16 Radford Road Church web site: www.radfordroadchurch.org.uk Radford Road Church Leamington Spa June 2020 And finally, Thank you for reading this electronic copy of Radford Road Church Magazine. At present the Church Magazine is not being printed and is only being produced electroically. Please let Marjorie know the email addresses of anyone who would like to receive the Magazine by this method. This is a much greener, cheaper and less time consuming way of producing the Church Magazine. In future, it may be a sensible idea to continue in this way and to only print hard copies for those unable to access the internet and for visitors to the church. What’s more, those receiving the Magazine electronically have a colour version! At present 61 copies of this Magazine are being sent out.. Please email [email protected] before Sunday June 21 st if you have any items suitable for publication in the July/August Magazine.

Radford Road Church Leamington Spa€¦ · The bunting will then be used to decorate Torry's shop in the shop window competition for Warwick, then by St Mary's church for their celebration

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Page 1: Radford Road Church Leamington Spa€¦ · The bunting will then be used to decorate Torry's shop in the shop window competition for Warwick, then by St Mary's church for their celebration


Radford Road Church web site: www.radfordroadchurch.org.uk

Radford Road


Leamington Spa

June 2020

And finally,

Thank you for reading this electronic copy of Radford Road Church


At present the Church Magazine is not being printed and is only being

produced electroically.

Please let Marjorie know the email addresses of anyone who would like

to receive the Magazine by this method. This is a much greener, cheaper

and less time consuming way of producing the Church Magazine.

In future, it may be a sensible idea to continue in this way and to only

print hard copies for those unable to access the internet and for visitors

to the church.

What’s more, those receiving the Magazine electronically have

a colour version!

At present 61 copies of this Magazine are being sent out..

Please email [email protected] before Sunday June 21st

if you have any items suitable for publication in the July/August


Page 2: Radford Road Church Leamington Spa€¦ · The bunting will then be used to decorate Torry's shop in the shop window competition for Warwick, then by St Mary's church for their celebration



MINISTER (Methodist)






















It's hard to believe that we've been living under lockdown for

over two months now. When this crisis started none of us

knew how long it would take to get the virus under control,

and it looks like it will take a while yet. That means we have been prevented from entering our church buildings for the

whole 50 days between Easter and Pentecost, sometimes

known in the church as the great 50 days. It has felt to some

like a period of exile, when we have been cut off from

familiar things and even our spiritual home. So, we draw comfort from the experiences of the people of God in the Hebrew scriptures who

carried the burden of real exile when they were kidnapped and taken away from

their homeland. In those stories, not only do we hear their grief and anguish, but

also stories of renewal and hope.

The Bible reminds us that periods of exile or disruption have also been marked by new understandings of the presence of God, where calls to faithfulness have been

renewed. The people of God, cut off from the Temple in Jerusalem, were forced to

improvise and to meet God in new ways. It is thought that the synagogue, as a place

of meeting and prayer, was a result of the exile of the Jewish people in Babylon. When they returned to the Holy Land, they brought the synagogue back with them,

and it has remained an important part of Jewish life and worship ever since.

God teaches us new things, new ways, new wisdom whilst we are unable to do the

familiar. As the book of Joel says:

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall

dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even upon the

menservants and maidservants in those days, I will pour out my spirit.”

The question is: What is the Spirit teaching us in lockdown that we will bring back

when the crisis ends? What will the ‘new normal’ look like for us as a church and as a society? Our Moderator, Steve Faber, has produced, with others in the URC, an

excellent document to help us reflect on what God is saying to us now, and I

recommend it. Within the circuit we are also trying to capture some of those dreams

and visions that God is sharing with his people in order to plan for the future.

I encourage you to reflect deeply on what ‘being church’ might look like and what we need to do now to enable that to happen.

I have put together a short questionnaire to gather your thoughts and reflections. as

we will do with members across South Warwickshire. You can go to the website

https://www.cassowary.eu/new-normal or give me a call and I'll send you a paper

copy. In all this, we are reminded that wherever we are, in whatever crisis, God is present

with us through the Spirit. And we rejoice that God continues to lead us home.

God bless you all.


Revd. James Church [email protected]

Revd. Sam McBratney

[email protected]

Margaret B


Margaret H



Margaret H













Marjorie [email protected]

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Please remember in your prayers

those who have suffered bereavement. Comfort the families and friends who grieve.

those who are ill . Please think especially of Mavis, Ken, John F. Ann and Clarice.

those who have worries and anxieties. Give them peace and comfort in the knowledge that you are close to them.

those who are self-isolating and all who are confined to their homes over recent

weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic. Please may they know of your nearness to them as they feel cut off from family and friends.

We are all thankful that both Ken and Hazel are making steady progress after surgery.

Janice is now living in her house in Leamington and we welcome her back to our Radford Road Church fellowship. Some of our congregation may remember Emmanuel Toutungi, a member of

St. Peter’s Church, who visiting Radford Road Church some years ago to give a moving presentation of St. Mark’s Gospel. Sadly, Emmanuel died in May and we send our love to his wife, Jennifer and their two daughters.


Sally and Andrew have heard of an idea that someone had seen whilst walking

through their local churchyard.

People were tying ribbons onto an arch, some were blank in memory of loved

ones, others had a prayer attached. It was a way of people coming together at their

church even though they were unable to go in to the building and showing the

community that the church was not closed even if the building was inaccessible.

Sally and Andrew suggest that we, at Radford Road Church, could copy the idea.

So, when you are next out for your daily exercise, please take a ribbon of any

colour with you and tie it onto the hand rail up the ramp at Radford Road Church

or even onto the side gate. The ribbons will show the community that we still care

for them and that we are still church even if the building is closed at present.

The Daily Devotions from the United Reformed Church offers you a

Bible reading, reflection and prayer for every day of the year. They can

be sent to you by email, viewed on the URC website or on a Facebook

page. The devotions are written by a team of writers from different places

and perspectives in the URC

To subscribe (free) go to the URC website urc.org.uk and look for

Daily Devotions

Fill in form, press Subscribe and the Daily Devotions will appear each

morning in your inbox.

You will find A Prayer for the Day page on the Methodist web site at

https://www.methodist.org.uk There is also a Prayer Wall where you

are able to ask others to pray for your particular concerns.


Guard me as the apple of the eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings

Psalm 17:8 NRSV


May your love that never fails

strengthen the weak

encourage the fearful

calm the anxious

heal the sick

through your church –

your washed hands

and feet on earth –

distant but still present

virtual but still connected

apart but still helping.

God in your mercy,

hear our prayer.


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During Christian Aid Week as a Church we would have been delivering and

collecting envelopes from the streets around the Church. Obviously we could

not do that this year so I wanted to ask you to donate to Christian Aid via an

e-envelope, direct via the Christian Aid website


or via a cheque made payable to Christian aid and posted to me

(12 Earl Rivers Ave, Warwick, CV34 6EN)

and I will make sure the cheque is given to Christian Aid.

As the coronavirus spreads across the world, love rises up in response. Join

me this Christian Aid Week in reaching out to protect our neighbours around

the world. Please think about giving a donation and sharing an e-Envelope

with your friends. Thank you,


Coronavirus impacts on all of us. But love unites us all.

‘Love…bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all

things. Love never ends.’ (1 Corinthians 13:7-8)

Even in the darkest moments, love gives hope.

Love compels us to fight against coronavirus alongside our sisters and

brothers living in poverty.

Love compels us to stand together in prayer with our neighbours near and far.

Love compels us to give and act as one.

Now, it is clear that our futures are bound together more tightly than ever


As we pray in our individual homes – around the nation and around the world

– we are united as one family.

If you have not yet done so

Please donate to the Christian Aid

Coronavirus Emergency Appeal today.

Please respond using your e envelope or hand your gift to Bridget

Halpin, our Radford Road Church Christian Aid Organiser.



You may remember that a group of people at Radford Road Church and our

Brownies made two lengths of bunting to decorate St. Mary’s Church,

Warwick for their planned VE75 Celebrations.

Unfortunately the event could not be held on the 75th anniversary of VE Day

because of the lockdown. St. Mary’s Church were very grateful for our gift

and have now sent the following letter to us:

Just wanted to let you know that we have rearranged our VE75 celebrations

- the Gala Dinner will now take place on Wednesday 28th October and all

our bunting will be proudly displayed, and hopefully remain in situ until

Remembrance Sunday.

However, the bunting was used to

decorate The Lord Leycester

Hospital when the ITV camera

visited prior to VE75 Day and

filmed a rendering of Vera Lynn

songs being given for the

residents of the Hospital.

The bunting will then be used to

decorate Torry's shop in the shop

window competition for Warwick, then by St Mary's church for their

celebration dinner and finally it will go to Warwick Town Council for use at

future special events.


In part of her deeply moving speech to the nation on the 75th anniversary of

VE Day, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II paid tribute to the “never give up,

never despair” conviction of the British people that secured victory in Europe

75 years ago.

She went on to say,

“Our streets are not empty, they are filled with the love and care we have for

each other!

What moving and sincere words from our dearly loved monarch.

Covid 19

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We are still hoping that Dan Holmes, a

Christian folk singer and songwriter from the

US, will be able to make his fourth tour of

England in October. If restrictions are lifted by

then he will be performing live concerts at

fifteen churches AND HE WILL BE



OCTOBER 17TH 2020.

Dan will make a definite decision “later this summer” on whether or not the tour

can take place or whether it will be cancelled/ postponed because of the current




The knitting of our angels has started in earnest and

many people, during this period of isolation, have

started to make them for distribution to our local

community during Advent.

We also hope to make lots of hats, scarves and gloves

for the clients of our Night Shelter

The people who use the Shelter prefer hats and gloves in darker colours but

that really isn’t essential. What they all need are garments to protect them

from the bitterly cold weather of winter. It doesn’t matter what patterns

you use - all garments will be much appreciated.

Knitting is an ideal way of countering the boredom of being in

lockdown! So please start clickety clicking NOW!



All Are Welcome has now been running for just over 12 months and is serving a

real need in the local community. Regular people come along and we also

welcome new people who then become regulars. There is a wonderful

atmosphere of friendliness and everyone looks forward to the weekly Tuesday

morning get-togethers. Of course, meetings have had to be cancelled during


The whole ethos of “All Are Welcome” is that we welcome people unreservedly

and it is completely free to our clientele. However, during this first year we have

been living “from hand to mouth”. Fortunately, two grants and smaller

donations from individuals, have enabled us to buy an A Board, print publicity

material and buy refreshments.

During lockdown, the organisers of the group have

tried to source further money. On the advice of

Councillor Martin Lockhurst a request for a grant

was made to Persimmon Homes. This resulted in

our receiving a cheque for £1000 for All Are


In addition, The URC Synod Mission Fund has awarded

£500 for the work of All Are Welcome.

We are naturally delighted with this result.

The money will enable us to buy refreshments, craft

materials and publicise and extend our work in providing a

place of welcome to those in our community.

BRIDGET’S CYCLE RIDE As many of you know Bridget has been

preparing for the cycle ride of a lifetime!

She bought a new bike, helmet, saddle

protector, waterproofs, drinks container and

other essentials ready for her proposed E to

E ride from Land’s End to John o’ Groats.

Then she set about her training regime.

She started off with gentle rides around the

town and gradually increased her daily

distance until she was doing 20 miles and then 30, 40 and nearing the 50

mile daily trips!

Her muscles, bones and every part of her body ached and ached but she

persevered. She discovered parts of Warwickshire that she didn’t know

existed and enjoyed riding on roads free from traffic. On occasions she

took the wrong turning which added to the distance she had intended

covering and coming down steep hills. She did not always remember to

cover herself in sun cream and so , on occasions, was rather red at the end

of the day.

She was really looking forward to setting off with her friends on this

wonderful adventure until the dreaded, but not unexpected, news came

that the trip was cancelled because of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Never mind, Bridget. We shall all look forward to cheering you on when

you are able to set off next year.

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As Radford Road Church remains closed because of the coronavirus pandemic,

it is important that we all remember our regular giving. Although the church is

closed there are still costs as is the case with any building and we have lost the

income from lettings.

If you would like to consider setting up a standing order or give via bank transfer

please contact either Tina Wise, Bridget Halpin or Margaret Bull for banking

details. Alternatively you can send a cheque made payable to ‘Radford Road

Church’ to Margaret Bull.


Please bear in mind, if you are ordering goods online, to register for easy giving

as the church receives a donation on each order. It costs you nothing and it is

easy to register. If you download the reminder you will be guided to which

companies are participating.

Dear Friends The English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, wrote a novel in 1865 with the instantly recognisable title ‘Alice’s

Adventures in Wonderland’ commonly shortened to ‘Alice in Wonderland’. One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree.

“Which road do I take?” she asked. “Where do you want to go?” was his response. “I don’t know,” Alice answered.

“Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter.” As Christians we have both a compass and a destination. The Bible is our compass giving us guidance every step of the way. And we have an amazing destination in

Paradise with our Heavenly Father; the journey made astonishingly possible through His Son on the cross. Our paths will vary - we may find it to be a long and

meandering route, or it may be short and direct. When foggy, we may not see far ahead, but that is where a compass comes into its own – there is no need to stab around in the dark. We have a reliable route.

Yours in His Service,


2nd April 2020



‘You cannot look in a new direction by looking harder in the same direction’ Edward de Bono

‘People pray in one direction but they walk in a different direction’ Andy Stanley

‘No matter how long you have travelled in the wrong direction, you always

have the choice to turn around’

‘I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always

reach my destination’ Jimmy Dean

‘You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes

You can steer yourself any direction you choose.’ Dr Theodor Seuss

‘Direction determines destination’

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding’ Proverbs ch 3 v 5

‘Seek his will in all you do and He will show you which path to take’ Proverbs ch 3 v 6



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The monthly Prayer Diary encourages the Church family to focus prayers on specific people or organisations on a daily basis

1st Charities which have seen a

dramatic drop in donations

16th All in our church community who

are supporting others

2nd Ken 17th Our politicians who are having to

make difficult decisions

3rd For those who are grieving the

loss of loved ones

18th All who have contracted


4th Clarice 19th Gill

5th NHS workers during these

challenging times

20th Those who are isolated, alone,

scared or anxious

6th Rehoboth Children’s Centre 21st John F

7th Christians Together in


22nd All key workers on whom we


8th Radford Road Church 23rd Elders of the Church

9th Those working with the most

vulnerable in our society

24th Hazel

10th The family of Ralph 25th Mavis

11th Businesses and people who are

struggling financially

26th Joyce

12th Jherell, Jenny and Helen 27th Home Carers

13th Valerie 28th Staff and Residents of Care Homes

14th Kingsley and Anne 29th Peggy

15th Our Ministers and their families 30th Ann B



Let us pause and find a moment of peace, as we lift up our hearts together in


For the health workers tending the seriously ill

for the scientists working on a vaccine

for the researchers analysing data and identifying trends

for the media outlets working to communicate reality

for the supermarket workers, hygiene and sanitation providers

for the good news stories of recoveries and effective planning

for the singing from balconies by locked-down communities

for the recognition that isolation doesn’t need to mean loneliness

for the notes through letterboxes offering help and support

for the internet and telephones and technology that connects

for the awakened appreciation of what is truly important

Thanks be to God.

For those who are unwell and concerned for loved ones

for those who were already very anxious

for those immune-suppressed or compromised

for those vulnerable because of underlying conditions

for those in the ‘most at risk to coronavirus’ categories

for those watching their entire income stream dry up

for those who have no choice but to go out to work

for those who are afraid to be at home

for those who are more lonely than they've ever been

for those who are bereaved and grieving.

God be their healer, comfort and protection,

be their strength, shield and provision

be their security, safety and close companion

And raise up your Church

to be your well-washed hands and faithful feet

to be present to the pain

to respond with love in action

if even from a safe distance.

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We are so grateful and full of appreciation to James and his team of worship

leaders for providing on line worship, morning and evening prayers via

WhatsApp and for his support of individuals during the pandemic.

Our thoughts and prayers have been

with the medical profession and, in

particular, with Jherell, Jenny and

Helen working in hospitals and in

the community to care for the sick

and the vulnerable.


Clapping in

appreciation of the

work of

the NHS

“Hallelujah! He is risen!”


Many of us have been in self-isolation for

several weeks now and have greatly missed

social interaction with friends and relatives.

We have missed the things which we always

took for granted:

popping in to see a neighbour,

going to the shops,

giving a friend a hug,

our church services and weekly activities

and lots, lots more.

However, many of us have been able to keep

in touch by telephone calls, video links,

Zoom meetings and WhatsApp chats.

The conversations have been lively,

entertaining, amusing, serious, thoughtful and


To give a flavour of how we have all coped during the lockdown we have

compiled a little book detailing snippets of news and anecdotes of people’s

activities during this very unusual period.

The book is called “Strange Times” AND IT IS AVAILABLE NOW!

It is easy reading and contains about 50 pages which we trust you will find

interesting, amusing and informative.

The book has been professionally printed and so we have incurred costs.

Each book costs approximately £2.10 to produce and we are hoping that

those who buy one will add a donation for Radford Road Church. Please send

your cheque (including donation) made payable to Marjorie Carrier or make

a bank transfer:

Sort Code 09-01-34

Account Number 35786806

The book is a wonderful keepsake and would make an ideal gift for a friend

or relative for a birthday, Christmas present or just as a gift. Already several

books have been sold.

Stocks are limited (we have only had 100 copies printed) so please let

Marjorie and John know as soon as possible if you would like one.

If you would like a book posted to you there will be a further charge of £1.50

to cover postage.