RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre- Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

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Page 1: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order

TraversalsStefan Kahrs

University of Kent at Canterbury

Page 2: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order


• intro• gene expression programming and

grammar evolution• breeding by crossover, meaning• change to pre-order traversal• a problem with that• ... and its solution

Page 3: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

Genetic Programming

population of programs

fitness criterionbreed



Page 4: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

GEP and GE

• separate genotype and phenotype• genetic information (determining an

individual) is given as the list of nodes of the syntax tree in level-order (GEP) or pre-order (GE)

• from this a syntax tree is recovered• the list can have additional node

symbols that do not contribute to the tree (allows for mutation)

Page 5: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order


• separation of genotype/phenotype allows the manipulation of program individuals (optimisation) without interfering with breeding

• avoids program bloat, program sizes are bounded

Page 6: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

Example, level-order traversal


sin *

x 2 +

x y

+, sin, *, x, 2, +, x, y

Page 7: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

Example, pre-order traversal

+, sin, *, x, 2, +, x, y




x 2


x y

Page 8: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

Cross-over breeding

• take two individuals A and B• throw a dice to determine a

crossover point k• create a new individual whose first

k symbols are the first k symbols of A, and its remaining ones are all but the first k symbols of B

Page 9: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

In Pictures

but it does not quite work that way, in general

Page 10: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order


• we can extend the notion of arity from symbols to sequences of symbols

arity() = 1arity(s·f) = arity(s)-1+arity(f), if arity(s)>0arity(s·f) = 0, otherwise• explanation: top-down tree traversal,

placing f in the unfinished tree closes an open place and opens arity(f) new ones

Page 11: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order


• take our previous sequence +, sin, *, x, 2, +, x, y

• take the initial segment of the first 5 symbols,i.e. +, sin, *, x, 2

• its arity is 1• this means: if we draw the incomplete tree of

this segment there is 1 hole left to be filled with a subtree

• this incomplete tree segment would be part of the offspring if this individual fathered with crossover point 5

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Procreation with different arity at crossover point

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RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

Trees with arity 1 and 2 at crossover point 5


sin *

x 2 +

x y


* sin

sin 2 *

x y 1

Page 14: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

Offspring, father left tree


sin *

x 2 *

x y

The subtree that has been placed in the gap is not a subtree of the mother, though it is composed from nodes from the mother

Page 15: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order


• if the arities are the same at cross-over point then subtrees of the mother are preserved

• otherwise, mum is atomised and reassembled

• making the fresh subtrees fairly random• problems:

– asymmetric contribution in procreation– level of randomness that is hard to control

Page 16: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

A solution

• replace level-order traversal with pre-order traversal (which GE uses anyway)

• why? in pre-order traversal subtrees occur as consecutive subsequences

• notion of arity (of sequences) is unchanged!

Page 17: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

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Crossover at 6, different arities


sin *

x 2 +

x y


* sin

sin 2 *

x y 1

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RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

Crossover at 6, different arities


sin *

x 2 +


y 1

the subtrees pasted into the tree are either from the mother, or the dormant part of the mother (here: the z)

Page 19: RASC 2006Kahrs - GEP pre-order Gene Expression Programming with Pre-Order Traversals Stefan Kahrs University of Kent at Canterbury

RASC 2006 Kahrs - GEP pre-order

A problem

• how do we generate the initial population?

• with level-order traversal we place (random) non-nullary symbols at the beginning of the sequence, nullary symbols at the end – the result are balanced trees

• if we do this with pre-order traversal we get lop-sided trees (more lists than trees)

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• we can meddle with the probabilities to prevent lop-sidedness, i.e. same probability for opening/closing a branch

• problem: this gives us microbes (very small trees) and these buggers breed as if the end of the world is nigh

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• level-order traversal works well at the beginning, pre-order traversal works well subsequently, so: why not use them this way!

• create the initial population by reading a sequence as a level-order traversal

• then traverse those trees pre-orderly, and overwrite the genome

• from then on, use pre-order only