1 Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 The mission of Ralph Chandler Middle School is to provide an environment that is conducive to learning and focuses on academic excellence. Ms. Rita Mantooth - Principal School District of Greenville County Mr. Burke Royster Superintendent Action Plan 2013-14 through 2017-2018

Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph

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Page 1: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


Ralph Chandler Middle

School Portfolio

2013 - 2014

The mission of Ralph Chandler Middle School is to provide an environment that is conducive to learning and focuses on academic excellence.

Ms. Rita Mantooth - Principal

School District of Greenville County

Mr. Burke Royster – Superintendent

Action Plan – 2013-14 through 2017-2018

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School Name: Ralph Chandler Middle _ School Telephone: 864-452-0300

School Address: 4231 Fork Shoals Road

Simpsonville, SC 29680

District Contact: Leroy Hamilton Telephone: 864-355-3081

E-mail: [email protected]


The school renewal plan, or annual update of the school renewal plan, includes components

required by the Early Childhood Development and Academic Assistance Act of 1993 (Act

135) and the Education Accountability Act of 1998 (EAA) (S.C. Code Ann.

§§59-18-1300 and 59-139-10 et seq. (Supp. 2004)). The signatures of the chairperson of

the Board of Trustees, the Superintendent, the Principal, and the chairperson of the School

Improvement Council are affirmation of active participation of key stakeholders and

alignment with Act 135 and EAA requirements.

Required Printed Names and Signatures

Chairperson, Board of Trustees Chuck Saylors Printed Name Signature Date

Superintendent W. Burke Royster Printed Name Signature Date

School Principal

Rita Mantooth Printed Name Signature Date

Chairperson, School Improvement Council

Lynne Magnan

Printed Name Signature Date

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SCHOOL NAME Ralph Chandler Middle



List the names of persons who were involved in the development of the

school renewal plan. A participant for each numbered category is required.

Position Name

1. Principal Rita Mantooth

2. Teacher Shannon Goff

3. Parent/Guardian Carrie McCaslin

4. Community Member Eddie Howard

5. School Improvement Council Lynne Magnan

6. Others* (May include school board members, administrators

School Improvement Council members, students, PTO members, agency representatives, university partners,


Position Name

SIC member

School Administration Sarah Gullick

SIC member

* REMINDER: If state or federal grant applications require representation by

other stakeholder groups, it is appropriate to include additional

stakeholders to meet those requirements and to ensure that the plans are


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SCHOOL NAME Ralph Chandler Middle



Act 135 Assurances

Assurances checked and signed by the principal, attest that the district complies with all

applicable Act 135 requirements.

Academic Assistance, PreK–3

The school makes special efforts to assist children in PreK–3 who demonstrate a

need for extra or alternative instructional attention (e.g., after-school homework

help centers, individual tutoring, and group remediation).

Academic Assistance, Grades 4–12

The school makes special efforts to assist children in grades 4–12 who demonstrate

a need for extra or alternative instructional attention (e.g., after-school homework

help centers, individual tutoring, and group remediation).

Parent Involvement

The school encourages and assists parents in becoming more involved in their

children’s education. Some examples of parent involvement initiatives include

making special efforts to meet with parents at times more convenient for them,

providing parents with their child’s individual test results and an interpretation of

the results, providing parents with information on the district’s curriculum and

assessment program, providing frequent, two way communication between home

and school, providing parents an opportunity to participate in decision-making

groups, designating space in schools for parents to access educational resource

materials, including parent involvement expectations as part of the principal’s and

superintendent’s evaluations, and providing parents with information pertaining to

expectations held for them by the school system, such as ensuring attendance and

punctuality of their children.

Staff Development

The school provides staff development training for teachers and administrators in

the teaching techniques and strategies needed to implement the district plan for

the improvement of student academic performance. The staff development

program reflects requirements of Act 135, the EAA, and the National Staff

Development Council’s revised Standards for Staff Development.


The school integrates technology into professional development, curriculum

development, and classroom instruction to improve teaching and learning.


The school uses innovation funds for innovative activities to improve student

learning and accelerate the performance of all students. Provide a good example of

the use of innovation funds.

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The district makes special and intensive efforts to recruit and give priority to

serving those parents or guardians of children, ages birth through five years, who

are considered at-risk of school failure. “At-risk” children are defined as those

whose school readiness is jeopardized by any of, but not limited to, the following

personal or family situation(s): Educational level of parent below high school

graduation, poverty, limited English proficiency, significant developmental delays,

instability or inadequate basic capacity within the home and/or family, poor health

(physical, mental, emotional), and/or child abuse and neglect.


The school (regardless of the grades served) collaborates with health and human

services agencies (e.g., county health departments, social services departments,

mental health departments, First Steps, and the family court system).

Developmental Screening

The school ensures that the young child receives all services necessary for growth

and development. Instruments are used to assess physical, social, emotional,

linguistic, and cognitive developmental levels. This program normally is appropriate

at primary and elementary schools, although screening efforts could take place at

any location.

Half-Day Child Development

The school provides half-day child development programs for four-year-olds

(some districts fund full-day programs). The programs usually function at primary

and elementary schools, although they may be housed at locations with other

grade levels or completely separate from schools.

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum for PreK–3

The school ensures that the scope and sequence of the curriculum for PreK-3 are

appropriate for the maturation levels of students. Instructional practices

accommodate individual differences in maturation level and take into account the

student's social and cultural context.

Parenting and Family Literacy

The school provides a four component program that integrates all of the following

activities: interactive literacy activities between parents and their children

(Interactive Literacy Activities); training for parents regarding how to be the

primary teachers for their children and full partners in the education of their

children (parenting skills for adults, parent education); parent literacy training that

leads to economic self-sufficiency (adult education); and an age-appropriated

education to prepare children for success in school and life experiences (early

childhood education). Family Literacy is not grade specific, but generally is most

appropriate for parents of children at the primary and elementary school levels and

below, and for secondary school students who are parents. Family Literacy program

goals are to strengthen parent involvement in the learning process of preschool

children ages birth through five years; promote school readiness of preschool

children; offer parents special opportunities to improve their literacy skills and

education, a chance to recover from dropping out of school; and identify potential

developmental delays in preschool children by offering developmental screening.

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Coordination of Act 135 Initiatives with Other Federal, State, and District


The district ensures as much program effectiveness as possible by developing a

district wide/school wide coordinated effort among all programs and funding. Act

135 initiatives are coordinated with programs such as Head Start, First Steps, Title

I, and programs for students with disabilities.

___________________________________ ______________________

Signature of Superintendent Date

___________________________________ ______________________

Signature of Principal Date

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Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio


Table of Contents

Section Page Introduction 8

Executive Summary 11

School Profile 21

Mission, Vision, & Beliefs 27

Data Analysis & Needs Assessment 27

Professional Development Plan 32

School Renewal Plan 36

Appendix A 65

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Our school has been involved in the self-study process since inception. We have developed a

Professional Learning Community and have encouraged collaboration among all staff members

to plan effective lessons, working together to find solutions to issues such as gaps in academic

achievement, implementing advisory-based character education programs, and addressing

discipline concerns. We have worked on enhancing common formative and summative

assessments, tailoring student feedback for authenticity, utilizing standardized test data to

potential, and mentoring students who seem unmotivated.

Committees for the School Portfolio for 2013-2014 will be based on the AdvancED Self-

Assessment Quality Standards for Schools. All committee work was overseen by Rita

Mantooth, Sarah Gullick, Jordan Finlay, and Fran Rogers.

Standard 1: Purpose and Direction

The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high

expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.

1. Danielle Allen

2. Stacy Penninger

3. Sara Ritchie

4. Chellee McDougal

5. Alice Bradley

6. Stacey Irvin

7. Wanda Hamilton

8. Kim Quesenberry

9. Jenny Jackson

RCMS School Portfolio Committees


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Standard 2: Governance/Leadership

The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student

performance and school effectiveness.

1. Matt Smith

2. Ashley McAteer

3. Josh Albin

4. Candace Walton

5. Michael Burton

6. Ashley Steed

7. Michael Parrish

8. Thooya Prabhakar

9. Susan Wines

Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning

The school’s curriculum, instructional design and assessment practices guide and ensure

teacher effectiveness and student learning.

1. Rachel Giblin

2. Joseph Miles

3. Katie Stills

4. Jennifer LaGro

5. Sue Rossello

6. Jennifer Keener

7. Fran Rogers

8. Kathy Wilburn

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to

ensure success for all students.

1. Shannon Goff

2. Quentin Grant

3. Janet Kern

4. Jennifer Skardon

5. Kris Cozad

6. Jessica Evans

7. Susan LaBoone

8. Chris Guth

9. Jeremy Smith

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Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement

The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data

about student learning and school effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous


1. Libby Carter

2. Jordan Finlay

3. Cheryl Scott

4. Dawn Stone

5. Jackie Kelly

6. Libby Lee

7. Caitlin Bellinger

8. Gerald Walker

9. David Ballinger

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Executive Summary

2013-2014 Update

Our sixth year began with several changes to our staff and a student population of 725. Because

of retirements, certification decisions and family situations, we welcomed eight new employees

to the school in August. All three grade levels, the Media Center and the Leadership Team were

impacted by the addition of these highly qualified and competent educators from all over the

country. Because of the excellent staff we have in place, these educators were welcomed and

learned early on that they would have all of the instructional and professional support they would

need to help them be successful. Our new Media Specialist has provided training on the use of

new and exciting research tools. Our new Instructional Coach has provided training in the use of

a variety of technology tools to supplement instruction and has become a part of the planning

process at all grade levels. In addition, there has been a school-wide refocus on data analysis to

assist the staff with ideas to address student weaknesses. The new staff members have brought

their ideas to their teams and the teams have helped the new staff understand the collaborative

practices, and standards-based teaching expectations we have in place. These new additions to

our school family have kept us on track towards meeting our goal of continuous improvement. In

addition, the new Rubicon Atlas curriculum portal available to all employees has been helpful as

we continue to transition to instructional strategies to support the Common Core State Standards

and more rigorous learning experiences for students.

Highlights from this year include:

Our school was chosen by the district to have a site visit by team members of the

AdvancED accreditation team in October. We worked diligently last year to analyze our

practices and reviewed our data to set goals for this year. We also surveyed the

community to get feedback on our efforts to serve them and our students. While we did

not receive individual feedback about our performance, we feel like we contributed to the

district’s successful re-accreditation. This process will not occur again for five years.

We modified our schedule so that we have set aside reading time three days a week and

we have continued our advisory program to discuss goal setting, character traits,

decision-making and nutrition instruction.

Our students continue to take achievement seriously. More than 200 of our students were

on the A/AB honor rolls first and second nine weeks; more than 25% of our students take

high school credit classes in ELA and/or Math; End of Course passage rate in ELA and

Algebra continue to be at 96%. Students also excel in other areas: Strings students scored

Superior ratings, and for the first time our volleyball team won the region championship

and were undefeated all season. Our Beta Club won in several categories at the annual

convention in Myrtle Beach, and they continue to make community contributions such as

donations to the Humane Society. Our Student Council continues to make contributions

as well by supporting the Giving Tree project.

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Our relationship with Pastor Eddie Howard and the Christian Release has continued to

grow each year. This year there are 116 students in the program and they look forward to

their weekly trip to participate in this important learning experience.

As a result of our faculty providing challenging, rigorous instructional activities and

assignments each day, our students scored just under 80% of peers on both the ELA and

Math portions of the PASS assessment. We also had the best Science scores in the

district, and the second best in Social Studies. Under the new Federal Accountability

Rating System instituted in our state, our report card rating for last year was an A.

Teachers continued to use PASS data as the basis of student achievement goals and

focused on improving the performance of subgroups within their student population.

We have continued to provide incentives like Panther Zone twice each nine weeks based

on progress report and report card performance. This is a 50-minute time period for

socialization and celebration. We also continued our Panther of the Month program

which spotlights 18 students each month. They share lunch with the Leadership team and

are given an opportunity to voice opinions about our school.

Each year, our district requires us to evaluate PASS scores to discover schools that are

within 5% of our poverty index that scored better than our school in the area of ELA or

Math. This year, a team of teachers, administrators, and our Instructional Coach virtually

conferenced via Skype with our colleagues from League Academy about their success in

reading and writing.

Our parent leadership groups continue to support and expand our school contributions to

the community. Our PTSA provided over $8,000 in grants to our teachers to support

instructional experiences above and beyond what our district budget would allow. They

participate in our pre-season camp for rising 6th graders, sponsor our Spirit Week held in

the fall, manage the school store so students can purchase school supplies, and provide

social events such as dances, and host our 8th grade dance. They also purchase our

student agendas each year in collaboration with a local dentist. They also purchased a

school app last spring to provide another tool to communicate with parents.

Our SIC continues to play an active role in our school. The Giving Tree and Quarters for

Christmas have been a great success and families in our community have been the

beneficiaries. The outpouring of supplies all year provides wonderful opportunities for

our students and their families to help those less fortunate, and provide great learning

experiences for the students. In addition, they helped us make our decision about

providing healthier snacks for students.

We have been fortunate to have the support of our community since we opened our doors, and it

is hard to believe that we have been here for six years. Collectively, we have worked hard to

provide a school environment that is focused on learning and student achievement. When our

students leave here, we want to honestly say we have done all that we can to help them be

successful wherever they go into the next phase of their educational journey. That is the covenant

we made when we opened and it still drives our decisions and actions.

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2012-2013 Update

Our student population has stabilized and for the second year it is in the 730s. In our fifth year,

we have made great progress toward meeting our goal of continuous improvement and we took

major steps this year towards community involvement and stronger academic supports for

students. We have continued our school-wide expectation of collaborative planning within a

structured, standards-based format because it has been a cornerstone of our success. We also

continue to use common unit tests and benchmark assessments to inform our instruction.

Highlights from this year include:

We continued to modify our schedule a bit to allow more reading time. This decision

was based on our 2011-2012 ELA PASS scores. We added a day of reading while

continuing our Advisory program. This gives students opportunities to set goals, explore

good character traits, practice their decision-making skills, and gain exposure to the

CATCH program information about good health habits.

Our students continue to take achievement seriously, and our MAP scores were once

again better than the district and state average. Forty-seven of our seventh graders

qualified for the Duke Talent Identification Program. Twenty-three eighth graders scored

high enough on the PSAT to be named Junior Scholars. Over 200 of our students were on

the A/AB honor rolls each nine weeks. Twenty-five percent of our students take high

school credit classes in ELA and/or Math. They scored a 100% passing rate on the End of

Course assessment in ELA and 96% passing rate in Algebra. They also excel in other

areas. For example, Strings students scored a Superior rating at Carowinds, and three of

our seven athletic teams were in playoffs this year. In addition, our Beta Club continues

to host more than 100 members and make community contributions such as donations to

the Human Society and a Blood Drive. Our Student Council was reactivated this year and

has made major contributions to our school such as making promotional commercials that

have played school-wide concerning the Giving Tree project created by our SIC.

As a result of our faculty providing challenging, rigorous instructional activities and

assignments each day, our students scored better than 80% of peers on both the ELA and

Math portions of the PASS assessment. We also had the best Science scores in the

district, and the second best in Social Studies. Under the new Federal Accountability

Rating System instituted in our state, our report card rating for last year was Excellent

which translated to a 97.6 scale score, and an “A” rating. This year, core content teachers

used 2011-2012 PASS data as the basis of student achievement goals.

We have continued to provide incentives like Panther Zone twice each nine weeks based

on progress report and report card performance. This is a 50 minute time period for

socialization and celebration. We also continued our Panther of the Month program

which spotlights 16 students each month. They share lunch with the Leadership team and

are given an opportunity to voice opinions about our school.

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Each year, our district requires us to evaluate PASS scores to discover schools that are

within five percent of our poverty index that scored better than our school in the area of

ELA or Math. This year a team of teachers, administrators and our Instructional Coach

visited a school in our district that has had continuously high scores in ELA, particularly

in the area of writing. After the visit, we proposed to our staff that we take a week in

January to practice writing using the state format and rubrics. Everyone was in

agreement, and it offered an opportunity for our ELA department to provide professional

development for the staff to assist students with their writing. It is our belief that this

helped our students feel more confident about their writing skills when the assessment

was given in March. In addition, a morning enrichment program was created to allow

those students who did not meet standard on MAP or PASS to get extra assistance in

ELA and Math. This program was offered each morning in the computer lab, and the

Compass Learning program was utilized. We offer mentoring opportunities through the

Men-to-Men program that is administered through the direction of our ISS Aide and

Administrative Assistant. Other staff members have also stepped up to mentor individual

students who are at-risk, including our Instructional Coach and other male teachers in the

building. Lastly, each Administrator has worked with students who were failing classes to

provide them support, encouragement, and as needed assessments to determine lack of


We have been fortunate to build relationships with businesses in the community this year.

Our relationship with Hillside Baptist Church continues to expand and the number of

students who participate in the Christian Release program increases each year. Our

relationship with 3M has provided guest speakers through Junior Achievement, office

supplies worth thousands of dollars, and because of our relationship with the state

program Project Lead The Way, one of our teachers received a $10,000 grant that will

allow for the expansion of programs offered to students in this pre-engineering program.

Our parent leadership groups continue to support and expand our school contributions to

the community. Our PTSA has once again provided over $8,000 in grants to our teachers

to support instructional experiences above and beyond what our district budget would

allow. The PTSA Board purchased a digital marquee to assist with communication, they

participate in our pre-season camp for rising 6th

graders, sponsor our Spirit Week held in

the fall, manage the school store so students can purchase school supplies, and provide

social events such as dances, and host our 8th

grade dance. They also purchase our student

agendas each year in collaboration with a local dentist. For the coming year, they have

purchased an app for cell phones which will enhance our communication with parents.

Our SIC took a more active role this year by creating the concept of the Giving Tree. An

actual tree was created and placed in the office area. There have been four experiences

available to the students and the community where needs were discovered, and supplies

were donated to meet those needs. At Christmas in conjunction with our Quarters for

Christmas program, 15 families who would not have had a Christmas received gifts

through the generosity of our community. At Easter, food donations allowed us to feed a

dozen families. The local WMU from Hillside Baptist Church provided bags for

distributing books, flip flops, hats, and sunscreen for summer. The outpouring of supplies

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all year has provided wonderful opportunities for our students and their families to help

those less fortunate, and provide great learning experiences for the students. In the fall,

we will host sessions for parents during our 6th

grade pre-season camp.

We recognize the contributions of each of these programs and people who volunteer time and

talent to help our students be successful in all areas of their lives. We are grateful for the

difference they are making in the lives of our students.

2011-2012 Update

We began this year with 735 students. We continued some of the practices that have been the

foundation of our work and we added new programs to better serve our students and community.

With these initiatives, we planned to continue to focus on student achievement, promote health

and safety, encourage involvement, and create some Panther Pride.

These initiatives included:

We continue to analyze and disaggregate assessment data and use the information as the

basis of instructional planning for the year.

A new schedule was introduced this year that provided 60-minutes of core instructional

time, 50 minute Related Arts classes and no bells. This schedule is in effect on Monday,

Wednesday and Friday and because each grade had a different schedule, only one class

moves through the hallways at a time. On Tuesday and Thursday, the schedule shifted by

25 minutes to allow us to provide an Advisory period on Tuesdays and a Silent Sustained

Reading time on Thursdays.

Because of an increase in allocation this year, we were able to reinstate our Chorus/Music

program and double our Drama offerings. In addition, we were able to assign one

Inclusion teacher to each grade which allowed for better co-planning and opportunities to

offer students a tutorial class for additional support.

Professional Development opportunities were provided to all teachers including on-going

technology training and a book study of Motivate Students 25 Strategies to Light the Fire

of Engagement which was presented by members of the Leadership Advisory Committee

during faculty meetings. In addition, a group of teachers are taking a course to promote

more rigorous lesson planning.

The Advisory program this year features a continuation of our character education

lessons, lessons about goal setting and we added new lessons on nutrition and healthy

choices from the CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) program. Our school

is one of nine middle schools using this program and it involves a coordinated effort

featuring healthier food choices in our cafeteria and emphasis in our Physical Education


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Because our students did not perform as well in the area of English/Language Arts as we

did on the Math portion of the PASS assessment, we added twenty five minutes of Silent

Sustained Reading to the schedule on Thursday mornings. There is good research to

support that when students read what they want and have time set aside to focus on

reading, they become better readers. Students have gone to the library in each of the four

core classes and have created and presented projects in those classes each nine weeks. In

addition, a team of teachers also visited a middle school in Anderson County that is

similar to our school because they performed at a high level on the same assessment. We

created a poster on writing which is posted in each class and serves as a reminder of the

important conventions for successful writing.

Panthers of The Month is an incentive program for students which was proposed by our

Leadership Advisory Committee. Each month 16 students are chosen by their teachers for

being Persistent, Responsible, Innovative, Dedicated and Enthusiastic. They earn lunch

with the Principal and some discounts on purchases at school. They also have their

picture on display in the main hallway and posted on the website.

Student achievement continues to be our focus at RCMS. As evidence that our school is

continuing to improve, we were recently notified that our school will receive a gold

award from the state based on our student’s performance on PASS last year. In addition,

we have had a major increase in the number of students participating in Beta Club this

year and our Student Council has taken a more active role in creating projects to serve the

school and the community.

Our PTSA planned and implemented the first school-wide spirit week to promote school

pride for the students and community members. In addition, they provided opportunities

for students to attend dances. They also sell spirit gear and school supplies in the school

store and ice cream on Fridays. These efforts allow them to give back to our school

through teacher grants, beautification projects and the purchase the school agendas for all

of our students.

We believe these initiatives will allow us to continue to improve our school climate, enhance

instruction and celebrate student achievement.

2010-2011 Update

In our third year together, school opened in August with 730 students. As we continue to grow,

we are still focused on our mission of creating a learning community that is conducive to

learning and focuses on student achievement.

For two years we have been learning how to effectively work together to provide rigorous and

engaging learning experiences for our students. Each department has looked at their curriculum

horizontally and vertically to ensure their instructional plans are focused on the state content

standards and are researched-based. In addition, this year we added word walls, consistent

Learning Focused strategies such as beginning with a starter in every class and lastly we wanted

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to ensure teachers were using the technology available to them in ways that would actively

engage students.

Due to the tightening budget, we made some adjustments to our staff and had to develop some

different practices and procedures to accommodate the needs of our school and student body. To

that end, we changed our schedule by adding time in the middle of the day to accomplish the

following: assign a student to an adult advisor in the building; teach character education; have a

set-aside time to require students to complete work they had missed; based on data, students

could be assigned for additional help or enrichment activities in ELA or Math.

As has been our practice, teachers, Instructional Coach and Administrators work collaboratively

to disaggregate the PASS and MAP data at the beginning of the school year. In addition, at the

mid-point of the year, a benchmark test is given in all content areas. As a school, we continue to

focus on our areas of weakness and work to continuously improve our overall achievement

levels. Teachers, students and the administration create achievement goals annually based on

these assessments.

In December we participated in an external review called Curriculum Calibration. This

evaluation was paid for by the district and required each teacher to gather assignments and

assessments all week and send them off to be evaluated. The feedback indicates the level of rigor

of the documents and also gives feedback about how closely they are matched to grade level

state standards. In almost all content areas and grade levels the percentage of work that matched

the criteria was excellent and in more than one area the correlation was 100 %.

We continue to strive to develop the whole child and several of our students have received

awards in music, athletics, and once again we will have a child compete in the state level

Geography Bee. In addition, our school was recognized this year with a Silver Award from the

state because of the improvement we showed on our 2010 PASS assessment. Our students are

currently completing their spring MAP assessment and we are using the time we set aside mid-

day to “Slam the Standards” to be prepared for the spring PASS test.

2009-2010 Update

The 2009-2010 school year began with 685 students from our feeder schools and the same

number of staff members as the previous year. Based on the data analyzed from the previous

year, staff members were trained beginning in September on Learning Focus strategies. In

addition, a schedule of weekly meetings was created so the staff could work with Mr. Holman,

our Instructional Coach, on becoming a Professional Learning Community. Based on the grant

we received, the decision was made to use Learning By Doing by Richard DuFour, Rebecca

DuFour, Robert Eaker and Thomas Many as the book we would use to guide our work in these

weekly meetings.

In September, students participated in the fall MAP assessment to determine current levels of

achievement. Based on student results, student, teacher and school goals were set to show that at

least 50% of our students would meet their improvement goals in the areas of ELA and Math.

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We did not have state assessment information at this point, so it was reasonable to use current

data to measure both our current levels of achievement and our longitudinal levels for students in

their second year at the school. Plans were also put in place to use Moodle to create mid-year

benchmark assessments.

Based on a review of fall MAP scores, the decision was made to create a visual of student scores

so our teachers could see current assessment levels and determine effective strategies as

departments within the grade levels. This strategy would also further our efforts as a Professional

Learning Community. Student individual scores were recorded on magnetic slips and posted on a

board in the Instructional Coach’s office. This provided for rich discussions within the various

grade levels and departments. Teachers could review the longitudinal performance from the

previous year and became more aware of the number of students performing at each level from

the fall MAP assessment.

In February of 2010, we received our state assessment scores from the previous year and

achieved an overall rating of Average and an Average improvement rating. While we were

pleased with our students performance from the previous year, this information only served as

further information that there was a great deal of work to be done. Student, teacher and school

goals had been created based on MAP and other pre-test data because we did not have PASS

information in the fall of 2009. We also received a MAP/PASS correlation document and knew

we needed to continue to work collaboratively to provide challenging educational experiences

for our students.

There were several accolades and awards achieved by staff and students alike this year. Twelve

eighth graders achieved Junior Scholar honors for their performance on the PSAT. In March, Dr.

Marilyn Heath was named the State Media Specialist of the year by the South Carolina

Association of School Librarians. We also had students participate in district Solo and Ensemble

as well as Spring Sing. Our Orchestra scored a Superior Rating at the South Carolina Music

Educators Concert festival and one of our seventh graders finished in the top 10 in the state in the

South Carolina Geography Bee.

The spring MAP assessment was given in March along with the writing portion of PASS. Our

spring MAP data shows our students performed at a better than 50% level of students meeting

their target growth rate in ELA and Math. Individual student scores were again written on the

magnetic slips and compared to the fall data as well as the correlation chart. While we are

optimistic about our student’s performance on PASS, we are more confident that we have

worked as a Professional Learning Community to collaborate on consistent grade and

departmental planning to provide research based and standards driven lessons to our students

consistently throughout the year.

2008-2009 Summary

In December 2007, Dr. Fisher invited 32-year veteran, Ms. Rita Mantooth, to accept the

challenge of opening this new school. She accepted the challenge and began to hire other key

staff members to create a highly qualified staff for the new facility. She hired veteran leader

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Terry Landreth to serve as the Head Secretary and Bookkeeper and they began to purchase

materials and supplies for the new school. Ms. Mantooth invited veteran educator and then

Woodmont Assistant Principal Sarah Gullick to join her on the adventure of creating a new

learning entity for Greenville County Schools. They worked to hire teachers from the three

middle schools who were losing staff members and supplemented this group by hiring teachers

from the district and all over the country. They were joined in this experience by highly

experienced Media Specialist Dr. Marilyn Heath and multi-talented Instructional Coach Cole

Holman. The team was completed by the hiring of a former high school teacher Mr. Brent Odom

to fill the other Administrative position. Brian Strickland was chosen to serve as Plant Engineer

and Diane James was selected to serve as the Cafeteria Manager.

In August 2008, Ralph Chandler Middle School opened its doors as the first new middle school

in the School District of Greenville County to be constructed in ten years. The 109 thousand

square foot state-of-the-art facility became the educational home to 560 students and 80 staff

members. The school was created by combining designated students from Bryson Middle

School, Hillcrest Middle School and Woodmont Middle IB School. In addition, 50 special

permission slots were also created so students could apply to attend the new school. Students

from Bryson Elementary, Ellen Woodside Elementary, Fork Shoals IB School, Fountain Inn

Elementary, Plain Elementary and Simpsonville Elementary were now designated to attend

Ralph Chandler Middle School.

The parent leadership groups, our PTSA and SIC, were composed of parents who had served in

various roles in the elementary schools their children had attended. Recommendations for these

important positions were sought from the new feeder elementary schools and this inaugural

group was elected at a community meeting held at Woodmont High School in June of 2008.

They got to work immediately codifying the charter and making plans to create a budget and

make plans for school events.

These groups of highly qualified, caring and knowledgeable members of the future Ralph

Chandler Middle School leadership teams set about fulfilling the new mission that was created in

June through their collaborative efforts. The agreed to mission was to create an environment

conducive to learning that focuses on student achievement. Ten statements of belief were also

codified at this collaborative meeting and became the foundation for the decisions made

regarding the practices and procedures by which the school would conduct business.

Based on research in middle school theory, a schedule maximizing instruction time and grade

level teams was created supplemented by a diverse group of Related Arts opportunities and

Special Education classes to meet individual student needs. The staff was trained in using a

consistent planning tool and encouraged to collaborate at both the grade and department levels.

Training was also conducted in the use of the Promethean Boards provided in all core academic


Because we did not have current data on student performance, the decision was made to use

MAP data from the fall to help our students and teachers create achievement goals for the year.

In addition, content level benchmark tests were created using Blackboard and the available

technology to have mid-year information about the effectiveness of the instructional practices in

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place at the time. A spreadsheet of student scores on PACT, MAP and the benchmark tests was

then created to create effective teaching plans for the spring of that year. We reviewed the

effectiveness of the plans when we received our spring MAP data in preparation of taking the

new PASS state assessment given in March and May 2009. While our students had shown

progress because 50% of our students met their target growth goals, we knew we still had work

to do to prepare our students for the state assessment and the next grade level.

We also participated in the assessment of our progress using the School Portfolio Continuous

Improvement Continuums in May of 2009. Plans and goals for the next year were created based

on these assessments of the school’s current progress. A grant was written to the Alliance For

Quality Education to allow us to pursue becoming a Professional Learning Community and

professional development plans were put in place to ensure we all had the latest training in the

district sponsored Learning Focus strategies.

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School Profile

Ralph Chandler Middle School knows that our families, staff and community play an important

role in actualizing our shared vision. We are committed to developing a variety of relationships

within our community in order to benefit our students and our community at large.

Past and current parent involvement

The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) at Ralph Chandler Middle School is very

involved in the life of the school. This year, Spirit Week was the school’s biggest fundraiser and

began a tradition for future years. Spirit Week included a Silent Auction and Shrimp Boil at

Hopkins Farm or Neely Farm. Funds raised from Spirit Week benefit the school and the United

Way. The PTSA also partnered with local businesses in having RCMS nights where our school

received a percentage of the profits made. Red Ribbon Week was held in the fall as well.

Activities included a door decorating contest and incentives (doughnuts, trophies). Once to twice

annually, the PTSA provides food for the faculty and staff. Additionally, the Friends of Chandler

entity accepts donations of any amount. The PTSA has a store open three days a week before

school that sells school spirit wear, supplies, and snacks as well as ice cream on Fridays after

school. Also, Candy Grams are sold for Valentine’s Day. They sponsor 3 school-wide dances

and the 8th

grade dance during the school year. Mini grants totaling $6563.25 were provided to

teachers and staff this school year to assist in purchasing instructional equipment. A “Welcome

Back” Breakfast is provided for Teachers and Staff at the beginning of each school year, and a

Teacher Appreciation lunch is held in the spring.

The Music Department has built good support from their parents who have volunteered their

time as well as assisted their students in raising funds for the Music Department. Some of the

many fundraisers the Music department has conducted include: Chick-Fil-A biscuit sales, gift

card sales and a pasta dinner from the Pasta House. The Cakes and Crescendos fundraiser is held

in the spring, and the department holds a coupon book fundraiser in the fall. The Music

Department also developed partnerships with Comfort Suites in Simpsonville, Xtreme Tees and

EmbroidMore. Parents provided assistance and baked items for a bake sale that occurred in

conjunction with the Music Department’s concerts.

The School Improvement Council (SIC) is currently composed of parents, teachers,

administration and members of the community. The addition of community members to the

council provides important input. Discussions of the SIC have included school-wide academic

progress, assessment data and improvements to the outdoor fields and campus beautification.

The SIC also developed a parent survey to ask for input in ways in which our school might

provide training or information needed in the community. The survey results will be tabulated

and used to provide services in the fall of 2013.

Past and current community involvement

The RCMS community has found several ways to be involved with the community this school

year including:

Coat drive to provide coats to needy children

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Canned food drive

Quarter drive to raise money for needy families within our community

Hosting an open house and dedication to allow the community to see the facility

and meet the faculty and staff

United Way Fundraising Campaign

The RCMS Beta Club has volunteered for the following organizations: Greenville

Humane Society, Canned Food Drive for the Golden Strip Food Bank.

Lunch with an Adolescent is a Partnership/ Community Involvement activity in

which parents and other community members came to RCMS during lunch to do

the following: interact with our young adolescents; share their knowledge of the

world of work with students; and encourage and inspire tomorrow’s leaders.

Practicum students from USC-Upstate

Student teachers from Clemson University.

Trees Greenville: partnership for landscape improvement with Hillcrest High

Agriculture Department.

Relay for Life team of students and teachers.

The community continues to provide students with Christian Release Time one day a week to

provide students with a time of fellowship and prayer.

Ralph Chandler Middle School opened in the fall of 2008 with very high expectations and levels

of excitement. Teachers have applied for various grant opportunities from several corporate

sources. A few of the grants include:

$3000 grant from the Alliance for Quality Education to purchase resources for the

PLC initiative

Obtained a 90% discount off materials from Lowe’s for campus beautification


Publix Partnership Cards has brought several hundred dollars just this year from

families shopping at Publix.

$1000 grant from the Greater Greenville Master Gardner’s Association to plant a

Carolina Fence Garden on campus

Target Field Trip Grant- $800

PTSA Mini Grants- Provided $8400.00 in mini-grants for teacher projects and

purchases in the 2012 school year

3M Project Lead the Way Grant for $10,000 which will be a recurring grant for

our GTT program

Best Buy Teaching Grant

Teaching materials from the South Carolina Geographical Alliance

Resources, workshops from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Discounts on Athletic equipment and supplies from First Team

Baseball/Softball field materials provided by Burnett Lime Company

3M Grant for teacher to attend the 3M to attend the Keystone Science Institute in

Colorado. The focus was environmental issues.

$600.00 grant from Greater Greenville Masters Gardener Association to design

and construct a courtyard garden

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$3500 from 3M Corporation for the purchase of math manipulative materials and

art supplies.

Several businesses donated gifts for a drawing at the Music Department concert

including: Music and Arts, Great Bread Co., I Declare, and Lights for Life.

Jacobs Engineering employees came to speak to math and science students on

Engineering Day.

$6000.00 Green School Grant awarded to develop the nature trail behind the


Career Day with local professionals

Greenville Drive Reading All Stars program

Kona Ice sales during athletic events and Panther Zone.

Future community involvement

We will continue to welcome the involvement of our local community in the education and

development of our students here at RCMS. We will strive to find ways for members and

organizations in the community to share their time, talent, and treasure with our students. We

will also begin to find more ways that the school can return their investment to them by

providing our resources to the benefit of the community. Students will be encouraged to

organize and participate in service activities that benefit their fellow students and their



Our faculty is comprised of 10 male and 29 female classroom teachers. We have three school

administrators, an instructional coach, two guidance counselors, a media specialist, an ESOL

teacher, and a school nurse. We also have an attendance clerk, a secretary, a media aide, and two

front office staff members. Our cafeteria is staffed by six hard working people and we also have

six members on the maintenance staff.

The table below illustrates the experience level of our faculty.

Years # of staff % of staff

0-5 years 18 40%

6-10 years 13 28.9%

11-15 years 5 11.1%

16-20 years 4 8.9%

21+ years 5 11.1%

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The information below indicates the educational background of our faculty.

Degree Number of staff % of staff

B.A. 14 24.4% B.A. +18 4 8.9% Masters 24 53.3% Masters +30 6 13.4%

As is evidenced by the above tables, our staff is predominately young, but many have already

sought and/or completed additional course work. Our staff continues to desire professional growth

as demonstrated by degree class distribution.

Our staff is predominantly Caucasian and includes two African-American members. Two of our

faculty members have achieved National Board Certification.

Our teacher attendance rate last year was 94.4%.

Student Population

Our enrollment for previous academic years has averaged approximately 700 students, and we

ended the 2012-2013 year with 739 students. We currently have 107 students on special

permission to attend Ralph Chandler Middle. Some demographic data concerning our current

population is found below:








Black 21 21 27

Hispanic 9 10 12

White 184 205 196

Asian 0 1 0

Two or More Races 13 5 7

Our ethnic student distribution has remained relatively unchanged since our opening in 2008.

Student attendance for the 2012 - 2013 school year was 96.0%. This percentage exceeded the

State Objective of 94% on the School Report Card.

Academic and Behavioral Features

RCMS is proud to provide a myriad of academic and behavioral opportunities for our entire

learning community. Teachers are encouraged and expected to participate in training related to

technology for the classroom and professional development within their content area(s). This

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allows our teachers to remain current regarding educational initiatives which they can implement

in their classrooms.

Students’ academic, behavioral, and emotional well-being are all fostered by the entire staff at

RCMS. Students have tutors, mentors, and counselors at their disposal. RCMS also reaches out

to parents by providing programs which maintain positive relationships.

Opportunities for our entire learning community are itemized as follows:

RCMS provides students with time weekly for reading to improve academic success and

reading comprehension. Each student creates a project of their choice every nine weeks in

each content area. Students are also allowed to read a book in their ELA class based on

personal interest.

RCMS provides a bi-weekly advisory time to improve student character, life skills and

personal responsibility. This period allows students to develop a relationship with each

other and their homeroom teacher.

RCMS encourages writing well across the curriculum by implementing and encouraging

standard writing conventions. Each classroom prominently displays the writing

conventions poster which was developed after a visit to McCants Middle in hopes of

improving both our writing and ELA scores.

RCMS provides both teachers and parents time to schedule routine parent teacher

conferences to strengthen the relationships between students, teachers, and parents.

RCMS encourages students to take ownership of their own learning by providing

opportunities for students to explain their academic progress to their parents during

Student Led Conferences at the end of first and third quarter.

RCMS provides Active Studio Training to allow teachers to keep students actively

engaged while integrating technology.

RCMS provides benchmark testing; all students take mid-year benchmark tests to assess

students’ individual strengths and weaknesses. Test results are used for teachers to adopt

classroom teaching strategies and accommodations for students of all learning styles and


RCMS provides Power School training to assist teachers with student record keeping.

RCMS provides Learning Focused training for all teachers because these strategies are

essential to accommodating diverse learners.

RCMS requires that teachers begin class with an anticipatory set (opening question) to

prime students’ resources in preparation for each standards based lesson.

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RCMS provides Promethean Board Training to allow teachers to keep students actively

engaged while integrating technology.

RCMS adheres to the state standards by requiring teachers to post the standards and

indicators on the board for each individual lesson.

RCMS provides collaboration for teachers, department heads, team leaders, and


RCMS provides teachers with team time to allow teachers to communicate with each

other in addressing teaching strategies, discipline, and parental concerns.

RCMS provides mentoring (academic and behavioral) through a time of reflection during

in-school suspension.

RCMS teachers offer before and after school tutoring for students across grade levels.

RCMS offers peer mediation to students in an effort to work out their differences in a

controlled environment.

RCMS offers BETA club to students who excel academically.

RCMS offers student council to students to learn leadership qualities.

RCMS offers a quarterly incentive program to students for academic and behavioral


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Statements of Purpose


The mission of Ralph Chandler Middle School is to provide an environment that is conducive to

learning and focuses on academic excellence.


Ralph Chandler Middle School will be a community of learners that embraces diverse

educational opportunities in order to determine purpose, discover worth, and realize potential.


We Believe:

in honoring the legacy of Ralph Chandler.

positive relationships play a critical role in student success.

a quality education embodies a passion for teaching and learning .

a collaborative community empowers students to succeed.

our students are an integral part of the community.

students should contribute to the community through service learning.

the school should reflect and teach the values of the community.

developing good character is vital to our success.

establishing a climate of mutual respect will promote a safe and orderly environment.

in the development of the whole child through extra-curricular activities.

Data Analysis and Needs Assessment

Student Achievement

Since the opening of our school in 2008, our scores on the PASS state assessment have steadily

improved. Our Math scores have risen from 64.3% Met and Exemplary in 2008-2009 to 78.7%

in 2012-2013. Our ELA scores have improved from 70.7% Met and Exemplary in 2008-2009 to

79.5% in 2012-2013. We received a Silver award from the state for improved performance in

2011 and a Gold award for improvement in January of 2012 and also in January of 2013.

In July 2012, the South Carolina Department of Education was granted a waiver from several

accountability requirements of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

This waiver allowed South Carolina to replace the former pass/fail system with one that utilizes

more of the statewide assessments already in place and combine these subject area results with

graduation rate (in high schools) to determine if each school met the target or made progress

toward the target. This analysis results in a letter grade for the school rather that the met/non-met

AYP system of previous years.

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Ralph Chandler was pleased to receive an overall grade of 84.9 which translates to a “B” and

indicates that our “Performance exceeds the state’s expectations” on the rubric. On the school

report card, we received an Excellent grade for Absolute Rating as well as an Excellent grade for

Growth Rating.

The following section from the South Carolina State Report Card will demonstrate our progress

since the school’s opening: Chandler Middle School

The State of South Carolina

Annual Report Card

Year Absolute Rating Growth Rating

2013 Excellent Excellent

2012 Excellent Excellent

2011 Good Excellent

2010 Good Good

2009 Average Average


We have been very pleased to see the progress achieved since 2008. We will now need to

continue to work to maintain the success that has been evidenced. As is apparent from the two

graphs below, we have shown steady growth in both ELA and Math since the opening of the

school, with a slight decline during the year of new standards integration. As we have seen our

scores improve, we realize that additional growth will be difficult, but maintenance must be a

focal point. Regardless, we will continue to strive to meet the needs of all children who attend

our school.

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In analyzing our 2011-2012 data, we determined that one of our weaker areas was in writing. We

decided to send a group of our staff to observe a school with similar demographics to ours,

whose PASS Writing scores surpassed our own. Our ELA Department Chair and another ELA

teacher, a Special Education teacher, our principal, and our Instructional Coach spent almost an

entire day observing at Greenville Middle Academy. We had the opportunity to meet with

several members of the staff and ask questions about their program. We then met to debrief and

decided to implement both a PASS practice week for our students as well as to require all classes

to use the same writing conventions across the school. Writing convention posters were

developed and hung in all classrooms. During the practice writing event, students were provided

with a PASS like prompt and used the same type of writing paper as is required by the actual

test. It is our hope that this increased emphasis on using appropriate conventions and the

additional writing practice will greatly benefit our students.

With the success experienced following our collaboration with Greenville Middle Academy, the

test data of 2012-2013 led to a collaborative discussion with our colleagues at League Academy.

From this experience, we attained innovative instructional strategies, quality assessment

programs, and organizational techniques.

We have continued our Sustained Silent Reading program for the 2013-2014 school year, and

have expanded it to three days per week. We maintain that there is a possibility of further

expansion if necessitated by data.

Teacher and Administrator Quality

All teachers at Ralph Chandler Middle School use technology in their classrooms, and 85.7% are

technology proficient, as exemplified through INTEL or other technology training.

Our intent is to provide quality professional development in a variety of areas which will give

our teachers more tools to create dynamic standards-based lessons and to more effectively

manage their classrooms. We will continue to focus on research-based teaching strategies and on

improving our collaboration through Professional Learning Communities. Such training is

critical in maintaining a high degree of staff quality.

We will also continue to encourage our staff to become highly qualified in all subjects in which

they teach. Due to increased student enrollment over the last four years, some of our teachers are

working in four-person teams teaching the same content to two grade levels. As enrollment

fluctuates from one grade to another, it may be necessary to move some staff to another grade

level or content area. We will continue to work with these teachers in becoming highly qualified

as these changes occur. We may also need to add additional staff and will make it a priority to

select teachers who already possess the highly qualified credentials needed at that time.

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School Climate

Parent Involvement

During the 2012-2013 school year, we had a total of 2,311 volunteer hours. Parents came to help

with bulletin boards, the media center, to assist with Beta Club, chaperone field trips, etc.

Volunteers also assisted our Related Arts Department with activities such as band and string field

trips, concerts, building sets for school plays, and working concessions. The PTSA willingly

spends their time running fundraisers, school dances, spirit week, and the school store.

Parents have many opportunities to be engaged with our school through open house, student-led

conferences, curriculum nights, and extracurricular events. To show parent involvement, as

documented by the table below, we used the data under the category “Parents Attending

Conferences” from our school’s report card. As evidenced by the below information, we take

pride in the amount of parental involvement and support we receive.

School Year Percentage of Parents Attending


2008-2009 89.7%

2009-2010 98.1%

2010-2011 94.9%

2011-2012 100%

2012-2013 99.2%

Discipline Data

Ralph Chandler Middle School’s discipline infraction rate is consistently low. During the 2012-

2013 school year, a total of 95 students were suspended for a period of one to five days. The total

number of students attending Ralph Chandler Middle School for that year was 739. This means

that less than 13% of our students had to be given out of school suspension as a disciplinary


Previous years were similar. Total population grew an average of 80-100 students per year until

2011 when our population reached near-capacity. These changes in population affected the

suspension percentage, but throughout, discipline issues have not been a serious problem on our

campus. We have proactively established male and female mentoring programs, rewards and

incentive programs, and other celebratory events to encourage positive behavior.

School Year Percentage of students suspended

2008-2009 12.7%

2009-2010 9.3%

2010-2011 9.6%

2011-2012 16.6%

2012-2013 12.9%

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Student Attendance

Since 2009, Ralph Chandler Middle School has had a high student attendance rate averaging

roughly 96%. A very low percentage of students miss multiple days which is a result of

dedicated teachers, staff, and parents. Ralph Chandler provides a stimulating and engaging

learning environment that encourages students to attend school every day.

We are working toward increasing our students’ awareness of healthy choices and the potentially

devastating effects of obesity, which also have an effect on attendance. To that end, our cafeteria

manager is developing additional options for student lunches that limit fat and fried foods and

increase fresh fruit and vegetable choices. Recently, she has provided a choice of freshly

prepared soup, using recipes approved by the district. She has also given students more options

for salads. We hope these changes will encourage healthier eating and will lower and/or prevent

obesity in our students.

The new menu options are a part of the CATCH program which we have incorporated into our

Advisory program. CATCH lessons vary by grade level and stress good nutrition and a healthy

lifestyle. Several members of our staff, including our cafeteria manager, received training in this

initiative last summer.

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Ralph Chandler Middle School Professional Development Calendar 2013- 2014

Rita Mantooth – Principal

Date Type of In-service Audience Instructor

August 8 New Teacher Orientation Teachers new to RCMS Rita Mantooth

August 26 Grade Book set up for Power Teacher – Planning


All teachers with access to PowerTeacher Fran Rogers

August 28 MAP training All RCMS Certified Staff Fran Rogers



Analyzing the impact of Common Core on MAP


All RCMS Certified Staff Fran Rogers



Promethean Training (10 hours) Teachers new to RCMS & others, as


Joe Miles



Department Meetings All RCMS Staff Department




AdvacED accreditation workshop (ASSIST) RCMS Leadership Meg Pletcher



Upstate Consortium – Improving Reading and Writing IC, ELA Department Chris Lehman



Leadership Advisory Council LAC Members Rita Mantooth



PAS-T Notebook: Demonstrating Exemplars All RCMS Certified Staff (focus on newly

hired staff)

Sarah Gullick

Fran Rogers



Preparing for Student-Led Conferencing All RCMS Certified Staff Stacey Irvin

Fran Rogers



Types of Writing: Informational, Argumentative, &


All RCMS Staff by grade level Fran Rogers

October 2 Department Meetings All RCMS Staff Department


October 4 Harnessing the power of Rubicon Atlas All RCMS Staff by grade level Fran Rogers

Jordan Finlay

October 7 Disaggregating MAP results data

All RCMS Certified Staff Fran Rogers

Sarah Gullick

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October 8 Monthly Mentor-Mentee Meeting New RCMS Staff Sarah Gullick

Fran Rogers

October 9 Using Enrich to analyze student data and plan


All RCMS Staff by grade level Sarah Gullick

Fran Rogers

October 16 Leadership Advisory Council LAC Members Rita Mantooth

October 23 Determining SMART goals based on AMOs for the

ESEA waiver

All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

Sarah Gullick

Jordan Finlay

Fran Rogers

October 30 Getting the most from your Counseling Department All RCMS Staff Guidance


November 5 Formative Assessments: Low-prep, high impact All RCMS Staff by grade level Fran Rogers

November 5 Informational Text & Writing – 4:00-5:00 pm All RCMS interested staff EdWeb Webinar

November 6 Improving Voice in Writing RCMS ELA Department Fran Rogers

November 6 Department Meetings All RCMS Staff Department




Benchmark Tests and Results RCMS Grades 6 & 7 ELA Teachers Fran Rogers

ELA Teachers



RCMS Staff Development All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth



Analyzing Grade Distributions and Making

Instructional Alterations

All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers



Monthly Mentor-Mentee Meeting New RCMS Staff Sarah Gullick

Fran Rogers



Utilizing Personal Electronic Devices in the

Educational Setting

RCMS Leadership Advisory Council Greg Scott

Rita Mantooth



Types of Writing for cross-curricular integration All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers

December 4 Department Meetings All RCMS Staff Department


December 11 Jason Flatt Act Training – face-to-face session All RCMS Staff Counseling


December 12 Monthly Mentor-Mentee Meeting New RCMS Staff Sarah Gullick

Page 34: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


Fran Rogers

December 13 Taking Advantage of the Scorecard feature in


All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers

December 18 Leadership Advisory Council Meeting RCMS Leadership Advisory Council Rita Mantooth

January 8 Department Meetings All RCMS Staff Department


January 9 Monthly Mentor-Mentee Meeting New RCMS Staff Sarah Gullick

Fran Rogers

January 14 Jason Flatt Act Training – virtual session deadline All RCMS Staff Sarah Gullick

Fran Rogers

January 15 Motivating Students All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers

Sara Ritchie

January 22 Compass Odyssey Training RCMS staff by grade level and department Compass


January 23 Collaborative Discussion via Skype with League

Academy --- Best Practices & what works

Leadership Advisory Council Rita Mantooth

January 24 Enhancing Instruction with Technology Tools All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers

February 5 Department Meetings All RCMS Staff Department


February 6 Monthly Mentor-Mentee Meeting New RCMS Staff Sarah Gullick

Fran Rogers

February 19 Vertical Team Meeting – Elementary Feeder Schools &


Fifth Grade teachers from Elementary

Feeders and RCMS Sixth Grade teachers

Libby Lee

Cheryl Scott

February 19 RCMS Staff Development: School Portfolio All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

Fran Rogers

February 24 Sharing Best Practices with teachers from Florence-

Chapel Middle School

Selected RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

February 26 RCMS Staff Development: School Portfolio All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

Fran Rogers

February 28 Cross-curricular Planning All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers


238-March 2

Middle School Conference Department Chairs, Team Leaders and

Administration Representatives

Rita Mantooth

March 5 Department Meetings – Analysis of & feedback for All RCMS Staff by Department Department

Page 35: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


Rubicon Atlas Chairs

March 12 RCMS Staff Development All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

March 19 Leadership Advisory Committee Department Chairs, Team Leaders,

Administrators, IC, Guidance, Media

Center Staff

Rita Mantooth

March 26 RCMS Staff Development: School Portfolio All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

Fran Rogers

April 2 Department Meetings All RCMS Staff Department


April 4 Reviewing PASS Sample Items – testing preparation All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers

April 9 RCMS Staff Development All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

April 11 Data Analysis All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers

April 23 Leadership Advisory Council LAC Members Rita Mantooth

April 30 RCMS Staff Development: Committee Meetings All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

May 2 PASS Review Skills All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers

May 7 Department Meetings All RCMS Staff Department


May 14 RCMS Staff Development All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

May 21 Leadership Advisory Council LAC Members Rita Mantooth

May 23 Vertical Curriculum Alignment & Cross-Curricular

Planning for 2014-2015 School Year

All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers

Candace Walton

May 28 RCMS Staff Development: Committee Meetings All RCMS Staff Rita Mantooth

May 30 RCMS Staff Development – Moving Forward All RCMS Staff Fran Rogers

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SCHOOL RENEWAL PLAN FOR 2013-14 through 2017-18

Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

GOAL AREA 1: Raise the academic challenge and performance of each student. PERFORMANCE STATEMENT: Meet the state and federal accountability objectives for all students and subgroups

in writing and English Language Arts each year.

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Increase the percentage of students meeting standard (Met and Exemplary) in writing as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS) from 78.3% in

2012 to 83.3% in 2018. ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Annually increase by 1 percentage point the number of students meeting standard (Met

and Exemplary) in writing as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS).

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card

Baseline 2011-12

Planning Year

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

School Projected

X X 79.3 80.3 81.3 82.3 83.3

School Actual

78.3 80.5

District Projected

X X 78.8 79.8 80.8 81.8 82.8


Actual 77.8 78.8

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon which

state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State Standards in

2013-2014.* *Baseline data from 2011-12 is based upon 5th and 8th grade scores only. Projected performance is based upon 3rd through 8th grade


Page 37: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Increase the percentage of students meeting standard in English

Language Arts (reading and research) as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State

Standards (SCPASS) from 80.2% in 2012 to 82.7% in 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Increase by 0.5 percentage point(s) annually students meeting standard in

English Language Arts (reading and research) as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of

State Standards (SCPASS).

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 80.7 81.2 81.7 82.2 82.7

School Actual

80.2 79.5

District Projected

X X 79.0 80.0 81.0 82.0 83.0


Actual 78.0 80.5

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

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Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: By grade band (middle), meet the required annual measurable

objectives (AMOs) in English Language Arts (reading and research) as measured by the South Carolina

Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS).

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Meet the required annual measurable objectives (AMOs) in English Language Arts

(reading and research) as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS).

DATA SOURCE(S): ESEA Federal Accountability and SDE School Report Card

ELA – School Baseline



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 624 628 632 636 640 644 648

Actual Performance

All Students 657.2 655.8

Male 653.2 651.8

Female 662.0 660.2

White 661.1 659.2

African-American 629.2 631.2

Asian/Pacific Islander N/A N/A

Hispanic 652.7 648.7

American Indian/Alaskan


Disabled 600.9 597.3

Limited English Proficient


Subsidized Meals 640.1 638.2

Page 39: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


ELA – District -

Grades 6-8







2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected 624 628 632 636 640 644 648


All Students 651.7 653.7

Male 646.7 649.5

Female 656.8 658.1

White 664.5 666.3

African-American 624.6 626.9

Asian/Pacific Islander 679.6 684.5

Hispanic 650.8 637.9

American Indian/Alaskan

631.2 647.7

Disabled 589.7 593.6

Limited English

Proficient 632.5 637.4

Subsidized Meals 630.0 632.9

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

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Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Maintain the percentage of students who meet standard (test score

of 70 or higher) on the state-mandated End of Course test in English I at 100 % in 2012 and 100% in 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Maintain at 100% the percentage points annually of students who meet standard

(test score of 70 or higher) on the state-mandated End of Course test in English I.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card

School Baseline 2011-12


Year 2012-13

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

School Projected X X

School Actual 100 98.1


Projected (MS and HS)

X X 77.3 78.3 79.3 80.3 81.3

District Actual (MS only)

98.9 98.9

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

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Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

PERFORMANCE STATEMENT: Meet the state and federal accountability objectives for all students and

subgroups in mathematics each year.

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Increase the percentage of students meeting standard in mathematics as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS) from

80.9% in 2012 to 83.4% in 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Increase by 0.5 percentage point(s) annually the number of students meeting standard in mathematics as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards


DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card




Year 2012-13

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 81.4 81.9 82.4 82.9 83.4


Actual 80.9 78.7


Projected X X 78.4 79.4 80.4 81.4 82.4

District Actual

77.4 77.3

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

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Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: By grade band (middle), meet the required annual measurable

objectives (AMOs) in mathematics as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards


ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Meet the required annual measurable objectives (AMOs) in mathematics as

measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS).

DATA SOURCE(S): ESEA Federal Accountability and SDE School Report Card

Math – School Baseline 2011-12


Year 2012-13

2013-14 2014-

15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 624 628 632 636 640 644 648

Actual Performance

All Students 658.7 653.4

Male 660.5 652

Female 656.5 655

White 662.7 656.9

African-American 630.2 627.2

Asian/Pacific Islander N/A N/A

Hispanic 656.2 647.5


Indian/Alaskan N/A N/A

Disabled 601.6 595.4

Limited English

Proficient N/A N/A

Subsidized Meals 639.4 634.1

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Math – District -

Grades 6-8



Planning Year



14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 624 628 632 636 640 644 648

Actual Performance

All Students 649.6 650.7

Male 649.6 650.5

Female 649.6 651.0

White 661.4 662.7

African-American 622.1 623.6

Asian/Pacific Islander 694.9 695.3

Hispanic 649.0 636.2

American Indian/Alaskan

628.8 640.2

Disabled 594.4 594.0

Limited English Proficient

637.1 639.7

Subsidized Meals 628.5 629.2

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

Page 44: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Maintain the percentage of students who meet standard (test score

of 70 or higher) on the state-mandated End of Course test in Algebra I at 100% in 2012 and at 100% in 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Maintain at 100% annually students who meet standard (test score of 70 or

higher) on the state-mandated End of Course test in Algebra I.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card

Baseline 2011-12


Year 2012-13

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

School Projected


School Actual 100 96.7


Projected (MS and HS)

X X 84.6 85.6 86.6 87.6 88.6

District Actual (MS only)

99.4 97.6

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

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Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Meet the annual measurable objective (AMO) of 95% of students

tested for all ELA and math tests and subgroups each year from 2013-14 through 2017-18.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Meet the annual measurable objective (AMO) of 95% of students tested for all ELA and math tests and subgroups annually.

DATA SOURCE(S): ESEA Federal Accountability and SDE School Report Card

% Tested ELA





Year 2012-13

2013-14 2014-

15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0

Actual Performance

All Students 100.0 100.0

Male 100.0 100.0

Female 100.0 100.0

White 100.0 100.0

African-American 100.0 100.0

Asian/Pacific Islander N/A N/A

Hispanic 100.0 100.0


Indian/Alaskan N/A N/A

Disabled 100.0 100.0

Limited English

Proficient N/A N/A

Subsidized Meals 100.0 100.0

Page 46: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


% Tested ELA District Grades 6-8

Baseline 2011-12


Year 2012-13

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0

Actual Performance

All Students 99.9 100.0

Male 99.9 100.0

Female 99.9 99.9

White 99.9 100.0

African-American 99.8 100.0

Asian/Pacific Islander 99.8 100.0

Hispanic 99.9 99.9


Indian/Alaskan 100.0 100.0

Disabled 99.2 99.9

Limited English

Proficient 99.8 99.9

Subsidized Meals 99.8 99.9

% Tested Math School

Baseline 2011-12

Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0

Actual Performance

All Students 100.0 100.0

Male 100.0 100.0

Female 100.0 100.0

White 100.0 100.0

African-American 100.0 100.0

Asian/Pacific Islander N/A N/A

Page 47: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


Hispanic 100.0 100.0

American Indian/Alaskan


Disabled 100.0 100.0

Limited English Proficient


Subsidized Meals 100.0 100.0

% Tested Math

District – Grades 6-8






2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0

Actual Performance

All Students 100.0 99.9

Male 99.9 99.9

Female 100.0 100.0

White 100.0 99.9

African-American 99.9 99.9

Asian/Pacific Islander 100.0 100.0

Hispanic 99.9 100.0

American Indian/Alaskan

100.0 100.0

Disabled 99.8 99.9

Limited English

Proficient 99.9 100.0

Subsidized Meals 99.9 99.9

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

Page 48: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

PERFORMANCE STATEMENT: Meet the state and federal accountability objectives for all students and

subgroups in science each year.

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Increase the percentage of students meeting standard in science as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS) from 85.6 % in 2012 to

88.1 % in 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Increase by 0.5 percentage point(s) annually the number of students meeting standard in science as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS).

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 86.1 86.6 87.1 87.6 88.1

School Actual

85.6 85.4

District Projected

X X 76.9 77.9 78.9 79.9 80.9


Actual 75.9 77.0

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

Page 49: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: By grade band (middle), meet the required annual measurable

objectives (AMOs) in science as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards


ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Meet the required annual measurable objectives (AMOs) in science as measured

by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS).

DATA SOURCE(S): ESEA Federal Accountability and SDE School Report Card

Science – School Baseline 2011-12


Year 2012-13

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 624 628 632 636 640 644 648

Actual Performance

All Students 650.1 645.4

Male 650.5 643.2

Female 649.5 648.1

White 653.8 650.4

African-American 622.2 611.3

Asian/Pacific Islander N/A N/A

Hispanic 645.8 637.9


Indian/Alaskan N/A N/A

Disabled 589.3 592.5

Limited English

Proficient N/A N/A

Subsidized Meals 629.5 625.3

Page 50: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


Science – District

Grades 6-8







14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 624 628 632 636 640 644 648

Actual Performance

All Students 637.3 634.1

Male 638.4 635.4

Female 636.1 632.8

White 649.9 646.7

African-American 609.5 607.7

Asian/Pacific Islander 670.1 666.8

Hispanic 617.0 619.1

American Indian/Alaskan

627.4 627.2

Disabled 581.0 579.5

Limited English

Proficient 618.2 619.1

Subsidized Meals 615.8 613.5

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

Page 51: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

PERFORMANCE STATEMENT: Meet the state and federal accountability objectives for all students and

subgroups in social studies each year.

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Maintain the percentage of students meeting standard in social studies as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS) at least 87.5%

in 2012 and at 87.5% in 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Maintain at 87.5% annually students meeting standard in social studies as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS).

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5

School Actual

87.5 87.7

District Projected

X X 79.9 80.9 81.9 82.9 83.9


Actual 78.9 79.5

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

Page 52: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: By grade band (middle), meet the required annual measurable

objectives (AMOs) in social studies as measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State

Standards (SCPASS).

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Meet the required annual measurable objectives (AMOs) in social studies as

measured by the South Carolina Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS).

DATA SOURCE(S): ESEA Federal Accountability and SDE School Report Card

Social Studies – School Name

Baseline 2011-12

Planning Year



2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 624 628 632 636 640 644 648

Actual Performance

All Students 656.2 661.1

Male 661.9 666

Female 649.4 655.9

White 660.0 663.9

African-American 635.1 639.9

Asian/Pacific Islander N/A N/A

Hispanic 643.5 650.4

American Indian/Alaskan


Disabled 605.5 610.5

Limited English Proficient


Subsidized Meals 642.6 639.4

Page 53: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


Social Studies –

District – Grades 6-8







14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected Performance 624 628 632 636 640 644 648

Actual Performance

All Students 641.9 642.7

Male 646.1 647.6

Female 637.5 637.7

White 653.5 654.8

African-American 615.7 615.5

Asian/Pacific Islander 680.3 677.0

Hispanic 632.8 629.7

American Indian/Alaskan

622.9 631.4

Disabled 589.9 589.6

Limited English

Proficient 626.6 631.2

Subsidized Meals 620.5 620.0

*Information in the above tables is subject to change. Projected performance and actual performance are dependent upon

which state standardized assessment is administered as South Carolina begins full implementation of the Common Core State

Standards in 2013-2014.*

Page 54: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

GOAL AREA 2: Ensure quality personnel in all positions.

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Continue to provide Learning Focused and Promethean Board

training to all new employees added to staff.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Provide staff development on the Rubicon Atlas curriculum portal tool for all staff, including updated Common Core training.

DATA SOURCE(S): Professional development calendars



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Projected x x


PD held for

Learning Focus

PD held for

all new staff

Page 55: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph




Timeline Person






Indicators of


Promote hiring highly qualified personnel for any

vacant positions.

Spring and Summer of


Rita Mantooth 0 NA Staff qualifications for 2013-2014

academic year

Provide professional

development opportunities to staff members in safety,

technology, and developing Professional Learning


On - going Rita Mantooth

Instructional Coach

0 NA Professional

Development Calendar

Provide staff development

on Common Core and new curriculum tool developed

by the District


school year

Rita Mantooth

Instructional Coach

0 NA Professional

Development Calendar

Writing expectations posted in all RCMS classrooms with

instructional focus on proper writing conventions across

the curriculum

On-going RCMS Administration

0 NA Effectiveness as measured by PASS

Writing scores

Implement PASS Writing practice week schoolwide to

expose students to the format, structure, and

expectations of the state assessment

January annually

ELA Department &

Instructional Coach

$75 for paper &

printing costs

Local funds

Effectiveness as measured by

increases in PASS Writing scores

Analysis of benchmark scores, where applicable, to

guide remediation,

acceleration, etc.

On-going Core content teachers &



0 NA Evidence of instructional

modifications & PASS


Cross-curricular planning On-going All teachers 0 NA Lesson/Unit Plans

Page 56: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


Staff Development focused

on the utilization of best practices

On-going All Teachers 0 NA Professional

Development observations &

Classroom observations

Utilize Math manipulatives On-going Math Teachers 0 NA Increase in students’

math understanding & PASS scores

Utilize the DBQ Project to integrate Primary Sources

across the curriculum

On-going All Teachers 0 NA Media Center records

Continue to provide engaging & rigorous lessons

to all students

On-going All Teachers 0 NA Satisfaction ratings from stakeholders

Continue to use formative

assessment data, including MAP results, to guide


On-going All Teachers 0 NA Classroom

observations, MAP scores, PASS scores

Page 57: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

GOAL AREA 3: Provide a school environment supportive of learning.

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Achieve an annual student attendance rate of 95%.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Maintain an annual student attendance rate of 95% or higher.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0

School Actual

96.5 96.0

District Projected

X X 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0


Actual 95.9 95.6

Page 58: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Maintain a student expulsion rate below 0.5% of the total school


ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Maintain an annual student expulsion rate below 0.5% of the total school population.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card and GCS Incident Management System (IMS)



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X

Less than


Less than


Less than


Less than


Less than


School Actual

0.1% 1.4

District Projected

X X Less than

0.5% Less than

0.5% Less than

0.5% Less than

0.5% Less than



Actual 0.5% 0.6

Page 59: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Increase the percent of parents who are satisfied with the learning

environment from 88.9% in 2012 to 91.4% by 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Beginning in 2013-14, increase by 0.5 percentage point(s) annually parents who are satisfied with the learning environment.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card Survey results – Question #5



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 89.4 89.9 90.4 90.9 91.4

School Actual

88.9 90.2

District Projected

X X 89.0 89.5 90.0 90.5 91.0


Actual 88.0 88.1

Page 60: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Increase the percent of students who are satisfied with the learning

environment from 80.9% in 2012 to 83.4% by 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Beginning in 2013-14, increase by 0.5 percentage point(s) annually students who are satisfied with the learning environment.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card Survey results – Question #18



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 81.4 81.9 82.4 82.9 83.4

School Actual 80.9 88.6

District Projected (ES,

MS, and HS)

X X 83.5 84.0 84.5 85.0 85.5

District Actual

(ES/MS) 83.8 82.7

Page 61: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Increase the percent of teachers who are satisfied with the learning

environment from 92.3% in 2012 to 94.8% by 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Beginning in 2013-14, maintain or increase by 0.5 percentage point(s) annually teachers who are satisfied with the learning environment.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card Survey results – Question #27



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 92.8 93.3 93.8 94.3 94.8

School Actual

92.3 100

District Projected

X X 92.5 93.0 93.5 94.0 94.5


Actual 98.0 92.6

Page 62: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Increase the percent of parents who indicate that their child feels

safe at school from 87.8% in 2012 to 90.3% by 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Beginning in 2013-14, increase by 0.5 percentage point(s) annually parents who indicate that their child feels safe at school.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card Survey results – Question #18



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 88.3 88.8 89.3 89.8 90.3

School Actual

87.8 90.3

District Projected

X X 93.9 94.3 94.7 95.1 95.5


Actual 93.5 92.8

Page 63: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Increase the percent of students who feel safe at school during the

school day from 85.6% in 2012 to 88.1% by 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Beginning in 2013-14, increase by 0.5 percentage point(s) annually students who feel safe at school during the school day.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card Survey results – Question #30



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 86.1 86.6 87.1 87.6 88.1

School Actual

85.6 86.7

District Projected

X X 91.9 92.3 92.7 93.1 93.5


Actual 90.9 90.2

Page 64: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph



Student Achievement Teacher/Administrator Quality School Climate Other Priority

FIVE YEAR PERFORMANCE GOAL: Maintain the percent of teachers who feel safe at school during the

school day 99% in 2012 and 99% by 2018.

ANNUAL OBJECTIVE: Beginning in 2013-14, maintain at 99% the percentage point(s) annually teachers who feel safe at school during the school day.

DATA SOURCE(S): SDE School Report Card Survey results – Question #39



Planning Year


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Projected X X 99 99 99 99 99

School Actual

100 100

District Projected

X X 98.5 98.5 98.5 98.5 98.5


Actual 98.9 98.3

Page 65: Ralph Chandler Middle School Portfolio 2013 - 2014 · Stacey Irvin 7. Wanda Hamilton 8. Kim Quesenberry 9. Jenny Jackson RCMS School Portfolio Committees -2014. SCHOOL NAME Ralph


Appendix A

Our School Report Card can be found at the following link:


Information about the ESEA waiver can be found at the following link:


Our specific ESEA rating information can be found at the following link:
