Raw Material Handling and Grinding

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  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding




  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding



    In a cement plant the Cement Manufacturing Process consists of the


    Raw material handling

    Raw Material Grinding

    Coal handling

    Coal GrindingPyro – Process

    Cement Grinding

    Cement PackingThese processes are are shown in the flow chart.

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    Raw Material


    Raw Material






    Pyro ! Process



    Cement Packing

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    Raw Material Handling

    The raw materials use in cement plants are limestone" laterite"

     #au$ite and iron ore. The ma%or raw material &a#out '()* is

    limestone" which is supplied from limestone mines. The

    limestone supplied from mines is of si+e up to one cu#ic meter

    and therefore re,uires crushing for reducing to the re,uired

    si+es. -ther raw materials are normally of re,uired si+e. The

    raw material handling consists of the following operations and

    is shown #y flow chart..

    imestone crushing

     imestone /tacking and /torage

    imestone Reclaiming

    0eeding to limestone and additi1e hoppers

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    imestone Crushing

    2elt con1eyors


    /tacking 3 /torage



    2elt con1eyors

    imestone opper 

    4dditi1e /tockyard

    2elt con1eyors


    opper no.54dditi1e

    opper no.6

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    Raw Material Crushing

    imestone mined from limestone mines ha1ing si+e up to one cu#ic

    meter ha1e to #e crushed to the re,uired si+es depending on the typeof raw material grinding system a1aila#le in the plant. There are

    different types of crushing as gi1en #elow.

    /ingle stage crushing

    Primary crushing

    /econdary crushing

    Tertiary crushing

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    Different tyes !f "rushers used f!r li#est!ne "rushing are

    gi$en %el!w&

    7aw Crusher 

    Gyratory Crusher 

    7aw type Gyratory Crushers

    Cone Crusher 

    Roll Crusher 

    ammer Crushers

    Impact Crushers

    Impact!hammer crusher 

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    Different Tyes Crushers

    '( )aw Crusher: ! It is mainly designed for medium hard to 1ery hard

    materials and usually installed as primary crusher. There are twotypes of %aw crushers. /ingle toggle %aw crushers are ideally suited

    to hard and tough" #ut not so a#rasi1e materials. 8ou#le toggle %aw

    crusher are suited for highly a#rasi1e e$tremely hard and tough

    material. Capacities of 6( – 59 tph are a1aila#le with a reduction

    ratio of ;!wh per ton of material.

    *( Gyrat!ry Crusher: ! In cement industry gyratory crusher is used

    for primary crushing of limestone of medium hard to 1ery hard for

    higher capacities of around 5

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    +( )aw tye Gyrat!ry Crushers& ,

    These crushers are designed to handle e1en #igger feed lumps

    than the compara#le si+e of the gyratory crusher with the samecone diameter. These crushers can #e installed for single stage

    crushing. These crushers can #e installed for crushing all type of

    material from 1ery hard to soft e$cept wet or sticky material.

    The main features of gyratory crushers are:

    ower power re,uirement

    igh throughput rates

    Possi#ility of direct feed

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     @o idle strokes due to continuous crushing

    ow fines content in the crushed material" if re,uired

    /tart under load possi#le

    ow operating and maintenance cost

    -( C!ne Crusher&

    In this type of crusher the positions of the crushing cone and conical

    crushing ring are arranged with each other. These crushers are

    mainly installed as secondary or tertiary crushers. The reduction

    ratio is in the order of < to 5. It is used for hard to 1ery hard

    &moderately a#rasi1e* to fria#le material. The specific powerconsumption of this crusher is .9 – .= >wh per ton of material.

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    .( R!ll Crusher&

    These crushers are speciali+ed machines to medium strength" highly

    sticky material such as limestone contaminated with clay" coal" marl

    and o1er#urden. Comminution in a roll crusher is #ased on the passing

    of material #etween two rotating rolls which crush the material #y

    compression. These are used for primary" secondary or tertiary crushing

    and achie1e crushing ratios of 9:5 to ;:5. The specific powerconsumption of this crusher is .( – .? >wh per ton of material

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    /( Ha##er Crushers& ,

    These are widely used in cement industry. They are used for si+e

    reduction of hard to medium hard limestone and sometimes forwet and sticky material. ammer mills work with reduction ratios

    as high as 5:= to 5:; as primary and 5(:5 as secondary crushers.

    It can #e installed for single stage crushing" primary crushing or

    secondary crushing. Two types of hammer crushers are

    manufacturedA single shaft and dou#le shaft hammer crushers and

    work with the impact effect of the hammers. Capacities up to 6

    tph are a1aila#le. The material crushed in dou#le rotor hammer

    crushers is limited to certain characteristics of its properties. The

    specific power consumption of this crusher is 5. – 5.< >wh perton of material

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    These limits are:

    Compressi1e strength: ! B 6wh per ton of material

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    Impact crushers are capa#le of capacities of more than 6 tph.

    The si+e reduction work of impact crushers is limited to certain

    ,uality characteristics of the crusher feed. These limits are:Compressi1e strength: ! B 9( l# per s,.inch

    Mohs hardness: ! B =.(

    Moisture: ! ma$ 6)

    Clay content: ! )

    1( I#a"t,ha##er "rusher& ,

    It is a com#ination of impact and hammer crusher. The limestone is

    crushed in a single operation to a finished product of '() minus 6(mm. It can #e fed with rocks of 5 – 6 m9 si+e with an edge length up

    to 6 meter. The specific power consumption of this crusher is .' –

    5.5 >wh per ton of material

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  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding



    5. Material to #e crushed:

    ! nature! a#rasi1eness &) of silica*

    ! resistance to compression &kg per cm6*

    ! hardness

    ! moisture content

    6. Ma$imum feed si+e

    9. Percentage of fines in the feed

    =. 8esired Production rate

    (. 8esired granulometry of crushed material

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    4hysi"al Chara"teristi"s !f Li#est!ne

    5. 2ond work inde$ : ! range ( – 5? " normal 5 – 55

    6. ardness #y Mohs scale : ! 9 – (

    9. 2ulk density : ! 5(6 >g per m9

    =. Compressi1e strength : ! 5( – 6( >g per s,. cm

    (. Moisture content : ! 5 – 6( )

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    Wear in the Crusher

    In %aw crusher" the greatest wear shows at the lower part of the fi$ed

     %aw plateA ne$t the lower part of swing %aw plate. The specific wearrate of %aw liners is in the range of ( – 9 grams per ton of crushed


    iners in gyratory crushers ha1e to #e replaced more often than %aw

    crushers and also the re1ersal of liners performed in %aw crusher isimpossi#le in gyratory crushers.

    8epending upon the hardness of limestone" the specific wear rate of

    impact hammers is 5.( to 9 grams per ton of crushed limestone.

    The wear rate of impact crusher is .; ! 9 gm per ton of limestonecrushed.

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    Li#est!ne 3ta"5ing 6 3t!rage

    The crushed limestone is transported #y #elt con1eyors to the

    limestone storage yard and is stacked in the limestone storage

    yard. /tacking is done for pre!#lending of limestone.

    What is 4re,%lending: ! Pre!#lending system consists of stacker

    and reclaimer. It is a method of stacking limestone of widely

    1arying ,uality in layers or piles and reclaiming it in such a

    manner that the ,uality 1ariations in the output stream are

    su#stantially lower than those in the input stream.


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    Essentials !f 4re,%lending: ! Today with the technological

    ad1ancements in cement industry and increase in the specific kiln

    1olumes" a uniform ,uality of kiln feed has #ecome pr!re,uisites not

    only for optimum kiln output #ut also for ,uality of the clinker. 0orgetting uniform ,uality of kiln feed the pneumatic homogeni+ation of

    ground raw meal alone is not sufficient and hence it has #ecome

    necessary to prehomogenise the raw material #y pre!#lending #efore it is

    fed to the grinding mills. It has another ad1antage of pre!homogeni+ation

    of raw materials from non!homogeneous materials mined #y selecti1e

    mining" manual mining or mechani+ed mining o1er a wider area.

    Tyes 4re,%lenders& ,

    Pre!#lending consists of stacking and reclaiming.3ta"5ing: ! The stacking is the process of depositing material of non!

    uniform ,uality in layers &longitudinal or circular* o1er a period of time.

    The following are different methods of stacking.

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    '( L!ngitudinal st!"5iles

    a* Roof!type stockpiles &Che1ron – method*

     #* ine!type stacking &Dindow – method*

    c* Com#ination of che1ron 3 window method

    d* /trata method

    e* Conical method

    f* ayer method

    *( Cir"ular st!"5iles

    a* /ection – style Che1ron method

     #* Continuous che1ron stacking

    c* ayer method

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    Che$r!n Meth!d 8Linear9: ! In this" a stacker continuously tra1els

     #ack and forth o1er the stockpile along its length and deposits the

    material in cone shaped layers. The stockpiling is performed either

     #y a #elt con1eyor tripper or #y a stacker with rigid #oom" whichmo1es alongside the stockpile.The material dumped centrally o1er

    the ridge flows on each side of the pile to form the re,uired layers.

    The pile increases uniformly up to its ma$imum height. -ne

    draw#ack of this method is the segregation of the material into larger

    and smaller particles as it tum#les down the sides of the pile. 8ue to

    simplicity of operation this is the most commonly used method.

    Wind!w Meth!d 8Linear9: ! In this method piles are #uilt!up in a

    num#er of rows of limited cross section one a#o1e other. This

    method eliminates the disad1antage of material segregation as inche1ron method" #ut it is less adopted due to re,uirement of more

    ela#orate stacking arrangement.

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    C!#%inati!n !f Che$r!n 6 Wind!w #eth!d 8Linear9: ! 0rom the

    1iew point of #lending efficiency this is the #est" #ut is rarely

    adopted due to comple$ity of stacking arrangement.

    3trata Meth!d 8Linear9: ! /trata method is more intendedreclaiming #y the side acting scrapper.

    C!ni"al Meth!d 8Linear9: ! 4 #elt con1eyor tra1eling longitudinally

    o1er the piles deposits a succession of conical shaped layers. This

    method is suita#le for sideways reclaiming or for under floore$traction of material. The #lending effect is poor in this case.

    Layer Meth!d 8Linear9: ! In this method relati1ely wide and thin

    layers of material are deposited one upon another. 4 #ridge or gantry

    tra1els in the longitudinal direction of the stockpile and a distri#uting

     #elt con1eyor mo1es trans1ersely to and fro.

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    3e"ti!nal,style Che$r!n 3ta"5ing 8Cir"ular9& , The

    stockpiling is performed #y a #elt con1eyor which is swi1el!

    mounted in the #eds center point. The cross section of a circular

    stockpile can either triangular or trape+oidal. /tacking in thismethod is relati1ely straightforward and can #e compared to

    longitudinal #eds. owe1er" this method produces su#stantial

    1ariations in the ,uality in the transition +ones from one section

    to other.

    C!ntinu!us Che$r!n 3ta"5ing 8Cir"ular9& , This is the most

    common method applied in circular stockpiling and it gi1es a

    larger 1olume of fully homogeni+ed material with ma$imum

    storage capacity.

    Layer Meth!d 8Cir"ular9: ! The material is deposited #y a #elt

    con1eyor system. The stacker #elt mo1es in circular directions

    to and fro and has a luffing #oom.

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    Re"lai#ing: ! Reclaiming is the process of e$tracting the

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    material from the stockpile #y cross!cutting of material from the

    o1erall height and width of the stockpile and the reclaimed

    material slice is e,ui1alent to the a1erage ,uality of the #lending

     #ed. The following are the methods of reclaiming used.5. /ide Reclaiming

    6. 0ront end Reclaiming

    a* uffing /craper Chain 4ssem#ly

     #* ori+ontal /craper Chain

    c* 2ucket Dheel Reclaimer 

    d* 2arrel Reclaimer 

    9. E$ca1ating

    a* 2ucket Dheel on Pi1oted 2ooms

     # 2ucket Chain / stem

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    '( 3ide Re"lai#ing: ! E,uipment for side reclaiming comprises of a

    tra1eling #oom e$tending o1er the pile and reclaiming is

    achie1ed #y the scraping action of a luffing scraper chain

    assem#ly on one face of the pile. The material rakes down the

     #ase of the pile where it is remo1ed #y a longitudinal #elt

    con1eyor under floor or to one side of the stockpile. /uch

    reclaiming is normally used for stockpiles #ased on strata system

    or conical system.*( 2r!nt end Re"lai#ing: ! It comprises a tra1eling #ridge

    operating on rail tracks on either side of the stockpile. The

    reclaimed material is remo1ed #y a #elt con1eyor. The reclaiming

    in this case is done #y any of the following methods

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    i9 Luffing 3"raer Chain Asse#%ly: ! This is #asically the same

    e,uipment as in case of side reclaiming e$cept that it is mounted on

    a tra1eling #ridge on rail tracks and reclaims the material from the

    front end &cross section* of the stockpile. This method is used forfiner grain si+es up to 9 – = tph capacity.

    ii9 H!ri:!ntal 3"raer Chain: ! In this case" material is dislodged #y

    a triangular harrows or wire rope" which partly co1ers the end face

    of the stockpile along its angle of repose and mo1es hori+ontally toand fro across it. The #lades on the scraper chain transfer the

    dislodged material to a #elt con1eyor. Dith this e,uipment it is

     possi#le to reclaim from stockpiles 6 – ; meter in width at rates

    up to 5 tph.

    iii* 7u"5et Wheel Re"lai#er: In this case one or more #ucket

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    iii* 7u"5et Wheel Re"lai#er: ! In this case one or more #ucket

    wheels operate in con%unction with a raking down de1ice. The raking

    down de1ice dislodges the material and #ring it down within the

    reach of #uckets. These two mo1e automatically across the face of the

     pile and their direction of mo1ement is re1ersed with the help of limit

    switches at the #ridge ends. /imultaneously" the #ridge mo1es

    forward in the longitudinal direction for a present distance. The

    material scooped #y the #uckets is fed on to a #elt con1eyor mounted

    on the #ridge and in turn on to a longitudinal #elt con1eyor foronward transmission.

    i1* 7arrel Re"lai#er: ! In this case material is dislodged and

    scooped from the entire cross section of the pile without performing

    any oscillating motions. 0or this scoops are mounted on the outside of

    a tu#e or drum which pick up the dislodged material and feed it on to

    a #elt con1eyor installed inside the tu#e. This drum is mounted on a

     #ridge type structure" which tra1els on rails and spans across the full

    width of the pile.

    9 E i Th i d f i d i k

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    9. E;"a$ating: ! These e,uipment are used for 1ery moist and sticky

    material in which there is no raking down mechanism #ut instead"

    the e,uipment #ites its way through the material. Two types of such

    e,uipment are descri#ed here.i9 7u"5et Wheel !n 4i$!ted 7!!#s: ! In this the #ucket wheel itself

     #ites its way through the entire height of the dump in certain num#er

    of slices depending on the #ucket wheel diameter. This method is

    suited for coarse grained moist or sticky material.

    ii9 7u"5et Chain 3yste#: ! 0or certain materials" it is prefera#le to go

    in for a storage pit instead of a stockpile. 4#o1e the pit two gantries

    run on tracks. 0rom the upper gantry" raw material is dumped into

    the pit from a distri#ution #elt. Running on the lower gantry is a

     #ucket ladder e$ca1ator which remo1es the dumped material.

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    Efficiency of pre!#lending stockpile is measured #y the ratio of

    standard de1iation of CaC-9 content of input material to

    standard de1iation of CaC-9 content of output material. It is possi#le to achie1e a #lending efficiency of ?:5 to 5: 5.

    2a"t!rs affe"ting 7lending Effi"ien"y: ! The factors affecting

    the #lending efficiency are:

     1ariation in the incoming material

     method of formation of stockpile

     no. of layers forming the #ed

     ,uantity of material per #ed

     ,uantity of material per layer 

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     #lending #ed capacity

     method of reclaiming Fuantity of material per reclaimer slice

    4ll the pre!#lending systems achie1e the re,uired #lending

    efficiency #y controlling the a#o1e parameters


  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    The raw material grinding is a process which in1ol1es preparation of

    raw mi$ for making clinker. The crushed limestone along with the

    additi1es such as laterite" #au$ite or iron ore in the re,uired

     proportions are ground raw mills for getting raw meal of re,uiredfineness.

    The right choice of a raw grinding system is influenced #y a series

    of techno!economic considerations including the local conditions.

    The system which has the highest operational economy" coupledwith low in1estment cost and high relia#ility" has to #e aimed at.

    The important parameters which influence the design and selection

    of a raw grinding system are:

    4. Raw material characteristics

    i* Grinda#ility

    ii* 4#rasi1eness

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    iii* Ci1il construction

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    iii* Ci1il construction

    E. En1ironmental Regulation

    i* 8ustii* @oise

    iii* Hi#ration

    0. Maintaina#ility 3 Relia#ility

    i* 8amage and Replacement of compounds

    ii* /kill of plant operating staff 

    iii* Comple$ity of design" replacement and a1aila#ility

    The most important factors in relation to a modern dry process

     plant is the moisture and grinda#ility of raw material and

    specific power consumption.

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    Tyes !f Mills a$aila%le f!r raw #aterial grinding: ! The

    following are the types of grinding systems a1aila#le for raw

    material grinding.

    5. 2all Mills

    a* 4ir /wept Mill

     #* Tandem Mill

    c* End 8ischarge Mill with 8rying Cham#er 

    d* Central 8ischarge Mill with 8rying Cham#er 

    6. Hertical Roller Mills

    9. Hertical Roller Mills

    =. Roller Press

    (. oromill

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    Tyes !f Mills a$aila%le f!r raw #aterial grinding

    5. 2all Mill: !Con1entionally raw materials were #eing ground in

    the #all mills. The #all mills are highly inefficient with morethan '

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    a* 4ir /wept Mill: ! In this mill ground raw material is swept

    away #y the gases supplied at the inlet of the mill and the fine

     product is separated in a separator and the coarse re%ects are

    returned to the inlet of the mill.

     #* Tandem Mill: ! It is a com#ination of #all mill and hammer

    mill. The lower power consumption is due to the closed #ottom

    hammer mill installed in the system which results in a#out

    9) of raw meal produced without #eing ground further in the

     #all mill.

    c* End 8ischarge Mill with 8rying Cham#er: ! These can #e of

    either open circuit or close circuit. These mills will ha1e one.

    two or three cham#ers separated #y diaphragms.

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      i* -pen circuit mills: ! These mills do not ha1e a

    separator for separating the output from the mill into

     product and re%ects. The total mill output is product and the

    fineness is controlled #y the grinding media loading

     pattern" mill feed input rate" gas flow rate etc. The gases used

    for drying raw materials in the mill is separated from fines

    either in a #ag filter or Electrostatic Precipitator.

    ii* Closed Circuit Mills: ! In these mills the output fromthe mill is is fed to a separator #y a #ucket ele1ator for

    separating into product and re%ects. The re%ects are

    returned to the mill inlet. The closed circuit mills ha1e a

     #etter control on the particle si+e distri#ution and fineness


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    d* Central 8ischarge Mill with 8rying Cham#er: ! This mill has

    two cham#ers. Raw material is fed to the first cham#er.The

    material ground in the first cham#er and second cham#er are

    centrally discharged and fed to a separator through a #ucketele1ator. The re%ects of the separator is fed to the second

    cham#er of the mill. The gases used for drying are separated

    from fines either in a #ag filter or E/P.

    6. Hertical Roller Mills: ! The 1ertical roller mill has #ecome theo#1ious and preferred tool of choice for raw milling due to

    higher output rates" lower energy consumption" drying capacity"

    dependa#ility" 1ersatility" etc. These mills offer simplicity #y

    com#ining the functions of secondary tertiary crushing"

    drying" grinding and classifying in one compact machine.HRMs are a1aila#le with two" three" four and si$ rollers.

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    The 1ertical roller mills are different types such as Ring Roller

    Mills" Ring 2all Mills" 2owl Mills" etc. The characteristic of

    these mills is that the si+e reduction is effected #y rollers oncompara#le grinding elements tra1eling o1er a circular #ed of

    material. The material after passing under the rollers is su#%ected

    to a preliminary classifying action #y a stream of air sweeping

    through the mill. The air at high 1elocity lifts the material to the

    classifier which separates the coarse and fine particles. The fine particles are entrained and the separated coarse particles fall

     #ack to the ta#le. The separator could #e either static or

    dynamic. The fine particles are collected later in an E/P or 2ag

    0ilter. In Hertical roller mills with e$ternal recirculation" the

    no++le ring 1elocity is lower & =!; m.per sec* than the millswithout e$ternal recirculation &?!

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    The ad$antages !f =erti"al R!ller Mills&

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    The ad$antages !f =erti"al R!ller Mills& !

    HRM is comparati1ely more energy efficient and on an a1erage these

    system consume 6() less energy in comparison to the con1entional

    2all Mills.

    HRM has higher drying capacity and can dry up to 6() moisture" as

    against ma$imum drying capacity of

    Mill system.

    HRM is more compact and occupies less space for the e,ui1alent

    capacity in comparison to a con1entional 2all Mill system.

    HRM can ha1e higher capacities up to

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    9. ydraulic Roll Crusher: ! It is possi#le to use a hydraulic roll

    crusher to produce raw meal without a #all mill or 1ertical

    roller mill. This can #e useful for kiln capacities of less than6 tpd. The recirculation rates through the rolls are as high

    as ;!? times for a gi1en production. It does not ha1e clear

    ad1antage o1er 1ertical roller mills and has higher risks of

    mechanical difficulties. The application of RC is only

    attracti1e when it is com#ined with an e$isting #all mill process.

    =. Roller Press: ! Roller Presses are more energy efficient than

    Hertical roller mills. It can operate in semi finish and finish


    In semi finish mode" the output of roller press is further

    ground in a #all mill The raw material is ground when it

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    ground in a #all mill. The raw material is ground when it

     passes through two rotating high pressure grinding rolls &one

    is fi$ed and other is mo1ea#le*. The ground raw material

     passes through a dissagglometor and then a separator eitherstatic or dynamic. The separated coarse material is fed #ack

    to the roller press and the fines are fed to a #all mill for finish


    (. oromill: ! This mill works on the concept of in!#edcompression and comminution. It consists of a shell dri1en at

    supercritical speed" a roller applied on the material #ed #y

    means of hydraulic %acks and material fed from one side and

    ground se1eral times #etween shell and the roller. It has

    energy sa1ing potential of 9( to ?). It is en1ironmentalfriendly with low noise le1els" no pollution and low energy


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    Wear in raw #ill and re#edial #easures

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    Dear of grinding media" rollers and liners in raw mill grinding 1aries

    with the physical and chemical characteristics of the raw material to

     #e ground. The important factors are:

    Grinda#ility – work inde$ #y 2ond


    /ilica and ,uart+ content

    In #all mills" wear of the following are to #e considered.

    5.Grinding media

    6.Mill liners

    9.8iaphragm plates

    The wear rate of grinding media and liner plates can #e reduced #y

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    selecting proper alloys" which are wear resistant as material for

    construction of grinding media and liner plates. The common

    material used are forged steel. Dhite cast iron and chromium alloyedcast media.

    In 1ertical roller mills wear of the following are important.


    JTa#le liners

    2y proper selection of material of construction and #y hard facing

    uilding of wear resistant surface #y welding with special

    electrodes* life of rollers and ta#le liners can #e impro1ed.

    In Roller Press and ydraulic Roll Crusher also #y proper selection

    of material wear rate can #e reduced.

    Raw Mi; 2ineness: !

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    The ad$antages !f in"reasing the raw #i; fineness are:

     /horter time re,uired for preheating of suspended raw mi$ in


     0aster calcination and clinkeri+ation reactions.

     Increase in clinker production rate.

     Reduction in specific fuel consumption.

    The disad$antages !f in"reasing the raw #i; fineness are:

     Increase in specific power consumption of raw mi$ grinding.

    8epending on chemical and physical characteristics of the raw mi$"optimum fineness has to fi$ed #y considering all the a#o1e

    mentioned factors.

    R!le !f 3earat!r in 2ineness "!ntr!l

     4 ma%or role in controlling the fineness of raw meal.

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      Raw meal grinding systems of air swept #all mills" central

    discharge #all mills" 1ertical roller mills" RC" oromill and roller

     press can not work without separators.

      In case end discharge #all mills separator is installed for close

    circuiting the mill to ha1e a #etter particle si+e distri#ution of the


      /eparator efficiencies are different for different kinds of


      /pecific power consumption of raw material grinding 1aries

    depending on the efficiencies of the separator installed in the circuit.

      Two important parameters of separators are recycle ratio and

    separator efficiency.

    Re"y"le rati! is the ratio of ,uantity of separator feed to ,uantity

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    Re"y"le rati! is the ratio of ,uantity of separator feed to ,uantity

    of separator fines.

    /eparator efficiency K&/f L / a* $ &&/ a! /g* L &&/ f ! /g** $ 5

    /f  K ) passage of separator fines of one grain si+e

    /a K ) passage of separator feed of one grain si+e

    /g K ) passage of separator re%ects of one grain si+e

    2ineness is "!ntr!lled %y:

    /peed of the separator 

    4ir to material ratio4ngle and shape of stationary and rotating separator 1anes

    4ir 1elocity through the separator 

    Tr!# Cur$e

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    Tr!# Cur$e

    4 common method used to determine the ,uality of the separator

    classification sharpness is determining the distri#ution densityusing a tromp distri#ution cur1e &so called Tromp cur1e*.

    It is determined #ased on the weight components of the indi1idual

     particle fractions of three separator flows" i.eA feed" grits and

     product. The result of calculation is one distri#ution figure

    &percent #y weight* for a particular particle si+e fraction. 0rom

    numerous points you get the function depicted in the graph of the

    distri#ution figure T &)* as function of particle si+e &micron m*.

    The cur1e indicates for each particle si+e of the separator feed

    material what percentage share &weight* passed into the grits andwhat percentage passed into the product. 4#o1e the cur1e you can

    find the shares in the fines" #eneath the cur1e" those in the grits.

    To e1aluate the classification sharpness of the separator it is

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    p p

    important to determine the steepness of the Tromp cur1e and where

    it is located in the graph.

    The steeper the cur1e &the right a$is* the more efficiently the

    separator handled the classification" that is" the more coarse

     particles are there in grits and fine particles in the product.

    The ideal cur1e would #e one in which the coarse range in the

    distri#ution function would run 5) hori+ontally up to the desired

    separating particle si+e and then drop 1ertically and drop down to

    the distri#ution figure in the fine range. This would mean that all

    the particles in the feed which are larger than the separator particle

    si+e passed into grits and all the smaller particles into the product.

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    4r!"ess !f drying raw #aterials in Raw Mills

    The characteristic feat re of the dr ing grinding process is that

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    The characteristic feature of the drying!grinding process is that

    two different processes are generally performed in the grinding

    mill. The heat re,uired for drying the raw material is supplied #y

    hot gases from preheater or cooler or hot air generator and #y the

    heat generated #y comminution in the grinding process.

    In #all mills for drying of raw material a drying compartment is

    arranged in front of the grinding compartment of the mill. The

    drying cham#er is e,uipped with lifters" #ut has no grinding


    In the traditional #all mill the drying capacity is limited #y its

    geometry. E1en at sufficient hot gas amount it was difficult to get

    all necessary gas flow to pass the mill. The gas flow and dryingcapacity was normally decreased with mill si+e &grinding


    In other mills like 1ertical roller mills #oth grinding and drying

    take place together inside the mill #y the hot gases supplied

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    through the mill. The 1ertical roller mills are usually designed to

    ha1e a rather constant ratio #etween air flow and grinding

    capacity. HRMs of all si+es ha1e the same drying capacities upto 6().

    Dhen calculating the amount of e$it gases from a drying!

    grinding mill" the following should #e taken into consideration:

    5. The amount of water 1apor generated from the moisture contentof raw material

    6. The heat re,uired for e1aporation" using a practical figure of

    56( kcal per kg of water.

    9. The amount of flue gas when generating the re,uired heat.

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    C!ntr!l L!!s in Raw Mill aut!#ati!n

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    The system has the following control loops:

    Material feed to mill is controlled #y differential pressure across themill.

    Control of gas flow though the mill increase or decrease of mill fan

    speed or damper.

    Mill inlet temperature control #y controlling GCT water spray orheat generated from hot air generator.

    Mill outlet temperature control #y controlling mill internal water


    Preheater fan e$it draft control #y controlling recirculation air to mill

     #y controlling damper in recirculation duct.

    Meth!d !f De,dusting raw #ill gases

    8e!dusting of raw mill e$haust gases are done #y the

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    8e!dusting of raw mill e$haust gases are done #y the

    following methods:

    Gra$ity settling "ha#%ers: ! It has the importance of pre!cleaning of high dust laden gasesA they work on the principle

    of remo1ing the dust #y reducing the 1elocity of gas stream.

    /ometimes it is e,uipped with deflectors. The efficiency of

    gra1ity settling cham#ers are 9!?).

    Cy"l!nes: ! cyclones are low cost dust collectors and it

    consists of two sectionsA a cylindrical and conical one. 4t the

    top of the cylindrical section the dust laden gas enters

    tangentially. It spirals along the walls downward and upward

    to the outlet thim#le. 8ust is separated from the gases #y thecentrifugal forces. The efficiency of cyclones decreases with

    decreasing particle si+es and in1ersely proportional to its

    diameter. It is used as a pre!collector.

    Multi"y"l!nes: ! Multicyclones are units of cyclones installed in

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    com#inations of series and parallel for high throughput and high

    efficiency. The efficiency of multicyclones is in the range of

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     #* Re1erse air 

    c* Pulse pressure

    d* /onic cleaning

    Gra$el %ed filters: ! The principle of a granular layer of pe##les

    is also used for gas cleaning. It works in com#ination with

    cyclone precipitators. This filter is immune to high temperature

    up to ( o C and efficiency can #e up to ''.').

    Ele"tr!stati" 4re"iitat!r 8E349&  ! The principle of dust

    collection is #ased on the utili+ation of the effect of gas

    ioni+ation in a strong electric field" which is formed #y discharge

    electrodes &corona effect" negati1e* and #y collecting electrodes&positi1e*. Collection of efficiencies of ''.?() is attaina#le

    under fa1ora#le conditions.

    Merits and De#erits !f using 7ag filter and E34

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


     The E/P si+ing depends on the outlet emissions desired.

     /i+e of the #ag filter is almost independent of the outlet emission.

      The cost of E/P increases with the reduction in the emission


      Dith the a1aila#ility of latest PT0E #ags" #ag filter is the most

    techno!economic solution to achie1e emissions #elow ( mg per


      0or the clinker cooler dust e$traction" E/P is still the most

    economical solution due to large particle si+e.

     The cost of #ag filter is less than E/P.

     The power consumption #y #oth e,uipment is same.

     The process condition in E/P 1aries during raw mill and coal mill

    shutdowns and the E/P performance 1aries

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    shutdowns and the E/P performance 1aries.

     The tripping of E/Ps with increase in C- content in the kiln e$haust

    gases due to process fluctuations are 1ery common.

      The disad1antage of #ag filter is it can not with stand high

    temperatures which happens during plant start up and upset conditions.

     2ag filter system re,uires regular maintenance of cleaning system

    and timely replacement of filter #ags.

      The disad1antage of E/P is the snapping of electrodes and plant

    stoppage for its rectification.

    Essentials !f g!!d %lending !f raw #i;

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      0or sta#le running of kiln which is the heart of cement plant"

    uniform ,uality of raw meal is 1ery much essential.

     4 uniform ,uality of kiln feed to kiln ensures optimum kiln output"

    reduced specific heat and power consumption and uniform ,uality of

    clinker resulting consistent cement ,uality.

      To get uniform ,uality of raw meal from limestone of 1arying

    ,uality from limestone mine operated in different phases or locations.

     Though the 1ariation in the limestone ,uality can #e reduced to

    some e$tend #y pre!#lending" to achie1e uniform and consistent

    ,uality of raw meal #lending of raw meal is essential.

    Tyes !f 7lending

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    Tyes !f 7lending

    omogeni+ation of cement raw mi$ can #e performed on a #atch

     #asis as well as continuously.

    7at"h %lending: ! 0or #atch system two two #lending silosA

    normally one is called as #lending silo and other as storage silo. The

    homogeni+ation process starts during the filling of #lending silo.

    4fter filling the #lending silo" homogeni+ation process continues fora#out one hour. Then it is discharged to the storage silo normally

    located at the #ottom of the #lending silo" where it is homogeni+ed

    continuously and e$tracted for kiln feed. 2atch type homogeni+ation

    is applied in cases where the ,uality of the raw material widely

    fluctuates and in relati1ely long time inter1als.

    C!ntinu!us %lending: ! The continuous #lending is applied in

    cases where the ,uality of raw material is allowed to fluctuate only

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    within narrow limits and in short period of time. Continuous

     #lending can #e done with single" two and three silos. Two or three

    silos work in series for continuous #lending depending on the

    fluctuations in the ,uality of raw material. /ingle continuous

    homogeni+ing silo work with raw materials of less ,uality

    fluctuations and is #est applied in cases where the raw material is

    already pre!#lended. /ingle continuous #lending silo can #e of #ottom discharge or side discharge types. In case of side discharge

    type o1erflow discharge is taken from the opening in the side wall

    of continuous #lending silo and stored in a storage silo. In case of

     #ottom discharge silo" kiln feed e$traction is taken from the

     #ottom of the continuous #lending silo.

    R!le !f 7lending 3il! in >uality C!ntr!l !f Raw Mi;

    2lending silos ha1e a ma%or role in achie1ing uniform and consistent

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    2lending silos ha1e a ma%or role in achie1ing uniform and consistent

    ,uality of raw mi$" which is essentially re,uired for getting ma$imum

    output from the kiln and optimi+ing specific fuel and powerconsumption. 2lending silos" #y #lending process reduces the ,uality

    1ariation in the raw mi$. There are 1arious types #lending silos ha1ing

     #lending factor from ;:5 to 5(:5. The #asic principle of #lending

     process is one or com#ination of the following mechanisms.

    8istri#ution of input raw meal at the #lending silo top.

    Pneumatic dry #lending #y aeration of raw meal #y the aeration

    units placed at the #ottom of silo.

    /egmental aeration &octant or ,uadrant system* with difference inthe pressure of air supplied for aeration of 1arious segments for

    thorough mi$ing of raw mi$.

    Method of e$traction to kiln feed

    7lending 2a"t!r

    0or calculation of #lending factor of a silo" input and output raw meal

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    samples are to #e collected in regular inter1als and to #e tested for

    CaC-9 content.

    /ilo input samples to #e collected for a period of one theoretical filling

    of silo with an inter1al not e$ceeding 5.( hours and a minimum =

    samples are to #e collected. 0or optimum #lending efficiency silo should

     #e filled more than ?). The output samples are to #e collected at an

    inter1al of 9 to ( minutes after the input samples are collected and a

    minimum of 6 samples are to #e collected.

    The standard de1iation of the input samples as well as output samples

    are to #e calculated. The #lending factor is the ratio of standard

    de1iation of input raw meal to standard de1iation of output raw meal.The more the #lending factor" the #lending is more effecti1e.

    C!lle"ti!n and Dis!sal !f artially "al"ined reheater dust

    Th i f d d f diff kil i

  • 8/18/2019 Raw Material Handling and Grinding


    The ,uantity of dust generated from different cement kilns is

    estimated to 1ary from < to 5( percent. The dust generated from the

    kiln" which goes out with preheater e$it gases are collected #yelectrostatic precipitators or #ag filters or other kinds of dust

    separators. 8isposal of the partially calcined preheater dust is as

    important as its disposal. ndou#tedly recycling of the dust is the

    most practical solution. In dry process" the dust can #e either mi$ed

    with kiln feed or raw mill output. Dhere1er preheater gases are used

    for drying of raw material in raw mills" a ma%or part of the dust gets

    mi$ed with the raw mill output and only the dust collected in GCT

    and during raw mill shutdown is to #e recycled. 8ue to changes in

    the chemical composition of the dust" sometimes the recycling ofdust causes #uild ups in kiln or preheater ducts. In such cases the

    solution for the disposal of the dust is #y #lending with ordinary

     portland cement.