RE QUIRE MENTS FOR THE BACH E LOR OF BUSI NESS ADMINISTRATION/MAS TER OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MICHAEL F. PRICE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS (price.ou.edu/advising) THE UNI VER SITY OF OKLAHOMA For Stu dents En ter ing the Oklahoma State System for Higher Ed u ca tion Sum mer 2016 through Spring 2017 GEN ERAL RE QUIRE MENTS BBA (Finance)/Master of Science in Management of Information Technology Min i mum To tal Hours. .......................... 148 For OU and Com bined Re ten tion Grade Point Av er ages: Min i mum Over all Grade Point Av er age ................... 3.00 Min i mum Grade Point Av er age in Major .................. 3.00 Min i mum Grade Point Av er age in Up per-Di vi sion Busi ness Courses . . . 3.00 OU en cour ages stu dents to com plete at least 30 hours of ap pli ca ble coursework each year to have the op por tu nity to grad u ate in five years. Subject Hours Courses To enroll in upper-division business courses, students must be certified for degree candidacy and meet all prerequisites. See price.ou.edu/advising. Com mu ni ca tions 9-19 ENGL 1113, Prin ci ples of Eng lish Com po si tion (Core I) ENGL 1213, Prin ci ples of Eng lish Com po si tion (Core I), or EXPO 1213, Ex pos i tory Writ ing (Core I) COMM 1113, Prin ci ples of Com mu ni ca tion, or COMM 2613, Pub lic Speak ing Foreign Language, 0-10 hours, (Core I)—Students who have completed two years of high school foreign language are exempt from the general education foreign language requirement. Core Requirements - 15 hours Major Requirements - 21 hours FIN 3303, Busi ness Fi nance* L S 3323, Le gal Envir. of Busi ness MGT 3013, Prin ci ples of Or ga ni za tion and Man age ment MKT 3013, Prin ci ples of Mar ket ing †B AD 4013, Busi ness Strat egy and Pol icy †=requires completion of all other business core courses prior to enrollment and permission from Price Academic Advising Services. *May not be completed online. ECON 3113, In ter me di ate Micro- Economic Theory ACCT 3113, In ter me di ate Acct I ACCT 3123, Intermediate Acct II ECON 3113 fulfills upper-division general education requirement. Be hav ioral & So cial Sci ence 6 P SC 1113, Amer i can Fed eral Gov ern ment (Core III) Elect 3 hours from the following fields: Anthropology, Geography (economic, human, or political), Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology. ELECTIVE REQUIREMENTS Hu mani ties 12 HIST 1483 or 1493, U.S. (Core IV) PHIL 1273, Introduction to Business Ethics (Core IV: W. Civ.) 1 course from each of the following 2 fields (Core IV): §Un der standing Ar tistic Forms - ___________________ §Non-West ern Cul ture - _________________________ Upper-Division Electives - 2 hours No credit may be taken in business. Free Electives - 3 hours 3 hours if ex empt from for eign lan guage. Free elec tives may be taken in any lower- or up per-di vi sion area out side Price College or the Department of Economics. B AD 2110, 2113, MKT 2013 and MGT 2013 will not count for credit toward a BBA. A maximum of 2 hours of physical education courses will count toward this degree. Sci ence & Mathe mat ics 16 §Nat u ral Sci ences—7 hours, 2 courses taken from the bi o log i cal and/or physical sciences. The two courses must be from different disciplines and at least one course must include a laboratory component. (Core II) _________________________ _________________________ GRADUATE REQUIREMENTS 23 ACCT 2113, Fun da mental Fi nan cial Ac count ing* ACCT 2123, Fun da men tal Man a ge rial Ac count ing* B AD 1001, Per sonal Com put ing Pro duc tiv ity Tools B AD 2091, Busi ness and Pro fes sional Ba sics B C 2813, Busi ness Writing ECON 1113, Prin ci ples of Eco nom ics—Macro (Core III)* ECON 1123, Prin ci ples of Eco nom ics—Mi cro* ECON 2843, El e ments of Sta tis tics* MIS 2113, Com puter-Based In for ma tion Sys tems* §Courses taken to ful fill the Uni ver sity Gen eral Edu ca tion Re quire ments must be cho sen from the University-Wide General Education Approved Course List. A combined maximum of 8 hours of general military experience, flight instruction, and physical education activity courses will count toward the 148 hours, with a maximum of 2 hours of physical education activity courses. 2. 3. AD DI TIONAL RE QUIRE MENTS. 3000-level core courses must be com pleted to enroll in 4000-level busi ness courses. One up per-di vi sion course in each of the fol low ing ar eas is re quired: FIN, LS, MGT, and MKT. 4. Pass/No Pass WILL NOT be ac cepted for any Busi ness or Gen eral Ed u ca tion courses or any spe cif i cally re quired courses. 5. Stu dents must complete the GMAT exam with a score of 500 or greater. 6. Com pre hen sive writ ten exam re quired at end of pro gram. Sixty hours, ex clud ing phys i cal ed u ca tion ac tiv ity courses, must be taken at a bac ca lau re ate degree-grant ing in sti tu tion. 1. MATH 1643, Precalculus for Busi ness, Life, and So cial Sci ences (Core I—Sub sti tute: 1523, Precalculus & Trigonometry) MATH 1743, Cal cu lus I for Business, Life & Social Sci ences (Core I—Sub sti tute: 1823, Cal cu lus & An a lytic Geom. I; or, 1914, Dif fer en tial & In te gral Cal cu lus I) MATH 2123, Cal cu lus II for Business, Life & Social Sci ences (Sub sti tute: 2423, Cal cu lus & An a lytic Geom. II; or 2924, Dif fer en tial & In te gral Cal cu lus II) A435 F659 Q253 Upper-Division Business Requirements - 9 hours FIN 3403, Financial Intermediaries & _________________________ It is recommended that students take either Non-Western Culture or Understanding Artistic Forms at the 3000/4000 level. This will fulfill the University of Oklahoma requirement of one upper-division course from the ap proved University-Wide General Education course list. The selected course must be outside the major and in addition to the capstone course. An approved list of courses is available online. This requirement may also be satisfied in the upper-division or free elective categories. Markets FIN 3503, Investments FIN 3603, Advanced Corporate Fin. FIN 3703, Financial Modeling & Analysis Nine hours to be chosen from the list below. No more than three hours taken from courses marked with an asterisk*: FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN FIN 3960, Hon ors Read ing* 3980, Hon ors Re search* 4113, De riv . Se cu r. & Mar kets 4133, In ter national Fi nan cial Man age ment 4413, Com mer cial Bank ing 4403, Adv. Topics-Investments 4513, Finan cial Risk Management 4533, Corporate Risk Management 4543, Financial Trading Strategies 4613, Stu dent In vest ment Fund 4713, Fixed In come Securities and Markets FIN 4700, In tern ship in Fi nance* MIS 3223, Financial Data Modeling* NOTE: FIN 3123, 3133, and 3513 will not count to ward the BBA or in the FIN major GPA. Any 3000- or 4000-level FIN course will count in the Finance major grade point average unless otherwise specified. Recommended for CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst): FIN 3403; 3503; 3603; 4113; 4713; plus, one course from: FIN 4133, 4403, or 4613. Ba sic Busi ness Minimum grade of C required in all courses marked with an * FIN majors must earn a 2.50 GPA in ACCT 2113 & 2123. Additional Requirements Required: MIT 5602, Management InformationSystems MIT Electives: 10 to 13 credit hours of graduate level MIT courses as necessary to reach 32 hours for the degree. Graduate Electives: 13 credit hours of graduate-level Business, MIT electives or other electives as approved by MIT Division. Up to 12 hours of graduate level MIT or MIS courses from a list maintained by the department and approved by the graduate liaison can be shared between BBA and MS- MIT programs. B AD 1000, Price Passport to Success I B AD 1010, Price Passport to Success II A combined total of 40 milestone points is required. The Non-Thesis degree is a coursework-only degree; a Non-Thesis exam is not required, OR 3 credit hours of Thesis (MIT 5980) 4 credit hours of additional required coursework from a list maintained by the department and approved by the Graduate Liaison. NO INDEPENDENT STUDY OR ONLINE COURSES. A max i mum of 6 hours of trans fer work is allowed.

RE QUIRE MENTS FOR THE BACHE LOR OF BUSINESS ... · BBA. A maximum of 2 hours of physical education courses will count toward this degree. encSci e & Mathe mat ics 16 § raNat u l

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Page 1: RE QUIRE MENTS FOR THE BACHE LOR OF BUSINESS ... · BBA. A maximum of 2 hours of physical education courses will count toward this degree. encSci e & Mathe mat ics 16 § raNat u l



For Stu dents En ter ing the Oklahoma State System

for Higher Ed u ca tion Sum mer 2016 through

Spring 2017

GEN ERAL RE QUIRE MENTS BBA (Finance)/Master of Science in Management of Information Technology

Min i mum To tal Hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 For OU and Com bined Re ten tion Grade Point Av er ages:Min i mum Over all Grade Point Av er age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00Min i mum Grade Point Av er age in Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00Min i mum Grade Point Av er age in Up per-Di vi sion Busi ness Courses . . . 3.00

OU en cour ages stu dents to com plete at least 30 hours of ap pli ca ble coursework each year to have the op por tu nity to grad u ate in five years.Subject Hours Courses To enroll in upper-division business courses, students must be certified for

degree candidacy and meet all prerequisites. See price.ou.edu/advising.Com mu ni ca tions 9-19

ENGL 1113, Prin ci ples of Eng lish Com po si tion (Core I) ENGL 1213, Prin ci ples of Eng lish Com po si tion (Core I), or EXPO 1213, Ex pos i tory Writ ing (Core I)

COMM 1113, Prin ci ples of Com mu ni ca tion, or COMM 2613, Pub lic Speak ing

Foreign Language, 0-10 hours, (Core I)—Students who have completed two years of high school foreign language are exempt from the general education foreign language requirement.

Core Requirements - 15 hours

Major Requirements - 21 hours

FIN 3303, Busi ness Fi nance*L S 3323, Le gal Envir. of Busi ness MGT 3013, Prin ci ples of Or ga ni za tion

and Man age mentMKT 3013, Prin ci ples of Mar ket ing †B AD 4013, Busi ness Strat egy and

Pol icy†=requires completion of all other business core courses prior to enrollment and permission from Price Academic Advising Services.

*May not be completed online.

ECON 3113, In ter me di ate Micro- Economic Theory

ACCT 3113, In ter me di ate Acct I ACCT 3123, Intermediate Acct IIECON 3113 fulfills upper-division general education requirement.

Be hav ioral &So cial Sci ence 6

P SC 1113, Amer i can Fed eral Gov ern ment (Core III)Elect 3 hours from the following fields: Anthropology, Geography (economic, human, or political), Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology.


Hu mani ties 12HIST 1483 or 1493, U.S. (Core IV)PHIL 1273, Introduction to Business Ethics (Core IV: W. Civ.) 1 course from each of the following 2 fields (Core IV):

§Un der stand ing Ar tis tic Forms - ___________________

§Non-West ern Cul ture - _________________________

Upper-Division Electives - 2 hours No credit may be taken in business.

Free Electives - 3 hours3 hours if ex empt from for eign lan guage. Free elec tives may be taken in any lower- or up per-di vi sion area out side Price Coll ege or the Department of Economics.B AD 2110, 2113, MKT 2013 and MGT 2013 will not count for credit toward a BBA. A maximum of 2 hours of physical education courses will count toward this degree.

Sci ence &Mathe mat ics 16

§Nat u ral Sci ences—7 hours, 2 courses taken from the bi o log i caland/or physical sciences. The two courses must be from different disciplines and at least one course must include a laboratory component. (Core II)




23ACCT 2113, Fun da ment al Fi nan cial Ac count ing*ACCT 2123, Fun da men tal Man a ge rial Ac count ing*B AD 1001, Per sonal Com put ing Pro duc tiv ity Tools B AD 2091, Busi ness and Pro fes sional Ba sicsB C 2813, Busi ness WritingECON 1113, Prin ci ples of Eco nom ics—Macro (Core III)* ECON 1123, Prin ci ples of Eco nom ics—Mi cro*ECON 2843, El e ments of Sta tis tics*MIS 2113, Com puter-Based In for ma tion Sys tems*

§Courses taken to ful fill the Uni ver sity Gen eral Edu ca tion Re quire ments must becho sen from the University-Wide General Education Approved Course List.

A combined maximum of 8 hours of general military experience, flight instruction, and physical education activity courses will count toward the 148 hours, with a maximum of 2 hours of physical education activity courses.

2. 3.

AD DI TIONAL RE QUIRE MENTS.3000-level core courses must be com pleted to en roll in 4000-level busi ness courses.One up per-di vi sion course in each of the fol low ing ar eas is re quired: FIN, LS, MGT, and MKT.


Pass/No Pass WILL NOT be ac cepted for any Busi ness or Gen eral Ed u ca tion courses or anyspe cif i cally re quired courses.

5. Stu dents must com plete the GMAT exam with a score of 500 or greater.

6. Com pre hen sive writ ten exam re quired at end of pro gram.Sixty hours, ex clud ing phys i cal ed u ca tion ac tiv ity courses, must be taken at a bac ca lau re atedegree-grant ing in sti tu tion.


MATH 1643, Precalculus for Busi ness, Life, and So cial Sci ences (Core I—Sub sti tute: 1523, Precalculus & Trigonometry)MATH 1743, Cal cu lus I for Busi ness, Life & So cial Sci ences

(Core I—Sub sti tute: 1823, Cal cu lus & An a lytic Geom. I; or, 1914, Dif fer en tial & In te gral Cal cu lus I)

MATH 2123, Cal cu lus II for Busi ness, Life & So cial Sci ences(Sub sti tute: 2423, Cal cu lus & An a lytic Geom. II; or 2924, Dif fer en tial & In te gral Cal cu lus II)

A435 F659 Q253

Upper-Division Business Requirements - 9 hours

FIN 3403, Financial Intermediaries &


It is recommended that students take either Non-Western Culture or Understanding Artistic Forms at the 3000/4000 level. This will fulfill the University of Oklahoma requirement of one upper-division course from the ap proved University-Wide General Education course list. The selected course must be outside the major and in addition to the capstone course. An approved list of courses is available online. This requirement may also be satisfied in the upper-division or free elective categories.

MarketsFIN 3503, InvestmentsFIN 3603, Advanced Corporate Fin. FIN 3703, Financial Modeling & AnalysisNine hours to be chosen from the list below. No more than three hours taken from courses marked with an asterisk*: FIN FIN FIN FIN


3960, Hon ors Read ing* 3980, Hon ors Re search* 4113, De riv . Se cu r. & Mar kets 4133, In ter national Fi nan cialMan age ment4413, Com mer cial Bank ing 4403, Adv. Topics-Investments 4513, Finan cial Risk Management 4533, Corporate Risk Management 4543, Financial Trading Strategies 4613, Stu dent In vest ment Fund 4713, Fixed In come Securities and Markets

FIN 4700, In tern ship in Fi nance*MIS 3223, Financial Data Modeling*

NOTE: FIN 3123, 3133, and 3513 will not count to ward the BBA or in the FIN major GPA.Any 3000- or 4000-level FIN course will count in the Finance major grade point average unless otherwise specified.Recommended for CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst):FIN 3403; 3503; 3603; 4113; 4713; plus, one course from: FIN 4133, 4403, or 4613.

Ba sicBusi ness

Minimum grade of C required in all courses

marked with an *FIN majors must

earn a 2.50 GPA inACCT 2113 & 2123.

Additional Requirements

Required:MIT 5602, Management InformationSystems

MIT Electives: 10 to 13 credit hours of graduate level MIT courses as necessary to reach 32 hours for the degree.

Graduate Electives: 13 credit hours of graduate-level Business, MIT electives or other electives as approved by MIT Division.

Up to 12 hours of graduate level MIT or MIS courses from a list maintained by the department and approved by the graduate liaison can be shared between BBA and MS-MIT programs.

B AD 1000, Price Passport to Success IB AD 1010, Price Passport to Success IIA combined total of 40 milestone points is required.

The Non-Thesis degree is a coursework-only degree; a Non-Thesis exam is not required, OR 3 credit hours of Thesis (MIT 5980)4 credit hours of additional required coursework from a list maintained by the department and approved by the Graduate Liaison.

NO INDEPENDENT STUDY OR ONLINE COURSES. A max i mum of 6 hours of trans fer work is all owed.

Page 2: RE QUIRE MENTS FOR THE BACHE LOR OF BUSINESS ... · BBA. A maximum of 2 hours of physical education courses will count toward this degree. encSci e & Mathe mat ics 16 § raNat u l

Joint Bach e lor of Busi ness Administration/Mas ter of Science in Management Information Systems — A435 F659 — Page 2

Sug gested Se mes ter Ad vise ment PlanAdditional hours may be required if remedial math or foreign language is required. Please see an academic counselor to develop a plan of study.





COMM 1113, Prin ci ples of Com mu ni ca tion, or COMM 2613, Pub lic SpeakingECON 1113, Prin ci ples of Eco nom ics—Macro (Core III) ENGL 1113, Prin ci ples of Eng lish Com po si tion (Core I) HIST 1483, United States 1492-1865, or

1493, United States 1865-Pres entMATH 1643, Precalculus for Busi ness, Life, and So cial Sci ences B AD 1000, Price Passport to Success I




B AD 1001, Per sonal Com put ing Pro duc tivi ty ToolsECON 1123, Prin ci ples of Eco nom ics—Mi cro (Core III)ENGL 1213, Prin ci ples of Engl ish Com po si tion (Core I), or EXPO 1213, Ex posi tory Writi ng (Core I)MATH 1743, Cal cu lus I for Busi ness, Life & So cial Sci ences (Core I) P SC 1113, Ameri can Fed eral Gov ern ment (Core III)†Nat u ral Sci ence (Core II)B AD 1000, Price Passport to Success I








ACCT 2113, Fun da men tal Fi nan cial Ac counti ngB AD 2091, Business & Professional BasicsECON 2843, Elements of StatisticsMATH 2123, Cal cu lus II for Busi ness, Life & So cial Sciences MIS 2113, Com puter-Based In for ma tion Sys temsPHIL 1273, In tro duc tion to Busi ness Eth ics (Core IV: West ern Civ.)B AD 1000, Price Passport to Success I


ACCT 2123, Fun da men tal Man a ge rial Ac count ing B C 2813, Busi ness Writing†Nat u ral Sci ence with Lab (2nd dis ci pline) (Core II) †Non-West ern Cul ture (Core IV)





FIN 3303, Business Finance (may not be taken online)FIN 3403, Financial Intermediaries & MarketsL S 3323, Legal En vi ron ment of BusinessMGT 3013, Prin ci ples of Or ga ni za tion and Management MKT 3013, Princi ples of MarketingECON 3113, Intermediate Microeconomic Theory B AD 1010, Price Passport to Success II


ACCT 3113, Intermediate Accounting I FIN 3703, Financial Modeling and AnalysisFINFIN

3603, Advanced Corporate Finance 3503, Investments

♦Behavioral & Social ScienceB AD 1000, Price Passport to Success I





ACCT 3123, Intermediate Accounting II

FIN Elective (Major Elective)

Graduate Requirement Course

Graduate Requirement Course

MIT 5602, Management Information Systems

B AD 1010, Price Passport to Success II







Elective (Major Elective)FIN

FIN Elective (Major Elective)

Graduate Requirement Course

Graduate Requirement Course

Graduate Requirement Course

B AD 1010, Price Passport to Success II










EAR Graduate Requirement Course

Graduate Requirement CourseGraduate Requirement CourseGraduate Requirement CourseGraduate Requirement Course


Graduate Requirement Course

Graduate Requirement Course

Graduate Requirement Course

Graduate Requirement Course

B AD 4013, Business Strategy & Policy - Capstone






♦ = Behavioral and Social Science courses must be chosen from the following: anthropology, psychology, sociology, political science, or geography (economic, human or political).† = University-Wide General Education course, refer to online listing.

University-Wide General Education Requirements (mini mum 40 hours)Courses des ig nated as Core I, II, III, IV, or Cap stone are part of the Gen eral Ed u ca tion cur ric u lum. Stu dents must com plete a min i mum of 40 hours of Gen eral Ed u ca tion courses, cho sen from the approved list, includ ing at least one up per-di vi sion Gen. Ed. course out side of the student’s ma jor. Courses graded S/U or P/NP will not apply.

Core I Sym bolic and Oral Com mu ni ca tion (9–19 hours, 3–5 courses)• Eng lish Com po si tion–6 hours, 2 courses• Mathe mat ics–3 hours, 1 course• For eign Lan guage–0–10 hours, 2 courses in the same lan guage, (which can be met by suc cess fully com plet ing two years of the same for eign lan guage in high school)• Other (courses such as com mu ni ca tion, logic or pub lic speak ing)

Core II Natu ral Sci ence (7 hours, 2 courses)• Courses must be taken from dif fer ent dis ci plines in the bio logi cal and/or physi cal sci ences; one of which must in clude a labo ra tory.

Core III So cial Sci ence (6 hours, 2 courses)• One course must be P SC 1113, “Ameri can Fed eral Gov ern ment”

Core IV Hu mani ties (12 hours, 4 courses)• Un der stand ing Ar tis tic Forms–3 hours, 1 course• West ern Civi li za tion and Cul ture–6 hours, 2 courses, in clud ing HIST 1483 or HIST 1493• Non- Western Cul tures–3 hours, 1 course

Sen ior Cap stone Ex pe ri ence (3 hours, 1 course)

†Understanding Artistic Forms (Core IV) Free Elec tiveB AD 1010, Price Passport to Success II

Apply for permission to take upper division business courses the semester in which you will complete the prebusiness courses in bold.

Dur ing the 2nd se mes ter, third year: • Take GMAT• Interview for internship• Apply for admission to Master's program