RAW SUMMIT 2: DRS. BRIAN & ANNA MARIA CLEMENT INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT SANDRA: Tonight we are privileged to have the co- directors of the Hippocrates health institute in West Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Brian Clement, and his wife Dr. Anna Maria Clement. HHI is committed to the ancient wisdom of Hippocrates, who said, let food be our medicine. Co- directors Brian and Anna Maria Clement are international educators, authors, and visionaries who embody the very best of the raw and living foods lifestyle. In his role as a progressive educator, Dr. Brian Clement has traveled extensively at home and abroad. In recent years, he has been commissioned by government supported organizations to establish, organize, and direct health programs in Denmark, Switzerland, Greece, and India. Brian has spent more than 30 years studying nutrition and natural health care. He has graduate degrees in both naturopathic medicine. And nutritional science. He is a frequent guest on television, radio, and in print as well as a resource expert for several publications. Dr. Anna Maria Clement founded the first living food organization in Scandinavia. And was a member Sweden’s natural health care coalition. She is also one of the leading experts in live blood cell analysis, a revolutionary technique in the comprehensive assessment of a person’s state of health. And author and much sought after international lecturer in her own right, Anna Maria has been co-director and chief health administrator of Hippocrates Health Institute, first in Boston and now in its new headquarters in West Palm Beach, Florida. Despite her world acclaim, Dr. Anna has said her most important role is as a mother to her four children, whose perfect health is a tribute to the Hippocrates lifestyle. So Dr. Brian and Anna Maria, thank you and welcome to the raw summit. BRIAN: It’s nice to be with you. ANNA: Oh thank you, it’s so great to be with you. SANDRA: Perfect. So can you each, uh, tell us a little bit about how you got to where you are? We’ll let the lady go first. ANNA: All right, I, I am from Sweden so I started out there. And, uh, was lucky enough to find my way to become

RAW SUMMIT 2: DRS. BRIAN & ANNA MARIA CLEMENT INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT SANDRA: Tonight …files.meetup.com/844266/CLEMENT_transcript.pdf ·  · 2008-10-31RAW SUMMIT 2: DRS. BRIAN & ANNA

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RAW SUMMIT 2: DRS. BRIAN & ANNA MARIA CLEMENT INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT SANDRA: Tonight we are privileged to have the co-directors of the Hippocrates health institute in West Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Brian Clement, and his wife Dr. Anna Maria Clement. HHI is committed to the ancient wisdom of Hippocrates, who said, let food be our medicine. Co-directors Brian and Anna Maria Clement are international educators, authors, and visionaries who embody the very best of the raw and living foods lifestyle. In his role as a progressive educator, Dr. Brian Clement has traveled extensively at home and abroad. In recent years, he has been commissioned by government supported organizations to establish, organize, and direct health programs in Denmark, Switzerland, Greece, and India. Brian has spent more than 30 years studying nutrition and natural health care. He has graduate degrees in both naturopathic medicine. And nutritional science. He is a frequent guest on television, radio, and in print as well as a resource expert for several publications. Dr. Anna Maria Clement founded the first living food organization in Scandinavia. And was a member Sweden’s natural health care coalition. She is also one of the leading experts in live blood cell analysis, a revolutionary technique in the comprehensive assessment of a person’s state of health. And author and much sought after international lecturer in her own right, Anna Maria has been co-director and chief health administrator of Hippocrates Health Institute, first in Boston and now in its new headquarters in West Palm Beach, Florida. Despite her world acclaim, Dr. Anna has said her most important role is as a mother to her four children, whose perfect health is a tribute to the Hippocrates lifestyle. So Dr. Brian and Anna Maria, thank you and welcome to the raw summit. BRIAN: It’s nice to be with you. ANNA: Oh thank you, it’s so great to be with you. SANDRA: Perfect. So can you each, uh, tell us a little bit about how you got to where you are? We’ll let the lady go first. ANNA: All right, I, I am from Sweden so I started out there. And, uh, was lucky enough to find my way to become




vegetarian at 15. And more less fumbled into that. But then the, when I was done with, uh, high school, I knew that I wanted to be doing something in this. So I figured out that I better learn from somebody wh--, who already knows it. SANDRA: Right. ANNA: And I was lucky to find a woman who had healed herself of, uh, rheumatoid arthritis, in her 50’s, actually she woke up one morning and was totally different after living on medications for years and years. And even her jaw has different. SANDRA: Wow. ANNA: So she had to change her life. SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Right, exactly. ANNA: -- and, uh, it was her turn in life. And then, uh, she opened a clinic in Sweden, it was fantastic. We had tens of thousands of people go through there and, and people from all over the world. SANDRA: Great. ANNA: Actually, [SOUNDS LIKE: Pavay Rolla] came and stayed with us. He wrote the book There is a Cure for Arthritis, after that visit. And, uh, you know, I learned from her, and then I learned from Ann Wigmore is, the other incredible woman who cured herself of colon cancer. SANDRA: Right. ANNA: To come to United States in 1983. And then, um, long story short, I thought I’d come there for a few months and bring it back to our clinic and really incorporate the live food. Totally different. We were vegan but, you know, it’s totally different when you get the live food in. And, but then I met Brian and I never made it back. SANDRA: [LAUGHS] That’s a good thing. BRIAN: Romantic prelude. SANDRA: [LAUGHS]




BRIAN: If she saw me when I started this, she wouldn’t have been too romantic-- SANDRA: [LAUGHS] BRIAN: [LAUGHS] SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] She knew that there was a god underneath. BRIAN: Yeah, I was about 240 pounds and smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: My favorite thing was to hang out in nightclubs and I was a jazz drummer and all of this business. And, and I was in my, uh, education to become a biochemist at that point. And realized that when I was walking up stairs, every three or four steps, I had to stop. SANDRA: Oh. BRIAN: To breathe. Now I wasn’t that bright. I was pretty sick obviously, doing all those weird things. Uh, I realized that that was wrong. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: And thank god my girlfriend at that point, her best friend, a girl she grew up with, had a boyfriend ten years older than us. He was 30 and we were 20. And when you’re 30 and somebody’s 20, man they are prophet. SANDRA: [LAUGHS] BRIAN: And this guy was really a weird guy. I mean, I grew up in the New York City metropolitan area. And he was a vegetarian, so I knew that meant he was a homosexual. SANDRA: [LAUGHS] BRIAN: But I knew one thing. I always taught even formally by my teachers that, uh, all men ate meat. SANDRA: Oh my goodness.




BRIAN: But as, as my girlfriend and I would be alone, quietly, and none of my friends saw me, I said let’s try some of that vegetarian stuff. And I actually liked it. And I had never ate real food in my entire life. My family should have been the test family to see who gets the disease first from fast food. SANDRA: [LAUGHS] BRIAN: And before you know it, he’s got me down, this prophet. 30-year-old prophet who did yoga too, that was really weird back in the 60’s. And, uh, he said to me, you know, I see you kiss your dog. You love your dog. Now this sounds strange to a lot of the listeners out there, he said you eat animals. I didn’t really get, I never really thought it out. I guess none of us really want to think about it. That I was consuming animals. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: And in one fell swoop, without any understanding, this was healthy or unhealthy and even though I was studying anatomy and the way the body works, I became a vegetarian. Within a very short time, a couple of years, became a vegan. And one summer when I was living out west in Oregon and it was very warm, 100 degrees and more every day. I just gravitated towards living food and remember I had read something about Ann Wigmore, and did it and went to, uh, Tavis center on the Oregon coast. I was gonna create a center there in the 70’s. Where I’d open it in April and close it in November and hike and put people on raw foods, et cetera. And I said, gee, before I do that, why don’t I go back east and live another year. And I was invited to work at the Hippocrates Institute, and, uh, the rest of the story, there. Within a matter of two or three years there, I was sent to Europe. I brought the living foods program there. At, met my wife, Anna Maria. For the first time there when I brought Ann Wigmore to open a gourmet vegan restaurant in downtown Stockholm. Then, uh, in 1980, after three years in Europe, bringing it all over the countries and into India and into Egypt, working with governments there. I came back and was invited to direct Hippocrates, so I guess I’ve been the director now for 27 years. SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Wow.




BRIAN: My wife, uh, joined me and she’s been the co-director since 1982. 1983. And we just love each other and love what we do, and we thank god every day that we have the honor, uh, to do this work and watch what people can do when they take responsibility for their diet and their life. SANDRA: Well it really shows, um, the care that you guys have, not only for each other, but for the institute and the people that, that frequent it. Um, it’s just amazing the, the way you can feel the vibe even though you’re not there. You know? So what is, um, what is your definition of a raw diet? Like, what would be the definition of, of raw for, for you two? ANNA: It means that it’s 80 to 90% at least of vegan, organic, living food. SANDRA: Gotcha. BRIAN: All vegan, but it’s at least 90%, 80% raw. SANDRA: Gotcha. BRIAN: And you know, it’s organic. Uh, people have to realize that there’s a lot of theories and philosophies, and a lot of enthusiasts out there. Cheerleaders as we call them in the living food field today. When people get turned onto this diet, it turns out very well 100% of the time. But not everyone’s ready to go to the goalpost. And the goalpost is to eat 100% organic, 100% vegan. And at least initially, 100% raw food. Uh, we did so, Anna for a number of years, myself for 8 years. And then when we were still in Boston, we had the good fortune of having, uh, MIT professors working with us. And we were using their laboratories to do research. And I realized that when we told people who came to us, and again, most people in those days that came to us, were very seriously ill. They were given weeks or months to live. Today the good news is, in the last 50 years, uh, it’s changed. In 10 to 15 years now, what’s happening is about half the people that come to us are healthy people. Or people that have minor problems, that don’t want to go through the same problems that their parents did. So when we were saying to them, you know, you have to be 100% raw the rest of your life, they would sort of look at us with this lost thing. And it seemed almost




hopeless and impossible. So we did some research. And this goes back probably 25 years ago now. And the research showed us that after you immune system becomes maximized and strong and healthy. That one can eat up to 20, 25 % organic, cooked, vegan food without the immune system being compromised. Now, of course, this is after a person has healed a disease. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: We’re not talking about people with cancer or heart disease or diabetes or multiple sclerosis or the many things we work with daily and have for decades. But you can eat a little bit of cooked food, and, and once we came to that conclusion and started to teach that at Hippocrates, uh, back in those days, 20 some years ago, boy what a load that took off people’s back. And they just said, oh now I see this as viable and there’s light at the end of the tunnel. And when I say to a cancer patient, you know, I know you were eating meat and I know you were, you were eating a horrible diet, as I did at one point. I can still relate to that. But in two years, because we realized in 90, 95% of the cases in two years, we can loosen it up and say come on, eat some steamed broccoli. Or eat some, you know, millet, and, and that just makes a world of difference to people. And it makes this program user friendly. SANDRA: Right. Exactly. So are you, so you guys are, you guys are 90% raw right now? BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] Well this time of the year, when it’s this warm in the tropics, we’re probably 100% most of the time. But you know, we eat a little cooked food, just to, tonight we ate sweet potato. SANDRA: Oh great BRIAN: And you know, that, that type of thing. And all day long and yesterday I ate 100% raw food and, and we fast, uh, once a week. But sure. And then in the winter time and especially when I’m in very cold climates and traveling, I may go to a vegan restaurant and, uh, have millet or tempe or something like that occasionally, and maybe 20% of my diet for a day or two or week may be, uh, cooked.




SANDRA: Now does fasting have, uh, any adverse effects on your metabolism as far as slowing your metabolism down and? BRIAN: If you take the improper juices. I mean, we’ve done a lot of work on that over the years. And, uh, water fasting, we’re adamantly against. Uh, we recognize it, the statistics show us, uh, internationally, in Europe and North America, that the majority of us are malnourished. Most listeners really don’t get that in the United States, we actually, literally have more malnourishment than most third world countries. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] And most people eating quote health food are malnourished too, because-- SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Really? BRIAN: -- cooked, you know, and, and processed health food. So you say, well how’s that possible? Because if you look at those third world countries where a percentage of the population is starving, what are the rest of the people eating? Whole food diets that they’ve been eating for hundreds to, or thousands of years. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: So, no water fasting. That’s number one, because it does weaken people. Neurologically damage people. Uh, we’ve noticed people who do water fasting long time, as they age, uh, dementia is a very common thing. Because of the B12 problem. And also the neuron activity that’s created from fatty acid depletion. Uh, and we don’t think fruit juice is a good idea, because that just hyperactivate the neurological system, feeds every form of disease. Um, everything from cancer to virus. Our current e-news letter is showing a study out of Johns Hopkins and, proving what we’ve been teaching for 30 years about sugar. It just gets the pancreas a little wacky and, and shoots up the blood sugar, shoots down the blood sugar. And feeds viruses and molds and yeast and fungus and bacteria. So that’s out of the way. But how about green drinks? And how about green drinks that are made with sprouts? And the sprouts like sunflower and wheatgrass and pea green sprouts. All are complete protein. And let’s go back.




SANDRA: Mm hm. BRIAN: When you’re fasting, one of the things that everyone says I’m starving, I’m--, you’re not starving. You’re blood sugaring. And how we know in science to regulate blood sugar is with protein. If you can take a complete protein juice, like a sunflower or a wheatgrass, it regulates that. And for those people who have blood sugar concerns. In this country, it’s about 60 to 70%. Either are hypoglycemic, are diabetic, high or low that means. We’re close to it. And then you have a very easy fast, because it regulates the blood sugar. And those of us that don’t have blood sugar problems, you’re not gonna feel like you’re starving. You’re gonna feel like it’s possible. You’re gonna be nourished. So if you’re already malnourished, why do that? SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Right. BRIAN: Eventually what we recognize and understand is that you literally get far greater benefits in cleansing by doing green juice fasting with no carrots, no beets. I’m talking about green juice fasting. Additional to the sprouts with the celery, cucumber, watercress, parsley, kale, cabbage. Things of that nature. Which no sugar content to speak about. And with that, you’ll clean the liver better, you’ll clean the arteries better. The enzymes within the juice will emulsify the fat deposits and the chemicals out of the body. The oxygens within the juice, because it’s chlorophyll in it, is going to bubble up waste and bring much more out of the system than just on water fasting, and certainly on fruit juice. But people are so addicted to sugar, that’s why they tend to go to fruit juice fasting, et cetera. SANDRA: Right. Well can you, uh, speak a bit about optimal food combining and why that’s important? BRIAN: You know, the, there’s a debate on this, and it’s sort of silly to me. I, I don’t know what’s wrong with people. It’s, it’s a very simple scenario. I suggest to people who are a little anal and a little intellectual on this process, to take foods that are commonly combined. Uh, in the west, the most common combination is a worse combination, bad combination. And that’s proteins and starches. If you combine protein and starches, we know in biochemistry, you can create over 120 different chemicals.




The most notable being sulfur. Sulfur, again, smells like rotten eggs. When it, gastrically comes out of you, one way or another. And that’s where most of that odorous gas is coming from. A protein in the starch and living food diet, would be a grain of some type or, an, an steamed bread or something you’ve made in the dehydrator mixed with any form of a nut. Nut butter sandwiches is an example, where people take, uh, grain crackers, as they dehydrate, and then they put a nut butter. SANDRA: Mm hm. BRIAN: If you look at granola, not that that’s a living food, it’s, I couldn’t invent something with a worse combination. It’s grain and it’s nuts, and then did they top it off by putting sugar in. Now let’s talk about that. If you, if you ask me how they make whiskey, I’m gonna tell you that they grains and sugar. What’s the difference if I put fruit into my grain bread that I’m making in my dehydrator? SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: It’s not gonna take months to break down to alcohol. We estimate it’s gonna take between 20 and 45 minutes to break down the alcohol. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: Many people are literally, uh, getting alcohol highs from mis-combining these foods together. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: So, combination’s important. There are four major rules. Everyone listening, write these rules down. Number one, do not mix proteins and starchy carbohydrates. Proteins are nuts and seeds, and things we make from nuts and seeds. Starchy carbohydrates are grains, and grains should always be eaten sprouted. Beans and beans should be eaten sprouted. And root vegetable. That’s number one. If you get that, you’re 50% there. Number two rule, is that you can never mix fruits and vegetables together. And we’re talking about the sugary varieties of food. If we talk botanically of course, a pepper could be considered a fruit, uh, et cetera, et cetera. What we’re really talking about are the sugary fruits with vegetables that are not




sugary, and green in origin. Now you’re, you’re there. Melons should not be eaten with any other food, at all. Because melons rapidly move through the body. That’s why when you take melons, where do we all stand in the queue? SANDRA: [LAUGHS] BRIAN: Very simple. SANDRA: Exactly. BRIAN: And it’s a good thing too. And then the last one, when eating fruit, when you’re in a conquest of the disease, and I’ll repeat the list again. Cancers of any type, viruses of any type. Rino or retro virus. Bacterium, bacteria of any type. Spiral k, lymes disease. Fungal problems, yeast problems. Low blood sugar, hypoglycemia or diabetes, which is high blood sugar. No fruits. Until you field yourself. Now again, we’re not speaking out of a theory of philosophy as many of the enthusiasts do. We do clinical research on a daily basis and have for decades and collected thousands of thousands of thousands of statistics on these things. Now, after you’re well, and your immune system’s functioning, no more than 15% of your diet should be fruit, by weight. Not by imagination. For every 10 pounds of food that you eat, when you’re healthy, one and a half pounds can be, not in my life, but can be fruit. And when drinking fruit juice, dramatically reduce the sugar by putting mostly water and taint the water with fruit juice, as they’re doing with the popular waters now. It actually tastes better to you after a short time. If it’s too gross to take that amount, and I don’t mean only gross mentally, but physiologically. Uh, to take it. So that’s, that’s the four rules there. SANDRA: Wow. That, I, that would have, is so amazing that, the part about the fruit. I mean, everybody tells you how healthy fruit is for you, but if your body is already in a state of distress, you have to hold off from it. For a while. BRIAN: Well, there’s two major problems. Not only, uh, is fruit not what it used to be. And all the naturalists run around and say monkeys eat it and this and that. You know, it’s all cute stuff, but it’s not science. Fruit today has been hybrid, and it’s not just in recent times we’ve hybrid. We’ve hybrid it for millennia. Thousands of




years. It started in Africa and then moved into Japan, and China. And the average fruit today has 28 to 34 times more sugar than the original fruit. As an example for the listeners, one time from the University of California, I spoke to the agricultural expert in fruit, fruit cultivation. And he said to me, what’s your favorite apple? And I said red delicious. And he said, well that‘s about 50 times sweeter than the original apple. I said what was the original apple like? He said do you like crabapples? I said they’re too sour. He said they’d be sweet compared to the original apple. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: Now, number two is no fruit, including organic fruit is pick ripe. You can’t market ripe fruit, because it rots. So what they do is they intentionally pick it weeks and months in the case of citrus, early. Here in Florida we have wonderful juice oranges. They pick them at the end of November. You know when they’re really ripe? SANDRA: When? BRIAN: April. SANDRA: What? BRIAN: Yes. In California, an insane Sunkist actually take green oranges, they found its better for them, less perishable, and spray-paint them orange. Yeah. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: And so, even the organic fruits, because they are marketed, and people cannot grow fruit, put it in a box, the m--, the distributors. And have them rot because they get all the fruit back. They have to pick them unripe. You eat on ripened fruit, number one, they’re acid, unlike all of these enthusiasts try to tell you it alkalizes the body. It acidifies the body. Number two, it robs nutrients from every cell in the body, including the bone structure. That’s why you’ll see if you really have a dangerous and bad impact on arthritic conditions, osteo conditions. It actually weakens the cells of every organ in the body, and on and on it goes.




SANDRA: Wow. Oh my god. I’m so glad I’m talking to you guys. This is like some major information here. Dr. Anna, are you there? ANNA: Yeah, I’m here. SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Good, okay. [LAUGHS] BRIAN: [LAUGHS] SANDRA: Well, since you’re one of the, uh, leading experts in live blood cell analysis, uh, can you tell us how does, uh, this technique assess a person’s state of health? ANNA: Uh, it’s amazing. For sure. You know, I just love it because I sit with people in my office every day. You know, we have a 21-day program. Because it really takes 21 days to change a habit. So when our students first arrive, we look at their live blood and when they leave we look at it again. And we compare it with the clinical blood test that we also due, as you arrive and when you leave. And they are totally compatible. It’s, uh, they work so great together, but the great thing about live blood is that you sit there and you look at it, and you can see what’s, what is the problem as I’m explaining it, and then especially after three weeks, you’re a pro at it. You know what to look for and how, how much better you want to look. And it’s always above what you expected. But we see the red blood cells, the condition of them and, you know, they are, they are what you’re structurally made of. The, the organs, your tissue. Bones--, everything’s made of red blood cells, so you see how they are doing. You see your immune system, the different kinds of white blood cells, there’s T cells. There’s the B cells, the lymphocyte. You have leukocyte, like [UNINTELLIGIBLE] constantly out there. It’s so incredible to see [UNINTELLIGLBLE] There is just a bunch of enzymes that are munching and eating and cleaning your blood. SANDRA: Now, when you say you can see it, are you like projecting what’s on the microscope? ANNA: Yeah, what we do, we put on a, uh, normal screen, uh-- BRIAN: Flat screen.




ANNA: Flat screen, uh, we take a drop of blood from your pinky, put it on a slide, put a little cover slide on it, and magnify that 10,000 times. SANDRA: [WHISTLES] ANNA: And off they go and they’re running all over the place. SANDRA: [LAUGHS] ANNA: It’s just incredible. And it, you know, you see your health history. Uh, on the, the, there’s something called dry blood. And then you let the dry blood sit and dry for like 5 whole minutes, and then you can go back in, uh, in time. Even decades, I can go back and see what happened, which tells a lot to make their program up too. And, um, you know, it’s an incredible help. BRIAN: And not only is this scientifically so valid, when we mix the medical blood test with this. We don’t think, uh, that one on its own is enough. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: Mix the standard blood test with this. So when Anna Maria is looking at the cells, says gee there seems to be too few of this particular cell. And we look at the numbers of the medical blood test. Together it’s not half and half. When you put them together, you get 100 of times more information. And then when the guests see this, I mean we can say a lot of encouraging things to them, but nothing works more effectively than this. When they come and they see everything clumped together and they’re malnourished. And the oxygen’s low, and they have a lot crystals and, and disease floating around. And in just a matter of a few days, 17 days, 18 days, usually before they see it at the end, it’s radically changed and improved. Psychologically, what that does, I cannot even articulate in words. ANNA: Yeah. SANDRA: Now, is, is it possible, do you like, save a, a sample from when they start to compare it after the 21 days?




BRIAN: We do that. SANDRA: Okay. BRIAN: We do that. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: So that’s an amazing thing. Cuz we actually can take the dark and see that we can change disposition. As an example, if a per--, Anna Maria can look back 25, 30 years ago and say my god. And they think she’s psychic, but we can teach any intelligent person to do this. And say you broke your leg. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: 25 years ago. ANNA: [OVERLAPS] Or surgery, or summation or, you know. Something like that. BRIAN: And over the, the decade then [UNINTELLIGIBLE], we also now realize the emotions that that can infect. Uh, she’s written a chapter in a new book that will be coming out from living food leaders. It’s gonna be printed and published in columns. And her whole chapter is talking about that, and a big section is about the emotionality you see in it. And it’s always right on target. Keep it, we get--, problem with a man, and they, they freak out that it was 3 years ago. Uh, you’ve had a problem with a woman, your child, uh-- SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Wow. BRIAN: And it’s not psychic, I mean, these are-- ANNA: This is cellular memory. You know, every cell in your body, like your skin, like everything in your body, has a memory. SANDRA: Right. ANNA: And, and it shows up, uh, in, uh, cell structure on the microscope.




BRIAN: It’s quantum biology infracted. SANDRA: Now, does that memory still hold even when you’ve done a detox, or? ANNA: Yes, and then you change. The, a lot of changes have happened, because you plant so much that especially, let’s say you come from a big city and you’re coming with heavy metals, heavy chemicals. A lot of that is cleaned out with our incredible diet. And you know, a lot of emotional stuff has been worked on, lot of inflammation with the raw food diets, might not be there anymore. So you see big changes. BRIAN: All of the guests at Hippocrates, the first thing we do with them is give them psychotherapy. Uh, we don’t think that anyone can be healthy or can achieve complete health without that. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] Need to unload that toxing, uh, more than any other toxin. And when we do that, then we are so self respectful, we then eat right and do the living food and exercise. SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Right. BRIAN: Get our spiritual act together. So it’s a combination, it’s not just one thing. The food is certainly the fuel. SANDRA: Right. Well you two are you, you know, blessed to be on the same page nutritionally. What advice can you offer for other couples who aren’t so fortunate? Uh, meaning, one person would like to go raw or vegan and the other one doesn’t? ANNA: Yeah, that’s the problem we encounter every day. This happens to, you know, this question comes up all the time. And it is tough because especially, you know, a lot of women, now more and more men are coming in, but they might go home to their spouse and, and they say, you know, this is not something I want to do. And will all, you know, what they’re accustomed to, especially one parent stays on it, and one parent is changing, that’s gonna, you know, be the, the weird thing.




SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Right. ANNA: And there, it’s gonna be a stress for that child. So you know, but then again, you might have to really look at this big picture, because do you want this child to be contaminated? BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] Yeah, we, we actually council people to a point. When you have children in your relationship, we had four. Um, and as you pointed out, we’re blessed and thank god every day we, we do this together and, and love it and would never think of any other way to live. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: But how about if you come home to a husband that is so addicted. All of us are super addicted. I’m addicted, Anna’s addicted. We’re recovering addicts. And a lot of the listeners out there today are not recovering addicts. They’re still slipping in and out of their old patterns. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: And so you go home to a husband that has these dangerous patterns, but now you have a young, vulnerable, wonderful child that you may have together and you may love this man. Or you may love a woman. You can make it either a man or a woman. And they, every time you’re not looking, take the child and bring them to a McDonald’s or feed them candy, or make fun of you. And that can be tolerated short term. But we tell people not to tolerate that long term. One of the most, if not the most important role we have as human beings is to have children. And to make sure those children have a healthy upbringing. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: And if it gets to a point where that mate of yours. That spouse, or that lover of yours is literally sabotaging the health and potential life of your child, you have to make a split with that person. But in the initial stages you should work together in a loving compassionate way, to try to have it happen. Make them understand even if you’re addicted. Don’t do this to our child.




SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Right. BRIAN: And by the way, I don’t know how anyone who’s conscious and doing this can be with a person who does all of those horrible things,--, with you. SANDRA: Right, exactly. Um, the, the living, living, uh, raw lifestyle can be quite time consuming. And most people don’t have the support of an entire institute like you guys on a daily basis. How can a busy person incorporate raw food into their hectic lifestyle? ANNA: Well, we got to make it fair and simple. And you know, nowadays you can really go into a healthy store and get your, uh, raw or living foods. You can get, uh, organic food that’s already washed, you know. Uh, veggies and sprouts for you. You can get, uh, uh, juice in, uh, juice bars and there are health food restaurants. I mean, they are popping up much more around you nowadays. You know, I mean, it, for us though, it’s a commitment to [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. Because for 30 years, we’ve seen people think they’re, I mean, saved their life on this diet. So you know, it’s, we’re teaching that make it simple, but using for example, to be a part of your life. You make juice that’s half sprouts, like sunflower and bean sprouts, and other sprouts, and the other half is, uh, leafy greens, celery, cucumber, all organic. And we make two, like 16 ounces of that, twice a day. BRIAN: Yeah, we think this is simple. Just to be honest with you. It’s really about focus and commitment. Uh, we don’t think it’s difficult at all. Uh, the difficulty comes from the internal struggle people have. In self-sabotage. Or the patterns we have. I mean, I was really an addict. And I would do everything harmful against myself, but didn’t perceive it as that because I learned that from loving parents, by the way, who did the same. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: Same pa--, my mom was always obese. She was married at 98 pounds. And most of her life she was 200 pounds. So I was, every day when I came home, I had cake. SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Wow.




BRIAN: And that was the way my mom and maybe most of your moms listening, loved you. SANDRA: Right. Through food. BRIAN: And, and poor women, or, you know, we talk about women’s liberation. The only way that women, worldwide, even American women and European women, are truly, truly liberated, is with food. The only way we have ever let you open and truly express yourself. And that is deeply ingrained into our emotions, our soul, our spirit as human beings. And, and I didn’t realize that struggle till maybe 25 years ago. My work, and you know, the, people intellectually get this. I mean, who doesn’t intellectually get when you eat this food is pure and it’s gonna fill the body and take the disease away. We win awards because so many people get well. But you still have mommy told you to eat these bad foods. Are you rejecting mother’s love? SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: And that’s deep stuff we’re talking about. SANDRA: Very deep. BRIAN: But that’s what you’re struggling with, you’re not struggling with this being hard. You’re struggling with making yourself respectful enough to go beyond those entrapments that you have. And understand mom didn’t know any better. She did what her mom taught her. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: Culture and the society. And, and accept mom’s love. SANDRA: So, uh, so is it possible that, if we talk a little bit about one, uh, person in a couple being raw or vegan and the other person is not. So perhaps the one strategy could be to show them how it’s not time consuming and that, uh, it’s something that they can do quite easily as opposed to very hard. Is that, is that something that would help make that transition a little bit better? BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] As the New York Times said, 5 years ago, that the most significant dietary trend of the 21st




century is a raw living diet. And why they’ve said that is because after all of the different theories and philosophies and sales pitches, people get that if you take food and wash it, that hasn’t been sprayed. That doesn’t have chemicals on it, and eat it. It has to be inherently, and intellectually, and spiritually, and emotionally, people know it has to be better for you. And that’s why this is a permanent trend. The fastest growing restaurants from 1997 till 2001, in the United States were raw food restaurants. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: I don’t know any raw food restaurant that opened that still doesn’t remain open and, and are successful, unless people chose not to continue on with the restaurant. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: And people are understanding this. And I’m not saying everyone listening today is eating 100% raw or 90% raw. Or even aspire to. But even if you eat a little bit more of this, it’s gonna help to change you awareness. And the, every step in the right direction, with greater and under, understanding and awareness, will make us want and desire more. SANDRA: Exactly. BRIAN: So start, just to be compassionate with those around you and give them time as it took us all time. It took us a long time, especially me. But the fact of the matter is, if they’re gonna come around they are, and if not, you’ve gotta grow beyond that circumstance. SANDRA: And, um, let’s, let’s take the positive vein that both of the parents are on, on the raw, or vegan, uh, path. Can you talk a little bit about how to create a healthy regime for children to follow, especially teenagers in that peer pressure mode of hey, let’s go to McDonald’s. ANNA: We’ve been through that. We have three out the house, we have a 9 year old at home. SANDRA: Wow.




ANNA: Some of that with him later. So we’ve been through, you know, and food, you want food to look and taste like mainstream food. So you don’t have all that peer pressure. Uh, so you know, as the parents, you, you, we have them in the kitchen with us. They, they were a big part of making meals. Making things that they love to make hummus. They love to make, uh, dehydrated stuff and sauces and raw soups. And, you know, and make them the way that, uh, that it looks mainstream, so their friends would eat it too, you know. SANDRA: Oh, okay. ANNA: Actually a lot of friends have been educated just by eating with us and asking how come you don’t eat chicken? How come you don’t eat fish? SANDRA: Right. ANNA: And actually stopped eating those foods, parents have told us, because they got educated from our answers. BRIAN: And you know, you have to have your children hang around with other people like this. Otherwise you the, you’re the weirdo. SANDRA: Right. Exactly. BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] Mom and dad are, we’re weirdoes anyway, but the fact of the matter is -- SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] [LAUGHS] BRIAN: To a teenager, you gotta be a weirdo, cuz that’s part of the birth-- SANDRA: Birth, right. [LAUGHS] BRIAN: You got to get on beyond that. I guess I did it, you did it, all, everybody--, but the fact is, you don’t want to make you, yourself look in appearance to be the only people in the world doing it. So find other people, get into community circumstances, uh, last weekend we were at a conference that we bring, brought two of our children over their lifetime. We had them get with other children, of course, we’re blessed at the institute. Many children come and sadly stay, because a lot of them are very, very




sick. And we bring our children into play and to communicate with them, and that does more than I could ever do or their parents could ever do in a million years. SANDRA: Right. Because it’s a-- ANNA: You know, children can eat much more. They can eat about like, per weight, they can eat 40% of their day can be fresh, organic fruits. Ripened fruits. BRIAN: Yeah, when they’re below 20 years old or so, because you have to make sure it’s ripe though. If it’s not ripe, you don’t give it to the children. But they can eat 40% because they metabolize differently. And the sugar’s burned up. ANNA: Yes. SANDRA: Right. So now for those people that are, uh, seeking a healthier, more vibrant way of life, what, uh, encouragement can you give them when they get frustrated, uh, with their progress or lack of progress? BRIAN: Well, you know, take a breath. And understand that none of us are saints. SANDRA: Right. BRIAN: And the, the job is to get on the horse and head to the sun. But you may fall off sometimes. Don’t be discouraged. Dust yourself off. Get back on the horse and continue on. Uh, at the early days, I found myself in closets, eating ice cream. You know, and then after a while I just got sick when I did it, so I stopped. It wasn’t I was smart enough not to do those things. I was still addicted enough to do those things. You could beat yourself up and say look at what a, a bad person I am. And I’m not worthwhile enough to do this honorable stuff and feels as conscious as it makes me. But go ahead and, and keep going forward. You’re not going to ever do this without flaw. Dehydrators are lifesavers. And dehydrators replace ovens. They make the food look like, taste like, feel like, and act like cooked food. Again, cooked food is not only the biochemistry we’re talking about. It’s the emotionality of mother. SANDRA: Right.




BRIAN: Socialization. Holidays. All of this, you know, layer after layer of, of stuff. And when Anna spoke to you about our children, they love to the dehydrator and make nut burgers and on and on it went. SANDRA: Oh, wow. Now what i--, what is the best way to deal with the detoxing effects of going raw? ANNA: First of all, you’ve got to drink enough fluids. A lot of people tend to dehydrate. They’re not thirsty enough they tell me. Or, you know, they forget about it or they don’t fit it in. We got to, we find that, uh, half an ounce per pound you weigh, let’s say you weigh 160 ounces, you need about 80 ounces of fluid. Now that juices that we make, that’s the wheatgrass juice. The-- BRIAN: Water. ANNA: Water. And, you know, so make sure you get enough fluid. And, um, as part of our beginning of the, the three weeks that we do at the institute is all the detox plan. So if you can maybe have a colonic. SANDRA: Mm hm. ANNA: [OVERLAPS] In a town, maybe somebody does a colonic, and you can have a chlorophyll implant before and afterwards. We use wheatgrass at the institute, but if you don’t have that, you can do blue green algae implant. You can take for simple, and ounce [UNINTELLIGIBLE] or, uh, powder blue green algae. Take a tablespoon and four ounces of water, mix that up-- BRIAN: It’s just to remineralize the electrolytes. ANNA: [OVERLAPS] Exactly. BRIAN: In the large intestine. ANNA: And so you, you help yourself doing that once a day for the three weeks. That’s what we found, and of course, exercise. We do everything from qigong yoga, um, weight training, pool exercise. Walking, and normal, uh, aerobic exercise. BRIAN: Saunas.




ANNA: Saunas. Fantastic. BRIAN: The more you help the body eliminate all this burden that you’ve put on it over the decade, the better it is, and the more comfortable you’ll be with it. Because as Arnold Veras said it so wisely 100 years ago, this is nature’s surgery table. SANDRA: Right. Right. [LAUGHS] And when you talk of water, what kind of water specifically? I mean, you know, we walk into the store and we see all kinds of bottled water and so what-- BRIAN: It’s clear, it’s clear to us, as scientists that there are only two kinds of water that are mainstream today that are viable. And there’s controversy about the life and all this business. This distilled water. But let’s tell you. Distilled water is pure hydrogen and oxygen. H2O. And if somebody wants to put a little bit more life in there and alkalize it, you can put a couple of drops of minerals in it. Put it on the windowsill, let the UV rays come in it. Uh, and it doesn’t deplete the body of minerals. I’ve been drinking distilled water for 35 years. Uh, I was told I have the bone density of a 22-year-old athlete at almost 60 years old. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: And the fact of the matter is, that’s all propaganda and non-science. The second one is organized molecule water. The Japanese started with that. Systems like the wellness system, the state of the art system now. It’s called a living water system. We distribute that, uh, from Dr. Higgins, out in California. And, uh, that has 17 phases. Literally gets the water so it’s almost like distilled. Then electronically reincodes nutrients and it, the frequency of the nutrients enter into the frequency of your cells, and enhance the dynamics of n--, nutrient absorption in the human body. And then of course, you have, uh, things that are not truly filters, but are helpful. And they are the alkalizers. And they actually take the water, after you’ve filtered it through something like the living water system or distiller. And organize the structure of the water. And that’s another very wonderful thing. Why we say this is the only two. And out in the, in the world there, you can find pure smart water.




That’s a good one because it’s re-mineralized distilled water in good plastic. SANDRA: Ahh. BRIAN: Plastic bottles are dangerous. SANDRA: Gotcha. BRIAN: And I’m not talking about the flavored smart water. I’m talking about the pure smart water. But why this is is back in the late 80’s, uh, we started to allow the United States worldwide. And additives into our gasoline called MPDE. It’s an ethyl. And now it’s an all over aquifer. All of our water. All over the, the world. Wherever they have gas, which is everywhere. And this is the most deadly chemical humans have ever created. And unleashed in our environment. Basic cancer if you look at it practically. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: The only two systems that really legitimately take it out are distillation or organized molecules. SANDRA: Wow. So the penta water is not, um-- BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] That is not a good, pure water. SANDRA: Not a good. BRIAN: No organized structure. If they, if they just didn’t want to be so greedy and put a very good system in to make it really clean, and then organize it, that would be a different story. SANDRA: Gotcha. BRIAN: Plus penta water’s un, ungodly expensive. SANDRA: Right, yes it is. Yes it is. BRIAN: You can buy one of these units, believe me, in a year you could pay for one of these units that do a better job.




SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] For ever then. SANDRA: So now, uh, in regards to healing, what are the pschy--, uh, physiological changes that happen when a person sends out loving thoughts? ANNA: Well, you know, if I sit and look at your blood and then take it, let’s say that then, uh, we take it again after five minutes and you sent out happy thoughts. Or positive thoughts. Something positive. I can see it in your blood. BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] It’s true, we see it -- ANNA: There’s a chemical change immediately. There is a hormonal change and chemical change. SANDRA: Wow. So now if, if we combine those loving thoughts with eating living foods, will that, uh, speed up anyone’s healing process? Or does it-- ANNA: No doubt. BRIAN: Absolutely. Let’s explain this a little bit deeper on a chemical level for the listeners. Uh, we know more today than we’ve ever known about hormones. Although we’re like kindergartners still. The entire scientific community, uh, we’re getting a little texture. We’re understanding something. And hormones are the messengers. They’re the chemistry in your body that allows cells to communicate with one another. 1996, two guys from the University of Texas won the Nobel Prize. And they showed us how cell talk. And it’s hormones that do that. Now, hormones don’t only allow your own cells to talk to one another. And then your organs become those cells that communicate as an organ, other organs. And those organs together, don’t only communicate as organs together, but to you as a human being. Now we get to how you and I right now, when we’re listening and talking, are communicating. Believe it or not, even though you think this is an intellectual pursuit. This is more hormonal activity than anything else. SANDRA: Really?




BRIAN: Human brain has to say, oh I’ve heard that sound before. When I put those sounds together, I understand this word. When I put those words together, I understand the sentence. When I put those sentences together, I understand the paragraph and the thought. And by the way, as all of that’s going on, you have memories of how all of that has happened. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: And the textures and substances. Now, when you see somebody you’re attracted to, you can come into a room with a thousand people, never know anyone in that room before. The day I met Anna Maria in Stockholm, that happened to me. And how did I communicate with her? How did she communicate with me? That’s hormonal. The most common name they, they talk about is pheromones. But that’s one of the many hormones that we intercommunicate with human beings, and other life forms. When you’re sitting at an ocean and nothing’s really happening, there is a flat body of water, uh, there, at times here in Florida there’s not even a wave happening. What is it that attracts us to that? It’s a hormonal connection. Some like to be in the woods. Very, uh, deep in the dark forest. Some like to be h--, high on a mountaintop. And whatever we are instinctually feeling, we like to be with. What life forms, what environment. What human being. What community, what society. What geographic location. Is hormonal connection. And when you can create a po--, positive hormonal connection, you’re psychologically transmuting and transforming the cells happiness. Your health is going to be irreputably good. SANDRA: Wow. Is that the, is that the same kind of phenomenon that happens when say little children, they’re, they may go to an adult stranger, whereas in another stranger, they would be like, oh no. I don’t want any part of that person. And you don’t really know why, but you can just tell. Is it that same kind of thing? ANNA: That’s very similar. You know, I just thought, also you heard about Dr. Shopra’s [SP] work when he says happy thoughts make the interfere and interlook [SP], which actually will heal you much faster and, and negative thoughts make cholesterol, cortisone adrenaline. So of course it’s gonna change this chemistry and hormonal balance too.




SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: And there’s so much of this we see daily in our work. I mean, you know, we can tell pretty much when a person comes in. Uh, who in the conquest of the disease, who’s going to very simply heal that disease and who’s gonna struggle with it. Uh, we, we’ve worked with thousands and thousands. Now I’ve worked with hundreds of thousands of people. Here at Hippocrates and all around the world. When I ran and directed centers in abroad. And every one that we’ve ever seen heal, we probably could have told you they were perfect candidates for that the day we met them. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: Because outlook and perception is everything. Uh, 15 years ago, I wrote a book Belief, All There Is. And I confirmed that. I believe it. Because, if you, your perception creates your reality. And if you don’t have a large, full, happy, whole perception, you have a reduced lifespan. A reduced level of health. Certainly a greatly reduced level of contribution. And you view sadness. You’re part of the problem and part of the resolution. SANDRA: Have you two ever seen an instance where a person may be living a, uh, raw or vegan lifestyle, but because of their outlook, their body is not very healthy? BRIAN: Thousands of times. SANDRA: Wow. ANNA: Yeah. BRIAN: That’s why everyone gets psychotherapy. We don’t take control of your food. Food, food opens up your consciousness and gives you the ability. To be well. But your mind and perception is what makes you well. SANDRA: Gotcha. Very interesting, oh my god, this has been so, an eye opener for me. I hope for the listeners as well, but definitely for me. And for those, um, that are not familiar with Hippocrates Health Institute, can you tell us a little bit about it and the wonderful results you’re seeing there. Just a little--




BRIAN: We’re the oldest health organization in the United States. For 51 consecutive years we’ve welcomed people from every corner of the globe. As we sit here now in our program, we have 6 countries represented. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: And, uh, half the people that come to us are extremely healthy, curious health seekers today. A lot of people come to us for holidays now. And the other half are in conquest of some form of disease. Uh, we’ve won awards because we’re, out of all organizations they’ve ever looked at, having more people heal catastrophic disease than any other organization. Be it, by the way, allopathic or natural. And we moved out of Boston back about 21 years ago. And opened here 20 years ago in West Palm Beach, Florida. After looking all over the North America and settled the saunas here. And we’re very pleased. This is the cleanest city and cleanest area of this type, in this 48 states. Uh, the only place cleaner than this would be Kona coast of Hawaii. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: We have the sun, the, a lot of sun of course. And the breezes coming from the Caribbean that flow right here into West Palm Beach. And we create an atmosphere, a jungle atmosphere. A resort atmosphere, and do very serious work in advanced formative work for people. And our objective is to give people back their lives by getting them to respect and to accept their lifestyle. And to tell them that even though your parents and society wasn’t trying to harm you and hurt you in any way. That, until you start to honor and respect the gift of life, you’re always going to find ways to, to reduce that life, and reduce the potential in that life. And so we work with them on every level, showing them from practical things, like how to grow their own foods and make their foods and go out to an excellent health store. Show 85% of what here’s not edible. To psychotherapy. To counseling work. To seeing in classes, 20 to 30 classes a week. Showing how to prepare foods. Showing them how easy it is to live this way. And giving them joy. It’s sort of like an adult camp. That we have. SANDRA: Right. [LAUGHS]




BRIAN: It’s really a, and it’s like saying okay, we screwed up when we were kids. Let’s do it all over again. SANDRA: Do over, do over. [LAUGHS] BRIAN: We’re, we’re right now at the beginning of building the world’s first serious health village. And they’re large buildings. Uh, large homes. 2000 square foot homes, and normal people. Real people are going to be moving in here. And it’s gonna be a wonderful thing. And we’re looking for properties out on the West Coast of the United States now. We’re in negotiations periodically with people in Europe. Uh, we just donated 150 acres in the Berkshire. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: Northeast, uh, people in the Northeast know where that is. In the future we’re looking to do a lower income type of Hippocrates. Because we don’t want this to ever be elitist. SANDRA: Right, exactly. BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] Out of touch of the average person. SANDRA: Can you, uh, explain a little bit about your wheatgrass therapy? I noticed that, uh, you guys, don’t you, you grow your own wheatgrass and you also-- BRIAN: [OVERLAPS] We’re the guys that brought wheatgrass to the world. Wigmore when she was in the conquest of how she was going to help people to heal themselves. She had to find a substance, and she read the esteem gospels. The Killi Vardos [SP] work. And in there, uh, they were speaking about the use of wheat and growing it in your home, even in the snowstorm in the middle of winter. Or in the dessert in the idle of summer. And how that wheat in 7 days has blood in it that’s similar to your blood. The chlorophyll. And it’s, it’s literally like inoculating it in your system. It’s, for the last 20 years, globally been the most important and most popular health food. In spite of the fact it’s not the tastiest thing. People keep going back for more because of the results they have. And when you start to change the blood cells, all you are really is




blood cells. You start to change everything from your physiology to your consciousness. SANDRA: Now is it the, uh, the type of wheatgrass that we should take. Is it um, like, if I go into Jamba Juice and get a shot of wheatgrass is, is that where I should go? Or should I go to a health foods store? BRIAN: No, I mean, wheatgrass is wheatgrass. I don’t know anyone, uh, so far in all the 38 years I’ve done this, uh, that do not grow organic wheat. SANDRA: Okay. BRIAN: Every bit of this is organic wheat. Now the grower is going to make it either taste good or bad. We have a master grower. The wheatgrass here, it’s delicious. It goes down, it’s smooth, et cetera. When I travel, which I do constantly, speaking, uh, I don’t always have that experience. But every day, I take wheatgrass. It’s that important. You know, wheatgrass is a complete protein too. Wheatgrass has, as an example, two ounces of wheatgrass have a nutrition that 7 pounds of vegetables have. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: And listen to what I’m telling you. These are factual statements. Uh, the average sprout, which is a big part of what we tell people to eat, is 10 to 30 times more nutritious than the best vegetable. So that means if you go and pick a vegetable from your organic garden, wash it, and eat it. It’s 10 times less nourishing than a clover of sprouts. SANDRA: Oh my goodness. BRIAN: And 30 times less nourishing than wheatgrass. SANDRA: Wow. BRIAN: So I mean, that’s why people have to wake up. And especially in the living and raw food communities. You can’t just live on fruits and vegetables that were picked somewhere a week or two weeks ago. SANDRA: Gotcha.




BRIAN: You have to eat food that’s alive, growing, and bursting with energy at the time you consume it, with massive nutrients. SANDRA: Exactly. So aside from, uh, the community that you guys are creating, what other new projects are you working on? BRIAN: Oh, well, books. I, I have a new book coming out called Life Force. Uh, superior health and longevity. That will be October 1st. And that’s a book publishing company. Um, vitality, another book I’ve finished. It will be out in 2008. At some point. It’s gonna talk about all the elemental factors that we have to use. Uh, oxygen, water, and food, et cetera. And happiness is a chapter in that book. Uh, I’ve a--, also finished a book that I’m exposing the entire supplement industry. That ought to be out in the next 6 months. And that’s called the vitamin myth. And the listeners out there should know that well over 95% of supplements on the market are damaging and dangerous, and you shouldn’t touch them. Everyone should either be on whole food supplements, which we fully support. Because people on food alone in this stressful environment, it’s never enough for most of us. And, uh, uh, I’m just today, finished early this morning, uh, talking to my editor. And I’m starting a book on sexuality, to demystify and de-religify sex and give the health benefits of it. Psychological, spiritual, and physical. And it’s not gonna be a dirty book. SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Right. BRIAN: It’s a serious book. [LAUGHS] SANDRA: [LAUGHS] BRIAN: Although I want it to be dirty. [LAUGHS] Maybe a serious book, really, you know. When we peruse all the literature and all of the publications out there, this is gonna be a pioneering book. SANDRA: It sounds like it. That’s great. Oh my goodness. ANNA: A new cookbook, healthful [UNINTELLIGIBLE] SANDRA: Uh huh.




ANNA: That’s coming out too, that, that Kelly and I wrote, and [UNINTELLIGIBLE], another chef has added his wonderful recipes. BRIAN: And his book just came out about a year ago. SANDRA: That is great. BRIAN: That, that book is wonderful. H--, home health remedies. And it’s all the work that she’s done with our poor children and for hundreds of thousands of other children all over the world. And people she’s worked with. And that’s a wonderful book too. SANDRA: Do you, um, ever conduct any, um, seminars for families on how to, you know, raise their children raw? Like, aside from, aside from at the institute though. BRIAN: Yeah, we, we’ve done that. And lots of families attend our conferences worldwide. Um, for the next two months I’ll be traveling all over the world. I’ll be on the west coast this week coming. I’ll be in New York City. In Boston. In Maine. In, uh, in Toronto, Canada. I’ll be in Southern California. At the end of December, and on and on this goes. Uh, Anna Maria and I are in Europe quite a bit. About a month, month and a half every year. And often, we attract families and mothers and father. S and we encourage children at Hippocrates. ANNA: A lot of families. SANDRA: That is great. Well Dr. Brian and Dr. Anna Maria, thank you so much for your time and your spiritual insight. It’s, has been eye opening and truly a pleasant experience. BRIAN: Well for people to get a hold of us, we can give our number and our -- SANDRA: [OVERLAPS] Please, please do. BRIAN: Well if you’re in, uh, the 50 states, 800-842-2125. The number again is 800-842-2125. And then to get on the web to our website, our store, et cetera. It’s Hippocrates Institute. H-I-P-P-O-C-R-A-T-E-S. Institute. I-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-E.




SANDRA: Perfect. BRIAN: Dot org. Or dot com. Either dot org or dot com. But it’s one word. Hippocrates Institute dot org or dot com. SANDRA: Perfect, well thank you again and this is Sandra Hodge with the raw summit, raw summit 2 dot com. Thank you for listening and we’ll see you next time. You guys have a good night. BRIAN: Bye bye. SANDRA: Bye bye. END OF TAPE DRS. BRIAN & ANNA MARIA CLEMENT