"&" RIMRD Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's Rajgad Institute of Management Research & Development, Pune -43 Approved by AICTE, Recogdzed by DTE (Govt. of Maharashra), Afrliated to Savirribai phule pune Udversitv a a Reoublic Dav Celebration on 26th Januarv. 2019 Objective of Programme: To generate the sense ofpatriotism among t}re students. To make aware students about rich cultural diversity amongst students Description of Program me: Republic Day is celebrate d, on 26th January to commemorate the adoption of the constitution. on this day, various formal events including flag-hoisting and march-past are organized and which are followed by a ,,constitution awareness program,, in which students and staff members get information about their duties towards our nation and rights are given to them by our constitution. By organizing such tlpes of events institute does its share to immersed patriotism and awareness to the next generation. Students celebrate the Republic day (26i01l19) (,, (t Dr. D. B. Bharati Director Director IQAC Goorelinato Raignd fi ni;irri.xiqth's Rajgad histitute 'Ji lri;i, rai Research and Beietooi HOD Rajgad t- , ,r,;:;115 Rajg;dhl:.::. i.-:it+;nrrnt ale#i.rji I i.Jj,,j ru Jrispi ttgnt Dhankawadl. puna'- 43 Dr. Pr-ajakta Warale; Coordinator Dhankawarii, Pune. &. R r)'

Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

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Page 1: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTE, Recogdzed by DTE (Govt. of Maharashra), Afrliated to Savirribai phule pune




Reoublic Dav Celebration on 26th Januarv. 2019

Objective of Programme:

To generate the sense ofpatriotism among t}re students.

To make aware students about rich cultural diversity amongst students

Description of Program me:

Republic Day is celebrate d, on 26th January to commemorate the adoption of theconstitution. on this day, various formal events including flag-hoisting and march-past

are organized and which are followed by a ,,constitution awareness program,, in which

students and staff members get information about their duties towards our nation and

rights are given to them by our constitution. By organizing such tlpes of events institutedoes its share to immersed patriotism and awareness to the next generation.

Students celebrate the Republic day (26i01l19)



Dr. D. B. BharatiDirectorDirectorIQAC Goorelinato

Raignd fi ni;irri.xiqth'sRajgad histitute

'Ji lri;i, rai

Research and Beietooi


Rajgad t- , ,r,;:;115Rajg;dhl:.::. i.-:it+;nrrnt

ale#i.rji I i.Jj,,j ru Jrispi ttgntDhankawadl. puna'- 43

Dr. Pr-ajakta Warale;Coordinator

Dhankawarii, Pune.

&. R r)'

Page 2: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Ra jgacl l)n vanpecth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTI, Recognized by DTE (Go.vt. of Maharashtra), Affiliared ro Savitribai Phu]c Pune


" l nrlcpcn <lclrcc I)ar,(.lelebration", on 15"'Aueust 2{llfJ

( )iricl lrr c ol l'; rrglliirr:rrr.:

To boost and spread freedom thoughts & national integrity among Institute students.

lI'sc lipt ion ol !'rtgrrlmrirl':

The Institute celebrates Independence Day every year on l5th August along with staff

members, students, parents. The day is celebrated to remember the contribution offreedom fighters in freedom wars and to show gratitude towards them the institute

organized flag hostin ceremony on this day every year. It encourages national pride and

inspires everybody to contribute in their way towards national development. It is a day to

look back with satisfaction and gratitude for what we have been able to achieve due to the

efforts of successive generations of our elders. It is on integrated campus event.

Photos of Flag Hosting and pledge on "Independence Day" (15/08/18)

Prof. Shreya GaikwadCoordinator

Dr.D. B. BharatiDirector

Directcr"Raj!JaC i)nya peeih'5

fiQAC Coorclinator , '.,

Rajgad Instiiule 01 i!:;: ii:rjement-:r 'Raj.qaci 0nyanpeeth's

F... . cai,,a,l ,irsiiiu:(',)i fii?negement' : . . kelidara:l a:c i, i"iir-1plr:ent

rJgaq rnsuiuie oi ,rj;: ii:!lemenl::l

''i esea rcn and l [ ., ...'F rnent,i esea rch and J [ ., ...'F r[ent,

DhankawaCi, P,rne ' 41'! 043

Dr. Pra)f,kta WaraleIQAC Head

Page 3: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgacl l )n,,r npeeLh's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTI, Recognized by DI E (Gort. of Maharashtra), AffiIiared to Savirribai Phule Pune


Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja Jayanti

l9th February is celebrated as Shivaji Jayanti in the state of Maharashtra to commemorate the

birth of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The great warrior and founder of the Maratha Empire. He

was the greatest wanior of his time and even today he is hugely respected by the people in India

and even in other countries.

lnstitute has celebrated Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja Jayanti every year. Students should know

about the great quality of the leader and a king. Students and faculties celebrated this day by

wearing Maharasriaan traditional dresses. All the staff members palticipated with enthusiasm in

celebration of Shivaii Javanti.

Institute celebrate Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti (l9l02l16)

-€e>t=-Prof. Rofan DahivaleProf. Priyanka Ranshing

CoordinatorDr. D B. Bharati


DirectorRajqad l."yati geeth'o

Rajga,:1 iilstiirri..;i' iltlar:ai,ln-tentq13,'g;31'. ;: 1;r,! i.,,:.,', ;!-'p;;".eft

Di:rrka"vacii, #.ioer - lt3

Dr. Pk+i6 kta Warale


Page 4: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rr;gad Dnr anpeet h's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Approved by AICI E, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra), Affiliated to Savitribai Phule I'une

trr versiry

r{eti', lIr Relrort

Page 5: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Apprwed by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra), Afrliated to Saviffibai Phule Pune




Ob.icctivcs of l)rogram mc:

o To inculcate value oflove, peace,non-violance and truthfulness in life among all students.

o To create leadership qualities from Mahatma Gandhij i in the students.

l)cscription of I'rogr:rmmc:

Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday in India celebrated on 2nd October every year. This day is

celebrated in the honor ofthe birthday ofthe Father ofthe nation, Mohandas Karamchand

Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi or Bapuji. Intemationally this day is celebrated as

the Intemational Day of Non-Violence as Gandhiji was the preacher of non-violence. He is a

symbol ofpeace and truth.

The Institute has decided to celebrate the Mahatma Gandhi jayanti on 2nd October,Thusday from

1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute

ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr). The event started with offer

garland to photo of Mahatma Gandhi. After that students and faculty together sang with a

meaningful prayer service in the form of "Bhajan-Vaishanav jan toh" as tribute to Mahatma


Dr. D. B. Bharti sir delivered the speech on "Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti" he spoke lhat Gandhiji

was the great personality having Good leadership quality. He was a political and spiritual leader

in India and played a key role in the Indian independence movement. Gandhi developed the

novel technique ofnon-violent agitation, which he called "Satyagraha", loosely translated as

"moral domination".

Swachhata abhiyan activities was conducted on this day. Mrs. Sanketa Tarte proposed vote ofthanks.


o Tribute was paid to father of nation Mahatma Gandhi.

o Swachhata Abhiyan activity was conducted.

?* €q''j*Prof. Snehal Sadawarte Dr. Piaiakta Warale


ta49 Ceordinator- . N.aJgad Dnyanpeeth,sr.;,: jgad Institute

-of Managernent

:le6earch and Developheniunankawadi, pune . at 1 04J

Dr. Dahivale Dr. D. B. BhArati

HOD Director

DirectorRajgad Drryanpeeth's

f;;1i;ad Institute of Managenrenti,,.:rearch and Oevelopment

i-1ha nkawadi. Pune - 4il




Page 6: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Apgoved by AICIE, dcogdzed by DTE (Govr of Maharashea), Afrliated to gviribai pliute puae




o Tribute was paid to father of nation Mahatrna Gandhi.

o Swachhata Abhiyan activity was conducted.

Prof. Snehal Sadawarte

Coordinator IQAC Head

IQAC CoordinatorRajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of ManaqementResearch and DevelopmenlDhankawadi, pune. 411 043

Rajgad Onyanpeeth'sRajgad Institute of Management

R+search and DevebpmentDhankawadi, Pune-4:1,

Dr. D. B. Bharati



C ffit)il-.e:

Page 7: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTT, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra), A-ffiliated to Savitribai Phule Purc



Some glimpses of event

Dr, D. B. Bharati Sir delivered the speech on Mahatam Gandhi Jayanti (03/10/19)


Page 8: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


R., jga.i I rnr;npceth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Golt. of Mahanshtra), AffiIiated to Savilribai Phule Pune


Students and faculty singing a bhajan on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti(03/10/19)

Students and faculty singing a bhajan on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti (03/10/19)

Prof. Snehal Sadawarte

CoordinatorDr. Prajakta Warale


y):--'="-ySY),",n-tale Dr. D. B. Bharati






Page 9: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gort. of Maharashtra),

Afliliated to Savitribai Phule Pure Universiry




All students are hereby informed that the student council of institute has

organized celebration of Mahatma Gandhi fayanti on 3'd October 2019 from

11:00 pm to 0L:00 pm

Following actives are conducted on 3.d October 2019


1J Bhajan

2J Swachata Abhiyan

3J Thoughts on Mahatma Gandhi

Day & Date: 3.d October 2019, Thursday

Time: 11:00 am sharp

Venue: MBA-I Classroom No.-01

All students are instructed to attend the programme.


oa*J:1fiH.Prot. 5nenal 5adawarte

We- -gFYt;*Y*{i:Dr. Prajakta Warale Dr. Rohan Dahivale

Coordinator IQAC HOD

Dr. D. B. Bharati


Page 10: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gort. of Maharashtra),

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University

ACtivity Repqr1

Page 11: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gort. of Maharashtra),

Afllliated to Savitribai Phule Purre University

Celebration of "Teachers day" 5'n September 2015. Saturday

Objective of Programme:

o The day is marked by paying bomage to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the great teacher,

scholar and philosopher.

. To honor teachers for their contribution in impacting knowledge among Students.

. To celebrate knowledge and its role in societal advancement.

Description of Programme:

We celebrate Teachers' day every year throughout the country on 5th September. Students

express their gratitude and appreciation for their teachers on this day. This day is dedicated to Dr.

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan second President of India. The great academic philosopher and one

of the most well known diplomats, scholar, president of India and above all a teacher. As a

tribute to this great teacher, his birthday has been observed as teachers'day.

A celebration conducted at our Institute by our students on 5'h September 2015. The whole

function was planned by Prof. Roshna Jaid faculty co-coordinators. The all students offered the

best wishes to Director Dr. D. B. Bharati Sir and all teaching staff. As an appreciation for their

teachers once again it was one of the very successful events organized by all the students ofInstitute. The efforts ofthe students were anoreciated bv all the teachers.


o The students were understood the teachers endless efforts in educatins them.

. They shape the world in their classrooms, year after year. This day celebrates their

conUUrtio6 t o_qje-sdc iety and honors lheir Fndeavour.

Prof. Roshana Jaid

Event Coordinator HOD Director*i,'ccter

i.'. : j,:r ;riJ il .yari pseth'So il, :;'j 1,,:i il:.tjie 3i ra.;irnagefn*fri

., ,r ' t. " ', .".t -i.::S-:t'.lr:11

. , :: .: :, ., ,. : - :.. ",. - :-."j

Dr. D. B.'Bharati

Page 12: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra),

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pr:ne University

Teacher's dav celebration



_ All the students and faculty hereby inform that institute has decided to celebrate the Teachers [lay on

r Sth September 2015 0n the occasion of Birth Anniversary of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan in class room

lfrom ll: am to 12 pm sharp.

All faculty and students are instructed to attend the Programme.

Prof. Roshana Jaid

Event Coordinator

Prof. Dr. D. B. Bharati


DirectorRajgad 0nyanpeeth's

Raj glad i nsttuto li i\r.irna giem':ol

iilr:tari:i! tiri.,: il,',,,: i ii:r'r;rti;t

Dii:ir1i(.)*n:l1: : rt:r ' :1

( fil':<i/9"/* \*rf io:' - ';:l')o',"\''i'.,""- .i ,t'',.')1..*-.'...' .,A,,:*i D.

- iu'i i{ ,,.,

Page 13: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra),

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University

Some Glimpses of Event

Teachers Day celebration (05/09/f 5)


Studenls gifting Ganapati frame to teachers (05/09/15)

Page 14: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

ffiRajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gort. of Maharashtra),

Af6liated to Savitribai Phu.le Pune University

Students gifting Ganapati frame to teachers (05/09/15)



Ldents gifting Ganapati frame to teachers (05/09/15)

ffinJ-*'"J-Pro[ R1r]an-Dahivale Dr. D. B. Bharati


fiirectol'!i::ilttii ilry;t;i:etlh'€

:t ..,., .;,.1 I :i.t ::: i itr r;i i;'lir r, ;, qrcrr: :,1

ii-,lalr:tl an* $e'l*fii - ":l::i

i.:;:: trk l 'tl:r',i! tl:r;' '

Event Coordinator

Page 15: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's


Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Apprwed by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra), Affiliated to Savilribai Phtle Pure


Activitv Report



Page 16: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajg"d Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gofi. of M6.harashEa), AfrIiated to Savitribai Phde Pune




Celebration of "Teachers Dav" 5tt Septernber 2019. Thursdav

( )h.jcctivcs of Itrogranrme:

o To honor teachers for their contribution in impacting knowledge among students.

o To remind the students about the importance ofteachers in their life.

. To celebrate role ofteacher in societal advancement.

l)cscription of Programme:

The teacher's day celebrations are meant to acknowledge, thank, appreciate, and honor the

amazing work that the teaihers do to the society. Teacher's day falls on the same day every year,

namely, September 5th. This day was chosen because it is the birthday of Sarvepalli

Radhakrishnan. Radhakrishnan was India's first ever Vice President.

Every year the institute celebrates the Teachers Day on 5fi September 19, Thursday it was

celebrated between 1 1:00 am to 12:30 pm. Chief Guest of the programme was Dr. Smita Kale

(Principal B. Ed college), Dr. savita shegade @rincipal B.Ed.college, Dhankawadi). Dr. D. B'

Bharati Sir well comed the guest by giving them small plant as a Gift. Atl the MBA Teaohing

and non-teaching B.Ed college staffparticipated in this event. Guest felicitied all the Teachers by

give them small plants.

Guest of the event Dr. Smita Kale and Dr. Savita Shedage gave valuable Guidance on the

teachers day. They said that "Teachers are the real shapers of future of the students which can

never be ignored. Teachers make their own lesson plan to make education more effective and

interesting as well as facilitate students leaming.

Prof. Manjiri Kalyankar , coordinator proposed vote ofthanks.


o Students celebrated teacher's day and pay respect and gratitude to all teachers.

Dr. R

-VZ+-*.-l-Dr. D.B. Bharati

DirectorProf. Snehal Sadawarte

CoordinatorDr. Prajakta Warale


IQAC CoordinatorRajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of ManagementResearch and Development,Ohankawadi, Pune -411 043

Page 17: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

ilujgad Dny'anpetth's

n-r vnD

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTI, Recognized by DTE (Got. of Ma]rarashtra), Affiliated to Saviuibai Phule Pune


Some Glimpses of Event



Felicitation of the Guest Dr. Smita Kale by giving them sapling (05/09/19)

Guest Dr. Savita Sagade felicitate the teacher by giving them sapling (05/09/19)

Page 18: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rljlad Dny anpeet h's


Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Approved by AICtF, Recognized by DTE (Go!'t. of Mahanshtra), Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune






Guest Dr. Savita Sagade felicitate the teacher by giving them sapling (05/09/19)


Guest Dr. Savita Sagade felicitate the teacher by giving them sapling (05/09/f9)

Page 19: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

\ L,;,.i |.:r l\'( r lr \.f'' /'\.

d;;|b Rajgad Institute of Management Research &r *zsz FG!1..1%ff Development, Pune *43

- ---- Approved by AICTE, Rocognizcd by D l ll (Go,"'t. of Malarashtra), Affiliated to Savitribai Phule l)une



Dr. D. B. Bharti Sir delivered the speech on Teachers day (05/09/f9)

oa')*t'a{l'$1.-' ' 5i' ilr ' _



Dr. Savita Sagade madam delivered the speech on Teachers day (05/09/19)

Page 20: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


ji.. qari r ) l; \'.1u pccl h's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTII, Rccognized by DTE (Govr. ofMaharashtra), ffiliated to Savitribai l'hule l'une




Dr. Smita Kale madam delivered the speech on Teachers day (05/09/19)

Dr. Ro


IQAC CoordinatorRajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of ManagementResearch and Developmen!0hankawadi, Pune.411 043 .

'i$;+..^"-.-o-Lle Dr. D.B. Bharati


! ):i i!:: "';r- ii,);iij ai':"li:(. -:r)i r,, :-

,. ,'' ,i.;a:.jiti rr,. t-,r r:",, , '

r-: :r i. {_ :..' r" .1}:1

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Page 21: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

^&wa-.:, -


Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gort. of Maharashtra),

AfEliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teochers Dov Celebrotion

Date: 03 /09y' L9

All Teaching, Non-teaching staff and Students are hereby informed that, we have organized

Teachers day celebration on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

The programme schedule is as follows:



All are instructed to attend the programme.

><.,- -L^-oWProT. 5nenat sa oawarte

Event Coordinator

Rohan Dahivale


Dr. D. B. Bharati




Name Of Programme Celebration "Teachers Dav"

Day and Date 5'n September, 2019, Thursday

venue Classroom-1, RIMRD

Time 11:00 am To 1:00 pm

@ -E* tL*ru--rDr. Prajakata Warale Dr.

Coordinator IQAC

Page 22: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)




Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune -43Approvco by AICIE, Recognized by DT'E (Gow. of Maharashtra),

Affiliated to Savitribai Phuie Pune University

l\avratl'l t eiexiratioru f,teDort

Page 23: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)




Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashua),

AffiIiated to Savitribai Phule Pune

Navratri Celebration Programme on 7tn October 2019

Institute organized Navratri Celebration and Dance Competition on 7h October 2019 from

10 am to 5pm.

Obiectives of Navratri Celebration Prosramme:

1. Navratri is a part of Indian culture.The event was organized to bring all students and

teachers together.

2. The main objective was to reduce the fear and encourage students to participate in

cu ltu ral program.

3. The purpose was to explore hidden talent among the students through dance competition.

Description of Navratri Celebration:

Navratri means Nine Nights, when Maa Shakti or Devi Durga is worshipped. However, if you

think that Navratri is only for the Gujaratis, you are highly mistaken because this festival is

celebrated in different parts of the country in different names and ways but the basic reason for

the religious celebration remains the same - victory ofevil over good and get the blessings ofallreincamations of Goddess Durga.In navratri nine colors were followed by teachers and

students.Nawatri is a nart of Indian dresses.


2"o 30/9/20t9 White

.rdJ 1/10/2019 Red

5'n 311012019 Yellow

.mo 4/10/2019 Green

/tn 1/r0/2019 Peacock Green

Page 24: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gort. of Maharashtra),

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Universiw

All faculty and student participated in colour dress code and enjoyed the event. The

dance competition and dandiya was organized on occasion of nawatri. All faculty and students

enjoyed Dandiya events. Total 15 students participated in Dance Compition. The purpose

compition was to boost young telant and get together and MBA 1sr and 2nd year students. The

dance competition wasjudged by teachers.

Three winners were selected.

l) Nikita Wadkar - MBA lsr Year

2) Manoj Mauchi - MBA 2"d Year

3) Sanketa Tarate - MBA 2"d Year


l. All students participated enthusiastically in the program.

2. All staff and students together enjoyed the program.

3. The program helped in overcoming the stage fear among students.

Ms. Madhuri Kakade


-4 ^./=Di@"FFo'f. RpR-;r n Dn h i va I e

HOD & Academic Dean

l#}-l"**Dr. D. B. Bharati


Director .

Rajq:'! c:';:1P4P'163i"J,qC Coordinator- Rajgad Dnyanpeeth,sRajgad lnstitute'of [{a n lr,; e,.nent

Kesearch and DevelopmenLDhankawadi, Pune - qtt Mj

Rajgad hr:,;,: :.;t'..' i'rlagemelf, Reqg: ! i;rr:',iltj J+tslopmentI Dhankawadi, Pune-4il

nr.#-tatfirateCoordinator- IQAC

.zl r- ,.,.- \+i .-i--1*

t/ i,r::";',,,,^,, \ t-.3i' \ >


Page 25: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra),

Af6liated to Savitribai Phuie Pure Universiry


All students of MBAI"/ IIno year are hereby informed that the institute has organised a

NAVRATRI CELEBRATION on 7h October 2019 from lOam to 5Dm.

Even though we are organizing DANCE COMPLETION in our institute, anyone who is

interested should give their names

Y-Y@- ffiYl'**+-Ms.Madhuri Kakade

CoordinatorDr. an Dahivale Dr. D.B. Bharati


DirectorRaioad DrryanPeethb

RaiGe,J iristitu"r of Manag&ment

Riiearttti airtJ Dct'cr'opt r'ent

Lr i r i, ir k a'*'ari i, i'une '+''

HO & Academic Dean


NoParticular Time Name Of Co-coordinators

IDance Competition I lam to 12 pm

Mr. Shreyaschandra


2Dandiya Onward 12 pm Ms.Madhuri Kakade

pPa4 | Dnanl",..^..\*

Page 26: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gow. of Maharashtra),

AfEliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Universiw





Dr. D.B.BharatiDirector

Director ...fp1e;3/ \".

P[***"--1' 11'

Mr. S

Rajgad Drryanpeeth'sRaj gad Institute of Manaqemeni

Research and Oeveloo-mpnt

Page 27: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AIC'I'E, Recognized by DTE ((iovt. of Maharashtra),

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Univcrsiry

l):rncc Cornpetition { i linr pses


Dance Competition on 7'h Oct2019

Dance Competition on 7'f Oct 2019

Page 28: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gow. of Maharashtra),

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University

Participants performing on stage on 7'n Oct 2019

Page 29: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rii,i'R D

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra),

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Universiry

Dandiy'a Climpses

Student Enjoying Dandiya on 7thOci20l9

Student Enjoying Dandiya on 7'nOct2019

Page 30: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra),

Affrliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Universiw

White Colour Dress on 30s Seo 2019

Red Colour Dress on 1$ Oct2019

Page 31: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Deveiopment,Pune-43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gort. of Maharashtra),

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Universitv

Yellow Colour Dress on l " Oct 201 9

4"A,4@-Madhuri Kakade


..-r/-. - \t)\t&vnrMt.xtKo^nir^t" Dr. D. B. Bharati

HOD & Academic Dean Directorl.'"\ A r'{ Ai riAv r-&SrCinAt$f

RaJrJai Dnyanneath'si);jgad l:l sir lu ic .rf tilai,igement

l-, esearch and Dcveiooment.ilhankawadi, punn .qii 04!. . ,.. .,..

.,,..: , i". ..

" ":'il\:!l. j,-"..' l'';.. "'"1 ;1t'

;)' "'-"' ' "t

"e 'l-"

DirectorRaiqad OnYanPeeth's

Raiqad iistjtute cf ManaPment

R6search and Devebpment

Dhankawadi, Pune'tl{l

Dr.Pfajakta Warale

Coordinator- IQAC

Page 32: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Mahanashrra), Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune


Marathi Bhasha Divas-

Objective of Programme:

. Language is the root map of our culture and we have to make an effods to preserue our root

languages, thus to eradicate the language banier this day is celebrated

o To take pride in the language ofthe state and not be weary of marking the day

Description of Programme:

The Institute celebrates Marathi Bhasha Gaurav Din in honor of the Birth Anniversary of

Vishnu Vdman Shirwddkar, better known by his pet name, Kusumdgraj; was an eminent

Marathi poet, playwriter, novelist, short story writer. Marathi being the official language ofthe

State of Maharashtra, the main focus of this celebration was to promote the Maharashtrian

culture amongst the students of RIMRD and create awareness about the Marathi language

and Students photos on Marathi Bhasha[4-gelebration (27 /02/19),

---2 rl +! ,---- | n,

lflz+-""^LCoordinator IQAC HOD & Academic Dean Director

'J,r:.e tl"t'..frf:;;--i.:-' Directorfir j9;:l 1.)rr,ir;i:er'1;r'; .

,ii,t:i'af)1 Rajoarl f1-',':npeeih's..';,'.;., i'j,.;,:,.;., l,t i:,:;ir;',1..,1,o., ,{;ii.. "-.4."a\ Ralglr:iil. '. ', '';:'r:gement

."' ,.,:r. r,.i i" iir,,:p1,'' ,. :,-r.. /.f,"! \'l-\ R.;i;i;:Li),ilid.r:rt,iitriJment' "...,r,..,,, '', -r',"1' t',:,,"t,- I il,t \rY"\ Rir;,',"rr ir'ti 'i'Jitrirment,

; r , , ,. 1; , y ;.r ..: , , , L:!{:. jl;ii,:1.: iri ! ' ,. r:,, \i-} Dhankawadi. Fune'4il

Page 33: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTE, Recog zed by DTE (Gort. of Malarashtra), Affiliated to SaviEibai Phule Pune


Food Donation Drive-

( )h.jectivc of l)rograrn mc:

. To create awareness in students about the poor and needy person.

. To create habit ofgiving to other in students.

l)cscription of I'rograrnmc:

Social Awareness was established with a view of inculcating moral values in the minds ofthe students and making them socially aware of the difficulties and hardships of society.

Feeding hungry elderly persons and needy people are one ofthe major objectives. As part

of, our Social Soul Cell initiatives the institute had organized a Food Donation Drive at

Old Age Orphanage. This year students & stalf ofthe institute donated cloths and food to

flood alfected people in the Kolhapur district.

Visiting at Mauli Old Orphanage for Food Donation Drive (12/09/19)


Coordinator IQAC

IQAC CoorclinatorRajgad 0nyanpeeth's

Rajg.rr.l hrrlitutc .;f ll{,irragenrentResearrh and 0evelopment,Dhankawadi, Pune. 411 043

'+{-il I rtl-l--2 >1^-q la-'u-\

Dr. D. B. Bharati


Ct ireetorr,i ri'ri'l fr^'-1rr

B qail,r"!J

-ni;ti.: :'; r.:-, . ' .i r,1i1cr+*)?'iii.. r .. ..,. ',.,:..-;:tr-rl-.i'lt

r'l l, i,, i..r rsi',,,11, I .ri:r''-i

IIOD & Acudcmic Dcon

Page 34: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gofi. of Malarashtra), Afrliated to Savitribai Phule Pune



Flv-cn{s l{c 0I{

Celebration of Ganesh Jayanti-

To let the students stay rooted in Indian culture, the Institute celebrates various festivals in

campus. Ganesh Festival is one of them. On the occasion of 'Ganesh Chaturthi' with fullenthusiasm staff and students incepted the 'Ganesha idol' in the institute for 10 days. The

students ofthe institute did preparations for decorations 3 days before with glittery cloths pieces,

beautiful flowers, and attractive decoration pieces. These l0 days were filled with grand'aartis',

delicious Prashad and lots ofblessing from 'Ganpati Bappa'. In the sound of 'Dhol' and 'Taasha'

hence immersed of Ganesh idol was done in a tank locate in the institute. Students were well

aware oftheir social responsibilities. These 10 days were indeed the most enchanting days on the


Ganesh Jayanti festival celebration in institute (17 /09/15)


Page 35: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashrra), Afrliated to Savitibai Phule Pune




Ganesh Jayanti festival celebration in institute (17 /09/1.5,

Dr. Prajakta Warale

Coordinator IQAC

[(;A* n* -rg,1'6!e ;;':r..:niiai'l i)nui.'r'::'r '^r:

j: .


Director,:r, ' -.. .rpselhb

i":, ; rCff}9nt

i-i., . :iy:t.

i,)ii,r;llt; ',;'"'.. ; r,'.a - i'3

Dr. D. B. Bharati

HOD & Academic Dean

Page 36: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)

Rajgad Dnyanpeeth's


Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Gow. of Maharashtra), Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Purre



Diwali Celebration

( )h.ject ivc ol l)rogrlrnnrc:

o To Celebrate Diwali festival.

o To recognize the students that countries and religions have celebrations unique to their

culture and beliefs.

l)escrilltion of l)rogr*nr mc:

Diwali is known as the festival of light which is celebrated in India. Diwali is not just a day

which is an ode to the homecoming of Lord Rama, it also carries with it the essence of victory of

good over evil. The festival spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness or good over

evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. Faculty and students at the institute

celebrated the Diwali by lightening Diyas. Diwati is a time of great joy we get together and

celebrate with hanoiness.

All faculties along with students perform Deep Puja (03/11/18)

Page 37: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


RrlgaLl I tnr.rnp..r'r lr ',

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &Development, Pune -43Approved by AICI E, ltccognizcd by DTE (Govr- ol Maharashtra), Affiljated to Savitribai Phule Punc


,eyv--Prof. Sachin Bidve


Sweet distributed bv Directior sir on the occasion of Diwali (03/11/18)

\"n " \!-,.--

Yyttl'Dr. Prajakta Warale

Coordinator IQAC

Dr. D. B. Bharati

n Director

fiireetnrR?r j0a.i nnYsi'. Pceth's

R jiiraC lltstiLul-' -,: i.'i?ilac€m':nr

iii,:r;ea rl ii a $C l--,,', "tr',ille;1ll'i ii: I it: r^r ad i. irur.* ' 'iii

Diwali celebration at Institute by enlightened deyas (03/11/18)

Prof:(ohan Dahivale

HOD & Academic Dean

Page 38: Rajgad Institute of Management · 1 I :00 am to 01:00 pm. Programme was chaird by Dr. D. B. Bharati (Director -Rajagad institute ofmanagement research and developmemt-Dankawadi -Punr)


Rajgacl Dnvanpccth's

Rajgad Institute of Management Research &

Development, Pune -43Approved by AICIX, RecogDized by D I E (Gow. ofMaharashtra), Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune


l)asara (lelebration

tlllrlt'cfirc u! l'rlrgi rr;rr;,ri -

To create awareness in students about importants of festival.

llcsci'i;11 iolr oi I'i tgrriru r:ir. :

Dasara is a festival of importance to Hindu. Institute celebrate the festival with great joy and

enthusiasm. On this day all staff members worshiped Goddess Saraswati and Lord Ganesha the

God of Knowledge .

All the staff decorated institute with flowers and Shami leaves. Everyone prayed together for

well being. The computers machines, tables and records etc. were worshiped on an occasion of

Dasara. The programme ended with sweets and blessings.

@-Prof. Sachin Bidve


*S&l-'"+Dr. D. B. Bharati


,,1.,ri,..,.1 i ,:.,;,:'';,t, :'1i..: '


- ,,,: r:: .i 'r: ;l.r'1ll il i jrr: a!a'1,{j in:n1'.-,.'.: : :, 'i:i:

j a:.i\i(iliiillitll.r:. .i l,-:.-! i vlaa ri ti;i:'a i