The background of the opening sequence to swan was very neutral. This could connote some purity that may occur within the film, whereas it could connote innocence. The hands which are used look small and thin which connote the dominant ideology of a woman’s pair of hands. The hands are using a black crayon or chalk to draw an image or picture of some sort. On a connotative level the colour signifies death, mystery and evil. This helps to support the genre as the genre is stereotypically supposed to have some sudden twist or edge to the film. The fact that we are unable to see what the person is drawing it creates the enigma code and creates the dominant reading as the producer possibly encoded this to create the enigma code so the audience would continue to watch the film to find out what the outcome was. The fonts of the subtitles are simplistic but have lines going through them. This could connote that there may be some cracks throughout the film which connotes to the genre of thriller. The positioning of the camera is stationary and the action that is caused throughout the opening sequence is positioned in the same way to connote that things can be viewed in a polysemic way. The drawing that was happening throughout the opening sequence started to get aggressive as the non diegetic sound increased creating a sense that tension is going to occur during the film. The shutter island opening sequence lighting is very dark and desaturated. This could have been encoded for me to decode that there is some sort of an enigma code which is being taking place. The font is very simplistic and in block capitals which makes it easy for the audience to notify what it says. Some of the credits have a shaky effect which helps to connote that there is some mystery and there is some edge to the film. The camera is presented

Reception Theory

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The background of the opening sequence to swan was very neutral. This could connote some purity that may occur within the film, whereas it could connote innocence. The hands which are used look small and thin which connote the dominant ideology of a woman’s pair of hands. The hands are using a black crayon or chalk to draw an image or picture of some sort. On a connotative level the colour signifies death, mystery and evil. This helps to support the genre as the genre is stereotypically supposed to have some sudden twist or edge to the film. The fact that we are unable to see what the person is drawing it creates the enigma code and creates the dominant reading as the producer possibly encoded this to create the enigma code so the audience would continue to watch the film to find out what the outcome was. The fonts of the subtitles are simplistic but have lines going through them. This could connote that there may be some cracks throughout the film which connotes to the genre of thriller. The positioning of the camera is stationary and the action that is caused throughout the opening sequence is positioned in the same way to connote that things can be viewed in a polysemic way. The drawing that was happening throughout the opening sequence started to get aggressive as the non diegetic sound increased creating a sense that tension is going to occur during the film.

The shutter island opening sequence lighting is very dark and desaturated. This could have been encoded for me to decode that there is some sort of an enigma code which is being taking place. The font is very simplistic and in block capitals which makes it easy for the audience to notify what it says. Some of the credits have a shaky effect which helps to connote that there is some mystery and there is some edge to the film. The camera is presented in a point of view

as the camera is zollying towards things. The title of the film at the end is in red font. On a connotative level it is clear to stereotype red with love and passion; however the negotiated reading to this is blood death and anger which could be signified due to the genre. Also due to all the colours being dark the credits stand out with the white signifying some controversy of the two colours as white connotes purity and innocence and black connotes death and evil.

in Bruges opening sequence is very dull and has no life to it what so ever. This could connote what might of happened in the past could be having some impact on their day to day lives now. The font is in a simplistic Ariel and is in white for all audiences to view against a black background. Due to the colours being so dark

Page 2: Reception Theory

this could connote that death is about to occur or has already occurred. This helps to create the enigma code towards the audience. The use of the positioning of the camera makes it seem like everything is dominant as a low angle shot is used quite alot throughout the opening sequence. This could connote that the main characters that were present within the opening sequence have some dominance throughout. This encode could help to connote the stereotypes of men as they seem to be the ones in power and very dominant in general.