http://parasol.tamu.edu Randomized Motion Planning: From Intelligent CAD to Computer Animation to Protein Folding Nancy M. Amato Parasol Lab,Texas A&M University

Randomized Motion Planning - College of Engineering · 1. Connect start and goal to roadmap Query processing start goal Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRMs) [Kavraki, Svestka, Latombe,Overmars

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Randomized Motion Planning: From Intelligent CAD to Computer

Animation to Protein Folding

Nancy M. Amato Parasol Lab,Texas A&M University

Page 2: Randomized Motion Planning - College of Engineering · 1. Connect start and goal to roadmap Query processing start goal Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRMs) [Kavraki, Svestka, Latombe,Overmars

Motion Planning


goal obstacles

(Basic) Motion Planning:

Given a movable object and a description of the environment, find a sequence of valid configurations that moves it from the start to the goal.

The Alpha Puzzle

(dis)Assembly Puzzle

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Hard Motion Planning Problems: Intelligent CAD Applications

Using Motion Planning to Test Design Requirements: •  Accessibility for servicing/assembly tested on physical “mock ups”. •  Digital testing saves time and money, is more accurate, enables more extensive testing, and is useful for training (VR or e-manuals).

Maintainability Problems: Mechanical Designs from GE

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Hard Motion Planning Problems: Highly Articulated (Constrained) Systems

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Hard Motion Planning Problems: Group Behaviors for multiple agents

Traversing a Narrow Passage

A “shepherd” herding a flock of ducks

People evacuating a building

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Hard Motion Planning Problems: Deformable Objects

Find a path for a deformable object that can deform to avoid collision with obstacles •  deformable objects have infinite dof!

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Hard Motion Planning Problems Computational Biology & Chemistry

•  Drug Design - molecule docking

•  Simulating Molecular Motions – study folding pathways & kinetics

Protein Folding

RNA Folding

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•  C-space, Planning in C-space (basic definitions)

•  Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRMs) •  PRM variants (OBPRM, MAPRM) •  User-Input: Haptically Enhanced PRMs

•  PRMs for more `complex’ robots •  deformable objects •  group behaviors for multiple robots •  protein folding

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Configuration Space (C-Space)







6D C-space (x,y,z,pitch,roll,yaw)

3D C-space (x,y,z) 3D C-space

(α,β,γ) α β γ

•  “robot” maps to a point in higher dimensional space •  parameter for each degree of freedom (dof) of robot •  C-space = set of all robot placements •  C-obstacle = infeasible robot placements

2n-D C-space (φ1, ψ1, φ2, ψ2, . . . , φ n, ψ n)

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x y



C-obst C-obst


robot Path is swept volume

Motion Planning in C-space

Path is 1D curve

Workspace C-space Simple workspace obstacle transformed

Into complicated C-obstacle!!

Page 11: Randomized Motion Planning - College of Engineering · 1. Connect start and goal to roadmap Query processing start goal Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRMs) [Kavraki, Svestka, Latombe,Overmars

Most motion planning problems of interest are PSPACE-hard [Reif 79, Hopcroft et al. 84 & 86]

The best deterministic algorithm known has running time that is exponential in the dimension of the robot’s C-space [Canny 86] •  C-space has high dimension - 6D for rigid body in 3-space •  simple obstacles have complex C-obstacles impractical to compute explicit representation of freespace for more than 4 or 5 dof

So … attention has turned to randomized algorithms which •  trade full completeness of the planner •  for probabilistic completeness and a major gain in efficiency

The Complexity of Motion Planning

Page 12: Randomized Motion Planning - College of Engineering · 1. Connect start and goal to roadmap Query processing start goal Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRMs) [Kavraki, Svestka, Latombe,Overmars

1. Connect start and goal to roadmap

Query processing start


Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRMs) [Kavraki, Svestka, Latombe,Overmars 1996]





Roadmap Construction (Pre-processing)

2. Connect pairs of nodes to form roadmap - simple, deterministic local planner (e.g., straightline) - discard paths that are invalid

1. Randomly generate robot configurations (nodes) - discard nodes that are invalid



2. Find path in roadmap between start and goal - regenerate plans for edges in roadmap

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PRMs: Pros & Cons

PRMs: The Good News 1. PRMs are probabilistically complete 2. PRMs apply easily to high-dimensional C-space 3. PRMs support fast queries w/ enough preprocessing

Many success stories where PRMs solve previously unsolved problems








PRMs: The Bad News

1. PRMs don’t work as well for some problems: –  unlikely to sample nodes in narrow passages –  hard to sample/connect nodes on constraint surfaces

Our work concentrates on improving PRM performance for such problems.







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Smarter Sampling Methods

Goal: Sample nodes in Narrow Passages

•  OBPRM: Obstacle-Based PRM •  sampling around obstacles

•  MAPRM: Medial-Axis PRM •  sampling on the medial axis

•  Repairing/Improving approximate paths •  transforming invalid samples into valid samples

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OBPRM: An Obstacle-Based PRM [IEEE ICRA’96, IEEE ICRA’98, WAFR’98]







To Navigate Narrow Passages we must sample in them •  most PRM nodes are where planning is easy (not needed)

PRM Roadmap







Idea: Can we sample nodes near C-obstacle surfaces? •  we cannot explicitly construct the C-obstacles... •  we do have models of the (workspace) obstacles...

OBPRM Roadmap

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4 5

OBPRM: Finding Points on C-obstacles

Basic Idea (for workspace obstacle S) 1. Find a point in S’s C-obstacle (robot placement colliding with S) 2. Select a random direction in C-space 3. Find a free point in that direction 4. Find boundary point between them using binary search (collision checks)

Note: we can use more sophisticated heuristics to try to cover C-obstacle


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Same Method: Diverse range of problems

•  Intelligent CAD •  digital testing, training, and servicing

• Simulating Group Behaviors •  homing, covering, shepherding

•  Modeling Molecular Motions •  protein folding, RNA folding, protein/ligand binding

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PHANToM 1. User collects approximate path using

haptic device •  User insight identifies critical cfgs •  User feels when robot touches obstacles

and adjusts trajectory 2. Approximate path passed to planner and

it fixes it •  Planner is more efficient because search is

targeted to promising areas

Current Applications •  Intelligent CAD Applications •  Molecule Docking in drug design •  Animation w/ Deformable Models

Hybrid Human/Planner System: Generating and Repairing Approximate Paths [IEEE ICRA 01, 0; PUG’99]


C-obstacle approximate


repaired path

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time (sec)

OBPRMhaptic pushiterative push

Hybrid Human/Planner System Haptic Hints Results

Flange Problem 0.85 0.95 1

1.0 (original size)

.95 (95% of original size)

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Same Method: Diverse range of problems

•  Intelligent CAD •  digital testing, training, and servicing

• Simulating Group Behaviors •  homing, covering, shepherding

•  Modeling Molecular Motions •  protein folding, RNA folding, protein/ligand binding

Page 21: Randomized Motion Planning - College of Engineering · 1. Connect start and goal to roadmap Query processing start goal Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRMs) [Kavraki, Svestka, Latombe,Overmars

Group Behaviors J. Lien, B. Bayazit, S. Rodriguez, R. Sowell [PG’02,ALIFE’02,WAFR’02,ICRA04, ICRA05]

Solution: Roadmap-based flocking!

  Flocking systems are good at simulating behaviors of groups of objects (schools of fish, crowds…) –  flock formation is selfish, local,

decentralized, and efficient

  Flocking systems are not good at complex navigation or customizing behavior in different regions –  but roadmap-based planners are! ….

but generally just for one robot….

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Roadmap-based Flocking

  Roadmap –  Map encoding global information (e.g., topology) –  data structure for storing and accessing

information –  supports implicit communication among group –  Customize agent behavior in different regions

  Agents –  have traditional flocking behavior, local sensing

ability –  have memory & reasoning –  dynamically (locally) select routes in roadmap

  edges selected based on edge weights   Edge weights updated as agents traverse them (ant




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Covering -50 flock members

- Environment size: 80 m *100 m

- 16 obstacles

- Sensory range: 5 m

Covering Movie.

Covering Rule

Go to the less visited edge

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Group Behaviors: Roadmap-Based Flocking

Emergency Response •  Evacuation Planning and Training

•  placement of personnel and barriers

- 3 available exits - no directors or barriers

- 1 available exit (2 blocked) - 2 barriers placed at blocked exits

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Same Method: Diverse range of problems

•  Intelligent CAD •  digital testing, training, and servicing

• Simulating Group Behaviors •  homing, covering, shepherding

•  Modeling Molecular Motions •  protein folding, RNA folding, protein/ligand binding

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Protein Folding   We are interested in the folding process

-  How the protein folds to its native, stable structure

  Importance of Studying Pathways –  insight into protein interactions & function

–  may lead to better structure prediction algorithms –  Diseases such as Alzheimer’s & Mad Cow related to

misfolded proteins

  Computational Techniques Critical –  Hard to study experimentally (happens too fast) –  Can study folding for thousands of already solved

structures –  Help guide/design future experiments

normal - misfold

prion protein

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Folding Landscapes

  Each conformation has a potential energy –  Native state is global

minimum   Set of all conformations

forms landscape   Shape of landscape

reflects folding behavior

Configuration space


Native state

Different proteins different landscapes different folding behaviors

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Using Motion Planning to Map Folding Landscapes [RECOMB 01,02, 04, 06, 07; ISMB 07; JMB 08; PSB 03]

A conformation

Configuration space


  Use Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) method from motion planning to build roadmap

  Roadmap approximates the folding landscape –  Characterizes the main

features of landscape –  Can extract multiple

folding pathways from roadmap

–  Compute population kinetics for roadmap

Native state

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Challenging Case Study [Thomas, Tang, Tapia, Amato - RECOMB 06 & 07, ISMB 07] Protein G

α, β3β4, β1β2, β1β4 [Kuszewski et al 1994, Orban et al. 1995]

Protein L

α, β1β2, β3β4, β1β4 L [Yi & Baker 1996, Yi et al 1997]; NuG1, NuG2 [Nauli, Kuhlman, Baker 2001]

NuG1 NuG2

•  Proteins G, L and NuG1 & NuG2 (mutated forms of G) •  All have similar structure (1 helix, 2 beta strands) •  G & L have only 15% sequence identity (G, NuG1, NuG2 similar sequence) •  In G beta 3-4 forms before beta 1-2, vice versa in L, NuG1, & NuG2

•  Can our approach detect the difference? Yes! •  When analyzing all (~10K) paths in our roadmaps

•  99% Protein G paths ,100% Protein L paths have “right” order •  98% and 97% paths in NuG1 and NuG2 have “right” order

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Diverse problems can be addressed using appropriate adaptations of PRMs

•  key is defining appropriate models and their C-spaces •  validation check is very general - ranging from traditional collision detection to potential energy thresholds to ...

More info and Movies: http://parasol.tamu.edu/~amato [email protected]

Joint work with -  my former students: O. Burchan Bayazit (WUSTL), Jyh-Ming Lien (George Mason), Marco Morales (ITAM, Mexico), Guang Song (Iowa State), Xinyu Tang (Google) - current students: Phil Coleman, Jory Denny, Roger Pearce, Sam Rodriguez, Robert Salazar, Lydia Tapia, Shawna Thomas, and the other members of our group -  other colleagues: Ken Dill (UCSF), David Giedroc (Indiana), Marty Scholtz