put the cream and fromage frais in a bowl and whip together until thick. Stir in the honey and whisky, then fold in 4 tbsp of the toasted oatmeal.

3. Reserve a few raspberries for the decoration. Layer the remaining raspberries with the cream mixture in 4 glass serving dishes, starting with raspberries and ending with a layer of the cream mixture.

4. Decorate each dessert with a sprinkling of the remaining 1 tbsp toasted oatmeal and the reserved raspberries. Serve immediately (or keep in the fridge for up to 1 hour before serving).

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Typsy Laird Trifle Ingredients:


The trifle can be made in one large glass dish or into individual glasses 1. Line the bottom of the dish or glasses with the cake slices. 2. Reserve a few raspberries for decoration and layer the remaining evenly

over the cake. Sprinkle with the whisky. 3. Spoon over the custard, again in a thick layer. 4. Finish with a thick layer of whipped cream either spooned over or piped

using a piping bag. 5. Decorate with raspberries and a few toasted, flaked, almonds.

• 300g/10oz pound cake/ sponge cake, halved and cut into thick slices

• 300g/ 10 oz fresh raspberries, frozen are fine but defrost thoroughly

• 6 tbsp whisky or Drambuie

• 2 cups/500ml cups thick, ready made, custard sauce

• 2 cups/500ml heavy/double or whipping cream, softly whipped

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Croque madame Ingrédients:

• 4 belles tranches de pain de mie, celiu que vous préférez: céréals, complet, nature…

• 2 oeufs bien frais. • 2 belles tranches de jambon cuit au torchon. • Du sel et du poivre. • Une noix de beurre allégée. • du gruyère râpé.


1. Prendre une tranche de pain de mie.

2. Couvrir d'une tranche de jambon pliée en deux.

3. Déposer du gruyère râpé, autant que vous le souhaitez.

4. Saler et poivrer. Couvrir de la deuxième tranche de pain.

5. Préparer les deux croques de la même faϧon.

6. Dans une poêle, faire fondre le beurre allégé

7. Casser les œufs et les faire cuire ‘’au plat ‘’

8. Saler et poivrer à votre goût.

9. Déposer ensuite les croques dans la poêle, laissez-les dorer doucement des deux côtés puis déposer sur chacun un œuf au plat bien chaud !

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• 4 large sandwich bread slices (whole wheat bread, white...) • 2 fresh eggs • 2 nice ham slices • A bit of low-fat butter • Grated Swiss cheese (gruyere ) • Salt and pepper

Croque madame


1. Take a slice of sandwich bread

2. Cover it with a folded ham slice

3. Put as much grated Swiss cheese as you want

4. Add salt and pepper. Cover with the second slice of bread

5. Prepare both croques the same way

6. In a pan melt the low-fat butter

7. Break the eggs and fry them.

8. Adjust seasoning as you like with salt and pepper.

9. Put the croques in the pan , let them fry gently on both sides then put a hot fried egg on them!

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Concombre fourré au thon Ingrédients: • 2 concombres • Quelques tomates cerise • Un peu de jus de citron • Une grande boîte de thon • Un peu de mayonnaise allégée • Une pincée de sel et de poivre • Ciboulette ciselée


1) Laver les concombres et les tomates.

2) Eplucher les concombres et les couper dans le sens de la longueur.

3) Evider les demi-concombres avec une cuillère. Ajouter un peu de sel et de poivre.

4) Ecraser le thon et le mélanger avec la mayonnaise, le jus de citron et un peu de ciboulette ciselée

5) Remplir les concombres avec cette farce

6) Décorer avec demi tomates cerise

7) Mettre le tout au frigo pendant 30 minutes.

8) Saupoudrer avec le reste de ciboulette ciselée et servir.

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Cucumber stuffed with tuna Ingredients.

• 2 cucumbers • Some cherry tomatoes • A bit of lemon juice • A big tin of tuna • A little light mayonnaise • A pinch of salt and pepper • Snipped chives


1. Wash the cucumbers and the tomatoes.

2. Peel the cucumbers and cut them in half lengthwise.

3. Empty the half cucumbers with a spoon . Add a little salt and pepper.

4. Mash the tuna and mix it with the mayonnaise,the lemon juice and some chopped chives.

5. Fill the cucumbers with this filling.

6. Decorate with halves of cherry tomatoes.

7. Put the tuna-stuffed cucumbers in fridge for 30 minutes.

8. Sprinkle the rest of the chives on top then serve.

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Coca de recapte Ingredients:

(Per a la massa)

• 500 g farina • 30 g margarina o mantega • 25 or 30 g llevat • 1 got d’oli • 1 got d’aigua • Sal

(Guarniment d’exemple)

• 5 tomàquets

• 2 cebes

• 2 pebrots rojos o verds

• 2 albergínies

• Llonganisses o pernil


1. Fem un volcà de farina. Hi posem el llevat, la sal, la mantega, l’aigua i ho pastem.

2. Continuem pastant fins que la massa no s’enganxi al marbre. Ho deixem durant 3 hores embolicat en un drap perquè fermenti.

3. Passades les 3 hores, hi afegim una mica d’oli perquè la massa quedi tova. Ho deixem embolicat 30 minuts més.

4. Cobrim la pasta amb paper de cuina i l’estirem en una safata de forn. Afegim el guraniment i el coem durant 30 minuts al forn a 180 graus. Es pot servir fred o calent.

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(For the mass)

• 500 g of flour • 30 g of butter or margarine • 25 or 30 g of pressed yeast • A glass of oil • A glass of water • Some salt

Coca de recapte (Garnish as example)

• 5 tomatoes

• 2 onions

• 2 red or green peppers

• 2 eggplants

• Herrings, sausages or ham

1. We prepare a volcano of flour and we put the yeast, the salt, the butter or margarine and the water into it.

2. We work the dough with the hands until the mass doesn’t stick to the marble longer and then we leave the dough for 3 hours to rest in a cloth at normal temperature to ferment.

3. After 3 hours, we add some oil to the dough until it is absorbed and the mass is soft. Then, we leave it again 30 minutes in a cloth.

4. Cover the dough with special paper and roll it on a tray for the oven. Then we add the garnish and we put it in the oven about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. We can serve it hot or cold.

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Pa amb tomàquet i... Ingredients:

• Pa de pagès

• Tomàquets de sucar

• Oli

• Sal

• Embotits, pernil...


1. Rentar un tomàquet amb aigua.seguidament tallar-lo per la meitat i untar-lo sobre una llesca de pa.

2. Després s'hi tira una rajolí d'oli i una mica de sal.

3. Finalment s'acompanya amb embotit, pernil...

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Sliced bread

with tomatoe&...


• Traditional bread

• Tomatoes.

• Oil

• Salt

• Dry ham (or dry sausage…)


1. Spread a clean tomatoe cut in 2 parts on the bread slice. Add a bit of salt and oil (be “generous” with the oil).

2. Put dry ham in every bread slice.

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Easy cheese bites Ingredients:

• 200gr plain yogurt

• 1 cup olive oil

• 1 cup crumbled feta cheese

• 1 cup coarsely shredded gouda or edam cheese

• 2 eggs

• 500 gr self rising flour

• 1 tsp salt

• Pepper to taste


1. Mix well all ingredients. 2. Place the dough in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes or overnight. 3. Cut small amounts of the dough (the size of a big walnut) and roll them between the palms of your

hands. 4. Place them – leaving some space in between- on baking sheet covered with parchment paper. 5. Brush them with the beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake in a 1800C oven for about 25-

30 minutes.

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• 3 cups self rising flour

• 1 tsp baking soda

• ½ tsp ground gloves

• 1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon

• 2/3 cup sunflower oil

• 2 cups sugar

• 2/3 cup orange juice

• ½ cup coarsely chopped walnuts

• ½ cup raisins

• 3 eggs


1. In a large bowl mix together dry ingredients: flour, baking soda, gloves, cinnamon.

2. In a blender beat together oil, sugar, eggs, orange juice and add them to dry ingredients.

3. Add walnuts and raisins to the mixture. Mix well with a spoon.

4. Pour butter in a well greased and floured 28 cm baking pan.

5. Bake in 175 0C oven for about an hour.

6. Decorate with sifted powdered sugar.

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Faworki Składniki:

• 2 szklanki mąki • 4 Ŝółtka • 3/4 szklanki śmietany (gęstej) • 1 łyŜeczka octu • sól do smaku • cukier puder do posypania • tłuszcz do smaŜenia


1. Do mąki dodać sól , Ŝółtka , ocet , śmietanę i zagnieść ciasto . 2. Ciasto zbijać wałkiem przez kilka minut ,następnie bardzo cienko rozwałkować . 3. Powycinać ciasto i zrobić faworki następnie zozgrzać olej w garnku , smaŜyć na

głębokim tłuszczu z obu stron . 4. Oczywiśćie posypać cukrem pudrem , tylko jak troszkę ostygną

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• 2 glasses plain flour

• 4 egg yolks

• ¾ glass sour cream

• 1 spoon vinegar

• icing sugar

• oil for deep frying


1. Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl to form dough. 2. Roll out as thinly as possible. 3. Cut narrow strips and make a slit down the middle of each one. 4. Push one end through the slit and pull gently so that you have a twist in the middle. 5. Do this to all of the strips 6. Heat enough oil in a pan for deep frying. 7. Fry the pastry twists until golden on both sides. 8. Drain on kitchen paper. 9. Pile on plate and dredge with icing sugar.


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• 5 ziemniaków

• 1 jajo

• mąka



1. Wymieszaj ziemniaki z jajkiem I dodaj mąkę dopóki ciasto nie bedzie sie kleic do rąk.

2. Formuj wałeczki , spłaszcz je ręką i skośnie pokrój na kopytka.

3. Zagotuj posoloną wodę i wkładaj partiami kopytka.

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Ingredients :

• 5 potatoes cooked and mashed

• 1 egg • flour


1. Mix the potatoes with the egg and add flour until you have a loose dough that does not stick to your


2. Roll out the dough on a floured board and cut into thin noodle strips.

3. Bring some salted water to boil and drop the noodles into it.

4. They are ready when they float to the surface ( 2 min.)

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Sandwich: • 2 fatias de pão de forma

• fiambre qb

• queijo qb

• salsichas qb

• linguiça qb

• carne assada ou bife qb

Molho: • 1 cerveja

• 1 caldo de carne

• 2 folhas de louro

• 1 colher de sopa de margarina

• 1 dl de leite

• 1 cálice de brandy ou vinho do porto • 1 colher de sopa de farinha maizena

• 2 colheres de sopa de polpa de tomate

• piripiri q.b.



1. Dissolver bem a maizena com o leite e juntar os restantes ingredientes.

2. Com a varinha mágica triturar, levar ao lume até ferver e engrossar um pouco mexendo para não pegar no fundo.

3. Reservar.


1. Fazer uma sandes com os ingredientes e cobrir com queijo.

2. Colocar no centro de um prato e regar com o molho bem quente para derreter o queijo.

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French sandwich

Sandwich: 2 slices of white bread 2 slices of smoked ham 4 slices of cheese 1 grilled sausage 1 fried or roasted slice of beef

Sauce: 1 beer 1 cube of chicken sotck 1 tbsp butter 2 tbsp concentrated tomato paste 1/4 cup brandy or Port 1/4 cup milk 1 tbsp cornstarch chilli flakes to taste salt (if needed)



1. Dissolve corn-starch into the milk and add all the ingredients.

2. Blend the liquid mix on a food processor.

3. Put it into a pan over low heat and add the bay leaves. Stir it until it starts to boil. It's ready -



1. Assemble the sandwich and save 2 slices of cheese.

2. Put the sandwich on a plate and place the 2 slices of cheese on top.

3. Pour the sauce over the sandwich (should be hot, so the cheese melts).

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Bolinhos de bacalhau


• 250 gr de bacalhau demolhado e sem espinhas • 2 batatas grandes (cerca de 3515 gr) • 1 colher de sopa de azeite • 2 ovos ligeiramente batidos • Salsa • 1 pitada de pimenta branca • 1 pitada de pimenta preta moída na hora • Azeite ou óleo vegetal para fritar


1. Retire o bacalhau da água e coloque-o numa panela coberto com água e leve a cozer em lume médio até que fique tenro, 10 a 15 minutos.

2. Escorra e quando estiver suficientemente frio de forma a poder trabalhá-lo, retire-lhe a papel e espinhas.

3. Coloque-o numa picadora e pique-o ligeiramente. Coloque-o numa bacia.

4. Entretanto coza as batatas com a pele durante 20 a 30 minutos.

5. Escorra-as, retire-lhe a pele e reduza-as a puré.

6. Junte as batatas ao bacalhau. Deite a salsa finamente partida e misture. Tempere com as pimentas. A mistura deve ter uma consistência suave. Se estiver dura pode acrescentar um pouco de leite.

7. Faça pequenas bolas ovais e frite em azeite bem quente (190 graus) até ficarem douradas.

8. Escorra-as sobre uma toalha de papel absorvente

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Codfish balls


• 250 g boneless salt cod, soaked

• 2 boiling potatoes, about 315g total • 2 tablespoons of olive oil • 1 small onion, minced

• 2 eggs, lightly beaten

• Parsley cut in smaal pieces

• Pinch of white pepper


1. Drain the cod and place in a saucepan with water to cover. Bring to a simmer over medium heat and cook until tender, 10-15 minutes.

2. Drain and, when cool enough to handle, flake the cod, removing any bits of skin and small bones.

3. Pulse in a food processor until finely shredded, then place in a bowl.

4. Meanwhile, combine the potatoes with water to cover, bring to a boil, and boil until tender, 20-30 minutes.

5. Drain and, when slightly cooled, peel and mash until smooth. Add to the salt cod.

6. Add the parsley to the cod mixture and mix well.

7. Fold in the eggs.

8. Season with white pepper and black pepper. The mixture should be the consistency of firm mashed potatoes. If it is too stiff, beat in a little milk.. Form into balls 2.5 cm in diameter.

9. In a deep, heavy frying pan, pour in oil to a depth of 5 cm and heat to 190 C. Add the balls, a few at a time, and fry until golden, about 4 minutes.

10. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels and drain. Serve at once.

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Partan Bree Ingredients:

• 1 large cooked crab

• 50g rice

• 600ml milk

• 600ml liquor from boiling the crab

• 125ml single cream

• Salt and pepper


1. Remove all the meat from the crab, keeping the claw meat separate.

2. Cook the rice in a pan with the milk and water until tender.

3. Liquidise this with the brown body meat from the crab.

4. Add the white meat and cream and reheat. Add salt and pepper to taste.

5. If the partan bree is too thick, you can add some more milk if required.

6. Serve garnished with fresh, green, finely chopped chives.

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Scotch Eggs Ingredients:

• 800grams sausage meat

• 5 hard boiled eggs, with shells removed

• 1 large raw egg

• 3oz approx of dry breadcrumbs

• Pinch of mace, salt, freshly ground pepper

• Small quantity of flour

• 1 tablespoon water


1. Dust the hard boiled eggs in a little flour.

2. Mix the mace, salt and pepper with the sausage meat and divide into five equal portions.

3. Place on a floured surface.

4. Wrap/mould the sausage meat round the egg, making sure there are no gaps.

5. Beat the egg and water together and coat the meat-covered egg with this and then breadcrumbs (you may have to press the crumbs onto the meat).

6. Deep fry in hot oil (360F/185C) taking care as you put the eggs into the oil.

7. Cook for about 5/6 minutes.

8. Drain and serve hot or allow to cool.

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• Creme of leek soup

• Tomatoes with shrimps

7 9


• Catalan stew

• Seafood paella

11 13


• Dakos

• Black eyed benas salad

14 15


• Borsch

• Tomato soup

17 19


• Baked aubergines

• Green broth

21 23


• Cullen stink

• Scots cok-a-leekie soup

24 25

Main dishes:

Belgium • Chicken Waterzooï à la Gantoise • Mussels marinière

29 31

Catalonia • Veal stew • Sea&mountain

33 35

Greece • Vegetables casserole • Pork with celery



Poland • Baked duck with apple • Fried carp




Page 94: recipebook


Portugal • Golden codfish • Roast lamb

43 45

Scotland • Peppered Scottish Salmon • Scottish Broccoli and Leek Quiche

46 47


Belgium • Plum clafoutis • Quick chocolate mousse

51 53

Catalonia • Catalan cream • Fabiola’s arm

55 57

Greece • Fruit salad with yogurt sauce • Walnut pie

58 59

Poland • Poppy seed roll • Apple cake

61 63

Portugal • Sericaia • Rice pudding

65 67

Scotland • Cranachan • Typsy Laird Trifle

68 69


Belgium • Croque madame • Cucumber sutffed with tuna

73 75

Catalonia • Coca de recapte • Sliced bread with tomatoe&...

77 79

Greece • Easy cheese bites • Fanouropita

80 81

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Poland • Faworki • Kopytka

83 85

Portugal • French sandwich • Codfish balls

87 89

Scotland • Partan bree • Scotch eggs

88 89


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