DATA GUIDEBOOK Bereavement Battery (BR)

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Bereavement Battery


Bereavement Battery (BR)


BEREAVEMENT SOCIODEMOGRAPHICS (BS)............................................................................1Introduction............................................................................................................. 1Specific Instructions................................................................................................. 1

TRANSITION FORMAL CARE AND SERVICES (TF)....................................................................3Introduction............................................................................................................. 3Specific Instructions................................................................................................. 3

CAREGIVER HEALTH AND HEALTH BEHAVIORS (CH)...........................................................5Introduction............................................................................................................. 5Specific Instructions................................................................................................. 5

CES-D (SD)........................................................................................................................................ 8Introduction............................................................................................................. 8Specific Instructions................................................................................................. 8

TRANSITION SOCIAL SUPPORT (TS).......................................................................................... 10Introduction............................................................................................................ 10Specific Instructions............................................................................................... 10

TRANSITION RELIGIOUS/SPIRITUAL COPING (TR)................................................................12Introduction............................................................................................................ 12Specific Instructions............................................................................................... 12

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES (SA)............................................................................................................. 13Introduction............................................................................................................ 13Specific Instructions............................................................................................... 13

BEREAVEMENT (BF)..................................................................................................................... 14Introduction............................................................................................................ 14Specific Instructions............................................................................................... 14

BEREAVEMENT RISK APPRAISAL (BA)....................................................................................15Introduction............................................................................................................ 15Specific Instructions............................................................................................... 15

CAREGIVER MEDICATIONS (GM)............................................................................................... 16Introduction............................................................................................................ 16Specific Instructions............................................................................................... 17

PROJECT EVALUATION (PE)....................................................................................................... 18Introduction............................................................................................................ 18Specific Instructions............................................................................................... 18

DATASET SUMMARY.................................................................................................................... 19

FREQUENCIES................................................................................................................................ 28



IntroductionPURPOSE: This form is

included in order to obtain descriptiveinformation about the caregiver. This follow-up form is an abbreviated version of the baseline form. It focuses on sociodemographic characteristics that can change during the course of the study.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the six-month follow-up visit. This form appears only in the bereavement battery.



This questionnaire asks questions for the caregiver to answer about themselves only.

Specific Instructions:

Question 1: This question asks about marital status. Since this battery is for the bereaved, please consider this and be aware to ask this question with sensitivity.

Question 2: If the caregiver states that he or she is not currently employed, a probe will need to be given to determine if the caregiver has retired. If the caregiver has not retired, the response "Not currently employed, not retired" is checked regardless of whether or not the caregiver is currently looking for employment. A probe may need to be given to determine if the employment is full-time or part-time. Full-time is defined as 35 or more hours per week. If the respondent is not currently employed and not looking for a job (for example, an AFDC recipient, a seasonal worker, not currently working, or disabled not currently working), code as “Not currently employed, not retired.” In other cases that may arise in which it is difficult to decide how the employment situation should be coded, it should be up to the respondent to decide which category best describes his/her situation.

Question 3: Keep in mind that many people do not like to reveal information about their income, and may have a negative reaction to this question. Although every effort has been made to ask this question in the most unintrusive manner possible, respondents may still resist answering it. The introduction to the question reminds the respondent that all the information is kept strictly confidential, it will not be associated with their name in any way, the information is very important for the study, and that they only need to indicate the number of the category on the card, not the dollar amount.

Because the assurances about confidentiality are provided at the beginning of the question and because it is a sensitive question, an initial refusal by the respondent to answer the question should be acknowledged and the interviewer should mark “Refused” and go on to the next item.


If the respondent seems unsure, but does not explicitly refuse to answer the question, you may need to remind the respondent that “because this information is kept confidential, it will in no way jeopardize your eligibility to receive services from any agency.” Also, a reminder of the importance of the study might help. Of course, if the respondent refuses to answer the question, we must respect his or her privacy.

Question 6: This question refers to persons having permanent living arrangements, i.e., persons who have been residing in the dwelling for at least 6 months. If an individual lives in the house less than 6 months out of the year, they should not be included in the count. If they live in the house more than 6 months out of the year, they should be counted. A permanent resident of the home that has been living in the home less six months is not counted in the census.




PURPOSE: To record information regarding the variety and frequency of usage of community-based medical and other care services. This form asks what kinds of community-based services that the caregiver and/or the care recipient have been using. The questions essentially list the services available to in-home caregivers.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the six-month follow-up visit. This form appears in the bereavement and placement batteries.



The time frame for most items in this form is within the past month. "The past month" refers to the 30 days falling immediately prior to the day of the interview. Interviewers will ask about a service and if a “yes” response is given, will then ask one follow up questions, (1) how often you make use of/receive this service.

For all follow up questions, the number of times the service was used refers to the number of days the service was used in the last month. If, for example, the caregiver has a homemaker who prepares two meals every day, the response for the last month would be 30, not 60 (2 meals a day times 30 days).

The following conversions should be applied: 1. Every day of the month is equal to 30 days 2. Once a week is equal to 4 times per month3. Every other week is twice per month4. Only weekdays is 20 days per month5. Only weekends is 8 times per month

On some rare occasions, the respondent may not be aware that some of those options exist. As a result, he/she may ask how and where to obtain those services. In these instances, the interviewer should provide the respondent with the telephone number of the local Alzheimer’s Association. Previous studies using a similar questionnaire have encountered few respondents that ask these questions, but it is best to be prepared.

Specific Instructions:

Question 1: For this question, homemaker is defined as someone who is paid for services that they provide, or a volunteer affiliated with a formal organization, such as a church.

Questions 3: This question is to determine whether the same person is providing two different types of services. The cost of these services will differ depending on whether it is one person or more. This will be considered in the analysis of cost.


Question 4: Deliveries from businesses not catering specifically to the elderly, such as pizza shops and other non-discounted restaurants are excluded. Any other retail-priced prepared food is also excluded.

Question 5: This includes a formalized agreement with a taxi service, but exclude public mass transportation services (e.g. bus service, subways), which are available to people of all ages.

Question 9: A “physician” can be defined as a medical doctor or a general practitioner. Question 12: Record the total number of days that (CG) spent in the hospital during the past month. Portions of a day are counted as a full day.

Questions 13: This question serves as a "catch-all" for services that the caregiver (CG) has utilized during the past month that were not listed among the previous items in this form. As with the other questions, a “yes” response only, will lead to the follow- up question asking about the frequency. With each additional service listed, you will ask again, if there are any other services, up until 3 additional services have been identified. The term “agency” refers to any unpaid organization, such as a church. Use memory aid (RC24) to help caregiver identify possible services more easily.




PURPOSE: To collect basic information concerning the physical health status, symptoms, conditions and health-related behaviors of the respondent.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the baseline visit and six-month follow-up visit. This form appears in the baseline, follow-up, bereavement, and placement batteries.



The first section of this questionnaire asks about the general health of the respondent. The next section asks about the health conditions of the respondent. The third section collects information on symptoms experienced. Lastly, there are a few questions about the impact of illness on daily routine and the respondent’s perception of their health.

Be aware of shifting time frames. Questions shift from past month to past six months in the first section. The section about health conditions asks about the condition currently, meaning right now. The symptoms section asks about the past month , while the perception question (48) refers again to the past six months .

Questions 9 through 21: These questions (self-reported health problems) will require special attention. Most respondents should answer these questions without any problem. Sometimes, however, respondents may say they don’t know whether or not they have a particular health problem. In this case, mark “unknown” and go on to the next question. In other cases, however, the respondent may say he/she doesn’t know, and then volunteer some particular information. This information is critical for the interviewer to use in determining which response to choose. The question-specific instructions contain some guidelines to use if "yes" or "no" is not given immediately. If a condition is reported and the caregiver is unsure of whether it fits into any of the specific areas asked in these questions, report that condition in question 20 (other). Record as much information about the condition as you are given, which can later be verified and recoded in the appropriate category if it then appears to fit one of the listed categories.

Questions 24-44: These questions ask about symptoms. Any symptoms reported should be recorded even if they appear to be connected to one of the previously self-reported health problems. This will not result in double coding; rather it will capture a different element of the illness, that of how often the respondent experiences certain particular symptoms.

Specific Instructions:

Question 5 &6: If the caregiver is not a smoker or does not drink alcohol, the N/A response should be checked.


Question 9: Arthritis . A doctor’s diagnosis of arthritis is not necessary for a positive response to this question. The respondent may also mention that they take medication for pain in the joints. If the respondent mentions taking medications for this reason, mark "yes".

Question 10: High Blood Pressure . If the response is something like: “I don’t know; the last time my blood pressure was checked it was 150 over 80”, the interviewer must interpret that response. In order to do so, the interviewer needs to know that there are two types of blood pressure measurements. Systolic blood pressure is the higher of the two. A systolic blood pressure reading of 160 or greater is considered high. Diastolic blood pressure (the lower of the two) is considered high if it is 90 or greater. Thus, the response above (i.e., 150 over 80) should be marked as “no”. If, however, either figure is higher than the cutoff, mark the “yes” response. If the respondent indicates only that his/her blood pressure is considered “borderline,” mark “no” and proceed to the next question.

Another indicator of high blood pressure is the use of medication. If the respondent says something like “I don’t know, my blood pressure is under control now,” the interviewer should find out if the respondent’s blood pressure is being controlled by medication. A suitable prompt would be: “Are you taking medication to control your blood pressure?” Any indication that the respondent is taking medication for high blood pressure or hypertension should be marked as a “yes” response.

The interviewer should not ask about the use of medication or the exact blood pressure, but these guidelines should be used if either are mentioned.

Question 11: Heart Condition (specifically heart disease, heart attack, chest pain due to your heart, congestive heart failure, angina, MI ) . Again, if the respondent does not know, then mark “unknown”, unless he/she volunteers further information specifying one or more of the following: heart disease, heart attack, chest pain due to the heart, congestive heart failure, angina, or myocardial infarction. Mark the “yes” response if any of these conditions are volunteered.

Question 12: Chronic Lung Disease such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema ( not asthma ) . This question should be marked “yes” only if the respondent reports having a chronic lung disease other than asthma. If the response is “I have bronchitis”, or “I have a respiratory infection”, the interviewer should ask: “Is it a temporary condition?” If the respondent is suffering from a temporary condition, and has no chronic condition, mark the “no” response. Another indicator of lung disease is use of oxygen, although oxygen is sometimes given to asthma sufferers. If the respondent reports he/she is taking oxygen, or if he/she is obviously taking oxygen, the interviewer should find out if it is for asthma, and if not, mark the “yes” response.

Question 13: Diabetes . This question should be marked as “no” unless the respondent either answers “yes” or mentions "problems with my sugar." In addition, if the respondent is on insulin or oral hypoglycemics (“sugar pills”) mark “yes”.

Question 14: Stroke. If the respondent reports receiving treatment or medication to prevent a stroke, mark “no” unless he/she reports having had a prior stroke. If he/she reports having had a "TIA", but not a stroke, the “no” response should be marked as well. If the response is a “small stroke” mark “yes”. Mark “yes” if he/she responds that they had any kind of “stroke”.

Question 15: Stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Not simple indigestion- this is intended to reflect a condition that needs monitoring by a health professional.


Question 16: Kidney problems. This should be a condition that is being treated through medication or dialysis.

Question 17: Cirrhosis or other serious liver problem. This is intended to reflect a condition that needs monitoring by a health professional.

Question 18: Cancer . If the respondent mentions having had cancer that was “cured” or successfully treated, mark the “no” response. If the respondent is currently undergoing treatment for cancer, mark the “yes” response. The same rule holds true for skin cancers: if the respondent reports having had a skin cancer that was removed/treated, mark the “no” response; if the respondent is currently undergoing treatment for skin cancer, mark “yes”.

Question 19: Vision or hearing problems. If the respondent states he/she wears glasses only, and can see fine with glasses, mark the “no” response. The response should be yes for anything other than glasses and a standard hearing aid.

Question 22 & 23: These questions also refer to currently, therefore if the respondent has a short term health problem or a long term health problem that requires them to have help at the time of the interview, mark the “yes” response. If the respondent, has had help in the past, but not currently, mark the “no” response.

Questions 24-44: These questions might require some prompting to help the respondent recall the symptom and length of time symptom lasted. If they give a vague amount of time, such as “a few days”, “a couple of days” etc., ask them to give a number of days. If the respondent is unable to recall having the symptom, mark the” no” response. If the respondent states they have had the symptom but is unsure of the length of time it lasted, you may need to probe further. “Did you have it a long time or short time?, “Can you remember things you did this past month, visiting, shopping, etc.- did you alter your routine because of this symptom?”

Question 29: Toothache. Include bleeding and or swollen gums as symptom.

Question 32: Dry Cough. A dry cough is a condition that does not produce phlegm and is not due to temporary irritation such as swallowing food/drink improperly.

Question 34: Wheezing. Wheezing is defined as difficulty maintaining normal air flow resulting from respiratory inflammation such as asthma or allergic reactions.

Question 35: Unusual shortness of breath. This refers to difficulty breathing after normal physical exertion, inability to regain normal breathing pattern after brief period of excitement.

Question 36: Unplanned loss of weight. This refers to weight loss that does not occur due to conscious effort through diet and/or exercise.

Question 39: Heartburn. This category should include simple/chronic indigestion.

Question 43: Bloody or black stools. The color and condition of the stool is due to an underlying health condition, not medication or diet.

Questions 45-47: These questions ask about the number of days lost of different activities due to illness. Enter the number of days reported. If the caregiver does not work, the response for question 45 is N/A, written in the space provided.


Question 48: This is a perception question. The caregiver is to answer yes or no to the main question. A “yes” response is followed by asking whether the caregiver sees minimal or substantial improvement and then to check from the list provided, in which areas the caregiver sees this improvement. A “no” response is followed by asking whether the caregiver sees no change, minimal decline or substantial decline.




PURPOSE: To record information regarding the affective state of the respondent. The CES-D is a widely-used instrument for the measurement of depression and for the identification of individuals who are prone to depression.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the baseline visit and six-month follow-up visit. This form appears in the baseline, follow-up, bereavement, placement, and discontinued batteries.



This form contains a possible alert.

This form contains 12 statements describing different feelings and emotional states. The caregiver is asked to indicate how often she or he felt that way during the past week .

These mood items are followed by one final question that asks the caregiver to rate their impression of the overall improvement in their mood or emotional well-being over the past six months.

The phrases used in this questionnaire are subjective and definitions should be left up to the respondent. If a respondent asks what a particular phrase means, you should simply state “whatever it means to you” and repeat the question.

If the respondent has difficulty with the items in this form, it may be necessary to reread the question and/or response options, or state "remember there are no right or wrong answers to these questions, we are interested in your opinion", or "these possible responses may not fit exactly how you feel, but please choose the option that is closest to how you feel.

Specific Instructions:

Question 10: If respondent asks what does “get going” means, state it means “get started”.

Question 13: This is a perception question. The caregiver is to answer yes or no to the main question. A “yes’ response is followed by asking whether the caregiver sees minimal or substantial improvement. A “no” response is followed by asking whether the caregiver sees no change, minimal decline or substantial decline.

Question 14: CES-D Score : The CES-D score should be calculated only when there are 2 or less missing responses on questions #1-10 only (questions 11 & 12 are additional items not used to score the 10 item CES-D). If more than 2 questions are missing, the total CES-D score should be given a missing value. If there is any indication based on the non-missing responses and the


interviewer’s impression that the caregiver may have depressive symptomatology, the PI or PI designate should be shown the non-missing responses.

To compute the CES-D score, first reverse code the responses for items #5 and #8 so that all the questions which comprise the CES-D score are in the same direction (i.e., higher scores for all questions are worse, indicative of greater duration of depressive symptomatology). Thus, for questions #5 and #8, a zero should be scored as a three, a one as a two, a two as a one and a three as a zero. Do NOT reverse the codes on the form; PoP will automatically reverse, so data entry personnel will enter items as they appear on the form.Then to compute the score:1) First add the scores for questions #1 through #10 (using the values from questions #5 and #8 after reverse coding their responses in the manner described above). 2) Take the total score and divide by the number of non-missing items. 3) Multiply the value from step 2 by 10 (the total number of questions in the scale).

For example, if a participant answered 8 questions and had a score of 16 on these 8 questions (after doing reverse scoring, where appropriate), the CES-D score is:

16 / 8 = 2then multiply by 102 x 10 = 20. Thus the CES-D score is 20.

Question 15: Is the CES-D score greater than or equal to 15? Indicate if the CES-D score is greater than or equal to 15. If “yes”, indicate whether the Principal Investigator at the site or the appropriate personnel were notified about the depression level of the caregiver. If the PI or appropriate personnel were not notified, then do so immediately and indicate that they were informed.

If the CES-D score is 15 or greater, the PI or PI designate should be contacted and then the caregiver must be contacted by a REACH team member (e.g., interviewer, interventionist, PC, or PI), who will follow the established alert process. After the initial contact, the REACH site is expected to monitor the caregiver, but no other action is required. This protocol applies to all assessment points (baseline and 6 months). Thus, a caregiver scoring 15 or higher on the CES-D at Baseline and the 6-month follow-up would be contacted after Baseline and again after the 6-month battery.



IntroductionPURPOSE: To record information

regarding the kinds and amount of support that the caregiver receives from friends, neighbors, or family members.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the six-month follow-up visit. This form appears in the bereavement and discontinued batteries.



Most of the questions ask about the support received in the past month . When there is no time frame given, the question should be understood as asking about right now.

The questions throughout this form refer to persons outside the home. This means other people living in the same home are excluded from the questions. The interviewer should always ensure that the respondent’s answer excludes these individuals. You may need to probe to obtain this information when necessary.

The social support items are followed by one final question that asks the caregiver to rate their impression over the past six months of the overall improvement in the social support they have received.

The response options throughout this form must be read aloud, since they vary from question to question. It may be necessary to make a statement like "I know this may seem repetitious, but I am required to read all of the possible responses."

Many of the questions use the terms someone or others. By someone or others, we mean friends, neighbors, or family members. .Some of the questions, mostly in the beginning of the questionnaire, explain who someone/others are. Occasionally however, a respondent may want to know who is meant by the term “someone” or “others”. If this information is requested, the interviewer should respond “By someone, we mean friends, neighbors, or family members.”

“Relatives” include both blood relatives and relatives by marriage.

Throughout the form, the term “help” refers to aid, assistance or lending a hand with the actual performance of the activity/task (e.g., actually does the grocery shopping or bill paying) or some aspect of the task (e.g., drives to the grocery store or provides care to the care recipient so that you are able to go to the grocery store)

Specific Instructions:

Questions 1, 7, 9, 11: These questions are designed to probe satisfaction with received support. These questions ask the caregiver how satisfied they are with … If the caregiver states they do not receive the type of help or support asked about in the question, then probe to determine how


satisfied the respondent is with not receiving any help. An example probe would be, “I understand that you did not receive any help with ____. Were you not at all, a little, moderately, or very satisfied with that?”

Question 2: “See or hear” includes visits in person or by telephone, as well as letters received.

Questions 6 & 7: The term “transportation” refers to driving the participant somewhere.

Question 8: For someone to “be there” in this question the person needs to be in the same place with the caregiver. If a person is with the participant but only by phone and is not there physically with the participant this would not count. Providing comfort is a subjective term and the definition should be left up to the participant. If the participant asks what “providing comfort” means, tell them that it means providing comfort to them in any way. Expressed concern is a subjective term and the definition should be left up to the participant. If the participant asks what “expressed interest or concern” means tell them that it means expressing any type of interest or concern.

Question 12: “Demands” is a subjective term and the definition should be left up to the respondent. If the participant asks what “demands” means tell them that it can mean anything that others ask them to do that they feel is a demand.

Question 13: Being critical is a subjective term and the definition should be left up to the respondent. If the participant asks what is meant by “being critical” tell them that it can mean anything that they feel is a criticism from someone else.

Question 14: The definition of “pried into your affairs” should be left up to the respondent. If the participant asks what is meant by “pried into your affairs” tell them that it can mean anything that they feel others have done to find out things that they feel are private.

Question 15: The definition of “taken advantage of” is subjective and should be left up to the respondent. If the participant asks what we mean tell them that it can mean anything that they feel others have done to take advantage of them.

Question 16: This is a perception question. The caregiver is to answer yes or no to the main question. A “yes’ response is followed by asking whether the caregiver sees minimal or substantial improvement. A “no” response is followed by asking whether the caregiver sees no change, minimal decline or substantial decline.




PURPOSE: To record information regarding spiritual coping and religion in the caregiver's life. This follow-up form is an abbreviated version of the baseline form. It contains questions on aspects of religiosity that may change during the course of the study.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the follow-up visit only. This form appears in the follow-up, bereavement and placement batteries.



The first section of this form asks about spiritual coping. If a caregiver states they do not believe in God, but in some other higher force or a polytheistic faiths (e.g., "gods"), please ask the questions referring to a higher force or gods.

The second section asks the caregiver about their attendance at religious activities and frequency of praying.

Specific Instructions:

Question 7: Examples of religious activities include services (e.g. Mass), meetings (e.g. Bible study groups) or activities (e.g. church socials). A response of “every day”, or “daily” should be coded as “Nearly every day”.

Question 8: A response of “every day” or “daily” should be coded as “Nearly every day”.




PURPOSE: To record information regarding how satisfied the caregiver is with the amount of time spent on activities that he/she might engage in for enjoyment.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the baseline visit and six-month follow-up visit. This form appears in the baseline, follow-up, bereavement, and placement batteries.



These questions contain two parts to each question. The first part of the question asks how often the caregiver engaged in the activity. The second part of the question asks the caregiver how satisfied he/she is with the amount of time spent doing the particular activity. All the questions refer to the past month .

In some cases, the interviewer may encounter a situation in which the caregiver responds “No, I didn’t do that at all” to the second part of the question. You should first repeat the question, emphasizing the phrase “How satisfied are you”. If that fails, probe to find out if that amount of activity was satisfactory with a question such as “I understand that you did not ____during the past month. Would you say you were not at all, a little, or a lot satisfied with that?”

You may need to remind the respondent that “Although none of these options may match exactly how you feel, I need you to choose the closest one,” or “Remember there are no right or wrong answers to these questions, we are interested in your opinion.” Again, the respondent should not be pushed to the point of aggravation. If he/she cannot answer the question after prompting, mark the “unknown” response option.

Specific Instructions:

Question 1: “Activities” refer to any activities that the participant enjoys doing.

Question 3: This includes any type of organized group that meets on a regular basis.

Question 4: This includes anything that the participant considers a hobby or other interest.

Question 6: “Fun things” are self defined by the respondent.




PURPOSE: This form is included in order to examine possible specific effects of the care recipient’s death on the caregiver’s mental status.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the six-month follow-up visit. This form appears in the bereavement battery only.



This form is to be administered only to those caregivers whose care recipient has died during the course of the study.

Unless otherwise stated, definition of terms in this form is left to the respondent’s interpretation.

Interviewers should be prepared to handle questions about service availability. Site-specific guidelines on ethics and treatment fidelity should be consulted before administering this interview.

Be aware of shifting time frames. Some questions refer to the present, while others ask about the past month, past six months or past year depending on the issue involved.

For the first section of this measure, you may need to remind the respondent that “Although none of these options may match exactly how you feel, I need you to choose the closest one,” or “Remember there are no right or wrong answers to these questions, we are interested in your opinion.” Again, the respondent should not be pushed to the point of aggravation. If he/she cannot answer the question after prompting, mark the “unknown” response option.

Specific Instructions:

Question 15 & 16: The time frame for this question is self-defined by the respondent. Sometimes the CR is in the hospital before they die, this time frame would include a hospitalization under those circumstances.

Question 20: This question asks to what extent the CG had made preparations for CR’s death. Examples such as funeral arrangements and legal decisions can be mentioned to the caregiver for clarification.

Question 23: Allow the caregiver to mention all services that he/she is using. Record any services reported by the caregiver in the appropriate spaces for items 23.1.1 through 23.1.9. Read any of those that are not mentioned by the caregiver and then ask if there are any other services in question 23.1.9.

Question 24: Allow the caregiver to mention all services that he/she thinks are needed. Record any services that the caregiver thinks he/she needs in the appropriate spaces for items 24.1.1 through 24.1.9. Read any of those that are not mentioned by the caregiver and then ask if there are any other services in 24.1.9.

Question 25: Record whether (CG) would like telephone numbers and/or information on people or organizations that may be able to help with bereavement coping. Consult site-specific


guidelines on ethics and treatment fidelity before providing any of this information.




PURPOSE: This form asks general questions in the areas of safety; social support; and caregiver emotional and physical well-being to identify risk for the caregiver.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the six-month follow-up visit. This form appears in the bereavement battery only.



Be aware of shifting time frames. Some questions refer to the present, while others ask about the past month, past six months or past year depending on the issue involved.

The questions asked require either a yes/no response or a response of never, sometimes, or often.

These questions are somewhat repetitive with questions asked previously throughout the battery. If the respondent becomes annoyed with these questions try to repeat the instructions and remind him/her that “Some of these questions are repetitive but it will not take long to answer and I am required to ask everyone all of the questions.”

Specific Instructions:

Question 1: Both a working smoke detector and a fire extinguisher are needed by caregiver. If caregiver replies they have one of the two, mark the “no” response.




PURPOSE: To record information regarding all of the medications (prescription and non-prescription, including herbal and vitamins) currently being taken by the caregiver.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the baseline visit and six-month follow-up visit. This form appears in the baseline, follow-up, bereavement, and placement batteries.



This form asks the interviewer to list all of the medications currently being taken by the caregiver. The respondent should have been instructed prior to the interview to gather all his/her medications and all of the care recipient’s medications (into two separate bags) to expedite filling out this form. Read the instructions on the form, and clearly print the names of the medications onto the appropriate form.

Drug codes are available by accessing the REACH II website – call the Coordinating Center for a username and password to access the document sharing area. More detailed instructions are provided in the instructions for question 1.1 of this form.

Medications encountered in interviews that are not currently on the list will be assigned to the appropriate category by the Coordinating Center. If this is encountered please notify the Coordinating Center immediately. Be sure to obtain the entire name of the medication(s) before contacting the Coordinating Center. Medications codes should be temporarily coded as 9999. Once the code for the medication is received from the Coordinating Center, the pending code should be updated to the correct code.

On some rare occasions, the respondent may not have prepared the bag of medication, for whatever reason. In this situation, the interviewer should patiently ask the respondent to gather the medications, and wait until this task is complete.

In a number of instances, participants may have difficulty separating their own medications from those of the care recipient because they both take the same drug. In this case, be sure to record that medication on both the CG Medications form and the CR Medications form.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not offer any advice to the respondent on medications . This includes advice on the medications currently taken by the caregiver, other medications which the interviewer may know about, compliance, dosage instructions, or any other advice. If the respondent asks any questions relating to medications, the interviewer should respond: “I really don’t know anything about any medicines--the best thing I could tell you is to ask your physician or pharmacist.”

If the caregiver is taking medication as part of a trial and is masked or blinded to the name of the drug that he or she is taking, record “BLINDED STUDY DRUG” in the space allocated for the medication name and record a code of 8888 for the medication code.


If a participant is taking more than 30 medications, call the Coordinating Center for further details.


Specific Instructions:

Question 1: The interviewer should first record whether or not the caregiver is taking any medication. If the caregiver is not taking any medications enter the word "NONE" in all capital letters in the allocated space. If the caregiver is unable to report the medications enter the word “UNKNOWN” in all capital letters. If the caregiver refuses to report the medications enter the word “REFUSED” in all capital letters.

If the caregiver is taking medication, record the name of the first medication using all capital letters. The name of the medication should be copied as it appears on the label. Record only the first twenty letters of the name. The response begins at the left most space. Record only one letter per space. If the name of the medication is less than twenty letters, leave the remaining spaces blank. If the name is longer than 20 letters, also record the entire name in the margin of the form. The interviewer should continue this until all of the medication, that the CG takes, has been recorded. After recording all the medications, leave the remaining lines, if applicable, blank.

The interviewer should then record the 4-digit code associated with the medication listed in 1.1.1. This is available on the Medication Code Table listed on the REACH II web site (or by printing this listing) and entering the 4-digit code number assigned to the drug. Herbal medications and vitamins have been included in this master list. Combination drugs (more than one drug combined in one tablet) should be recorded and coded separately.

If a medication is encountered that is not currently on the list, contact the Coordinating Center and the drug will be assigned to the appropriate category.

Question 2: After all of the medication, that the caregiver takes, has been recorded, the interviewer should ask if any of the medication is being taken for anxiety, depression, or stress. If the answer is “Yes”, the interviewer should prompt the caregiver to identify which medication is being taken for anxiety, depression, or stress and then check the appropriate column to the right of the medication name. This question is asking for the caregiver’s opinion. This question is to determine what the caregiver believes he or she is taking for anxiety, depression or stress. It is not important whether the medication(s) selected are actually used for those purposes or if a known medication to treat anxiety, depression or stress is not indicated.




PURPOSE: To assess intervention acceptability and effectiveness. This form will be administered to all caregivers involved in the study.

TIME OF DATA COLLECTION: At the six-month follow-up visit. This form appears in the follow-up, bereavement and placement batteries.



The project evaluation (PE) form is to be administered to all caregivers, including those randomized to the control group. The PE form has been placed at the end of the six-month follow-up batteries (follow-up, placement, bereavement) and will be administered after the battery as the final form. Thus, the interviewer will be administering the project evaluation.

The project evaluation contains questions for all participants and then asks the caregiver if they participated in the intervention. If they have participated in the intervention then they will ask additional questions. The interviewer will then remove the CTIS phone if the caregiver was in the intervention group.

Specific Instructions:

Question 10: If the caregiver responds yes to this question, you will ask him or her to explain why the project required too much work or effort for him/her. Please record text as concisely as possible.  



Data Set Name: WORK.BR Observations: 41Member Type: DATA Variables: 460Engine: V8 Indexes: 0Created: 15:18 Wednesday, September 7, 2005 Observation Length: 5136Last Modified: 15:18 Wednesday, September 7, 2005 Deleted Observations: 0Protection: Compressed: NOData Set Type: Sorted: NOLabel:

-----Variables Ordered by Position-----

# Variable Type Len Format Label_____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 ID Char 7 Subject ID 2 TMPT Num 8 Which time point 3 TMPTS Num 8 Which time point specify 4 STDAT Num 8 MMDDYY10. Date interview start 5 ENDAT Num 8 MMDDYY10. Date interview end 6 GMARI Num 8 BS marital status 7 EMP Num 8 BS employment status 8 EMPO Num 8 BS employed outside home 9 EMPOT Num 8 TIME5. BS hours week work 10 INC Num 8 BS CG income 11 BASIC Num 8 BS CG pay for basics 12 DWEL Num 8 BS Type of dwelling 13 DWELS Char 30 BS Specify other dwelling 14 PEOP Num 8 BS Num people in home 15 HOMM Num 8 TF Homemaker 16 HOMMT Num 8 TF Homemaker times/month 17 HOMH Num 8 TF Home health 18 HOMHT Num 8 TF Home health times/month 19 HOMSG Num 8 TF Homemaker health CG 20 CKML Num 8 TF Meals delivered 21 CKMLT Num 8 TF Meals delivered times/month 22 TRAN Num 8 TF Transportation provided 23 TRANT Num 8 TF Transportation provided times/month 24 VISN Num 8 TF Visit nurse 25 VISNT Num 8 TF Visit nurse times/month 26 DYCR Num 8 TF Attend senior day care 27 DYCRT Num 8 TF Attend day care times/month 28 SPGR Num 8 TF Support group 29 SPGRT Num 8 TF Support group times/month 30 VSMD Num 8 TF Visit doctor 31 VSMDT Num 8 TF Visit doctor times/month 32 SECO Num 8 TF See counselor 33 SECOT Num 8 TF See counselor times/month 34 ERVS Num 8 TF ER visits 35 ERVST Num 8 TF ER visits times/month 36 OHOS Num 8 TF Overnight hospital 37 OHOST Num 8 TF Overnight hospital times/month 38 OSG1 Num 8 TF Other service one CG 39 OSG1S Char 30 TF Other service one CG Specify 40 OSG1T Num 8 TF Other service one CG times/month 41 OSG2 Num 8 TF Other service two CG 42 OSG2S Char 30 TF Other service two CG Specify DATASET SUMMARY (continued)# Variable Type Len Format Label_____________________________________________________________________________________ 43 OSG2T Num 8 TF Other service two CG times/month 44 OSG3 Num 8 TF Other service three CG 45 OSG3S Char 30 TF Other service three CG Specify 46 OSG3T Num 8 TF Other service three CG times/month 47 PAY Num 8 TF Find hard paying 48 NPAY Num 8 TF Service you like 49 NPAY1 Char 30 TF Service like Specify one


50 NPAY2 Char 30 TF Service like Specify two 51 NPAY3 Char 30 TF Service like Specify three 52 HLTH Num 8 CH Your health is 53 HLTHN Num 8 CH Health compare six month 54 SLEPQ Num 8 CH Rate sleep quality 55 AWAKE Num 8 CH Trouble staying awake 56 SMOKE Num 8 CH Smoking more 57 DRINK Num 8 CH Drinking more 58 SEEMD Num 8 CH Find time to see doctor 59 REST Num 8 CH Find time to rest 60 ART Num 8 CH Arthritis 61 HTN Num 8 CH High blood pressure 62 HRT Num 8 CH Heart Condition 63 LNG Num 8 CH Chronic lung disease 64 DM Num 8 CH Diabetes 65 STRK Num 8 CH Stroke 66 ULCR Num 8 CH Stomach ulcers 67 KIDS Num 8 CH Kidney problems 68 LIVR Num 8 CH Cirrhosis 69 CA Num 8 CH Cancer 70 CAS Char 20 CH Cancer Specify 71 VIS Num 8 CH Vision hearing problem 72 OHLT Num 8 CH Other health problems 73 OHLTS Char 20 CH Other problems Specify 74 PSY Num 8 CH Psychiatric problem 75 PSYS Char 20 CH Psychiatric problem Specify 76 HPERS Num 8 CH Help personal care 77 HCHOR Num 8 CH Help daily routine 78 TEMP Num 8 CH Temperature 79 TEMPD Num 8 CH Temperature days 80 HEAD Num 8 CH Headache 81 HEADD Num 8 CH Headache days 82 RASH Num 8 CH Skin rash 83 RASHD Num 8 CH Skin rash days 84 EYE Num 8 CH Burning eyes 85 EYED Num 8 CH Burning eyes days 86 EAR Num 8 CH Ear eye infection 87 EARD Num 8 CH Ear eye infection days 88 TOTH Num 8 CH Toothache 89 TOTHD Num 8 CH Toothache days 90 THRO Num 8 CH Sore throat 91 THROD Num 8 CH Sore throat days 92 NOSE Num 8 CH Runny nose 93 NOSED Num 8 CH Runny nose days 94 HACK Num 8 CH Dry cough 95 HACKD Num 8 CH Dry cough days 96 CUP Num 8 CH Coughing up 97 CUPD Num 8 CH Coughing up days 98 WHZ Num 8 CH WheezingDATASET SUMMARY (continued)# Variable Type Len Format Label_____________________________________________________________________________________ 99 WHZD Num 8 CH Wheezing days100 SOB Num 8 CH Unusual SOB101 SOBD Num 8 CH Unusual SOB days102 WLOS Num 8 CH Weight loss103 WLOSD Num 8 CH Weight loss days104 NAU Num 8 CH Nausea105 NAUD Num 8 CH Nausea days106 CRMP Num 8 CH Stomach pain107 CRMPD Num 8 CH Stomach pain days108 HBRN Num 8 CH Heartburn109 HBRND Num 8 CH Heartburn days110 CPAN Num 8 CH Chest pain111 CPAND Num 8 CH Chest pain days112 HFST Num 8 CH Rapid heart113 HFSTD Num 8 CH Rapid heart days114 RUN Num 8 CH Diarrhea115 RUND Num 8 CH Diarrhea days116 STL Num 8 CH Bloody stools


117 STLD Num 8 CH Bloody stools days118 HEM Num 8 CH Hemorrhoids119 HEMD Num 8 CH Hemorrhoids days120 ILOS Num 8 CH Work days lost illness121 CDOWN Num 8 CH Cut down on activities122 INBED Num 8 CH Days in bed123 CHPI Num 8 CH Physical health124 CHPIM Num 8 CH Physical health improvement125 CHPDE Num 8 CH Physical health decline126 BOTHR Num 8 SD Bothered by things127 KEEP Num 8 SD Trouble keeping mind128 DEPRS Num 8 SD Felt depressed129 EFORT Num 8 SD Everything is an effort130 FUTUR Num 8 SD Hopeful about future131 FEARF Num 8 SD Felt fearful132 SLEEP Num 8 SD Sleep restless133 HAPPY Num 8 SD Felt happy134 FLONE Num 8 SD Felt lonely135 GOING Num 8 SD Could not get going136 UNFRI Num 8 SD People unfriendly137 DISLK Num 8 SD People disliked me138 SDWI Num 8 SD Well being139 SDWIM Num 8 SD Well being improvement140 SDWDE Num 8 SD Well being decline141 CESD Num 8 SD CES-D score142 SDAL1 Num 8 SD CES-D GE 15143 PIN3 Num 8 SD PI notified144 FMHLP Num 8 TS Satisfied help friends145 SERLT Num 8 TS See relatives/friends146 FLRLT Num 8 TS Feel friends close to147 TRHLP Num 8 TS Call help transportation148 IMPTK Num 8 TS Talk when made decision149 PTHLP Num 8 TS Pitched in to help150 STHLP Num 8 TS Satisfied with help151 SSHLP Num 8 TS Been right there w/you152 STSUP Num 8 TS Satisfied support153 HLUND Num 8 TS Help understand situation154 STSUG Num 8 TS Satisfied w/suggestionDATASET SUMMARY (continued)# Variable Type Len Format Label_____________________________________________________________________________________155 MDDEM Num 8 TS Made demands on you156 MDCRT Num 8 TS Been critical of you157 PRAFF Num 8 TS Pried into your affair158 TKADV Num 8 TS Taken advantage of you159 SSSI Num 8 TS Support160 SSSIM Num 8 TS Support improvement161 SSSDE Num 8 TS Support decline162 SPFRC Num 8 TR Life part spiritual163 WKGOD Num 8 TR Work with God as partners164 LKGOD Num 8 TR Look God support165 STGOD Num 8 TR Stressful situation are God166 ABGOD Num 8 TR Wonder God abandoned167 RLGOD Num 8 TR Without relying on God168 RGGO Num 8 TR Attend religious services169 RGDO Num 8 TR Pray or meditate170 ACTEN Num 8 SA Activities you enjoy171 ACTES Num 8 SA Activities you satisfied172 QUIET Num 8 SA Quiet time by yourself173 QUIES Num 8 SA Quiet time by satisfied174 ATCHR Num 8 SA Attend church group175 ATCHS Num 8 SA Attend church satisfied176 HOBBY Num 8 SA Take part in hobbies177 HOBBS Num 8 SA Take part in satisfied178 OMEAL Num 8 SA Go out for meals179 OMEAS Num 8 SA Go out for satisfied180 FUN Num 8 SA Do fun things181 FUNS Num 8 SA Do fun things satisfied182 VISIT Num 8 SA Visit family friends183 VISIS Num 8 SA Visit family satisfied


184 CRY Num 8 BF Cry when think of CR185 UPSET Num 8 BF Upset think CR186 ACC Num 8 BF Not Accept CR death187 MISS Num 8 BF Miss CR188 PAINF Num 8 BF Painful memories CR189 THOUG Num 8 BF Preoccupied thoughts CR190 TEARS Num 8 BF Hide tears think CR191 PLACE Num 8 BF No one take place of CR192 AVOID Num 8 BF Can not avoid think of CR193 UNFAD Num 8 BF Unfair that CR died194 REMIN Num 8 BF Things remind me of CR195 UACC Num 8 BF Unable accept CR death196 NEED Num 8 BF Need to cry for CR197 WDIE Num 8 BF Where did CR die198 WDIEO Char 30 BF Where did CR die Specify199 HCARE Num 8 BF Extent helped CR before200 SCARE Num 8 BF How satisfied with help201 CRREL Num 8 BF Extent death relief CR202 CGREL Num 8 BF Extent death relief CG203 EXPDT Num 8 BF Extent expected CR death204 PREDT Num 8 BF Extent prepared CR death205 FPAIN Num 8 BF Much time CR felt pain206 FUPST Num 8 BF Much time CR upset207 COP1 Num 8 BF Receive any counseling208 COP11 Num 8 BF Support group for family209 COP12 Num 8 BF Other support group210 COP13 Num 8 BF Individual counselingDATASET SUMMARY (continued)# Variable Type Len Format Label_____________________________________________________________________________________211 COP14 Num 8 BF Family counseling212 COP15 Num 8 BF Clergy Past counseling213 COP16 Num 8 BF Informal family support214 COP17 Num 8 BF Informal support friends215 COP18 Num 8 BF Medication or doctor assistance216 COP19 Num 8 BF Other counseling used217 COP1S Char 30 BF Other counseling used Specify218 COP2 Num 8 BF Need addition assistance219 COP21 Num 8 BF Need support group for family220 COP22 Num 8 BF Need support group other221 COP23 Num 8 BF Need individual counseling222 COP24 Num 8 BF Need Family counseling223 COP25 Num 8 BF Need Clergy pastoral224 COP26 Num 8 BF Need informal family support225 COP27 Num 8 BF Need informal support friends226 COP28 Num 8 BF Need medication/doctor assistance227 COP29 Num 8 BF Need other228 COP2S Char 30 BF Need other Specify229 LKTEL Num 8 BF Would you like Phone number230 SMDET Num 8 BA Safety smoke detector231 STALK Num 8 BA Social talk of decisions232 TRANS Num 8 BA Social help transportation233 EMOT Num 8 BA Social someone to list234 ISOL Num 8 BA Social feel isolated235 CWEI Num 8 BA Social changed weight236 MCHK Num 8 BA Social see doctor check up237 MMISS Num 8 BA Social missed scheduled appointment238 HEYE Num 8 BA Social had eye checked239 HHEAR Num 8 BA Social had hear checked240 HTEET Num 8 BA Social had teeth check241 HFLUS Num 8 BA Social had flu shot242 HBP Num 8 BA Social had BP checked243 HMAMM Num 8 BA Social had mammogram244 HPAPS Num 8 BA Social had pap smear245 HPROS Num 8 BA Social had prostate exam246 CPHYS Num 8 BA Social cutback physical activities247 CRYSP Num 8 BA Social crying spells248 QTIME Num 8 BA Social things you enjoy249 CHEAD Num 8 BA Social headaches flu250 CSTOM Num 8 BA Social stomach or sore


251 CSLEP Num 8 BA Social fall asleep252 CBACK Num 8 BA Social back hurt253 CMEAL Num 8 BA Social hard to eat ok254 MMED Num 8 BA Social take medication regular255 GTAKE Num 8 CG take medication256 GADS Num 8 CG medication for ADS257 GC1 Num 8 CG medication 1 code258 GM1 Char 20 CG medication 1259 GA1 Num 8 CG medication 1 anxiety260 GD1 Num 8 CG medication 1 depression261 GS1 Num 8 CG medication 1 stress262 GC2 Num 8 CG medication 2 code263 GM2 Char 20 CG medication 2264 GA2 Num 8 CG medication 2 anxiety265 GD2 Num 8 CG medication 2 depression266 GS2 Num 8 CG medication 2 stressDATASET SUMMARY (continued)# Variable Type Len Format Label_____________________________________________________________________________________267 GC3 Num 8 CG medication 3 code268 GM3 Char 20 CG medication 3269 GA3 Num 8 CG medication 3 anxiety270 GD3 Num 8 CG medication 3 depression271 GS3 Num 8 CG medication 3 stress272 GC4 Num 8 CG medication 4 code273 GM4 Char 20 CG medication 4274 GA4 Num 8 CG medication 4 anxiety275 GD4 Num 8 CG medication 4 depression276 GS4 Num 8 CG medication 4 stress277 GC5 Num 8 CG medication 5 code278 GM5 Char 20 CG medication 5279 GA5 Num 8 CG medication 5 anxiety280 GD5 Num 8 CG medication 5 depression281 GS5 Num 8 CG medication 5 stress282 GC6 Num 8 CG medication 6 code283 GM6 Char 20 CG medication 6284 GA6 Num 8 CG medication 6 anxiety285 GD6 Num 8 CG medication 6 depression286 GS6 Num 8 CG medication 6 stress287 GC7 Num 8 CG medication 7 code288 GM7 Char 20 CG medication 7289 GA7 Num 8 CG medication 7 anxiety290 GD7 Num 8 CG medication 7 depression291 GS7 Num 8 CG medication 7 stress292 GC8 Num 8 CG medication 8 code293 GM8 Char 20 CG medication 8294 GA8 Num 8 CG medication 8 anxiety295 GD8 Num 8 CG medication 8 depression296 GS8 Num 8 CG medication 8 stress297 GC9 Num 8 CG medication 9 code298 GM9 Char 20 CG medication 9299 GA9 Num 8 CG medication 9 anxiety300 GD9 Num 8 CG medication 9 depression301 GS9 Num 8 CG medication 9 stress302 GC10 Num 8 CG medication 10 code303 GM10 Char 20 CG medication 10304 GA10 Num 8 CG medication 10 anxiety305 GD10 Num 8 CG medication 10 depression306 GS10 Num 8 CG medication 10 stress307 GC11 Num 8 CG medication 11 code308 GM11 Char 20 CG medication 11309 GA11 Num 8 CG medication 11 anxiety310 GD11 Num 8 CG medication 11 depression311 GS11 Num 8 CG medication 11 stress312 GC12 Num 8 CG medication 12 code313 GM12 Char 20 CG medication 12314 GA12 Num 8 CG medication 12 anxiety315 GD12 Num 8 CG medication 12 depression316 GS12 Num 8 CG medication 12 stress317 GC13 Num 8 CG medication 13 code


318 GM13 Char 20 CG medication 13319 GA13 Num 8 CG medication 13 anxiety320 GD13 Num 8 CG medication 13 depression321 GS13 Num 8 CG medication 13 stress322 GC14 Num 8 CG medication 14 codeDATASET SUMMARY (continued)# Variable Type Len Format Label_____________________________________________________________________________________323 GM14 Char 20 CG medication 14324 GA14 Num 8 CG medication 14 anxiety325 GD14 Num 8 CG medication 14 depression326 GS14 Num 8 CG medication 14 stress327 GC15 Num 8 CG medication 15 code328 GM15 Char 20 CG medication 15329 GA15 Num 8 CG medication 15 anxiety330 GD15 Num 8 CG medication 15 depression331 GS15 Num 8 CG medication 15 stress332 GC16 Num 8 CG medication 16 code333 GM16 Char 20 CG medication 16334 GA16 Num 8 CG medication 16 anxiety335 GD16 Num 8 CG medication 16 depression336 GS16 Num 8 CG medication 16 stress337 GC17 Num 8 CG medication 17 code338 GM17 Char 20 CG medication 17339 GA17 Num 8 CG medication 17 anxiety340 GD17 Num 8 CG medication 17 depression341 GS17 Num 8 CG medication 17 stress342 GC18 Num 8 CG medication 18 code343 GM18 Char 20 CG medication 18344 GA18 Num 8 CG medication 18 anxiety345 GD18 Num 8 CG medication 18 depression346 GS18 Num 8 CG medication 18 stress347 GC19 Num 8 CG medication 19 code348 GM19 Char 20 CG medication 19349 GA19 Num 8 CG medication 19 anxiety350 GD19 Num 8 CG medication 19 depression351 GS19 Num 8 CG medication 19 stress352 GC20 Num 8 CG medication 20 code353 GM20 Char 20 CG medication 20354 GA20 Num 8 CG medication 20 anxiety355 GD20 Num 8 CG medication 20 depression356 GS20 Num 8 CG medication 20 stress357 GC21 Num 8 CG medication 21 code358 GM21 Char 20 CG medication 21359 GA21 Num 8 CG medication 21 anxiety360 GD21 Num 8 CG medication 21 depression361 GS21 Num 8 CG medication 21 stress362 GC22 Num 8 CG medication 22 code363 GM22 Char 20 CG medication 22364 GA22 Num 8 CG medication 22 anxiety365 GD22 Num 8 CG medication 22 depression366 GS22 Num 8 CG medication 22 stress367 GC23 Num 8 CG medication 23 code368 GM23 Char 20 CG medication 23369 GA23 Num 8 CG medication 23 anxiety370 GD23 Num 8 CG medication 23 depression371 GS23 Num 8 CG medication 23 stress372 GC24 Num 8 CG medication 24 code373 GM24 Char 20 CG medication 24374 GA24 Num 8 CG medication 24 anxiety375 GD24 Num 8 CG medication 24 depression376 GS24 Num 8 CG medication 24 stress377 GC25 Num 8 CG medication 25 code378 GM25 Char 20 CG medication 25DATASET SUMMARY (continued)# Variable Type Len Format Label_____________________________________________________________________________________379 GA25 Num 8 CG medication 25 anxiety380 GD25 Num 8 CG medication 25 depression


381 GS25 Num 8 CG medication 25 stress382 GC26 Num 8 CG medication 26 code383 GM26 Char 20 CG medication 26384 GA26 Num 8 CG medication 26 anxiety385 GD26 Num 8 CG medication 26 depression386 GS26 Num 8 CG medication 26 stress387 GC27 Num 8 CG medication 27 code388 GM27 Char 20 CG medication 27389 GA27 Num 8 CG medication 27 anxiety390 GD27 Num 8 CG medication 27 depression391 GS27 Num 8 CG medication 27 stress392 GC28 Num 8 CG medication 28 code393 GM28 Char 20 CG medication 28394 GA28 Num 8 CG medication 28 anxiety395 GD28 Num 8 CG medication 28 depression396 GS28 Num 8 CG medication 28 stress397 GC29 Num 8 CG medication 29 code398 GM29 Char 20 CG medication 29399 GA29 Num 8 CG medication 29 anxiety400 GD29 Num 8 CG medication 29 depression401 GS29 Num 8 CG medication 29 stress402 GC30 Num 8 CG medication 30 code403 GM30 Char 20 CG medication 30404 GA30 Num 8 CG medication 30 anxiety405 GD30 Num 8 CG medication 30 depression406 GS30 Num 8 CG medication 30 stress407 EXPL Num 8 PE REACH explained408 RESP Num 8 PE Treated with respect409 BENE Num 8 PE Benefited from REACH410 UND Num 8 PE Understand memory loss411 CONF Num 8 PE Deal with memory problem412 EASI Num 8 PE Make life easier413 ENHA Num 8 PE Ability to care for CR414 IMPL Num 8 PE Improve CR life415 HOME Num 8 PE CR living at home416 WORK Num 8 PE Too much work417 WORK1 Char 50 PE Too much work 1418 WORK2 Char 50 PE Too much work 2419 WORK3 Char 50 PE Too much work 3420 WORK4 Char 50 PE Too much work 4421 TKPRT Num 8 PE Participate in group422 NVALU Num 8 PE CG Network valuable423 NHELP Num 8 PE CG Network helpful424 NUSEF Num 8 PE CG Network easy use425 NUNDE Num 8 PE CG Network easy understand426 ONLIN Num 8 PE CG online support427 OVALU Num 8 PE CG online valuable428 OKNOW Num 8 PE CG online knowledge429 OIMPR Num 8 PE CG online improved430 NOTEB Num 8 PE CG notebook helpful431 HEALP Num 8 PE Currently use Passport432 STRS Num 8 PE Learn stress management433 STRSV Num 8 PE Stress tech valuable434 STRSU Num 8 PE Stress tech currentDATASET SUMMARY (continued)# Variable Type Len Format Label_____________________________________________________________________________________435 PLEA Num 8 PE Learn pleasant events436 PLEAV Num 8 PE Learn pleasant valuable437 PLEAU Num 8 PE Learn pleasant current438 THOU Num 8 PE Thought record439 THOUV Num 8 PE Thought record valuable440 THOUU Num 8 PE Thought record current441 BEHAH Num 8 PE Behavior helpful442 BEHAU Num 8 PE Behavior current443 MUSE1 Char 50 PE Most useful part 1444 MUSE2 Char 50 PE Most useful part 2445 MUSE3 Char 50 PE Most useful part 3446 MUSE4 Char 50 PE Most useful part 4447 LUSE1 Char 50 PE Least useful part 1


448 LUSE2 Char 50 PE Least useful part 2449 LUSE3 Char 50 PE Least useful part 3450 LUSE4 Char 50 PE Least useful part 4451 CREA1 Char 50 PE What part change 1452 CREA2 Char 50 PE What part change 2453 CREA3 Char 50 PE What part change 3454 CREA4 Char 50 PE What part change 4455 REC Num 8 PE Recommend REACH456 REC1 Char 50 PE Recommend REACH 1457 REC2 Char 50 PE Recommend REACH 2458 REC3 Char 50 PE Recommend REACH 3459 REC4 Char 50 PE Recommend REACH 4 460 CERT Num 8 Interviewer certification number


FREQUENCIES Which time point

Cumulative CumulativeTMPT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 1 41 100.00 41 100.00

Which time point specify

Cumulative CumulativeTMPTS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 2 41 100.00 41 100.00

BS marital status

Cumulative CumulativeGMARI Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 3 7.32 3 7.32 1 9 21.95 12 29.27 2 19 46.34 31 75.61 3 10 24.39 41 100.00

BS employment status

Cumulative CumulativeEMP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 1 4 9.76 4 9.76 2 2 4.88 6 14.63 3 10 24.39 16 39.02 4 17 41.46 33 80.49 5 8 19.51 41 100.00

BS employed outside home

Cumulative CumulativeEMPO Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 35 85.37 35 85.37 1 6 14.63 41 100.00

BS hours week work

Cumulative CumulativeEMPOT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________10:00 1 2.44 1 2.4430:00 1 2.44 2 4.8840:00 2 4.88 4 9.7645:00 1 2.44 5 12.2060:00 1 2.44 6 14.6398:00 35 85.37 41 100.00FREQUENCIES (continued) BS CG income

Cumulative CumulativeINC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 0 2 4.88 4 9.76 1 6 14.63 10 24.39


2 3 7.32 13 31.71 3 7 17.07 20 48.78 4 7 17.07 27 65.85 5 6 14.63 33 80.49 6 2 4.88 35 85.37 7 4 9.76 39 95.12 8 1 2.44 40 97.56 10 1 2.44 41 100.00

BS CG pay for basics

Cumulative CumulativeBASIC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 13 31.71 14 34.15 1 7 17.07 21 51.22 2 12 29.27 33 80.49 3 8 19.51 41 100.00

BS Type of dwelling

Cumulative CumulativeDWEL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 1 23 56.10 23 56.10 2 8 19.51 31 75.61 3 1 2.44 32 78.05 4 7 17.07 39 95.12 6 2 4.88 41 100.00

BS Specify other dwelling

Cumulative CumulativeDWELS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________-2 39 95.12 39 95.12LARGE STUDIO 1 2.44 40 97.56MOBILE HOME 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BS Num people in home

Cumulative CumulativePEOP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 18 43.90 18 43.90 1 14 34.15 32 78.05 2 5 12.20 37 90.24 3 3 7.32 40 97.56 5 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Homemaker

Cumulative CumulativeHOMM Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 38 92.68 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00

TF Homemaker times/month

Cumulative CumulativeHOMMT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 38 92.68 38 92.68 2 1 2.44 39 95.12 4 2 4.88 41 100.00

TF Home health

Cumulative CumulativeHOMH Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 39 95.12 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00

TF Home health times/month

Cumulative CumulativeHOMHT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 39 95.12 39 95.12 3 1 2.44 40 97.56 10 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Homemaker health CG

Cumulative CumulativeHOMSG Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TF Meals delivered

Cumulative CumulativeCKML Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -3 6 14.63 6 14.63 0 34 82.93 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Meals delivered times/month

Cumulative CumulativeCKMLT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 40 97.56 40 97.56 20 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Transportation provided

Cumulative CumulativeTRAN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 39 95.12 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00

TF Transportation provided times/month

Cumulative CumulativeTRANT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 39 95.12 39 95.12 1 1 2.44 40 97.56 2 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Visit nurse

Cumulative CumulativeVISN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 40 97.56 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Visit nurse times/month

Cumulative CumulativeVISNT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 40 97.56 40 97.56 12 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TF Attend senior day care

Cumulative CumulativeDYCR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 40 97.56 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Attend day care times/month

Cumulative CumulativeDYCRT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 40 97.56 40 97.56 2 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Support group

Cumulative CumulativeSPGR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 33 80.49 33 80.49 1 8 19.51 41 100.00

TF Support group times/month

Cumulative CumulativeSPGRT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 1 3 7.32 36 87.80 2 1 2.44 37 90.24 3 1 2.44 38 92.68 4 3 7.32 41 100.00

TF Visit doctor

Cumulative CumulativeVSMD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 16 39.02 16 39.02 1 25 60.98 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TF Visit doctor times/month

Cumulative CumulativeVSMDT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 16 39.02 17 41.46 1 13 31.71 30 73.17 2 8 19.51 38 92.68 3 1 2.44 39 95.12 4 1 2.44 40 97.56 5 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF See counselor

Cumulative CumulativeSECO Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 31 75.61 31 75.61 1 10 24.39 41 100.00

TF See counselor times/month

Cumulative CumulativeSECOT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 31 75.61 31 75.61 1 4 9.76 35 85.37 2 2 4.88 37 90.24 3 1 2.44 38 92.68 4 2 4.88 40 97.56 30 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF ER visits

Cumulative CumulativeERVS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 40 97.56 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF ER visits times/month

Cumulative CumulativeERVST Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 40 97.56 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TF Overnight hospital

Cumulative CumulativeOHOS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 40 97.56 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Overnight hospital times/month

Cumulative CumulativeOHOST Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 40 97.56 40 97.56 4 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Other service one CG

Cumulative CumulativeOSG1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 39 95.12 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00

TF Other service one CG Specify

Cumulative CumulativeOSG1S Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________________________________-2 39 95.12 39 95.12HEALTH PROJECT'S CENTER 1 2.44 40 97.56MEALS ON WHEELS 2X'S WEEKLY 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Other service one CG times/month

Cumulative CumulativeOSG1T Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 39 95.12 39 95.12 1 1 2.44 40 97.56 8 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Other service two CG

Cumulative CumulativeOSG2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 39 95.12 39 95.12 0 2 4.88 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TF Other service two CG Specify

Cumulative CumulativeOSG2S Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

TF Other service two CG times/month

Cumulative CumulativeOSG2T Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

TF Other service three CG

Cumulative CumulativeOSG3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

TF Other service three CG Specify

Cumulative CumulativeOSG3S Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

TF Other service three CG times/month

Cumulative CumulativeOSG3T Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

TF Find hard paying

Cumulative CumulativePAY Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 4 9.76 5 12.20 -2 3 7.32 8 19.51 0 7 17.07 15 36.59 1 6 14.63 21 51.22 2 20 48.78 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TF Service you like

Cumulative CumulativeNPAY Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 30 73.17 30 73.17 1 11 26.83 41 100.00

TF Service like Specify one

Cumulative CumulativeNPAY1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________________-2 30 73.17 30 73.17CALL FROM FRIENDLY VISITOR 1 2.44 31 75.61DENTAL INSURANCE 1 2.44 32 78.05DRIVER 1 2.44 33 80.49HELP WITH TRANSPORTATION 1 2.44 34 82.93HOMEMAKER 1 2.44 35 85.37HOUSEKEEPER 1 2.44 36 87.80HOUSEKEEPING 1 2.44 37 90.24HOUSEWORK 1 2.44 38 92.68MEDICAL-FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 1 2.44 39 95.12PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE 1 2.44 40 97.56TRANSPORTATION 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Service like Specify two

Cumulative CumulativeNPAY2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_____________________________________________________________________________-2 35 85.37 35 85.37BLANK 1 2.44 36 87.80COOK 1 2.44 37 90.24HEALTH INSURANCE 1 2.44 38 92.68HELP WITH HOUSINGKEEPING 1 2.44 39 95.12NONE 1 2.44 40 97.56SOCIAL WORKER 1 2.44 41 100.00

TF Service like Specify three

Cumulative CumulativeNPAY3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________-2 36 87.80 36 87.800 2 4.88 38 92.68BLANK 1 2.44 39 95.12HOME REPAIRS 1 2.44 40 97.56NONE 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Your health is

Cumulative CumulativeHLTH Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 7 17.07 7 17.07 1 4 9.76 11 26.83 2 14 34.15 25 60.98 3 10 24.39 35 85.37 4 6 14.63 41 100.00

CH Health compare six month

Cumulative CumulativeHLTHN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 3 7.32 4 9.76 1 6 14.63 10 24.39 2 22 53.66 32 78.05 3 6 14.63 38 92.68 4 3 7.32 41 100.00

CH Rate sleep quality

Cumulative CumulativeSLEPQ Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 4 9.76 4 9.76 1 13 31.71 17 41.46 2 18 43.90 35 85.37 3 6 14.63 41 100.00

CH Trouble staying awake

Cumulative CumulativeAWAKE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 32 78.05 32 78.05 1 5 12.20 37 90.24 2 3 7.32 40 97.56 3 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Smoking more

Cumulative CumulativeSMOKE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 18 43.90 18 43.90 0 19 46.34 37 90.24 1 4 9.76 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Drinking more

Cumulative CumulativeDRINK Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 15 36.59 15 36.59 0 23 56.10 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00

CH Find time to see doctor

Cumulative CumulativeSEEMD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 12 29.27 12 29.27 1 29 70.73 41 100.00

CH Find time to rest

Cumulative CumulativeREST Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 21 51.22 22 53.66 1 19 46.34 41 100.00

CH Arthritis

Cumulative CumulativeART Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 19 46.34 19 46.34 1 22 53.66 41 100.00

CH High blood pressure

Cumulative CumulativeHTN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 17 41.46 17 41.46 1 24 58.54 41 100.00

CH Heart Condition

Cumulative CumulativeHRT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 31 75.61 31 75.61 1 10 24.39 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Chronic lung disease

Cumulative CumulativeLNG Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 34 82.93 34 82.93 1 7 17.07 41 100.00

CH Diabetes

Cumulative CumulativeDM Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________-3 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 33 80.49 34 82.93 1 7 17.07 41 100.00

CH Stroke

Cumulative CumulativeSTRK Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 39 95.12 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00

CH Stomach ulcers

Cumulative CumulativeULCR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 32 78.05 32 78.05 1 9 21.95 41 100.00

CH Kidney problems

Cumulative CumulativeKIDS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 37 90.24 37 90.24 1 4 9.76 41 100.00

CH Cirrhosis

Cumulative CumulativeLIVR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 40 97.56 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Cancer

Cumulative CumulativeCA Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________ 0 39 95.12 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00

CH Cancer Specify

Cumulative CumulativeCAS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent______________________________________________________________________-2 39 95.12 39 95.12PROSTATE 1 2.44 40 97.56TESTICULAR CANCER 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Vision hearing problem

Cumulative CumulativeVIS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 24 58.54 24 58.54 1 17 41.46 41 100.00

CH Other health problems

Cumulative CumulativeOHLT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 24 58.54 24 58.54 1 17 41.46 41 100.00

CH Other problems Specify

Cumulative CumulativeOHLTS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________-2 24 58.54 24 58.54ALLERGIES 1 2.44 25 60.98ASTHMA 2 4.88 27 65.85CHEMICAL WARFARE 1 2.44 28 68.29GASTRIATIS 1 2.44 29 70.73HIGH CHOLESTEROL 1 2.44 30 73.17HIGH CHOLESTEROL. 1 2.44 31 75.61HIGH CHOLESTROL 1 2.44 32 78.05MVP LOW BP HEMANGION 1 2.44 33 80.49NECK AND BACK PAIN 1 2.44 34 82.93PERIPHERAL NEUROPATH 1 2.44 35 85.37PRONE TO UTI'S 1 2.44 36 87.80SARCOIDOSIS 1 2.44 37 90.24SINUSITIS-DEPRESSION 1 2.44 38 92.68TENDONITIS 1 2.44 39 95.12THYROID 1 2.44 40 97.56ULCERS (STOMACH) 1 2.44 41 100.00FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Psychiatric problem

Cumulative CumulativePSY Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 33 80.49 33 80.49 1 8 19.51 41 100.00


CH Psychiatric problem Specify

Cumulative CumulativePSYS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________-2 33 80.49 33 80.49ANXIETY/DEPRES 8YRS 1 2.44 34 82.93COMBAT FATIGUE 1 2.44 35 85.37DEPRESSED 1 YEAR 1 2.44 36 87.80DEPRESSION 3 7.32 39 95.12DEPRESSION ANXIETY 1 2.44 40 97.56OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Help personal care

Cumulative CumulativeHPERS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 40 97.56 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Help daily routine

Cumulative CumulativeHCHOR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 36 87.80 36 87.80 1 5 12.20 41 100.00

CH Temperature

Cumulative CumulativeTEMP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 38 92.68 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00

CH Temperature days

Cumulative CumulativeTEMPD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 38 92.68 38 92.68 2 2 4.88 40 97.56 4 1 2.44 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Headache

Cumulative CumulativeHEAD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 25 60.98 25 60.98 1 16 39.02 41 100.00

CH Headache days

Cumulative CumulativeHEADD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 25 60.98 26 63.41 1 2 4.88 28 68.29 2 1 2.44 29 70.73


3 4 9.76 33 80.49 4 1 2.44 34 82.93 5 2 4.88 36 87.80 6 2 4.88 38 92.68 12 1 2.44 39 95.12 30 2 4.88 41 100.00

CH Skin rash

Cumulative CumulativeRASH Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 36 87.80 36 87.80 1 5 12.20 41 100.00

CH Skin rash days

Cumulative CumulativeRASHD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 36 87.80 36 87.80 2 2 4.88 38 92.68 7 1 2.44 39 95.12 30 2 4.88 41 100.00

CH Burning eyes

Cumulative CumulativeEYE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 30 73.17 30 73.17 1 11 26.83 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued)

CH Burning eyes days

Cumulative CumulativeEYED Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 30 73.17 30 73.17 1 2 4.88 32 78.05 2 3 7.32 35 85.37 4 1 2.44 36 87.80 7 1 2.44 37 90.24 15 1 2.44 38 92.68 20 1 2.44 39 95.12 30 2 4.88 41 100.00

CH Ear eye infection

Cumulative CumulativeEAR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 38 92.68 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00

CH Ear eye infection days

Cumulative CumulativeEARD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 38 92.68 38 92.68 2 1 2.44 39 95.12 3 1 2.44 40 97.56 5 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Toothache

Cumulative CumulativeTOTH Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 38 92.68 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00

CH Toothache days

Cumulative CumulativeTOTHD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 38 92.68 38 92.68 2 2 4.88 40 97.56 15 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Sore throat

Cumulative CumulativeTHRO Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 32 78.05 32 78.05 1 9 21.95 41 100.00

CH Sore throat days

Cumulative CumulativeTHROD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 32 78.05 32 78.05 1 4 9.76 36 87.80 2 1 2.44 37 90.24 3 1 2.44 38 92.68 5 1 2.44 39 95.12 15 1 2.44 40 97.56 30 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Runny nose

Cumulative CumulativeNOSE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 18 43.90 18 43.90 1 23 56.10 41 100.00

CH Runny nose days

Cumulative CumulativeNOSED Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 18 43.90 19 46.34 1 1 2.44 20 48.78 2 6 14.63 26 63.41 3 2 4.88 28 68.29 4 1 2.44 29 70.73 5 3 7.32 32 78.05 7 1 2.44 33 80.49 8 1 2.44 34 82.93 10 1 2.44 35 85.37 15 2 4.88 37 90.24 20 2 4.88 39 95.12 30 2 4.88 41 100.00

CH Dry cough

Cumulative CumulativeHACK Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 31 75.61 31 75.61 1 10 24.39 41 100.00FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Dry cough days

Cumulative CumulativeHACKD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 31 75.61 31 75.61 2 3 7.32 34 82.93 7 1 2.44 35 85.37


10 1 2.44 36 87.80 15 1 2.44 37 90.24 30 4 9.76 41 100.00

CH Coughing up

Cumulative CumulativeCUP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 35 85.37 35 85.37 1 6 14.63 41 100.00

CH Coughing up days

Cumulative CumulativeCUPD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 35 85.37 35 85.37 2 1 2.44 36 87.80 3 1 2.44 37 90.24 7 1 2.44 38 92.68 15 1 2.44 39 95.12 30 2 4.88 41 100.00

CH Wheezing

Cumulative CumulativeWHZ Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 31 75.61 31 75.61 1 10 24.39 41 100.00

CH Wheezing days

Cumulative CumulativeWHZD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 31 75.61 31 75.61 2 2 4.88 33 80.49 3 1 2.44 34 82.93 4 1 2.44 35 85.37 10 3 7.32 38 92.68 15 1 2.44 39 95.12 30 2 4.88 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Unusual SOB

Cumulative CumulativeSOB Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 32 78.05 33 80.49 1 8 19.51 41 100.00

CH Unusual SOB days

Cumulative CumulativeSOBD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 1 1 2.44 34 82.93 2 1 2.44 35 85.37


5 1 2.44 36 87.80 10 1 2.44 37 90.24 15 1 2.44 38 92.68 30 3 7.32 41 100.00

CH Weight loss

Cumulative CumulativeWLOS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 33 80.49 33 80.49 1 8 19.51 41 100.00

CH Weight loss days

Cumulative CumulativeWLOSD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 33 80.49 34 82.93 4 1 2.44 35 85.37 5 1 2.44 36 87.80 30 5 12.20 41 100.00

CH Nausea

Cumulative CumulativeNAU Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 38 92.68 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Nausea days

Cumulative CumulativeNAUD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 38 92.68 38 92.68 12 1 2.44 39 95.12 15 1 2.44 40 97.56 30 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Stomach pain

Cumulative CumulativeCRMP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 34 82.93 34 82.93 1 7 17.07 41 100.00

CH Stomach pain days

Cumulative CumulativeCRMPD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 34 82.93 34 82.93 1 1 2.44 35 85.37 2 2 4.88 37 90.24 3 1 2.44 38 92.68 7 1 2.44 39 95.12 10 2 4.88 41 100.00

CH Heartburn

Cumulative CumulativeHBRN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 34 82.93 34 82.93 1 7 17.07 41 100.00

CH Heartburn days

Cumulative CumulativeHBRND Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 34 82.93 34 82.93 2 2 4.88 36 87.80 4 1 2.44 37 90.24 10 1 2.44 38 92.68 12 1 2.44 39 95.12 15 1 2.44 40 97.56 30 1 2.44 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued)

CH Chest pain

Cumulative CumulativeCPAN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 34 82.93 34 82.93 1 7 17.07 41 100.00


CH Chest pain days

Cumulative CumulativeCPAND Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 34 82.93 34 82.93 1 1 2.44 35 85.37 2 1 2.44 36 87.80 4 2 4.88 38 92.68 5 1 2.44 39 95.12 21 1 2.44 40 97.56 30 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Rapid heart

Cumulative CumulativeHFST Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 33 80.49 33 80.49 1 8 19.51 41 100.00

CH Rapid heart days

Cumulative CumulativeHFSTD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 2 1 2.44 34 82.93 5 2 4.88 36 87.80 10 1 2.44 37 90.24 15 1 2.44 38 92.68 30 3 7.32 41 100.00

CH Diarrhea

Cumulative CumulativeRUN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 36 87.80 36 87.80 1 5 12.20 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Diarrhea days

Cumulative CumulativeRUND Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 36 87.80 36 87.80 2 1 2.44 37 90.24 9 1 2.44 38 92.68 10 1 2.44 39 95.12 15 1 2.44 40 97.56 30 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Bloody stools

Cumulative CumulativeSTL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 41 100.00 41 100.00

CH Bloody stools days

Cumulative CumulativeSTLD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CH Hemorrhoids

Cumulative CumulativeHEM Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ 0 35 85.37 35 85.37 1 6 14.63 41 100.00

CH Hemorrhoids days

Cumulative CumulativeHEMD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 35 85.37 35 85.37 2 1 2.44 36 87.80 10 1 2.44 37 90.24 15 2 4.88 39 95.12 20 1 2.44 40 97.56 30 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Work days lost illness

Cumulative CumulativeILOS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 35 85.37 35 85.37 0 5 12.20 40 97.56 2 1 2.44 41 100.00FREQUENCIES (continued) CH Cut down on activities

Cumulative CumulativeCDOWN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 29 70.73 29 70.73 7 3 7.32 32 78.05 14 1 2.44 33 80.49


20 2 4.88 35 85.37 30 6 14.63 41 100.00

CH Days in bed

Cumulative CumulativeINBED Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 32 78.05 32 78.05 1 3 7.32 35 85.37 5 1 2.44 36 87.80 7 2 4.88 38 92.68 10 1 2.44 39 95.12 20 1 2.44 40 97.56 30 1 2.44 41 100.00

CH Physical health

Cumulative CumulativeCHPI Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 31 75.61 31 75.61 1 10 24.39 41 100.00

CH Physical health improvement

Cumulative CumulativeCHPIM Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 31 75.61 31 75.61 1 8 19.51 39 95.12 2 2 4.88 41 100.00

CH Physical health decline

Cumulative CumulativeCHPDE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 10 24.39 10 24.39 1 22 53.66 32 78.05 2 5 12.20 37 90.24 3 4 9.76 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) SD Bothered by things

Cumulative CumulativeBOTHR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 17 41.46 17 41.46 1 12 29.27 29 70.73 2 4 9.76 33 80.49 3 8 19.51 41 100.00

SD Trouble keeping mind

Cumulative CumulativeKEEP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 18 43.90 18 43.90 1 12 29.27 30 73.17


2 6 14.63 36 87.80 3 5 12.20 41 100.00

SD Felt depressed

Cumulative CumulativeDEPRS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 15 36.59 15 36.59 1 14 34.15 29 70.73 2 6 14.63 35 85.37 3 6 14.63 41 100.00

SD Everything is an effort

Cumulative CumulativeEFORT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 23 56.10 23 56.10 1 7 17.07 30 73.17 2 4 9.76 34 82.93 3 7 17.07 41 100.00

SD Hopeful about future

Cumulative CumulativeFUTUR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 7 17.07 8 19.51 1 9 21.95 17 41.46 2 4 9.76 21 51.22 3 20 48.78 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) SD Felt fearful

Cumulative CumulativeFEARF Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 28 68.29 28 68.29 1 6 14.63 34 82.93 2 3 7.32 37 90.24 3 4 9.76 41 100.00

SD Sleep restless

Cumulative CumulativeSLEEP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 18 43.90 18 43.90 1 7 17.07 25 60.98 2 6 14.63 31 75.61 3 10 24.39 41 100.00

SD Felt happy

Cumulative CumulativeHAPPY Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 6 14.63 6 14.63


1 8 19.51 14 34.15 2 8 19.51 22 53.66 3 19 46.34 41 100.00

SD Felt lonely

Cumulative CumulativeFLONE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 13 31.71 13 31.71 1 13 31.71 26 63.41 2 5 12.20 31 75.61 3 10 24.39 41 100.00

SD Could not get going

Cumulative CumulativeGOING Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 25 60.98 25 60.98 1 7 17.07 32 78.05 3 9 21.95 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) SD People unfriendly

Cumulative CumulativeUNFRI Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 33 80.49 33 80.49 1 4 9.76 37 90.24 2 2 4.88 39 95.12 3 2 4.88 41 100.00

SD People disliked me

Cumulative CumulativeDISLK Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 33 80.49 33 80.49 1 6 14.63 39 95.12 2 1 2.44 40 97.56 3 1 2.44 41 100.00

SD Well being

Cumulative CumulativeSDWI Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 20 48.78 20 48.78 1 21 51.22 41 100.00

SD Well being improvement

Cumulative CumulativeSDWIM Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 20 48.78 20 48.78 1 10 24.39 30 73.17 2 11 26.83 41 100.00

SD Well being decline

Cumulative CumulativeSDWDE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 21 51.22 22 53.66 1 11 26.83 33 80.49 2 2 4.88 35 85.37 3 6 14.63 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) SD CES-D score

Cumulative CumulativeCESD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ 0 3 7.32 3 7.32 2 3 7.32 6 14.63 4 1 2.44 7 17.07 5 3 7.32 10 24.39 6 8 19.51 18 43.90 7 2 4.88 20 48.78 8 1 2.44 21 51.22 9 1 2.44 22 53.66 10 2 4.88 24 58.54 11 1 2.44 25 60.98 12 2 4.88 27 65.85 13 2 4.88 29 70.73 14 1 2.44 30 73.17 15 5 12.20 35 85.37 16 1 2.44 36 87.80 18 1 2.44 37 90.24 20 1 2.44 38 92.68 22 1 2.44 39 95.12 24 1 2.44 40 97.56 30 1 2.44 41 100.00


Cumulative CumulativeSDAL1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 30 73.17 30 73.17 1 11 26.83 41 100.00

SD PI notified

Cumulative CumulativePIN3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 30 73.17 30 73.17 1 11 26.83 41 100.00

TS Satisfied help friends

Cumulative CumulativeFMHLP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 3 7.32 4 9.76 1 2 4.88 6 14.63 2 9 21.95 15 36.59 3 26 63.41 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) TS See relatives/friends

Cumulative CumulativeSERLT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 1 2 4.88 2 4.88 2 6 14.63 8 19.51 3 5 12.20 13 31.71


4 11 26.83 24 58.54 5 17 41.46 41 100.00

TS Feel friends close to

Cumulative CumulativeFLRLT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 1 2.44 1 2.44 1 5 12.20 6 14.63 2 6 14.63 12 29.27 3 17 41.46 29 70.73 4 5 12.20 34 82.93 5 7 17.07 41 100.00

TS Call help transportation

Cumulative CumulativeTRHLP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 7 17.07 7 17.07 1 4 9.76 11 26.83 2 6 14.63 17 41.46 3 17 41.46 34 82.93 4 2 4.88 36 87.80 5 5 12.20 41 100.00

TS Talk when made decision

Cumulative CumulativeIMPTK Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 4 9.76 4 9.76 1 5 12.20 9 21.95 2 13 31.71 22 53.66 3 10 24.39 32 78.05 4 4 9.76 36 87.80 5 5 12.20 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TS Pitched in to help

Cumulative CumulativePTHLP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 10 24.39 11 26.83 1 8 19.51 19 46.34 2 13 31.71 32 78.05 3 9 21.95 41 100.00

TS Satisfied with help

Cumulative CumulativeSTHLP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 1 2.44 2 4.88 0 6 14.63 8 19.51 1 3 7.32 11 26.83 2 8 19.51 19 46.34 3 22 53.66 41 100.00

TS Been right there w/you

Cumulative CumulativeSSHLP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 3 7.32 3 7.32 1 9 21.95 12 29.27 2 12 29.27 24 58.54 3 17 41.46 41 100.00

TS Satisfied support

Cumulative CumulativeSTSUP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 8 19.51 10 24.39 2 6 14.63 16 39.02 3 25 60.98 41 100.00

TS Help understand situation

Cumulative CumulativeHLUND Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 7 17.07 7 17.07 1 17 41.46 24 58.54 2 11 26.83 35 85.37 3 6 14.63 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TS Satisfied w/suggestion

Cumulative CumulativeSTSUG Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ 0 5 12.20 5 12.20 1 6 14.63 11 26.83 2 14 34.15 25 60.98 3 16 39.02 41 100.00

TS Made demands on you

Cumulative CumulativeMDDEM Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 18 43.90 19 46.34 1 11 26.83 30 73.17 2 5 12.20 35 85.37 3 6 14.63 41 100.00

TS Been critical of you

Cumulative CumulativeMDCRT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 26 63.41 27 65.85 1 9 21.95 36 87.80 2 2 4.88 38 92.68 3 3 7.32 41 100.00

TS Pried into your affair

Cumulative CumulativePRAFF Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 24 58.54 25 60.98 1 9 21.95 34 82.93 2 5 12.20 39 95.12 3 2 4.88 41 100.00

TS Taken advantage of you

Cumulative CumulativeTKADV Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 25 60.98 26 63.41 1 10 24.39 36 87.80 2 2 4.88 38 92.68 3 3 7.32 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) TS Support

Cumulative CumulativeSSSI Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 16 39.02 17 41.46 1 24 58.54 41 100.00


TS Support improvement

Cumulative CumulativeSSSIM Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 17 41.46 17 41.46 1 11 26.83 28 68.29 2 13 31.71 41 100.00

TS Support decline

Cumulative CumulativeSSSDE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 25 60.98 25 60.98 1 12 29.27 37 90.24 2 1 2.44 38 92.68 3 3 7.32 41 100.00

TR Life part spiritual

Cumulative CumulativeSPFRC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 26 63.41 27 65.85 1 5 12.20 32 78.05 2 7 17.07 39 95.12 3 2 4.88 41 100.00

TR Work with God as partners

Cumulative CumulativeWKGOD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 25 60.98 26 63.41 1 5 12.20 31 75.61 2 8 19.51 39 95.12 3 2 4.88 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TR Look God support

Cumulative CumulativeLKGOD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 29 70.73 30 73.17 1 5 12.20 35 85.37 2 4 9.76 39 95.12 3 2 4.88 41 100.00

TR Stressful situation are God

Cumulative CumulativeSTGOD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 1 2.44 2 4.88 1 1 2.44 3 7.32 2 7 17.07 10 24.39 3 31 75.61 41 100.00

TR Wonder God abandoned

Cumulative CumulativeABGOD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 1 2.44 2 4.88 1 1 2.44 3 7.32 2 3 7.32 6 14.63 3 35 85.37 41 100.00

TR Without relying on God

Cumulative CumulativeRLGOD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 2 4.88 3 7.32 1 6 14.63 9 21.95 2 6 14.63 15 36.59 3 26 63.41 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) TR Attend religious services

Cumulative CumulativeRGGO Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 3 7.32 4 9.76 1 3 7.32 7 17.07 2 7 17.07 14 34.15 3 7 17.07 21 51.22 4 18 43.90 39 95.12 5 2 4.88 41 100.00

TR Pray or meditate

Cumulative CumulativeRGDO Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 2 4.88 3 7.32 2 2 4.88 5 12.20 4 4 9.76 9 21.95 5 32 78.05 41 100.00

SA Activities you enjoy

Cumulative CumulativeACTEN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 10 24.39 11 26.83 1 16 39.02 27 65.85 2 14 34.15 41 100.00

SA Activities you satisfied

Cumulative CumulativeACTES Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 12 29.27 13 31.71 1 9 21.95 22 53.66 2 19 46.34 41 100.00

SA Quiet time by yourself

Cumulative CumulativeQUIET Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 2 4.88 3 7.32 1 14 34.15 17 41.46 2 24 58.54 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) SA Quiet time by satisfied

Cumulative CumulativeQUIES Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 6 14.63 7 17.07 1 11 26.83 18 43.90


2 23 56.10 41 100.00

SA Attend church group

Cumulative CumulativeATCHR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 11 26.83 12 29.27 1 13 31.71 25 60.98 2 16 39.02 41 100.00

SA Attend church satisfied

Cumulative CumulativeATCHS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 7 17.07 8 19.51 1 7 17.07 15 36.59 2 26 63.41 41 100.00

SA Take part in hobbies

Cumulative CumulativeHOBBY Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 14 34.15 15 36.59 1 15 36.59 30 73.17 2 11 26.83 41 100.00

SA Take part in satisfied

Cumulative CumulativeHOBBS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 1 2.44 2 4.88 0 10 24.39 12 29.27 1 11 26.83 23 56.10 2 18 43.90 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) SA Go out for meals

Cumulative CumulativeOMEAL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 7 17.07 8 19.51 1 17 41.46 25 60.98 2 16 39.02 41 100.00

SA Go out for satisfied

Cumulative CumulativeOMEAS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 5 12.20 6 14.63 1 12 29.27 18 43.90 2 23 56.10 41 100.00

SA Do fun things

Cumulative CumulativeFUN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 1 2.44 2 4.88 0 9 21.95 11 26.83 1 14 34.15 25 60.98 2 16 39.02 41 100.00

SA Do fun things satisfied

Cumulative CumulativeFUNS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 1 2.44 2 4.88 0 7 17.07 9 21.95 1 10 24.39 19 46.34 2 22 53.66 41 100.00

SA Visit family friends

Cumulative CumulativeVISIT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 5 12.20 6 14.63 1 14 34.15 20 48.78 2 21 51.22 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) SA Visit family satisfied

Cumulative CumulativeVISIS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 5 12.20 6 14.63 1 8 19.51 14 34.15 2 27 65.85 41 100.00

BF Cry when think of CR

Cumulative CumulativeCRY Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 3 7.32 5 12.20 2 9 21.95 14 34.15 3 6 14.63 20 48.78 4 11 26.83 31 75.61 5 10 24.39 41 100.00

BF Upset think CR

Cumulative CumulativeUPSET Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 11 26.83 13 31.71 2 7 17.07 20 48.78 3 5 12.20 25 60.98 4 7 17.07 32 78.05 5 9 21.95 41 100.00

BF Not Accept CR death

Cumulative CumulativeACC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 16 39.02 18 43.90 2 5 12.20 23 56.10 3 4 9.76 27 65.85 4 5 12.20 32 78.05 5 9 21.95 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BF Miss CR

Cumulative CumulativeMISS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 1 2.44 3 7.32 3 1 2.44 4 9.76 4 9 21.95 13 31.71 5 28 68.29 41 100.00

BF Painful memories CR

Cumulative CumulativePAINF Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 -3 1 2.44 3 7.32 1 8 19.51 11 26.83 2 3 7.32 14 34.15 3 7 17.07 21 51.22 4 10 24.39 31 75.61 5 10 24.39 41 100.00

BF Preoccupied thoughts CR

Cumulative CumulativeTHOUG Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 8 19.51 10 24.39 2 7 17.07 17 41.46 3 7 17.07 24 58.54 4 6 14.63 30 73.17 5 11 26.83 41 100.00

BF Hide tears think CR

Cumulative CumulativeTEARS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 -3 1 2.44 3 7.32 1 9 21.95 12 29.27 2 3 7.32 15 36.59 3 11 26.83 26 63.41 4 8 19.51 34 82.93 5 7 17.07 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BF No one take place of CR

Cumulative CumulativePLACE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 2 4.88 4 9.76 2 1 2.44 5 12.20 4 6 14.63 11 26.83 5 30 73.17 41 100.00

BF Can not avoid think of CR

Cumulative CumulativeAVOID Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 4 9.76 6 14.63 2 2 4.88 8 19.51 3 8 19.51 16 39.02 4 8 19.51 24 58.54 5 17 41.46 41 100.00

BF Unfair that CR died

Cumulative CumulativeUNFAD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 23 56.10 25 60.98 2 3 7.32 28 68.29 3 3 7.32 31 75.61 4 5 12.20 36 87.80 5 5 12.20 41 100.00

BF Things remind me of CR

Cumulative CumulativeREMIN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 2 4.88 4 9.76 2 3 7.32 7 17.07 3 4 9.76 11 26.83 4 15 36.59 26 63.41 5 15 36.59 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BF Unable accept CR death

Cumulative CumulativeUACC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 -3 1 2.44 3 7.32 1 22 53.66 25 60.98 2 4 9.76 29 70.73 3 4 9.76 33 80.49 4 5 12.20 38 92.68 5 3 7.32 41 100.00

BF Need to cry for CR

Cumulative CumulativeNEED Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 -3 1 2.44 3 7.32 1 5 12.20 8 19.51 2 3 7.32 11 26.83 3 6 14.63 17 41.46 4 10 24.39 27 65.85 5 14 34.15 41 100.00

BF Where did CR die

Cumulative CumulativeWDIE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 17 41.46 19 46.34 2 17 41.46 36 87.80 3 2 4.88 38 92.68 4 3 7.32 41 100.00

BF Where did CR die Specify

Cumulative CumulativeWDIEO Frequency Percent Frequency Percent____________________________________________________________________________-2 38 92.68 38 92.68AMBULANCIA 1 2.44 39 95.12CAR 1 2.44 40 97.56HOSPICE AT PALO ALTO VA 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BF Extent helped CR before

Cumulative CumulativeHCARE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 1 2.44 3 7.32 2 1 2.44 4 9.76 3 37 90.24 41 100.00

BF How satisfied with help

Cumulative CumulativeSCARE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 1 2.44 3 7.32 2 3 7.32 6 14.63 3 35 85.37 41 100.00

BF Extent death relief CR

Cumulative CumulativeCRREL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 2 4.88 4 9.76 2 10 24.39 14 34.15 3 27 65.85 41 100.00

BF Extent death relief CG

Cumulative CumulativeCGREL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 14 34.15 16 39.02 2 15 36.59 31 75.61 3 10 24.39 41 100.00

BF Extent expected CR death

Cumulative CumulativeEXPDT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 -3 1 2.44 3 7.32 1 12 29.27 15 36.59 2 11 26.83 26 63.41 3 15 36.59 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BF Extent prepared CR death

Cumulative CumulativePREDT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 1 14 34.15 16 39.02 2 17 41.46 33 80.49 3 8 19.51 41 100.00

BF Much time CR felt pain

Cumulative CumulativeFPAIN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 -3 1 2.44 3 7.32 1 7 17.07 10 24.39 2 11 26.83 21 51.22 3 13 31.71 34 82.93 4 7 17.07 41 100.00

BF Much time CR upset

Cumulative CumulativeFUPST Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 -3 2 4.88 4 9.76 1 6 14.63 10 24.39 2 15 36.59 25 60.98 3 7 17.07 32 78.05 4 9 21.95 41 100.00

BF Receive any counseling

Cumulative CumulativeCOP1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 0 25 60.98 27 65.85 1 14 34.15 41 100.00

BF Support group for family

Cumulative CumulativeCOP11 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 27 65.85 27 65.85 0 12 29.27 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BF Other support group

Cumulative CumulativeCOP12 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 27 65.85 27 65.85 0 11 26.83 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00

BF Individual counseling

Cumulative CumulativeCOP13 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 27 65.85 27 65.85 0 9 21.95 36 87.80 1 5 12.20 41 100.00

BF Family counseling

Cumulative CumulativeCOP14 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 27 65.85 27 65.85 0 12 29.27 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00

BF Clergy Past counseling

Cumulative CumulativeCOP15 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 27 65.85 27 65.85 0 7 17.07 34 82.93 1 7 17.07 41 100.00

BF Informal family support

Cumulative CumulativeCOP16 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 27 65.85 27 65.85 0 4 9.76 31 75.61 1 10 24.39 41 100.00

BF Informal support friends

Cumulative CumulativeCOP17 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 27 65.85 27 65.85 0 3 7.32 30 73.17 1 11 26.83 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) BF Medication or doctor assistance

Cumulative CumulativeCOP18 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 27 65.85 27 65.85 0 12 29.27 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00


BF Other counseling used

Cumulative CumulativeCOP19 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 27 65.85 27 65.85 0 13 31.71 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

BF Other counseling used Specify

Cumulative CumulativeCOP1S Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________________________-2 40 97.56 40 97.56GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP 1 2.44 41 100.00

BF Need addition assistance

Cumulative CumulativeCOP2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 0 31 75.61 33 80.49 1 8 19.51 41 100.00

BF Need support group for family

Cumulative CumulativeCOP21 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 0 5 12.20 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00

BF Need support group other

Cumulative CumulativeCOP22 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 0 7 17.07 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) BF Need individual counseling

Cumulative CumulativeCOP23 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 0 3 7.32 36 87.80 1 5 12.20 41 100.00

BF Need Family counseling

Cumulative CumulativeCOP24 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 0 5 12.20 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00


BF Need Clergy pastoral

Cumulative CumulativeCOP25 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 0 4 9.76 37 90.24 1 4 9.76 41 100.00

BF Need informal family support

Cumulative CumulativeCOP26 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 33 80.49 34 82.93 0 6 14.63 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

BF Need informal support friends

Cumulative CumulativeCOP27 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 0 5 12.20 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00

BF Need medication/doctor assistance

Cumulative CumulativeCOP28 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 0 5 12.20 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00FREQUENCIES (continued) BF Need other

Cumulative CumulativeCOP29 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 33 80.49 33 80.49 0 8 19.51 41 100.00

BF Need other Specify

Cumulative CumulativeCOP2S Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

BF Would you like Phone number

Cumulative CumulativeLKTEL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 2 4.88 2 4.88 -3 1 2.44 3 7.32 0 29 70.73 32 78.05 1 9 21.95 41 100.00


BA Safety smoke detector

Cumulative CumulativeSMDET Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 7 17.07 8 19.51 1 33 80.49 41 100.00

BA Social talk of decisions

Cumulative CumulativeSTALK Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 1 2.44 2 4.88 1 16 39.02 18 43.90 2 23 56.10 41 100.00

BA Social help transportation

Cumulative CumulativeTRANS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 1 2.44 2 4.88 0 2 4.88 4 9.76 1 13 31.71 17 41.46 2 24 58.54 41 100.00FREQUENCIES (continued) BA Social someone to list

Cumulative CumulativeEMOT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 3 7.32 4 9.76 1 15 36.59 19 46.34 2 22 53.66 41 100.00

BA Social feel isolated

Cumulative CumulativeISOL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 30 73.17 31 75.61 1 6 14.63 37 90.24 2 4 9.76 41 100.00

BA Social changed weight

Cumulative CumulativeCWEI Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 21 51.22 22 53.66 1 19 46.34 41 100.00

BA Social see doctor check up

Cumulative CumulativeMCHK Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44


0 8 19.51 9 21.95 1 32 78.05 41 100.00

BA Social missed scheduled appointment

Cumulative CumulativeMMISS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 33 80.49 34 82.93 1 7 17.07 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BA Social had eye checked

Cumulative CumulativeHEYE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 14 34.15 15 36.59 1 26 63.41 41 100.00

BA Social had hear checked

Cumulative CumulativeHHEAR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 30 73.17 31 75.61 1 10 24.39 41 100.00

BA Social had teeth check

Cumulative CumulativeHTEET Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 13 31.71 14 34.15 1 27 65.85 41 100.00

BA Social had flu shot

Cumulative CumulativeHFLUS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 23 56.10 24 58.54 1 17 41.46 41 100.00

BA Social had BP checked

Cumulative CumulativeHBP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 4 9.76 5 12.20 1 36 87.80 41 100.00

BA Social had mammogram

Cumulative CumulativeHMAMM Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 7 17.07 8 19.51 0 11 26.83 19 46.34 1 22 53.66 41 100.00FREQUENCIES (continued) BA Social had pap smear

Cumulative CumulativeHPAPS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 7 17.07 8 19.51 0 11 26.83 19 46.34


1 22 53.66 41 100.00

BA Social had prostate exam

Cumulative CumulativeHPROS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 33 80.49 34 82.93 0 1 2.44 35 85.37 1 6 14.63 41 100.00

BA Social cutback physical activities

Cumulative CumulativeCPHYS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 21 51.22 22 53.66 1 19 46.34 41 100.00

BA Social crying spells

Cumulative CumulativeCRYSP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 7 17.07 8 19.51 1 23 56.10 31 75.61 2 10 24.39 41 100.00

BA Social things you enjoy

Cumulative CumulativeQTIME Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 19 46.34 20 48.78 1 17 41.46 37 90.24 2 4 9.76 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BA Social headaches flu

Cumulative CumulativeCHEAD Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 18 43.90 19 46.34 1 19 46.34 38 92.68 2 3 7.32 41 100.00

BA Social stomach or sore

Cumulative CumulativeCSTOM Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 29 70.73 30 73.17 1 9 21.95 39 95.12 2 2 4.88 41 100.00

BA Social fall asleep

Cumulative CumulativeCSLEP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 10 24.39 11 26.83 1 21 51.22 32 78.05 2 9 21.95 41 100.00

BA Social back hurt

Cumulative CumulativeCBACK Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 13 31.71 14 34.15 1 15 36.59 29 70.73 2 12 29.27 41 100.00

BA Social hard to eat ok

Cumulative CumulativeCMEAL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 21 51.22 22 53.66 1 14 34.15 36 87.80 2 5 12.20 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) BA Social take medication regular

Cumulative CumulativeMMED Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 31 75.61 32 78.05 1 6 14.63 38 92.68 2 3 7.32 41 100.00

CG take medication

Cumulative CumulativeGTAKE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 5 12.20 6 14.63 1 35 85.37 41 100.00

CG medication for ADS

Cumulative CumulativeGADS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 6 14.63 6 14.63 0 25 60.98 31 75.61 1 10 24.39 41 100.00

CG medication 1 code

Cumulative Cumulative GC1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 6 14.63 6 14.63 31 1 2.44 7 17.07 45 1 2.44 8 19.51 90 1 2.44 9 21.95 108 4 9.76 13 31.71 224 1 2.44 14 34.15 375 1 2.44 15 36.59 479 1 2.44 16 39.02 520 1 2.44 17 41.46 603 1 2.44 18 43.90 657 1 2.44 19 46.34 679 1 2.44 20 48.78 776 1 2.44 21 51.22 805 1 2.44 22 53.66 808 1 2.44 23 56.10 913 3 7.32 26 63.41 946 1 2.44 27 65.85 982 1 2.44 28 68.291115 2 4.88 30 73.171124 1 2.44 31 75.611131 1 2.44 32 78.051441 1 2.44 33 80.491471 1 2.44 34 82.931479 1 2.44 35 85.371482 2 4.88 37 90.241520 1 2.44 38 92.681521 1 2.44 39 95.121531 1 2.44 40 97.561621 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 1


Cumulative CumulativeGM1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________________________-2 6 14.63 6 14.63ALBUTEROL 1 2.44 7 17.07ALLEGRA 1 2.44 8 19.51ARICEPT 1 2.44 9 21.95ATENOLOL 4 9.76 13 31.71CARTIA 1 2.44 14 34.15DEMADEX KCL 1 2.44 15 36.59ENALAPRIL MALEATE 1 2.44 16 39.02EVISTA 1 2.44 17 41.46GLIPIZIDE 1 2.44 18 43.90HUMALOG 1 2.44 19 46.34HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 1 2.44 20 48.78IBUPROFEN 1 2.44 21 51.22LEVOXYL 1 2.44 22 53.66LOTREL 1 2.44 23 56.10LOVASTATIN 1 2.44 24 58.54MULTIVITAMIN 2 4.88 26 63.41MULTIVITAMINS 1 2.44 27 65.85NEURONTIN 1 2.44 28 68.29NORVASC 1 2.44 29 70.73PRAVACHOL 2 4.88 31 75.61PREMARIN 1 2.44 32 78.05PRILOSEC 1 2.44 33 80.49TYLENOL 1 2.44 34 82.93VERAPAMIL 1 2.44 35 85.37VICODIN 1 2.44 36 87.80VIOXX 2 4.88 38 92.68ZOCOR 1 2.44 39 95.12ZOLOFT 1 2.44 40 97.56ZYRTEC 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 1 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 6 14.63 6 14.63 0 34 82.93 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 1 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 6 14.63 6 14.63 0 34 82.93 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 1 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 6 14.63 6 14.63 0 34 82.93 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 2 code

Cumulative Cumulative GC2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 8 19.51 8 19.51 12 1 2.44 9 21.95 37 1 2.44 10 24.39 103 1 2.44 11 26.83 117 1 2.44 12 29.27 189 1 2.44 13 31.71 285 1 2.44 14 34.15 340 1 2.44 15 36.59 507 1 2.44 16 39.02 567 1 2.44 17 41.46 679 1 2.44 18 43.90 783 2 4.88 20 48.78 799 1 2.44 21 51.22 857 1 2.44 22 53.66 913 1 2.44 23 56.10 926 1 2.44 24 58.54 946 1 2.44 25 60.981057 1 2.44 26 63.411059 1 2.44 27 65.851111 1 2.44 28 68.291216 1 2.44 29 70.731461 1 2.44 30 73.171490 1 2.44 31 75.611499 1 2.44 32 78.051516 1 2.44 33 80.491521 1 2.44 34 82.931579 1 2.44 35 85.371613 1 2.44 36 87.801628 1 2.44 37 90.241653 1 2.44 38 92.681714 1 2.44 39 95.121746 1 2.44 40 97.569999 1 2.44 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 2

Cumulative CumulativeGM2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________-2 8 19.51 8 19.51ACIPHEX 1 2.44 9 21.95ALEVE-IB PROFIN 1 2.44 10 24.39


ASPIRIN 1 2.44 11 26.83AVAPRO 1 2.44 12 29.27BUSPAR 1 2.44 13 31.71CLARITIN 1 2.44 14 34.15CLONIDINE 1 2.44 15 36.59COZAAR 1 2.44 16 39.02ESTRADIOL 1 2.44 17 41.46FLUOXETINE 1 2.44 18 43.90GLUCOVANCE 1 2.44 19 46.34IBUPROFEN 1 2.44 20 48.78LANTUS 1 2.44 21 51.22LISINOPRIL 2 4.88 23 56.10LORAZEPAM 1 2.44 24 58.54METFORMIN 1 2.44 25 60.98MULTIPLE VITAMIN 1 2.44 26 63.41NAPROXEN 1 2.44 27 65.85NEURONTIN 1 2.44 28 68.29NEXIUM 1 2.44 29 70.73PEPCID 1 2.44 30 73.17PERCOCET 1 2.44 31 75.61POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 1 2.44 32 78.05RELAFEN 1 2.44 33 80.49TORSEMIDE 1 2.44 34 82.93TRICOR 1 2.44 35 85.37VANCERIL 1 2.44 36 87.80VITAMIN E 1 2.44 37 90.24WATER PILL -3 (NAME) 1 2.44 38 92.68WELBUTRIN 1 2.44 39 95.12ZINC 1 2.44 40 97.56ZOLOFT 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 2 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 8 19.51 8 19.51 0 30 73.17 38 92.68 1 3 7.32 41 100.00

CG medication 2 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 8 19.51 8 19.51 0 31 75.61 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 2 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 8 19.51 8 19.51 0 32 78.05 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 3 code

Cumulative Cumulative GC3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 14 34.15 14 34.15 4 1 2.44 15 36.59 31 1 2.44 16 39.02


103 2 4.88 18 43.90 108 1 2.44 19 46.34 114 1 2.44 20 48.78 515 1 2.44 21 51.22 575 1 2.44 22 53.66 581 1 2.44 23 56.10 585 1 2.44 24 58.54 657 1 2.44 25 60.98 782 2 4.88 27 65.85 796 1 2.44 28 68.29 859 1 2.44 29 70.73 913 1 2.44 30 73.171122 1 2.44 31 75.611131 1 2.44 32 78.051223 1 2.44 33 80.491308 1 2.44 34 82.931488 1 2.44 35 85.371550 1 2.44 36 87.801562 1 2.44 37 90.241630 1 2.44 38 92.681738 1 2.44 39 95.121851 1 2.44 40 97.569999 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 3

Cumulative CumulativeGM3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________-2 14 34.15 14 34.15ACCUPRIL 1 2.44 15 36.59ADVAIR 1 2.44 16 39.02ALBUTEROL 1 2.44 17 41.46ASPIRIN 2 4.88 19 46.34ATENOLOL 1 2.44 20 48.78ATROVENT 1 2.44 21 51.22BEXTRA (VALDECOXIE) 1 2.44 22 53.66BLADDER PILL -3(NAME 1 2.44 23 56.10ETODOLAC 1 2.44 24 58.54FOLIC ACID 1 2.44 25 60.98FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 3 (continued)

Cumulative CumulativeGM3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________FUROSEMIDE 1 2.44 26 63.41GARLIC AND PARSLEY 1 2.44 27 65.85HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 1 2.44 28 68.29LEVOTHYROXINE 1 2.44 29 70.73LIPITOR 2 4.88 31 75.61LOPRESSOR 1 2.44 32 78.05METHOCARBAMA 1 2.44 33 80.49MULTIVITAMIN 1 2.44 34 82.93NIFEDIPINE XL 1 2.44 35 85.37PREDNISONE 1 2.44 36 87.80PRILOSEC 1 2.44 37 90.24RESTORIL 1 2.44 38 92.68SPIRONOLACTONE 1 2.44 39 95.12VITAMIN C 1 2.44 40 97.56ZETIA 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 3 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 14 34.15 14 34.15


0 27 65.85 41 100.00

CG medication 3 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 14 34.15 14 34.15 0 27 65.85 41 100.00

CG medication 3 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 14 34.15 14 34.15 0 27 65.85 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 4 code

Cumulative Cumulative GC4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 16 39.02 16 39.02 103 1 2.44 17 41.46 189 1 2.44 18 43.90 199 2 4.88 20 48.78 306 1 2.44 21 51.22 411 1 2.44 22 53.66 520 1 2.44 23 56.10 581 1 2.44 24 58.54 606 1 2.44 25 60.98 675 1 2.44 26 63.41 876 1 2.44 27 65.85 913 2 4.88 29 70.73 982 2 4.88 31 75.611051 1 2.44 32 78.051130 1 2.44 33 80.491136 1 2.44 34 82.931308 1 2.44 35 85.371412 1 2.44 36 87.801486 1 2.44 37 90.241490 1 2.44 38 92.681503 1 2.44 39 95.121520 1 2.44 40 97.561521 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 4

Cumulative CumulativeGM4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent______________________________________________________________________-2 16 39.02 16 39.02ASPIRIN 1 2.44 17 41.46BUSPAR 1 2.44 18 43.90CALCIUM 2 4.88 20 48.78COENZYME Q10 1 2.44 21 51.22DIOVAN 1 2.44 22 53.66EVISTA 1 2.44 23 56.10FUROSEMIDE 1 2.44 24 58.54GLUCOPHAGE 1 2.44 25 60.98HYZAAR 1 2.44 26 63.41MIACALCIN 1 2.44 27 65.85MULTIPLE VITAMINS 1 2.44 28 68.29MULTIVITAMIN 1 2.44 29 70.73NORVASC 2 4.88 31 75.61PAXIL 1 2.44 32 78.05PREVACID 1 2.44 33 80.49PRINIVIL 1 2.44 34 82.93SPIRONOLACTONE 1 2.44 35 85.37TRAZODONE 1 2.44 36 87.80VITAMIN A 1 2.44 37 90.24VITAMIN E 1 2.44 38 92.68XANAX 1 2.44 39 95.12ZOCOR 1 2.44 40 97.56ZOLOFT 1 2.44 41 100.00FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 4 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 16 39.02 16 39.02 0 25 60.98 41 100.00


CG medication 4 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 16 39.02 16 39.02 0 23 56.10 39 95.12 1 2 4.88 41 100.00

CG medication 4 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 16 39.02 16 39.02 0 25 60.98 41 100.00

CG medication 5 code

Cumulative Cumulative GC5 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 19 46.34 19 46.34 103 2 4.88 21 51.22 108 2 4.88 23 56.10 135 1 2.44 24 58.54 199 1 2.44 25 60.98 340 1 2.44 26 63.41 520 1 2.44 27 65.85 621 1 2.44 28 68.29 657 1 2.44 29 70.73 711 1 2.44 30 73.17 776 1 2.44 31 75.61 926 1 2.44 32 78.051114 1 2.44 33 80.491354 1 2.44 34 82.931404 1 2.44 35 85.371482 1 2.44 36 87.801488 3 7.32 39 95.121489 1 2.44 40 97.561609 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 5

Cumulative CumulativeGM5 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________________-2 19 46.34 19 46.34ASPIRIN 2 4.88 21 51.22ATENOLOL 2 4.88 23 56.10BAYER ASPIRIN 1 2.44 24 58.54CALCIUM 1 2.44 25 60.98COZAAR 1 2.44 26 63.41EVISTA 1 2.44 27 65.85FOLTX 1 2.44 28 68.29GUAIFENEX LA 1 2.44 29 70.73HYDROCHLOROT 1 2.44 30 73.17IRON TABLETS 1 2.44 31 75.61LEVOXYL 1 2.44 32 78.05NAPROXEN 1 2.44 33 80.49PRANDIN 1 2.44 34 82.93TENORETIC 1 2.44 35 85.37TOPROL XL 1 2.44 36 87.80VIOXX 1 2.44 37 90.24VITAMIN C 3 7.32 40 97.56VITAMIN D 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 5 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA5 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 19 46.34 19 46.34 0 22 53.66 41 100.00

CG medication 5 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD5 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 19 46.34 19 46.34 0 22 53.66 41 100.00

CG medication 5 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS5 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 19 46.34 19 46.34 0 22 53.66 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 6 code

Cumulative Cumulative GC6 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 95 1 2.44 23 56.10 116 1 2.44 24 58.54 199 2 4.88 26 63.41 247 1 2.44 27 65.85 416 1 2.44 28 68.29 587 1 2.44 29 70.73 601 1 2.44 30 73.17 764 1 2.44 31 75.61 782 1 2.44 32 78.051031 1 2.44 33 80.491034 1 2.44 34 82.931122 1 2.44 35 85.371490 3 7.32 38 92.681653 1 2.44 39 95.121732 1 2.44 40 97.561754 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 6

Cumulative CumulativeGM6 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________-2 22 53.66 22 53.66ARTHROTEC 1 2.44 23 56.10AVANDIA 1 2.44 24 58.54CALCIUM 2 4.88 26 63.41CENTRUM 1 2.44 27 65.85DIPINETRIM HCL 1 2.44 28 68.29GARLIC PILL 1 2.44 29 70.73GINKGO BILOBA 1 2.44 30 73.17LESCOL 1 2.44 31 75.61LIPITOR 1 2.44 32 78.05NEXIUM 1 2.44 33 80.49OXYCONTIN 1 2.44 34 82.93OYSTER SHELL CALCIUM 1 2.44 35 85.37PREDNISONE 1 2.44 36 87.80VITAMIN B-6 1 2.44 37 90.24VITAMIN E 3 7.32 40 97.56WALPROXEN 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 6 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA6 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 0 19 46.34 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 6 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD6 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 0 19 46.34 41 100.00


CG medication 6 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS6 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 0 19 46.34 41 100.00

CG medication 7 code

Cumulative Cumulative GC7 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 25 60.98 25 60.98 37 1 2.44 26 63.41 71 1 2.44 27 65.85 103 1 2.44 28 68.29 440 1 2.44 29 70.73 657 1 2.44 30 73.17 759 1 2.44 31 75.61 762 1 2.44 32 78.051100 1 2.44 33 80.491109 1 2.44 34 82.931124 1 2.44 35 85.371315 1 2.44 36 87.801489 1 2.44 37 90.241550 1 2.44 38 92.681613 1 2.44 39 95.121728 2 4.88 41 100.00

CG medication 7

Cumulative CumulativeGM7 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________________________-2 25 60.98 25 60.98ADVAIR 1 2.44 26 63.41ALEVE 1 2.44 27 65.85AMITRIPTYLINE 1 2.44 28 68.29ASPIRIN 1 2.44 29 70.73DOXEPIN 1 2.44 30 73.17GLUCOVANCE 1 2.44 31 75.61HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 1 2.44 32 78.05LASIX 1 2.44 33 80.49LECITHIN 1 2.44 34 82.93PLAVIX 1 2.44 35 85.37POTASSIUM 1 2.44 36 87.80PREMARIN 1 2.44 37 90.24FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 7 (continued)

Cumulative CumulativeGM7 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________________________SAINT JOHN WORTH 1 2.44 38 92.68VITAMIN B-12 2 4.88 40 97.56VITAMIN D 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 7 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA7 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 25 60.98 25 60.98 0 16 39.02 41 100.00


CG medication 7 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD7 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 25 60.98 25 60.98 0 16 39.02 41 100.00

CG medication 7 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS7 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 25 60.98 25 60.98 0 16 39.02 41 100.00

CG medication 8 code

Cumulative Cumulative GC8 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 32 78.05 32 78.05 160 1 2.44 33 80.49 365 1 2.44 34 82.93 609 1 2.44 35 85.371093 1 2.44 36 87.801260 1 2.44 37 90.241287 1 2.44 38 92.681339 1 2.44 39 95.121439 1 2.44 40 97.561631 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 8

Cumulative CumulativeGM8 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________-2 32 78.05 32 78.05BETOPIC 1 2.44 33 80.49DAYPRO 1 2.44 34 82.93GLUCOTROL 1 2.44 35 85.37LEXAPRO 1 2.44 36 87.80PILOCARPINE HDROCHLO 1 2.44 37 90.24SELENIUM 1 2.44 38 92.68SINGULAIR 1 2.44 39 95.12SYNTHROID 1 2.44 40 97.56TUMS 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 8 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA8 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 32 78.05 32 78.05 0 9 21.95 41 100.00

CG medication 8 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD8 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 32 78.05 32 78.05 0 9 21.95 41 100.00

CG medication 8 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS8 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 32 78.05 32 78.05 0 9 21.95 41 100.00

CG medication 9 code

Cumulative Cumulative GC9 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 35 85.37 35 85.37 774 1 2.44 36 87.80 792 1 2.44 37 90.241051 1 2.44 38 92.681115 1 2.44 39 95.121488 1 2.44 40 97.561502 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 9

Cumulative CumulativeGM9 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________________-2 35 85.37 35 85.37LEVOTHROID 1 2.44 36 87.80LONOTIL 1 2.44 37 90.24PAXIL 1 2.44 38 92.68PRAVACHOL 1 2.44 39 95.12VITAMIN C 1 2.44 40 97.56XALATAN 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 9 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA9 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 35 85.37 35 85.37 0 5 12.20 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 9 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD9 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 35 85.37 35 85.37 0 6 14.63 41 100.00

CG medication 9 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS9 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -2 35 85.37 35 85.37 0 6 14.63 41 100.00

CG medication 10 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC10 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 36 87.80 36 87.801076 1 2.44 37 90.241272 1 2.44 38 92.681490 1 2.44 39 95.121513 1 2.44 40 97.569999 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 10

Cumulative CumulativeGM10 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent______________________________________________________________-2 36 87.80 36 87.80PHENERGAN 1 2.44 37 90.24SEREVENT 1 2.44 38 92.68SOFICLIX 1 2.44 39 95.12VITAMIN E 1 2.44 40 97.56ZESTRIL 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 10 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA10 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 36 87.80 36 87.80 0 5 12.20 41 100.00

CG medication 10 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD10 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 36 87.80 36 87.80 0 5 12.20 41 100.00

CG medication 10 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS10 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 36 87.80 36 87.80 0 5 12.20 41 100.00

CG medication 11 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC11 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 38 92.68 38 92.68 561 1 2.44 39 95.12 960 1 2.44 40 97.561124 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 11

Cumulative CumulativeGM11 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________________-2 38 92.68 38 92.68FLOVENT 1 2.44 39 95.12NITROGLYCERIN 1 2.44 40 97.56PREMARIN 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 11 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA11 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 38 92.68 38 92.68 0 3 7.32 41 100.00

CG medication 11 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD11 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 38 92.68 38 92.68 0 3 7.32 41 100.00

CG medication 11 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS11 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 38 92.68 38 92.68 0 3 7.32 41 100.00

CG medication 12 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC12 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 39 95.12 39 95.12 867 1 2.44 40 97.569999 1 2.44 41 100.00

CG medication 12

Cumulative CumulativeGM12 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________-2 39 95.12 39 95.12BILEVEL+ AIRWAY PRES 1 2.44 40 97.56METOCLOPRAMIDE 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 12 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA12 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 39 95.12 39 95.12 0 2 4.88 41 100.00

CG medication 12 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD12 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 39 95.12 39 95.12 0 2 4.88 41 100.00

CG medication 12 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS12 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 39 95.12 39 95.12 0 2 4.88 41 100.00

CG medication 13 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC13 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 13

Cumulative CumulativeGM13 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 13 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA13 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 13 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD13 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 13 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS13 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


CG medication 14 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC14 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 14

Cumulative CumulativeGM14 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 14 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA14 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 14 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD14 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 14 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS14 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 15 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC15 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 15

Cumulative CumulativeGM15 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 15 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA15 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 15 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD15 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 15 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS15 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 16 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC16 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 16

Cumulative CumulativeGM16 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 16 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA16 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 16 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD16 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 16 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS16 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 17 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC17 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 17

Cumulative CumulativeGM17 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 17 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA17 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 17 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD17 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 17 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS17 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 18 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC18 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 18

Cumulative CumulativeGM18 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 18 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA18 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 18 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD18 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 18 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS18 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 19 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC19 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 19

Cumulative CumulativeGM19 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 19 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA19 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 19 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD19 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 19 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS19 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 20 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC20 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 20

Cumulative CumulativeGM20 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 20 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA20 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 20 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD20 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 20 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS20 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 21 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC21 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 21

Cumulative CumulativeGM21 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 21 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA21 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 21 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD21 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 21 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS21 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 22 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC22 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 22

Cumulative CumulativeGM22 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 22 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA22 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 22 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD22 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 22 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS22 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 23 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC23 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 23

Cumulative CumulativeGM23 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 23 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA23 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 23 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD23 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 23 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS23 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 24 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC24 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 24

Cumulative CumulativeGM24 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 24 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA24 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 24 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD24 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 24 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS24 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 25 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC25 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 25

Cumulative CumulativeGM25 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 25 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA25 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 25 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD25 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 25 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS25 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 26 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC26 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 26

Cumulative CumulativeGM26 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 26 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA26 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 26 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD26 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 26 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS26 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 27 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC27 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 27

Cumulative CumulativeGM27 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 27 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA27 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 27 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD27 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 27 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS27 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 28 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC28 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 28

Cumulative CumulativeGM28 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 28 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA28 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 28 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD28 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 28 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS28 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 29 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC29 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 29

Cumulative CumulativeGM29 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 29 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA29 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 29 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD29 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 29 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS29 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 30 code

Cumulative CumulativeGC30 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 30

Cumulative CumulativeGM30 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 30 anxiety

Cumulative CumulativeGA30 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) CG medication 30 depression

Cumulative CumulativeGD30 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

CG medication 30 stress

Cumulative CumulativeGS30 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 41 100.00 41 100.00

PE REACH explained

Cumulative CumulativeEXPL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 1 2.44 2 4.88 1 39 95.12 41 100.00

PE Treated with respect

Cumulative CumulativeRESP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 1 40 97.56 41 100.00

PE Benefited from REACH

Cumulative CumulativeBENE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 1 2.44 2 4.88 1 4 9.76 6 14.63 2 13 31.71 19 46.34 3 22 53.66 41 100.00

PE Understand memory loss

Cumulative CumulativeUND Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 1 10 24.39 11 26.83 2 12 29.27 23 56.10 3 18 43.90 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE Deal with memory problem

Cumulative CumulativeCONF Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 1 2.44 2 4.88 1 8 19.51 10 24.39 2 16 39.02 26 63.41 3 15 36.59 41 100.00

PE Make life easier

Cumulative CumulativeEASI Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 1 9 21.95 10 24.39 2 18 43.90 28 68.29 3 13 31.71 41 100.00

PE Ability to care for CR

Cumulative CumulativeENHA Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 1 2.44 2 4.88 1 9 21.95 11 26.83 2 13 31.71 24 58.54 3 17 41.46 41 100.00

PE Improve CR life

Cumulative CumulativeIMPL Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 2 4.88 3 7.32 1 12 29.27 15 36.59 2 15 36.59 30 73.17 3 11 26.83 41 100.00

PE CR living at home

Cumulative CumulativeHOME Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 2 4.88 3 7.32 1 14 34.15 17 41.46 2 11 26.83 28 68.29 3 13 31.71 41 100.00

FREQUENCIES (continued) PE Too much work

Cumulative CumulativeWORK Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 39 95.12 40 97.56 1 1 2.44 41 100.00


PE Too much work 1

Cumulative CumulativeWORK1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 40 97.56 40 97.56DID NOT EXPECT THE TIME LENGTH, IT WAS EVERY WEEK! 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Too much work 2

Cumulative CumulativeWORK2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent______________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 40 97.56 40 97.56I WAS TOO BUSY TO DO IT EVERY WEEK. MY SITUATION 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Too much work 3

Cumulative CumulativeWORK3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 40 97.56 40 97.56WAS ALREADY GOOD, IT MAY BE HELPFUL TO OTHER 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Too much work 4

Cumulative CumulativeWORK4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________________-2 40 97.56 40 97.56CAREGIVERS. 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Participate in group

Cumulative CumulativeTKPRT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 0 21 51.22 22 53.66 1 19 46.34 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE CG Network valuable

Cumulative CumulativeNVALU Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 2 4.88 24 58.54 2 6 14.63 30 73.17 3 11 26.83 41 100.00

PE CG Network helpful

Cumulative CumulativeNHELP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 2 4.88 24 58.54 2 6 14.63 30 73.17 3 11 26.83 41 100.00

PE CG Network easy use

Cumulative CumulativeNUSEF Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 2 4.88 24 58.54 2 3 7.32 27 65.85 3 14 34.15 41 100.00

PE CG Network easy understand

Cumulative CumulativeNUNDE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 1 2.44 23 56.10 2 2 4.88 25 60.98 3 16 39.02 41 100.00

PE CG online support

Cumulative CumulativeONLIN Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 0 7 17.07 29 70.73 1 12 29.27 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE CG online valuable

Cumulative CumulativeOVALU Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 29 70.73 29 70.73 1 1 2.44 30 73.17 2 5 12.20 35 85.37 3 6 14.63 41 100.00

PE CG online knowledge

Cumulative CumulativeOKNOW Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 29 70.73 29 70.73 1 2 4.88 31 75.61 2 5 12.20 36 87.80 3 5 12.20 41 100.00

PE CG online improved

Cumulative CumulativeOIMPR Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 29 70.73 29 70.73 1 5 12.20 34 82.93 2 4 9.76 38 92.68 3 3 7.32 41 100.00

PE CG notebook helpful

Cumulative CumulativeNOTEB Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 2 5 12.20 27 65.85 3 14 34.15 41 100.00

PE Currently use Passport

Cumulative CumulativeHEALP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 11 26.83 33 80.49 2 4 9.76 37 90.24 3 4 9.76 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE Learn stress management

Cumulative CumulativeSTRS Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 19 46.34 41 100.00

PE Stress tech valuable

Cumulative CumulativeSTRSV Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 1 2.44 23 56.10 2 3 7.32 26 63.41 3 15 36.59 41 100.00

PE Stress tech current

Cumulative CumulativeSTRSU Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 4 9.76 26 63.41 2 9 21.95 35 85.37 3 6 14.63 41 100.00

PE Learn pleasant events

Cumulative CumulativePLEA Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 0 2 4.88 24 58.54 1 17 41.46 41 100.00

PE Learn pleasant valuable

Cumulative CumulativePLEAV Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 24 58.54 24 58.54 1 1 2.44 25 60.98 2 7 17.07 32 78.05 3 9 21.95 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE Learn pleasant current

Cumulative CumulativePLEAU Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 24 58.54 24 58.54 1 6 14.63 30 73.17 2 7 17.07 37 90.24 3 4 9.76 41 100.00

PE Thought record

Cumulative CumulativeTHOU Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________ -3 1 2.44 1 2.44 -2 22 53.66 23 56.10 0 6 14.63 29 70.73 1 12 29.27 41 100.00

PE Thought record valuable

Cumulative CumulativeTHOUV Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 29 70.73 29 70.73 2 7 17.07 36 87.80 3 5 12.20 41 100.00

PE Thought record current

Cumulative CumulativeTHOUU Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 29 70.73 29 70.73 1 6 14.63 35 85.37 2 5 12.20 40 97.56 3 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Behavior helpful

Cumulative CumulativeBEHAH Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 1 2.44 23 56.10 2 6 14.63 29 70.73 3 12 29.27 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE Behavior current

Cumulative CumulativeBEHAU Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________ -2 22 53.66 22 53.66 1 7 17.07 29 70.73 2 7 17.07 36 87.80 3 5 12.20 41 100.00

PE Most useful part 1


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE Most useful part 2

Cumulative CumulativeMUSE2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 20 48.78 20 48.78-4 1 2.44 21 51.22AND HELPFUL. 1 2.44 22 53.66



PE Most useful part 3

Cumulative CumulativeMUSE3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent___________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 31 75.61 31 75.61-4 1 2.44 32 78.050 3 7.32 35 85.37COME OUT. 1 2.44 36 87.80I HAD, THE ONLINE SUPPORT GROUPS WERE HELPFUL. 1 2.44 37 90.24OR NOT 1 2.44 38 92.68PROGRESSION OF THE DISEASE 1 2.44 39 95.12SIGNAL BREATH. 1 2.44 40 97.56STRESS RELIEVING EXERCISES 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Most useful part 4

Cumulative CumulativeMUSE4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________________________________________-2 36 87.80 36 87.80-4 1 2.44 37 90.240 3 7.32 40 97.56INTERVENTIONIST TAUGHT ME PATIENCE 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE Least useful part 1

Cumulative CumulativeLUSE1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________________________________________________________"NOTHING" IT WASN'T ANYTHING THAT WASN'T USEFUL. 1 2.44 1 2.44-4 2 4.88 3 7.32ALL OF IT WAS GOOD. 1 2.44 4 9.76ALL THE INFORMATION ON ALZ DISEASE BECAUSE 1 2.44 5 12.20ALL THE QUESTIONS DURING THE INTERVIEW. 1 2.44 6 14.63ANYTHING. I THINK EVERYTHING WAS VERY HELPFUL. 1 2.44 7 17.07CANNOT SAY, ALL VERY BENEFICIAL. 1 2.44 8 19.51DIDN'T REALLY LIKE SUPPORT GROUP ASSIGNMENT. 1 2.44 9 21.95DON'T KNOW 1 2.44 10 24.39ENJOYED EVERYTHING. 1 2.44 11 26.83EVERYTHING WAS VERY IMPORTANT 1 2.44 12 29.27FORMAL STRUCTURE OF IT 1 2.44 13 31.71I DON'T KNOW. 1 2.44 14 34.15I DON'T THINK THERE WAS A LEAST USEFUL PART. 1 2.44 15 36.59I FEEL EVERY PART WAS HELPFUL. 1 2.44 16 39.02I THINK EVERYTHING FROM THIS PROJECT WAS PERFECT. 1 2.44 17 41.46I THOUGHT IT WAS ALL HELPFUL. 1 2.44 18 43.90NO ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 1 2.44 19 46.34NO COMMENT 1 2.44 20 48.78NONE OF IT. 1 2.44 21 51.22NONE WANTED TO BE INVOLVED (MORE SO) THAN HE WAS 1 2.44 22 53.66NONE. 1 2.44 23 56.10NOT ENOUGH TIME WITH RESEARCHERS 1 2.44 24 58.54NOTHING 4 9.76 28 68.29NOTHING I COULD THINK OF AT THIS MOMENT 1 2.44 29 70.73NOTHING, CONVERSELY. 1 2.44 30 73.17NOTHING. 1 2.44 31 75.61OKAY WITH ME. EVERYTIME THEY COME I LET THEM COME. 1 2.44 32 78.05PROBLEMS WITH NETWORK ONLY 1 SUPPORT GROUP. 1 2.44 33 80.49QUESTIONS FOCUSING ON MY ABILITY TO TAKE CARE OF 1 2.44 34 82.93REPETITIVE QUESTIONS. 1 2.44 35 85.37SHE DOESN'T KNOW. 1 2.44 36 87.80SOMETIMES FELT MAYBE SHOULD HAVE HAD MEETINGS 1 2.44 37 90.24THE TELEPHONE-WHATEVER YOU CALL THAT GADGET. I WAS 1 2.44 38 92.68THE TELEPHONE. 1 2.44 39 95.12THERE IS NONE. 1 2.44 40 97.56THERE WAS NOTHING UNUSEFUL BECAUSE I DID NOT 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE Least useful part 2

Cumulative CumulativeLUSE2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 32 78.05 32 78.05-4 1 2.44 33 80.490 2 4.88 35 85.37BECAUSE GOT CONTROL - ALTHOUGH BROTHER DID PASS, 1 2.44 36 87.80INSTEAD OF TELEPHONE. I DID NOT MEET ENOUGH PEOPLE 1 2.44 37 90.24MY HUSBAND HAD OTHER DISEASE (ADDISON, HEART 1 2.44 38 92.68MYSELF; I AM ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF MY SELF ANYWAYS 1 2.44 39 95.12RECEIVE ANYTHING. 1 2.44 40 97.56SURPRISED THAT THEY COULDN'T ANSWER. DIDN'T SEEM 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Least useful part 3

Cumulative CumulativeLUSE3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent______________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 35 85.37 35 85.37-4 1 2.44 36 87.800 2 4.88 38 92.68SO NO LONGER CARING - FEELS IT WAS ULTIMATELY FOR 1 2.44 39 95.12TO WORK WELL OR MAKE MUCH SENSE TO ME OR ANY 1 2.44 40 97.56TROUBLE, ETC.) 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Least useful part 4

Cumulative CumulativeLUSE4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent___________________________________________________________________________________________-2 35 85.37 35 85.37-4 1 2.44 36 87.800 3 7.32 39 95.12RELATIVES WHO TRIED TO USE IT. 1 2.44 40 97.56THE BEST THAT HE WAS IN CONTROL GROUP. 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE What part change 1

Cumulative CumulativeCREA1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________________________________________________________"NOTHING I CAN THINK OF". 1 2.44 1 2.44-4 2 4.88 3 7.32HAVE A SUPPORT GROUP IN PERSON, INSTEAD OF OVER 1 2.44 4 9.76I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY 1 2.44 5 12.20I DON'T KNOW. 1 2.44 6 14.63I DON'T THINK I WOULD CHANGE ANYTHING 1 2.44 7 17.07I DON'T THNK ANYTHING NEEDS TO BE CHANGED. 1 2.44 8 19.51I WOULD MAKE NO CHANGES TO THIS PROJECT. 1 2.44 9 21.95I WOULDN'T CHANGE IT. 1 2.44 10 24.39INCREASE THE SUPPORT VISITS. 1 2.44 11 26.83IT JUST REALLY WAS NOT HELPFUL TO ME PERSONALLY, 1 2.44 12 29.27IT WAS A PRETTY GOOD PROJECT. 1 2.44 13 31.71FREQUENCIES (continued)

PE What part change 1 (continued)

Cumulative CumulativeCREA1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_______________________________________________________________________________________________________LET US KEEP THE RESEARCH STUDY PHONE 1 2.44 14 34.15MAKE IT SO INTERVIEWER DID NOT HAVE TO READ SCRIPT 1 2.44 15 36.59



PE What part change 2

Cumulative CumulativeCREA2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent______________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 27 65.85 27 65.85-4 1 2.44 28 68.290 3 7.32 31 75.61AND CHANGE FORMAT OF ON-LINE SUPPORT GROUP SO WE 1 2.44 32 78.05AWAY. 1 2.44 33 80.49BECAUSE MY GRANDMOTHER (CR) WAS NOT A PROBLEM AT 1 2.44 34 82.93CAME TO MY HOME AND SPOKE SPANISH. 1 2.44 35 85.37EVERYONE WHO CAME WAS NICE. 1 2.44 36 87.80GROUPS. 1 2.44 37 90.24HANDLE SIMILAR SITUATION; WOULD LIKE TO HAVE HAD 1 2.44 38 92.68HOSPICE MODEL AND WORK TO GIVE CAREGIVERS WHAT 1 2.44 39 95.12LAST MONTH NOT RELEVANT WHEN HE DIED 3 MONTHS AGO 1 2.44 40 97.56THE PHONE. 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE What part change 3

Cumulative CumulativeCREA3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent______________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 32 78.05 32 78.05-4 1 2.44 33 80.490 3 7.32 36 87.80ALL. 1 2.44 37 90.24DID NOT HAVE LITTLE LESSONS EVERY TIME 1 2.44 38 92.68HONE DOWN ANSWERS TO TIME THAT IS RELEVANT. 1 2.44 39 95.12MY MIND CHANGED ABOUT HAVING TO DO IT ALL MYSELF. 1 2.44 40 97.56THEY NEED IN SERVICES AND SUPPLIES. 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE What part change 4

Cumulative CumulativeCREA4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent______________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 36 87.80 36 87.80-4 1 2.44 37 90.240 3 7.32 40 97.56DIDN'T GET THAT FROM ONLINE GRP B/C INCONSISTENCY 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Recommend REACH

Cumulative CumulativeREC Frequency Percent Frequency Percent________________________________________________________ -4 1 2.44 1 2.44 -3 1 2.44 2 4.88 0 2 4.88 4 9.76 1 37 90.24 41 100.00

PE Recommend REACH 1

Cumulative CumulativeREC1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________________________________________________-2 39 95.12 39 95.12DIDN'T GET ANYTHING OUT OF IT. 1 2.44 40 97.56I DID NOT GET AHYTHING OUT OF THIS, SO I HAVE 1 2.44 41 100.00

PE Recommend REACH 2

Cumulative CumulativeREC2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent__________________________________________________________________________-2 40 97.56 40 97.56NOTHING TO RECOMMEND. 1 2.44 41 100.00


FREQUENCIES (continued) PE Recommend REACH 3

Cumulative CumulativeREC3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

PE Recommend REACH 4

Cumulative CumulativeREC4 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________-2 41 100.00 41 100.00

Interviewer certification number

Cumulative CumulativeCERT Frequency Percent Frequency Percent_________________________________________________________1212 4 9.76 4 9.761221 3 7.32 7 17.072203 4 9.76 11 26.832205 2 4.88 13 31.713214 4 9.76 17 41.463215 3 7.32 20 48.783219 2 4.88 22 53.664204 1 2.44 23 56.104209 1 2.44 24 58.544211 4 9.76 28 68.294219 1 2.44 29 70.734222 2 4.88 31 75.614228 2 4.88 33 80.494235 1 2.44 34 82.934237 1 2.44 35 85.375206 3 7.32 38 92.685214 1 2.44 39 95.125217 2 4.88 41 100.00