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QUIZ: WEATHERING & EROSION 1. The breaking down of rocks into smaller particles such as sand and pebbles is: A weathering

B erosion

C done only by animals

2. Weathering of rocks which does involve the action of chemicals is: A chemical weathering

B physical weathering

C erosion

3. Exfoliation or flaking of rocks due to expansion in extremely high daytime temperatures with contraction in extremely low night time temperatures is a form of: A erosion

B physical weathering

C chemical weathering

4. Weathering by abrasion occurs by agents such as: A wind and water

B gravity

C tree roots

5. Water can break down rocks because: A water carries strong acids that erode rocks

B water takes up less space when it freezes and rocks collapse inward

C water expands when it freezes in cracks in rocks

6. City council regulations ban the planting of certain trees near buildings because: A tree roots can damage and break down concrete

B the tree sap is poisonous to humans

C trees create shade and the temperature extremes can break concrete

7. An example of physical weathering by animals is when: A insects damage flowers when they are obtaining nectar

B tree roots break up concrete slabs

C people walk on grass instead of the designated paths

8. What weathering chemicals are made by decaying plants? A alkalis

B acids

C salts

Page 2: Quiz3

9. What is formed when gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides mix with rain? A erosion

B acid rain

C lichens

10. Many people do not plant climbing vines near their homes because: A the decomposing leaves release acids that break down paint and concrete

B plants erode concrete

C the plants encourage insects whose excreta can greatly damage concrete

11. A lichen is a combination of: A a moss and a liverwort

B an alga and a fungus

C a moss and a fungus

12. Erosion by water occurs in: A summer

B the ocean only due to wave movement

C rivers, ocean waves and glaciers

13. Many sandy beaches are particularly prone to erosion as a result of: A tides

B rain

C human pedestrians

14. When a rock falls from a cliff face, the agent of erosion is usually: A wind

B man-made

C gravity

15. Apart from water and gravity, other erosive agents are: A ice and wind

B wind, animals and machinery

C no other agents of erosion