Rahukalanal Chakra

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  • 8/22/2019 Rahukalanal Chakra


    Rahukalanal Chakra

    (Astrological Researches Group, By: Jitender Kumar, Dated: 16 May 2013, Thursday)

    Useful in selection of Muhurta for: Travelling and major auspicious events of life like first

    travelling through Sea and Air, Marriage, Construction of Residence, Business projects of

    hight volume, Taking Oath for Ministership etc.

    Rahukalanal Chakra (RC) is based on SaptaShalaka Chakra in which 7 horizontal and 7 vertciale

    lines are drwan intersecting each other and them 28 Nakshtrasa, from Karitika onward

    (including Abhijit as idependent) are arranged from Ishan Kon (North East direction) as shown

    in belwo picture.

    The Nakshatra where Rahu is present is known as Rahu Mukh (Dragon Head) and from Rahu

    Mukh the 15th

    Nakshatra is known as Rahu Pooch (Dragons Tail i.e. Ketu). The 13 Nakshatra

  • 8/22/2019 Rahukalanal Chakra


    of backward are known as Jeeva (Live) Nakshatraa (Bhukt Nakshatra ()- which is has

    transited) and the 13 Nakshatra of front are known as Mrit (Dead) Nakshatras (Bhogya

    Nakshtra ()- which has to transit).

    For example: If Rahu is present in Revti nakshatra, then Ashawani to Hast () are known asJeeva Paksha Nakshtras, Ketu will be present in the 15

    thnakshatra and Swati onward up to

    UttraBhadrapada including Abhijeet are known Mrit Paksha Nakshatra.

    This way, Rahukalanal Chakra can be used for Natal Chart and Horary Chart to judge the

    Auspicious and Inauspicious Muhurtas based on Rahu, Sun and Moons transit as:

    Travelling will be auspicious when Moon is present in Jeeva Paksha nakshatra and Sun ispresent in Mrit Paksha nakshatra.

    If Moon and Sun, both, are present in Jeeva Paksha nakshtras at the start of travelling,that results in Well organized, successful and benefic travelling.

    If Moon and Sun, both, are present in Mrit Paksha nakshtras at the start of travelling,that results in unorganized, loss, tough and even dangerous travelling.

    Rahu & Ketu always transit retrograde, so transits direction need to follow reverse.Over all, Moon should be auspicious i.e. in Jeeva Paksha nakshtras, as in almost works

    Moons strength and benefic condition is required. If we look on Muhurta, we will find the

    importance of Tithi, Vaar, Yoga, Karna, Nakshatra and Moon Sign. All of these have very

    much broader area of applications as well as some very specific areas of application also

    there. RahuKalanal Chakra is most effective for Cities, States and Countries around or

    surrounded Water bodies like Sea, Big Rivers etc as well as the events concerned at

    Mundane Level like political activities etc.

    Note: Members are requested to test this properly in case studies, before applying it in

    daily practice, because every method/tool has own merits & demerits and areas of
