Radio Drama WIP Simon Rogers, Matthew Dockray, Chris Gill, Sam Munson

Radio Drama WIP Simon Rogers, Matthew Dockray, Chris Gill, Sam Munson

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Radio Drama WIPSimon Rogers, Matthew Dockray, Chris Gill, Sam Munson


Main character (laura) is stood on a street corner in the middle of the night smoking, while talking to another woman.

Laura has flashbacks to how her mother died during child birth.

Laura opens A-level results to find out she failed them, she dad finds out and gets angry

Her friend calls her to comfort her and tells her to apply for jobs. Laura then gets an interview for a job.

Laura’s Dad is drunk and becomes aggressive. Emotions going high.

Laura is in her interview and she is told she isn’t qualified enough for a simple cashier job.

Back to present day with laura stood on a street corner talking to her friend


For the opening and closing scene we will record it outside to capture the sounds of light distant traffic, wind and general atmos

For the father we won’t have him speaking any lines. We will be using sound effects to put across how he his feeling and his emotions. E.g. anger and frustration

During the ensemble singing we will be having backing music playing in the background but during the solo singing we won’t have backing music so the audience can connect with character

We will be recording sound effects live with actors but some we will we have to record separately like the cigarette lighter

When we record the ensemble we will record them in the multi-track studio. We will use 2 over-head microphones paned hard left and hard right, and we will place 2 microphones in the centre angled to the left and right but not paned as much.

CharactersLaura Angel - Laura is a 21 year old girl who finds herself in situations that no-one would want to be in. She has struggled in life without her mother being there as a female role model to guide her and encourage her in her endeavours. Another after shock of this is the fact that her dad went into a downward spiral, so instead of stepping up even more to compensate, Laura has had to look after herself and do everything.

Laura’s Mum (Susan) - Susan and her husband are two half’s of the same person and do everything to help each other. Also she has strong family values and dealt well with the passing of her own mother, Laura’s namesake, in a way that life seemed to run as normal. The couple always dreamed of having children and looked forward to the day when it came, to have their own perfect family

Laura’s Dad (Ben) - Ben is similar in character to his wife but deals with loss in a totally different way. Before his wife passes, he’s never had someone close to him die before. This is why his charter changes dramatically to one of someone who relies on drink to drown his sorrows and fill the empty void.

Laura’s Friend (Ami) - Ami was in the same year as Laura in the 6th Form and achieved the grades needed for her to go to university. She’s bright but only achieves a 2:2 so struggles to find the career of her choice. So in the end Ami is on the streets with Laura trying to earn money to pay off her student loan, same job just via a slightly different route.


Main Character Laura - Played by Kirsty Taylor

Laura’s Mum (Susan) - Played by Libby Soper

Laura’s Friend (Ami) - Played by Sophia Bishell

Laura’s Dad (Ben) - Silent character so no actor required

Minor Roles

Nurse - Played by Jessica Robinson

Interviewer - Played by Bex Clayforth

Receptionist and Newsreader still to be cast

Song lyrics

All Songs written by Ed Sheeran and from his album “+”

A Team

Give Me Love

Small Bump

Lego House

Main Chosen Lyric “The worse things in life come free to us”


Brayford radio has its own PRS license

We are not committing any copyright as we are only covering the songs


The main audience for our drama is 18-25 year olds as this is the age of young people going to college or university and they can relate to being turned down in jobs and feeling disappoint at receiving bad grades

Brayford radio website - “this online station is not only for students in Lincoln, but 16-25 year-olds around the UK and perhaps even around the world.”

We feel our drama fits perfectly with brayford radio as our drama isn’t just lincoln based. People can be affected by the topics we are writing about all over the country and the world

Group Roles

Simon Rogers - I will be leading our team making sure all of our work is accurate and up to scratch in terms of quality and quantity to bring to you the full package. He is going to be observing the rest of the team and doing the post checks to the piece along with being present for all the auditions in order to keep our drama moving in the right direction in line with our collective vision.

Matt Dockray - As editor, I am responsible for the finished drama piece. I am in charge of recording, which involves choosing the right microphones, mic-ing up the artists’ and testing all of the equipment that we will be using. Furthermore, with location recording, I will be working closely with the director to choose the right locations and make sure that the recordings we get are the the standard they need to be. After all of this, it will be my job to mix everything down and edit the final product along with input from the director and the producer. It is essentially my job to make their vision into a high quality, professional piece of audio ready for transmission on Brayford Radio.

Chris Gill - I will be the person who directs the actors and singers to craft the sound for the drama. I will constantly be in contact with the actors and will supply them with any information they need. Also he will be the main writer of the script from our teams idea.

Sam Munson - I am in charge of sound effects like a bottle smashing, tables and chairs being thrown around and a person smoking a cigarette. These are to add an atmosphere to the piece and help build more of a surrounding picture to the story. I am also the one who has created the blog and will be uploading all the groups work

