NERVOUS invariably leads tnncverecnmirilratln.-i*. lt In frequently fol I'.r. id l>y chronic l(trilk'oa.lipn, Ka« trill«, rheumatism, ami pernlclour ¡metala; 'Ihn Mood 1.1 lfli|Mivi'rlMii (l u( Hi«' life HilitalnliiK ,qvt»liil«!i, and tho weary victim ia amii ind with on« chronic III after nnother. uotll, a wreck of bl.i former «alf. lie drags oui a sorry esUNBb wwretcbod Invalid. ,r Uli Wry That Oures is so purl fr tho blood, which will then supply the necessary food for the nerve*, iclvlng them 'one and visor to maintain their function*. Piartlnc thecircle anaw. all the processes of the body are r,roach t ut» to normal, and tba pallont la reade to feel «ell. Mrs "co Parson's Remedy Puri fits the Blood, Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy if. , Steadier the Nervet, Mr«, «foo Parson's Remedy Rcitcree the Digeetion. Hundreds or your nelffhlinra toni fy to theio farts. Tesl lt yourself-thal'* »he surest way. 'Your druggist ought to have lt. ir ha cannot Supply you. Eond his nam« and a dollar to tba manufacturera. RtMKDY SAUS CORPORATION, Charlotte, m »... North Carolina. Wn.JotPflfton^Waih n.'Ctlcn with tba Ketuedy for the cur« of sore.1 and the relief of inflatnod and con¬ gested surfaces. It la ospoclally valuable to vfomen. and should always be used for 'meemi'""'. ^^Äe*ir3 wi'* be doing yourself 'ZBÉ&SSfi turn ^v .in^t^lirig a. JmBKÊtS HANGE. We sell ^ÄSP^^^i^- 4^ strongest. Hp;.'' 'fe$^^t$rWÍ;«Í/I» ?».:«*. Ppj'--' j Easy terms-$2 down and rr;- WJTT1* -.....<?- ^aaderson Gas Co.' ^Lander College i ¡M'- Greenwood, S.'c. ?fr^ïiéÎ \5landard College for Young Women. Music, Art, Domenic Science, MiUlnery. Stenography eparatory Depart nient cns Somber io,'ti S£NÜ.fOR CATALOGUE iÄ.:i^^hy we want , ^^¡¿^mall Accounts ;¡^^^¡r\)oQtftiiK you realiza that a hundred *Ö*S, W¿Wüt&n \: aecountn mnkey'ä bank Ht!¿£»\ r "tt«hu??*'^*^Lllian a duzr-ii '."'Tß0 on0B .^SsÄ^a»^0"" Tey'nssre8at* tho samo v^»í*£> jür total of depoülts? '^iipt^l^fy-/' iíh»V¿ woy wo aro conatant- -iíSf J ly '.coking new -.urntomorR, Wo v^^^a wpjit aa wide atd rete of friends : ja^^^r^y rsbd customers aspoBSlblo. Of course, lar;.e accounts are ^ '^<<*<&omo, too, for lt ls eur pur« '. " vi ; pose to serve AI X> people. rn-' '. 'Bu- w0 waDt men and women [ HH^WI^ llmltod^ me inapto know that, j i^^^g^; this bank is willing to accept * WKaw^»^--^0^r posit a and give thom the i sntase ».f our ndvlcö and OT« t'|}'Ç?C J i' 'i It'yw arc not a balik dopost« mtéfk X^^^-i^ ^ all come In and get ac- « ; ':-f& ; Quatntcd with ua. Wo will be .^^ngr r.iad to ^ Ulinga ^o«er with Cdnäiäates A Read® For Columbia, juno 13.-South Caroli¬ na'» biennial "/tlreus opens on Wed- noaduy and will give continual. por- ioniiancoH until August 20th. Kvorv (cuuty In -thc-Stuto< will bc visited, and 01» each day there will bc a perform¬ ance at ono of th«» 41 «'ounty >«-«.». the route having brm mapped out by. tho Stute lWiii«V'ratle Executive '-'mi¬ mi! be. There viii bo two "»Ins«'" '>.' the j "clrcuK" ti.;* y«-ar. one made np Of. candidates cr I'nltcd States scViior nod the other <»t thc candidate r>r ciw-1 urnor and «»liier Slate oflh-cs. 'I j latter sn rriwdöd Hint ther*» will, to little tin.«' r-l>oii for tho înd.» '«-ia! ncUrs to perform. About all they will, have tTfne to do will bo to ntako their bow und retire. The race for I'nltcd States Bonntor 1B attracting thc major Bharn ot inter¬ est. United States Senator E. D. Smith who defeated some half dozen candi¬ dates six years ago is asking for re¬ election. Against him Governor f'olc lé. nier.ae/JuBt completing second tçr.u bi the o h«;o of chief executive. hn^ pitted hin strength, and is nskin-'. the votes to retire Senator Smith and place tlte toga on his stumblers. It was thought Tor a long time that thcBe doughty warriors woe ld have the arena to themselves and Vi cady talk had begun of "Smith people" md "Blease people" but Mr. W. P. Pollock of Cheraw rudely chattered ult oaleu- latlona when he shied bis hat înîô'the ring and announced that he ls running for United States senator. Liko the other two entrants. Mr. Pollock ls a tighter and n fierce debalor. pressing a rod hot triangular contes', tor tim s. nat« tbia'svnn.'ier. ± it is Mie general expectation »hat Governor Bleaac will launch a terrille attack ia« Ecîiàto- Smith, this b..*»:ig! gathered largely' from the wiipn.i-i. Aag'»d by I ht poví-rnor agaln's* Judge Im B. J«inc» rvo y »ara ngo. Wh'-.'Scr Senator Smlti! will be ar v to répcl' Hie attrti'lc^hrJ assault tho public rec¬ ur . of the Covrrnor Is a ?.'Ion nW«v iigltutlng South Carolina. Mr. l'o'íick will uudnubt r'ly romp on both of his olrponOiita «trîd thegeneral-'dcfj. of tm; contest la summoned up in an expres¬ sion heard every day "the fur wir ny." . Thc State campaign ring IR crowded with actors. There will be at least a dozen candidates-for governor, tb rec for Lieutenant Governor, two for comptroller general,»six for railroad commissioner, two for attorney gener¬ al, three for adjutant general. Und cer¬ tainly one each for stàtè treasurer, uupor In tondent »of education, commis.-., -oloncrot-AfiTtoultarc.iUid.sptTetary-JÍf State. Thoro may bo more but n con¬ servativo cs tl ovate placea* the entries tn the atato campaign ring at least 27 and petsalbly SO. Aa average of tcn% minutes oach would tako up throe hours for tho candidates to speak -and. few audiences will keep their p.-Hence longer than that. Thc "governors" will bc given more limo than tho others and some nf tho othor Ofrico deckers will' júsVget time enough to an non ure their name:*, give tho offlco thby are Se^Mn'g, and -thank: tho voters, lo advance, for their tmp- port, and then alt down. "While thcro hns been a gohcr.t! Idea lt.-at the 'race.-fer; governor woulÁ bo an "Alpbon80-Ga3ton" affair. r-»cont straws show thnt »this "ring" Ilks'all others that hav. performed in South -Carolina will warm.up. Several of the' would he "governors", aro v . already champing at the blt and any little abrasion will star* the conflagration. ["Lay on -MoeDuff," will-likely' be tho mofo of this campaign aa In thc sen¬ atorial ring for that'ls what the aver¬ age Sooth Carolinian demand- Tuc Vuici. easy g-jin'r fri low 'attract i »."t-. tie attention. The audience want'.be "h>t atuff," and tho-Wler lt ls the bet- l-i they Uko it "Claims" of victories,aro alroady be. ¡ng made. Governor B leaso thinks ho will defeat Sonator Smith by 18,000 votes and say so. Mr. Pollock's on- tranco ho figures does not interfere with hir. following but Pollock'.^ votes, wtil.M otare 'off""Smith:' ÔerialOr "arblth lias btuted that he will bc rooi«"-:-»d by 13.Ooo «» ujorlty. Illa friends say Vol- mm fis j .v«*^|«->»,>^ia-JL-. tier* ;. fcrv Lens Meat If Toa Feel Baeknehy »tr No man or woman who óáta meat, regularly can mako a mls'tnke by flush¬ ing the kidneys occasionally, says ni weiNkrtôVrt «uthorityr Meat forma «Irlo- acid which excites tho 'kidneys, thiy become over-worked from tho strain, get sluggish and fall to filter tho waste |5vl 1 po'ronous from tho blood, th i. we .sick. Nearly all rheumatism, hoad- ,chc8, liver trouble, norvouenosa. dltt- iln'esr, sléeplsssnoss add urinary «dla-, orders -como from sluggish "-kidneys. Tho moment you foci a dull ache .In. the kldnoyr or your bank Hurts -or If the urine ls cloudy, OKefts'.vb,. full of aedimont, irregular crt ^pas«aáo :ornt- eating mell art rgec aootirt^Trair ounces ot iàd 8olta from a*pyfpharrna^y; take SJW'd'-S^^ of watei W tm i .'datcfSat-ted tb a tow -days iybor and lomon Jule«, combined with llthia. and baa; been--n^fed for'tfsnorattonft '-to «utflj arid f-vjnuiata'the kidney», clio to ifeûtrallàelthfe acide In urine so if no longer cSbatfe Irritation, thus ending bladder weaklier. lad Salts is inexpensive and carinbt ini^O; makes a delightful efforvencent ll^^-w-oter drink .^whlch v^s^^gjj re Storting Gun Mr loîl'xk thinks tlic people, vaut lilO'C ll .Iii TU I to cl moue from and li Aider fi«*lil and offers h lame'i. Hi» friend H ray his chances arc Rood and tliut li«! feill draw support fron ti ¡lil of thc otncr factions. Thc "flníia*" In tho govern jr'b race lina not «;O"P beyond thc a->. :on.l pri¬ mary, all .Uatrmi'iHs beitrr based "n who will i ia!;c thc vcond rac«* Ma JIM* ..'uni 'i. Ifi;; ard'» frio-ids think lu- IJ sure of being In thc second race CH- peclally Binen lila declaration for Weane. Professor John C. Clinkscalcs followers assert he ia Raining ground so fast that ho will lead the first pri¬ mary and win In the second. Like claims are made by friends of Deuten, ant Governor C. A. Smith, Solicitor lt. A. Cooper. Representative W. C. Irby, jr., Mr. L. .1. Browning, Speaker M. L. Smith, Mr. S. Simms, Mr. H. I. Man. ninga, and othcra. Senator John L. McLaurin announc¬ ed some weeks ago that he wuuld bo c'cctcd governor, but hi» recent letters In thc presB havo given rise to an opinion that he is getting ready for 1:1a "»wan song" and another exit. In the r»ce for lieutenant governor Uro f'Tincr Senator n. Frank Kelley of IMshcpvíllo, u Hleaslto, Representative J. A Hunter of Hamberg, »no Mr. A. J. I etVow of Columbia holli antMUoaslt- e:: Fach ono Is confident of winning. For railroad commissioner C. Ö. I'oitr.er of Spartauburg. O. \V. Fairey, or Kort Monte, F. H. Shenly, of Lox- tnpton, J. H. Whnrton. of laurens, and W. I. Wlthorspoo.i of VorkvUle arr of¬ fering for thc pla«, i of B. 1. Cuugh lunn, who ls not running for ie-elccton and who hus hold «he place for t-Asl ve >enrh. Comptroller General A W. Jones Ia opposed for re-election by .Mr. J. A. Stmimersctt of Columbia. Aitcrncy General Thos. H. I've'plos ii running against Mr. A. C. nrice of Chests. Commissioner of A-jnCmtùre E. J. 'Vutson. Scmtnry of Stat» C. M.-Mc- Cowa, Siipïrhrtoii.lriit br Erin 'tíihíh J. Hi. Swcarm,:en, nnd State 1 iv usurer S. T. Carter are as yet unopposed fat another term. "Adjutant General Mooro for .rci'lêc- tlon bas two opponents, M. C.yWllllB of Yorkvlllu mid .1. H. Clalicyor Oransc- burg. Congressman lt. SJ^Ofc'hnley In tim f-st district .and.-A. K. Lover In the savdhfh dlairklTaro ouonpuSed tor re¬ election. CoyarcsKiiinn J. F. Byrnes :n the second & opposed by R: M Mi\eon of Bajffmvei«, v,-Mlo £on:;-vsBiii&»i Walt Aikqa in th»! thfrrt hat. nenirist 'him FníaTí. Dominick, the enslotnnt nttir- ^ney gérerai. Oapt. F. S. I ivan .-i bf Greenwood. Congressman 'Jos. T. Johnson In tho fourth "âistrlèi IB pft- ted^nfialns» SK'U' J. NIchôiÎH bf Sphrtnh- .burg nnd T.'C. Duncan former mayor of Unión. Mr. W. '¥. Stevenson it i. horaw i? running ugainst Dmgrtvs mun pi ts. Ft .loy, In the firth district, while Mr. A L. Hamer ls oppoahiz Congressman J. Willard langsdale. In addition to tlu-dc ofliecs. buif .if tho State senate, and th3 entire :.iem- bership of tn** house if represom stives are be elected. Tho county officers tiro -to ba .:lu.<on und ¿lier« will be campaign iratOta eiimigh to sallr-fy the most lnsatlati!<> demands of thc penpie. - * Tho senatorial canvass opens at St. Matthews on \Vplaonday and Hie gub¬ ernatorial can vi s¡> at Sumter on thc same day. The senatorial candidates te peak ut Orangeburg on Thursday, at St. George Friday, and at Char leaton Saturday. Tho other party goes to Münsing. Thursday. Monocles Cor¬ ner-Friday, and Georgetown Saturday. Al! pledges muBt'bo flied with State Chairman John Gary "Evans, hy hoon Tuesday when-entries will cióse. Tho <f)rst primary takes plací'on Au¬ gust 25 and' the second September 8, two weeks later. Take Plenty ot .im« to Est There ts a saying thal ' mp'.d eating ls slow suicide." It you Lave formed tho bablt of eating too rabidly you aro moat likely suffering irrtto indigestion or constipation whfc i will result even¬ tually in serious i. noss unless cor¬ rected. Digestl'.h begins 1 fn the mouth. Food F. .old be thoroughly masticated and naali vated. Then when you have a .¿rithefts or tho sto¬ mach or feel du., ind stupid after eat¬ ing, take one ai CmVUbeiiàîii'B Tab¬ lets. Many B'->V?O canes of stomach trouble and oust i pat lon -havo been cured by the ti ej of tbcuo table tr.. They aro easy to tr <: and most agfaoablo in effect. Sold Ly EvanB Pharmacy. -1--MV V '.<'<. Flrotc .ted From Women. i- '. 1 '. ¡. London, Juno ll.-Fears ot suffra¬ gettes activities-havo eau Bed the with- r.cldlng from publication in London-or Coltfml Theodore Roosevelt's engage-. men ts during his approaching visit to England, li ls-known, 'however,? that excopt for his lecture before the Royal Geographical Society, Colonel Soose- Velt at his own retitteKt will 'taite info part in bbb I lc fun ell ons. An exten¬ ve list of private entertninmchtB bas been arranged, however, so that tim oofonel may 'have the opportunity of rtiming prôrtitne.nt persons whom he desires to seo. W ¿ '-. f A- ».*-?>. i Hhako:Off Tour Rhcmhattsm. 1 the ttSÄe tb *e* r^l *r votir rboumstlrtn. Try a twenty-Ave cent boUlo of /Chamberlains1 Lînirtent and see how qulckly your rheumatic pain« disappear. Sold by Evana Pharmacy. WANT WILDON'S AID 3T«jmbeM of Congres» Ask President to take Wnmp. r Washington, ^Jhne U.~Tba potfat- blllty of President Wilsori ÖiWng'thb stump for democratic çahâ&tea in tho fall congressional Glcctfe-hs was dlscu»ied with him today by "RApreaon- tatlvc Connolly, of iowa, democratic ? Use in Drinking Waterl il Guard your li nt ch a gail.st Fatal White M Diarrhoea Put iii thc drinking water] 'M -Conkey'sf S White Diarrhoea Remedy' 'SS a I*»'Chicks take, it readily and doctor, H themselves. Prcvrnlivc measure and JH| . treatment Used in time it will , Prevent Heavy Losses Better have a package on hand °'p ^B^J*'* Cbfclt Iniuftncc^Pficc« 25c and 50c. :Su?.^«L Money-Back" jc^.l^^if.Not <fr?$ Noï-r^râs^HgglSatïgfied Ä> fopreTcntWhlfr>^t»alr?l V .«al. ai.sa ^^?^^toaaTa*Sri--j\; CvBktj'iPfloltryßonkFrcc^^Hffl^ HOLD BY VANS' PITABA ACT. A lui erse n, S. V. ?? UWJI- Ililli KHIW sj V r fk :, » EVANS' . Fruit Powders. By thc uso of litis powder ¡,'eachos, Pears, I'liims, Herries, o?4royl/ln'u\ »»oft Ninteen -a'tt'd N.ucn vctrctaf-len ns Tomatoes, Bcitiis, cte, can he prc-servod wi rh. out fifo ose of air tijrht rans. Sufficient (innntlfT to preserve 40 His. fruit for S.»c. At all our 'MlinrcH. . > Evans* 'Pharmacy Tíl fn-K STOB KS Mitchell Prtlmar. dcmb<:ratl<- nominee for scni.lo :;» Pennsylvania, also-nad i made efforts to' have thc orcsldont j apeak in Iiis slate. Chlimherliirn's Co! Tr, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bcmrdy. ThrOry laniily Wlthou*. exception should keep tili; prepti utibn at hand during thc hot weather the î.hbimèr months. Chamberlain's Colic, t'hol- era anti Diarrhoea Remedy ls worth moro'many'times its cort when need¬ ed and is almost certain to bc needed beroi c 'the 'summer ls over: ft has no suporior-for "tho purpose for which it is intended. Buy it now. For sale byr.|l7a^'_P%lmrmacy., , Adv. PRESIM^TWGGS CÖrjhSpÜ TÚfcSDAY Will;Aid rAnderson Former» In Taking Care of Stale Meet and r_ Invite Eptjy to Clemson \v. M. Higgtf'-presldorit Öf Clemson College, will como to Anderson Tues¬ day to "bc1-'present at tho mooting of the Ander#óh; t^unty ^Fe^mSrB'lTiölbii. At this meeting1 tho Anderson fermera will cc isidfet ways, öiekus tind dis¬ cuss plana for taking care of the State Farmers Union when it holds ita meet¬ ing here in July; Dr. Figgs is coming tb Anderson for thc purpose of submitting a proposi¬ tion to the Anderson Farmers Union. "With the consent bf that: body bc will tender ab Invitation to all tho del¬ egates to tho ätatb Convention to come to ClomBonffÓTróno day of the con* tion. The coltego"wlll arrange to show the farmers the splendid plant that lt has there and will explain the work¬ ing details of all' tho agricultural dc- partmentc. Tho visitors will be thc guests of tho college for dinner. While no statement can bo mad _. about the matter, until-Mr. Riggs puts lils propof.ít i on before tiie Anderson farmers, b. in foregone conclusion that they will approve of thc plan. The Tuesday meeting of tho Ander¬ son union will bc held In the city hall, owing to tl. fact that court will bo In session at thc court house. A BOLD ATTEMPT TOÇNTERHOUSfe ? í trance to Home pf B. I. King On MtDdffie Street ....... ; v. ?.. ., ; : ** Mô&' âatu-rdàV'a Dally.) Not many minutes after ll o'clock Wednesday jiStght 's negro- tóan triëo to gain entranco Into the borné of B. I. King nt 1332 South MeDufflo ntreet abd withi.t less than 30minutes after his first attempt ho again tried to .gain erttranco'rntb'the place. Mr.* King ttr 'telling of tho matter yesterday, said that ho and hla family htfd boen kitting on the ^rdragdo>ö« about 10:30 wflnt into tho house. They were all preparing to rotlre when one of hie daughters was alarmed by. a aound at the window and going there she found that a- negro had thrust htr- hand through Ute window and was trying to-get the blind UhfasteneaV e* ran :rnto, her tattler's room and ft» ÄeHaHüfrp o«t*by the^mbÄrv r.g could get to tho CMV tho negro making an invert tgat ion tho tamil y heard a noise near tho front of the Pldce «rfd «r&teö^ agata appeared and was once more Thb ttme"1l>^¿ti^^urs%W)b vat uw*. a,w SUVUVIMU. YSWSM ivlï," dt was detorminett to keep tho mat¬ ter quiet on Thrtri^ty ¿a that frfSSthlj» some traco might bo found and thia resulten rn a'¿tuc being picked up that will likely lead to the negro being arrested today. - >. ' Thia la ono bf tho boldest attsmi at burglary that tho city bas known and ahottlfl there be sn {the. dotendant will ho .severely pùn- ' tabed, if it is provan.that he was Ute guilty parto*. Misses r^one anà'Sara-'Prince are au dlbg 18 o State convention bf the mór», > i ^ÁÜÍ.Q uow borng held tn LITTLE GIRL WAS BADLY BURNED » .-*- Ü f Alice Smoak Suffered Painful Injuries From Propping Bot¬ tle of Carbolic Acid (From Fridays Daily.) Alice Ward »moa«, thc little l»v0- ycur-old daughter of W. W. Smo^.k, business manager of Thc Intelligenc¬ er, was seriously burned yesterday ?when sho dropped a bottle of carbolic acid. The fltiid struck'tho'Htcle girl on the right' leg and the acid bumed deeply 'into the flesh. Medical assist¬ ance was summoned -aß Hoon as possi¬ ble simple homo remedien being em¬ ployed until its arrival, and last night lt was said that the little lady wah doing nicely. It seems that Mrs. Smoak was at¬ tending to injuries on one of her sons and sent thc little girl for the "bottle. She must have tripped her foot as she was returning with the bottle and all or tho ric ki struck 'hex tog. The accident took place at Mrs. Plckcns' boarding house on West Whit- ncr street, whore Mr. atd Mrs. Smoak arc now making their home. REV. ij. L. HAM-EY, Thought He Waa To . Be Per¬ mitted To Assist In Checking Petitions (From Saturday's Daily.) Rev. J. L. Harley or Spartanburg, State superintendent of tho anti-saloon league, arrlvod in the city yesterday, in pursuance of what was considered an engagement with -Supervisor 'King to check over the dispensary petitions in thc safe of the supervisor. Mr. King had stated to Mr. Harley upon a former visit'that-the petitions Were in the safe and could not be handlet except by persons appointed by 'Mr. King who, as custodian, In responsible to tue people of the county for them, one appointed'by bim, whs to be elven Mr. Harley stated 'yesterday that it was bis-understanding that he or some representation upon the committee checking the lists, for he had been re¬ ceived most courteously by Supervisor King, who had talked over thc matter rattier hurriedly with Mr. Harley "and one of the loc- ministers. ¡SÉri Har¬ ley stated that he bad told Mr. King that he had engagements up to thc 12th of June and he had suggested that thia would be a day suitable to start on tho work and it WBB his*understand¬ ing when he went away, some weeks ago that when he returned;on the 12th, the petitions were to be checked over by Supervisor King, or sorne one ap¬ pointed by him, by Mr. Harley or soma one named by him, abd byathlrd per¬ son, representing the dispensary ad¬ vocates, who was to be appointed by Mr. King. Mr. Hark-, nutted yesterday that ho was suprlscd to find a different ar¬ rangement when be anlved here, al¬ though he recalls that the supervisor had made tho arrangement conditional upon the advice bf his attorney Mr. Harley stated that he has no com- ¡ plaint as to the personnel of the men on tho checking over work,, abd ho would not for a moment interfere with them, but he was anxious to have thc lists inspected as per tho former con¬ versation. Supervisor King stated yesterday that In counting the names no the pe¬ titions, he found that there were about 1,826. The committee started' to work- yesterday, Mr. Fant arriving fromiBel- ton at 2 ;o'clock, and it will require somo dayB of constant work-to oom- oiete the t;y»R.. Every name on a pe- ti tl on ls f.iktn up and a search is nade in the registration books to see ii he is a registered, voter. 'When'bis' iiame ls fo md among. the registered voters.'the number of pis registration [certificate is "written on the petition op¬ posite the signors name. This "Ta à difficult task an there are about 3tf registration booka. ANDERSON TEAM - ii League Aggregation |«À Game Away Forom Home Yes¬ terday--¿co rc'3 to 2 (From Saturday's Dally.) Tho aggregatloh to represent An¬ derson 1 » tho Piedmont league when that association opens, Journeyed yes¬ terday fo"*»elfcer -m.ñú won Wita' the team at flint placo by a score *of 3 to 2. It waa a,splendid game «nil theft* woTb'mahy featuyeB. The following ls tho line-up of both teams: Anderson. Wetktna, 3 base, Toll Ison, center field, C hilders, second baae. Vanidore, short atop; ÔraydÂnVleïtlBèld; Watson, right field, «Uli, third baso, Hilliard, pitch¬ er and Engtlshr catcher. second baso Hopper, left field,. Vaughh aftheVvBKfttt;; short trtop^ fffl\ baie lMrä b^se ana Jons ms, center «ela., The game , waa a apl^kt one throughout, the Anderson team'show- Bull, tho how first' baseman for -tho life bat and GfayvîJv» «la tinejwotn ld the flaíd: ? ' ~¥h* Anderson .team will play the Winbar "cf "tba Toia.wáif-Ofdclc game this afternoon. The J*o pút\. team* wk 9h&M'aeven^nfllng game «-Beu¬ na Vista park nnd wiien'that game ls cortrt.'!de«5w AJÄÄtt^l^:w1ff«J»6: a ikvcu-fnnlng ifanth w^» the ' whi¬ ners, tha atteh^ance-shohM hf large ana aomVgood ganai« wilt he «een. The Anderson !ea*ue "tenta Will leave fór.afHp next week, playing Tuesday, WeihWsoay ann TtmiWtó'at Albertonj Wtfc: 5»a friday and Saturas/ a; i>- i&róira Collège Greenville, 9 South Carolina Carcfuf-'ont) discriminai lng parents seeking ideal, moral and social sur¬ rounding!' and influences, together with high literary standards, anti intel¬ lectual ti arning,, (n-a boarding school for their daughters, ure' cordially in¬ vited to writo for catalogue aud 1914-lula announcement:: of Chlcora College. Chicera combines excellent equipment with a distinct ive Christian pur¬ pose, giving tlfjc'Cbmprohenslve training necessary to perfectly develop wo¬ manhood. Religious Etudy and influence emphasized; narrow sectarianism avoided. j . 1 . FxhljaruUn^jiUj^ude, J0ÛO feet above sea level, on the slope of the Hine Ridge; cxccpTVöiuuiy (ine cllnmte. Beautiful grounds, handsome buildinga especially .ari anged for consort, health and conven lepe*',. Curriculum affords a broad, liberal and true education, especially adapt¬ ed to the needs' bf cultured wonmnhood. . OoNcgiato/fctahdard; cutrnncc up¬ on 14-unlt basis.' College of'Libernl Arts and Sciences,degrees of M. A.. H. A., B. S., B.ped. jCbllCge'df of Pine Arts embrtfees-Ai<:-'Expression. Physi¬ cs) Culture, Business Courses, and one or thc best Conservatories of Minde in this section. Twenty-two Instructors*men and women of cxemplury christian character. specialists In their respective Schools. For free copy of Catalogue nnd Announcement::, andreas REV. S.C. BYRD, D. D'., President, GREENVILLE, S. C. _? ?_L'.I."-."' _...... ? ._ THB"PßttfD£Nr MAWWilL BE<VWMEA OFSWQQTM STRANGERS W/Tff/V/C£$ SEEWA'G 'If wll4>f these schemes which "Smooth" strangers come -around lo peddle are such great "Money Makers" why don't they KEEP them themselves? When a^man is trying hard to sell you a proposition there is something m it for HIM-that's a sure thing. Ia it not* better for us all to keep our money here at home, invest in and build up OUR OWN Community?. The man Who does this is prosperous. We pay-4 per cent, interest on Savings- Make OUR Bank YOUjR bank Anderson, 5. C. For tho lar^est^vVator Melon grown fromour seed. We have TOM WAT« 80N, TKLElClilJY SWEET and HONTE CHISTO. We also hare for Intrtfcc* i Jon, set flrnl hundred packages o! three entirely new water melons which will be giren free to any of our farmer friends who will call at cur slote. Fant's Book Slope -The km MERCHANTS t*"5BSt«Í?4)t v >. \ ?A. ^l^rmers Loan & Trust Co. Will be pfeasedl to discount from 1500 to 2000 gilt edge notes running from $50 to $ loo each, that wil be paid during the months bf'October-and Ncvcniber. fi.- -. ; .,:»». vt.' \.. ..". ¿. . ; - _ .: .j n .'...Hin, i... '11111-1 ui 11 im'; h .; ." .? ' ni,,,,,». (^Missing FléureS -vSPffi?" Pcneíta! ? Manager was ; presenting 1 îvSKiWtiS *or «^tension of the factory to i '^ÊâS^b^nmSTn?*g ^1 r¿&r>rR at 'Detroit He toland J:>at be had left ian estimate sheet in hiáiâfeâjt at thfe l-tótbry. He called up the factor ort the Bell Loner Distance Tèîc--- ^ reâdthèiígitres to him . an4, Uië\ I colors were able to ad without Annoying delays are avoided by the use et the:Bcli Telephone. .^i;-;^^'- ,. Mg .

Read® For South Carolina Gunhistoricnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067658/1914-06-16/ed-1/seq-6.pdfNERVOUS invariablyleadstnncverecnmirilratln.-i*. lt In frequently folI'.r. id l>ychronicl(trilk'oa.lipn,

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Page 1: Read® For South Carolina Gunhistoricnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067658/1914-06-16/ed-1/seq-6.pdfNERVOUS invariablyleadstnncverecnmirilratln.-i*. lt In frequently folI'.r. id l>ychronicl(trilk'oa.lipn,


invariably leads tnncverecnmirilratln.-i*. lt Infrequently fol I'.r. id l>y chronic l(trilk'oa.lipn, Ka«trill«, rheumatism, ami pernlclour ¡metala; 'IhnMood 1.1 lfli|Mivi'rlMii (l u( Hi«' life HilitalnliiK,qvt»liil«!i, and tho weary victim ia amii ind withon« chronic III after nnother. uotll, a wreck ofbl.i former «alf. lie drags oui a sorry esUNBb "«wwretcbod Invalid. ,r

Uli Wry That Ouresis so purl fr tho blood, which will then supplythe necessary food for the nerve*, iclvlng them'one and visor to maintain their function*.Piartlnc thecircle anaw. all the processesof the body are r,roach t ut» to normal, and tbapallont la reade to feel «ell.

Mrs "co Parson's RemedyPurifits the Blood,

Mrs. Joe Person's Remedyif. , Steadier the Nervet,Mr«, «foo Parson's Remedy

Rcitcree the Digeetion.Hundreds or your nelffhlinra toni fy to theiofarts. Tesl lt yourself-thal'* »he surest way.'Your druggist ought to have lt. ir ha cannotSupply you. Eond his nam« and a dollar to tbamanufacturera.RtMKDY SAUS CORPORATION,Charlotte, m »... North Carolina.

Wn.JotPflfton^Waihn.'Ctlcn with tba Ketuedy for the cur« ofsore.1 and the relief of inflatnod and con¬gested surfaces. It la ospoclally valuable tovfomen. and should always be used for'meemi'""'.

^^Äe*ir3 wi'* be doing yourself'ZBÉ&SSfi turn ^v .in^t^lirig a.JmBKÊtS HANGE. We sell^ÄSP^^^i^-4^ strongest.Hp;.'' 'fe$^^t$rWÍ;«Í/I» ?».:«*.

Ppj'--' j Easy terms-$2 down andrr;- WJTT1* -.....<?-

^aaderson Gas Co.'

^Lander College i¡M'- Greenwood, S.'c.

?fr^ïiéÎ \5landard College for Young Women.Music, Art, Domenic Science,

MiUlnery. Stenographyeparatory Departnientcns Somber io,'tiS£NÜ.fOR CATALOGUE

iÄ.:i^^hy we want ,

^^¡¿^mall Accounts;¡^^^¡r\)oQtftiiK you realiza that a hundred

*Ö*S, W¿Wüt&n \: aecountn mnkey'ä bankHt!¿£»\ r "tt«hu??*'^*^Lllian a duzr-ii '."'Tß0 on0B

.^SsÄ^a»^0"" Tey'nssre8at* tho samo

v^»í*£> jür total of depoülts?'^iipt^l^fy-/' iíh»V¿ woy wo aro conatant-

-iíSf J ly '.coking new -.urntomorR, Wo

v^^^a wpjit aa wide atdrete of friends: ja^^^r^y rsbd customers aspoBSlblo.

Of course, lar;.e accounts are^ '^<<*<&omo, too, for lt ls eur pur«'. " vi ; pose to serve AI X> people.rn-' '. 'Bu- w0 waDt men and women [HH^WI^ llmltod^ me inapto know that, ji^^^g^; this bank is willing to accept *

WKaw^»^--^0^r d°posita and give thom thei sntase ».f our ndvlcö and OT«

t'|}'Ç?C J i' 'i It'yw arc not a balik dopost«mtéfk X^^^-i^ ^ all come In and get ac- «

; ':-f& ; Quatntcd with ua. Wo will be.^^ngr r.iad to ^ Ulinga ^o«er with

Cdnäiäates ARead® For

Columbia, juno 13.-South Caroli¬na'» biennial "/tlreus opens on Wed-noaduy and will give continual. por-ioniiancoH until August 20th. Kvorv(cuuty In -thc-Stuto< will bc visited, and01» each day there will bc a perform¬ance at ono of th«» 41 «'ounty >«-«.».the route having brm mapped out by.tho Stute lWiii«V'ratle Executive '-'mi¬mi! be.There viii bo two "»Ins«'" '>.' the j"clrcuK" ti.;* y«-ar. one made np Of.

candidates cr I'nltcd States scViiornod the other <»t thc candidate r>r ciw-1urnor and «»liier Slate oflh-cs. 'I jlatter i» sn rriwdöd Hint ther*» will,to little tin.«' r-l>oii for tho înd.» '«-ia!ncUrs to perform. About all they will,have tTfne to do will bo to ntako theirbow und retire.The race for I'nltcd States Bonntor

1B attracting thc major Bharn ot inter¬est. United States Senator E. D. Smithwho defeated some half dozen candi¬dates six years ago is asking for re¬election. Against him Governor f'olclé. nier.ae/JuBt completing second tçr.ubi the o h«;o of chief executive. hn^pitted hin strength, and is nskin-'. thevotes to retire Senator Smith and placetlte toga on his stumblers.

It was thought Tor a long time thatthcBe doughty warriors woe ld havethe arena to themselves and Vi cadytalk had begun of "Smith people" md"Blease people" but Mr. W. P. Pollockof Cheraw rudely chattered ult oaleu-latlona when he shied bis hat înîô'thering and announced that he ls runningfor United States senator. Liko theother two entrants. Mr. Pollock lsa tighter and n fierce debalor. pressinga rod hot triangular contes', tor tims. nat« tbia'svnn.'ier. ±

it is Mie general expectation »hatGovernor Bleaac will launch a terrilleattack ia« Ecîiàto- Smith, this b..*»:ig!gathered largely' from the wiipn.i-i.Aag'»d by Iht poví-rnor agaln's* JudgeIm B. J«inc» rvo y »ara ngo. Wh'-.'ScrSenator Smlti! will be ar v to répcl'Hie attrti'lc^hrJ assault tho public rec¬ur . of the Covrrnor Is a ?.'Ion nW«viigltutlng South Carolina. Mr. l'o'íickwill uudnubt r'ly romp on both of hisolrponOiita «trîd thegeneral-'dcfj. of tm;contest la summoned up in an expres¬sion heard every day "the fur wirny.". Thc State campaign ring IR crowdedwith actors. There will be at least adozen candidates-for governor, tb recfor Lieutenant Governor, two forcomptroller general,»six for railroadcommissioner, two for attorney gener¬al, three for adjutant general. Und cer¬tainly one each for stàtè treasurer,uuporIntondent »of education, commis.-.,-oloncrot-AfiTtoultarc.iUid.sptTetary-JÍfState. Thoro may bo more but n con¬servativo cstlovate placea* the entriestn the atato campaign ring at least27 and petsalbly SO. Aa average of tcn%minutes oach would tako up throehours for tho candidates to speak -and.few audiences will keep their p.-Hencelonger than that.Thc "governors" will bc given more

limo than tho others and some nf thoothor Ofrico deckers will' júsVget timeenough to an non ure their name:*, givetho offlco thby are Se^Mn'g, and -thank:tho voters, lo advance, for their tmp-port, and then alt down."While thcro hns been a gohcr.t! Idea

lt.-at the 'race.-fer; governor woulÁ boan "Alpbon80-Ga3ton" affair. r-»contstraws show thnt »this"ring" Ilks'allothers that hav. performed in South-Carolina will warm.up. Several of the'would he "governors", aro v

. alreadychamping at the blt and any littleabrasion will star* the conflagration.["Lay on -MoeDuff," will-likely' be thomofo of this campaign aa In thc sen¬atorial ring for that'ls what the aver¬age Sooth Carolinian demand- TucVuici. easy g-jin'r frilow 'attract i »."t-.tie attention. The audience want'.be"h>t atuff," and tho-Wler lt ls the bet-l-i they Uko it"Claims" of victories,aro alroady be.

¡ng made. Governor Bleaso thinks howill defeat Sonator Smith by 18,000votes and say so. Mr. Pollock's on-tranco ho figures does not interferewith hir. following but Pollock'.^ votes,wtil.M otare 'off""Smith:' ÔerialOr "arblthlias btuted that he will bc rooi«"-:-»d by13.Ooo «» ujorlty. Illa friends say Vol-

mmfisj .v«*^|«->»,>^ia-JL-. tier* ;.fcrv Lens Meat If Toa Feel Baeknehy »tr

No man or woman who óáta meat,regularly can mako a mls'tnke by flush¬ing the kidneys occasionally, says niweiNkrtôVrt «uthorityr Meat forma «Irlo-acid which excites tho 'kidneys, thiybecome over-worked from tho strain,get sluggish and fall to filter tho waste|5vl 1 po'ronous from tho blood, th i. we

.sick. Nearly all rheumatism, hoad-,chc8, liver trouble, norvouenosa. dltt-iln'esr, sléeplsssnoss add urinary «dla-,orders -como from sluggish "-kidneys.Tho moment you foci a dull ache .In.

the kldnoyr or your bank Hurts -or Ifthe urine ls cloudy, OKefts'.vb,. full ofaedimont, irregular crt ^pas«aáo :ornt-

eating mell art rgec aootirt^Trair ouncesot iàd 8olta from a*pyfpharrna^y; takeSJW'd'-S^^ of watei Wtm i .'datcfSat-ted tb a tow -days iybor

and lomon Jule«, combined with llthia.and baa; been--n^fed for'tfsnorattonft '-to«utflj arid f-vjnuiata'the kidney», clioto ifeûtrallàelthfe acide In urine so ifnolonger cSbatfe Irritation, thus endingbladder weaklier.

lad Salts is inexpensive and carinbtini^O; makes a delightful efforvencent

ll^^-w-oter drink .^whlch v^s^^gjj


Storting GunMr loîl'xk thinks tlic people, vaut

lilO'C ll .IiiTU I to clmoue from and liAider fi«*lil and offers h lame'i. Hi»friend H ray his chances arc Rood andtliut li«! feill draw support fron ti ¡lilof thc otncr factions.Thc "flníia*" In tho govern jr'b race

lina not «;O"P beyond thc a->. :on.l pri¬mary, all .Uatrmi'iHs beitrr based "nwho will i ia!;c thc vcond rac«* Ma JIM*..'uni 'i. Ifi;; ard'» frio-ids think lu- IJsure of being In thc second race CH-peclally Binen lila declaration forWeane. Professor John C. Clinkscalcsfollowers assert he ia Raining groundso fast that ho will lead the first pri¬mary and win In the second. Likeclaims are made by friends of Deuten,ant Governor C. A. Smith, Solicitor lt.A. Cooper. Representative W. C. Irby,jr., Mr. L. .1. Browning, Speaker M. L.Smith, Mr. S. Simms, Mr. H. I. Man.ninga, and othcra.Senator John L. McLaurin announc¬

ed some weeks ago that he wuuld boc'cctcd governor, but hi» recent lettersIn thc presB havo given rise to anopinion that he is getting ready for1:1a "»wan song" and another exit.

In the r»ce for lieutenant governorUro f'Tincr Senator n. Frank Kelley ofIMshcpvíllo, u Hleaslto, RepresentativeJ. A Hunter of Hamberg, »no Mr. A. J.I etVow of Columbia holli antMUoaslt-e:: Fach ono Is confident of winning.For railroad commissioner C. Ö.

I'oitr.er of Spartauburg. O. \V. Fairey,or Kort Monte, F. H. Shenly, of Lox-tnpton, J. H. Whnrton. of laurens, andW. I. Wlthorspoo.i of VorkvUle arr of¬fering for thc pla«, i of B. 1. Cuughlunn, who ls not running for ie-elcctonand who hus hold «he place for t-Aslve>enrh.

Comptroller General A W. Jones Iaopposed for re-election by .Mr. J. A.Stmimersctt of Columbia. AitcrncyGeneral Thos. H. I've'plos ii runningagainst Mr. A. C. nrice of Chests.Commissioner of A-jnCmtùre E. J.'Vutson. Scmtnry of Stat» C. M.-Mc-Cowa, Siipïrhrtoii.lriit br Erin 'tíihíh J.Hi. Swcarm,:en, nnd State 1 iv usurerS. T. Carter are as yet unopposed fatanother term."Adjutant General Mooro for .rci'lêc-

tlon bas two opponents, M. C.yWllllB ofYorkvlllu mid .1. H. Clalicyor Oransc-burg.Congressman lt. SJ^Ofc'hnley In tim

f-st district .and.-A. K. Lover In thesavdhfh dlairklTaro ouonpuSed tor re¬election. CoyarcsKiiinn J. F. Byrnes :nthe second & opposed by R: M Mi\eonof Bajffmvei«, v,-Mlo £on:;-vsBiii&»i WaltAikqa in th»! thfrrt hat. nenirist 'himFníaTí. Dominick, the enslotnnt nttir-^ney gérerai. Oapt. F. S. I ivan .-i bfGreenwood. Congressman 'Jos. T.Johnson In tho fourth "âistrlèi IB pft-ted^nfialns» SK'U' J. NIchôiÎH bf Sphrtnh-.burg nnd T.'C. Duncan former mayorof Unión. Mr. W. '¥. Stevenson iti. horaw i? running ugainst Dmgrtvsmun pi ts. Ft .loy, In the firth district,while Mr. A L. Hamer ls oppoahizCongressman J. Willard langsdale.

In addition to tlu-dc ofliecs. buif .iftho State senate, and th3 entire :.iem-bership of tn** house if represom stivesare be elected. Tho county officerstiro -to ba .:lu.<on und ¿lier« will becampaign iratOt a eiimigh to sallr-fythe most lnsatlati!<> demands of thcpenpie. - *Tho senatorial canvass opens at St.

Matthews on \Vplaonday and Hie gub¬ernatorial can vi s¡> at Sumter on thcsame day. The senatorial candidateste peak ut Orangeburg on Thursday, atSt. George Friday, and at CharleatonSaturday. Tho other party goes toMünsing. Thursday. Monocles Cor¬ner-Friday, and Georgetown Saturday.

Al! pledges muBt'bo flied with StateChairman John Gary "Evans, hy hoonoù Tuesday when-entries will cióse.Tho <f)rst primary takes plací'on Au¬gust 25 and' the second September 8,two weeks later.

Take Plenty ot .im« to EstThere ts a saying thal ' mp'.d eating

ls slow suicide." It you Lave formedtho bablt of eating too rabidly you aromoat likely suffering irrtto indigestionor constipation whfc i will result even¬tually in serious i. noss unless cor¬rected. Digestl'.h begins 1 fn themouth. Food F. .old be thoroughlymasticated and naalivated. Thenwhen you have a .¿rithefts or tho sto¬mach or feel du., ind stupid after eat¬ing, take one ai CmVUbeiiàîii'B Tab¬lets. Many B'->V?O canes of stomachtrouble and oust i pat lon -havo beencured by the ti ej of tbcuo table tr.. Theyaro easy to tr <: and most agfaoablo ineffect. Sold Ly EvanB Pharmacy.

-1--MV V '.<'<.Flrotc .ted From Women.

i- '. 1 '.¡. London, Juno ll.-Fears ot suffra¬gettes activities-havo eau Bed the with-r.cldlng from publication in London-orColtfml Theodore Roosevelt's engage-.ments during his approaching visit toEngland, li ls-known, 'however,? thatexcopt for his lecture before the RoyalGeographical Society, Colonel Soose-Velt at his own retitteKt will 'taite infopart in bbb I lc funellons. An exten¬díve list of private entertninmchtB basbeen arranged, however, so that timoofonel may 'have the opportunity ofrtiming prôrtitne.nt persons whom hedesires to seo.

W ¿ '-. f A- ».*-?>. i

Hhako:Off Tour Rhcmhattsm.1 the ttSÄe tb *e* r^l *r votir

rboumstlrtn. Try a twenty-Ave centboUlo of/Chamberlains1 Lînirtent andsee how qulckly your rheumatic pain«disappear. Sold by Evana Pharmacy.


3T«jmbeM of Congres» Ask President totake Wnmp. r

Washington, ^Jhne U.~Tba potfat-blllty of President Wilsori ÖiWng'thbstump for democratic çahâ&tea intho fall congressional Glcctfe-hs wasdlscu»ied with him today by "RApreaon-tatlvc Connolly, of iowa, democratic

? Use in Drinking Waterlil Guard your li ntch a gail.st Fatal WhiteM Diarrhoea Put iii thc drinking water]'M -Conkey'sfS White Diarrhoea Remedy''SS aI*»'Chicks take, it readily and doctor,H themselves. Prcvrnlivc measure andJH| . treatment Used in time it will ,

Prevent Heavy LossesBetter have a package on hand

°'p ^B^J*'* Cbfclt Iniuftncc^Pficc« 25c and 50c.

:Su?.^«L Money-Back"jc^.l^^if.Not <fr?$Noï-r^râs^HgglSatïgfied Ä>fopreTcntWhlfr>^t»alr?l V.«al. ai.sa ^^?^^toaaTa*Sri--j\;CvBktj'iPfloltryßonkFrcc^^Hffl^HOLD BY TÍVANS' PITABAACT.

A lui erse n, S. V.?? UWJI- Ililli KHIW

sj V r fk:, » EVANS' .

Fruit Powders.By thc uso of litis powder

¡,'eachos, Pears, I'liims, Herries,o?4royl/ln'u\ »»oft Ninteen -a'tt'dN.ucn vctrctaf-len ns Tomatoes,Bcitiis, cte, can he prc-servodwi rh.out fifo ose of air tijrht rans.

Sufficient (innntlfT to preserve40 His. fruit for S.»c.At all our 'MlinrcH. . >

Evans* 'PharmacyTílfn-K STOBKS

Mitchell Prtlmar. dcmb<:ratl<- nomineefor scni.lo :;» Pennsylvania, also-nadi made efforts to' have thc orcsldont

j apeak in Iiis slate.

Chlimherliirn's Co! Tr, Cholera andDiarrhoea Bcmrdy.

ThrOry laniily Wlthou*. exceptionshould keep tili; prepti utibn at handduring thc hot weather oí the î.hbimèrmonths. Chamberlain's Colic, t'hol-era anti Diarrhoea Remedy ls worthmoro'many'times its cort when need¬ed and is almost certain to bc neededberoi c 'the 'summer ls over: ft hasno suporior-for "tho purpose for whichit is intended. Buy it now. For salebyr.|l7a^'_P%lmrmacy., ,


PRESIM^TWGGSCÖrjhSpÜ TÚfcSDAYWill;Aid rAnderson Former» InTaking Care of Stale Meet and

r_ Invite Eptjy to Clemson

\v. M. Higgtf'-presldorit Öf ClemsonCollege, will como to Anderson Tues¬day to "bc1-'present at tho mooting ofthe Ander#óh; t^unty ^Fe^mSrB'lTiölbii.At this meeting1 tho Anderson fermerawill cc isidfet ways, öiekus tind dis¬cuss plana for taking care of the StateFarmers Union when it holds ita meet¬ing here in July;

Dr. Figgs is coming tb Anderson forthc purpose of submitting a proposi¬tion to the Anderson Farmers Union."With the consent bf that: body bcwill tender ab Invitation to all tho del¬egates to tho ätatb Convention to cometo ClomBonffÓTróno day of the con*tion. The coltego"wlll arrange to showthe farmers the splendid plant that lthas there and will explain the work¬ing details of all' tho agricultural dc-partmentc. Tho visitors will be thcguests of tho college for dinner.While no statement can bo mad _.

about the matter, until-Mr. Riggs putslils propof.ít ion before tiie Andersonfarmers, b. in foregone conclusion thatthey will approve of thc plan.The Tuesday meeting of tho Ander¬

son union will bc held In the city hall,owing to tl. fact that court will boIn session at thc court house.


? í

trance to Home pf B. I. KingOn MtDdffie Street

....... ; v. ?.. ., ; :** Mô&' âatu-rdàV'a Dally.)Not many minutes after ll o'clock

Wednesday jiStght 's negro- tóan triëoto gain entranco Into the borné of B.I. King nt 1332 South MeDufflo ntreetabd withi.t less than 30minutes afterhis first attempt ho again tried to.gain erttranco'rntb'the place.

Mr.* King ttr 'telling of tho matteryesterday, said that ho and hla familyhtfd boen kitting on the ^rdragdo>ö«about 10:30 wflnt into tho house. Theywere all preparing to rotlre when oneof hie daughters was alarmed by. aaound at the window and going thereshe found that a- negro had thrusthtr- hand through Ute window and wastrying to-get the blind UhfasteneaV

e* ran :rnto, her tattler's room andft» ÄeHaHüfrp o«t*by the^mbÄrvr.g could get to tho CMV tho negro

making an inverttgation tho tamilyheard a noise near tho front of thePldce «rfd «r&teö^agata appeared and was once more

Thb ttme"1l>^¿ti^^urs%W)bvat uw*. a,w SUVUVIMU. YSWSM ivlï,"

dt was detorminett to keep tho mat¬ter quiet on Thrtri^ty ¿a that frfSSthlj»some traco might bo found and thiaresulten rn a'¿tuc being picked up thatwill likely lead to the negro beingarrested today. - >.' Thia la ono bf tho boldest attsmiat burglary that tho city basknown and ahottlfl there be sn{the. dotendant will ho .severely pùn-' tabed, if it is provan.that he was Uteguilty parto*.

Misses r^one anà'Sara-'Prince are audlbg 18o State convention bf themór», > i ^ÁÜÍ.Q uow borng held tn


» .-*- Ü fAlice Smoak Suffered Painful

Injuries From Propping Bot¬tle of Carbolic Acid

(From Fridays Daily.)Alice Ward »moa«, thc little l»v0-

ycur-old daughter of W. W. Smo^.k,business manager of Thc Intelligenc¬er, was seriously burned yesterday?when sho dropped a bottle of carbolicacid. The fltiid struck'tho'Htcle girlon the right' leg and the acid bumeddeeply 'into the flesh. Medical assist¬ance was summoned -aß Hoon as possi¬ble simple homo remedien being em¬ployed until its arrival, and last nightlt was said that the little lady wahdoing nicely.

It seems that Mrs. Smoak was at¬tending to injuries on one of her sonsand sent thc little girl for the "bottle.She must have tripped her foot asshe was returning with the bottle andall or tho ric ki struck 'hex tog.The accident took place at Mrs.

Plckcns' boarding house on West Whit-ncr street, whore Mr. atd Mrs. Smoakarc now making their home.

REV. ij. L. HAM-EY,Thought He Waa To . Be Per¬

mitted To Assist In CheckingPetitions

(From Saturday's Daily.)Rev. J. L. Harley or Spartanburg,

State superintendent of tho anti-saloonleague, arrlvod in the city yesterday,in pursuance of what was consideredan engagement with -Supervisor 'Kingto check over the dispensary petitionsin thc safe of the supervisor. Mr.King had stated to Mr. Harley upona former visit'that-the petitions Werein the safe and could not be handletexcept by persons appointed by 'Mr.King who, as custodian, In responsibleto tue people of the county for them,one appointed'by bim, whs to be elven

Mr. Harley stated 'yesterday that itwas bis-understanding that he or somerepresentation upon the committeechecking the lists, for he had been re¬ceived most courteously by SupervisorKing, who had talked over thc matterrattier hurriedly with Mr. Harley "andone of the loc- ministers. ¡SÉri Har¬ley stated that he bad told Mr. Kingthat he had engagements up to thc12th of June and he had suggested thatthia would be a day suitable to starton tho work and it WBB his*understand¬ing when he went away, some weeksago that when he returned;on the 12th,the petitions were to be checked overby Supervisor King, or sorne one ap¬pointed by him, by Mr. Harley or somaone named by him, abd byathlrd per¬son, representing the dispensary ad¬vocates, who was to be appointed byMr. King.Mr. Hark-, nutted yesterday that ho

was suprlscd to find a different ar¬rangement when be anlved here, al¬though he recalls that the supervisorhad made tho arrangement conditionalupon the advice bf his attorney Mr.Harley stated that he has no com-

¡ plaint as to the personnel of the menon tho checking over work,, abd howould not for a moment interfere withthem, but he was anxious to have thclists inspected as per tho former con¬versation.

Supervisor King stated yesterdaythat In counting the names no the pe¬titions, he found that there were about1,826. The committee started' to work-yesterday, Mr. Fant arriving fromiBel-ton at 2 ;o'clock, and it will requiresomo dayB of constant work-to oom-oiete the t;y»R.. Every name on a pe-ti tl on ls f.iktn up and a search isnade in the registration books to seeii he is a registered, voter. 'When'bis'iiame ls fo md among. the registeredvoters.'the number of pis registration[certificate is "written on the petition op¬posite the signors name. This "Ta àdifficult task an there are about 3tfregistration booka.

ANDERSON TEAM- iiLeague Aggregation |«ÀGame Away Forom Home Yes¬

terday--¿corc'3 to 2

(From Saturday's Dally.)Tho aggregatloh to represent An¬

derson 1» tho Piedmont league whenthat association opens, Journeyed yes¬terday fo"*»elfcer -m.ñú won Wita' theteam at flint placo by a score *of 3 to2. It waa a,splendid game «nil theft*woTb'mahy featuyeB. The following lstho line-up of both teams: Anderson.Wetktna, 3 base, Toll Ison, center field,C hilders, second baae. Vanidore, shortatop; ÔraydÂnVleïtlBèld;Watson, rightfield, «Uli, third baso, Hilliard, pitch¬er and Engtlshr catcher.

second baso Hopper, left field,.VaughhaftheVvBKfttt;; shorttrtop^ fffl\baie*Ä lMräb^se ana Jonsms, center «ela.,The game , waa a apl^kt one

throughout, the Anderson team'show-

Bull, tho how first' baseman for -tho

life bat and GfayvîJv» «la tinejwotn ldthe flaíd: ? '

~¥h* Anderson .team will play theWinbar"cf "tba Toia.wáif-Ofdclc gamethis afternoon. TheJ*o pút\. team*wk 9h&M'aeven^nfllng game «-Beu¬na Vista park nnd wiien'that game lscortrt.'!de«5w AJÄÄtt^l^:w1ff«J»6:a ikvcu-fnnlng ifanth w^» the 'whi¬ners, tha atteh^ance-shohM hf largeana aomVgood ganai« wilt he «een.The Anderson !ea*ue "tenta Will leave

fór.afHp next week, playing Tuesday,WeihWsoay ann TtmiWtó'at AlbertonjWtfc: 5»a friday and Saturas/ a; i>-

i&róira Collège Greenville,9 South Carolina

Carcfuf-'ont) discriminai lng parents seeking ideal, moral and social sur¬rounding!' and influences, together with high literary standards, anti intel¬lectual ti arning,, (n-a boarding school for their daughters, ure' cordially in¬vited to writo for catalogue aud 1914-lula announcement:: of Chlcora College.

Chicera combines excellent equipment with a distinct ive Christian pur¬pose, giving tlfjc'Cbmprohenslve training necessary to perfectly develop wo¬manhood. Religious Etudy and influence emphasized; narrow sectarianismavoided. j . 1 .

FxhljaruUn^jiUj^ude, J0ÛO feet above sea level, on the slope of the HineRidge; cxccpTVöiuuiy (ine cllnmte. Beautiful grounds, handsome buildingaespecially .ari anged for consort, health and conven lepe*',.

Curriculum affords a broad, liberal and true education, especially adapt¬ed to the needs' bf cultured wonmnhood. . OoNcgiato/fctahdard; cutrnncc up¬on 14-unlt basis.' College of'Libernl Arts and Sciences,degrees of M. A.. H.A., B. S., B.ped. jCbllCge'df of Pine Arts embrtfees-Ai<:-'Expression. Physi¬cs) Culture, Business Courses, and one or thc best Conservatories of Mindein this section.Twenty-two Instructors*men and women of cxemplury christian character.specialists In their respective Schools.

For free copy of Catalogue nnd Announcement::, andreasREV. S.C. BYRD, D. D'., President, GREENVILLE, S. C.

_? ?_L'.I."-."' _......?



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When a^man is trying hard to sell you a proposition there issomething m it for HIM-that's a sure thing.Ia it not* better for us all to keep our money here at home,invest in and build up OUR OWN Community?.The man Who does this is prosperous.We pay-4 per cent, interest on Savings-

Make OUR Bank YOUjR bank

Anderson, 5. C.

For tho lar^est^vVator Melon grown fromour seed. We have TOM WAT«80N, TKLElClilJY SWEET and HONTE CHISTO. We also hare for Intrtfcc*i Jon, set flrnl hundred packages o! three entirely new water melons which willbe giren free to any of our farmer friends who will call at cur slote.

Fant's Book Slope


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^l^rmers Loan & Trust Co.Will be pfeasedl to discount from 1500 to 2000 gilt edge notes

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(^Missing FléureS-vSPffi?"Pcneíta! ?Manager was ; presenting 1îvSKiWtiS *or «^tension of the factory to

i '^ÊâS^b^nmSTn?*g ^1 r¿&r>rR at 'Detroit Hetoland J:>at be had left ian estimate sheet inhiáiâfeâjt at thfe l-tótbry. He called up thefactor ort the Bell Loner Distance Tèîc---

^ reâdthèiígitrestohim .an4,Uië\ I colors were able to ad withoutAnnoying delays are avoided by the use

et the:Bcli Telephone..^i;-;^^'- ,. Mg .