r.,,_ lill ERlCIAL. e l4.LRalf , .. IS N ' uhrii glo Fch. .IR1 e1 YaI A......::...IS I fa ........ /8. I V b..A .. IR t bii re.I, 9 Jh . IRIW. Ir~nii. Rah. ,17 .. .R WrerpL.l,Fh J .. .. r.~... ... " 8 Pert ~i.................... 1 ",1 I .. ~a. "I' p . NW rL do . 'eWg_~ ORI:,.'..N CLEAKANCER. a , .Februay 95th 1839. tidlmm Blmperefr nr.ror. i Ik AeMJCmgt N w York. t4*dla#9b c t fot r a abtflmme. e tlea for New York. lab Mueaaa Lint, Sr Taopa Bay. ARRIVALS. braar.V y 5,18M39. thl i AfItOtat, oia, 1 days fom CalChlaaatoet M•otar. all aklaalima rrow., Tt hora f, eiaey Wast, toa Mnter. Sah . •b( a1 yaoe.Blackin;toa, 17 days from Charlaroa.a to !-riseam r,I)e.,lo. Ilday. from Gandatlps, to Supera Qnua SSain. Mlm" tfrom St Jophb. Inhall.nlt, to Dater. C " aellaa b . Payee. from Clarksville. aa ,•.sat•a. ifrom Arabaa..bad an maniaiest, 4oh i, aa very l leacara. S mat Joba Raaddlph. liller, from Nslhille. .lala, Way.e, Falrboa. a. Cinctiaaui. Nolst Star. Latham, fram Cicinuatli. Sta es l Amaiaa, IBrea. fron W il liams' Laedinl. *tSglamaaataa ia linatti..tarao, 208 ala aour, 02 brll I ntent from. the Ohliao .earo, 291 brbfloor, 35.0010 Ib -thh't•arh aadlo kegh lards J Vairsn & co, Madden 4 Hall, Im 4 Southgate. EXPORTS. I.VSYPOOa-.PerShip E.ropa..C.roa 1871 halea Coton. IARtIrORD..Per a il Alaexdanr..Caareo tI hales Cotton ad7 bhds Hooks & lot Coaime. a I;R*F8YRR..parah_BMadk ltt..3•1 tbM. sad S ha. A folaaa. 1OTR6..per brig Uado...:at hhdi8o ar.l e W4 P1ll..par brigl Ligooia..950 hhdI sager, tied 800brl dour. TAMPA lAY..perachr Al•xander..12 hbar hoba, 10 Irunaks etlhinl. IS ha. pickles. 1S kebr hatter, 1 abx. l lart1.t30hai ourtObrS a.ar 5dbo whkaley S fi-h cordials, 5utak a o., cahks ail. IMPORTS. UOIDALOPE..perhr och ranger..winam. eordialt, andpota- a toaa. to hup cala o and masar. MET WEST..per aha Talc=..S Ila. aal le. 13 dacotton snd. 50 bb bay. h w turtle and tidt, to Manar. Ct1LtRSON..por harig Octavi..l0 tea and IS half do rice, Io order. -. r....... pa. aaaoaa Wqa..IS mfl a.a, aad S lt a aiea. G 1edrotd1 RICEII'T4 OF PRODUCE. llst*h..ptt lmmer Conslelllltin..139 bit cotton,. 1 iabta . o.a d 6 baeacofeeo, Jaao tatI la. tI id cotton I Pdaaia.Imale A ao, bhta baaon Winstoan & Sall., 4 ls ct. .ars! 44bbd-aobao N J Dick & ra, 98 bhds tobaccoAA LA~ Am baa, 114 babda thacco Maddoa. Poll:ard & co. 14 4 d AlaaadeaPrier, 94 btbd do. 295 ItaCo Sar, I48 Ilt l ntbhtahaaa. I baM. aad 6br tLard, Yeotma & co. IS e,' naatlone and atala oil. Vm Gray, 13 Ihd. lm La Creah.a, 6"Mlhdao W ReWl. I hhd.do, door Ownea r onboarda 401 mala Joh Dick. bapera atausmr Job Rtandoiapb..l56 hbda tobhacco. I 75db i, 214 ahI aat bri. 9br porak, h kegl lard, tr tomb slea Yaecmna & co.e3 ll ia coton, Frieron, Dale *ao.38 hla ouoa. 91hdl.a, al 55 bastLbaaco, and casks keaal,, k JDick & oa. B304 hbda tobaeo. A L Addison , Co. 101 Hl doMaddox & Pollard, SdoaTas & Hopkins, 275 do ad 11LohI. A JA ob., a 4 nesu et emptyCks L . P Mar- abai I wagon and faxtura Winstoan ShaU, 38 honea. 581 I tmrkya,9 brim ela.. and35 daacbickesOwaera on board. Cmtialati..per steambr Gea Wayne.. S000 kegs lard. and 100 brlapork, 199 kosl lard, and 104 hropork, Malhad Pl 4gaaoa 150 emply barrela. K Lpingaer, 1l00 brll flour, 19 ]kd. hanoa, 27 brhl paork 27 kaae lard, J Vairen 4 Co, Icorn mill Lamrbeth 4 Thompason, 49 briM donor O Dons.y, I0 roll atheoalC aa Kennedy, 80 bI•a pork Admat Hartawell. 253 a41 pekaC4IbS, a lard. 4 Landim & co, 50 brb whiskeay Carlia. & Iaddaandor, 3 hk hams Ogden 4 Soutbltte, 50 Sbhhdhbams 4hbh pork, 13bri anld IO5 heg hard SteauonAavery, It oram Owner on bard. - Cihcinsati..per at'r North a81r..l100 ba. lard. 208 brhl Miiar, aae 52 brla whiasey. I Ladi & ao, 629 hbrla dour C W Oaaoam, 109l hal whiskey and 10a do doir JVairan & co, 90 brim our, 34 doa G Dorsey: William' Lnadiag..per ateamea Amorian-t175 bb cottona, 16 pork, Caner 4* OGidley. 156 do Amour,Lake & Walker, 7 do W M fal. 59doIRynolds. Byrnea & to. 116 do Ricker, Hadley & Dvis, 19 d P A Ilardy, 69doAllenaa, Ashaer & co, 19 do W Flower. PASSENGERS. Cincinnati...pr steamer Monah tar..J T Smith, W P Dell- Cmal,Iiaaa, D I W Webatr, J Mooney, Min French, D D Aaery. Judgea Chin,,. Clarklville..lar tlaenaer Cona.eltltio.., Grncy, W Reed, 1be A Pelties, Diaa, Wynalt, W B Reynoldl. Atwood, Watcbe. Andaewa. Nabaille..par steamer John Randolph..Dr D Glasa and alhter, Mra J Miller, TF Barneat nd-lady. Mrl Hanyworth. Mia W•st, Miss VuUahe, Mi.s Northnlm, MrBrownSa n and lady, Msmr. Tholnpsoll. Armsaead, Yeataan, Woldridg., Moore, Hyde, ataly, J WOgdan, Pincbhack, Prillian, Joael, Castkll, Cloman. CHARLESTON MARKET, Feb. IS. COTTON.-AI the close ofathelalt andin the early pat of the present week, the Upland Cotton market wai atltert quiet,and the oprations collstilquentdy lighlt, baig oarflned chiefly to speculators at the full prices quoted in our raview of the 9th inst. There was n evidett dis- pslthion among legtimate dealers to upeand opelrations, iltering that advaces from ithe other sala of the water (which are anxiosly looked for) must benear at hand, bat having been disappointed inllis belief, the market ,penedon Tuesday wih contsitleralel briskness, hbothb far the hometralde ndfor tle F.uapean marketa; and it is supposed that duaring the last two days 5000 bales Itaae een sold at an alvuace onlast week's quotations o tally 1-Sat. per lh.on. all qualiltiea. The a, embrace 7000 bIl at the f.,Illowing price.:--130 aI 13 ieta, 355 at 133,2 i4 014; 007 at 14. 1105s at 14j,130 at 141, 453 at 14 11. •1 t 141. 254 at 15,ftt 1l5 51alt 151• 549 o 151, 7018 at 151, 193 at 151, 317 at I. 80 at 168. 283 at 161, 95 at 18t nad 011 his at I7 cents. The iltilaa at Ihe tlobs ofthe markea ydaerday wam worth as followl:..Liaverpool clnifientious-- Crl. aad inanri•r a1 i. a, mlddli.a Inlaadlln[ rin r t14 a 151, flir to fullySir 16 1Il, seed air 161, and choice I? eta per lb. The sales iq Sen Iblaed have also aeen extenalve during the wk, snlotlnting I to fully 700 bags atprices ranging fromn 4 to 7a cent, with about 40 bags stainead, from 14to 12 conta .per.lb. .- February 16. Floar--fnirbuninee dsint 10 a1-4. ay . Baoem--Ilnms 11a13, Sidas II,Souldets 9a91-.2. La--d• twen 200 and 300 kegs new Baltimore bolught a 13 -2. Freitig-A-m Liverpool 1-2 per lb. for cotton. To Nlaere tat 3-8. DrNOTICE-The ship NORMANDIE, Capt. Tyson' e from NewlYurk, is now dischargin" opposite the Mint. Cconsignee are particnlly requested to attend to the receipt of their goods on the Lotte. d tsb26 Sv S J P WHITNEgY. rITahe ship ELIZA WAwItCK, Capt Davis, from lsotnn, is dieatargian juost above the rleancot ona press. Consignees will plrsue etteud to thereceipt .fitheir goods. READ & BJARSTOW, fe26 7 Bank place ttPaoket ship AutuRn from New York, it d s- charging opposite St Phillip at. Consignees ae re- qested to attend to the receipt of tboeir goals fe2 P LAIDLA1W, 6 Camp at ATHE Consignee (John F Kroknerst) of 300 boxes op andtwo piano fortes per eship .5ohn Mtarshall frnt few y ork, is requested to coll at the ubscribors office aad renite his goode. f(2i5 & JP WIHITNEY, 73Cmnp st f tle rkn oter by assigl :hla chip so VAR sp. Banis, nl scottonpperst.nsS. Cn sige wi rq plestud e t tteodto I Ste receipt of their gands. B EAD &tBARS PO,, tITNEYk plot 'NOTICF--The bhig Boso.aS. Capt. yer, frtom tsw York, is now di•chargins• ppoaite lhe 0 leants oul8son rese. t inee r ir a td ,die reetipt of t heir goode re. este t aende eh2 &b J P WHITNEY. 3TNTIrCF--T s Brip ZoAt oarrel apm. erioerly ta•n New York, is tha diehargig oplmite the Ircan- glarksret .Consignees em plrti a ldrl e receitd ofird o the r. ,t teir on t flbd25 i & J r WIIIPNEY, cnarket. Cosignees sill pleura attend to ike reipt feb25 A COlEN acent, 90 Common nt AON-70 cks ofat, sl.'dersaddeor 1JO]asle by G DORiSE . t19 44 New Levee S. PARKIY, Desting, respectfully gieson- " lte, that he nay be conslted annuaolly in New Orleans, durigth ttti tontl of Fetrry, oMarchl and April. Hie anseoiate intim practice, Dor .loon, whore pskeisoal skill and experience, both in tte st rgical mad aenhssicel depatlment, is nssupassed in this coeutrr, will remain permanently. fei9 office,59 (anal street. OIt'r 1(N HAY--200 bales prime Naw Y-rk Hey, lotling fom cship Osemulee, and forsale fry felb A COlili ,Olt Comtlon st ADDEK- ceas Meadder, fotar sle by Ri- HYDE & BRO., fetS 39 Common, car Magazine steet ULS tl RAlt.ti harrelscholce brads, ini good ship- U ping order at the landing, for sale by 1'19 O I)JORSEY, 44 New levee I MAIIRA WINE-lngham's L. P; Col, r,7 laze brnds, inpiper, hlfpipp, quartnr casks fel5 134 Magazine st EXAS AN1D SCRIP FOR SAL.E-'re sulscri hert offer for solo twenty Floats of six hundred andfortyHacres of land, each. -By tim alt oafthe Legie IstU tihis script i an be held nd located by foreigner msd'is transfemable by assignmont. " Tl OS B LEE & CO. p tINE APPLE CHEESE just received nd f• r sale Lby REAU & BARS1TOW iaiO 7 Bank PIla O Ate t BOXES-50 Cash iBoe. of our own in fmetore, far superior to the Englisb, for sale by j0 l LOCKE & Co, 8 Front Levee DITEeDs,00 0oI-in stoa, for sale VI h•y -S LOCKE o Co, ja1l8 / 8 Front Levee t A MF.RICAN BRA.DY-30 barrela Ansiricen bhen. *fs• G W PRITCIAh D 4 JO TAGERT Jr. [HEprceof Iresh flnsr to-day is $7 50 per bars el TL atRdig tothe tariffy the bakers shall give do- ejtajlhe sauiag weak (from Monday 25th inst.) 37 oull- t go wegh 25jser ee=. mom. •i.:. 4 an o. 0hlse summer straimed sperm oil, byes a urks Island olt, i stare for sale L H GALE, 93 Castom Sja7F J1IIAYER & Cu, T4 Poydria ei 5M taclt Ianhrra lmtndso form s aip Hsnonee psei sate 1-y I.EVI H GbI.E, 9ll Pommon at :++,,+ ?,-r.oe-, TRIUI A•IERIlCAN OLfFIClE* In connection w!th this Olcae i is SPLENDID AND EXTEP1SIVE ASSORTMENT OF TYPE Pamphlets R1 e Checks Oatolegea n alut of Lading Labels, Sray Receipt., Legal Notices Au•ction ills, Bill ermn , SheeW Hiils Steam BoD t Dills Circulars' And every description .fJob W\Vrk thas may bev eqired. [lRThe proprietor respectfully calls the attention of the public: to the above Card, and assures thorn that all work intrusted to his care shall be dom at thie short- cat notice, in a style unsurpassed il this city, and at the lowcst'rates. TIHE TRUE AMERICAN. E 'ITED Yv JOIlnt tilRiCON. FAITILVUL AND BOLD. NEW1 OR LEAN~: TUE SDAY, FEBRUARY 26. I`39. Ma. CLAY'sSrp geH. This eloquent and patriotic exposition of MrClay's opinions on thie subject of Fra Abo'i ion,and utter deimlition of the princip!es assert- ed by tile fanatics who have for years been warring a- gainst the rights of tole South, may be had in pamphlet form at the counting room of the 'rue Anlicadn to- T marrow morning. It is due to thm great Champion of BeI his country. that this fill and lucid refutation of the Cins charges alleged against him by a venal p, tsa and cor- beer rupt party, shlould be a idel dilsee•inated through the ure, South, when it has been astomnLted todo him the Inost pon injury-where in fact effortshave been made to pros- null trate im forever in public opinion, by ineins o f fal I foar accusations aidl slanderous imputat ion s . t This speech ofMr. Clay has won the confeeerd admii- tho ration and applanse of n e he most distinguislhed men, who pro have heretofore affer ted to doubt the purity oand integri- c'ts y of hllis principles oni this subjectt . The Charleston pro Courier,an organ of Mr. Calho .n, wmith is edited aith pan much aoil'ty thus makes mention of this effort of the great western s tatesman, and sets the seal ofentire alp- t probatio ena it. Who nan longer doubt, when the very highestlnuthority-authority eanating from Mr. Cal- and hocn himself, epproves? The Corier save: deri "it crowns its gory uthor d gives a ins nea n claims to the name and frame ofa true and fearlessa jt riot, and to the warmgush of Southern gratitude. he sn political tatnetsof the South may fnrlid it frou eover per supporting Mr. CLAsfor thle Presidency, bit let it not deny hilt Ito nted sue to his patriolisn oand fidelity to Pmo iltheConstitution. Twircebefioe, ttn'y on the Missou- the ri queslon, and ol tile Tarifetnposrsilse, lasl he plaovet thh noble part olpalifiiatornf the Union, and Ie ast now literally swept abolitionfran all its mooringsand at g Icoverts, dissevered it fril tle right of peJitili sld sioth- hi er adventitiousaids,snd held itsp in isolated ndlim to the the scorn sad indiglntion of the repuilie, leaeing its phtnzied advocate, the notorious thorri. ofOliou, unotit- ing obut the sneers of the sgust andenlightened assst h bly be darld to insultwilh his tressnsbloe baldenrdsh. so lie tivides tie abolitionists into three olssoe, tne l ad whooppose slavery on grounds of lhustnity ond phi- lanthro rhe,and do not shame a heir profession by Indito. oPi ots plotlings,anl conspiraiesi against the tranquility pro of lltlltor slt and the peace of he Union. those wiho are one misleditito seeoiitg eo-operatioa with abolition, by tile false issue raised on thit right ofpetiirona and those wh all recklessly aim wickedly pursue tlheir (d plnrpose,it se Sltter disregard of the rights of property. the provsins ps of tile Constitutis, ihe rights of lthe Stles, anti the w proservation of oar Unionami its glorious systel oi gov- enlment;andea clanss receives its ite ap reciation. for A i etxcoristisnallusion is made to O'Connell, as tise I pluonderr f Ils own country snuill thelibellm r of kin tl- Stred pele, alll Ar. Stevenson hold pardonallo for bo- tig nade to swerve frmn his propriety by virtlous ard ouC putriotitc indinntini eglinet tile wreo mn The miiglin g i of abiliionis, wioh tle Iolitiea oftlho iountllry receivers the just and sterln reiuke, d io Ield o as rnan arm tag syptriifs tlihe timso. A rapid survey intahkn at tse three prossineot erasof olioiitionisis innirrepublic. So iimsulootaely with sthe firstoperatio i of the federal on contitutios itbrogound in thie ben llsifthtli nltiin- ine a lgioutiturn, by the a roite of oi e pitio, and a toliper- Pit Sate anid nll eon toed eport nroileyd lue abolitionists ti the r nlves trso reson nl qiile thled coVistry. Nist n r thie aiesori question shook iedUnie.islil lorthnl lao- thi i, tina, but:ttesatiris of nolpromuise, whicsn dictated tire nit t constituion, was again inotned, and nte estopd ithe Speril. T third •lipocl oinoludes the lss atow years and qt d tesjersent time. e 'hie last excitement is the result osftho stimouts giv- ant e en to the spirit of abolition by i ritiih We'st fuflla ex risncipiationi, an example inappiioable in all its aspuecit si Spoiri entol. ialand stutileral, to lhiA conltri inillthe of a. evil iliult•det ln beenIhigtrceue uldl a gr og vatrled h I those who S woauld stake t oil ieaei ni glory of their i Scetiliry InI lie Ia stire of trl die in l ute h oIE of polities. l Aholititiou ine tie iatreint of Coutbiau•i in o argued, in a t r. iacstierly uil conviningcipantser, ouvioeldflana vitiutin v'a or ste ioi tlic foitb, inflicihtl pledgid so irgiuiae iando r ae Mery erladawh s tiley acd u the )iaerild to the Union, gt ' fora seat ofoGovernment. and ou llrijust ood dishonast ts r artterialn of tuerilm ofenslusie i iel iaioll oaer thle i)iatriitto tlhe natiinal legialotuire. Abolitiot, in Fliur- at ida,it is inaiastedl sillths-quiat fuorce, wonld be n viorlation w' f ti lse rSialis n treaty of ciloni, and i t mora tli logai n I e foot oftlte oiisspoiuri iemnr ise;to th e ptreventio n of the removal of straes rionole state ton anothlet, is d clitown tb r tie rhe iutt of n dcs tiutiee a s not a esr- a enasoe consltrnttioi oifha piwou I iq regulat comnierce itf ameot thieseverill tntes, and to hre stunluded by thei ianttalldionati raoniliha of slays -n a'ppoprty' whieh ite olause elative o ile iigratiso osh d importsTiotn if t slaves, is proved to refer to the introdtion si d ut sie Sremoval oftht description •f per insh.or. Clay doe- 6nouncesthe Rabolilionidts a aiming atillhivertal amen.. re oi cipation, sniers thatfin the priueips of thie bciteis C elro rpleon,lheinr thete would rquire tocarry it tout ato indeusirit of twelve hupdred mtillio rls l'dollara. which t they iought to begis toy ociting, to tiny tendesipoiled i SSounth, demnolutntea oilt malign wnorkings of abostilin- isinsi the intCrests of iheslaves themselvebyl o heck-L ing lie ilforts of binevolurince for she meioiration of their conditunn, and closes witt an oioqniat, touchtintg Al sldl bearstoirring appeal to all parties in Conigrsis, e- and all classes of his felalow iticans to resist he evil spirit of alulitisniam, rally araorn tihe coastitutio, C and preserve thpIeae and tranqouility ofithe nout- C try. rc When Mr. Clay rat deims, r. Calhoun, with bllnnr- hbi tliberalitv, roon• •l said ha- hdlu htard Illru spePlh or C tie SoTnnlntirstro Ientaukv withatoe •lroh•l Ipleaullrc. ill lie tloun gt it would haei great effici. The uwlllk, said lie, in dion! Aboliion is to moos! Ithe South is >eonato.lidnted." Ior our own part wo eallrnot petceive wlhy "lthe p. liti-ol tnetas of kih stllh may fiorid it frmna ver sup- h in porlillg ~l. Clay for th 'rcisidenlay." Ie has proved to limself he true, sldaones, and teeroitftl fiietsd of the oouth; and this last effort furnishes bi. with n claim oniu sasouthern gralilude wrhilch we know the chivrlrous and g,,. eeronus aarith will not shrinkfrom pying; To dny td the claim were to denTy a strictly just olligntion. We*tt haveno sfr is fr the southn. Let its oitizens renad tis it r speech and wit onile uned voice, tuey will wilh nlane. I t rity came frrwird and acknowledge their cotilldence inu Msr. CIsa. We Iove takhe iallst to lno tile 111smot adlniroble 'or speecl selt IIp iTa clleap d convenie foras, and or. ders furextra copies for ciruti lion elsstl lie spoker Be for nt early as pimaibler,bfton ti•e type is dliatrilluted for o- otber purposes. S Wiatb has our Legislaturedone with the bill regals- cal ting tie pidotage. at the Balizoe aid for other important his purlosesconnaectd with the Port of New Orleunsi Suarely they will not allow il to share tie fTte if Ihe bill last year. 't'hi subj ,tl calls for action, andlshould lf t ini neglected. It is expected tlat thie logislntuIss iso will do whot is right. Wn hiave Loui••tile dales of the 181ii. Thruolght the rot Gazctte ai learn thai thie river st Pi'ittsburgl wa ill kip- good navigable ordler on the 14thl. Alta, that oa the 1ee 6th, the S..C. Railroad Balck Bill had lnot beetn re- ,f considered, bu tlhaln in consalr e thi e hsee of ie snof two o tihe irappe ntas ol she ill, it ilay he. The vote, to reconsider tlhe voe to lay it on the table wos 49 to S49. If it pss it iis belieived tho Goveruor will veto it. tes Fons Btxto. A large mneeting was held in Cii- is rinnati nout is 1th, lfor the purpose of getting up a po- tition to the Ohio Legialature,in favor of a system of I free banking. far Te injmportant msarnntjle ease ot Rlobert C. Horper, me of oston, versus Messrs. Cssamujur Niury & Co,, of DSt. Jago de Cuba,which was coutested at Boston this 'y week, his terminated in a verdlict being found for tile sale plaintiffof 121,ot00. at Tile agent of the Stats Bank of Althatna, now at Liv- sa-erpaoolisnounneis ths shipment of ane sillion of dol- lees is Ipcoe, whichis to gn, in equal sums, to the '* branchleoat Delatura nd Ilunttville inel Tihe Augusta Sentinel says ttat Johul Chplisau,con. sas- vidted afiie mnurder ofhiui wile nt tite late Superior pt Courto)f Bibb county, has been sentenced toy Judge Kitng lobe honged on Fridnty, the •Ld slereh. tds The nlw eteasor Fusilier, under the comsnussdof yse Capt. Isin, toaarrivad at N. Orleans. Site is intis.td lor ste Attakopa trade. and is said to bea very supe- rior vessel. [PIuti ers flanner] The Fuaslier is oaeaf the very scates, ond sann- ehesthuts tilat has coma out tilis sceast. The souecam- n_ madlldiians asr seaiduo behoenelleit. RESPF-CT FOIL INTlLb'IP/I r. - It is said that Denied Sweetrnaa of Ahiany, reciilly perdisd by Gas. Artsur, was one of tihe liri-users sees swobsim tsie gallant nl. Prities urderd io he "alsot s i iss~nodintnly."-Thme Tuohedo Blade sys, tIhat upon hearingthe l r ordr le corlly fld ,hi rea t tmld e told them to "shoot and be Iangl ' display of a itnepirdily procured the iterrpositr i lonifri•isb lier aid nsod (in life •rar saved. LATEsT FROM |MErICo.-The ushonser Sara Almu, bI Cnaptain BOntemps, arrived this morning from Tampleo, '3 which place she left on the15th irst. reporta'that on the 20hh alt. Gen. Urrearhad lkershis line of mrbes towarde Saint Louis. General Lemon hadalso started 0 fIr Metamtoras. Nothing else hadtranspired up to the sailing of the arall Ann, as er s no eummunicau in tion allowed wibh Tampicofeom the interior. Sle aleus W brings $10,000 in specie tosundry merchants of this city. Recorder's Court,H SECOND MUNICIPALITY. it Reports of-Day Police and Night Watch, February 23, 1839. Ilenry Smith-arrested for being drunk; discharged. Jno. Iltlanld-arrosted for stealing; discharged. W.r. Husheae-arrested as a suspicious character. being vouched for, discharged. Febhruary 24, 1839. Robert Mlelann and John Purse-arrested for stealing, proof not being sufficient, discharged. Wan. Vian--arraesed s as suspicions character, to be vouched for. Jame JohnsoandJohn atn Joln Moorne-rrested for disturb- ing the.peacne, bounld to kerp the ponee. $300. or Win. P'hely, IM. Maloney and R. A. Aslhraft-found sleeping in a new building, discharged. James Kernan-nrrested for being asleep in the tents onLafayette square, and drawing a knife on tl.e S Watchman, to e vouched flr. Franci Metts, - M'Gowen, Jolhn M'Cue, Jas. Swe- a nay and Thlmrs Gray-arrested for being drunk; dis:harged. - TALESAND SKETCHES FROMTHrEQUEEN CITY, f BIenjamin Drake, author ofthe ,fe s& e. of Bende lHak, s Cineinnati, 1838. A rvlume with the above title eas - been placed in our hands, and we notice it with pleas- o ure, as we do alnlthe ptblicatiins ofnative writers, that ar possess the intrinsic merit of the work before us. The - nnthor, Benjamin Drake Eqgi of Cineinnati, is well and e favorably knownthronghbct rile community, as thIe au thor of"lhe Life ofi Ilack Hawk;a production, which li. though written current ealamoe, without exactly the a to precision it perhaps rreqired, and slurred by the inex- I i. cosnble slovenliness ofa publishelr looking more to the t an profits than Ie aippecrance of thebook, las already h passed tbhrough several edition. e Ibe volume before u=, consists asthetitle denotes, of tales andsketches, many ofwhich we remember to have read someyears ago, inour popular periodicals, -nd which now coma upon nus--alording the pleasure e derived from meeting "old familiar faces" in a foreign land. The style of the author is lucid and graceful, .and possesses many of the excellencies peculiar ti ie someoftlhe most esteemed writers in the country. A r portionof the sketches are rather slight, perhaps, for to publication insostaid a form as a bok, hut none of - therm re without merit. etl e particulrly comumend Mr. Drake for endeavor- ing to rescue from unmerited oblivion, the deeds of those i- who first settled the soil, andprepared it, as it were, for ro the rich harvest, their sons are now reaping. We trust r that hIis example will be followed by others, and that b. hewill continue recital of actionr and incidents he a. so glowingly depicts, and cnan on well stbellish and o adorn. We areregratified to learn that heis engaged upon a work, for which hb hhas for some years Icen y preparing the materiel, and which we feel confident, no oneis morecompetent to execute than himself. We nlhe ltae to the Life of one who, though of that race, ,i whose very being is rapidly wending towards sunset, is pRsessed anil the elements tfe lier and a man, and ne well deserves a place oan the iage of llistory. We look n, forward with plearane, to the life of Tecumtnlh, and ine haveno doubt that it will do honer to the subject and to- the author. We trust, however, that Mr. Drake will ad oeccionally turn from his severer labors and indulge t is with more ofhispleasant sketclers, suchastllose r we have jest perused. 'in. AN IL.LU.TRATED ATLAs, Geographllirli, Statistical, and iistorical, of the United Sta'ee, and adjtcent countries. By T. l. Bradfoird. E. S. Grant & Co., Philadelphia. Some short time sineo we gave a laudatory notice of this excellent work. We find tile following testimo- oial ofapprobhation in the New York Courier and En- quirer. "We have already noticed this work from an exam- ination of" some of the sheets; front a mote thorough examlination ofthecoeplete work we do not lheitnts to prmonnce it the most splendid specimen of the art of ltter press and nap enpgraving ever executed in thisn country. It contains forty ltapsl, of tile etates atd tel- rilotie, of sol a of r largestl ities, with Texans ati tile West Inlies. Its editor Mr. Bradford is onmat in- telligent scholar, and has devoted himself for several years with great asiduivn totihe aotet exclusive pur- suit ofgeongrupiical studies. Ilia name in a ruffinient gearnnten of the are anll I correctness with which the workhas boen execuned. We commend it with sincere ealrtaess n to nil tihlic instilttions, temiearies, and to all private individluai who have oecaitn to consult a workof this description. A cope' of it should be in every public school inthis state.' it afBirds us pleasure to know that tie subscription list in this city is growing rapidly. Mr. Grant, one of the publislhers, is pow at theVerandadh, where where he will receive the namesof those who desire to be lur- nished with thits admirable work. CHARLESTON aRACE--lat dcay. We learn the result of the first day's racefrom tite Courier of the 18th. Cnarlotte Russe was tile favorite. Odds on her. She took the first heat but let down on the 2nd. The fol- lowing is the result. l.ovel & allnnmack's b. f.Miss Accident, 3 yrs. old, 3 1 Mr. Sinkler's e. f. JanetBerkley, by lier- trand, 5 4 2 Col.McCnrgo's s. mn. Misonfl, 4 yrs old, 4 3 3 Col. IlHampton's ch. mt. Charlotte Russe, C 5 yer olm, 1 2 dr r Col Span 's h. f. Competnntie,3 yrs old, 2 dr - t''lMr--inl ri: 5In 5 t4s: im 4. S T.Cn tutr.ts 'I'A.ATHr. Bedouin Arabs will appear for the secnd time this evening. ltheiragilily is truly astnishing, and same of their leats, amre saeingly heyond imitation. They sutprised tile large audience d they on Sundaly evening, and we doubt nnt will have anuther quite as large, to be surprised this eve- sing. y 'Tsit CAMP.-Night ibefore last Ellen Tree iappesrs for c tie 5th time tat thi Theatre, to night. J. R. Scott is as Virginiun drew merited applausee, and young a lurke'sexecutiun ofa piece of music by Do Beriot Swn eaxquiaite. CELESTE. S This ndmimrlle ertiste will be amuonr s in a few days, toIndfil ing engageuaent at tlhe St. Charles for thirty cnights in tie montaI of iMarch. She returnsa to New Or- ar loans wit fresh Ilunrils upon her brow, waln upon Enl- Itnpenn grollInd. During nni eighteen mollths stay in Earn e. She lhan srcceededill proeoring at a heavy acxlense some hifdazeneffective and intercasting dra- inas, in which there is not only room for the exercise oa her own oecnliur powers, hat for thosbeofile hbet at- al tists on our boanrds. As a danseuse sseatill mainloina h ierpositin. T'lhe puhliaof New Orleans renmember ser in d tht lofty po+ittnl withan enthusiasm that no time, nId ritaniunnt dinm'nislh. Two rival Queenfltars have Spssad uacross inor firmanment during the present season, hat tlheir appearance henas only served to eahibit in stroi- geLr cautrast Celeste's sulperior brilliancy, s readiness of he light. anmllllajesty of ionvenentl. We'do not depreci- ale[.elstntpe or Angosta, bill weare forred to declare its lint neitnher of these accomplishedt artistes has succeed- he ed in leavinppnil tile mtod a lasting hapression. We hiave fIrgotten nill their excellenaeies, while tldee ofCe- leste live asfresh, as when we first saw them, in our of ameory. We have often asked ourselves, wily in it, to, that Celeste aneceeds in throwing around her daclnng, to and acting such intense interest? The answer that nutnrally suggests itself, is, that slle acts and dances fromn tie impulseof. enius and not from the cold rules oftaleun;--she is a creature ofenthsiastic imaginantion, in- and in all Ilernsct and mnovements upon tihe scene. She so. draws f mn this never failing fountsin. And herein is the difference b:tween herand her rivals. She carries caprive her andieuee. Augustaanl Leenmtpte exeitc the adm;iratiln of the spectator, hbut leave untouched tihe feelings ofthe heart. er, It, a few days the public will have an opportunity of of testing this matter folly. It will li seen that they will * flock in croevda to see Celesteand that even the oil re. pes anted Hy adere will be clothed in new charms int e it thadle uf this artlste. T'lhere will•a o flaggiag in the support extended towards her.Every body will go to see lier witll a Ileasure, iecauea every hndy'a ifeelinga will beenlisted. This aftir all, is the true test ofout + arliste's laowers. We have before us the testimonials o- of the I.ondon Press in favor of Celeute. They will be the piniallaed shortly, in order to prove to the New Orleants I'ullie. that their judgment of their favorite ins been amply seconded, antsustained by those heartless judg- en- sa, the Loendon Critics. 'oi Tn Slt nas T''wtNos were in Augusta (Geo.) on the ige 20th. They gothence into the interior of the State. The frlfuitflnes ofLoaisiasa against the world. of Who says that Opelousas is not prolifict The annexed led paragnphfromn the Opelousas Gasette of the 16th, p- shows that in our state, oae bud can produce three blossoms. Uo. A ife dreaisdiand in erse xntaordinary.-Mrs. nn- John Budd, reeidine ia the vicinity ofthis place, gave birth on the night olthe 10ih inst. to three male children. The another and two of Ith youngsters are well, aon was still-born. tly DEPLORABLE. era A s.I accident hapipened in the new Ceatre Markct, inot New York, an Saturdiny aflernoon to a laborer who ion was employed iu lputitg upa sign board over one of tihe butche laes tlls. iy soe oaen•cnro es r other, I the Iddern which the por fellow wan tsntetd, elipred, and in t6ving to sacve himsrelf frmn faolling he pitched sidewaysr on the larre eof hanooks, aotd won literally - i npoled aliee,before tile yes of the hortified speotetnrs. The unfortunate man was got off as quicklyv nos pei- ble, anad ftkn home with but little Ihoes of his rrcuv- Wry. Anlsrre or C stD--A loafer walked off yrsterday M' from one of our principal hotels with a gentlemon's Sir ovsrcot, When taken, Ire expressed hie thanks to his Sir captors, stated thet, from youth, lie had been liable to its ofabsence of mid, a bed begged that if they should in futuree e hirm ake any thing, btt his own, they would instantly inform himln of hts mistake. A doeltr was found fot him in a stone building on Sixth street. [Looiasville Gazsette. Ch SwAnTwour is Ihe nome of a town on the Trinity River.in Texas. WVe ehould rather net settle there- it may slide or slope off ore of these days, if there is any thing innames.[-N. Y. Sun. n ST. CHARLES THEATRE. Mr J 8 BROWNE'S BENEFIT. (And the last night butthree of hit engasgement) O Wednesdany, Ewoing February 27, 0 Will be presentedthe Comtedy of THE BUSY BODY. Cs After which an Interlude called my SCHOOLFELLOW S4 Or its all Right. To conclude with, by particltnrdcsire, hr ROBERT MACAIRE, f Mr II J FINN has tendered his services on this oasion. I t fe26 E1TR. CLAYTON will make his eighteenth hllllon - ascension on Sttnrday March 3d, at half past 4 o'clock P M, from the city gaes works. _. 0 __ .__. f26 C IIAMPAIfN-HCil•tick' -haopntig -252, basketa el inqnarts, 25 do in pinLt, just receive I and for sale hy G W PlRITCHA RD & J TAGERT Jr, I 1e26 corPaydras & Magazine stae OFFEE-liovernment Javacoffee, justreceived F snd frr stalekv G W PRI'I'CHAD & J TAGERT Jr, fo96 cor Poydraas & Magazine ats t S Dr),'K'S engecrsan pocket hook for the year S1839, with an almanaeck. St rEVEsoN's sketch of civil engineering ofNorth t at America. with plates. litrs' railwoy practice, a collection raf working 5 plane and trotiactal details of roreltrnction in the prublic Id works ofrt.re most oleblrated engineers. In owenr Irinciple ofpr.lctical perarmctive, or see- Snosrt eohie lrrjcton; containig univeresal roules fr h eltincating anrrlilectunl designs on various oerfaces, to and aking views front noature--illustroted by fifty a plates. C UnaEs dictionaryof cemiotrv and mineralogy, with e theoir" applications-fourth editior wilh numerous irr-n ly provemenls. I ILt.UsTe ATroo of altrsral history: emhracig a e- ries of cagravings nrldescriptive raccorts ofkthe most interesting and ptpular genreand species ofthe animal to world, with onehandrcd and foartelt plates. Is, MANTt.L'o wonders of geology, or a familiar exposi- tine ofgeological phanomteno-in t vole, for sale by Wm Mie KEAN, in feb26 cornir.Ca lp & Common lst ii, NF.W ORLEANS, in Ferbranry 25, 1839. A Collectors ofl ce,2d Mrsicipatlitv. NOTICE to owners of hacks, drays, &c.-The fol- rI lowing ordinances will be strictly enforced :- of Reslved, that whenever the Mayor shall give a li- cence fi rdrays,earts or otheu carriages, said licenc eshold be immedlitely endored on thie Iack by the t' formerwitl his recript, and ovary person neglectlno ro re kbtuin saoiendorsement rrd receipt onthe back of Iti licence, shell pay aline not e oceedint one hundred dohllar, half for the city, and the other half for the in- t former. Approvedl Itcember 21.1821. ot Also tie fril ,wing ordinance of the Council of the ie second monicirnlity, ir the follctring words towit:- ad Be it ordained, thot from ndafner this date; any per- son who shall ran a hanrk, droy, or carlt, wilin the ad second mrnicipaihty, withouttaving previously oh- en tained a licenee therelor,fron theMayor of this city, no ll be subject toafine of notles thantwn•aty-five dollars, normore than onehundred dollrs, tohete-s Ve ared before arey oart of competent jurisdictiot;- e, rovided that any hack, dray. orcart d runwitout a licence aforesai, shll be subject to ha seized by tire et cllector of trxes on hacrs, drays. carts, &c.,-- ord by any cliceer of police, and detained until the flie rok sforenirl shall he 1paid. Sent to tihe Mayor the 14th rod day ofJunne, 18.37 Signed, JOSHUA BALDWIN, Re~order. S Siged, W H WH GATOc collector of hacks drays, rill andr l kero and pedlars. fe6fi Igs ' sue just rereivrd, irer chip Ae Lllrn from New York, thre fullowing articlecs wlitch he offers fYr sale:-e 50 boxes N t s perm candledics. 3In, Rnes pickles, osrorted 5 do, 'T'olm--ato cnlttup 0nt 100 whole and half boxes no I soap ah 12d boxes ilmperial alned gnpwdor rte 5 t)ans ofhlreck pepperr 10 hlxes patcnt mould cnardles o ilo20 hoxes o I Poiad ctnrch in li perns o. 4 gross paste hlrCkirg g 0. 5 cases grornd e pper;ct ia prdnrd Irf prd plpers 28 1th01ouad segora :5 firkirs groircn iratter am- 30 doze n I.ondoe Mlrstard git 30 IoH)res coabell recelC rrtO 8 boxespine apple dio--Ard ia store a generml art nssorthent ol graceries. tiis felf26 J CIIItl'I'IE, 27('llllnoto t c tot- AI)EDN rORN.--l-0 henml 1 lIarrcrls i .torerr end d I frosrrlcly 51.iIAI.1. IR t)\WN. i rinOe26 96 O antnvine st IOI lIt-4112 hlhls,lard-ling I'rrrr-n arm bost North t 1 tart for sale by tie "r Gi DOIRSLEY, 4 New Icreec re LOUtL--40i1 irhi tlrrrlirdg frrrr oleIIrt brrt General d U Waynrfe rerlcl by It a fe26 IG DO)RSFi, 41 New Levase in WHISKEY-it bblt rrerifrrd, rending from euulli boat lIavaoa,for oie iby lion fu26 G DORSI-Il ,4. New Levee e of I'AN[)L.ES-Alt. hboxres sperm candles, vriouns She ) brdrls, for salelby fe6 S G B1lANCItARD mre. P-ln0bxes Bretart soar no tttnd rxt ncairn for sale iy S G BLANCHARI) HINESE. 'ITRUNKS----Just received an assrt- lrtsit . mert oftheabovearticle, preventatives against 181h. moths, wilh petiliar rass lockts, well atdrpterI for In- She dies dror!s orfor lolding papers cc& hrinC extrrerely fol- light sad handttrne, br sale at 6OSSlP & Co, f1P26 - - Exclhange hotcl St Cliarles rt i lO, &'S o A•BR• N-;Lelc-17 ca caonliti•g of fins i Rllf andkip, seweldanld pegg'd boots nnd kil bee. g|ns, landing froam stips Steglitz and Cherokee, fur sale I BRIDGE & Co, ele6 134 Magazine Pt EMION SYRUP-I0 borxes lemon arupyforanole I by JAMES A, ANI)RE\VS, f1126 corner Common &. Tebenpiletlas at Dnraing of thte lrnod State lottery Class 15, Etra 39,. 70 37 73 23. 9 27 17 35 50 34 39 'I'llH DAY. 8,0001 Capital Prize,r Tckrte only $2 00 GRAND STATE LOTTERY. CLASS M, Atlllolritl lby the l.rgilntaire of the State. 'obe drawn '"'his Day, i'leb. 26, 131, at fi o'clock, 1'. 1. at Bishlop's lotel. S DAVIS &CO, Mnoagers. 75 Drawn ,nlmbers--12 Drawn Ialluts. Splendid Schemne. 27814 Prize. amouultinln to $ 06,858 Tickets $9 00--uleavo I 00--Quarters $0 51. Packages of' 2 Ticktoe for $50 00, warranted to draw at least $24, anil onu y draw tie Itghets epital, a tounting to $8,000 !! Packogea of 5 Iallf Tickets $2500, warranted to draw at least t$12 0tl. Pakages ofd5 Quarter Tickets $12 50 warranted to draw at least $6 (0H. For packages of single tickets, apply at the M AIANAGERS' OFFICE, 16 Chartres ast, and at the corner of t Louis aed Char- tres 0st. Feb26 A CARD. 1ilHE UNDERSIGNEI Paselngers by tlie Wil- Sminetn xla ress Line from Charleston. desi;e to pllane traveller on their guard against the delays and lisappointamets to whih tlhey sutject themselves by takintg this lint. By tie advertisements of said line, the public are assured of na speely conveytlee to Weldon, and thence to Petersburg andPortsnmoutlh. With Stisnasurnece, and the additional one of our being enabled to connect with the Baltimoie boattat Portanoulthon the 27th itnt, we left Clharleston on the 23th inst, in the CGv. Dudley, andarrived at Wilmine ton in due tine. On our arrival, however, we lanad the ears that were about starting,filled with passesngers to the utter aeolrion If ourselres who wele, bylaw and custom, entitled tt the Ipreference. Thile only xcuse ofliered by the agent, was that they were unable to send on the passengers who then occu- pied the cars, on the previous day, at they had agreed to do, and thati they coild tint uccamnmodate all. 'This detention has prevented as from m•eting the Baltimore boat at I'ortsmouth, and compels us to take a more circuitons route, involving additional delay, and subjecting us to itcreased expense, as well as to the loss of several days in reaching our respective places of dentinntton. Wilmington, N C Jan. 26, 1839. W L Cleveland, New York B Prindle, do Josephi Woods, 'Hamburg a c P K iauillie, T'roupville Ga G F Mlanoe, Frederatksbehurg It lDvidsat Jr. Philadelphia T Quimbly. Baltiumre E Mloore, New York J Smith Jr, Baltimore J Clark, NewYork, C B Bayly Phililadephia W Patterson, do 1BWoods. Colutmbia, lies 8 LCarey Vicksburg feb92 2t CYCLOPiEDIASI DICTIONARIES!! EES' Cyclopnedia, 47 vols., Edinburg Eneyclo- Penny Cyclopaedia,rvl 11th. Encyclopedia Amer icana. 13 vols. Penny Mugaoinc for 1837; Giortou's Biographical Dictioeary, 3 volIn Walker's Dietinnary, I vcl. Boyer's Dietionary, I vol, S Webster' do 1 vol. Johnson & Walker's Dirtiltnary, I vol; Newmanu & Barrett's DiCtioiorv,2 vole. lJohnsneo' Dictionary,lvolutueWebater'a Dictiona S rv, 2 vole; Boer's Dictionary, vole; Also n large tapply ofEeglish Fonuvenir. &e, for by WM MIaKE AN, 6 car Camp and Conulmno at S2•W .les o albi Meahain'e brand, landing froem n6 S0A hip llo OWbi ann, f lar sale at jat6 SIlALL t DROWN, 96 Magazine ot Camp t. Theatre. hib Night of Miis ELLEN TREE, Sec 'lI'HI8 EVENING, FEll. G6, Wille performed the popular Comedyof THE TWELTH NIGHT. Malvolin, Mr Fredericks Sir Tbdy BIlch, Green a ir Atdrew Ague Choek, Johnson COh Viola, Miss Tree Ca Olivia, Mrs Green' To conclude with the popular play of PERFECTION, Or the Maid of Munster. Charles Poaegon, Mr G Barrett G( S Kate O'Brien, Miss Tree y Wednesday, 6th Night of MISS ELLEN TREE. Bainre Musicalle. MADAME CARADORI ALLAN, Ai B EGS permisaiam to acquaint the amateura of mu- sai, inhbitonts, of New Orlean,tlheat nhewill give a soiree musicalle at the St. Louis hotel, ot Wednesday evening, Feb. 27, commencing at 7 o'clock,-in the course of which she will sing the following pieces:i lScena ed Arina" Cate dita," Norma--Belli. t i Cavetina " Uno oreae pocofa." II Bsrierea-Roesint t Aria ' o Itdia." Toase-Doniaetti. t Bolero francain " Oaurez c'est nols." ]Dessaur. A Scottish bailad. " Tickets $1 50, for sale at the St. Louis and other hotels; and at Masers Johns,' Mr Casey's, and Maears Brocard'sMusic stores feh25 is PAPF.R-Il100 reams of Amies' Dove mill and detrmy writing, cap and letter paper, of very supelor quality, fur sale at manufactuers prices hy fel,25 A TOVAR, 49 Cnnamp t ek CARDS h 1s 1' PRINTED at the shortest Notice, in the most p fr elegant amanner, in Black or Colored I•os, on Enamel. led, White Flake, or Plain Surfaced CAnos, and Pricesrery reaaonable at TRUE AMIERICAN OF 'd FICE, carner of Poydras and St. Charles sts. &Seeral New and Beautiful Founts of TrPE hane just been added to the Establishment. ar Orders received at Compting Room, St. Charles Exchaqnge, 3rd door frontGravier t.,or at the Printing 1 rft Office, corner of Poydras & St. Charles street. r ng nool--f h ite TO IERCIIANTS. Me- IMERCIIANTS can have a BEAUTIFUL C i MnU-' for LanOstruck ofatfour hour NortlcE,by eallsgat the I "' Compting Room of 'TRUE AMERICAN PFnl•rma ; OcOrrtce, St. Charles Exchange, adjeaoing the. REDo- itlh ta Rooa at Corner of Graoier street, oral the l',int In- ing Office, eaornerof Poydras and St. Charles streets. I- pIRINS-15 cases various patterns, French attd sal Ahmeriean prints,fur sale by a feb25 I BRIDGE, & Co, 134 Magnzine st asi- R USSIA SIIEETING-40 hales Russia sheeting, I for sale by feb25 I BRIDGE & Co, 134 Magazine st SI TORAGE-61M10 bbls or the leik thereofwill be taken low in the lire proof store 79 Julia st. by frb25 CHAMPLIN & COOPER. R AISINS--It) loxrs M It raisins, Lring's brand, 10- o 0t edo half do and 150 qlarter do, in mstre and forsa t se ly CIAMPLIN & COOPER. li feb25 79 Juli ast te s UNNY W .I IAtS-h019 gunny hngr, in atoneatad for 0 f sale by CFIAPII'LIN & COOPER ain feh25 79 Julia st red FLOUR.-694 bbla landing from steattor G Wosh- in- 1' ington and fornsoe tcy fe.5 G DORs"Y,.44 New Irevee hae LOUR- -209 b s flouriending frot oteamer AI- f1 gonqin, for sale by ar. fe25 G DORSEY, 44 New levee oh. JTHISKEY-300 barrels rectified,in store for sale ity, hby G DRSiEY, 44 New Levre fire 1UTTJIPR-! tuhns sand kegs, wastern reserve land- eo t ng from steamer Algonq uin for sale by fe52 G. IDORSEY, 4 Near l.evee Ia S gHE GItAFFE-Thisncvel exhibition wIll close J on Sundov 3d March. Those desirous to see this ito greatest wonder of the animal kingdom, must no0 14th avail themseelves of tlhis last oplortunity, and as the pre- arset has bleen the firt, she may perhaps be the lat, tohe citizens of New Orleans may see for mtany years-so ay, pecarious is tlhe existence of this dielcate animal. I6 .nies and gentiemen theropprietors beg of yeounot to disaplpoint yourselves nnd them. re25 cl EA'1'HERS-By ship Aubehurn ne elegant socr- I" msent of dil'ret colored pluees. received and for Scle Iy GO ) SSIP & (, EClxehacge Ieetel, fe t teharles ot COTTON CIRCULAIS I'" PRINTED rilth the Grealest E.rpedilion, and in a stlyl unsutrlpssed in NEw (lcLEANS, or else: where. ()He:ES left at Co*FcrIe Ro: io t Sc. ('i•crlre, Es chanoer, (Corner rf Graeirr St. ) or el T1' R I 1- AMIF RICAN I'RIN'I'INi OIFFICE, cornrr of I'yevdras and St Chales Selrr•el , will be cercl promplly attende-d to. I)at c. I--1. and STEAMI BOAT BILLS. t WNEIRS, A;ENTS,or Cl 'TAINeo'.TFSEAM ir A' i 'OAT ran h a te their jills slrte"vrck in one or more Coloredl Inks, on Plahi or Caolred Pper, I with ee despaclr, a.d on fraorable T'erms, by learing their rranl Ontn•sat'l'RUIE AMEIRICAN OFFICE:, coreer of ItPoydrl anml St. Charles c treets. NtvN9--tf W •AN TE)-Ay pe son hV a hiouse tag e suit habe (fur a rmall family (nne in the ncighllmor. hood of the Exchange hotel would he prefered) will Iheaor ofa teslnthv applying to ler5 GOSSIP & Co,Ei xchange hotel St Charles st 1UIIPENTINE-411 hblts spilits t/rpenitine, I.ndilg from barque Roman, and instore for sale by JARVIS & ANDREW, .25 corner Coluon n & l'cthoupitoulna sts D EMIJOHNS-5001,2 and 3 gallon demijohns, landing front ship Cherokee, for sale by JAILVIS & ANI)REWS, fe25 corner ofCommnon & Tehoupitoulas st ONDON BROWN SIOUT & POI' TER-15I1 Scasks, lauding fromn ship Washington from Lon. don, far sale by feh25 READ & BARSTOW, 7Bank place R OMIAN CEMENT-lnndiag oex ship Washington frontm Loudon, ftr sale hvb febl READ & BARSTOW.7 Innk place (1 UNNY IfAIt,--Iff100 alon, 2 bushel gunny bags l* in store and for sale Iv 1ff,2'5 JTIIAYEIL & Co, 71 Povdlrna ot OLAsooti-Srganhiaunulsn MolusT is l hId in l sttre and for sa'e bhv fe2h5 J 'I'IIA'ER & Co, 74 Pnvdrna st (S AP-200 boxes George Rohitias' brnc , for sale by SHAL.L 4 IIROWNE, Sfebh22 96 MagIn ine at SANK-1IT- . PPi'T t-.A very superior a•tice, for sale by the quire orream. hy fe2S IDAVI) I'EI.'I' & Co, 94 Chartres ast N UTS---0 tddi Brazil Nuts. just received far sale by frt8 IlEAl) & B4RS'I'TOW. Itak Plnce EW ORIELEAH S N lj NASIIVILLE .iti h ROAD COMPANY. NEW ARRANGEMENT. I1 lIfE J.oeamotive will leave theDepot at thet fot of Cantal street,very dayat 8 A. Ai. anid return at 4 P. M. ercept Sunday's, wean site d ill ])eltart ReUtrn 8 .M. 12 P. rA. l A Carfor private parties, providledthe nutlaer bersufloent, will be solit down the road oti olde day's previous notice. ji1, 1839 JAS It CAI.DWEI.., rPresident. SAINTED rlUCKpETlfro is l Ion in r toro and for P saleby J T'IAYEIR &Co, feb25 74 Podran ast SUGAR--80hids sugar on the I eves, for saleby S. feb25 lw ADAMS & WIIITAI.L, ('1 IAn ePLIN & (oodOPER havimig lenosed tioe Inrn Sbrisk store No.79 Julia at, opposite their old stand, for tie purpoe of carrving on the grocery and provision business, are prekared in addition to their feed businea, to put up orders for g.nocerias andprovisions either ftr plantations, oaie, or family use, on theio usual terms. All orders will be punctually attended to. feb25 February 23, 1839. S UGAR-I00 hhds, on plantainon above the city, fur sale by READ & BA RSI'OW, feb25 7 Bank place FOR SALE. A UL.ATTO WOMAN aged 22 years, acclimated and she is a good uammstress, washer, ironer, and house servent, with her child 12 months old, warranted from the vicea and t 'atlies prescribed by law. Apply at 53 Basin st between Bienville atd Custom house ets. febl5 O IL--15easTuOIdd InteT strained refined oil, a ery superior article, for sale by fe26 8 G BLANCHARD O IL-I casks linsted oil, warranted, l' first rate qruality, for sale by S G BLANCHARD, i1 ALAGA WINE-Ai invoicen ofMalaga weet SWine, in quarter casks, for sale by feb21 REED 4 BARS'I OW, No 7 Bank Place GOSHEN BUTTER-A fewfirkins for sale by READ BARSTO s, I+b 21 No 7 Bauk Place BEM EN'I -H-lydraulic and Rnta... jus..t rceieidd S)for tale by READ & BARSTOW, fe21 7 Bantk Place. 3AGS-Linseed Oil andt Colperas, iu store for sale by G DOIiRSEY, 44 New Levee SOAF SUGAR-And Sugar House Molasses in 4 store, ftr sale tby SHAI.L & BROWN, jal9 96 Magaziane SDO'rS--Loading from ship Arco, 12 eases of fins calf ew'd Boots, for sale by jal7 1 BRIDGE &. cn, Magazine st R WAND'S TONIC MIXTURE-Juot receivoed 20coasets tof thIbis invaluable remedy fIr the Fe vet anti Ague, wrranted genuilte, direct front the mannouf. tory in 1'hiladelphia,.for sale by JARVIS & ANt)REWS, jit5 cor Tchuaptoulaa & C•ntnan st fiNEY-i 0 tieres ftesh Cuba Ilonay, now laInd. ingfomn brig Bostou fromu HI van, for sate by J SRVIS & ANI)IREWS jan 311 Cor Caoltntont and Tihapitualds a St. Charles Tlheatre. Secondo night of nll celebrated rental Bedouine Arobs. This Evening, February 25, Will be performed Howard Payne's Comedy of r CHARLES THE SECOND. it or the Merry Monnrcb. foi Charles the second, Mr Barton a0 Captain Copp, H J Finn Mary Copp, Mrs Frretn After which the popular farce of my YOUNG WIFE And Old Umbrella. Gregory grizzle, Mr S IBrown _ lninnn, Mrs Pluoer To morrow, BenefitofMrJ S Browne. GREAT ATTRACTION!! At Yo. 53 Magaine street, over . LA y's Auction t Room, opposite Bnok'e Arcadr. [R GIILER resopectfully informs the public that Stae ucof CLEOPA TRA, Queen of Egypt, Whicl has ieen o xhibitnd in nmst of te princip cities of tleUlnion, to the lively adttitnentt of wecry thnodenad visiters, lt arrived in this city, and is now - wIing exhlttbedfor a obort time only, fron 9 o'cl.ock A , to 9 o'clock, PM. r• Admittance, 50 cents; Season tickets, $1. fr fbll6-tf. JOHN V. CHILDS, -ENGRAVER AND CGPPIER-PLATE PRINTEIIR, noro. 3, Camp St. or 1 fLIL rngrre nod print to order, bank notes. hills TV ofenxcbonog.,. ills f lodoug, dilolnsto, mrem- tile andvini:ing cards. ontnriil, consulnar nd eounling house seals, door pnlateso, silver wore, 4.c. -alwnyson hand,an nssortmlent of silver plated and broas door I.I 8 Cardspr:atedfrom plates alrady olegraved. fo F WASHINGTON BALL ROOV Dress & Masquerade Baill Sr. Philip street,between Royal & Hourion. ~l'tIE Mant er of the above named Balldloom,grate 1i ` fil to his frields and tile poblic fiu tie impars al SIlolled patronage bestowed on him for severnIsessons, respectfully ifiorms I then Ihat the establishlment has been enlarged for the lmursement of visitors, and on- - dergone itomelee repotire. Te bahr will he sarpensed bt ooon in quality of liqtnrs,tnti trelieetotrst till lbe .keplt by tle ablest iestnurrewnr in Iltle nited States. - hle moom will re-open oni Saturday evenAg, 3rd of h Novermber eXt, by a e GRAND IDRESS& MASQUERADE BAI.L., and will take pa:e a n usual every Monday, Wernlles 0 day and Saturday oeening, d!riiog the ssedon,•whiche at will and n t e It ofMay, 1839. N. H. Th'le reaes attention will Ie paid to keet- ing Inrfect orderthrouglhout tlie estnblibntunnt. as tnil id done last senno. oct4 - - I IRON CHlEST'-JosIt rereired at tie Louisiana Ware n ooml,53 Hienville street, 12 superior sin- gle and double firs proof ironcheas, from the factory ofJ LBrown, Now York, tor sale byR fell W_ RCARNES. -" L. BROWN'S Patent Platform Balanrer.-tiro. S ers can hfnd at 53 Bienville street, Patent Plot- form Balances, superiorto any everoffered in this city. S fell W R CARNES. mod .----.- .. - - $10 REWARD. SSTIRAYE) or stolen on the morning of he 2lst inst., for n sotell white Bull Terrier Slut, witl Ilhiek ears. The atave rewar d will be paid eaving hr at fif22-3t 4; F IOZE 'Y, St Chlarles et sh O SA LSE-To close n concern. The fast railinig, F firstrate,copper ef-tened i ld opI.rCed, Imloiladel- pio bitildt, plocket brig GANNI(tIiFFTI', 101 tonte, Al- hrvimg elegnntlv finisheld e cclllmodlt lilna frn 5 pas- erlg,'rne. Ifalf sat private ilaleon or bheore'l'utedy 126th inst., she will on that day, be sold at aucthin hy IHewlettr & Cones, at the Fre;nrth Exchange, St ounitus sle otreet. at one o'cloek. For exnlination ad inaven vee torv, llly on boardl, secorltier, below tile Ferry, to - Riobert & Ci.,ir to WlY t'-TtF.t, n ei- 9,o Chbt irontr B-OARIINt, IlIIUSE 'lIt, ItT. r i'TlE tiper part if til reilllmlt ltv, e, nnxt door thi l t t Cbnarles Tlheotre, one if tre las pie santn low anti heailfil sitttion inl tle city, near the centre o re- bomimiese, and nowie having 30 nirders, though it has ,e Iaccroomda l ntedl 7 at one tine; for lthose having fnrnilure itin arare choance;i tile proprirtor is abotoitenring into oIlhoer birk i of blisinesr. For further information not erquuire oil ttlo ilrernisc. _ Mr A I'Atel)ano0. r-tBlnnk Cheeks, Bills of Ladlng, Auction I for ills, Pamphlets, show bills, Cato- logleas, ac. c. 1[ Oll)tElln for the Above, anol eeery other ldeht eripltio of .l7IIre N I'IN(i;Drl Inr hiireid Cm(:liitig nd Roon of (l'lUE AMERIhCAN," in rt. CAttLt.t: Ixex Ioe; ttoaEnE, ti dr1or fr(mi GrLvier etreetor onl fie Priltigi I)lifie, oeraner of I')ldri. clnil Siii. C/mo(:iarl /nst. E. cleulire antid beiautiful BIiIK nted .ni IoUNces I frnmU the best Fouadries ien Uit I/ilhd etltns, hrrer juo I etn' added to the already e//-s/nlloked •sta/linshoent; -- ani (s alteln trill be executed as I.ow, an (,iaph', 1 lt 1"xpl-itiouiily, nnd leautiifully, ir at III y other ()lli'e intth City. A'oe 1- i Jit NCtt.O\ I in I/n/inane or No-l orb, et! fl : .OM 4 I.s, irnleli by Co" Ith VtII.II•1 , ct/h 1i/lfn.l Illl.\1 - i-And Nilu,/iuns jncui uluete dl, t CJ /itni/id lnsollureillnifll tIt t hImo~toe r , whichm,' teie wil loot of/ciel reonir, /,lo. Nu I(hartres st A1 CO 11/ III hhdr t•ucaniaed I/o•, endi I U d/ hhaid/ s t fr sale by IA IllllltluE & Co. fl9l 1.+1IMangazie set. uit, •', 1'R:13tI O11.-0 casks• ilnlr atle fall-aild mr-A- s)erol oil, wrrnalltll pllre, fitr cIae y will 119 IAA; ItltlDGE &. ('o, 134t MOagaine st i LOTIIING -- 1 cases Clititing, cinipritciog an x. et J teloive assortellt, eariolln i qinlitias, ttnlirng dig Ior sale by ISAAAC IlII).iE R (. Co, fe/i9 131 Olagoniorel oII ( 1)ol 11-t-i/50 boxes Codfish, fr ,Ia by ISAAC BI ItfIGER Co, nln felS131 Mlngizie site " by P It James, nuthor of Darnley, lhe ;ylie;, &e., &e. 'ravels in the Three fr-at Empires of Au•trin, Rau•il, and 'ITurkey, by C B Eliillt, author of 'Ietters fron the North of Europe,' in' •vols, just rje:.ite l and for sale by \Vd etliKAN; tlr9 coiner ofCanmplllll Comnst DIANO FtORT'I'Ec:--2 inumore. sldenoid it-uuuns. S with rose colored cases,jo ju e lled alnl fr sub, by let A 'I'O\WA I, 4' ('amp st -1 AI.r--•peeie, tilncture sel sall I)I mouth Jar., " rouni anld qllurie wlile hIttle..; af every size, vi ils frlm I-drachm, to 8 oz., I cr w holl.,de nai, rehailr by II BO)NNAUEI., febl8 corner Nlthezlie & Tebopiotuilas SUIM EI.A!TIC BALLS for nsal wholesale nln Sretail, at 1I IONNAIIEL'S f+IB Slrs, tor Nat liea & Ii (iltplotlaI st C-II 1'1 BANK, New Orleans, 16 Febrltrvy, I: 39. IIII '. ltoclkhnlders ofl tIas Insieiitnl ate hereby no- liifted, that the lbilnaal election for 'l'walv. I)ire- tots, to serve for the enluing year. lt'tl be held at tile Ilakii.g Houe, onMonday 'lllairb sext, betlween tbe lours otf0 A At and " P M. felR It J PAI.IFREY, Cashier NEW ORLEANS JOCKEY CLUB RACES!! ECLIPSE COURSE. SPRING ME.TING, 1839, will conmmence on Wed- nesday,13ht of Mareh, 1839,and caaline 5 daya. Firsc Day. The New Orleans Plate, a etvice of silver, valun $7l0O, two mile heat,. In this race 5 ) r hls ttld up. wardscarry 100 Iba. 4 yr olds and tinder, their appri- priaet weighh:s. Seeond Race-Sa me Day. A aweeptabkes for 3 yr olds; aubsariptlion $10; btf fol feit (2 mile heats) to name: and elose tl Ill M1eatch, Ili9. Second Day. Jockey Club pIurse $151d1; three mile heals. Third Day. Jockey Club Purse, $h2010, 4 mile eata,. Faoutd Day. Prorietaor's Purse $I; 2at mile leats. Seard Race--Same Day. Sweepstake for 2 y olds; auheription $500,a If forfeit, (muile Ieati;) Sclose I V uA f arh. Fiflt Day. Proprietor's Purse S i0 ; mile heats, lest 3 in 5. fell Y.N. OLIVERI, P'roprietoi HE public are respectfully infimed that to1 s insll tutl-n is erected on the most ilproved plaon, an in an airy and moat adtnirabie altnatiau, in the fanlwur Franklin, upon the raiha.d, one tiile oTrm lie Missis !'ite building in largen. an most eaoalitoutly divided into apartments, for kaeptnseparate diffcreet classes, anddfferent diseases. T'h instttution is suppliinl with tnn most skilfil and ittentive male sand fenale nutses, and apeaking tia vns riouta modewern languages. Private roomns may bebad by gentlemen at five dal lars par dhy, includin, nttendanca, &c. 'Teretas in ti ordnlinary wards, two dollars per day. Slaves also taondollars. Sntall Pox in the ordinary wards, five dolliars. All capital margicanl'operations extra. 'It'he resident pbysin•in isDr Weddennh, to whom application for admission mustbetnadne. or to I)r U A Lncetmberc, No 17 Rampart streat. aplt In S -I311 arrca l M. R/] -b• '- - rnriv •;d an I~fnrsaleby fei22 U WPRITCHARD& JO TAAERT, IANInLES--5011 boxes New Bedford, Batton and SNantucket Sperm Cntdles, tfor sale bn feS22 ISAAC IRIDGE & C., 134blagezine st ( UNNY BAGS--100 oloes 2, I and 3-bashel G unnny lags, for sale by fe. ISAAC BP.IDGI & Ca. 1.34 Mazinoa at iOBACCO-IOII woes tttmatilfaetaeet Tlttaero ti's .'a and ponand lumps.of varionts ranla and qunalties, fo raalen b iI.A BRIDGEJ. Co, fe 131 Mgazigu at I)APEll PAI'ER--.lutl recoi•ieI t "( I I lh,trlr t S ooen a a Ilha dvwie Idtol r pl cer, bi e o . whilte .i0 " lluHbba'rd' do do oli do 101o) D)DAmoe Itn thlo dc do L@Ol , Had i o n'at o ti lt do do 500 " linaootiperfiiie cap .l'I & while, Partof the above are pliint nd part rnle d, tllogelher with a good assortmnoatoflorg wrlitia Ippers, suclh Is folio p o sat domy, medlum, royal and suoper oyal, blue and alihe for sale on aroHmmnlalllllg onr,r by DAVID FELT & Cto, N V tationersHt Iull, ja18 24 Cllarlrs at INsEEDOIL--Cppral and ReD nE in stoIe G DOIt•EY, jaso0 44 New I.evcn ACKEREI.-200 barrela, 10) lhanlf barrels, andi 50 qr barrels, Noo. 1, 2, and 3, Mackerel. in sto e for Isale by ja9n4 J T'rHAYER & Co, 74 l'oydras at a IIOOL IOOKS-A stpIlyk o' Emerson's Books via" Ntiolnal spelling libok, Fiost, scondl, lhirl and folrlth Class Renders, Also, first, sncoind libirdpartsArithrlleli, And a eonerol iUssortlnltOl of ech neld elnsicol books, for a~le by ALEX TOWAR, feb10 49 CampI |500 tIA A HAVANA COFIEE, U •)t 300 ithnoanl do. roger., 1) baoxes Virgin ohewin geoo toIIaeo, 1301 tdn. fresh Malage ttositto, 50 do do - ltoooe, 37 frohis do llnoltds, 300 boxrs oprm emtdles, 1200 Be t Hoia sooap. 40 harrels sperm and whale oil, @ 0 tierera Cnreliooo rice, 175 bibls tolF soltrr, in store for sanl hr ' jas6 AIIBA IIAM 'T'Il ER,3 G'ray ier st JLtUIIOIII bonrala llostoon Itnobtrotory ltra Alcohol, nowelatnlit fren shilp Ceohoadttaa, iitd for raln iy JAIIVIoI & ANDIuWl4Wu, jal0 ear Co•emon & T'rcopiteulas s S PERM Ol-3000 galls. Winter Strained Spera Oil, for a01 k OSIIALI. & RIOWN. intl 9i Maganic ast TTMBR;.I.A. 12 coin•r netoittIon silk Ume',erellno, L lorge siaes, receioed from olbt Merecy, oal fi Isole bty I lRIti1 DG E0. cot, d,13 134 tlagnaine it ICE..•- l corasks, adl 311- alf a ATo Iii•e, in etore R ferrelt by J T IA KER& e(n, h fele 71 Poydran s tN rE--5hiFsor phliro ts lnlan ,n fron steaua heIat Nertonfor role Ihy G. c)til', an 30 411i ew l.er SCARD. r 1HE Principal of le Inglli.o, Fre nehonod panish II` Aeadnlvu,~ NI. . ~II,.. Chalrles .,irell, selinlencoII n Ii alis frillda ndt) tilie puollic wilhu roaiclioiiollilit lCi insatituion is now in asnccceaftl opteratioh, lot hle lnopes on to ae his oeumpliment of pupils, whlicll winl be litmited to ily. n i He tares Ilhin opportunity nf noeoring porets that a nothi snrail Ibe wantling,wlich may eoalribuletoth I nry coiforiaol iltlprovenent of their sons dT1: 1838 A~t-- DI kseqs in fir 1 ralore, It, re as in arol _ r2 ).L _CVtA•!!'ItnN &• (, ,OIlERt 0.2 Jolin ly. UNNY BAGS--100 hbles CIlllrly luge, oe close j l oa prime texture, ruitabl Bfor pnlt, ly j. . I . IRI(iE, 134 OIfogoaire t O ET OWI.ETT't Intertn t TI'oles--Footer'r lookkeep- t ig; tIentett's do. In, rrti' do. Exteolitonts Mearanr, slod Edward'a UookLkeeper'n Alias, rlcied ort aotd for an)le by A TiJWAt, jet 49Balmp st LI•LOlHIt--t I ''st s-l c ailn l Itet Pti; e do learl- Ot l fiaal tllolrt, fbr oele )yO jal6 jel A .I.I & IIOWN. 96 Mmg laine .t b CANNICI.COAI.- sI ions foIr sale by m fll -3t S GODDARD Jr, 25 Grnvie st 10 EJOTATOES--I0t barrels, il, store tad foir anle by '229 CIIAMPIIN & ClOlt ER, I , I J ulia st __ ACK2 IL WANTKID--A-irst ralt Iarker, wellinr. K coalnnedell for o ilioty and sol'niness, will inol loor emplovnellt oil tpplicllol to t IItttlWil'ltl n& Ce, m la'25 17 (:nap lt -D A U -N^Lt wil i-be oat sloio,,.el•n i "I.ivo`l r poolI, tlocre, Moartillt, Ne'w I'ork anool I'ilude I ure poto AIIAMSI , WIITtAtl.. - rin ja6 7 tr 1 r St ien AVA* A o eIIIARS-- lifiltl-tf- oifibrent alitio O j in store and for solte r lv jantl5 AIIlAItAtM TIIIEII, 11 (iravier si l NlAVWI1OtOKS. to Theto onl oll;h ler,lan erile ctsl o ry, by ile aullto, orFlllr? L•III eI~rlll /" ,aI: inlL)*l.. dela Mlry Rnoll r I nokooIotI l otlr'll'c bvtol Mrs (lore lotiolhO-. ' ! t of hM t;Iher nlllll D .ng ,r-l," Ars . i LInIo . lil i Ther Ilelr of Sel wii+r, ll, I1. till. ttlthlIll'•l!! sir "MtItbI'rs1 nx g I all tlorlhtere," d. ill v,I.. itg Alliian VeP Iotitl, or lhe Ee:irlthhrl'edl Illnnlkerl'hief, in I ilillrtollo,Ilo Oilies I.{,clie, elllllht ill" "P,,loril Oketch- "rs cc," &c.. ooooeo,' cool. 'us ( (liverI 1'• i*1(I)IICP ca le l i. Q•,,I. IIvl. z cI)%( heap E li,- t~o. t ! io '. i t r ot, ooi c tt jIoI t h I. lit lo ,o o po . "WM. "l'KEAN, 1"t 8• Ar - 10 0 l sora~l• Ol1. nar l i fltii aniv s I joe (11,AMI'IN & (ltli lll .ll Joulia 1) A :' 44E" i gI htIesis,t, s, i am •tiur.,dllivrnt, latv-ies i ani ized Ir-l ltlirl*,i Itls ,,loo rllendo • ool ks I le - ott , ,oo onalo,, .d rovory oloth l os rlcho ottol-tionoro', joet C I, , llslrallhl. sllly(PU.IIIIIP. Ill.hli(.ill I l lvlhilg'lll~ II1.1 ot ol l tlvr I. ilolI, will o, ' .00i•c l0 i I'o l noo liollr' io• IgM :!• " pu:ch'""il"': •ili i'es(,hi c,, ""r"i,• " I,,utur'hannin g oooLoyoooelool AV I FIt';T . ll4 et fo S'It o'ooooot 19.21 hl'cltlore il f ol o NbY Atorlllillcl. Il. (l hnril s i 0in0 0 F:VAN- :R• - I r rU, n at fe4 "13i Mugazine n T UNNY 11AGs--51410( (i.,nv lige in wreo, fr elllo SI CIA3II'I.IN & C0Iil'. 1I, jlR0 81 JoInlin . W 11''E I.:AI4f I .19E 141 -il.. 5011 kegas pn ilulr P l lp lq \ lil i'iVhh . ,l; 50bh l~. In .- l 4I c,I.'ido ()"1, Ior IIa ks I)ll h I.in ed(il l, •,r g(l, Ihv JAIRVIS & ANI)"1(4\\'9 , " \VWh4si4"le Itrgc •igt., j24i _ or ('0,l '. .(" & ' tr'l_.4 p,i.nlat r O()N(:lEl: SlK.K•(- 4 cu-en wislcc lilehli),ll, .- tern.m; fille ponlgeeki!k I.dk,,r4hi, , iln r•luroc ad fur al(,, by ISAAr ie d & i& o, u17 131 Mngllanle R I:AI00S. 1i srrn SI r n)d i r a 3(il i 0 1 Iio l.ll . ,d di 150 idl ''uniir' Oil 'r n a rby Wl l nTet laninL ; rm & COh A L N E EU i t- o "1' Fir , F I -l t .+ clb ' nl ' P o e i c a l workL , in i v l, ec 1. ll ls just receivedl tsale by A 't(ll, jell 49 alcep at /'4(iilLli'li i-3'(4.--,.i.f,'.-,I . 4 -eo-o4 . 3 kegs A vn- bni llal. Ilrn4n rod l.eeic.uclln ; Tllbil' w.lh At!ltl; Wo'.lih., '. W\illrd's Univers. , nit Atla; es ( E dnglo', ioho cles, Sit' Ia ' lh ,g cir . Mhe).. Ittle'f Aibrid nn, .0. rh'4y A Ilee.1 ' r,'s di. for biegcnnere. Ale+, 3,h.4. eilrnpcv iif tiia __Ie s\ I)4 IX '0 4VA 1 49 nti1p.. {USIA 4.3l'11irI\USo-- I bi,; + I" eslcaSheet- ings, -r ,S lohy lll' E l,, o1.40 o Magsaine a l rIsAn E -Just tion ey th em d a • loralohe al 3li)e B1lok Sllle, 4T cacpI lt lent--Ilalnek Practice 4. .lhllsic--Iclie,. .lle.•cIl Jeuia. 1`J Ir, l5. houlnd--Lit,,ll, ll ' ll.'lic.l Sullrgery; Vietlur's AtI IU4tiy, e 4leW ediit).o , iby tir. Jllo .coli,.; Iri e...r on tlic ear; leini's he t eil4.eers-Sh.lw eo Allnltoty; Taeon's )iissaetlr;t,,ngendi:'e I'h* idlo:Ining, h llnrd'l Aaltmny, Edwardl' t• tjcerii Otlici; Iioyl c Anelotlc, be Isate for isale by ja17 AI.EX.'I0WAR. FLOURl--I20 bIbl superfine tIl.,r, lendinlg and fur a•i byl J ''II1tYER ,& CO, IMEjNTl'tt4-.. sicke Pihento, landing fnies ship L Cchll lt4, andlufr cale hv j39... _, . It (i \.E, 93 Caes.oo ,s F LO(Ul(-200 brl. lS F Fl..ur, (bh.king) for uale by j3 PI.AI DI.AW, 66 fl aclls l LEACIIEI Oll.--Is ierces bleached Fell oil-- k leuding frnn s4i4 St. Mcrv. 382 li4,oen en teil Cl44lles, nw llc'dfcord erundl- landing froul sclle t loirhl ianr ll. iy jane'l .itSIl'H C()K'NI\.NE, 25 G(erier lt REIt MALAGIA IRAISINS-1000i whoble and half boles, fcr sale by ABItAHAIM TRIER, jan14 31 Oravierit 1 OMESTIC IIRAN I)Y--i1 Ibids Brcedy--lrst and fourlth pturI, hleindi. lncI ship Eoro~ll.. for ssle by LAW\VRENCE &, LE(; E 1l)E, jnn 3 2a nd 29 New Lvep. TLOUR--R0) Iscrrels superior r.dll, fnr.aL e by S417 O II BLISS, 65 Poydrls a H AY-75 baies tin laydincg froml shipuohni Mr Sshall, for ale by S lP WIIITNE/y, jat 73 Cnmps 3ONI)ON PlCKI.ES SAucEs, &,just reeived L bylthe subscribers. 12 bheas English I'ibklei, csorted, 12 " Sauces, a do 10 a Aacccunvioi i., glhcejaoe, 10 " Allchvy Ilctl,t 3 his. IIlackil.g, li)uv &,M&rlln, 1 booeesuper. Olicves in glassi jar 5 , Asarted Fruithr G VW PRIT'UIAlIw & JO TAC1:'R Jr, Uov24 cor l'oydran & iagamlsne It '1INES on Edecatioi,. lHow hall I guvesrn my Srchocl, aldlreoe,.d to Youne g teacclles. elidl ai edapted to anaist purenlits ill Ie mgulllgUlllels of fati- ires : by E Wiuee, autulr ol 2 yeare and a half in ice Navy. tnHinsOtl Educntion,4 I,' the mlnn author, ulso,Hfdl'a leelirta to eh l loasc era . Fur sale by d31 A '1'OWIER, 49 Camp st Hf IALE. O1.--1 bunola is s u:re and for sale by ji17 AILAIIAM 'rlillti. 33 Paydsra (-U WfU - CALL'-Fr- trte. (Drhe,,,i. hurrsle y S jaI 5 P L.AIDLAW, 4:6 Cmtp It I LU AVANA CIGARS--Received ifro, his eaenufss. lU r inryi Ha-Ilva0•a an oCelrlenc ccl34)01111000 Cigas, of the bat luailiiy-Trabueos, irgaliea, Cttas, forl sale by R FA14e, jai 17 & 4~Ctilunc, Ijutlca t

r.,, lill ERlCIAL. Camp St. Charleso tally 1-Sat. per lh.on. all qualiltiea. The a, embrace 7000 bIl at the f.,Illowing price.:--130 aI 13 ieta, 355 at 133,2 i4 014; 007 at 14. 1105s

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Page 1: r.,, lill ERlCIAL. Camp St. Charleso tally 1-Sat. per lh.on. all qualiltiea. The a, embrace 7000 bIl at the f.,Illowing price.:--130 aI 13 ieta, 355 at 133,2 i4 014; 007 at 14. 1105s

r.,,_ lill ERlCIAL.e l4.LRalf , .. IS N ' uhrii glo Fch. .IR1 e1 YaI A......::...IS I fa ........ /8. IV b..A .. IR t bii re.I, 9

Jh . IRIW. Ir~nii. Rah. ,17.. .R WrerpL.l,Fh J ..

.. r.~... ... " 8 Pert ~i.................... 1",1 I .. ~a. "I'p . NW rL do .

'eWg_~ ORI:,.'..NCLEAKANCER. a

, .Februay 95th 1839.

tidlmm Blmperefr nr.ror.i Ik AeMJCmg t N w York.t4*dla#9b c t fot r a abtflmme.e tlea for New York.

lab Mueaaa Lint, Sr Taopa Bay.

ARRIVALS.braar.V y 5,18M39. thl

i AfItOtat, oia, 1 days fom CalChlaaatoet M•otar. allaklaalima rrow., Tt hora f, eiaey Wast, toa Mnter.Sah .•b( a1 yaoe.Blackin;toa, 17 days from Charlaroa.a to

!-riseam r, I)e.,lo. Ilday. from Gandatlps, to SuperaQnua

SSain. Mlm" tfrom St Jophb. Inhall.nlt, to Dater.C " aellaa b . Payee. from Clarksville.aa ,•.sat•a. ifrom Arabaa..bad an maniaiest,

4oh i, aa very l leacara.S mat Joba Raaddlph. liller, from Nslhille.

.lala, Way.e, Falrboa. a. Cinctiaaui.Nolst Star. Latham, fram Cicinuatli.

Sta es l Amaiaa, IBrea. fron W illiams' Laedinl.*tSglamaaataa ia linatti..tarao, 208 ala aour, 02 brll

I ntent from. the Ohliao .earo, 291 brb floor, 35.0010 Ib-thh't•arh aadlo kegh lards J Vairsn & co, Madden 4 Hall,

Im 4 Southgate.EXPORTS.

I.VSYPOOa-.Per Ship E.ropa..C.roa 1871 halea Coton.IARtIrORD..Per a il Alaexdanr..Caareo tI hales Cotton

ad7 bhds Hooks & lot Coaime. aI;R*F8YRR..parah_ BMadk ltt..3•1 tbM. sad S ha. A

folaaa.1OTR6..per brig Uado...:at hhdi8o ar.l e

W4 P1ll..par brigl Ligooia..950 hhdI sager, tied 800brldour.

TAMPA lAY..perachr Al•xander..12 hbar hoba, 10 Irunaksetlhinl. IS ha. pickles. 1S kebr hatter, 1 abx.l lart1.t30hai ourtObrS a.ar 5dbo whkaleyS fi-h cordials, 5 utak a o., cahks ail.


UOIDALOPE..perhr och ranger..winam. eordialt, and pota- atoaa. to hup cala o and masar.

MET WEST..per aha Talc=..S Ila. aal le. 13 da cottonsnd. 50 bb bay. h w turtle and tidt, to Manar.

Ct1LtRSON..por harig Octavi..l0 tea and IS half dorice, Io order.

-. r....... pa. aaaoaa Wqa..IS mfl a.a, aad S lt aaiea. G 1edrotd1RICEII'T4 OF PRODUCE.

llst*h..ptt lmmer Conslelllltin..139 bit cotton,. 1iabta .o.a d 6 baeacofeeo, Jaao tatI la. tI id cotton I

Pdaaia.Imale A ao, bhta baaon Winstoan & Sall., 4 ls ct..ars! 44bbd-aobao N J Dick & ra, 98 bhds tobaccoAALA~ Am baa, 114 babda thacco Maddoa. Poll:ard & co. 14 4

d Alaaadea Prier, 94 btbd do. 295 ItaCo Sar, I48 Iltl ntbhtahaaa. I baM. aad 6 br tLard, Yeotma & co. IS

e,' naatlone and atala oil. Vm Gray, 13 Ihd.lm La Creah.a, 6"Mlhdao W ReWl. I hhd.do,

door Ownea r on boarda 401 mala Joh Dick.bapera atausmr Job Rtandoiapb..l56 hbda tobhacco. I

75db i, 214 ahI aat bri. 9 br porak, h kegl lard,tr tomb slea Yaecmna & co.e3 ll ia coton, Frieron, Dale*ao.38 hla ouoa. 91 hdl.a, al 55 bas tLbaaco, and caskskeaal,, k J Dick & oa. B304 hbda tobaeo. A L Addison , Co.101 Hl do Maddox & Pollard, S doaTas & Hopkins, 275 doad 11LohI. A JA ob., a 4 nesu et emptyCks L . P Mar-abai I wagon and faxtura Winstoan ShaU, 38 honea. 581 Itmrkya,9 brim ela.. and 35 daa cbickesOwaera on board.

Cmtialati..per steambr Gea Wayne.. S000 kegs lard. and100 brlapork, 199 kosl lard, and 104 hro pork, Malhad Pl4gaaoa 150 emply barrela. K Lpingaer, 1l00 brll flour, 19]kd. hanoa, 27 brhl paork 27 kaae lard, J Vairen 4 Co, I cornmill Lamrbeth 4 Thompason, 49 briM donor O Dons.y, I0 roll

atheoalC aa Kennedy, 80 bI•a pork Admat Hartawell. 253a41 pekaC4IbS, a lard. 4 Landim & co, 50 brb whiskeay Carlia.

& Iaddaandor, 3 hk hams Ogden 4 Soutbltte, 50 Sbhhdhbams4hbh pork, 13 bri anld IO5 heg hard Steauon Aavery, Itoram Owner on bard. -Cihcinsati..per at'r North a81r..l100 ba. lard. 208 brhl

Miiar, aae 52 brla whiasey. I Ladi & ao, 629 hbrla dour C WOaaoam, 109l hal whiskey and 10a do doir J Vairan & co, 90brim our, 34 doa G Dorsey:William' Lnadiag..per ateamea Amorian-t175 bb cottona,

16 pork, Caner 4* OGidley. 156 do Amour, Lake & Walker,7 do W M fal. 59 do IRynolds. Byrnea & to. 116 do Ricker,Hadley & Dvis, 19 d P A Ilardy, 69 do Allenaa, Ashaer & co,19 do W Flower.

PASSENGERS.Cincinnati...pr steamer Monah tar..J T Smith, W P Dell-

Cmal,Iiaaa, D I W Webatr, J Mooney, Min French, D DAaery. Judgea Chin,,.

Clarklville..lar tlaenaer Cona.eltltio.., Grncy, W Reed,1be A Pelties, Diaa, Wynalt, W B Reynoldl. Atwood,Watcbe. Andaewa.

Nabaille..par steamer John Randolph..Dr D Glasa andalhter, Mra J Miller, TF Barneat nd-lady. Mrl Hanyworth.Mia W•st, Miss VuUahe, Mi.s Northnlm, Mr BrownSa n andlady, Msmr. Tholnpsoll. Armsaead, Yeataan, Woldridg.,Moore, Hyde, ataly, J W Ogdan, Pincbhack, Prillian, Joael,Castkll, Cloman.

CHARLESTON MARKET, Feb. IS.COTTON.-AI the close ofathelalt and in the early

pat of the present week, the Upland Cotton market waiatltert quiet,and the oprations collstilquentdy lighlt, baigoarflned chiefly to speculators at the full prices quotedin our raview of the 9th inst. There was n evidett dis-pslthion among legtimate dealers to upeand opelrations,iltering that advaces from ithe other sala of the water

(which are anxiosly looked for) must be near at hand,bat having been disappointed inllis belief, the market,penedon Tuesday wih contsitleralel briskness, hbothbfar the home tralde nd for tle F.uapean marketa; andit is supposed that duaring the last two days 5000 balesItaae een sold at an alvuace on last week's quotationso tally 1-Sat. per lh.on. all qualiltiea.The a, embrace 7000 bIl at the f.,Illowing price.:--130 aI

13 ieta, 355 at 133,2 i4 014; 007 at 14. 1105s at 14j, 130 at 141,453 at 14 11. •1 t 141. 254 at 15,ftt 1l5 51 alt 151• 549 o 151,7018 at 151, 193 at 151, 317 at I. 80 at 168. 283 at 161, 95 at 18tnad 011 his at I7 cents. The iltilaa at Ihe tlobs ofthe markeaydaerday wam worth as followl:..Liaverpool clnifientious--Crl. aad inanri•r a1 i. a, mlddli.a Inlaadlln[ rin r t14 a 151,flir to fullySir 16 1Il, seed air 161, and choice I? eta perlb. The sales iq Sen Iblaed have also aeen extenalve duringthe wk, snlotlnting I to fully 700 bags at prices ranging fromn4 to 7a cent, with about 40 bags stainead, from 14 to 12 conta.per.lb. .-

February 16.

Floar--fnirbuninee dsint 10 a1-4. ay .

Baoem--Ilnms 11a13, Sidas II,Souldets 9a91-.2.La--d• twen 200 and 300 kegs new Baltimore

bolught a 13 -2.Freitig-A-m Liverpool 1-2 per lb. for cotton. To

Nlaere tat 3-8.

DrNOTICE-The ship NORMANDIE, Capt. Tyson' efrom NewlYurk, is now dischargin" opposite the Mint.Cconsignee are particnlly requested to attend to thereceipt of their goods on the Lotte. d

tsb26 Sv S J P WHITNEgY.rITahe ship ELIZA WAwItCK, Capt Davis, fromlsotnn, is dieatargian juost above the rleancot ona

press. Consignees will plrsue etteud to the receipt.fitheir goods. READ & BJARSTOW,fe26 7 Bank placettPaoket ship AutuRn from New York, it d s-

charging opposite St Phillip at. Consignees ae re-qested to attend to the receipt of tboeir goals

fe2 P LAIDLA1W, 6 Camp atATHE Consignee (John F Kroknerst) of 300 boxes

op and two piano fortes per eship .5ohn Mtarshall frntfew y ork, is requested to coll at the ubscribors officeaad renite his goode.f(2i5 & J P WIHITNEY, 73Cmnp st

f tle rkn oter by assigl

:hla chip so VAR sp. Banis, nlscottonpperst.nsS. Cn sige wi rq plestud e t tteodto

I Ste receipt of their gands.B EA D &t BARS PO,, tITNEYk plot'NOTICF--The bhig Boso.aS. Capt. yer, frtom

tsw York, is now di•chargins• ppoaite lhe 0 leants

oul8son rese. t inee r ir a td,die reetipt of t heir goode re. este t aende

eh2 &b J P WHITNEY.3TNTIrCF--T s Brip ZoAt oarrel apm. erioerly

ta•n New York, is tha diehargig oplmite the Ircan-glarksret .Consignees em plrti a ldrl e receitd

ofird o the r. ,t teir on tflbd25 i & J r WIIIPNEY,

cnarket. Cosignees sill pleura attend to ike reiptfeb25 A COlEN acent, 90 Common ntAON-70 cks ofat, sl.'dersaddeor

1JO]asle by G DORiSE .t19 44 New Levee

S. PARKIY, Desting, respectfully gieson-" lte, that he nay be conslted annuaolly in New

Orleans, durigth ttti tontl of Fetrry, oMarchl andApril. Hie anseoiate in tim practice, Dor .loon, whorepskeisoal skill and experience, both in tte st rgicalmad aenhssicel depatlment, is nssupassed in thiscoeutrr, will remain permanently.

fei9 office,59 (anal street.OIt'r 1(N HAY--200 bales prime Naw Y-rk

Hey, lotling fom cship Osemulee, and f orsalefry felb A COlili ,Olt Comtlon st

ADDEK- ceas Meadder, fotar sle byRi- HYDE & BRO.,

fetS 39 Common, car Magazine steetULS tl RAlt.ti harrelscholce brads, ini good ship-U ping order at the landing, for sale by1'19 O I)JORSEY, 44 New levee

I MAIIRA WINE-lngham's L. P; Col,r,7 laze brnds, in piper, hlfpipp, quartnr casks

fel5 134 Magazine stEXAS AN1D SCRIP FOR SAL.E-'re sulscrihert offer for solo twenty Floats of six hundred

and fortyHacres of land, each. -By tim alt oafthe LegieIstU tihis script

i an be held nd located by foreigner

msd'is transfemable by assignmont." Tl OS B LEE & CO.

p tINE APPLE CHEESE just received nd f• rsale Lby REAU & BARS1TOW

iaiO 7 Bank PIlaO Ate t BOXES-50 Cash iBoe. of our own in

fmetore, far superior to the Englisb, for sale byj0 l LOCKE & Co, 8 Front Levee

DITEeDs,00 0o I-in stoa, for saleVI h•y -S LOCKE o Co,

ja1l8 / 8 Front Levee tA MF.RICAN BRA.DY-30 barrela Ansiricen bhen.*fs• G W PRITCIAh D 4 JO TAGERT Jr.

[HE prce of Iresh flnsr to-day is $7 50 per bars elTL atRdig to the tariffy the bakers shall give do-ejtajlhe sauiag weak (from Monday 25th inst.) 37 oull-

t go wegh 25jser ee=. mom. •i.:. 4 an o.

0hlse summer straimed sperm oil, byesa urks Island olt, i stare for sale

L H GALE, 93 Castom

Sja7F J1IIAYER & Cu, T4 Poydria ei

5M taclt Ianhrra lmtndso form s aip Hsnoneepsei sate 1-y I.EVI H GbI.E,

9ll Pommon at:++,,+ ?,-r.oe-,


In connection w!th this Olcae i is


Pamphlets R1 e ChecksOatolegea n alut of LadingLabels, Sray Receipt.,Legal Notices Au•ction ills,Bill ermn , SheeW HiilsSteam BoD t Dills Circulars'

And every description .fJob W\Vrk thasmay bev eqired.

[lRThe proprietor respectfully calls the attention ofthe public: to the above Card, and assures thorn that

all work intrusted to his care shall be dom at thie short-cat notice, in a style unsurpassed il this city, andat the lowcst'rates.





Ma. CLAY'sSrp geH. This eloquent and patriotic

exposition of Mr Clay's opinions on thie subject of FraAbo'i ion, and utter deimlition of the princip!es assert-

ed by tile fanatics who have for years been warring a-

gainst the rights of tole South, may be had in pamphlet

form at the counting room of the 'rue Anlicadn to- Tmarrow morning. It is due to thm great Champion of BeI

his country. that this fill and lucid refutation of the Cins

charges alleged against him by a venal p, tsa and cor- beer

rupt party, shlould be a idel dilsee•inated through the ure,

South, when it has been astomnLted to do him the Inost poninjury-where in fact efforts have been made to pros- null

trate im forever in public opinion, by ineins of fal I foar

accusations aidl slanderous imputatio ns .


This speech ofMr. Clay has won the confeeerd admii- tho

ration and applanse of n e he most distinguislhed men, who pro

have heretofore affer ted to doubt the purity oand integri- c'ts

y of hllis principles oni this subjectt . The Charleston pro

Courier,an organ of Mr. Calho .n, wmith is edited aith panmuch aoil'ty thus makes mention of this effort of the

great western s tatesman, and sets the seal ofentire alp- tprobatio ena it. Who nan longer doubt, when the very

highestlnuthority-authority eanating from Mr. Cal- and

hocn himself, epproves? The Corier save: deri

"it crowns its gory uthor d gives a ins nea nclaims to the name and frame ofa true and fearlessa jtriot, and to the warmgush of Southern gratitude. he snpolitical tatnetsof the South may fnrlid it frou eover persupporting Mr. CLAs for thle Presidency, bit let it notdeny hilt Ito nted sue to his patriolisn oand fidelity to PmoiltheConstitution. Twirce befioe, ttn'y on the Missou- theri queslon, and ol tile Tarifetnposrsilse, lasl he plaovetthh noble part olpalifiiatornf the Union, and Ie astnow literally swept abolition fran all its moorings and at gIcoverts, dissevered it fril tle right of peJitili sld sioth- hier adventitious aids, snd held itsp in isolated ndlim to thethe scorn sad indiglntion of the repuilie, leaeing itsphtnzied advocate, the notorious thorri. ofOliou, unotit-ing obut the sneers of the sgust and enlightened assst hbly be darld to insult wilh his tressnsbloe baldenrdsh. solie tivides tie abolitionists into three olssoe, tne l adwho oppose slavery on grounds of lhustnity ond phi-lanthro rhe,and do not shame a heir profession by Indito. oPiots plotlings,anl conspiraiesi against the tranquility proof lltlltor slt and the peace of he Union. those wiho are onemisled itito seeoiitg eo-operatioa with abolition, by tilefalse issue raised on thit right ofpetiirona and those wh allrecklessly aim wickedly pursue tlheir (d plnrpose,it seSltter disregard of the rights of property. the provsins ps

of tile Constitutis, ihe rights of lthe Stles, anti the wproservation of oar Union ami its glorious systel oi gov-enlment; and ea clanss receives its ite ap reciation. for

A i etxcoristisnallusion is made to O'Connell, as tise Ipluonderr f Ils own country snuill thelibellm r of kin tl-Stred pele, alll Ar. Stevenson hold pardonallo for bo-tig nade to swerve frmn his propriety by virtlous ard ouCputriotitc indinntini eglinet tile wreo mn The miiglin g i

of abiliionis, wioh tle Iolitiea oftlho iountllry receiversthe just and sterln reiuke, d io Ield o as rnan armtag syptriifs tlihe timso. A rapid survey intahkn attse three prossineot erasof olioiitionisis in nirrepublic.So iimsulootaely with sthe first operatio i of the federal on

contitutios itbrogound in thie ben llsifthtli nltiin- inea lgioutiturn, by the a roite of oi e pitio, and a toliper- PitSate anid nll eon toed eport nroileyd lue abolitionists

ti the r nlves trso reson nl qiile thled coVistry. Nist n

r thie aiesori question shook ied Unie. islil lorthnl lao- thi

i, tina, but:ttesatiris of nolpromuise, whicsn dictated tire nitt constituion, was again inotned, and nte estopd ithe

Speril. T third •lipocl oinoludes the lss atow years and qtd tesjersent time.

e 'hie last excitement is the result osftho stimouts giv- ante en to the spirit of abolition by i ritiih We'st fuflla ex

risncipiationi, an example inappiioable in all its aspuecit si

Spoiri entol. ialand stutileral, to lhiA conltri inillthe of

a. evil iliult•det ln been Ihigtrceue uldl a gr og vatrled hI those who S woauld stake t oil ieaei ni glory of their i

Scetiliry InI lie Ia stire of trl die in l ute h oIE of polities. l

Aholititiou ine tie iatreint of Coutbiau•i in o argued, in a tr. iacstierly uil conviningcip antser, ouvioeldflana vitiutin v'a

or ste ioi tlic foitb, inflicihtl pledgid so irgiuiae iando r

ae Mery erladawh s tiley acd u the )iaerild to the Union, gt

' fora seat ofoGovernment. and ou llrijust ood dishonast tsr artterialn of tue rilm ofenslusie i iel iaioll oaer thlei)iatriitto tlhe natiinal legialotuire. Abolitiot, in Fliur- atida, it is inaiastedl sillths-quiat fuorce, wonld be n viorlation w'f ti lse rSialis n treaty of ciloni, and i t mora tli logai n I e

foot oftlte oiisspoiuri iemnr ise;to th e ptreventio n ofthe removal of straes rion ole state ton anothlet, is dclitown tb r tie rhe iutt of n dcs tiutiee a s not a esr-a enasoe consltrnttioi oifha piwou I iq regulat comnierce itfameot thie severill tntes, and to hre stunluded by theiianttalldionati raoniliha of slays -n a'ppoprty' whiehite olause elative o ile iigratiso osh d importsTiotn if t

slaves, is proved to refer to the introdtion si d ut sie

Sremoval oftht description •f per insh. or. Clay doe-

6nouncesthe Rabolilionidts a aiming atillhivertal amen.. reoi cipation, sniers thatfin the priueips of thie bciteis C

elro rpleon,lheinr thete would rquire to carry it tout ato

indeusirit of twelve hupdred mtillio rls l'dollara. which t

they iought to begis toy ociting, to tiny ten desipoiled i

SSounth, demnolutntea oilt malign wnorkings of abostilin-isinsi the intCrests of ihe slaves themselvebyl o heck-Ling lie ilforts of binevolurince for she meioiration oftheir conditunn, and closes witt an oioqniat, touchtintg Alsldl bearstoirring appeal to all parties in Conigrsis,e- and all classes of his felalow iticans to resist he evilspirit of alulitisniam, rally araorn tihe coastitutio, Cand preserve thpIeae and tranqouility ofithe nout- Ctry.rc When Mr. Clay rat deims, r. Calhoun, with bllnnr-

hbi tliberalitv, roon• •l said ha- hdlu htard Illru s pePlh or Ctie SoTnnlntirstro Ientaukv withatoe •lroh•l Ipleaullrc.ill lie tloun gt it would haei great effici. The uwlllk,said lie, in dion! Aboliion is to moos! Ithe South is


Ior our own part wo eallrnot petceive wlhy "lthe p.liti-ol tnetas of kih stllh may fiorid it frm na ver sup- hin porlillg ~l. Clay for th 'rcisidenlay." Ie has proved

to limself he true, sldaones, and teeroitftl fiietsd of theoouth; and this last effort furnishes bi. with n claim oniusasouthern gralilude wrhilch we know the chivrlrous and

g,,. eeronus aarith will not shrink from pying; To dnytd the claim were to denTy a strictly just olligntion. We*tt

have no sfr is fr the southn. Let its oitizens renad tis

it r speech and wit onile uned voice, tuey will wilh nlane. It rity came frrwird and acknowledge their cotilldence inu

Msr. CIsa.W e Iove takhe iallst to lno tile 111smot adlniroble

'or speecl selt IIp iTa clleap d convenie foras, and or.

ders furextra copies for ciruti lion elsstl lie spokerBe for nt early as pimaibler,bfton ti•e type is dliatrilluted foro- otber purposes.

S Wiatb has our Legislature done with the bill regals-cal ting tie pidotage. at the Balizoe aid for other importanthis purlosesconnaectd with the Port of New Orleunsi

Suarely they will not allow il to share tie fTte if Ihebill last year. 't'hi subj ,tl calls for action, and lshouldlf t ini neglected. It is expected tlat thie logislntuIssiso will do whot is right.

Wn hiave Loui••tile dales of the 181ii. Thruolght therot Gazctte ai learn thai thie river st Pi'ittsburgl wa ill

kip- good navigable ordler on the 14thl. Alta, that oa the

1ee 6th, the S..C. Railroad Balck Bill had lnot beetn re-,f considered, bu tlhaln in consalr e thi e hsee of ie snof

two o tihe irappe ntas ol she ill, it ilay he. The vote,to reconsider tlhe voe to lay it on the table wos 49 toS49. If it pss it iis belieived tho Goveruor will veto it.

tes Fons Btxto. A large mneeting was held in Cii-is rinnati nout is 1th, lfor the purpose of getting up a po-

tition to the Ohio Legialature, in favor of a system ofI free banking.

farTe injmportant msarnntjle ease ot Rlobert C. Horper,

me of oston, versus Messrs. Cssamujur Niury & Co,, ofDSt. Jago de Cuba, which was coutested at Boston this

'y week, his terminated in a verdlict being found for tilesale plaintiffof 121,ot00.

at Tile agent of the Stats Bank of Althatna, now at Liv-sa- erpaoolisnounneis ths shipment of ane sillion of dol-

lees is Ipcoe, whichis to gn, in equal sums, to the'* branchleoat Delatura nd Ilunttville

inel Tihe Augusta Sentinel says ttat Johul Chplisau,con.sas- vidted afiie mnurder ofhiui wile nt tite late Superior

pt Courto)f Bibb county, has been sentenced toy JudgeKitng lobe honged on Fridnty, the •Ld slereh.

tds The nlw eteasor Fusilier, under the comsnussd ofyse Capt. Isin, toa arrivad at N. Orleans. Site is intis.td

lor ste Attakopa trade. and is said to bea very supe-rior vessel. [PIuti ers flanner]

The Fuaslier is oaeaf the very scates, ond sann-

ehesthuts tilat has coma out tilis sceast. The souecam-n_ madlldiians asr seaiduo behoenelleit.

RESPF-CT FOIL INTlLb'IP/I r. -It is said that Denied Sweetrnaa of Ahiany, reciilly

perdisd by Gas. Artsur, was one of tihe liri-userssees swobsim tsie gallant nl. Prities urderd io he "alsot

s i iss~nodintnly."-Thme Tuohedo Blade sys, tIhat upon

hearingthe l r ordr le corlly fld ,hi rea t tmld etold them to "shoot and be Iangl ' display of aitnepirdily procured the iterrpositr i lonifri•isb lier aidnsod (in life •rar saved.

LATEsT FROM |MErICo.-The ushonser Sara Almu, bICnaptain BOntemps, arrived this morning from Tampleo, '3which place she left on the 15th irst. reporta'that onthe 20hh alt. Gen. Urrearhad lkershis line of mrbestowarde Saint Louis. General Lemon had also started 0fIr Metamtoras. Nothing else had transpired up to thesailing of the arall Ann, as er s no eummunicau intion allowed wibh Tampicofeom the interior. Sle aleus Wbrings $10,000 in specie to sundry merchants of thiscity.


Reports of-Day Police and Night Watch,February 23, 1839.

Ilenry Smith-arrested for being drunk; discharged.Jno. Iltlanld-arrosted for stealing; discharged.W.r. Husheae-arrested as a suspicious character.

being vouched for, discharged.

Febhruary 24, 1839.Robert Mlelann and John Purse-arrested for stealing,

proof not being sufficient, discharged.Wan. Vian--arraesed s as suspicions character, to be

vouched for.Jame Johnsoand John atn Joln Moorne-rrested for disturb-

ing the.peacne, bounld to kerp the ponee. $300. orWin. P'hely, IM. Maloney and R. A. Aslhraft-found

sleeping in a new building, discharged.James Kernan-nrrested for being asleep in the tents

on Lafayette square, and drawing a knife on tl.e

S Watchman, to e vouched flr.Franci Metts, - M'Gowen, Jolhn M'Cue, Jas. Swe- a

nay and Thlmrs Gray-arrested for being drunk;dis:harged.


f BIenjamin Drake, author ofthe ,fe s& e. of Bende lHak,

s Cineinnati, 1838. A rvlume with the above title eas- been placed in our hands, and we notice it with pleas-

o ure, as we do alnl the ptblicatiins of native writers, thatar possess the intrinsic merit of the work before us. The

- nnthor, Benjamin Drake Eqgi of Cineinnati, is well ande favorably known thronghbct rile community, as thIe au

thor of"lhe Life ofi Ilack Hawk; a production, whichli. though written current ealamoe, without exactly the a

to precision it perhaps rreqired, and slurred by the inex- I

i. cosnble slovenliness ofa publishelr looking more to the tan profits than Ie ai ppecrance of the book, las alreadyh passed tbhrough several edition.e I be volume before u=, consists as the title denotes,

of tales and sketches, many of which we remember tohave read some years ago, in our popular periodicals,

-nd which now coma upon nus--alording the pleasure ederived from meeting "old familiar faces" in a foreignland. The style of the author is lucid and graceful,.and possesses many of the excellencies peculiar ti

ie some oftlhe most esteemed writers in the country. Ar portion of the sketches are rather slight, perhaps, for

to publication in so staid a form as a bok, hut none of- therm re without merit.etl e particulrly comumend Mr. Drake for endeavor-

ing to rescue from unmerited oblivion, the deeds of thosei- who first settled the soil, and prepared it, as it were, forro the rich harvest, their sons are now reaping. We trust

r that hIis example will be followed by others, and thatb. he will continue recital of actionr and incidents he

a. so glowingly depicts, and cnan on well stbellish ando adorn. We are re gratified to learn that he is engaged

upon a work, for which hb hhas for some years Iceny preparing the materiel, and which we feel confident, no

one is more competent to execute than himself. Wenlhe ltae to the Life of one who, though of that race,

,i whose very being is rapidly wending towards sunset,is pRsessed anil the elements tfe lier and a man, andne well deserves a place oan the iage of llistory. We look

n, forward with plearane, to the life of Tecumtnlh, andine have no doubt that it will do honer to the subject and

to- the author. We trust, however, that Mr. Drake will

ad oeccionally turn from his severer labors and indulget is with more of his pleasant sketclers, such as tlloser we have jest perused.

'in.AN IL.LU.TRATED ATLAs, Geographllirli, Statistical,

and iistorical, of the United Sta'ee, and adjtcentcountries. By T. l. Bradfoird. E. S. Grant & Co.,Philadelphia.

Some short time sineo we gave a laudatory notice ofthis excellent work. We find tile following testimo-oial ofapprobhation in the New York Courier and En-quirer."We have already noticed this work from an exam-

ination of" some of the sheets; front a mote thoroughexamlination of the coeplete work we do not lheitntsto prmonnce it the most splendid specimen of the artof ltter press and nap enpgraving ever executed in thisncountry. It contains forty ltapsl, of tile etates atd tel-rilotie, of sol a of r largestl ities, with Texans atitile West Inlies. Its editor Mr. Bradford is onmat in-telligent scholar, and has devoted himself for severalyears with great asiduivn to tihe aotet exclusive pur-suit ofgeongrupiical studies. Ilia name in a ruffinientgearnnten of the are anll I correctness with which theworkhas boen execuned. We commend it with sincereealrtaess n to nil tihlic instilttions, temiearies, and toall private individluai who have oecaitn to consult awork of this description. A cope' of it should be inevery public school in this state.'it afBirds us pleasure to know that tie subscription

list in this city is growing rapidly. Mr. Grant, one ofthe publislhers, is pow at the Verandadh, where where hewill receive the names of those who desire to be lur-nished with thits admirable work.

CHARLESTON aRACE--lat dcay. We learn the resultof the first day's race from tite Courier of the 18th.Cnarlotte Russe was tile favorite. Odds on her. Shetook the first heat but let down on the 2nd. The fol-lowing is the result.l.ovel & allnnmack's b. f. Miss Accident,

3 yrs. old, 3 1Mr. Sinkler's e. f. Janet Berkley, by lier-

trand, 5 4 2Col. McCnrgo's s. mn. Misonfl, 4 yrs old, 4 3 3Col. IlHampton's ch. mt. Charlotte Russe,

C 5 yer olm, 1 2 drr Col Span 's h. f. Competnntie,3 yrs old, 2 dr -

t''lMr--inl ri: 5In 5 t4s: im 4.

S T.Cn tutr.ts 'I'A.ATHr. Bedouin Arabs will appearfor the secnd time this evening. ltheiragilily is trulyastnishing, and same of their leats, amre saeinglyheyond imitation. They sutprised tile large audienced they on Sundaly evening, and we doubt nnt will

have anuther quite as large, to be surprised this eve-sing.y 'Tsit CAMP.-Night ibefore last Ellen Tree iappesrs for

c tie 5th time tat thi Theatre, to night. J. R. Scottis as Virginiun drew merited applausee, and young

a lurke'sexecutiun of a piece of music by Do BeriotSwn eaxquiaite.

CELESTE.S This ndmimrlle ertiste will be amuonr s in a few days,

toIndfil ing engageuaent at tlhe St. Charles for thirtycnights in tie montaI of iMarch. She returnsa to New Or-ar loans wit fresh Ilunrils upon her brow, waln upon Enl-

Itnpenn grollInd. During nni eighteen mollths stay inEarn e. She lhan srcceededill proeoring at a heavyacxlense some hif dazen effective and intercasting dra-inas, in which there is not only room for the exercise oaher own oecnliur powers, hat for thosbeofile hbet at-

al tists on our boanrds. As a danseuse sseatill mainloinah ierpositin. T'lhe puhliaof New Orleans renmember ser

in d tht lofty po+ittnl withan enthusiasm that no time,nId ritaniunnt dinm'nislh. Two rival Queenfltars have

Spssad uacross inor firmanment during the present season,hat tlheir appearance henas only served to eahibit in stroi-geLr cautrast Celeste's sulperior brilliancy, s readiness ofhe light. an mllllajesty of ionvenentl. We'do not depreci-

ale [.elstntpe or Angosta, bill we are forred to declareits lint neitnher of these accomplishedt artistes has succeed-he ed in leavin ppnil tile mtod a lasting hapression. We

hiave fIrgotten nill their excellenaeies, while tldee ofCe-leste live as fresh, as when we first saw them, in ourof ameory. We have often asked ourselves, wily in it,to, that Celeste aneceeds in throwing around her daclnng,to and acting such intense interest? The answer that

nutnrally suggests itself, is, that slle acts and dancesfromn tie impulseof. enius and not from the cold rulesoftaleun;--she is a creature of enthsiastic imaginantion,

in- and in all Ilernsct and mnovements upon tihe scene. Sheso. draws f mn this never failing fountsin. And herein isthe difference b:tween herand her rivals. She carriescaprive her andieuee. Augusta anl Leenmtpte exeitcthe adm;iratiln of the spectator, hbut leave untouched tihefeelings of the heart.er, It, a few days the public will have an opportunity of

of testing this matter folly. It will li seen that they will* flock in croevda to see Celesteand that even the oil re.pes anted Hy adere will be clothed in new charms int e

it thadle uf this artlste. T'lhere will•a o flaggiag in thesupport extended towards her. Every body will go tosee lier witll a Ileasure, iecauea every hndy'a ifeelingawill beenlisted. This aftir all, is the true test of out+ arliste's laowers. We have before us the testimonials

o- of the I.ondon Press in favor of Celeute. They will bethe piniallaed shortly, in order to prove to the New Orleants

I'ullie. that their judgment of their favorite ins beenamply seconded, ant sustained by those heartless judg-en- sa, the Loendon Critics.

'oi Tn Slt nas T''wtNos were in Augusta (Geo.) on theige 20th. They go thence into the interior of the State.

The frlfuitflnes of Loaisiasa against the world.of Who says that Opelousas is not prolifict The annexedled paragnph fromn the Opelousas Gasette of the 16th,

p- shows that in our state, oae bud can produce threeblossoms.

Uo. A ife dreaisdiand in erse xntaordinary.-Mrs.nn- John Budd, reeidine ia the vicinity ofthis place, gavebirth on the night olthe 10ih inst. to three male children.The another and two of Ith youngsters are well, aon wasstill-born.tly DEPLORABLE.

era A s.I accident hapipened in the new Ceatre Markct,inot New York, an Saturdiny aflernoon to a laborer who

ion was employed iu lputitg up a sign board over one of

tihe butche laes tlls. iy soe oaen•cnro es r other, Ithe Iddern which the por fellow wan tsntetd, elipred,and in t6ving to sacve himsrelf frmn faolling he pitchedsidewaysr on the larre eof hanooks, aotd won literally -i npoled aliee,before tile yes of the hortified speotetnrs.The unfortunate man was got off as quicklyv nos pei-ble, anad ftkn home with but little Ihoes of his rrcuv-Wry.

Anlsrre or C stD--A loafer walked off yrsterday M'from one of our principal hotels with a gentlemon's Sirovsrcot, When taken, Ire expressed hie thanks to his Sircaptors, stated thet, from youth, lie had been liable toits ofabsence of mid, a bed begged that if they should

in futuree e hirm ake any thing, btt his own, theywould instantly inform himln of hts mistake. A doeltrwas found fot him in a stone building on Sixth street.

[Looiasville Gazsette. ChSwAnTwour is Ihe nome of a town on the Trinity

River.in Texas. WVe ehould rather net settle there-it may slide or slope off ore of these days, if there is anything in names.[-N. Y. Sun. n


(And the last night but three of hit engasgement)O Wednesdany, Ewoing February 27, 0

Will be presented the Comtedy ofTHE BUSY BODY. Cs

After which an Interlude called mySCHOOLFELLOW S4

Or its all Right.To conclude with, by particltnrdcsire, hr

ROBERT MACAIRE, fMr II J FINN has tendered his services on this

oasion. I t fe26

E1TR. CLAYTON will make his eighteenth hllllon -ascension on Sttnrday March 3d, at half past 4 o'clockP M, from the city gaes works. _. 0 __ .__. f26

C IIAMPAIfN-HCil•tick' -haopntig -252, basketa elin qnarts, 25 do in pinLt, just receive I and for

sale hy G W PlRITCHA RD & J TAGERT Jr, I1e26 cor Paydras & Magazine stae

OFFEE-liovernment Java coffee, just received Fsnd frr stale kv

G W PRI'I'CHAD & J TAGERT Jr,fo96 cor Poydraas & Magazine ats t

S Dr),'K'S engecrsan pocket hook for the yearS1839, with an almanaeck.St rEVEsoN's sketch of civil engineering of North t

at America. with plates.litrs' railwoy practice, a collection raf working

5 plane and trotiactal details of roreltrnction in the prublicId works ofrt.re most oleblrated engineers.

In owenr Irinciple ofpr.lctical perarmctive, or see-Snosrt eohie lrrjcton; containig univeresal roules frh eltincating anrrlilectunl designs on various oerfaces,to and aking views front noature--illustroted by fifty

a plates. CUnaEs dictionary of cemiotrv and mineralogy, withe theoir" applications -fourth editior wilh numerous irr-n

ly provemenls. IILt.UsTe ATroo of altrsral history: emhracig a e-

ries of cagravings nrl descriptive raccorts ofkthe mostinteresting and ptpular genre and species ofthe animal

to world, with one handrcd and foartelt plates.Is, MANTt.L'o wonders of geology, or a familiar exposi-

tine ofgeological phanomteno-in t vole, for sale byWm Mie KEAN,

in feb26 cornir.Ca lp & Common lstii, NF.W ORLEANS,

in Ferbranry 25, 1839.A Collectors ofl ce,2d Mrsicipatlitv.

NOTICE to owners of hacks, drays, &c.-The fol-rI lowing ordinances will be strictly enforced :-

of Reslved, that whenever the Mayor shall give a li-cence fi r drays,earts or otheu carriages, said licenceshold be immedlitely endored on thie Iack by thet' formerwitl his recript, and ovary person neglectlno ro

re kbtuin saoiendorsement rrd receipt on the back of Iti

licence, shell pay aline not e oceedint one hundreddohllar, half for the city, and the other half for the in-t former. Approvedl Itcember 21.1821.ot Also tie fril ,wing ordinance of the Council of the

ie second monicirnlity, ir the follctring words towit:-ad Be it ordained, thot from nd afner this date; any per-

son who shall ran a hanrk, droy, or carlt, wilin thead second mrnicipaihty, without taving previously oh-en tained a licenee therelor,fron the Mayor of this city,no ll be subject to a fine of not les than twn•aty-fivedollars, nor more than one hundred dollrs, to he te-s

Ve ared before arey oart of competent jurisdictiot;-e, rovided that any hack, dray. or cart d run witout a

licence aforesai, shll be subject to ha seized by tireet cllector of trxes on hacrs, drays. carts, &c.,--ord by any cliceer of police, and detained until the flie

rok sforenirl shall he 1paid. Sent to tihe Mayor the 14throd day ofJunne, 18.37 Signed,

JOSHUA BALDWIN, Re~order.S Siged, W H WH GATOc collector of hacks drays,rill andr l kero and pedlars. fe6fi

Igs ' sue just rereivrd, irer chipAe Lllrn from New York, thre fullowing articlecs

wlitch he offers fYr sale:-e50 boxes N t s perm candledics.3In, Rnes pickles, osrorted5 do, 'T'olm--ato cnlttup

0nt 100 whole and half boxes no I soapah 12d boxes ilmperial alned gnpwdor rte5 t)ans ofhlreck pepperr10 hlxes patcnt mould cnardleso ilo20 hoxes o I Poiad ctnrch in li perns

o. 4 gross paste hlrCkirgg0. 5 cases grornd e pper;ct ia prdnrd Irf prd plpers

28 1th01ouad segora:5 firkirs groircn iratter

am- 30 doze n I.ondoe Mlrstardgit 30 IoH)res coabell recelCrrtO 8 boxespine apple dio--Ard ia store a generml

art nssorthent ol graceries.tiis felf26 J CIIItl'I'IE, 27 ('llllnoto t ctot- AI)EDN r ORN.--l-0 henml 1 lIarrcrls i .torerr end

d I frosrrlcly 51.iIAI.1. IR t)\WN.i rinOe26 96 O antnvine stIOI lIt-4112 hlhls,lard-ling I'rrrr-n arm bost North

t 1 tart for sale by

tie "r Gi DOIRSLEY, 4 New Icreecre LOUtL--40i1 irhi tlrrrlirdg frrrr oleIIrt brrt Generald U Waynrfe rerlcl by

It a fe26 IG DO)RSFi, 41 New Levase

in WHISKEY-it bblt rrerifrrd, rending from euulliboat lIavaoa,for oie iby

lion fu26 G DORSI-Il ,4. New Leveee of I'AN[)L.ES-Alt. hboxres sperm candles, vriounsShe ) brdrls, for salel by

fe6 S G B1lANCItARDmre. P-ln0bxes Bretart soar no tttnd rxt ncairn

for sale iy S G BLANCHARI)HINESE. 'ITRUNKS----Just received an assrt-lrtsit . mert of the above article, preventatives against

181h. moths, wilh petiliar rass lockts, well atdrpterI for In-

She dies dror!s or for lolding papers cc& hrinC extrrerelyfol- light sad handttrne, br sale at 6OSSlP & Co,

f1P26 - - Exclhange hotcl St Cliarles rt

i lO, &'S o A•BR• N-;Lelc-17 ca caonliti•g of finsi Rllf and kip, seweld anld pegg'd boots nnd kil bee.g|ns, landing froam stips Steglitz and Cherokee, fursale I BRIDGE & Co,

ele6 134 Magazine PtEMION SYRUP-I0 borxes lemon arupyforanoleI by JAMES A, ANI)RE\VS,

f1126 corner Common &. Tebenpiletlas at

Dnraing of thte lrnod State lottery Class 15,Etra 39,.

70 37 73 23. 9 27 17 35 50 34 39

'I'llH DAY.8,0001 Capital Prize,r Tckrte only $2 00GRAND STATE LOTTERY.

CLASS M, Atlllolritl lby the l.rgilntaire of theState. 'obe drawn '"'his Day, i'leb. 26, 131,

at fi o'clock, 1'. 1. at Bishlop's lotel.S DAVIS &CO, Mnoagers.

75 Drawn ,nlmbers--12 Drawn Ialluts.Splendid Schemne.

27814 Prize. amouultinln to $ 06,858Tickets $9 00--uleavo I 00--Quarters $0 51.

Packages of' 2 Ticktoe for $50 00, warranted to drawat least $24, anil onu y draw tie It ghets epital, atounting to $8,000 !! Packogea of 5 Iallf Tickets$2500, warranted to draw at least t$12 0tl. Pakagesofd5 Quarter Tickets $12 50 warranted to draw atleast $6 (0H.

For packages of single tickets, apply at theM AIANAGERS' OFFICE,

16 Chartres ast, and at the corner of t Louis aed Char-tres 0st. Feb26

A CARD.1ilHE UNDERSIGNEI Paselngers by tlie Wil-

Sminetn xla ress Line from Charleston. desi;e topllane traveller on their guard against the delays andlisappointamets to whih tlhey sutject themselves by

takintg this lint.By tie advertisements of said line, the public are

assured of na speely conveytlee to Weldon, and thenceto Petersburg and Portsnmoutlh.

With Stisnasurnece, and the additional one of ourbeing enabled to connect with the Baltimoie boatt atPortanoulth on the 27th itnt, we left Clharleston on the23th inst, in the CGv. Dudley, andarrived at Wilmineton in due tine. On our arrival, however, we lanadthe ears that were about starting, filled with passesngersto the utter aeolrion If ourselres who wele, bylawand custom, entitled tt the Ipreference.

Thile only xcuse ofliered by the agent, was that theywere unable to send on the passengers who then occu-pied the cars, on the previous day, at they had agreedto do, and thati they coild tint uccamnmodate all.

'This detention has prevented as from m•eting theBaltimore boat at I'ortsmouth, and compels us to takea more circuitons route, involving additional delay, andsubjecting us to itcreased expense, as well as to theloss of several days in reaching our respective placesof dentinntton.

Wilmington, N C Jan. 26, 1839.W L Cleveland, New YorkB Prindle, doJosephi Woods, 'Hamburg a cP K iauillie, T'roupville GaG F Mlanoe, FrederatksbehurgIt lDvidsat Jr. PhiladelphiaT Quimbly. BaltiumreE Mloore, New YorkJ Smith Jr, BaltimoreJ Clark, NewYork,C B Bayly PhililadephiaW Patterson, do1B Woods. Colutmbia, lies8 LCarey Vicksburg

feb92 2t

CYCLOPiEDIASI DICTIONARIES!!EES' Cyclopnedia, 47 vols., Edinburg Eneyclo-

Penny Cyclopaedia,rvl 11th. Encyclopedia Americana. 13 vols.

Penny Mugaoinc for 1837;Giortou's Biographical Dictioeary, 3 volInWalker's Dietinnary, I vcl. Boyer's Dietionary,

I vol,S Webster' do 1 vol. Johnson & Walker's

Dirtiltnary, I vol;Newmanu & Barrett's DiCtioiorv,2 vole.lJohnsneo' Dictionary, lvolutueWebater'a Dictiona

S rv, 2 vole;Boer's Dictionary, vole;Also n large tapply ofEeglish Fonuvenir. &e, for

by WM MIaKE AN,6 car Camp and Conulmno at

S2•W .les o albi Meahain'e brand, landing froemn6 S0A hip llo OWbi ann, f lar sale at

jat6 SIlALL t DROWN, 96 Magazine ot

Camp t. Theatre.hib Night of Miis ELLEN TREE, Sec

'lI'HI8 EVENING, FEll. G6,Wille performed the popular Comedyof

THE TWELTH NIGHT.Malvolin, Mr FredericksSir Tbdy BIlch, Greena ir Atdrew Ague Choek, Johnson COh

Viola, Miss Tree CaOlivia, Mrs Green'

To conclude with the popular play ofPERFECTION,

Or the Maid of Munster.Charles Poaegon, Mr G Barrett G(

S Kate O'Brien, Miss Tree

y Wednesday, 6th Night of MISS ELLEN TREE.


B EGS permisaiam to acquaint the amateura of mu-sai, inhbitonts, of New Orlean,tlheat nhewill give

a soiree musicalle at the St. Louis hotel, ot Wednesdayevening, Feb. 27, commencing at 7 o'clock,-in thecourse of which she will sing the following pieces:i

lScena ed Arina" Cate dita," Norma--Belli. t iCavetina " Uno oreae pocofa." II Bsrierea-Roesint tAria ' o Itdia." Toase-Doniaetti. tBolero francain " Oaurez c'est nols." ]Dessaur. AScottish bailad.

" Tickets $1 50, for sale at the St. Louis and otherhotels; and at Masers Johns,' Mr Casey's, and MaearsBrocard's Music stores feh25

is PAPF.R-Il100 reams of Amies' Dove mill and detrmywriting, cap and letter paper, of very supelor

quality, fur sale at manufactuers prices hyfel,25 A TOVAR, 49 Cnnamp t

ek CARDS h1s 1' PRINTED at the shortest Notice, in the most p

fr elegant amanner, in Black or Colored I•os, on Enamel.led, White Flake, or Plain Surfaced CAnos, andPricesrery reaaonable at TRUE AMIERICAN OF

'd FICE, carner of Poydras and St. Charles sts.&Seeral New and Beautiful Founts of TrPE hane

just been added to the Establishment.ar Orders received at Compting Room, St. Charles

Exchaqnge, 3rd door front Gravier t.,or at the Printing 1rft Office, corner of Poydras & St. Charles street. r

ng nool--f



for LanOstruck ofatfour hour NortlcE,by eallsgat the I"' Compting Room of 'TRUE AMERICAN PFnl•rma ;

OcOrrtce, St. Charles Exchange, adjeaoing the. REDo-itlh ta Rooa at Corner of Graoier street, oral the l',int

In- ing Office, eaornerof Poydras and St. Charles streets.I- pIRINS-15 cases various patterns, French attd

sal Ahmeriean prints, fur sale bya feb25 I BRIDGE, & Co, 134 Magnzine st

asi- R USSIA SIIEETING-40 hales Russia sheeting,I for sale byfeb25 I BRIDGE & Co, 134 Magazine st

SI TORAGE-61M10 bbls or the leik thereofwill betaken low in the lire proof store 79 Julia st. by


R AISINS--It) loxrs M It raisins, Lring's brand,10- o 0t edo half do and 150 qlarter do, in mstre and

forsatse ly CIAMPLIN & COOPER.

li feb25 79 Juli astte s UNNY W .I IAtS-h019 gunny hngr, in atone atad for

0 f sale by CFIAPII'LIN & COOPERain feh25 79 Julia st

red FLOUR.-694 bbla landing from steattor G Wosh-in- 1' ington and fornsoe tcy

fe.5 G DORs"Y,.44 New Ireveehae LOUR- -209 b s flouriending frot oteamer AI-

f1 gonqin, for sale byar. fe25 G DORSEY, 44 New levee

oh. JTHISKEY-300 barrels rectified, in store for saleity, hby G DRSiEY, 44 New Levre

fire 1UTTJIPR-! tuhns sand kegs, wastern reserve land-eo t ng from steamer Algonq uin for sale byfe52 G. IDORSEY, 4 Near l.evee

Ia S gHE GItAFFE-Thisncvel exhibition wIll closeJ on Sundov 3d March. Those desirous to see this

ito greatest wonder of the animal kingdom, must no014th avail themseelves of tlhis last oplortunity, and as the pre-

arset has bleen the firt, she may perhaps be the lat, tohecitizens of New Orleans may see for mtany years-so

ay, pecarious is tlhe existence of this dielcate animal.I6 .nies and gentiemen theropprietors beg of yeounot

to disaplpoint yourselves nnd them. re25cl EA'1'HERS-By ship Aubehurn ne elegant socr-

I" msent of dil'ret colored pluees. received and forScle Iy GO

)SSIP & (, EClxehacge Ieetel,

fe • t teharles otCOTTON CIRCULAIS

I'" PRINTED rilth the Grealest E.rpedilion, andin a stlyl unsutrlpssed in NEw (lcLEANS, or else:where.

()He:ES left at Co*FcrIe Ro: io t Sc. ('i•crlre, Eschanoer, (Corner rf Graeirr St. ) or el T1' R I 1-AMIF RICAN I'RIN'I'INi OIFFICE,cornrr of I'yevdras and St Chales Selrr•el , will becercl promplly attende-d to.

I)at c. I--1.


ate their jills slrte"vrck in one

or more Coloredl Inks, on Plahi or Caolred Pper, I withee despaclr, a.d on fraorable T'erms, by learing theirrranl Ontn•sat'l'RUIE AMEIRICAN OFFICE:, coreer of

ItPoydrl anml St. Charles c treets.NtvN9--tf

W •AN TE)-Ay pe son hV a hiouse tag e suithabe (fur a rmall family (nne in the ncighllmor.

hood of the Exchange hotel would he prefered) willIheaor ofa teslnthv applying to

ler5 GOSSIP & Co, Ei xchange hotel St Charles st

1UIIPENTINE-411 hblts spilits t/rpenitine, I.ndilgfrom barque Roman, and in store for sale by

JARVIS & ANDREW,.25 corner Coluon n & l'cthoupitoulna sts

D EMIJOHNS-5001,2 and 3 gallon demijohns,landing front ship Cherokee, for sale by

JAILVIS & ANI)REWS,fe25 corner ofCommnon & Tehoupitoulas st

ONDON BROWN SIOUT & POI' TER-15I1Scasks, lauding fromn ship Washington from Lon.

don, far sale byfeh25 READ & BARSTOW, 7 Bank place

R OMIAN CEMENT-lnndiag oex ship Washingtonfrontm Loudon, ftr sale hvb

febl READ & BARSTOW.7 Innk place(1 UNNY IfAIt,--Iff100 alon, 2 bushel gunny bagsl* in store and for sale Iv1ff,2'5 JTIIAYEIL & Co, 71 Povdlrna ot

OLAsooti-Srganhiaunulsn MolusT is l hId inl sttre and for sa'e bhv

fe2h5 J 'I'IIA'ER & Co, 74 Pnvdrna st

(S AP-200 boxes George Rohitias' brnc , for saleby SHAL.L 4 IIROWNE,

Sfebh22 96 MagIn ine atSANK-1IT- . PPi'T t-.A very superior a•tice, forsale by the quire or ream. hy

fe2S IDAVI) I'EI.'I' & Co, 94 Chartres ast

N UTS---0 tddi Brazil Nuts. just received far saleby frt8 IlEAl) & B4RS'I'TOW. Itak Plnce


NEW ARRANGEMENT.I1 lIfE J.oeamotive will leave the Depot at thet fot of

Cantal street,very day at 8 A. Ai. anid return at 4P. M. ercept Sunday's, wean site d ill

])eltart ReUtrn8 .M. 12 P. rA.

l A Car for private parties, providled the nutlaerbersufloent, will be solit down the road oti olde day'sprevious notice.

ji1, 1839 JAS It CAI.DWEI.., rPresident.

SAINTED rlUCKpETlfro is l Ion in r toro and forP saleby J T'IAYEIR &Co,feb25 74 Podran ast

SUGAR--80 hids sugar on the I eves, for salebyS. feb25 lw ADAMS & WIIITAI.L,

('1 IAn ePLIN & (oodOPER havimig lenosed tioe Inr nSbrisk store No.79 Julia at, opposite their old stand,

for tie purpoe of carrving on the grocery and provisionbusiness, are prekared in addition to their feed businea,to put up orders for g.nocerias and provisions either ftrplantations, oaie, or family use, on theio usual terms.All orders will be punctually attended to.feb25 February 23, 1839.

S UGAR-I00 hhds, on plantainon above the city,fur sale by READ & BA RSI'OW,

feb25 7 Bank place

FOR SALE.A UL.ATTO WOMAN aged 22 years, acclimatedand she is a good uammstress, washer, ironer, and

house servent, with her child 12 months old, warrantedfrom the vicea and t 'atlies prescribed by law.

Apply at 53 Basin st between Bienville atd Customhouse ets. febl5

O IL--15easTuOIdd InteT strained refined oil, aery superior article, for sale by


O IL-I casks linsted oil, warranted, l' first rateqruality, for sale by S G BLANCHARD,

i1 ALAGA WINE-Ai invoicen of Malaga weetSWine, in quarter casks, for sale by

feb21 REED 4 BARS'I OW, No 7 Bank Place

GOSHEN BUTTER-A few firkins for sale byREAD BARSTO s,

I+b 21 No 7 Bauk Place

BEM EN'I -H-lydraulic and Rnta... jus..t rceieiddS)for tale by READ & BARSTOW,

fe21 7 Bantk Place.

3AGS-Linseed Oil andt Colperas, iu store for saleby G DOIiRSEY, 44 New Levee

SOAF SUGAR-And Sugar House Molasses in4 store, ftr sale tby SHAI.L & BROWN,jal9 96 Magaziane

SDO'rS--Loading from ship Arco, 12 eases of finscalf ew'd Boots, for sale by

jal7 1 BRIDGE &. cn, Magazine st

R WAND'S TONIC MIXTURE-Juot receivoed20 coasets tof thIbis invaluable remedy fIr the Fe vet

anti Ague, wrranted genuilte, direct front the mannouf.tory in 1'hiladelphia,.for sale by

JARVIS & ANt)REWS,jit5 cor Tchuaptoulaa & C•ntnan st

fiNEY-i 0 tieres ftesh Cuba Ilonay, now laInd.ing fomn brig Bostou fromu HI van, for sate by

J SRVIS & ANI)IREWSjan 311 Cor Caoltntont and Tihapitualds a

St. Charles Tlheatre.Secondo night of nll celebrated rental Bedouine Arobs.

This Evening, February 25,Will be performed Howard Payne's Comedy of r

CHARLES THE SECOND. itor the Merry Monnrcb. foi

Charles the second, Mr Barton a0Captain Copp, H J Finn

Mary Copp, Mrs FrretnAfter which the popular farce of my

YOUNG WIFEAnd Old Umbrella.

Gregory grizzle, Mr S IBrown _lninnn, Mrs Pluoer

To morrow, BenefitofMrJ S Browne.

GREAT ATTRACTION!!At Yo. 53 Magaine street, over . LA y's Auction t

Room, opposite Bnok'e Arcadr.

[R GIILER resopectfully informs the public that

Stae ucof CLEOPA TRA, Queen of Egypt,Whicl has ieen o xhibitnd in nmst of te principcities of tleUlnion, to the lively adttitnentt of wecrythnodenad visiters, lt arrived in this city, and is now -wIing exhlttbed for a obort time only, fron 9 o'cl.ockA , to 9 o'clock, PM.

r• Admittance, 50 cents; Season tickets, $1.fr fbll6-tf.


noro. 3, Camp St.or 1 fLIL rngrre nod print to order, bank notes. hillsTV ofenxcbonog.,. ills f lodoug, dilolnsto, mrem-

tile and vini:ing cards. ontnriil, consulnar nd eounlinghouse seals, door pnlateso, silver wore, 4.c. -alwnysonhand, an nssortmlent of silver plated and broas door

I.I 8 Cards pr:ated from plates alrady olegraved. fo


Dress & Masquerade BaillSr. Philip street, between Royal & Hourion.

~l'tIE Mant er of the above named Balldloom,grate1i ` fil to his frields and tile poblic fiu tie impars alSIlolled patronage bestowed on him for severnI sessons,

respectfully ifiorms I then Ihat the establishlment hasbeen enlarged for the lmursement of visitors, and on-- dergone itomelee repotire. Te bahr will he sarpensedbt ooon in quality of liqtnrs,tnti trelieetotrst till lbe

.keplt by tle ablest iestnurrewnr in Iltle nited States.- hle moom will re-open oni Saturday evenAg, 3rd of

h Novermber eXt, by ae GRAND IDRESS& MASQUERADE BAI.L.,

and will take pa:e an

usual every Monday, Wernlles0 day and Saturday oeening, d!riiog the ssedon,•whiche

at will and n t e It ofMay, 1839.N. H. Th'le reaes attention will Ie paid to keet-

ing Inrfect order througlhout tlie estnblibntunnt. as tnil

id done last senno.oct4 - -

I IRON CHlEST'-JosIt rereired at tie Louisiana

Ware n ooml,53 Hienville street, 12 superior sin-

gle and double firs proof iron cheas, from the factoryofJ LBrown, Now York, tor sale byR

fell W_ RCARNES.

-" L. BROWN'S Patent Platform Balanrer.-tiro.S ers can hfnd at 53 Bienville street, Patent Plot-

form Balances, superior to any ever offered in this city.S fell W R CARNES.

mod .----.- .. - -


SSTIRAYE) or stolen on the morning of he 2lst inst.,

for n sotell white Bull Terrier Slut, witl Ilhiek ears.The atave rewar d will be paid eaving hr at

fif22-3t 4; F IOZE 'Y, St Chlarles et

sh O SA LSE-To close n concern. The fast railinig,F first rate, copper ef-tened i ld opI.rCed, Imloiladel-pio bitildt, plocket brig GANNI(tIiFFTI', 101 tonte,

Al- hrvimg elegnntlv finisheld e cclllmodlt lilna frn 5 pas-

erlg,'rne. Ifalf sat private ilaleon or bheore'l'utedy126th inst., she will on that day, be sold at aucthin hyIHewlettr & Cones, at the Fre;nrth Exchange, St ounitus

sle otreet. at one o'cloek. For exnlination ad inavenvee torv, llly on boardl, secorltier, below tile Ferry, to

- Riobert & Ci.,ir to WlY t'-TtF.t,n ei- 9,o Chbt iron tr

B-OARIINt, IlIIUSE 'lIt, ItT.r i'TlE tiper part if til reilllmlt ltv, e, nnxt door

thi l t t Cbnarles Tlheotre, one if tre las pie santnlow anti heailfil sitttion inl tle city, near the centre ore- bomimiese, and nowie having 30 nirders, though it has

,e Iaccroomdalntedl 7 at one tine; for lthose having fnrnilure

it in arare choance;i tile pr oprirtor is abotoitenringinto oIlhoer birk i of blisinesr. For further information

not erquuire oil ttlo ilrernisc. _ Mr A I'Atel)ano0.

r-tBlnnk Cheeks, Bills of Ladlng, Auction

I for ills, Pamphlets, show bills, Cato-logleas, ac. c.1[ Oll)tElln for the Above, anol eeery other ldeht

eripltio of .l7IIre N I'IN(i;Drl Inr hiireid Cm(:liitig

nd Roon of (l'lUE AMERIhCAN," in rt. CAttLt.t: Ixex

Ioe; ttoaEnE, ti dr1or fr(mi GrLvier etreetor onl fie PriltigiI)lifie, oeraner of I')ldri. clnil Siii. C/mo(:iarl /nst.

E. cleulire antid beiautiful BIiIK nted .ni IoUNces

I frnmU the best Fouadries ien Uit I/ilhd etltns, hrrer juo

I etn' added to the already e//-s/nlloked •sta/linshoent;-- ani (s alteln trill be executed as I.ow, an (,iaph',

1 lt 1"xpl-itiouiily, nnd leautiifully, ir at III y other ()lli'e

in tth City.

A'oe 1-

i Jit NCtt.O\ I in I/n/inane or No-l orb, et! fl

: .OM 4 I.s, irnleli by Co" Ith VtII.II•1 ,ct/h 1i/lfn.l Illl.\1 - i-And Nilu,/iuns jncui uluete dl, tCJ /itni/id lnsollureillnifll tIt t hImo~toe r , whichm,'

teie wil loot of/ciel reonir, /,lo. Nu I(hartres st

A1 CO 11/ III hhdr t•ucaniaed I/o•, endi I U d/ hhaid/ s

t fr sale by IA IllllltluE & Co.fl9l 1.+1 IMangazie set.

uit, •', 1'R:13tI O11.-0 casks• ilnlr atle fall-aildmr-A- s)erol oil, wrrnalltll pllre, fitr cIae y

will 119 IAA; ItltlDGE &. ('o, 134t MOagaine sti LOTIIING -- 1 cases Clititing, cinipritciog an x.

et J teloive assortellt, eariolln i qinlitias, ttnlirng

dig Ior sale by ISAAAC IlII).iE R (. Co,fe/i9 131 Olagoniorel

oII ( 1)ol 11-t-i/50 boxes Codfish, fr ,Ia byISAAC BI ItfIGER Co,

nln felS131 Mlngizie site

" by P It James, nuthor of Darnley, lhe ;ylie;,&e., &e.'ravels in the Three fr-at Empires of Au•trin,

Rau•il, and 'ITurkey, by C B Eliillt, author of 'Iettersfron the North of Europe,' in' •vols, just rje:.ite l andfor sale by \Vd etliKAN;

tlr9 coiner ofCanmplllll ComnstDIANO FtORT'I'Ec:--2 inumore. sldenoid it-uuuns.

S with rose colored cases,jo ju e lled alnl fr sub,by let A 'I'O\WA I, 4' ('amp st

-1 AI.r--•peeie, tilncture sel sall I)I mouth Jar.," rouni anld qllu rie wlile hIttle..; af every size,

vi ils frlm I-drachm, to 8 oz., I cr w holl.,de nai, rehailrby II BO)NNAUEI.,

febl8 corner Nlthezlie & TebopiotuilasSUIM EI.A!TIC BALLS for nsal wholesale nlnSretail, at 1I IONNAIIEL'S

f+IB Slrs, tor Nat liea & Ii (iltplotlaI st

C-II 1'1 BANK,New Orleans, 16 Febrltrvy, I: 39.

IIII '. ltoclkhnlders ofl tIas Insieiitnl ate hereby no-liifted, that the lbilnaal election for 'l'walv. I)ire-

tots, to serve for the enluing year. lt'tl be held at tileIlakii.g Houe, on Monday 'lllairb sext, betlweentbe lours otf0 A At and " P M.

felR It J PAI.IFREY, Cashier



SPRING ME.TING, 1839, will conmmence on Wed-nesday,13ht of Mareh, 1839,and caaline 5 daya.

Firsc Day.The New Orleans Plate, a etvice of silver, valun

$7l0O, two mile heat,. In this race 5 ) r hls ttld up.wards carry 100 Iba. 4 yr olds and tinder, their appri-priaet weighh:s.

Seeond Race-Sa me Day. A aweeptabkes for 3 yrolds; aubsariptlion $10; • btf fol feit (2 mile heats) toname: and elose tl Ill M1eatch, Ili9.

Second Day.Jockey Club pIurse $151d1; three mile heals.

Third Day.Jockey Club Purse, $h2010, 4 mile eata,.

Faoutd Day.Prorietaor's Purse $I; 2at mile leats.Seard Race--Same Day. Sweepstake for 2 y

olds; auheription $500,a If forfeit, (muile Ieati;)Sclose I V uA f arh.Fiflt Day.

Proprietor's Purse S i0 ; mile heats, lest 3 in 5.fell Y. N. OLIVERI, P'roprietoi

HE public are respectfully infimed that to1 s inslltutl-n is erected on the most ilproved plaon, anin an airy and moat adtnirabie altnatiau, in the fanlwurFranklin, upon the raiha.d, one tiile oTrm lie Missis!'ite building in largen. an most eaoalitoutly divided

into apartments, for kaeptn separate diffcreet classes,and dfferent diseases.T'h instttution is suppliinl with tnn most skilfil and

ittentive male sand fenale nutses, and apeaking tia vnsriouta modewern languages.Private roomns may be bad by gentlemen at five dal

lars par dhy, includin, nttendanca, &c.'Teretas in ti ordnlinary wards, two dollars per day.

Slaves also taondollars. Sntall Pox in the ordinarywards, five dolliars.

All capital margicanl'operations extra.'It'he resident pbysin•in is Dr Weddennh, to whom

application for admission must be tnadne. or to I)r U ALncetmberc, No 17 Rampart streat. aplt In

S -I311 arrca l M. R/] -b• '- - rnriv •;d anI~fnrsalebyfei22 U WPRITCHARD& JO TAAERT,

IANInLES--5011 boxes New Bedford, Batton andSNantucket Sperm Cntdles, tfor sale bnfeS22 ISAAC IRIDGE & C., 134blagezine st

( UNNY BAGS--100 oloes 2, I and 3-bashelG unnny lags, for sale byfe. ISAAC BP.IDGI & Ca. 1.34 Mazinoa at

iOBACCO-IOII woes tttmatilfaetaeet Tlttaero ti's.'a and ponand lumps. of varionts ranla and

qunalties, fo raalen b iI.A BRIDGEJ. Co,fe 131 Mgazigu at

I)APEll PAI'ER--.lutl recoi•ieI t "( I I lh,trlr tS ooen a a Ilha dvwie Idtol r pl cer, bi e o . whilte

.i0 " lluHbba'rd' do do oli do101o) D)DAmoe Itn thlo dc doL@Ol , Had

i on'at o ti lt do do

500 " linaootiperfiiie cap .l'I & while,Partof the above are pliint nd part rnle d, tllogelher

with a good assortmnoat oflorg wrlitia Ippers, suclh Isfolio posat domy, medlum, royal and suoper oyal, blueand alihe for sale on aroHmmnlalllllg onr,r by

DAVID FELT & Cto, N V tationersHt Iull,ja18 24 Cllarlrs at

INsEEDOIL--Cppral and ReD nE in stoIeG DOIt•EY,

jaso0 44 New I.evcn

ACKEREI.-200 barrela, 10) lhanlf barrels, andi 50qr barrels, Noo. 1, 2, and 3, Mackerel. in sto e forIsale by ja9n4 J T'rHAYER & Co, 74 l'oydras at

a IIOOL IOOKS-A stpIlyk o' Emerson's Books

via" Ntiolnal spelling libok,Fiost, scondl, lhirl and folrlth Class Renders,Also, first, sncoind libird parts Arithrlleli,

And a eonerol iUssortlnltOl of ech neld elnsicolbooks, for a~le by ALEX TOWAR,

feb10 49 CampI|500 tIA A HAVANA COFIEE,

U •)t 300 ithnoanl do. roger.,1) baoxes Virgin ohewin geoo toIIaeo,

1301 tdn. fresh Malage ttositto,50 do do - ltoooe,37 frohis do llnoltds,

300 boxrs oprm emtdles,1200 Be t Hoia sooap.

40 harrels sperm and whale oil,@ 0 tierera Cnreliooo rice,

175 bibls tolF soltrr, in store for sanl hr' jas6 AIIBA IIAM 'T'Il ER,3 G'ray ier st

JLtUIIOIII bonrala llostoon Itnobtrotory ltraAlcohol, nowelatnlit fren shilp Ceohoadttaa, iitd

for raln iy JAIIVIoI & ANDIuWl4Wu,jal0 ear Co•emon & T'rcopiteulas s

S PERM Ol-3000 galls. Winter Strained SperaOil, for a01 k OSIIALI. & RIOWN.

intl 9i Maganic astTTMBR;.I.A. 12 coin•r netoittIon silk Ume',erellno,L lorge siaes, receioed from olbt Merecy, oal fi

Isole bty I lRIti1 DG E0. cot,d,13 134 tlagnaine it

ICE..•- l corasks, adl 311- alf a ATo Iii•e, in etoreR ferrelt by J T IA KER& e(n,h fele 71 Poydran s

tN rE--5hiFsor phliro ts lnlan ,n fron steauaheIat Nertonfor role Ihy G. c)til',

an 30 411i ew l.erSCARD.

r 1HE Principal of le Inglli.o, Fre nehonod panishII` Aeadnlvu,~ NI. .~II,.. Chalrles .,irell, selinlencoIIn Ii alis frillda ndt) tilie puollic wilhu roaiclioiiollilit lCi

insatituion is now in asnccceaftl opteratioh, lot hle lnopeson to ae his oeumpliment of pupils, whlicll winl be

litmited to ily.n i He tares Ilhin opportunity nf noeoring porets thata nothi snrail Ibe wantling, wlich may eoalribuletoth I

nry coiforiaol iltlprovenent of their sonsdT1: 1838

A~t-- DI kseqs in fir 1 ralore, It, re as inarol

_ r2 ).L _CVtA•!!'ItnN &• (, ,OIlERt 0.2 Jolinly. UNNY BAGS--100 hbles CIlllrly luge, oe closej l oa prime texture, ruitabl Bfor pnlt, lyj. . I . IRI(iE, 134 OIfogoaire tO ET OWI.ETT't Intertn t TI'oles--Footer'r lookkeep-

t ig; tIentett's do. In, rrti' do. Exteolitonts

Mearanr, slod Edward'a UookLkeeper'n Alias, rlciedort aotd for an)le by A TiJWAt,jet 49Balmp st

LI•LOlHIt--t I ''st s-l c ailn l Itet Pti; e do learl-Ot l fiaal tllolrt, fbr oele )yO

jal6 jel A .I.I & IIOWN. 96 Mmg laine .t

b CANNICI.COAI.- sI ions foIr sale bym fll -3t S GODDARD Jr, 25 Grnvie st

10 EJOTATOES--I0t barrels, il, store tad foir anle by'229 CIIAMPIIN & ClOlt ER,

I, I

Julia st

__ ACK2 IL WANTKID--A-irst ralt Iarker, wellinr.

K coalnnedell for o ilioty and sol'niness, will inolloor emplovnellt oil tpplicllol to t IItttlWil'ltl n& Ce,m la'25 17 (:nap lt

-D A U -N^Lt wil i-be oat sloio,,.el•n i "I.ivo`l

r poolI, tlocre, Moartillt, Ne'w I'ork anool I'ilude Iure poto AIIAMSI , WIITtAtl.. -rin ja6 7 tr 1 r Stien AVA* A o eIIIARS-- lifiltl-tf- oifibrent alitio

O j in store and for solte r lvjantl5 AIIlAItAtM TIIIEII, 11 (iravier si

l NlAVW I1OtOKS.to Theto onl oll;h ler,lan erile ctsl o ry, by ile aullto,orFlllr? L•III eI~rlll /" ,aI: inlL)*l..

dela Mlry Rnoll r I nokooIotI l otlr'll'c bvtol Mrs (lore lotiolhO-.

' ! t of hM t;Iher nlllll D .ng ,r-l," Ars . i LInIo .lil i Ther Ilelr of Sel wii+r, ll, I1. till. ttlthlIll'•l!! sir "MtItbI'rs1nx g I all tlorlhtere," d. ill v,I..

itg Alliian VeP Iotitl, or lhe Ee:irlthhrl'edl Illnnlkerl'hief, in

I ilillrtollo, Ilo Oilies I.{,clie, elllllht ill" "P,,loril Oketch-"rs cc," &c.. ooooeo,' cool.'us ( (liverI 1'• i*1(I)IICP ca le l i. Q•,,I. IIvl. z cI)%( heap E li,-

t~o. t ! io '. i t r ot, ooi c tt jIoI t h I. lit lo ,o o po .

"WM. "l'KEAN,

1"t 8• A r - 1 00l

sora~l• Ol1. nar l i fltii aniv sI joe (11,AMI'IN & (ltli lll .ll Joulia

1) A :' 44E" i gI htIesis,t, s, i am •tiur.,dllivrnt, latv-iesi ani ized Ir-l ltlirl*,i Itls ,,loo rllendo • ool ks I le -

ott , ,oo onalo,, .d rovory oloth l os rlcho ottol-tionoro', joetC I, , llslrallhl. sllly(PU. IIIIIP. Ill.hli(.ill I l

lvlhilg'lll~ II1.1ot ol l tlvr I. ilolI, will o, ' .00i•c l0 i I'o l noo liollr' io• IgM

:!• " pu:ch'""il"': •ili i'es(,hi c,, ""r"i,• " I,,utur'hannin goooLoyoooelool AV I FIt';T . ll4et fo S'It o'ooooot 19.21 hl'cltloreil f ol o Nb Y Atorlllillcl. Il. (l hnril s i

0in0 0 F:VAN- :R• - I r rU,n at fe4 "13i Mugazine n

T UNNY 11AGs--51410( (i.,nv lige in wreo, fr ellloSI CIA3II'I.IN & C0Iil'. 1I,

jlR0 81 JoInlin .

W 11''E I.:AI4f I .19E 141 -il..5011 kegas pn ilulr P l lp lq \ lil i'iVhh . ,l;50 bh l~. In .- l 4I c,I.'ido ()"1,

Io r IIa ks I)ll h I.in ed (il l, •,r g(l, IhvJAIRVIS & ANI)"1(4\\'9," \VWh4si4"le Itrgc •igt.,j24i _ or ('0,l '. .(" & ' tr'l_.4 p,i.nlat r

O()N(:lEl: SlK.K•(- 4 cu-en wislcc lilehli),ll, .-tern.m; fille ponlgee ki!k I. dk,,r4hi, , iln r•luroc ad

fur al(,, by ISAAr ie d & i& o,u17 131 Mngllanle

R I:AI00S. 1i srrn SI r n)d i ra 3(il i 0 1 Iio l.ll . ,d di

150 idl ''uniir' Oil'r n a rby Wl l nTet laninL ; rm & COhA L N E EU i t- o " 1' F ir , F I - l t .+ clb ' nl ' P o e i c a l

workL , in i v l, ec 1. ll ls

just receivedl tsale by A 't(ll,jell 49 alcep at/'4(iilLli'li i-3'(4.--,.i.f,'.-,I .4 -eo-o4 . 3 kegs

A vn- bni llal. Ilrn4n rod l.eeic.uclln ; Tllbil'w.lh At!ltl; Wo'.lih., '. W\illrd's Univers. , nitAtla; es ( E dnglo', ioho cles, Sit' Ia ' lh ,g cir .Mhe).. Ittle'f Aibrid nn, .0. rh'4y A Ilee.1 ' r,'s di.for biegcnnere. Ale+, 3,h.4. eilrnpcv iif tiia

__Ie s\ I)4 IX '0 4VA 1 49 nti1p..{USIA 4.3l'11irI\USo-- I bi,; + I" eslca Sheet-

ings, -r ,S lohy lll' E l,,o1.40 o Magsaine a

l rIsAn E -Just tion ey th em d a • loralohe al3li)e B1lok Sllle, 4T cacpI lt lent--IlalnekPractice 4. .lhllsic--Iclie,. .lle.•cIl Jeuia. 1`J Ir, l5.

houlnd--Lit,,ll, ll ' ll.'lic.l Sullrgery; Vietlur's AtI IU4tiy,e 4leW ediit).o , iby tir. Jllo .coli,.; Iri e...r on tlic ear;leini's he t eil4.eers-Sh.lw eo Allnltoty; Taeon's)iissaetlr;t,,ngendi:'e I'h* idlo: Ining, h llnrd'l Aaltmny,Edwardl' t• tjcerii Otlici; Iioyl c Anelotlc, be Isatefor isale by ja17 AI.EX.'I0WAR.

FLOURl--I20 bIbl superfine tIl.,r, lendinlg and fura•i byl J ''II1tYER ,& CO,

IMEjNTl'tt4-.. sicke Pihento, landing fnies shipL Cchll lt4, and lufr cale hvj39... _, . It (i \.E, 93 Caes.oo ,s

F LO(Ul(-200 brl. lS F Fl..ur, (bh.king) for uale byj3 PI.AI DI.AW, 66 fl aclls

l LEACIIEI Oll.--Is ierces bleached Fell oil--k leuding frnn s4i4 St. Mcrv.382 li4,oen en teil Cl44lles, nw llc'dfcord erundl-

landing froul sclle t loirhl ianr ll. iyjane'l .itSIl'H C()K'NI\.NE, 25 G(erier ltREIt MALAGIA IRAISINS-1000i whoble andhalf boles, fcr sale by ABItAHAIM TRIER,

jan14 31 Oravierit

1 OMESTIC IIRAN I)Y--i1 Ibids Brcedy--lrst andfourlth pturI, hleindi. lncI ship Eoro~ll.. for ssleby LAW\VRENCE &, LE(; E 1l)E,jnn 3 2a nd 29 New Lvep.TLOUR--R0) Iscrrels superior r.dll, fnr.aL e byS417 O II BLISS, 65 Poydrls a

H AY-75 baies tin lay dincg froml shipuohni Mr

Sshall, for ale by S l P WIIITNE/y,

jat 73 Cnmps

3ONI)ON PlCKI.ES SAucEs, &,just reeived

L bylthe subscribers.

12 bheas English I'ibklei, csorted,

12 " Sauces, a do

10 a Aacccunvioi i., glhcejaoe,

10 " Allchvy Ilctl,t

3 his. IIlackil.g, li)uv &, M&rlln,

1 booeesuper. Olicves in glassi jar

5 , Asarted FruithrG VW PRIT'UIAlIw & JO TAC1:'R Jr,

Uov24 cor l'oydran & iagamlsne It

'1INES on Edecatioi,. lHow hall I guvesrn my

Srchocl, aldlreoe,.d to Youne g teacclles. elidl ai

edapted to anaist purenlits ill Ie mgulllgUlllels of fati-

ires : by E Wiuee, autulr ol 2 yeare and a half in

ice Navy.tnHinsOtl Educntion,4 I,' the mlnn author, ulso,Hfdl'a

leelirta to eh l loasc era . Fur sale by

d31 A '1'OWIER, 49 Camp st

Hf IALE. O1.--1 bunola is s u:re and for sale by

ji17 AILAIIAM 'rlillti. 33 Paydsra

(-U WfU - CALL'-Fr- t rte. (Drhe,,,i. hurrsle y

S jaI 5 P L.AIDLAW, 4:6 Cmtp It

I LU AVANA CIGARS--Received ifro, his eaenufss.

lU r inryi Ha-Ilva0•a an oCelrlenc ccl 34)01111000 Cigas,

of the bat luailiiy-Trabueos, irgaliea, Cttas, forlsale by R FA14e,

jai 17 & 4~Ctilunc, Ijutlca t