React.js Training

React.js Training

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React.js Training

Page 2: React.js Training

Simplilearn’s React.js Training Course will help you master the fundamentals of React—an

important web framework for developing user interfaces—including JSX, props, state, and

events. This training course dives into Redux, covering topics like reducers, actions, and the

state tree.

Program Overview:

Program Features: 52 hours of Blended Learning

30 hours of instructor-led training

One real-life course-end project

Flexibility to choose classes

Industry-recognized course completion certificate

Delivery Mode:Blended - Online self-paced learning and live virtual classroom

Table of Contents: Program Overview

Program Features

Delivery Mode


Target Audience

Key Learning Outcomes

Certification Details and Criteria

Course Curriculum

Course-end Project

About Us

Page 3: React.js Training

Key Learning Outcomes:

Know how to build amazing single-page applications with React and Redux

Learn and apply fundamental concepts behind structuring Redux applications

Realize and appreciate the power of building composable components

Understand and use NPM, Babel, and ES6 JavaScript syntax

At the end of this course, you will:

Target Audience:

This React.js certification course is designed for web developers who design and build

UI/UX solutions for mobile and web apps and want to design with React as efficiently as

possible using a JavaScript library.

Prerequisites:For this course, you need to have experience with building front-end web applications with

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Certification Details and Criteria:

Complete at least 85 percent of the course or attend one complete batch

Successful completion and evaluation of any one of the projects

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Table of Contents:

Live Virtual Class Curriculum

Lesson 02 - Fundamentals of React Why React? Rendering UI Components Component Lifecycle Events

Lesson 01 - ES6 Introduction Array Helper Methods Let and Const Template Literals Arrow Functions Default Function Parameters

Rest and Spread Destructuring Classes Promises Fetch

Forms Component Interaction React Router

Lesson 03 - Introduction to Redux Why Redux? Core Concepts of Redux

Lesson 04 - React & Redux The React Redux Node Package Provider Component Connecting React Components with Redux Store Reducer Composition Normalization: Points to Keep in Mind When Designing a Redux Store Redux Middleware

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Lesson 02 - Getting Started What Is React Environment Setup ES6 Refresher - Part 1 ES6 Refresher - Part 2 ES6 Refresher - Part 3

Lesson 01 - Course Introduction Welcome To The Course

Create React App vs Manual Setup Installing & Using The CLI A Look At The Initial React Files & How

They Work

Lesson 03 - Components, JSX & Props Thinking In Components What Is JSX JSX Expressions Creating Your First Component Functional Components

Lesson 04 - State & The Context API

Lesson 05 - Working With Forms

Changing State From Another Component Using The Context API & Provider State Adding A Context Reducer For Actions

Creating A Form With State Controlled Components & onChange TextInputGroup Component For DRY Code

Working With Props Typechecking With PropTypes CSS In React Adding Bootstrap

Creating State Events In React Changing State

Uncontrolled Components & Refs Form Submit Action To Context Error Checking & Display

Course & Projects Outline

Self-Paced Curriculum

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Lesson 07 - Lifecycle, HTTP & Deployment Lifecycle Methods GET Requests POST & DELETE Requests Using AsyncAwait

Lesson 06 - React Router v4 React Router Setup Links, Params & Redirect

EditContact Component & Fetch Contact PUT Request & Update Action Deploy To Github Pages

Lesson 08 - Learning Redux A Note On Redux App Starting Point For Redux Redux Store Setup & Contact Reducer

Lesson 09 - Redux Thunk & HTTP GET Request Dispatch POST & DELETE Request Dispatch Get Single Contact For Edit

Connecting Components & Dispatching Actions Creating A Separate Actions File Delete & Add Contact Action

PUT Request & Dispatch Deploy To Apache

App Intro & Demo FirebaseFirestore Setup Setup & AppNavbar Component Dashboard, Sidebar & Clients Component React-Redux-Firebase Setup

Connect Clients Component To Firestore Add Client To Firestore Client Details Component Balance Update & Delete Edit Client In Firestore

Lesson 10 - Client Panel Firebase Project - Part 1

Lesson 11 - Client Panel Firebase Project - Part 2 Login Functionality Logout & Navbar Update Route Protection Notify State & Alert Component Settings Reducer & Actions

Settings Component Persist Settings To LocalStorage Implementing Settings Register Functionality Deploy To Firebase

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Founded in 2009, Simplilearn is one of the world’s leading providers of online training for Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing, Project Management, Data Science, IT Service Management, Software Development and many other emerging technologies. Based in Bangalore, India, San Francisco, California, and Raleigh, North Carolina, Simplilearn partners with companies and individuals to address their unique needs, providing training and coaching to help working professionals meet their career goals. Simplilearn has enabled over 1 million professionals and companies across 150+ countries train, certify and upskill their employees.

Simplilearn’s 400+ training courses are designed and updated by world-class industry experts. Their blended learning approach combines e-learning classes, instructor-led live virtual classrooms, applied learning projects, and 24/7 teaching assistance. More than 40 global training organizations have recognized Simplilearn as an official provider of certification training. The company has been named the 8th most influential education brand in the world by LinkedIn.

© 2009-2019 - Simplilearn Solutions. All Rights Reserved.The certification names are the trademarks of their respective owners.

India – United States – Singapore

For more information, please visit our website:https://www.simplilearn.com/react-js-certification-training-course


Course End Project:

Simplilearn is a leader in digital skills training, focused on the emerging technologies that are transforming our world. Our blended learning approach drives learner engagement and is backed by the industry’s highest completion rates. Partnering with professionals and companies, we identify their unique needs and provide outcome-centric solutions to help them achieve their professional goals.

About Us:

Project 1: Building an event finder app in React

Build a React app where users can view and promote upcoming events, set up a JSON server for testing until backend APIs are ready and finally manage the state using Redux.