SOFTWARE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT AND PRACTICE Softw. Process Improve. Pract. (2008) Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/spip.387 Rationale Modeling for Software Process Evolution Research Section Alexis Ocampo* ,and J ¨ urgen M ¨ unch Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany Evolving a software process without a retrospective on its evolution and, in consequence, without an appropriate understanding, can lead to important problems for a software development organization. Two examples of such problems are inefficient performance as a consequence of the arbitrary introduction of changes or difficulty in demonstrating compliance to a given standard. Capturing information on the rationale underlying process changes provides a means for better understanding process evolution. This article presents two studies aimed at understanding and identifying information needs for describing the rationale for process evolution. Additionally, it presents an approach for incrementally evolving processes supported by this rationale. This approach is derived from the results of the studies and a survey of related work. An application of the approach during the evolution of a reference process for developing service-oriented applications is presented together with experience and open questions for future research work. Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS: sofware process evolution; rationale; software process models; process changes; resource description framework; process management 1. INTRODUCTION Software process models support software engi- neers in systematically performing the engineering processes needed to develop and maintain software products. As these models are enacted, suggestions for process adjustment or refinement arise, which, in turn, demands evolution of the models. Usu- ally, certain events such as the introduction of a new software development technology (e.g. new testing support tools or platform), new/updated standards/guidelines for software development or process engineering, or new/updated best prac- tices emerging from community experience gener- ate situations that must be resolved, i.e. issues, by Correspondence to: Alexis Ocampo, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. changing the engineering processes and the process models underlying them. Changing these models in organizations is typically a complex and expen- sive task (Nejmeh and Riddle 2006). In many cases, because of budget and time constraints, arbitrary decisions are made, and process models are evolved without storing or keeping track of the justification behind such changes (Armbrust et al. 2005). This, in turn, frequently results in inconsistencies or ambi- guity being introduced into the process models. The justification for a decision has been defined as rationale by researchers, who have done extensive investigation on capturing, organizing, and analyz- ing product design decisions (Dutoit et al. 2006). Rationale modeling is considered to be critical in two areas: knowledge capture and decision making. By making rationale information explicit, decision elements such as criteria, priorities, and arguments can improve the quality of software development decisions. Additionally, when a change in a prod- uct’s functions or an addition, respectively removal,

Rationale Modeling for Software Process Evolution€¦ · rationale and design rationale methods and argue that these can also apply to any other kind of rationale-based software

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Page 1: Rationale Modeling for Software Process Evolution€¦ · rationale and design rationale methods and argue that these can also apply to any other kind of rationale-based software


Published online in Wiley InterScience(www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/spip.387

Rationale Modeling forSoftware Process Evolution

Research Section

Alexis Ocampo* ,† and Jurgen MunchFraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software EngineeringFraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Evolving a software process without a retrospective on its evolution and, in consequence,without an appropriate understanding, can lead to important problems for a softwaredevelopment organization. Two examples of such problems are inefficient performance as aconsequence of the arbitrary introduction of changes or difficulty in demonstrating complianceto a given standard. Capturing information on the rationale underlying process changesprovides a means for better understanding process evolution. This article presents two studiesaimed at understanding and identifying information needs for describing the rationale forprocess evolution. Additionally, it presents an approach for incrementally evolving processessupported by this rationale. This approach is derived from the results of the studies and asurvey of related work. An application of the approach during the evolution of a referenceprocess for developing service-oriented applications is presented together with experience andopen questions for future research work. Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEY WORDS: sofware process evolution; rationale; software process models; process changes; resource description framework; processmanagement


Software process models support software engi-neers in systematically performing the engineeringprocesses needed to develop and maintain softwareproducts. As these models are enacted, suggestionsfor process adjustment or refinement arise, which,in turn, demands evolution of the models. Usu-ally, certain events such as the introduction of anew software development technology (e.g. newtesting support tools or platform), new/updatedstandards/guidelines for software development orprocess engineering, or new/updated best prac-tices emerging from community experience gener-ate situations that must be resolved, i.e. issues, by

∗ Correspondence to: Alexis Ocampo, Fraunhofer Institute forExperimental Software Engineering Fraunhofer-Platz 1, 67663Kaiserslautern, Germany†E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

changing the engineering processes and the processmodels underlying them. Changing these modelsin organizations is typically a complex and expen-sive task (Nejmeh and Riddle 2006). In many cases,because of budget and time constraints, arbitrarydecisions are made, and process models are evolvedwithout storing or keeping track of the justificationbehind such changes (Armbrust et al. 2005). This, inturn, frequently results in inconsistencies or ambi-guity being introduced into the process models.

The justification for a decision has been definedas rationale by researchers, who have done extensiveinvestigation on capturing, organizing, and analyz-ing product design decisions (Dutoit et al. 2006).Rationale modeling is considered to be critical intwo areas: knowledge capture and decision making.By making rationale information explicit, decisionelements such as criteria, priorities, and argumentscan improve the quality of software developmentdecisions. Additionally, when a change in a prod-uct’s functions or an addition, respectively removal,

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is considered or implemented, rationale modelsenable developers to track those decisions thatshould be revisited and those alternatives thathave already been evaluated. Dutoit et al. (2006)provide a description of potential uses of designrationale and design rationale methods and arguethat these can also apply to any other kind ofrationale-based software engineering activity apartfrom software design. Drawing a parallel to pro-cess evolution, some of these potential uses are thefollowing: it supports reworking of software pro-cess model/standards; it supports identification ofthe potential impact area of a process change; itencourages self-reflection when making decisions;and it supports the identification and analysis ofnonsystematic and rushed decisions. Additionally,we have observed during the execution of a pro-cess evolution project (Armbrust et al. 2005) thatinformation about the rationale of the process evo-lution can help process engineers or the person(s)responsible for the process in the organization toeffectively and efficiently tailor process models orupdate them. What matters to real-world organiza-tions is how fit their process is regarding current andfuture needs. Tailoring a reference process model ora software process engineering standard can be sup-ported by knowing about the issues, alternatives,arguments, and criteria that justified the definitionof the current reference process model/standard.The process engineer can define a tailoring strat-egy that finds a balanced compromise for ade-quate process changes, taking into account boththe rationale behind the current reference processmodel/standard and the current and future needs ofhis/her organization. Equally, updating a referenceprocess model/standard whose history is knowncan lead to changes to process models/standardsthat reflect actual practices and are oriented towardssatisfying current and future needs of developmentorganizations.

The main contribution of this article consists oftransferring the concepts defined by the designrationale community to the process modeling com-munity, especially to the problem of process evo-lution. It is important to notice that large amountsof rationale information could become a straight-jacket for the process of evolving a software pro-cess. Therefore, we followed an experience-based,bottom-up approach for defining the concepts, theclassification of issues, the approach, and a tool (ourspecific contributions) to be used by organizations

for collecting appropriate amounts of informationabout the rationale underlying process changes andfor evolving the process in a systematic way. Wehave defined a roadmap for moving iterativelyforward towards such concepts, classification ofissues, approach, and tool. It can be summarizedin the following three main steps: The first step isto understand the nature of process changes. Thismeans understanding what is needed for describ-ing a change and the reason for it. Additionally, weassume that by having a predefined classificationof the most common situations for process changes,the task of collecting the information related to therationale can be simplified and become more suit-able for use in real process evolution projects. Oncethis is understood, in a second step, a structured con-ceptual model of rationale can be produced togetherwith an approach that provides guidance on howto perform systematic process evolution supportedby the developed conceptual model. In a final thirdstep, the conceptual model and the approach canbe applied in process evolution projects, supportedby a tool. The experience acquired in trial projectsis used for fine-tuning the conceptual model, theapproach, and the tool before using them in newprojects. So far, we have derived our current resultsfrom the experience acquired in the context oftraditional, plan-driven (in Boehm’s sense) pro-cesses, i.e. development is performed followinga requirements/design/build paradigm with stan-dard, well-defined processes (Boehm and Turner2004).

On the basis of the definition of software engi-neering validation models provided by Zelkowitzand Wallace (1998), our contributions are the prod-uct of three different case studies performed in thecontext of a large and a small organization: theEuropean Space Agency (ESA) and the AdaptiveServices Grid (ASG) project, respectively. The firststudy was concerned with the problem of capturingthe justification of changes to aerospace engineeringstandards (Armbrust et al. 2005). The second studyaimed at understanding the most common issuesbehind process changes (Ocampo and Munch 2006).Both studies were performed in the context of theESA. The results of these studies and the results ofa search on rationale literature provided the inputfor a new conceptual model tested in the secondorganization (ASG project), which constitutes ourthird case study.

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DOI: 10.1002/spip

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Table 1. Comparison of some common rationale concepts

Approach Rationale

Kunz and Rittel (1970) Issue Position ArgumentMacLean et al. (1991) Question Option Argument CriterionLee (1990) Issue Alternative Claim Criteria ProcedureBruegge and Dutoit (2004) Issue Alternative Argumentation Criteria ResolutionChung et al. (1999) Goal Alternative Claim CriteriaSauer (2002) Argument prototypes Assessment functionRamaesh and Dhar (1994) Issue Position Argument Assumption Decision

This article presents the progress obtained fromthe research roadmap as follows: Section 2 providesshort descriptions of related work, where conceptsfor understanding process changes and rationalewere developed. Section 3 presents the contextand enhanced results of our previous studiesperformed for understanding rationale informationneeds. Section 4 presents the conceptual modeland approach developed incrementally with thefindings of the case studies. Section 5 discusses theapplication of the conceptual model and approachduring the evolution of a process for developingservice-oriented applications in the context ofthe ASG project. Section 6 summarizes the mostrelevant findings with respect to the conceptualmodel and approach as well as new researchquestions to be addressed in the future.


This section discusses how research work from thedesign domain and the process modeling domainhas addressed the problem of understanding thenature of decisions, changes, and their rationale.

Historically, much research about rationale hasfocused on design (Dutoit et al. 2006). Rationalemodels represent the reasoning that leads to asystem, including its functionality and its imple-mentation (Bruegge and Dutoit 2004). Kunz andRittel (1970) developed the IBIS issue model fordesign rationale, which has been used as a basisfor other work on rationale modeling such as Lee(1990), MacLean et al. (1991), Bruegge and Dutoit(2004), and Chung et al. (1999). This model con-tains three types of nodes: issues, positions, andarguments. Issues are used to state the problem.A position is a solution suggested by a developer.Arguments either support or contradict a position.The assumption made for issue modeling is that

the design of a system/component is performedas follows: first, an issue is identified; then sev-eral alternatives to resolve the issue are proposed;at the same time, such alternatives are evaluatedagainst relevant project criteria; finally, a decision ismade by selecting the alternative that best matchesthe criteria and resolves the issue. The ideas ofKunz and Rittel were implemented by Conklin andBurgess-Yakemovic in a tool called gIBIS (Conklinand Burgess-Yakemovic 1991).

Table 1 presents our classification of some of theapproaches for representing rationale information.

This comparison identifies possible commonali-ties among the approaches. For example, an issuefor Kunz and Rittel (1970) is similar to a questionor a goal for MacLean et al. (1991) and Chung et al.(1999), respectively. Kuntz and Rittel’s issue mod-eling is the basis for most of the approaches. TheMacLean et al. (1991), Bruegge and Dutoit (2004),and Chung et al. (1999) approaches propose thatthe rationale should be the driver for design activ-ities. This way, rationale-related activities becomea part of the software development process andnot merely a parallel, additional activity. Theseapproaches extend the issue model with conceptssuch as criteria/criterion/assumption, and resolu-tion/procedure. Criteria are desirable qualities thatthe selection of a proposal should satisfy. For exam-ple, during requirements analysis, criteria includeusability or performance, while during project man-agement criteria include timeframe, costs, or risks.Finally, a decision is the resolution of an issue.It contains the selected proposal and the justifica-tion of the selection. At the same time, a resolutioncould trigger more issues. Ramaesh and Dhar (1994)developed a conceptual model and a prototype thatrelates the use of knowledge about design ratio-nale to the use of knowledge in design tasks. Theyextended the IBIS model (Kunz and Rittel 1970)

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with concepts necessary for representing knowl-edge components involved in system design (e.g.data flow, data storage).

A common drawback of all the previousapproaches is that these are prescriptive approachesthat call for discussions before creating or updatinga design, something that may not be necessary incases where changes are trivial.

Sauer (2002) presents a procedure for extract-ing rationale information from the project log andfor justifying project decisions. The concepts usedare taken from the Event-Based Design RationaleModel (EDRM) developed for the Minimally Inva-sive Long-Term Organizational Support (MILOS)environment (Maurer et al. 2000). Sauer claims thatby following his procedure, rationale informationcan be generated semiautomatically, thereby over-coming one of the major obstacles to capturingrationale, namely the costs and effort requiredfor its elicitation. The concepts are similar to theones presented by the IBIS issue model, withthe major difference being that the information isderived from an analysis of a project trace thatcontains events and their interdependencies. How-ever, Sauer’s approach does not capture informationabout the positions/alternatives/options that werenot taken into account, which is valuable informa-tion for future decisions. In other words, semiauto-matic generation of possible strategies for makinga decision is very helpful, but this must be com-plemented with the information captured from theexperts who actually make the decision (e.g. actualdiscussion, criteria for selecting the best alternative).

In general, several design rationale concepts andapproaches that provide a structured basis for sys-tematically performing and documenting changesto a software product are available. Almost all ofthe approaches offer tool support (often in the formof hyper-linked information) and put an emphasison it. Most criticism regarding these approaches isrelated to the costs of collecting and maintainingsuch rationale information (Lee 1997, BuckinghamShum et al. 2006). Since this prior work is highlyrelevant to our work, and since we are aware ofits pros and cons (Bruegge and Dutoit 2004), wesurveyed how process modeling approaches per-form and document changes, with a focus on theirsimilarities to the design rationale domain and ondetermining whether such approaches adequatelyaddress the criticism regarding cost.

We found that research work has been directedtoward developing approaches (Nguyen and Con-radi 1996, Ahmed 2004, Bhuta et al. 2005, Nejmehand Riddle 2006, Madhavji), and process supportenvironments (PSEs)1 (Jaccheri and Conradi 1993,Kaba and Derniame 1995, Koskinen and Martiin1998, Maurer et al. 2000, Alloui et al. 2001, Green-wood et al. 2001, Seet et al. 2003, Weber et al. 2005,Cunin et al. 2001), for controlling software processevolution. Some researchers propose encapsulat-ing information about the process, its context, andits changes. Examples are process components pro-posed by Bhuta et al. (2005), dependency and changestructures proposed by Madhavji, the change pat-terns proposed by Nguyen and Conradi (1996),update taxonomies proposed by Ahmed (2004), andthe execution logs, change logs, and cases proposedby Weber et al. (2005).

Other investigators have proposed conceptualframeworks as in the case of Nejmeh and Riddle(2006).

AU of the approaches recognize the need forconcepts and tools that can be used for collectinginformation about process model changes thathelp evolve the process in a systematic way.However, most of them have not consideredrationale information as an important part of theirframeworks. Those approaches that do considerconcepts similar to the ones from design rationaleprovide little evidence (i.e. collected data) onreasons that trigger process evolution in a givencontext (Madhavji, Nguyen and Conradi 1996,Weber et al. 2005). Their research was mostlyoriented toward developing structures and patternsto apply in PSEs that evolved both the instance andthe model of the process.

One alternative approach called software processredesign (SPR) (Scacchi 2000) is concerned withthe identification, application, and refinement ofnew ways to dramatically transform or improvea process. The main inputs for SPR are the so-called SPR heuristics and knowledge about theuse of a process. SPR heuristics can be classifiedas being of two types: domain-independent SPRheuristics, which can be applied to a large setof processes, and domain-specific SPR heuristics,which can be applied only to certain processes

1 PSEs are defined as human-oriented systems intended to servethe interaction of computerized tools and humans (Seet et al.2003).

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in certain circumstances. The knowledge used toderive the heuristics is obtained from narrativereports on how to dramatically improve the lifecycle or prevent defects. Such narrative reportsare extracted from case studies, lessons learned,best practices, and experience reports. It is herethat rationale concepts can contribute to the SPRapproach because they can be used for structuringand therefore improving the sources of knowledgeneeded for elicitation of redesign heuristics.

In summary, there has been a lot of research inthe design rationale domain targeted at providingsupport to software engineers for making decisionsabout changes to the software product. There hasalso been a lot of research in the process modelingdomain concerning the evolution of processes, witha focus on how to make changes to processes beingenacted, and how to reflect such changes at theprocess model level. However, less emphasis hasbeen put on the reasons for changing a processmodel and on how these can be used as inputfor future decisions that change a process. Thismotivates our research goal and contribution, whichconsist of creating a clearer and more systematiclink between the domains of design rationaleand software process evolution. The next sectionpresents the results of a first step toward our goal,namely understanding rationale information needs.This has been realized by performing a study of theconcepts needed for expressing the rationale forprocess changes and a study of the most commonissues for changing a process.


Two studies that were performed in the contextof a project focused on the evolution of aerospaceengineering standards are presented in this section.The first study was performed with the objectiveof identifying which information should be part ofthe description of a rationale for process changes.Additionally, a second study was performed, withthe objective of identifying those most commonissues that triggered changes to the process.

3.1. Context

The European Cooperation for Space Standardiza-tion (ECSS) is an initiative established to develop

a coherent, single set of easy-to-use standards forall European aerospace-related engineering activ-ities, covering all areas, including engineering,quality assurance, and project management. Forthe ESA, the relevant standards applicable fordeveloping software are the following: ECSS-E-40B Space Engineering – Software (ECSS-E-40 Part1B Space Engineering: Software – Part 1: Princi-ples and Requirements 2003) (mostly based onthe ISO 12207 standard : Information Technol-ogy – Software Life Cycle Processes InternationalOrganization for Standardization), and ECSS-Q80-BSpace Product Assurance – Software (2003). Organi-zations or projects that are part of ESA are requiredto develop and use specific tailoring(s) of the ECSSstandards suited to their work. This is a particularlycomplex task because it requires detailed under-standing of the whole standard, something that anaverage software developer or project manager usu-ally does not have (Ponz and Spada 2006). At theESA Space Operations Center ESOC (the ESA orga-nization where this project took place), this tailoringwas called the Software Engineering and Manage-ment Guide (SEMG) (Jones et al. 2002) and was usedfor all their major projects.

After some years of experience with the ECSSstandards, they were revised by ESA, and a newversion was published. This also meant that theSEMG had to be revised, in order to be compliantwith the revised ECSS standard. This compliancehad to be proven by means of traceability of everyECSS requirement to its implementation and byproviding a tailoring justification for every tailoredrequirement.

Another important task was to improve theusability of the SEMG. For the purposes of thisproject, process engineers (i.e. the authors of thisarticle) considered that the ease of use of a documentis positively influenced by improving (i) internalconsistency, i.e. avoiding contradictions betweenparts of the document, (ii) external consistency, i.e.avoiding contradictions with other documents andassuring that links to external sources are correct,and (iii) conciseness, e.g. ensuring that indexedtables of contents allow people to find importantthings quickly, that different concepts are explainedand marked clearly, and that the document is notlarger than necessary.

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3.2. First Study

The setting of this project allowed the definition ofresearch goals oriented towards obtaining insightsabout the rationale for process changes. This sectiondescribes the specific research goal defined for thestudy, the way the study was performed, and itsresults.

3.2.1. Goal and OperationThe goal of the first study was to understand whichtype of information was needed for describing therationale for changes to a process model/standard.In order to instrument this goal, process engineersmaintained detailed meta-information tables ona per-section basis that allowed introducing thedescription of the change and the reason for thatchange. This table was to satisfy the demands of awide variety of different stakeholders who wantedto keep track of the changes performed to the SEMGand their justifications (Armbrust et al. 2005).

Table 2 shows a meta-information table. Thetable contained not only the section’s uniqueidentifier (field invariant ID) but also a changelog and a list of traceability relationships. Thefields for storing the traceability relationships (ECSSCoverage section) corresponded to the analog fieldsin a database where this information was stored. TheECSS ID column corresponded to the requirementsidentifier in the ECSS standard, and the compliancecolumn was used for selecting one out of thefollowing: tailored, tailored out, and compliant.The justification column captured the rationale forthe changes. In case the compliance changed, the

Table 2. Table for collecting the rationale for changes to theSEMG


Invariant ID <ID of the standard’s section>

Change log <description of changes from previousversion to this version>

Reviewer’s comments <feedback of reviewers concerning thechanges and rationale>

ECSS coverage

ECSS ID Compliance Justification

<ID ECSSrequirement>

<compliant; tailored;tailored out>

<rationale forchange>

<ID ECSSrequirement>

<compliant; tailored;tailored out>

<rationale forchange>

justification provided the rationale for the newvalue. Therefore, if a requirement was compliant,i.e. was found implemented in the SEMG, but adecision was made to tailor it out, i.e. to removeits implementation from the SEMG, the descriptionprovided in the justification column supported sucha decision and the changes performed to the SEMG.The opposite case can also be taken as an example.In case an ECSS requirement was not found inthe SEMG, i.e. was tailored out, the rationale forimplementing it in the SEMG, i.e. for makingit compliant, was described in this justificationcolumn.

The SEMG was modified iteratively and incre-mentally, resulting in the SETG (Tailoring ofECSS Software Engineering Standards for GroundSegments in ESA) as follows: Process engineerschanged the SEMG and delivered a new version forreview. Afterwards, reviewers discussed changesperformed to the SEMG and accepted or rejectedsuch changes. The reviewers documented their deci-sions and sent comments and suggestions to theprocess engineers. Process engineers reworked theSEMG on the basis of the comments and sugges-tions. This iterative process allowed updating theSEMG in a controlled way and enabled a continualreview of the accomplishment of the tasks.

Two versions of the SEMG resulted from theediting–reviewing iterations.

3.2.2. Study ResultsThe collected rationale for changes was validated bymeans of reviews performed by the project partnermembers of the review committee and additionalprocess engineers. They studied each rationale andprovided feedback accordingly.

The validated rationale stored in a database wasused as a basis for automatically generating a partof the standard called ‘Part D Traceability AgainstECSS’ (Tailoring of ECSS Software EngineeringStandards for Ground Segments in ESA). This docu-ment presents tables with traceability relationshipsbetween the SETG (old SEMG) and ECSS standardsas well as the justification for changes to affectedparts of the SETG standard.

The process engineers documented observationswith respect to the use of the meta-informationtables and their structure as a means for describingthe rationale. Below are some of these observations:

The tables were used by process engineers fordescribing what changed and why. Sometimes the

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information about what changed was too detailed,sometimes too abstract. This might be due to thefact that the structure provided did not contemplatea difference between finely granular changes (e.g.grammar errors or misspellings) and larger ones(e.g. wrong control flow). Some SEMG changescollected, such as the correction of misspellings orgrammar errors, or format changes, were not helpfulfor recognizing important decisions. However, theopposite was also observed, i.e. sets of changesthat helped to identify important decisions. Oneexample was a set of changes to the productflow, where we observed a clear attempt toseparate system and software engineering activities,something that was needed in the organization.For example, many activities (such as systemcriticality analysis, system requirements review,system partitioning) that were performed by systemengineering personnel and their produced artifactswere irrelevant for the software engineers and werestill part of the SEMG. This generated a lot offrustration, because software engineers had to showevidence of artifacts they did not need or use.

The lack of structure of text fields (change logand justification) used in the meta-information tableinfluenced the understandability of the collectedinformation. The ESA reviewers commented onconfusing justifications that contained what wasperformed instead of information on why. In othercases, the change log contained information aboutthe change and about the reason in the same place.These findings motivated the need to change theconceptual model and try to use it in a new project.The resulting conceptual model and its applicationwill be presented in Sections 4 and 5.

3.3. Second Study

Once we collected the information about the SEMGchanges, we used it as the basis for a second studyof the most important and common issues that wereresolved by each change. This section presents thegoal of the study together with its operation andresults.

3.3.1. Goal and OperationThe goal of the second study was to analyze thechanges performed to the SEMG for the purpose ofcharacterizing the issue types that triggered changesin the context of the evolution of ESA standards.

We accomplished this by querying the databasethat contained information on changes to theSEMG and by manually analyzing each change’sjustification. A process ID uniquely identified thechanged entity during both iterations. Each recordprovided information about the date of the change,the entity’s name, and the change justification. First,we assigned each justification a particular situationor problem faced during the SEMG evolution. Then,we proceeded to review in internal meetings the setof situations and problems and grouped them intoa list of most common issues faced while doing theSEMG evolution. A group of three process expertsoutside the project reviewed the list of issues in twoiterations and provided feedback. Their commentswere used for refining the list.

3.3.2. Study ResultsThe list of issues was validated by means of reviewsperformed by three external process experts whoprovided feedback. The following is the refinementof the list presented in Ocampo and Munch (2006)and an explanation of the issues:

1. Process model is inaccurate(a) Process engineers found that the pre-

scribed control flow among activities dif-fered from the one followed in realprojects;

(b) Process engineers found that the pre-scribed product flow differed from the oneobserved in real projects.

2. Process model lacks precision(a) Process engineers found activity descrip-

tions that could be understood in two ormore possible senses or ways;

(b) Process engineers found examples thatcould be understood in two or morepossible senses or ways;

(c) Process engineers found names that did notreflect the meaning of the process elementas commonly understood by practitioners.A process element can be any of theconcepts used to model processes, e.g.activity, tool, role, or artifact.

3. Process model is not concise(a) Process engineers found activity descrip-

tions that contained superfluous or unnec-essary statements;

(b) Process engineers found examples thatcontained superfluous or unnecessarystatements;

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Figure 1. No. of occurrences per issue

(c) Process engineers found duplicate descrip-tions of activities.

4. The activity is noncompliant• Process engineers found cases where activi-

ties did not fulfill the requirements stated inthe ECSS standards.

5. Process model is inconsistent• Process engineers found examples that were

incorrectly referenced.

Figure 1 reflects the number of changes causedby the issues listed above when changing the SEMGduring the first and second iterations. The list ofissues derived from analyzing the database withthe information about the evolution of processstandards provides an initial insight into the typeof changes performed in the context of this typeof project. It can be observed that the issues thatgenerated the highest number of occurrences suchas ‘process model is inaccurate’ (1) and ‘processmodel lacks precision’ (2) reflect the distance thatexisted between the process model and the actualunderstanding of the process by its practitioners.A more detailed description of the results can befound in Ocampo and Munch (2006).

Unfortunately, the analysis performed for extract-ing the list of most common issues was not repeatedafterwards by process engineers not belonging tothe project. This constitutes a threat of validity to

be further investigated. However, this list of issueswas taken into account for the definition of the con-ceptual model presented in Section 4 and reusedduring its application described in Section 5.


Although the required tracking of changes wassupported during the first case study, the projectgave clear indications that advanced rationalemanagement could be beneficial. This motivatedus to design a new version of the conceptual modeland approach.

According to researchers in the design rationalecommunity (Fischer et al. 1991, Bratthall et al. 2000,Burge and Brown 2004, Dutoit et al. 2006), main-tainability and controlled evolution of a system aredependant on the understanding of what is cur-rently present, as changes in design are affectedby prior design. This means that in the case ofsoftware process evolution, one should be ableto describe the relationships between an existingprocess model and its previous version(s). Suchrelationships denote differences between versionsdue to distinguishable modifications. The purposeof such modifications can be distinguished if onecan understand the rationale behind them. Figure 2

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Figure 2. Rationale support for organizational process evolution

shows one scenario where rationale knowledge sup-ports organizational process evolution. Here, anorganizational process must be followed by dif-ferent projects inside the organization. However,owing to the special contextual characteristics andneeds, each project changes the organizational pro-cess. In this example, project 1 evolves the processand produces two new versions, while project 2 pro-duces three new versions. At certain points in time,the organization’s management or roles responsiblefor the process take a look at the changes performedby each project with the purpose of understandingwhat is new, what was not suitable, and what couldbe relevant for other projects. Such questions can beanswered better if the reasons for changes R (ratio-nale) between project process versions are known.Furthermore, the rationale available can be used asinput for changing the organizational process.

Rationale knowledge provides the decision-making elements that lead to the process knowledgeat both the project and organizational level (Dutoitet al. 2006). It also augments the process knowl-edge, i.e. the work required to develop the system,including knowledge about roles, resources, tasks,and work products.

According to Kneuper (2002), the knowledgerepresentation schemes must fulfill the followingcharacteristics:

• Expressiveness: refers to the ability to representthe desired knowledge at the appropriate levelsof granularity.

• Effectiveness: concerns the means that a rep-resentation scheme provides for inferring newknowledge from old.

• Efficiency: means that the user must be able tofind the knowledge needed within a reasonabletime frame, and be able to find and use it withacceptable effort.

• Explicitness: allows different levels of detail orabstraction.

• Accessibility: is accessible from different techni-cal environments.

• Modifiability: is easy to improve and adapt tochanging environments.

• Understandability: is easy to understand anduse by users.

• Searchability: refers to appropriate search andselection mechanisms.

One lesson learned from the first study on theevolution of SEMG standards (Armbrust et al. 2005)was that the information provided in the respectivechange logs by the process engineers who changedthe standards was not sufficient for understandingthe evolution.

Our conceptual model lacked expressiveness,effectiveness, efficiency, explicitness, and under-standability. However, the technology that we chosesupported us in providing appropriate accessibility,modifiability, and search and selection mechanisms(Armbrust et al. 2005).

Before the study, we were convinced that onemajor value of such meta-information tables is todocument information to be used in the future. This

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was not the case, because our meta-informationtables lacked the structure for describing why andwhere a process was changed, what the changeswere, what triggered them, what the alternativeswere, and which one was selected as the finaldecision. We arrived at the conclusion that thelack of a structure of and guidelines for the meta-information tables were the main factors leading tothis confusing information. This led us to develop asecond version of our conceptual model targeted atunderstanding the information needs for capturingthe rationale behind process changes (Figure 3). Westarted with a small set of concepts that will berefined with time. The reason for keeping the modelas simple as possible comes from the criticismregarding the high costs of capturing rationaleinformation (Bruegge and Dutoit 2004, Burge andBrown 2004, Dutoit et al. 2006). We wanted to avoidthese high costs and find those appropriate conceptsneeded to describe the rationale of changes.

We took the most common concepts used inthe design rationale domain (Table 1) as a basis,customized them to our needs, and connectedthem to four entities that were relevant for us,i.e. event, changes, process element, and version(the non-shadowed classes in Figure 3). An event isconsidered to be the trigger of issues. Events can beexternal or internal. Examples are:

• External– New/updated process engineering technol-

ogy (e.g. a new process modeling technique)– New/updated regulatory constraints

• Internal– Responses to failures to pass internal or

external appraisals, assessments or reviews(e.g. changes needed to address results froma process assessment based on the ISO15504 standard (International Organizationfor Standardization. ISO/IEC 15504 : 2003))

– New/updated best practices emerging fromlessons learned in just-completed projects(e.g. a new best practice approach to han-dling design reviews)

Changes are the result of the decision capturedin the resolution. They are performed on processelements and are produced in a given version.Some examples of changes performed on processelements are: activity x has been inserted; artifact yhas been deleted; activity x has been moved to be asub-activity of activity z. The version is composedof a set of process elements.

Issues are situations that arise as a consequenceof an event which need to be solved and arerelated to a (part of a) process. An issue contains aquestion, a description, a status (open, closed), and adiscussion. The discussion is intended for capturingthe emails, memos, letters, etc. where the issue wastreated by process engineers. Additionally, an issuecan be categorized by a type. This type must beselected from a classification of issues that needsto be developed or customized for an organization.The classification presented as a result of the secondcase study in Section 3.3 can be used as a basis,

Figure 3. Rationale model (UML static structure diagram)

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but it should be refined continually on the basis ofexperience gained from process evolution projects.

Alternatives are proposals for resolving the issue.Alternatives can be captured with subject (shortdescription) or long descriptions. Alternativesare evaluated and assessed by process engineersregarding their impact and viability.

Finally, a resolution chooses an alternative whoseimplementation causes changes to the processelements. At the same time, one resolution couldlead to opening more issues. Note that a resolutionhas a subject (short description), a long description,and a justification. The justification is intended forcapturing a summary of the analysis of the differentalternatives, the final decision, and the proposedchanges. Table 3 shows an example taken from areal project, where we illustrate the concepts.

The approach we propose for evolving a processbased on rationale is illustrated in Figure 4.

This approach is inspired by the existing rationalemanagement approaches presented in Section 2

Table 3. Example of a rationale for process changes

Concept Value

Event 1 - name: Process review;- type: Internal;- description: Review performed by process

engineers based on interviews withpractitioners.

Issue 1 - type: Process model is inaccurate;- description: The processes that describe the

engineering of flight software are performedby another team of engineers.

Alternative 1 - description: Remove all processes concernedwith the engineering of flight software;

- assessment: Positive – It shall be clear thatthese processes are performed by anotherspecial team of engineers and thereforeproducts that are to be checked during thereviews shall not be produced at this team.

Alternative 2 - description: Declare this process optional;- assessment: Negative – The engineers at this

team do not follow these processes. This isnot their area of competence.

Resolution 1 - description: The review board agreedto remove these processes;

- justification: Process engineers agreed thatalternative 1 was more appropriatebecause it reflects better what is being doneat the team and avoids confusion during the

reviews.Changes - Existent processes related to the engineering

of flight software must be removed;- The products generated by such processes

must be removed along with their templates.

and traditional change management processes thatcan be found in several software developmentstandards, e.g. (IEEE Std-828-2005). Despite itssimilarity to existing approaches, what is new in theapproach of Figure 4 is that it attempts to explicitlydescribe the steps.

First, an internal or external event that has takenplace is communicated to the process engineer incharge of the process via mail, memo, official doc-ument, or by the most convenient artifact. In theactivity ‘identify issues’, the process engineer iden-tifies the issue(s) he or she is facing due to theevent and documents them using the previouslydescribed concepts. The process engineer proceedsto ‘identify conflicting issues’. He does this byquerying and visualizing previous rationale infor-mation in order to find open issues that conflictwith this new one. He could also identify issuestreated before and how they were resolved. He alsoanalyzes dependencies on issues, and the impactof the issues on the process model. The processengineer ‘proposes alternatives’ for discussing withother involved roles (e.g. quality assurer, projectmanager, quality manager, trainer, software devel-oper) to resolve the issue(s). The process engineerthen ‘resolves the issue(s)’ by selecting the mostappropriate alternative(s) and defining a strategyof changes to be realized. Then, either the processengineer or the role assigned inside the organization‘extracts the process model version’ to be modifiedand ‘updates the process model’ using the reso-lution information as input. Once the changes arefinalized, the process engineer ‘stores a new processmodel version’ and closes the issue(s).


The conceptual model and the approach have beenapplied for the purpose of characterization in areal environment. This has given us insights intothe extent to which process engineers used theterminology to capture rationale, and the extentto which such an approach can be introducedsuccessfully in industry.

5.1. Context

The environment where we applied our concep-tual model corresponds to the ASG project (ASG:

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Figure 4. Approach (product flow – Spearmint notation (Becker-Kornstaedt et al. 1999))

Adaptive Services Grid). The ASG was intendedto develop a software infrastructure that enablesthe design, implementation, and use of appli-cations based on adaptive services, namely theASG platform. Although the basic concepts ofservice-oriented architectures and web serviceshave become very popular in the last few years,much confusion remains concerning strategies andprocesses suitable for engineering adaptive web ser-vices (Bayer et al. 2006). Owing to this problem, wewere in charge of defining, establishing, evaluating,and systematically evolving the development pro-cess applied in the project to develop the platform.Development activities within the ASG project wereperformed, for instance, by several teams fromdifferent companies, universities, and research insti-tutes. Development teams ranged from two-person

teams consisting of a PhD student and a masterstudent to ten professional programmers. Develop-ment teams were not co-located and team membersspoke different native languages.

Software processes were described in terms ofactivities (e.g. plan project or design module),artifacts (e.g. project plan, module design), roles(e.g. project manager, designer), and assets (e.g.plan template, design guidelines). The differencebetween artifacts and assets is that artifacts aretangible results whereas assets are resources sup-porting process performance (Nejmeh and Riddle2006). The resulting process models include bothtextual descriptions and diagrams that illustrate therelationships between the entities of the model ina graphical way (e.g. workflows and role-specificviews).

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5.2. Study Goals and Operation

The goal of this study was to analyze the conceptualmodel and the approach for the purpose of eval-uation in the context of the evolution of the ASGreference process model.

The ASG reference process model was developedmainly in three iterations. This means that thereare three versions of the model. At certain projectmilestones, we interviewed developers about thecurrent process model version. Such interviewswere taken as a basis for performing changesto the process model. Mapped to the previouslypresented conceptual rationale model (Section 4),such interviews can be seen as the event thattriggered issues to improve the process. We foundthese interviews very useful for eliciting issuesand alternatives, since developers usually providedinformation about possible solutions to the problemas observed in Table 4.

We discussed the interviews, decided on thechanges, and documented their rationale. Then weproceeded to perform the approved changes.

In general, the main idea behind the system-atic evolution approach followed was to start withcommonly accepted process knowledge, refine itwith information gathered from the development

cycles, and therewith improve the textual descrip-tions and diagrams of the process according to thereal project needs. We extended a tool-assisted wayof editing and reviewing the process description(Armbrust et al. 2005) with a means for editingand visualizing rationale (Figure 5). To achievethis, we created a persistent connection of standardword processor documents containing the processdescription to a model of the documents in a rela-tional database, which allowed us to keep rationalemeta-information as well as automate advancedconsistency checks. Our tool called ‘Rationale-driven Evolution and Management InformationSystem’ (REMIS) (Ocampo and Munch 2007) alsoallowed us to visualize rationale information in theform of graphs before editing the process.

Our solution relied on the fact that modernword processing programs increasingly support theExtensible Markup Language (XML) as a documentformat (Merz 2004). As an open format, XML can beprocessed using a variety of widely available tools,including high-level libraries that can be invokedfrom most modern programming languages. Usingthe interpreted, object-oriented Python program-ming language (Lutz 2001), we developed a parserthat was able to navigate through the XML versions

Table 4. Excerpt of interview with software developers

Interview 3: software developer 1

Interview conducted in - Tromsø, Wednesday, July 13, 2005, 11 : 00 AM–12 : 00 noonInterviewed person - User 1Organization - Organization 1ASG subsystem - Service Composer (C-2)Role in prototype development - Subsystem Manager and IntegratorTeam size - Two persons (incl. Subsystem Manager)Team experience - More that 10 years programming experience with several languages

(object-oriented, imperative, and functional)ASG development process - The ASG process was followed. The ASG process description on ASG Wiki was

known and used. Software developer 1 is the author of many of the linked pagesfor assets and tool descriptions

Process change/improvement proposals - Owing to the short-termed synchronization points defined for the prototypedevelopment, the steps defined within the subsystem-related activities seemto be unnecessarily complex

- The process description should explain how the platform, the applications, and theunderlying services are developed/integrated

- Role-specific views on the overall process should be provided in order to improvereadability

- The activities Integration and Integration Test should be merged, since they areconcurrently performed by the same persons with the aid of the samesupporting tools

- The process description is too verbose

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Figure 5. Tool support for process evolution supported by rationale

of the ASG process model description, identify-ing the section headings and rationale informationtables, and moving information to and from thedatabase as necessary. This functionality allowedus to update the database automatically after aset of changes, and to check the data for consis-tency before doing any further editing. We usedthe Resource Description Framework (RDF) as abasis for representing rationale information andprocess evolution information (Klyne and Carroll2004). In brief, RDF was originally designed for rep-resenting metadata about web resources, such asthe title, author, modification date of a web page,and copyright. However, it is possible to generalizethe concept of ‘Web Resource’ and say that RDF canbe used to represent ‘things’ that are identifiable.RDF’s conceptual model allows describing ‘things’by using statements and models such as nodes andarcs in a graph. We use the RDF/XML (Manola andMiller 2004) syntax for storing and querying RDFgraphs in the database. We see rationale as metadataabout processes. Such metadata can be queried for

describing the evolution of processes. The visual-ization tools developed so far allow us to displayrationale information in the form of graphs. Thisapproach is similar to the one proposed by Scacchi(2000) for representing, querying, and visualizingprocess model information and redesign heuristics.One key difference between the two approaches liesin the way information is captured. In REMIS, theconceptual model structures the knowledge infor-mation to be captured, whereas Scacchi’s approachdoes not provide a structure for it and references dif-ferent kinds of knowledge, such as narrative reportsor case studies. These are analyzed and used forderiving SPR heuristics. Another key difference isthat Scacchi’s approach uses inference mechanismsfor deriving the SPRs, while REMIS does not usethem yet for suggesting resolutions to issues thathappened in the past.

5.3. Study Results

We observed that attaching the rationale andchange information directly to each of the process

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document sections, and collecting it automaticallyfrom there, facilitated the whole evolving activ-ity, in the context of this project. Our conceptualmodel played an important role, because it allowedstructuring the reasoning behind a decision andmotivated self-reflection about the need for chang-ing the process. Equally, the structure of the con-ceptual model allowed reusing this information ina straightforward way, before performing futurechanges. This improves the quality of the deci-sions and support traceability from the changedprocess entity to the issue as well as knowledgetransfer.

Table 5 shows an example taken from a realproject, where we illustrate the concepts.

We also noted that rationale visualization can beuseful for answering different types of questions

relevant for process managers or quality assurersbefore designing the strategy to resolve issues.Examples of such questions are:

• What was the event that triggered certain issues?• What is the type of issue that causes most

changes to process elements?• Which are the still open issues that may conflict

with the resolution of a new issue?• What was the resolution that caused certain

changes to a process element?• How many processes were affected by a

resolution?• Which are the rejected alternatives for a closed

issue? Why?

Figure 6 shows a generated graph-like visualiza-tion for answering the question ‘How many ASGprocess elements were affected by resolution 1?’ (for

Table 5. Example of rationale for process changes in the ASG project

Concept Value

Event 1 - name: Process review;- type: Internal;- description: Review of the ASG life cycle process performed by process engineers based on interviews withdevelopers.

Issue 1 - type: Process description lacks precision;- description: The ASG platform offers capabilities such as the integration of external services and provision ofservices to external applications. Some groups of developers are in charge of external services, while othersimplement applications to exploit the power of the platform. Additionally, they are geographically distributed. Thecurrent ASG life cycle process description guides developers on platform development. However, the ASG lifecycle process description does not explain how applications and external services can be developed and integratedinto the platform;- question: What is the best strategy for transforming the actual process description into one suitable for platform,service, and application engineering?

Alternative 1 - description: Create one reference process model that covers all three disciplines (platform, service, and applicationengineering), but clearly mark those processes that belong to each one;- assessment: Positive – Reworking cost of the process description due to redundancy and inconsistency betweenthe different disciplines can be lowered.

Alternative 2 - description: Create a process description for each engineering discipline, i.e. one for process, one for application,and one for platform engineering;- assessment: Negative – The risk of process inconsistencies, and/or redundancies because of maintenance of threesimilar but at the same time different disciplines can lead to high reworking costs, and low quality products.

Resolution 1 - description: The review board agreed to create one reference process model that covers all disciplines;- justification: Process engineers agreed on alternative 1; process engineers agreed that alternative 2 was lessappropriate because the risk of inconsistencies and redundancies was too high. Process engineers agreed thatalternative 1 was more appropriate not only because of minimizing the process reworking risks but also becauseone reference model can lead to a better understanding of the interactions between service, platform, andapplication engineering.

Changes - existent processes were renamed with a prefix according to the discipline they belong to;- the existent activities’ purposes were modified in order to differentiate that a process belongs to a certaindiscipline;- the product flow was modified in order to appreciate the separation among disciplines more clearly;- the involvement of roles was modified accordingly;- new activities were introduced;- new roles were created.

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Figure 6. Impact of a resolution (partial view of a graph generated by the REMIS tool)

a description of resolution 1, see Table 5). It showsthe specific name of the processes belonging to threedifferent disciplines (platform, service, and appli-cation engineering) present in the ASG referenceprocess, which were affected by several changesperformed because of such a resolution. The alter-natives, issue, type of issue, and event could alsobe displayed by using our tool to generate a largergraph, which also includes these concepts and theirrelationships.

Our tool provided us with functionalities for flex-ibly querying rationale information and visualizingthe results of such queries. Figure 7 shows an exam-ple of such a capability with a simple visualizationthat helped us to answer the question ‘Which arethe rejected alternatives for an issue?’ Having thepossibility to get this visualization can be usefulfor avoiding inconsistencies and rework in caseswhere process engineers face an issue they believeto have solved in the past. Process engineers canhave better means to analyze why other alterna-tives were rejected at the time and assess if thisstill continues to be the case. Further research isneeded into defining common queries and theirmost appropriate visualization.

Some observations regarding the collection ofrationale gained in relevance. For example, wefound that sometimes it was difficult to differentiate

between the descriptions of the alternatives and thedescription of the resolution. We also felt there wasredundancy when documenting the justification ofthe resolution. This led us to the discussion of theneed for an additional, lighter rationale approach,because sometimes special types of issues do notrequire the formulation of alternatives, but rather adirect resolution (Figure 8).

In those cases, the process engineer should beable to document light rationale information afterperforming the changes. This can be done byusing a tool that helps a process engineer todetect changes between two process model versionsautomatically, such as in the approach presented inSoto and Munch (2006). The comparison tool showsa summary of changes done on the work version,which serves as input for the process engineerfor going through each change and documentinga light rationale consisting of short descriptionsof the event, the issue, and the resolution. Anexample of how to collect this rationale informationand connect it to the changed process elementsafter changes have been performed is presented inOcampo and Soto (2007). Before we start to followthis ‘light’ variation of the rationale approach, wemight further investigate differentiating betweenthose issues that need a very well documentedrationale and those that do not. This can be helpful

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Figure 7. Issues, their alternatives and assessment (graph generated by the REMIS tool)

Figure 8. Lighter collection of rationale information

for minimizing the risk of over-expenditure andaddressing the criticism associated with capturingrationale information (Burge and Brown 2004,Dutoit et al. 2006).


Processes may be changed more consistently ifthe information about the process, its context, and

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the rationale of its evolution is captured. Existingapproaches recognize the need for concepts andtools that can be used for collecting informationabout process model changes that could help evolvethe process in a systematic way. We observed thatmost of the approaches did not consider rationaleinformation as an important part of their work(Madhavji, Nguyen and Conradi 1996, Weber et al.2005). This is one possible reason for the smallamount of evidence available on the rationale ofprocess evolution. With a predefined classificationof the issues that trigger process model changes,the task of collecting the information related to suchrationale becomes simpler and more suitable for usein real process evolution projects.

In this article, we have presented a classification ofissues based on a study performed on data collectedin change logs during the evolution of softwareengineering process standards from the aerospaceengineering domain. More research work has to bedone on describing this initial list of issues moreprecisely, so that they are as orthogonal as possible.More empirical data is needed for that purpose.We will analyze in a postmortem study the actualtype of issues documented during the evolutionof the ASG process, in order to contribute to thesignificance of the actual list of issues presented inthis article. It is important to note that the studiesused as a basis for the work have been performedmainly by the authors. This intrinsically biases theresults. However, the application in the ASG projectwas supported by the partners involved, whichprovided feedback to the conceptual model andmethod and contributed to diminishing this bias.

We have also presented a conceptual modelthat can be used as a basis for collecting therationale for changes. This conceptual model isthe result of combining lessons learned fromevolving aerospace engineering standards and anextensive literature survey on design rationalesand software process evolution. Additionally, theapproach that uses the conceptual model and abrief explanation of the tool support developedwere introduced. The observations obtained fromapplying the approach during the evolution ofa reference process for developing a softwareplatform for adaptive services motivated us todesign an additional light rationale approach tobe applied in upcoming projects. This variation ofthe approach will again be helpful for evaluating theconceptual model and enhance it if necessary. We

also decided to define a common set of queries tobe displayed through visualization that empowersrationale information. We observed that havingthe means to visualize this information providesprocess engineers with powerful analysis toolsthat can be helpful when designing the strategyto evolve a process model. As mentioned before,not all process model changes are of value forsystematic process evolution. Therefore, we needto continue experimenting (during the evolution ofprocesses used in industrial settings) on how tocapture and visualize such information in orderto more effectively identify those changes (andtheir rationale) that impact the performance ofpractitioners and really make a difference on theirsoftware processes.

Furthermore, agile development practices andtechniques can be used as input for enriching ourcontributions. According to Boehm and Turner(2004), agile practices are characterized by thefollowing attributes: iterative (several cycles), incre-mental (the entire product is not delivered at once),self-organizing (teams determine the best way tohandle work), and emergence (processes, princi-ples, work structures are recognized during theproject rather than predetermined). In the mean-time, it can be assumed that in the context of newmethodologies like agile (and also open source),which focus on the working code, the likelihoodof developers spending effort on carefully evolv-ing their processes is low. However, this remainsan open issue for research in future projects. Forexample, it can be investigated whether our contri-butions can be used for enhancing self-organizationand emergence based on the principle of activecommunication and discussion behind a rationale.Other questions to investigate could be: Can ourconceptual model and approach become an impor-tant tool for effective face-to-face communication inagile practices? Could simple schems for capturingand discussing agile practice rationale with goodtool support enhance the chances of acceptance?

Although agile practitioners emphasize the infor-mality of their practices, such practices also evolve.We assume that rationale can add value by self-reflecting on the real reasons for such evolution.

Finally, we plan to relate the approach to popularstandards such as CMMI (CMMi Product Team2006) or ISO 15504 (International Organization forStandardization. ISO/IEC 15504 : 2003 2007).

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We would like to thank Dr William E. Riddlefor his valuable comments on the list of issuesand discussion on process evolution. We thankMichael Jones and Mariella Spada from the ESOCfor their reviews, support, and collaboration duringthe ESOC project. We also would like to thank allASG project members who participated in the ASGprocess interviews, and especially Fabio Bella fromFraunhofer IESE, for eliciting and documentingthe information. Additionally, we would like tothank Sonnhild Namingha from Fraunhofer IESEfor editing the English version of this article.Finally, we thank the anonymous reviewers whohave contributed to the improvement of this article.This work was partially supported by the GermanFederal Ministry of Education and Research (V-Bench Project, No.01| SE 11 A).


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DOI: 10.1002/spip