Paul Zimmermann December 15, 2011 Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet Philippe Flajolet and Analytic Combinatorics

Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

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Page 1: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

Paul Zimmermann December 15, 2011

Random Generation with Philippe FlajoletPhilippe Flajolet and Analytic Combinatorics

Page 2: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

I had Philippe as teacher of “petites classes d’informatique” atEcole Polytechnique in 1985-1987.

At that time Patrick Cousot gave the main lectures (in Pascal) andin 2nd year Jean Vuillemin (Le Lisp)

Page 3: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

At that time we worked with Macintosh’es

Page 4: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

which enabled us to connect to a Vax 8600:

Page 5: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

and learn a few Unix commands:

% ls -lR /...% man yacc...% cd ....% ftp prep.ai.mit.edu...% pc toto.p; ./a.out...% cat > a.out << EOF; ./a.out; /bin/rm a.out...

Page 6: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

I did a PhD underthe supervision ofPhilippe in 1988-1991(Series generatrices etanalyse automatiqued’algorithmes).

During my PhD, Philippeshowed me the thesis ofDaniel H. Greene (La-belled formal languagesand their uses)

Page 7: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

Appendix C of Greene’s thesis was particularly interesting: AGeneral-Purpose Generator of Combinatorial Elements.

One day, Bernard van Cutsem (who was doing research instatistics) asked Philippe how to generate so-called hierarchies atrandom. This led to the recursive method which I will try todescribe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm.

Page 8: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

The Recursive Method

[113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet,P. Zimmermann and B. Van Cutsem, European Symposium onAlgorithms, 1993.

[119] A Calculus for the Random Generation of LabelledCombinatorial Structures, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann andB. Van Cutsem, Theoretical Computer Science, 1994.

Later Philippe was interested in faster random generation ofobjects of size near n [cf MS talk].

Page 9: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

Combstruct: an example

> with(combstruct):> bin := B=Union(Z, Prod(B,B)):> seq(count([B, bin, unlabelled], size=n), n=1..19);1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012,

742900, 2674440, 9694845, 35357670, 129644790, 477638700

> draw([B, bin, unlabelled], size=10);Prod(Prod(Prod(Prod(Z, Z), Z), Z),

Prod(Prod(Z, Z), Prod(Prod(Z, Z), Prod(Z, Z))))

Page 10: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

Of course you have recognized














Page 11: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

The Recursive Method in a few slides

Applies to decomposable data structures (idem ΛΥΩ):

Atomic objects: Epsilon (size 0) and Z (size 1).

Constructors: Union, Product, Sequence, Set, Cycle, ...

A = Prod(Z, Set(A)) non plane treesB = Union(Z, Prod(B,B)) plane binary trees

C = Prod(Z, Seq(C)) plane general treesD = Set(Cycle(Z)) permutationsE = Set(Cycle(A)) functional graphs

F = Set(Set(Z,card>=1)) set partitionsH = Union(Z,Set(H,card>=2)) hierarchiesM = Seq(Set(Z,card>=1)) surjections

Page 12: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

Folk theorem of combinatorial analysis: the specification can beturned out into a set of equations for the generating functions.

Hierarchies: H = Union(Z,Set(H,card>=2))

H(z) = z + exp(H(z))− 1− H(z)

Corollary: the counting sequences up to size n can be computed inO(n2) arithmetic operations.

Page 13: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

There are 4862 · 10! labelled plane binary trees:•














Page 14: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

The pointing operator Θ [cf Basile Morcrette’s talk]There are 4862 · 10! · 10 pointed labelled plane binary trees:














Footnote 2 of [119]: An interesting outcome of this idea [the pointingoperator] is the combinatorial differential calculus of Leroux and Viennot,see for instance [26].

Page 15: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

Standard Specifications

C = ΘA =⇒ C(z) = z ddz A(z)

Example: A = Prod(Z, Set(A)) (non plane trees)

A(z) = z · B(z), ΘB(z) = B(z) ·ΘA(z)

Page 16: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

From standard specifications to countingC = Z :gC := proc(n) if n=1 then Z else error() fi end

C = A + B:gC := proc(n) u := rand(1..C(n)); if u <= A(n) thengA(n) else gB(n) fi end

C = A · B:gC := proc(n) u := rand(1..C(n)); for k from 0 to ndo t := A(k)*B(n-k); if u <= t then [gA(k),gB(n-k)]else u := u - t fi od end

C = ΘA:gC := proc(n) point(gA(n), rand(1..n)) end

ΘC = A:gC := proc(n) unpoint(gA(n)) end

Page 17: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

The Boustrophedon AlgorithmThe main cost comes from the product operation, when k goes upto n (or n − 1, n − 2, ...):C = A · B:gC := proc(n) u:=rand(1..C(n)); for k in [0...n] dou:=u-A(k)*B(n-k); if u<=0 thenreturn([gA(k),gB(n-k)]) fi od end






f (n) = maxk [k + f (k) + f (n − k)] =⇒ f (n) = Θ(n2)

Page 18: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

@CachedFunctiondef B(n):

if n==1: return 1else: return sum([B(k)*B(n-k) for k in [1..n-1]])

def Pr(n,k):return 1.0*B(k)*B(n-k)/B(n)

sage: list_plot([Pr(50,k) for k in [0..50]])

Page 19: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann
Page 20: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

The Boustrophedon Idea

C = A · B:gC:=proc(n) u:=rand(1..C(n)); for k in [0,n,1,n-1,...]do u:=u-A(k)*B(n-k); if u<=0 thenreturn([gA(k),gB(n-k)]) fi od end

f (n) = maxk [min(k, n − k) + f (k) + f (n − k)]

f (n) =1

2 log 2n log n + O(n)

Page 21: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

Philippe’s influence on my research

I doing experiments to confirm or discover theoriesI using and extending computer algebra: Maple, MuPAD, Sage,

...I rigorous floating-point computations: IEEE 754, GNU MPFR,


Page 22: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann

A few more stories about Philippe

I Philippe before a talkI Philippe’s mboxI Philippe telling me to visit G. KahnI Philippe drinking a beer after the Algo seminar

Page 23: Random Generation with Philippe Flajolet · describe in detail, and to the boustrophedon algorithm. The Recursive Method [113] A Calculus of Random Generation, Ph. Flajolet, P. Zimmermann