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Rahul Gandhi will he win Amethi in 2014

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Rahul Gandhi will he win Amethi in 2014 General Election in India

Some years back I wrote about astrological chart of Sh. Rahul Gandhi. It was published in Astrology Research Journal. This time round I am motivated to write about him again

Born on 19 June,1970 he is a Dog person. His Day Master is Yang Metal as per Bazi. He is born in a Yang fire month.

Yang metal day master are true doers. They are not suitable for planning and strategy making rather they are action oriented always wanting swift action. His chart is a quite hot with two Horses sitting side by side in day and month branch affecting self. This is called Self punishment. This punishment leads the person to do something that he knows is wrong but he tends to do it anyway. Thus making more harm.

2014 is Horse year in Chinese Astrology. This may further aggravate the self punishment penalty which is internal to his chart. The elements of 2014 year are Yang Wood sitting on Yang fire. Both these elements are not favourable to him.

Amethi constituency from which is contesting is going to poll on 7-5-2014 which is a Wu-Yin day. It is a dragon day which directly clash with Dog , the animal sign of Sh.Rahul Gandhi. Not a suitable day for him. The day elements are Yang earth sitting on yang wood with hidden elements Yang earth, yang wood and yang fire. The earth element supports is day master.

Despite one favourable element, the chart for 7-5-14 is very weak for him.He needs to work really hard. I pray to the God for his success at Amethi.

Writer Sanjay Gupta is a renowned scholar & researcher in Feng shui, Vastu, bazi,Chinese astrology. He may contacted on email id: [email protected]