Rapid Application Delivery Platforms: The Complete Evaluation and Proof of Concept Guide A proven process and customizable documents to evaluate rapid application delivery platforms and select the ideal partner for building mobile and web apps that integrate with external enterprise systems, databases or custom applications.

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Rapid Application Delivery Platforms:The Complete Evaluation and Proof of Concept Guide

A proven process and customizable documents to evaluate rapid application delivery platforms and select the ideal partner for building mobile and web apps that integrate with external enterprise systems, databases or custom applications.

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Using This Kit Rapid application delivery (RAD) platforms address many of the critical challenges

involved in enterprise app development, deployment and management.

Choosing the right RAD platform, however, presents a unique set of challenges. To realize the full promiseof RAD for your organization requires support from a partner with specific expertise and capabilities,effective processes, and a proven track record.

This kit includes information and resources to help you identify such a partner and validate your selection through firsthand experience of that partner’s performance. The pages that follow outline a simple approach to vendor selection based on proven best practices. The kit also includes customizable files you can use to implement this approach.

Client Guide Complete guide to RADplatform selection

Worksheets Editable files for use during the selection process

Includes:•Project Stakeholders•Evaluation Criteria•PoC Use Case / Project Plan

Score Sheet Evaluation matrixto assess potential RADplatforms in detail

Client Guide

Overview 3

Define Needs 4

Designate Stakeholders 7


Develop Use Case 8

Draft Project Plan 9

Next Steps 10

Download Worksheets Download MatrixCurrent Document

Page 3: Rapid Application Delivery Platforms: The Complete ... · Rapid Application Delivery Platforms: The Complete Evaluation and Proof of Concept Guide A proven process and customizable

OutSystems 3

As enterprise application needs continue to expand in scope and complexity, many organizations have implemented rapid application development processes using a variety of tools and services. Simply creating apps quickly only solves a portion of the problem, however, without addressing the need to deploy, integrate and manage those applications just as nimbly.

The concept of rapid application delivery is more inclusive and better reflects the realities facing today’s enterprises. Rather than simply accelerating development, rapid app delivery encompasses the entire application lifecycle, enabling development and operations teams to partner effectively to develop, test, integrate, and manage apps—including delivering new functionality, enhancing the user experience, and creating additional apps post-launch.

Best-in-class vendors must aspire to this standard, proving they can meet your specific needs and provide a true rapid application delivery solution. Confirming that potential vendors can meet these requirements (or revealing that they cannot) involves a straightforward, five-step process. The first two steps focus on company-level considerations (defining your needs, your custom blueprint, and your stakeholders), while the final three involve defining project-level requirements for a small-scale Proof of Concept (PoC) project.

After completing all five steps, you should have all of the information and confidence you need to choose a RAD vendor.

Overview The RAD Revolution

Company-Level Planning Project-Level Planning

Designate Stakeholders Determine which team members need to be involved in assessment/approval

Define Needs Define specific criteria to assess potential providers and select the best platform

Develop Use CaseDefine a relevant, rapid PoC project for potential vendors to complete

Draft Project Plan Establish concrete project steps and timeline

Next Steps Use materials to find, engage and evaluate potential platforms

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Define Needs Specifying Evaluation Criteria

Consideration Initial Project (single app) IT Transformation (enterprise scale)

Objective Deliver a new mobile/web application that integrates with existing systems (8 - 16 weeks)

Redesign all core engagement processes with customers, partners, sales, call centers and branches via new mobile/web applications that leverage existing systems (6 months - 2 years)

Process Optimize one core backend process (8 - 16 weeks)

Redesign core backend operations for increased operational performance (6 months - 2 years)

Migration Migrate one legacy application to catch up with growing backlog of change requests (12 - 20 weeks)

Migrate/redesign portfolio of legacy applica-tions into new apps (1 - 3 years)

1RAD vendors typically promote a range of capabilities and benefits, which may be more or less relevant to your business and situation. Rather than relying on vendors to shape the conversation, defining your specific needs and goals is an important first step in choosing the ideal vendor.

At a basic level, consider the kind of business impact you need a RAD solution to deliver right from the outset. This may include delivering a mobile app on a short timeline or redesigning a B2B portal, for instance.

Beyond this, it’s wise to think about how you can scale the success of an initial project to expand IT delivery capacity, enable the creation new solutions quickly, and continuously adapt applications already in production. Increasingly, this kind of IT transformation is undertaken to support business-level transformations, such as those driven by full digitization of processes and engagements with customers, partners and employees.

Based on these goals, it should be easier to define concrete requirements and key factors to consider when evaluating any potential RAD platforms. These will be your evaluation criteria.

Recommendations on a wide range of evaluation criteria are easy to find online, and we’ll outline some of the most common and helpful here. Going beyond any of these examples, however, it is essential to involve internal experts with a deep understanding of your current issues and future needs in terms

of both business and IT. This person (or team) can evaluate criteria and select, prioritize and refine them based on specific business insights.

Finally, effective criteria should be defined with the following guidelines in mind:

• Specific: includes concrete details rather than vague or value-based statements (e.g., integrates with Salesforce and SAP vs. supports cross-platform integration)

• Measurable: establishes concrete metrics rather than qualitative / subjective values (e.g., SLA of 99.99% availability vs. generic “uptime” claims)

• Actionable: covers everything needed for decision-making in that area (e.g., dependency analysis across layers and centralized services cataloging vs. vague promises of “reusability”)

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Criterion Sample Requirements Proof Scenario for Demo/RFI/RFP

Development Speed Support complete development projects deliverable in weeks, able to support 1-2 week cycles for iterative deployments.

Intermediate demo app – using actual business data - developed within three business days.

Rapid Change Deliver the true power of a RAD platform by quickly accommodating a large number of change requests to a production app.

Test the end-to-end effort of making a comprehensive change to a production app. Gauge robustness of the change, and speed/ease of staging and upgrade to production.

UI Flexibility Build rich UIs that incorporate modern best practices for controls, responsive, AJAX, robust look-and-feel customization, patterns, and behaviors.

On demand, create a responsive multi-page demo app (or skeleton) that renders properly on a mix of desktops, smartphones, and tablets using different OS. Easily edit style parameters to alter look and feel with no coding.

Visual Modeling (expressiveness and power)

Check for modeling of UI, as well as functional visual manipulation of business logic and rules, processes, workflows, and data stores. Extensive breadth of extension/API mechanisms in place.

In addition to assessing the productivity aspects afforded by the visual tools, review a visual model of the app being built (or other previously built app), and assess the ability to easily understand the UI, logic and workflows. Demonstrate how changes can be made using visual metaphors, rather than code.

Mobile Support Responsive, web, and mobile apps supported; best-in-class user experience for each.

Demonstrate proper display (as above) and show the process of adding mobile support for device sensors (e.g., GPS, camera, etc.)

Integration Capabilities Ready-to-use integrations with key systems of record and key infrastructure. Ability to streamline integration with proprietary or highly customized systems and easily reuse those integrations.

Demonstrate creation of an app that includes integration with key systems (e.g. SAP, Sales-force, SQL Server, RESTful Web Services, Active Directory, cloud-based apps, etc.) Show the actual process of API use.

Automated Build, Deploy and Staging

RAD platforms support iterative/agile methods, which require delivery of daily app builds and rapid movement from dev, to test, to production.

Check for breadth of impact analysis mechanisms and sophistication of the DevOps toolset.

Open Code Portability Standard and fully documented source code that can run independently from proprietary runtime interpreters or engines. No vendor lock-in.

Proof of ability to detach or move code. Code is open and portable.

Architecture Fit Support for modern, industry-standard technol-ogies. Centralized repositories for integration and app services. Alignment with strategic architectural vision for future projects.

Provide architectural model of fit with current (and/or future) infrastructure, including on-premises, cloud and hybrid, as desired.

Performance Speed and efficiency of both developed apps and development environment. Parallel and distributed batch process execution. Elastic scalability.

Demonstrate application performance. Cite case studies that illustrate scaling capabilities. Review performance analytics capabilities, and show the effort required to configure apps to enable real-world performance measurement.

Security Compliance with existing enterprise security standards (e.g., HTTPS/SSL encryption, cross-site scripting, SQL injection prevention).

Provide detailed information regarding non-functional security measures and standards supported; include case studies detailing security-critical deployments.

RAD Platform Evaluation Criteria


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Additional Evaluation Criteria (for IT Transformation)

It is difficult to maintain a consistent RAD approach when scaling to meet enterprise-level demands. In addition to delivering many apps quickly and handling multiple change requests, an enterprise-grade RAD platform needs to support hundreds of interdependent services, multiple teams of various natures, dozens of simultaneous projects, and high loads from many users.

Criterion Sample Requirements Proof Scenario for Demo/RFI/RFP

Large-Scale Enterprise Architecture

Support a micro-services/SOA enterprise architecture that enables tens of apps with hundreds of interdependent services, without impacting delivery speed or app quality.

Check impact analysis mechanisms, refactoring capacity of the IDE, and reference integrity between services.

Management of Many Teams and Projects

Set up multiple teams with different access permissions, manage multiple development projects, and enable continuous delivery of change requests for existing apps.

Ensure that the platform can support multiple and large teams of diverse natures, with all managed optimally.

Support for Modern DevOps Dynamics at Scale

Set up sophisticated environment staging pipelines where multiple apps can be developed, tested, load stressed and deployed fast.

Review documentation and case studies to demonstrate dynamic capabilities in enterprise scenarios.

Scalability, High Availability and Data Protection

Speed and efficiency of developed apps and development environment, as well as security standards compliance, are fully maintained under the demands of an enterprise-scale scenario.

Enable the quick upgrade of a runtime infrastructure that supports growing number of transactions, processes and users.Support sophisticated enterprise configurations for 24/7 high-availability and complex data segregation scenarios.


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Download Stakeholders Worksheet


Once you have clarified your needs by defining evaluation criteria, the next step is to designate internal stakeholders with expertise and authority relevant to the criteria. Because the scope of a rapid application delivery platform spans the entire app lifecycle and impacts multiple business areas, a team of stakeholders is usually recommended, rather than depending on a single point of view.

Designate Stakeholders Assembling the Internal Team

Function / Role Project Contribution

Developmente.g., Head of Development, Senior Developer

Evaluates capabilities related to app development, including improvements in speed, reuse of existing skill sets, customization, change management, flexibility, etc., vs. current methods

Enterprise Architecturee.g., Enterprise Architect

Assesses capabilities related to integration, scalability, reusability, and versatility

Operationse.g., Head of Operations, Senior DevOps Team Member

Focuses on capabilities related to deployment and management of applications

Project Leade.g., Project Sponsor, Project Owner

Owns the evaluation, promotes RAD platform adoption, and may interface with potential vendors for information-gathering and project management

Technical Leade.g., Solution Specialist, Technology Manager

Owns the technical evaluation, compares potential offerings to current solutions, and may interface with potential vendors as a technical point of contact

Business Stakeholdere.g., Executive Leadership, Finance

Evaluates the quality of solutions and applications and their potential to deliver the tangible business impact desired

Innovation e.g., Innovation Manager

Assesses alignment of the solutions with the innovation needs of the company, including planned and possible projects

In addition to providing expertise in one or more relevant domains, team members should appreciate the overall value and potential impact of an effective RAD platform. A shared understanding of goals and expectations can help keep standards high and counteract the risk of “tunnel vision” when team members focus too narrowly on their area of expertise.



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Given the nature of rapid application delivery, the best way to assess potential vendors and solutions is by conducting a relevant Proof of Concept (PoC) project. The PoC should focus on rapid development of a relevant app, and the best practice is to define a real, meaningful business use case.

Ideally, the business use case will encompass many or all key evaluation factors, while remaining narrow enough in scope to allow for development within a short timeframe and a reasonable budget. However, some evaluation factors are less suited to evaluation through development.

For example, performance and security can be very difficult to assess in just a few days, and vendors can often provide credible and sufficient evidence related to these criteria. In other areas, such as architecture and operations, it may be enough to request that potential vendors meet directly with assigned team members to communicate capabilities and discuss acceptable proof points.

Develop Use Case Designing a Test Project3

Example business use case: • Implement a simple order management application for the

sales team

• Account information collected from company CRM, like Salesforce

• Users can create and approve orders for the selected account

• Approved orders are submitted to a backend system, like SAP, using existing stored procedures

• Application accessible in the office via PC, and remotely via tablet

• Application UI will reflect the company’s specific branding guidelines

Example success requirements: • Development Speed—Full project scope completed within

five days

• UI Flexibility—UI accurately reflects company brand guidelines

• Mobile Support—Full functionality delivered via PC and tablet

• Integration Capabilities—Successful integration with real company systems, like SAP or Salesforce

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Draft Project Plan Building a Roadmap4

The final step in preparing for a PoC is to create a detailed project plan to align internal stakeholders and set expectations with the participating vendor(s). It works best to define an ambitious timeline that includes both development work and vendor presentations, enabling broad coverage of evaluation criteria.

Internal team members need to be involved closely throughout the PoC project. The project should begin with an internal kickoff attended by the entire team, ensuring that everyone understands project goals, timing and process, as well as role-specific obligations. The project will conclude with a similar

RAD Platform PoC Day 5

meeting, in which team members report on their individual assessments to inform a group review of all evaluation criteria.

In between, designated team members should closely follow development. In fact, daily demos are advisable to provide the development lead with full visibility into progress and firsthand experience of the vendor’s development speed. Given the volatile nature of the modern enterprise environment, including flexibility as an evaluation criterion is highly recommended. Assessing this is as simple as communicating a major change request during development and observing how the vendor(s) respond.

Preceding Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

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De�ne PoC app

De�ne evaluationcriteria

PoC Development

Change request

Product Overview Architecture Performance



Final DemoDaily Demos



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Next Steps Proceeding to the Proof of Concept5

After completing steps 1-4, you’ll be in excellent position to proceed with vendor evaluation. Based on your preliminary assessment of potential providers (including web research, review of materials, etc.), you can reach out to a short list of the most promising vendors to request participation in a PoC.

This kit includes customizable documents you can use for company-level and project-level planning, as well as a score sheet to evaluate selected platforms. You can use the work-sheets to complete steps 1-4. These documents can then serve as the basis for a vendor RFI / RFQ / RFP—or, if appropriate, be provided directly to vendors. Members of your internal team can use the the score sheet to guide their assessment during and after the PoC.

With this step-by-step methodology and tailored tools based on proven best practices, you should be well-equipped to cut through the hype and identify the platforms that can truly deliver on the full potential of RAD. These are the vendors who deserve your consideration as a solution provider and business partner, and once they have proven their capabilities and earned your trust, the door will be open for you to experience the trans-formational business benefits of rapid application delivery.

Downloads Download supporting materials to assist in your RAD evaluation process:

Download PoC Use Case/Project Plan Worksheet

Download Evaluation Criteria Worksheet

Download Stakeholders Worksheet

Download Evaluation Matrix

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