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The Internet of Things and the Cloud

I n today ’s bus iness i t becomes increas ing ly impor tant to have constant v is ibi l i ty of assets and processes, anyt ime, anywhere .

Regardless whether in your l ine of business it is important to know the pos i t ion of veh ic les, the speed of a l l the paddles of a wind turb ine farm, the temperature of a par t icu lar substance ins ide a s i lo located thousands of k i lometers away, or the amount of petro l f lowing through a t ransocean ic p ipe l ine, you rely on data from intel l igent devices .

Th is happens when “ the internet of things ” or M2M (machine to machine) communication becomes reality.

Our goa l is to provide the tools required to make th is scenar io poss ib le, in an af fordable, secure and re l iab le way: we take care of gathering and del ivering data, from every angle .

Eurotech takes the complex i ty out of your IT process, surrounding i t and taming i t , so you can implement an ef fect ive dev ice data in f rastructure us ing a wide range of cutt ing edge networked devices and an innovat ive cloud-based M2M platform .



device cloud

Our day - to -day work is in terconnect ing

embedded dev ices and managing the

most cut t ing edge M2M plat form on

the market .

In our of fer you can f ind al l the ele-

ments to bui ld an M2M end-to-end

solut ion so you improve your core

bus iness, not your bus iness chores:

you focus on the business appl ica-

t ion and we take care of the rest .

Focus on your

core business

No l imits . No matter how many in te l -

l igent dev ices you need to connect ,

no matter where they are, our c loud

based M2M plat form is designed to

scale and change depending on

your needs. You can start connecting

single intel l igent embedded

devices today and grow your reach

to 10.000 of devices tomorrow .

Our platform wil l al low you to offer

world-class customer oriented

services in the minimum time – right

away, without any infrastructure

investment and all the flexibility


Innovat ion is one of our parad igms.

We innovate so we can de l iver tech-

nologies that al low our customers

and par tners to compete and

succeed in the business arena .

That is why we have l i tera l ly connected

the embedded wor ld wi th the Cloud

wor ld. Our “Dev ice - to -c loud” of fer is a

comprehensive customer-oriented

set of embedded purpose bui l t

devices, cloud ready, that can con-

nect instant ly with our M2M Cloud

platform .

Benefit from new

Cloud technology

Leverage world-class

products and services


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Immediate access to world-class communication solutions, services and technology

Broad por t fo l io of purpose bu i l t dev ices

20 years of exper ience bu i ld ing and connect ing embedded systems

Best in c lass M2M plat form

Scalabi l i ty (S ize doesn ’ t matter )

From very smal l to very large number of dev ices

No l imi t on the number of users or connected appl icat ions

Improved f lex ib i l i ty (pay as you go)

Instant f inancial benef i ts

El iminat ion of (upfront ) in f rastructure investments

Reduct ion of f ixed costs

Min imal t ime to market

Reducing r isk and future proof

Reducing and d istr ibut ing / shar ing r isk

One point of contact for the end- to -end so lut ion

Open standards -based in ter faces

One of the largest embedded companies wi th a wor ldwide presence



Immediate access to

world-class communication

solutions, services and technology

I t is 20 years of exper ience bu i ld ing and connect ing embedded systems that put us

in the pos i t ion to deve lop not on ly a broad por t fo l io of purpose bu i l t dev ices but

a lso the means to of fer these dev ices seamless in tegrated in to the most advanced

M2M plat form ava i lab le on the market . So, leverage enterpr ise c lass technology

and so lut ions regard less of how b ig your company or operat ion is .

Scalabi l ity (Size doesn ’t matter )

Regardless of whether your business requires only a smal l number of interact ing

devices or ten thousands of devices, and whether those devices are globally dispersed

or local ly deployed, the cloud platform provides al l the required serv ices. There is

a lso no l imit with regards to where and how many business appl icat ions can be

connected to the platform. This unsurpassed f lexibi l i ty therefore improves your abi l i ty

to quickly adjust to constantly changing business requirements and market condit ions.


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Instant f inancial benefits

The complete of fer that spans f rom the embedded system to the M2M plat form

of fers a l l the components to qu ick ly des ign an end- to -end so lut ion.

I f you deve lop your appl icat ion on our M2M plat form, you do not have to invest any

money in buy ing or rent ing in f rastructure and, more impor tant ly, you on ly pay for

what you use. Just star t w i th no investments !

Reducing r isk and future proof

Conceiv ing, deve lop ing, deploy ing and managing a d istr ibuted embedded system

is a complex and r isky task. Our embedded systems and M2M plat form reduce the

uncer ta inty of such a complex pro ject through adopt ion of open standards, proven

technologies and a long h istory of exper ience.

Never the less throughout the pro ject you wi l l get the constant suppor t of a wor ld -

w ide organ izat ion, a leader in the embedded market .



Device to Cloud (to Business Application ) in just minutes . . .

with no l imitations

EverywareTM Software Framework (ESF) is comprehensive

and appl icat ion -or iented sof tware f ramework based on Java

and OSGi f ramework sof tware technologies. I t a l lows

developers and project managers to del iver complete, hardware- independent M2M

appl icat ions qu ick ly and ef fect ive ly. Fu l ly in tegrated wi th in ESF, the Everyware

Dev ice Cloud Cl ient prov ides instant connect iv i ty wi th Eurotech cut t ing edge

mul t iprotocol M2M Cloud p lat form. Just connect and immediate ly deploy your M2M

bus iness serv ices for un l imi ted users and in ter face wi th v i r tua l ly any bus iness

appl icat ion through s imple and ef fect ive APIs.

EDC and ESF he lp companies focus on the i r core competenc ies, by supply ing a set

of h igh ly modular, common bu i ld ing b locks. Leveraging th is comprehens ive of fer


- Shor ter deve lopment t imes / faster t ime to market

- Por tab le, robust code / h igher qua l i ty sof tware

- Less use of resources / reduced deve lopment costs

- More determin ist ic pro ject execut ion/ less r isk

- Instant M2M Cloud p lat form connect iv i ty

- Focus on the rea l va lues that make a customer appl icat ion successfu l .

EverywareTM Device Cloud (EDC) o f fer ing un locks your

M2M potent ia l . Through EDC, customers can reduce the t ime,

cost, and complexi ty of implement ing, managing, and scal ing

their M2M device networks and using the device data in the bus iness appl icat ion.

EverywareTM Device Cloud g ives you the fu l l package:

- a broad por t fo l io of purpose-bu i l t embedded hardware

- w i red and wire less connect iv i ty so lut ions

- ESF, the cohes ive midd leware sof tware speci f ica l ly conceived for

embedded dev ices

- an M2M plat form to immediate ly de l iver data f rom the f ie ld to

downstream appl icat ions and bus iness processes, dashboards, and repor ts


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Device + SaaS = DaaS

Eurotech enables customers to del iver

cutt ing edge SaaS appl icat ions that

seamlessly inc lude embedded devices.

We enable M2M business appl icat ions

easier and faster than ever.




Device SaaS


We of fer a very broad range of products that are DaaS ready: from sub-systems to

edge control lers, from rugged mobi le platforms to handhelds. Almost any type of

appl icat ion can be implemented with s imple- to -use, certified embedded devices.

Additionally, we offer compact, high performance and low power boards and modules

that give you great f lex ib i l i ty in bui ld ing your M2M appl icat ion. F inal ly, i f you have

specia l requirements or you need a non-standard feature, just cal l us: our designers

are at your serv ice to quickly turn your ideas in great solut ions.

We are cer ta in that i f you give EDC a try, you’ l l be surpr ised by how much you

can do with a fract ion of the ef for t. Some of our customers were able to squeeze

person-years of development and test ing in to just a few days.

What type of devices are DaaS ready?

How many lines of code do you have to write?

Before Now


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Appl icat ion Framework



M2M CloudPlatform


Eurotech bui lding blocks

BusinessAppl icat ion


EDC clientCloud


Java VirtualMachine

Optimized Operating Systems


ApplicationEnviromentFrameworksand libraries

Dev ToolsFree Form DB

Multi protocol Broker

Publish & Subscribe

Geogr. Balanced

M2M optimized

Load Balanced

Session aware


Bus inessLogic

Operat ing System


Justaddth is




Appl icat ion Framework




Third part ies elements

CRM, Docs, B i l l ing, ERP,Bus iness In te l l igence. . .

Development, Deployment,Prov is ion ing too ls

Servers, Storage, Secur i ty,Network ing

Platform as a Service

Infrastructure as a Service

Software as a Service

Operat ing System


M2M optimal Communicat ion Protocols

M2M Embedded Device Bui lding Blocks

Al l t rademarks and t radenames are the proper ty of the i r respect ive owners.

Cloud based



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