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  • The beautiful and serene land of Sicily, seemingly untouched from centuries of

    industrialization has been a tourist attraction for countless years. Little do most people know,

    there is a terrible dark secret in this land. It is controlled by the Two Families, as they are known

    by the neighboring European nations, with their two godfathers at the helm of their evil deeds;

    The first family is known for their perverted sense of morality, honor and integrity that includes

    despicable brutality and frequent murder. This family is none other than:

    The WadeTalia Family

    The Wadetalia family is run by Godather Wadetalia, whose philosophy of doing good is warped

    by his innate desire for mayhem and destruction. Godfather Wadetalia, was once approached by

    an old Sicilian grandma who was being evicted from her house, begging Don Wadetalia to please

    help her save her property, for she had no children to live to with, and would be homeless on the

    streets. Don Wadetalia, responded to this request, first politely asking her landlord to allow the

    old woman to stay in her house, who foolishly refused this request. The landlord soon found

    himself being held down, with a meat cleaver raised above his hand by Leonardo Jacomo

    McKansio, who is often better known as LJ McKansio, while having his fingers chopped off one

  • by one. But it only took the removal of his pinky to convince the landlord it was honorable

    decision to allow the hold woman to stay in her home...rent free.

    Leonardo Jacomo McKansio (LJ McKansio)

    LJ McKansio, while being a well known lady's man, rumored to have 20 illegitimate children

    across the land of Sicily and having courted hundreds of women, is also Don Wadetalia most

    trusted and most dangerous assassin of all. All men are jealous of striking looks and sheer

    barbarism. If LJ McKansio has been ordered to do a job, you can rest assured that despite him

    being pretty, the job sure won't be.

    But amidst a powerful family, there is almost always someone or something to shame them. One

    of LJ's many sons, who was adopted into the family, was found out to be homosexual. His story

    begins the bloody entangling of the two main families of Italy:

    Carlito Herrari

    Carlito Herrari reveal to his family was simply too much for LJ McKansio and Don Wadetalia to

    bear. It had been revealed the Carlito had fallen in love with a doctor named Marco Lehmanio

  • during a rectal examination, and wished to leave the Wadetalia family to pursue his love

    interests. Don Wadetalia, humiliated by this disgrace in his family's integrity, ordered the father,

    LJ McKanio to murder his own son, to rid the family of this shame. LJ's own sense of pride and

    loyalty to Don Wadetalia trumped his sense of morality in murdering his own son, and he

    agreed. The hit was planned during one of Carlito's "doctor visits" with Marco Lehmanio, to

    wack them while in act so when their bodies were discovered, everyone would know what they

    were and why.

    When LJ McKansio arrived at the doctor's office, equipped with silenced pistol, he was forced to

    shoot the doctor's secretary who screamed before collapsing. This alerted Marco and Carlito of

    their impending danger, and cut the session short. With no window to escape from, they bolted

    from the doctor's office with no pants, and tried to run to the back exit. Despite his best effort,

    Marco was shot right around the corner to the exit, Carlito rushed to his aid crying, there was

    nothing he could do;

    "Go to Fairplareno family young Carlito...they will help you...thank you for showing me what

    true love is"

    Before his heart felt goodbye could be finished, Carlito's father appeared above, looking both

    angry and sad, aiming the gun at his son's head. Before the trigger could be pulled, Marco pulled

    out his hidden scapel, and slashed LJ McKansio left Achilles Tendon, causing him to fall down

    in pain, and unable to pursue Carlito.

    "Run young Carlito! Run and go to the Fairplareno family! They will help you!"

    Carlito ran crying out the exit. Marco tried his very best to fight LJ, aiming the scapel for his

    throat, but LJ was simply stronger and more experienced in hand to hand combat. He drove the

    scapel through Marco's skull, and shot 2 extra bullets into his chest to be sure he finished the

    job. From this day forward, LJ Mckansio would always walk with limp, dragging his left leg

    behind him.

    In the next chapter, we introduce the Fairplareno family, whose history is as dark and twisted as

    the Wadetalias


    On the Wadetalia side we have honor and integrity, but on the Fairplareno side, there is no care

    for that:

    Godfather Fairplareno

    Don Fairplareno story of insanity begins with his bizarre obsession with grandmothers. The first

    event that began his notoriety involved one of the first request given to him by the people of

    Sicily, to hunt down and kill the Zombie Nonna( Zombie Grandmother). This woman is well

    known for a particular event many years ago, which shot terror and disgust between everyone

    not just in Sicily, but in Europe. While babysitting her grandchildren one evening, the Zombie

    Nonna had strangled them, cooked them, and ate them. She is deemed to be schizophrenic with

    a cannibalistic desire. Upon hunting her down, Fairplareno found himself unable to kill her. But

    he saw a unique opportunity, if this woman would so willingly do this to her own grandchildren,

    she could be a terrific assassin.

    Hence the beginning of:

  • Teresa Cooperesia

    Behind her sweet smile, is a demonic evil. People who see her eyes are rumored to lose their

    souls. Teresa Cooperesia, Better known as Zombie Nonna, is more feared than even LJ

    Mckansio for her absolute lack of remorse and her leaving victims consumed. Fairplareno is

    never disobeyed due to this, and despite the displeasure of the Sicilian people in Fairplareno

    sparing her and making her a lead assassin, they are too scared to ever say anything about it, for

    they may find themselves being feasted on soon after.

    Another thing that the Fairplareno family does, which the Wadetalia family despises and sees as

    dishonorable, is the recruitment of outside help from the local country of Italy. Wadetalia

    believes his family should be kept pure Italian, but Fairplareno has no qualms about breaking

    these unwritten rules.

    He has hired 3 members from Spain, who are now known as El Terzetto Terribile ( The Terrible


    The first member of this Trio is:

    Abi Maria, la Mujer del Fuego (The woman of Fire)

    The woman of fire is her nickname due to her penchant for Arson. When Abi was a little girl,

    rumor has it that one night when her family was sleeping, she set fire to her family's house,

    killing them all and leaving her an orphan. Forced onto the streets an orphan, in a cruel

    unforgiving world within Spain, she became a prostitute to provide for herself, and was raped

    several times on the streets. Upon mastering the art of knives, particularly throwing knives, she

    hunted down and murdered all her rapists, and using her intense obsession with fire, burned the

    bodies to dispose of any evidence. Don Flaplareno, upon hearing her colorful story, decided to

    incorporate her into his family, since she had none. Now, whenever a random burned is

    discovered, the locals of Sicily always suspect la Mujer del Fuego was involved.

  • The second member of the Terzetto Terribile is:

    Alejandro "El Silenciador" Angarita

    Alejandro Angarita is known best as the Silencer among the people of Sicily, for his bizarre but

    effective killing style. His victims never scream, and never even bleed. There is little evidence left

    behind except a linear bruise on their neck. He mastered his assassination in the Spanish army,

    where he was taught to kill effectively and quietly. Upon returning home from the service, he

    found himself homeless, with no help from the government. He became a hired mercenary to

    earn his living, and was invited into the Fairplareno family in Sicily, more than happy to leave

    the confines of his home country who never offered him any gratitude for his military service.

    His weapon of choice is the Garrote:

  • The third and final member of the Terzetto Terribile is:

    Edgardo "El Cocinero" Rivera

    If you can believe it with a name like "The Chef", Edgardo is the most passive of the three

    assassins. He prefers to stay at home and cook for his newly extended family. Providing

    sustenance to keep them healthy and strong, Edgardo nurtures them alongside Teresa.

    However, Edgardo and Teresa are similar in their delicacy tastes. So when Edgardo became

    useful, especially if there was an attack in the kitchen, he would dine on whoever he maimed at

    first sight. Since he had access to all of the spices and was world renowned for his meat dishes,

    Edgardo, every now and again, would slip a bit of leg into the family meals with no one the

    wiser. He would slowly but surely convert the family to his way of life and they would be grateful

    when they were the last ones standing and needed a way to discreetly dispose of the bodies of

    their enemies.

    His weapon of choice is The Meat Cleaver, which he had tattooed to his arm:


    Silas Clementio

    Silas is cold-hearted, despite his charming smile. A famous Sicilian joke is that both him and LJ

    McKansio have slept with every woman in Sicily, and father a third of the children in the

    Southern half of Italy. Him and LJ are constantly in competition as to who can kill more, and

    who can fuck more. Further, the debate as to who is the more skilled lover is one many Italians

    have been known to debate day and night.

    "Oh, but LJ is far older. He's had more time to mature and hone his skills in the bedroom. His

    experience with the equine has made him oh-so capable of handling any situation with both

    impeccable technique and renown vigour" some have been known to say.

    Others disagree and say "Ah but Silas has a youthful exuberance to him that translates so

    perfectly in the sheets. Silas takes control of every situation and never leaves women

    unsatisfied." Many of Sicily's top researches have conducted experiments on the subject and

    have returned with contradictory and utterly confusing data.

    They would love to kill one another, but have never crossed paths. Perhaps one day, in the near

    future, the opportunity will present itself.


    Following the death of his lover Marco, Carlito was completely shell-shocked. He could barely

    think; he could barely breathe. And yet, Carlito continued running through the cold Sicilian

    night, fighting back tears. His one true love was gone, and his own father had tried to take his

    own life. If he let himself think for even a brief second, he would have collapsed under the

    weight of his predicament. But Marco's last words rang in his ears: "Run and go to the

    Fairplareno family! They will help you!" He couldn't bear to let Marco down, so he pushed

    himself across the city, venturing into Fairplareno territory. He didn't know exactly where he

    was going, but he knew he had to get there before his father got to him. He'd seen LJ at his worst

    and was in no rush to experience that face-to-face.

    After what seemed like hours of running, Carlito came upon a tall and handsome man in an

    alley. He had been avoiding the main roads, so this was the first person he had seen all night. He

  • was so stoic and terrifyingly calm that he immediately knew something was wrong. He turned

    around to exit the alley, but standing behind him was another large man. Carlito turned around

    and despite his fear, he again noted how sexy the man appeared.

    The man spoke, "Hey you're that WadeTalia kid!"

    "No, that's not me. You- you- must be confused."

    "I am not confused," he replied. "You are Leonardo Jacomo's son."

    "I AM NOT!" Carlito shrieked. He had no cool anymore, if he ever had any.

    "Do not lie to me. I am Silas Clementio of the Fairplareno family."

    "Oh good! I have been looking for you guys!"

    Silas sighed. "I... don't really care. Anyways, I am going to take you back to my family now. We

    can do this the easy way, or the hard way." Silas did not actually give Carlito the choice. As soon

    as he said it, he laughed and knocked Carlito in the head. Only one punch and Carlito was out


    Carlito woke up in what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse with a headache the size of

    Sicily. The worst part of it was the rank smell of the warehouse. It smelled like a pig sty if the

    pigs had been fed Taco Bell for their entire lives. He turned around to see the source of the

    stench. There was the corpse of young woman lying right next to him. Unfortunately for Carlito's

    nostrils, she seemed to have been rotting for quite some time there. He nearly vomited all over

    himself, but he quickly plugged his nose and backed away from the girl.

    Suddenly, the door opened and in walked a whole host of people, led by a crazy looking man.

    Carlito was done playing nice and asked with as much courage as possible: "WHO THE FUCK


    "Now son, is that any way to talk to Don Fairplareno? And that is my victim. Her name was

    Alicia... I mean, Alina. She disappointed me so here we are."

    Despondent, Carlito believed that his time on this Earth was ending. "Just kill me quickly please.

    I already have nothing to live for."

    Fairplareno chuckled out loud. "Kill you? The Wadetalia family tried to murder you! Your

    FATHER tried to murder you! The first rule that you're going to learn quickly, kid, is that the

    enemy of an enemy is a friend. So here you are. And now you're going to meet one of my


  • From behind the group of people standing alongside Fairplareno, a woman stepped forward.

    Despite wearing a smile on her face, her eyes radiated pure hatred and rage. Carlito shrieked

    aloud in fear.

    Fairplareno laughed and responded, "Fear not, little Carlito. This is my loyal assassin ZOMBIE

    NONNA! And she is going to teach you to become an assassin just like her."

    "An assassin? Who would you have me kill?"

    "Your father." Fairplareno left Carlito alone with Nonna and closed the door. Carlito's training

    had begun.

    The Bloody battle begins

    Final Part

    Using information given to them by Carlito, The Fairplareno family was able to map out a

    location where Veto Basukelli, a known protege of the Wadetalia family always eats dinner,

    every night, at the same time for 20 years. Carlito was even able to tell them what he ate at the

    Corleone Steak House. Waiting outside in a running car, a Tommy gun in hand, Silas Clementio

    waited patiently for the time Veto would exit the restaurant. When the time finally arrived, he

    opened fire. Poor Veto never knew what hit him, but neither did several innocent bystanders.

    At the end they drove off, Carlito wondering what kind of bloody rampage they have just began,

    and was it his fault?

    In retaliation for the death of Veto, Don Wadetalia took matters into his own hands. They did

    not know too much about the whereabouts and dealing of Fairplareno, but they did know one

    thing about Silas's girlfriend, Karina. She lived in a small house and Silas would visit her on


  • LJ McKansio forced Karina to call Silas on the phone, asking him to come over right away,

    because she missed him. Little did Silas know, this was all a set up. LJ wanted to personally get

    his vengeance on Silas, and humiliate him in the process. He proceeded to rape and murder

    Karina, leaving her body there for Silas to see when he walked through the door, for it would be

    the very last thing he ever saw.

    "Karina? are you there? Karina!?" Silas yelled outside the door, McKansio snickering waiting in

    the closet, his signature silenced pistol in hand. When Silas entered, and he saw the horrific

    sight, and screamed as if his screams could revive her, but there was nothing he could do.

    McKansio then revealed himself from the closet, Silas quickly pieced together what had

    happened, and attacked, but not before McKansio got off one shot. With his adrenaline

    pumping, Silas was barely phased by the bullet in his side, and rushed McKansio down. Silas

    attacked him with everything, Karina's pictures on the shelves, bashed him over the head with a

    lamp, and then attempted to smother McKansio with a Pillow. Suffocating, and near passing

    out, McKansio desperately brushed his hands against the floor to find his dropped pistol, and

    stumbled upon just before passing out from lack of oxygen. He shot Silas again, weakening him

    enough to break lose from the pillow, and then a third and fourth time.

    "You will never get away with this McKansio....when my family sees what you have done today,

    they will stop at nothing to ensure...." but Silas could not finish his last sentence, before the

    beaten McKansio shoved Silas out Karina's window, sending him down 3 stories to his ultimate


    News of Silas's death sent shock waves through Sicily, and the Fairplareno family mourned his

    death in despair. In response, Fairplareno ordered a Sit Down between the 2 families, in a public

    place where they knew no harm would come to either of them. Don Wadetalia agreed to his

    demands, and brought all his people with him:

  • From left to right is Augusto, Wadetalia's first son, Briano, his second son, Lexenzo, his

    Consigliere, Roberto, the older brother of McKansio, living in his shadow and "Chaos" Concetta,

    Coach's right hand woman, and mother to Augusto and Briano. And of course, the infamous

    McKansio himself

    They chose to meet at the Corleone Steak House where Veto was killed to begin their peace talks.

    Wadetalia: I would like nothing more than for us to have peace, but I have but 1 condition.

    Return Carlito to us. He has disgraced our family enough for 10 generations. Your family can

    have Southern Sicily, we will take the Northern Part, we never need to ever cross paths again.

    Fairplareno: What of Silas, and the cruel murder of an innocent woman...raped

    and tortured simply to get back at him?

    Wadetalia: You talk of morality, you employ a cannibal, you murdered an innocent

    waitress when Veto was assassinated. I don't see any reason for you of all people to

    take the moral high ground here Don Fairplareno. Just hand Carlito over, and we

    will consider everything even

    Fairplareno: Carlito is a member of MY family now, and unlike you and your old

    ways, we will not dismiss him based off his sexual preferences.

    Wadetalia: Then we have nothing further to discuss, you will live to regret this day


    Fairplareno: NOOO......BENJAMIN......you will regret this day....RIGHT NOW!

    Giving the cue, the Terzetto Terribile, Zombie Nonna and Carlito emerged from the Balcony and

    the corners of the restaurants, the waiters and cooks quickly stormed out. Before Wadetalia

    could respond, Augusto was struck by one of Abi's knives in the chest, and Briano found his neck

    trapped under the punishing force of Alejandro's Garrote. Wadetalia tried to save them, but he

    was quickly intercepted by Fairplareno. Chaos Concetta rushed to save her son, stabbing

    Alejandro with a steak knife, but found herself a quick victim to a flying meat clever from


    Lex, the consigliere was no fighter, and ran to the exit as well, only to find himself blocked by the

    Zombie Nonna, who ripped out his jugular with her sharped teeth, and began to eat him alive,

    unable to scream from his severed vocal cords. Carlito watched the ensuing horror, looking for

    his father LJ McKansio, armed and ready with multiple knives and revolvers, to take him down

    once and for all. Sure enough, McKansio appeared, striking Abi Maria with a Table leg. Dazed

    and confused, she took a candle from one of the tables, and set fire to McKansio's pants, which

    he struggled to put out, dancing as she threw knives at him. McKansio dropped and rolled,

  • dodging the knives and taking out the fire, and shot Abi down with his silenced pistol. By this

    time however, Carlito was finally upon him, and McKansio was quickly surprised by how much

    he had improved in only a few short months. LJ was simply too injured to keep up with his son,

    who dodged all of McKansio's attacks. When LJ finally took Carlito into a strangle hold, Carlito

    surprised him with a technique he learned from the Zombie Nonna, and bit off one of LJ's

    fingers. LJ screamed, and fell back... and quickly found himself at the end of a revolver;

    "This is for Silas and Karina!" Carlito screamed, shooting McKansio in the leg. Mckansio raised

    his silenced pistol at Carlito, and could not pull the trigger before Carlitto shot his hand.

    "THAT was for Marco!" LJ, whimpering in pain, reached with his other hand, only 4 fingers

    intact, for the pistol. " AND THIS....THIS IS FOR ME!", and with that, McKansio's brains were

    splattered across the floor, completing Carlitto's vendetta.

    Roberto, Carlito's uncle, was hiding under a table, begging for his life. But Carlito had no mercy

    within him to today, and shot him without hesitation. The entire Wadetalia was dead, with the

    exception of Wadetalia himself. Wadetalia unbeknownst to many, was a master of specific and

    mystic martial arts techniques, which overwhelmed Fairplareno. He knew all the weak points of

    the body, he incapcitated Fairplareno, picked up on his back and dropped Fairplareno down,

    knocking out his teeth.

    The Don however, was outnumbered, and Carlito was given command as the leader of the family

    if Fairplareno couldn't give orders. He ordered Wadetalia to be crucified with Abi's knives, and

    eaten alive by the Zombie Nonna. In a horrific sight with screams heard all through Sicily, Don

    Wadetalia had a death so terrifying, that no one would ever stand against Carlito again.

  • When all the blood was shed, only one Godfather remained. Under Don Carlito's rule, all men

    and women were treated equally in Sicily regardless of their sexual orientation and color, and

    his rule was enforced by his loyal followers, The Terzetto Terribile picked up Zombie Nonna as a

    honorary replacement to the tragic sacrifice of Abi, and their rule made Sicily a much more

    beautiful and sacred place...or so the Legend goes