QUESTION BANK Std. VI Sub: ENGLISHdavjharsuguda.org/File/3516/Class_VI_English_Question... · 2020. 8. 26. · 5. Mouth breathing, thumb sucking, nail biting, tongue thrusting are

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Page 1: QUESTION BANK Std. VI Sub: ENGLISHdavjharsuguda.org/File/3516/Class_VI_English_Question... · 2020. 8. 26. · 5. Mouth breathing, thumb sucking, nail biting, tongue thrusting are



Std. VI


Page 2: QUESTION BANK Std. VI Sub: ENGLISHdavjharsuguda.org/File/3516/Class_VI_English_Question... · 2020. 8. 26. · 5. Mouth breathing, thumb sucking, nail biting, tongue thrusting are


Q.1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. Dental disease is the most common disease in the world. With proper personal and professional care, you and your children can also keep your teeth healthy and dazzling white.

2. Tooth brushing is the best method to remove plaque and proper method of brushing can

minimize the dental diseases. Always use a good tooth paste and a good quality tooth brush with soft bristles and a handle that fits comfortably in your mouth and hand. Truly speaking you must brush your teeth regularly after every meal and minimum twice a day, especially at night before going to bed. Brush must be changed when bristles get curled off.

3. Your child should start brushing soon after the first tooth appears in the oral cavity. Rinsing with plain water should be done after anything you eat. Massage your gums with your fingers after brushing and gently clean your tongue also.

4. A balanced diet throughout life is necessary for dental health. You must finish your food with self cleansing jerboas or rough food such as salad and fruits. Do not eat sweets or sticky food such as chocolates, candies, cakes, etc, between meals, as bacteria love sugar and destroy the tooth substances.

5. Mouth breathing, thumb sucking, nail biting, tongue thrusting are bad habits and discourage your children to do these. Milk teeth are equally important. Take care of them. Get your missing teeth replaced by artificial teeth. If accidentally your tooth breaks or comes out of socket, wrap it in a wet cloth and rush to your dentist. In many cases, it is possible to reattach the tooth in socket.

[1 x 4 = 4 marks]

A.1.1. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the following statements briefly. Write answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.

(a) You can keep your teeth healthy if you ___________________________.

(b) Plaque can be removed by ____________________________________.

(c) Besides brushing your teeth, the two other ways to keep the teeth clean are :

(i)_____________________________ (ii)____________________________.

[4 x 1 = 4 marks]

A.1.2. Complete the following chart, write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank



(a) (b) (a) (b)

[2 x 1 = 2 marks] A.1.3. Find the words from the passage which mean the same as the following:-

(a) Ailment (para 1) (b) Pit (para 3)

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Q.2. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow: And here, as he ran to the huntsman‟s yelling, The fox first felt that the pau was telling; His body and lungs summed all grown old His legs less certain, his heart less bold The round-noise nearer, the hill-slope steeper. - 5 The thud in the blood of his body deeper. His pride in his speed, his joy in the race, Were withered away, for what use was pau? He had run his best, and the hounds ran better, Then the going worsened, the earth was welter - 10 Then his brush drooped down fill it sometimes dragged, And his fur felt sick and his chest was tagged With taggles of mud, and his pads seemed lead, It was well for him he‟d an earth ahead, One last short burst upon failing feet - 15 There life lay waiting, so sweet, so sweet, Rest in a darkness, balm for aches, The earth was stopped. It was barred with stakes.

- John Mansfield

A.2.1 Complete the following summary using suitable words: The pact describes in vivid details how an old, weak fox tried to (a) ______________ the hounds of a hunter. The fox soon realized that with his weak legs he would not be able to climb (b) _______________ the hill. He was no longer (c) __________________ of his speed. He had done (d) ________________ but the hounds were approaching him fast. As the earth became (e) _______________________ it became all the more difficult for him (f) ___________________________. He saw a piece of earth where he (g) ___________________ was waiting for him, where he would be able to (h) _______________________. But it was not to be as there were (i) ________________ to prevent him from moving ahead.

Q.3) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Vacations are a time for fun and enjoyment. It is that time of the year that is much awaited and

desired. After a whole year of study, sports, examinations, etc., students need some time for

themselves. Different students have different ways of spending and utilizing their vacations.

Whereas some students waste their vacations doing nothing, others try to make the best of their


All of us have hobbies, but not everyone gets the time to pursue them often. Hence, vacations

become a suitable time. Since, there is not much to study during vacations; students find

themselves less pestered by their parents. Pursuing one‟s hobbies will not only relax and freshen

the mind but will also be good for the overall development of personality. The pursuit of hobbies

is not a waste of time. Rather it fills our vacant and idle time with amusement and interest. „A

mind vacant is a mind distressed‟, runs the proverb.

On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the questions briefly: (10)

a) Vacations are a time of _________ and _________.

b) Students find themselves less __________ by their parents.

c) Pursuing hobbies relaxes and _________ the mind, and is good for the overall

development of ___________.

d) The pursuit of hobbies fills our __________ time with amusement and interest.

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e) Find words from the passage which mean the opposite of the following :

i)Before ii) Many

f) Find the words from the passage which has the same meaning:

i)trouble or annoy ii) enjoyment

Q.4.Read the following passage carefully [10]

A striking characteristic of Hindu women of old is that they took no delight in revenge, but almost

always forgave those who had done evil to them. Draupadi’s attitude towards Ashvatthama, who

killed her five sons, is the classic example of this strange aptitude for forgiveness, for when she was

asked by her husband whether Ashvatthama should be killed and sent to hell she replied, ‘Not,let

not Gautami, his mother and the devoted wife of her husband, weep for the loss of her son as I am

weeping for any sons at present’.

The Vedic woman shared the social and religious duties of her husband. An ancient hymn runs

thus: ‘O ye gods! the married couple who prepare oblations together, who purify the soma juice

and mix it with milk, may they obtain food for their eating, and come united to the sacrifice ! May

they never have to go in quest of food! Widow Remarriage was not common, though a childless

widow was allowed to marry her husband’s brother. Suttee was not an early Indian custom. In fact

the words of the priest at the husband’s funeral were nothing if not encouraging to the widow:

‘Rise up, woman: thou art lying by one whose life is gone. Become the wife of him who holds thy

hand is willing to marry thee’

1.1 Answer the following questions briefly. [1x4=4marks] (i) How did the ancient Hindu women treat those who had done them wrong? (ii) Which example does the writer give of Draupadi’s aptitude for forgiveness? (iii) Who was Gautami? (iv) What was not common in ancient times?

1.2Write the option you consider to be the most appropriate [1x4]marks

(i) Ancient Hindu women did not relish the idea of a) Cooking (b) submission c) revenge d) forgiveness (ii) They forgave even those persons who had.

a) Helped them in the past b) done wrong to them c) not done evil to them d) begged forgiveness

(iii) Who was Gautami? a) Mother of Draupadi b)mother of Ashvatthama

c) wife Ashvatthama d) sister of Ashvatthama

(iv) In the Vedic period, a childless widow was allowed ______

a) to remarry b) to marry in the same caste c) marry her husband’s brother d) to be ‘Suttee’

1. a) Find a word in para I which means ‘pardoned’___________________ [1] b) Find a word in paragraph 2 which mean ‘desirous’____________________ [1]

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Q.5. Read the following passage carefully [10]

In this beautiful site, Gautama chose to devote himself to the severest forms of asceticism. Just as

fir can be produced by friction not from damp but only from dry wood, seekers, he thought, whose

passions are calmed, can alone attain enlightenment. He accordingly started a series of sever fasts,

practiced exercises in meditation and inflicted on himself terrible austerities. Weakness of body

brought lassitude of sprit. Though during this period he often found himself at death’s door, he got

no glimpse into the riddle of life. He therefore decided that asceticism was not the way to

enlightenment and tried to think out another way to it. He remembered how once in his youth he

had an experience of mystic contemplation, and now tried to pursue that line. Legend tells us that,

at this crises, Gautama was assailed by Maya, the tempter, who sought in vain, by all manner of

terrors and temptations, to shake him from his purpose. This indicates that his inner life was not

undisturbed and continuous and it was with a mental struggle that he broke away from old beliefs

to try new methods. He persisted in his meditation and passed through the four phases of

contemplation culminating in pure self-possession and equanimity. He saw the whole universe as

the system of law, composed of striving creatures, happy or unhappy noble or mean, continually

passing away from one from of existence and taking shape in another. I the last watch of the night

“ignorance was destroyed, knowledge had arisen….as I sat there, earnest, strenuous, resolute,

Gautama had attained Bodhi or illumination and become the Buddha, the enlightened one.

2.1 Answer the following questions briefly. [1x6] marks

(i) Who can attain enlightenment ? (ii) What did Gautama inflict on himself ? (iii) What did Gautama decide ? (iv) How was the inner life of Gautama ? (v) What happened in the last watch of night ? (vi) How did he see the whole universe?

2.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words. [1x2] marks

(i) Fire can not be produce ………..friction if the pieces of wood are damp. (ii) The student passed…………many ordeals.

2.3 1. Find a word in the passage which means ‘languor’_____________ [1] marks

2. Which word in the passage means ‘mental composure’ _____________ [1] marks

Q6. Read the following passage carefully:

Cycling offers a range of economic and health benefits beginning from zero carbon emission to reducing obesity. More and more people today have begun to rediscover cycling as a conscious and sensible lifestyle choice. Cycling can burn off a bar of chocolate in an hour. A quick 15 minute ride everyday to work place can stimulate circulation and relieve stress, burning 6kg of fat in a year. To fast track fitness, cycling up an inclined plane is a fabulous way. One must also remember that riding a bicycle is a symbol of simple living- a positive attitude towards a more fulfilling life. Cycling can be fun too. The experience of cycling through the countryside can be exhilarating. Imagine how rejuvenated you will feel cycling through mustard fields.

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On the environment, cycling is less stressful. Cycling is also a great way to avoid traffic. One is less threatened by traffic congestion and road rage. Bicycle commuters are a happier lot. They get less sick, therefore are most productive workers. To squeeze exercise into an already busy day, cycle to workplace. An average person can thus burn 300-400 calories per day. Stronger heart and lungs, increased muscle mass, and a less stressed constitution are what one gets in the bargain .wait, there’s more ,it keeps us young as it can take 10 years off one’s actual age.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage choose the correct option:- [1x10=10marks] (A) The synonym of the word obesity is- (i) Slenderness (ii) skinniness (iii) thinness (iv) fatness (B) To burn the calories generated by two bars of chocolates you need to cycle approximately for (i) 3 hours (ii) 1 hour (iii) 2 hours (iv) 4 hours (C) cycling ---- can fast track fitness (i) down the hill (ii) up the hill (iii) along the hill (iv) at the foothill (D) Riding bicycle is a symbol of (i) poverty (ii) simple living (iii) stressfulness (iv) traffic congestion (E ) The word rejuvenated means (i) to make young again (ii) to connect (iii) to bring back (iv) to give an account of (F) Cycling can be (i) Fun (ii) boring (iiii) frightening (iv) irritating (G) Road rage means a violent conflict (i) With a fellow pedestrian (ii) with a fellow driver (iii) with a fellow passenger (iv) with a fellow trekker. (H) An average person can burn __________________ (i) 300-400 (ii) 100-200 (iii) 500- 600 (iv) 350-450 (I) The synonym of the word ‘exhilarating ‘ is _______ (i) Adventurous (ii) exciting (iii) exhausted (iv) energetic (J) Which factor does not contribute to fitness? (i) Stronger heart (ii) stronger lungs (iii) larger muscle mass (Iv) higher stress levels

Q.7.) Birds I saw birds flying

And thought How happy those birds were; They have no worries, no sorrows.

When the sky darkens, they fly to their nests perfectly happy and delighted.

If I were a bird flying in the sky With colourful wings, I thought.

But at that moment a bird fell at my feet, a pretty bird, it didn’t get time to enjoy this beautiful world, a poor bird, shot down by a man.

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On the basis the reading of the above poem fill in the blanks with one word only. Write your

answers in your answer sheet. [1x10=10marks]

Once the poet saw some birds a) _________ in the sky and thought that those were very

b)______creatures and they did not have any c)________ or d)___________.When in the

evening they come back to their e)_________they are in f) ________ delight. But that very

g)___________ when the poet was thinking so, a bird, which was h)_______by a man, fell at his

feet. This was a (i) _____bird, but it could not (j) ____________ much of its life because of the

cruelty of man.

Q.8.. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow .

The Silent Valley in Kerela has a long history behind it . In ancient times , the river flowing through its thick forest was named Kunthipuzha, after Kunthi , the Pandavas’ mother and the valley itself was called Sairandhari, another name for Draupadi , the Pandavas’wife . The Silent valley is as calm and peaceful as its name, for it is one of the very few forests in India where people do not live , not even the tribal people . The valley is home to many special animals, including a rare monkey called the lion – tailed macaque, whose tail has a tuft as on a lion’s tail and who has a white mane . Other rare animals are the great Indian hornbill and the Nilgiri goat. An interesting bird found in the valley is the eagle owl, whose hoot is like a woman’s scream. There are also many useful varieties of plants in the Silent valley. In the 1970’s the Government of Kerela made plans to construct a dam on the river Kunthipuzha to generate electricity. Enlightened people felt that the dangers involved in building the dam is more serious than the benefits of getting extra energy. If the dam was built thousands of trees would be submerged in the water reservoir of the dam and many animals would lose their natural habitat. Depletion of forest cover would negatively affect rainfall . And , there being no trees , more and more fertile soil would get washed away , and agriculture would suffer. So there was a strong opposition to the construction of the dam. Even school and college students participated in the protest. Finally in 1980, the central Government asked the Government of Kerela to stop the construction of the dam. Soon after, the silent valley was declared a national park. On the basis of your understanding, choose and write the best option for each of the following. (1x10=10)

1. In ancient time the Silent valley was named as.... a) Kunthi b) Kunthipuzha c) Sairandhari d) Draupadi

2. Which of these is not found in the Silent valley? a) Animals and birds b)tribal people c) useful plants d) thick forests

3. There was a protest against the construction of the dam because a) It would generate extra energy b) it would lead to excessive rainfall.

c) it would be dangerous for construction labourers d) it would be a threat to the environment.

4. The word “scream” in 2nd para means a) Giggle b) whisper c) cry d) laugh

5. Which among the following animals is found in the Silent valley? a) Sparrow b) lion –tailed macaque c) cow d) Rhino

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6. In the year _________ Government of Kerela made a plan to construct the dam .

a) 1950 b) 1969 c) 1979 d) 1970 7. Some other rare animals and birds found were

a) Indian hornbill and tiger b) Indian hornbill and eagle owl c) Eagle owl and elephant d) Indian hornbill , Eagle owl and Nilgiri goat

8. “Depletion” in the 3rd para means a) Increase b) Total destruction c) Substantial reduction d) none

9. In _______ the Central Government stopped the construction of the dam . a) 1960 b) 1949 c) 1980 d) 1990

10. The phrase “negatively affect rainfall” means a) Attract rainfall b) moderate rainfall c) Reduce the rate of rainfall d) none

Q9. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow :

The Man’s Quest There was a young man

who lived below A mountain crowned

With glaciers and snow. “Beautiful mountain!”

He used to say, “only the clouds

And the eagle show The way to the place

I intend to go . The lofty peak

You lived too high I’ve raved to climb

Before I die”.

When he was a man He attempted it twice -

Bravely he scaled Through shoulders of snow ,

And the arms of ice , But for all his courage The young man failed

In his enterprise Then the mountain said

In his awful voice Of glacier and ice , “I am here alone

With the eagles and clouds, And forever alone , I intend to remain”.

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The young man replied , “I shall try it again”.

So he started out with all the gear That people wear

When they try to scale A mountain’s crest. And believe it or not

He got to the top Of Mount Everest.

A.2.1 Fill in the blanks with one or two words to complete the summary of the poem (1x8=8) There was a i)________. He lived below a ii)_______ crowned with iii) ________ and iv)______. His desire was to go to the top but he thought that only the v)______ and vi)______ knew the way to the mountain . He tried vii)_____ to climb the mountain but the man failed . The man did not give up and finally reached the top of viii)_______________. A.2.2 (i) The word that means the same as terrible in the 3rd stanza is _____________ . (1) ( ii) The synonym for “very high” as used in the 1st stanza of the poem is ________. (1) Q.10. Read the given passage carefully


Once upon a time a holy hermit found a young mouse that had escaped from the claws of a bird

of prey. He took pity on the creature and adopted it. He was so holy that by the sheer force of

prayer he managed to turn the mouse into a girl.

The hermit brought the child up in his hermitage, and when she was grown, he began to cast

around for a suitable husband for her. His first choice was the sun. “Marry this girl, for I wish her

to marry a powerful husband “, he said.

But the sun replied, The cloud is more powerful than I, for he can obscure me in a moment”,

So the holy man called the cloud. “Marry this girl”,

But the cloud said, “The wind is more powerful than I, for he can blow me whenever he pleases”.

So the holy man called the wind. “Marry this girl”.

But the wind said, “The mountain is stronger than I, for I cannot move him”.

So the holy man asked the mountain. “ Will you marry this girl ? ”.

But the mountain replied . “ The forest mouse is stronger than I , because he can dig holes in


So the holy man called the forest mouse to him and said. “Marry this Girl”.

“Gladly”, replied the mouse, “But how will she get into my hole ?”

“I see” , said the holy man. “then we must end as we began. It is better that she should be a

mouse again”. So by his prayers he turned her back into a mouse, and she and the forest mouse

were married.

From the given alternatives choose the best choice as your answer :

i) A hermit is a _________ a) an architect b) an engineer c) a piece of jewellery d) religious man


ii) The mouse had escaped from the claws of _______ a) a tiger b) a bird c) a wolf d) a cat


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iii) The hermit managed to change the mouse into a girl because ____________ a) he was a magician b) he was a wizard c) he was a very holy man d) he was a gypsy


iv) When the girl grew up the holy man wished to __________ a) marry her to someone powerful b) educate her c) send her abroad d) teach her cooking


v) The sun was a suitable husband because ___________ a) he was very bright b) he was powerful c) he was all encompassing d) he was the most intelligent


vi) The sun suggested the cloud as a groom because __________ a) it was very handsome b) it could cover the entire sky c) could obscure the sun in a moment d) its grey colour was very beautiful


vii) The meaning of ‘obscure’ is __________ a) to save b) to hide c) to help d) to overshadow


viii) Why did the cloud refuse to marry the girl ? The cloud refused because _______ a) the wind could blow into anyone c) the wind and the cloud were friends b) he felt that the wind could blow him anywhere d) none of the above


ix) Who was more powerful than the mountain ? a) The wind b) The forest mouse c) The sun d) The cloud


x) The forest mouse could ___________ a) defeat the city mouse b) burrow deep into the mountain c) dig holes in the mountain d) bite ropes


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Q11. Read the following passage carefully:


„Ma‟ ( short form of Mother) was a universal bearing . In every language the First

syllable for mother is „Ma‟- Mother, MA, Mathry, Amma. Even a calf calls out “Maa”. A

woman is mother first and mother last. See the simple expression „Maji‟ which applies to all

ages of women.

Scriptures say women should be looked upon as „Mother‟ though they take different forms –

daughter, sister, wife, mother, mother –in-law and in the end again as a mother , nursing and

looking after her husband like a child in the evening of his life.

In Sanskrit. It is said that respect to elders should be given in the order of Matha, Pitha, Guru,

Daivam (Mother, father, teacher and God). Here also mother is held in Supreme position.

Mother shapes the child‟s future. She brings out the best inherent in him. Only a mother can do

it. Take the ease of great Shivaji of Marathas who had all along been inspired by the adventures

stories told by his mother Jijabai in his childhood days. Only a mother can reach that depth and

inspire him because she had given birth to him.

In distress, the child seeks refuge in her. It gets the greatest consolation only from its mother. It

feels closer home in her lap. Even a man of fifty or sixty years of age turns in to a child in front

of his mother . A union of mother and son after a few years of separation proves this point. He

feels relived of his worries and tensions in the comforting words of his mother.

Mother is the fountainhead of love, affection and compassion. She is the only court where even

the worst accused in pardoned. She is the root of the family tree and the family ties continue on

even exist only \because of her grand presence . The absence of mother would leave a big scar

on us which can not be erased and a deep hollow which can not be filled. In short, she

compliments the meaning of a family.

1. Choose the correct one from the options given below : (1 x 10=10)

a) Women should be looked upon as „ mother‟, said in

i) Religions ii.) Text books iii.) Scriptures iv. Poems

b) „Ma‟ has a

i) Single bearing ii. Universal bearing iii. Regional bearing

c) The expression „Maji‟ appeals to

i. A girl ii. Grandmother iii. Young woman iv. All ages of women

d) Women take the forms of

i) Only mother ii. Sister form iii.wife iv.Different forms

e) A women serves her old husband like a

i) boy ii. Young man iii.Old man iv. child

f) Who comes at the end on the order of respect

i) father ii. God iii.teacher iv. Mother

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g) Who shapes the future of the child , as per the passage

i) Teacher ii. parents iii.Mother iv. Society

h) Jijabai told Shivaji the stories of

morals ii. adventures iii. Thrilling iv. Religion

i) Only a mother can properly inspire a child, because she

i) Loves her child ii. She takes care of the child

iii. Has given birth the child iv. Gives her good foods

j) After separation, a son feels relived of his worries in

i) Tears of mother ii. Smile of mother

iii. Comforting Words of mother iv. Touch of mother

Q.12. Read the poem carefully given below : (10)

Life is such a tricky game,

You may be cheated at any time.

Do not be happy, that you‟re rich

You too may starve, for life is such

Are you proud of your beauty now ?

Wait and see what time will show

Do you laugh at cripple done ?

When you are one, will it be fun ?

Be kind to those who‟ve borne the storm.

That storm, may come to touch you too.

Be happy that you have lived a day

Pray for another calm and peaceful day.

Thank the lord for his blessings showered on you.

2.1 Put one word in each blank. (1x8=8)

The poet thinks life is like a a)____________ game. No one knows when he will be

b)_____________ in life. The c)_______________ in beauty is rain because that will be

d)______________. One must not e) ______________ at a cripple because that state may

f)__________ to anyone. We must be g)__________ for each day and h)_____________

for another such calm day.

Q.13. Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow :

(10 )


Now when I see you walking down in white,

Old good days are shining bright

Memories flash back

I‟m left with moist eyes.

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Oh! My daughter, you are a miracle in my life. 5

Speechless nights that were spent,

Joyful mornings full of lullabies,

Those new clothes that you messed, still they smelt sweet

Holding you in my arms,

Vanished all my pain, 10

Now, all my efforts to stop you back

Will be left in vain.

Your caricatures on the wall still there

But the artist‟s spirit is gone.

I hope your fragrance 15

In my world still lingers on.

The day has come

When I have to let you go

To start a new life

With new rays of hope 20

Live happily as it is your home

I will miss you darling because now

I will be alone.

1.1 Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the poem: (8)

As Mother sees her daughter (a)…….. to her home, fond memories (b)………… across

her mind and her eyes are filled with (c )…………She regards her daughter a miracle in

her life. She remembers how much (d ) …… she derived in looking after her in her

childhood. Now her daughter is going to settle in her home. Mother ( e ) ……….. that

her daughter‟s fragrance will ( f )……….. in her mind. She ( g ) ……… her blessings on

her ( h )…………. life, though she herself will be left alone.

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1.2 (i) Find the word in the poem that is synonymous to „untidied‟ . (2 Marks)

(ii) Find the word in the poem that is antonymous to „ vanished‟.

Q14. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. (1x10 =10)

1. Hunting for sport is also a major factor for the loss of animal biodiversity. From time

immemorial man has hunted animals for food, sport as well as for hides, skins, tusks,

antlers and other parts of animals The Government of India has enacted various laws

banning the trade of animal products like ivory, fur, skin, etc. The people who break

these laws must be severely dealt with.

2. Pollution is another serious cause of environmental degradation leading to the loss of

animal and plant biodiversity. If such degradation continues unchecked, 2/3 of the

earth will soon be unfit for human and animal habitation. The air we breathe in is

polluted with toxic gases ,the water we drink is contaminated and the food we eat is

not so pure as it should be. The noise pollution is also causing havoc among the

wild species of birds and animals. According to a study, the Arctic whales are on

the verge of extinction as a result of increase in the noise of ships particularly Ice –

Breakers and Oil- Tankers.

3. Deforestation is another cause for the loss of biodiversity. Destruction of forest

cover and undergrowth is going on recklessly. Deforestation mainly results from

population settlement, growing need for agricultural land, demand for fuel wood,

wooden furniture and other commercial purposes. Studies carried out by the F.A.O

found that tropical forest areas are shrinking at the rate of 0.8 per cent each year. In

India the rate of deforestation is 13 sq. kms. annually, and if this rate continues, the

ultimate fate of our forests and biological wealth can be well imagined.

4. Millions of people in India and other countries are ignorant of the importance of

wildlife and the consequences of its depletion due to lack of proper education.

Ignorance causes large-scale killing of wild animals and destruction of wild plants

and this can be checked through education and education only.

2.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, choose the most appropriate

option out of the given ones.

(i) Hunting for sport has resulted in ……………………….

(a) the extinction of wild life (b) loss of biodiversity

(c) fertility of the soil (d) scarcity of animal food

(ii) The loss of animal and plant diversity is because of ……………….

(a) pollution (b) She has eight children

(c) hunting (d) all the above

(iii) The Arctic Whale is on the point of extinction because of……………

(a) oil spill (b) effluents of factories

(c) increase in the noise of ships (d)none of the above

(iv) The cause of deforestation is because of ………

(a) population settlement (b) ignorance of people

(c) soil erosion (d) all of the above

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(v) The rate of annual deforestation in India is………………

(a) 12 sq. kms (b) 10 sq. kms

(c) 13 sq. kms (d) 15 sq. kms

(vi) Man has been hunting animals for………..

(a) food (b) tusks

(c) hides (d) all of the above

(vii) If pollution continues unchecked,……..of the earth will be unfit for


(a) 2/3 (b) 1/3

(c) 2/4 (d) 3/4

(viii) Find the word from the poem that means „great destruction‟

(a) depletion (b)extinction

(c) killing (d) havoc

(ix) The passage is about……….

(a) the plant kingdom (b) the animal kingdom

(c) pollution (d) the factors affecting the loss of biodiversity

(x) The main cause of large- scale killing of wildlife is ………..

(a) illiteracy (b) ignorance (c) poverty (d) All the above

Q15. Read the following passage carefully: (10) While many of the India’s parks have been developed from the hunting preserves of princely India, Keoladeo, popularly known as Bharatpur Wildlife Sanctuary, is perhaps the only case where the habitat has been created by a maharaja. In earlier times, Bharatpur town used to be flooded regularly every monsoon. In 1760, an earthen dam, called the Ajan Dam, was constructed, to save the town from this annual vagary of nature. The depression created by extraction of soil for the dam was cleared and this became the Bharatpur Lake. At the beginning of this century, this lake was developed and divided into several portions. A system of small dams, dykes, sluice gates, etc., was created to control the water level in different sections. This became the hunting preserve of the Bharatpur royalty and also one of the best duck-shooting wetlands in the world. But hunting was prohibited by mid-60s and the area was then declared a national park on 10 March 1982. This was later accepted as a World Heritage site in December 1985. The major attractions of tourists visiting this park are the numerous migratory birds, which come from as far away as Siberia and Central Asia to spend their winters in Bharatpur, before returning to their breeding grounds. The migratory birds at this bird sanctuary include several spices of Cranes, Pelicans, Geese, Ducks, Eagles, Hawks, Shanks, Stints, Wagtails, Warblers, Wheatears, Fly catchers, Bunting, Larks and Pipits, etc.

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Read the questions below and write the option you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet:

(a) Bharatpur Wildlife Sanctuary was developed_____________________.

(i) From the hunting preserves of princely India

(ii) By constructing Ajan dam

(iii) By the Maharaja of Bharatpur Royalty

(iv) From the floods of every monsoon

(b) What is the reason behind the construction of Ajan dam?

(i) To develop a hunting preserve

(ii) To develop a wildlife sanctuary

(iii) To bring an end to floods

(iv) To save the town from being flooded

(c) One of the best duck-shooting wetlands of the world is___________________.

(i) Princely India

(ii) Bharatpur lake

(iii) Ajan dam

(iv) Bharatpur royalty

(d) When was Bharatpur Lake given the status of a national park?

(i) 10 March 1982

(ii) 10 January 1982

(iii) 10 December 1985

(iv) 10 October 1985

(e) What are migratory birds?

(i) Birds from Siberia and Central Asia

(ii) Birds that travel long distances during some seasons

(iii) Birds from Bharatpur Wildlife Sanctuary

(iv) none

(f) Most of the sanctuaries of India are developed from ______________.

(i) Overgrown forests

(ii) Dried lakes

(iii) Hunting grounds of erstwhile kings

(iv) Green belts near water bodies

(g) ‘Breeding grounds’ means________________.

(i) Place where birds lay eggs and give birth to young ones

(ii) Place where many different types of birds come (iii) Place where birds are protected.

(iv) Place which has sufficient water.

(h) Bharatpur town used to be flooded due to

(i) Ocean water (ii) The flow of water of other rivers (iii) Monsoons (iv) None of it

(i) Which word is meant by ‘habitat’?

(i) Habit (ii) Natural conditions of plants and animals (iii) Remote place (v) Forests

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(j) Which word is meant by ‘numerous’

(i) A large number (ii) Numbers (iii) Numerology (iv) Very few

Q16. Read the following passage carefully. (10)

THE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT The oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids of the Egypt. They have stood for nearly 5000 years, and it seems likely that they will continue to stand for thousands of years yet. There are over eighty of them scattered along bank of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the ‘Step’ pyramid and the ‘Bent’ pyramid. Some of the pyramids still look much as they must have done when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, for stone to use in modern buildings. The dry climate of Egypt has helped to preserve the pyramids and their very shape has made them less likely to fall into ruins. These are good reasons why they call still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last forever. The pyramid had to be on the west side of the Nile, the side on which sun sets. This was for religious reasons. The pyramid had to stand well above the level of the river to protect it against the regular floods. The pyramid could not be too far from the Nile, however, as the stones to build it needed were to be carried in boats down the river to the nearest point. Water transport was, of course, much easier than land transport. The builders had to also find rock, which was not likely to crack under the great weight of the pyramid. Finally, the pyramid had to be near the capital, or better still, near the king’s palace so that he could visit it easily and personally check the progress being made on the final resting place for his body. Q3. After reading the passage answer the following questions that followed.

(a) How many pyramids are identified along the bank of the Nile?

What are their shapes? 1+1=2 (b) Which are the oldest stone buildings in the world? 1

(c) Name two famous pyramids. 1

(d) What are the two reasons for which the men damaged the pyramids? 2

(e) What has helped pyramids to remain preserved for over a long period of time? 1

(f) What was the reason behind building the pyramids near the river Nile? 2

(g) Why was the pyramids built near the capitals? 1

17. Read the passage and choose the correct answer. (1x10=10)

Our National Game – Hockey Hockey is the national game of India. Hockey is basically an English game that was introduced to India by the British. The British regiments brought up this game before Independence and from then Hockey became a famous game in our country. India started gaining attention through the game Hockey. In 1928, India made history winning gold medal in the Amsterdam Olympics. Dhyan Chand, the most prominent Hockey player of India, made our country reach heights during his tenure in the team. The period he was with our Indian Team was considered the Golden Era of Indian Hockey Team. Not only him; Balbir Singh, Dhanraj Pillai and Dilip Tirke are few other remarkable players who marked their footprints in the history of India Hockey.

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Today, Hockey is one of the most played games in India. Hockey is famous as an interesting game; you cannot take eyes from the start of the game till the last minute. Outstanding players are rewarded and awarded every year and the famous trophies allied with Hockey are ; Dhyan Chand Trophy Lady Ratan Trophy (for women) and many more.

(i) Hockey was introduced in India by whom? (a) French (b) Mughals (c) British (d) Indians

(ii) India won gold medal in the year_______ in the________________ (a) 1920,Rio Olympic (b) 1928, Amsterdam Olympics (c) 2000, Wimbledon (d) 1934,

Olympics (iii) Which era is considered as golden era of lndian hockey?

(a) When Dhyan Chand was playing (b) When Sugriv singh was playing. (iv) Name two Indian hockey players. (v) Name two famous trophies allied with Hockey. (vi) Find a synonym of the word „freedom‟ from the text.

(a) interesting (b) popular (c) rewarded (d) independence (vii) Find an antonym of the word „losing‟ from the text.

(a) learning (b) winning (c) gaining (d) living

18. Read the following Poem and choose the correct answer. (1x10=10)

Do not be Afraid of the Dark

Don‟t be afraid of the dark, little one,

The earth must rest when the day is done.

The sun must be harsh, but moonlight – never!

And those stars will be shining forever and ever,

Be friends with the Night, there is nothing to fear,

Just let your thoughts travel to friends far and near.

By day, it does seem that our troubles won‟t cease,

But at night, late at night, the world is at peace. Ruskin Bond

(i) The poet said not to be afraid of what? (a) ghost (b) dark (c) night (d) world

(ii) Who is harsh with us? (a) sun (b) moon (c) light (d) child

(iii) The poet asked your thoughts to travel______________ (a) to distant hill (b) to friends far and near (c) to the world (d) to the star. (iv) By day it seems our _______________ won‟t cease (a) trouble (b) travel (c) thought (d) far. (v) Just be____________ with the night (a) foe (b) rival (c) friend (d) happy

(vi) “The earth must rest”- What literary device is used in this line a) Allegory (b) Metaphor (c) Simile (d) Personification.

(vii) Find out two pair of rhyming word from the above poem. (viii) Find a synonym of the word „shining‟ and „afraid‟.

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Every now and then an elephant gets run over on the 100 years old railway track bisecting Rajaji National Park. Over 20 elephants have been killed and many more maimed in the past two decades. In order to save the animals the Railways authorities may consider the following proposals. This accident-prone area within the park should be declared a caution zone. The speed of the trains in this area should be 20 km ph. Another proposal is to sensitize the staff by giving them high frequency whistle to keep the elephants out of track. Another way is to build trenches along the track to prevent animals from walking onto the track... It is suggested that ridges along the track be levelled out in order to facilitate free movement of the animals. In Heidelberg in Germany signs warn motorist to stop their cars to allow frog to cross the road. Rajaji Park is the last habitat where elephant still survive in North West India.......:

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage answer the following questions.

i. Problems of elephants in Rajaji Park [1X2]

a. ___________ b. ___________

ii. Proposals to save the animals [1X4] a. ____________ b. _____________ c. _____________ d. _____________

iii. Find synonyms of the following words from the passage. [1X4]

a. Disabled b. check c. Help d. Home

Q19. Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow: [10]

God made a woman That she shares freely With a lot of love With all who fear And added in her God gave her the wisdom Joy of heaven above To fight for her right And gave her strength And protect her children To endure all pain From unpleasing sights And carry the burden And gave her compassionate Of life‟s loss and gain And a soft heart God gave her the gift From where the foundation Of joy and smile Of kindness starts That she distributes And a woman is a special To all in trial Gift of God dear And gave her the bliss Who he has created And the power of cheer To bring in this world cheer

a) Woman distributes her gift of joy and smile___________ . b) She uses her wisdom to_________. c) Her heart is the source of _____________. d) The poet calls woman a special Gift of God because ___________ . e) The purpose of giving strength is _________ . f) Find the synonyms of the following words from the poem

i. Tolerate ii. Kind iii. Save iv. Present v. load

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Q1. Read the following telephonic conversation between Manu and Rita. Now write a message in 50 words. Put the message in a box. [4] Manu : Hello, is it 27884336? Rita : Yes. May I know who‟s calling? Manu : This is Manu Bajaj. Can I talk to Rohit, I am his classmate. Rita : He has gone for his cricket coaching. He will be back quite late. Is there any message for him? Manu : Yes, there is, and it is urgent too! Please inform him that he has to submit his mathematics

project tomorrow and teacher will not allow any other date for the submission. Rita : Oh! I‟ll do the needful. 2. You are Nishu Sharma/ Nishikant, the secretary of the „Sports Club‟ of St. Vincent High School. Draft a notice for the Annual Athletic Meet, to be held on 31

st October, in your school. [6]

3.You have a friend living in California, USA. He knows nothing about India and Indian Festivals. Write a letter to him describing, how „Janmastami‟ is celebrated in your home town. [7] 4. Your school is celebrating „Book Week‟, as the secretary of the „Literary Club‟, of the school, prepare a speech to be delivered in the school assembly, about „The Need To Inculcate and Strengthen Reading Habits‟. [8]

Q.5) You are Niharika/ Nihal, the head boy/ head girl of your school. Write a notice in not more

than 50 words inviting the students to participate in English Essay writing competition to be held

in your school, mentioning the details about venue, date, time,etc. (4)

Q.6) Write an e-mail to your friend inviting him/her to visit Kerala with you and your family

during the summer vacation. (6)

Q.7) Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the importance of reading books as a

hobby in the present times. Take ideas from the unit „Hobbies‟ of your „My English Reader‟.


Q.8) Write a speech to be delivered in the school morning assembly on the topic „School life is

the best phase of a man‟s life ‟. Use ideas from the unit „Thrill in school life‟ in your „My

English Reader‟ along with your own ideas. (8)

Q.9.Notice writing [4]

Yoga is becoming very popular globally. It can be called a cure-all. The Principal of your school strongly

wishes that yoga should be made popular among the students. So the Principal has asked you to put up

a notice, informing and inviting the students to join yoga classes to be started in the school.

Q.10. Write the bio-sketch of the following personality in not more than 50 words. [6]

Full Name : Mother Teresa

Born : 26 August 1910, Albania

Died : September 5, 1997(aged 87), Kolkata India

Ethnicity : Albania

Citizenship : India,(1948-1997)

Occupation : Catholic nun, Christian missionary

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Religion : Catholic Christian

Awarded : Nobel Peace Prize(1979), Bharat Ratna(19680)

Beatification : Pope John Paul II and given the Blessed Teresa of Kolkata

Q11. Letter writing

You are Akanksha, living in a hostel. You cannot be with your parents on their wedding anniversary.

Write a letter to your parents informing them about your inability to join them. [7]

Q.12. Speech writing [8]

Your school is celebrating ‘Book Week”. As the A Secretary of the “Literary Club” of the school, prepare a

speech to be delivered in the school; assembly on the need to inculcate and strengthen reading habit.

Advise your schoolmates to make maximum use of the school library and to keep a record of the books


13) Given below are some facts related to Rabindra Nath Tagore. Based on these facts ,write a

bio-sketch in your own words. (6)

Full name : Rabindra Nath Tagore

Born : 7 May 1861, Kolkata ,India.

Died : 7 August 1941

Occupation : Poet, novelist, short story writer, playwright, painter.

Notable work: Gitanjali

Award : Nobel Prize in Literature (1913)

14) Write a paragraph on the importance of Ganesh Puja and how you celebrated it in your

colony. Use ideas from the unit „Celebrations‟ read from my English Reader.

( 80-100 words) (7)

15. Your school is organising a cultural programme to raise funds for a school meant for the visually challenged children. Famous singer Kailash Kher has agreed to perform. Write a notice for the school notice board informing the students about the venue, date, time and ticket rates. (4) 16. Given below are some facts related to Ruskin Bond’s life. Write a bio-sketch in your own words. (6)

Birth- 19 May, 1934, Kasauli , Himachal Pradesh . Early education – Bishop Cotton School , Shimla First creative writing – At school, when a story was published in the Illustrated Weekly of India. First book – Wrote “Room on the Roof” (novel) at the age of 17. Other books - An Island of trees, A bond with the mountains , The India I love , has edited several books . Major concerns – Environment, simple hill folk of Uttarakhand. Style – simple, lucid, fluent, wrote on human nature. Awards- Sahitya Akademi award for Indian literature.

17.Write an e-mail to your friend telling him /her about your new hobby and illustrating on the Importance of hobbies in life, taking ideas from the unit Hobbies of Reader book. (7)

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18. Write a paragraph on “Celebrations in life”, describing one of your favourite festival and its Celebration ,taking hints from Unit Celebration of your reader book.(100-120 words) (8) 19. You are the Cultural Secretary of your school. You have been asked to inform the

students class VI to VIII about an Inter House English Debate Competition. Draft a

notice in about 50 words to be put up on the school notice board with all necessary


20. You are Rohit Kumar/ Kumari Rohini, the Literary Captain of your school. Draft a

notice to be put on the school notice board informing the students about the book fair

which is being organized in your school in not more than 50 words. (4 )

21. Prepare a speech on „The best use of Holidays‟ to be delivered in the morning

assembly. (8 )

22.You bought a Samsung refrigerator from Samsung Showroom. It covers a warranty

for three years. But after three months, it is not functioning properly. Write an

e-mail to the company complaining against the fault. (6)

23.Your brother has brought a new novel book for you and you like the book very much.

Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words describing the various interesting and lovable

features of the book. Take hints from the unit „Hobbies‟ (My English Reader) (7)

24. The Social Science Club of your School has decided to take the VI class to visit the Pathani

Samanta Planetarium of Bhubaneswar .Write a notice to inform the students giving details of the

visit; date, time, fees etc. You are Sunita/ Suman , Secretary of Social Science. (4)

25. Write a paragraph on „ A Memorable Incident of my Life „ in about 80 words . [6]

26. You are Satyabrat residing at Koel Nagar , Rourkela. The post man does not deliver your

letters regularly . Write a letter to the Post Master of Koel Nagar Post Office to take necessary

action so that your letters can reach at your address without delay. [7]

27. You have been asked to address in the morning assembly on the topic „ Thrilling in School

Life „ by your English teacher. Write the same beautifully so that the young students can know

the wonders of school life. (120-150 words) [8] 3.

28. imagine you lost your spectacles in school. Write a notice for „lost and found‟ to be put on

the school notice board in about 50 words. (4)

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29. With the help of the information given below, write a bio sketch of P.T Usha for your school

magazine. (6)

Name : P.T Usha

D.O.B: 20th May 1964

Place of birth: Keothali, Kerala

Coached by: Madhvan Nambiar

Achievements and medals: Silver medals 100m, Silver medal 200m in 1982, Asian

Games, New Delhi, Four gold medals at Asian games, Seoul in 1986

30. You are Rahul /Rani Pradhan, the literary secretary of your school. Draft a notice to be put up

on your school notice board inviting participation for Inter-house English speech competition

to be organized in your school. The topic is Our Valued Grandparents. [4]

31. Write a bio- sketch by using the following details. [6]

Name: Virat Kohli

Born: 05 November 1988

Nick name: Chiku

Role: Right handed batsman, India test captain

Father: Prem Kohli, worked as a criminal lawyer

Mother: Saroj Kohli, is a housewife

32. Write a letter to your friend describing how you celebrated the 70th Independence Day in

your school in 100 to 120 words by taking hints from the chapter Celebration from My

English Reader. [7]


1. In the passage given below one word has been omitted in each line. Identity the missing word by putting (/) and put it against the correct blank number: [3]

It is rightly said that busiest (a) ______________________ person is happiest one. Everybody (b) ______________________ knows that shirker cannot do (c) ______________________ anything. So he cannot make mark (d) ______________________ in any field. Indolent person (e) ______________________ is curse to himself and to humanity. (f) ______________________

[1 x 6 = 6 ] 2. Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verbs:

(a) The committee ________________ submitted its report. ( has / have ) (b) Either you or he ______________ done it. ( has / have )

(c) Neither of the two men ______________ suitable. ( is / are )

(d) Everyone of my servants ____________ down with fever. ( is / are )

(e) The chief with all his men ______________ killed. ( was / were )

(f) Time and tide ____________ for none. ( waits / wait )

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[1 x 3 = 3 ] 3. Rearrange the jumbled words to form meaningful sentences:

(a) gold / Mohandas / one day / of / stole / piece / a (b) committed / great / know / he / had / he / a / crime that (c) his father / wrote / crime / of / he / the confession / to

.4. In the following, there is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.

[1x 7 = 7] In a meantime his old father spent (a) ___________________ his days with grief, thinking of his (b) ___________________ son. His mind be not at ease. He (c) ___________________ often lies sleepless at night worrying (d) ___________________ of his son‟s welfare. And in the day (e) ___________________ time he often kept look out anxiously (f) ___________________ to see if his son will come back (g) ___________________

5. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect

word and correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank. [½ X6=3]

Incorrect Correct

Dr. Ambedkar was one of a greatest leader ______ _______

of modern India. He is born in a ______ _______

community which was then treat very _____ _______

unjustly with the society. They had to _______ _______

lead the miserable life. They were _______ ______

denied education and social respectful. _______ _______

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a exceptional person. _______ _______

Q.6) The following paragraph has not been edited properly. A word is missing in each line. Find

out the place where the word is missing and mention the missing word: [3]

Before Missing After

Have you imagined King Arthur‟s round imagined how King

table look while reading the stories? _______ _______ ________

Well, you can actually it now as _______ ________ ________

the historians have the table around _______ ________ ________

which he his knights sat. King Arthur‟s ______ ________ _________

famous Round Table, around his _______ ________ _________

Knights congregated first described in 1155. _______ ________ _________

Q.7) Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences: (3)

a) friends/ I / my/ were/ grandmother/ and/ good

b) left me/ in the city/ my parents/with her/ when they/ went/ to live

c) morning/ wake / used to / up/ the/in/she/me

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Q.8) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given verbs: (5)

a) Sugar and salt _______ (cause/causes) severe harm to his health.

b) Each of the boys ________ (love/loves) to play cricket.

c) The United States ________ (are/is) a democratic country.

d) The flock of geese ________ (fly/flies) overhead.

e) Gold and platinum _______ (is/are) precious metals.

Q.9) Do as directed: (6)

a) ________ is the biggest enemy of human beings.

(Fill in the blank with an abstract noun)

b) He is ______ honest man.

(Insert a suitable article)

c) Srikant left the hotel in a hurry.

(Underline the verb and state whether it is „Regular verb‟ or „Irregular verb‟)

d) Be careful, or else you will hurt _________ .

(Fill in the blank with a reflexive pronoun)

e) My friends usually _______ (play) cricket in the afternoon.

(Insert the correct form of the verb)

f) She sang melodiously.

(Change it into a negative sentence)

Q10.Fill the blanks with correct determiners [3]

a) Can you tell me ________shortest route to the airport? b) She is ____________astronaut. c) Kashmir has _________ finest scenery in the world. d) I am feeling _________better after taking this medicine. e) The box weighs not ________than one kilogram. f) March has _____days then April.

Q11.Put the words in correct order to make a sentence [3]

a) the land elephant largest is animal the on. b) repaired was my mechanic by a car. c) cutting the down mango timber-workers are the tree

Q.12.The verb ‘be’ is missing in each line give a slash (/) at the place where it needs to be inserted and

write the correct verb. [3]

a) Neither Raghav nor Madhav a businessman. b) Neither of them qualified enough to tech in a collage. c) Each of the actors and actresses to be given a special award by the President.

Q.13.In the following passage, each line has an error. Write the error and the corrected answer in your

answer sheet against the correct number. [5]

While a goatherdsman was tending his goats goatherd

in a pasture, he see a number of wild goats _______________

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mingle with his flock. He drived all the goats home _______________

and putted them in the pen together. _______________

The next day is stormy, so the goatherd did _______________

not took the goats out as usual. Instead, he _______________

feeded them in the pen. He gave his own flock _______________

enough food to saved them from starving but _______________

he give the wild goats the maximum he could. _______________

He wanted them to stay and he thinked that if _______________

he fed them well, they wouldn’t leave.

Q.14. Do as directed. [6]

a) She greeted us in a pleasing manner.(replace the adverb phrases given in bold with an adverb) b) Be careful, dear, or else you’ll hurt----------------(Complete with reflexive /emphatic pronoun) c) Cinderella’s step mother did not love her (Change into Negative sentence) d) Write the past and participle form of the verb ‘blow’ e) A poor family suffers from its________________(Complete with an abstract noun) f) She was not copying answers, was she? (Add a question tag)

15) In the following passage, each of the numbered lines has an error. Write the error and answer

in your copy against the correct bit number. [3]

Error Answer India is a country ex:- a the where the animals and tree [1]_____ ______ are valued but worshipped . [2]______ ______ But of today’s world of [3] _____ _______ industrialization the people has [4]______ _______ forget these great values. [5]______ _______ If we wants to live a balanced [6]_____ _______ life, we have to value the flora and fauna for our survival.

16) Rearrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences: ( 3) a) bring / festivals / life / colours / to / the / human / of / a b) many / festivals / celebrated / in / types / India / of / are

c) these / Holi / some / Diwali / of / are / Id / Christmas / and 17) Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verb given in the bracket:- ( 3)

a) Payal ____________ to ride a bicycle. (like) b) She fell off the mountain and __________ her knee.(hurt) c) My teacher __________ (punish)the student yesterday.

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18) Fill in the blanks choosing the right word from the options given :- (4)

a) One of the boys _______ missing. ( is /are ) b) Krishna along with his friends _______ come to the party. ( has / have ) c) I don’t have _____ money. ( many / any ) d) Can you tell me ______ shortest route to C.P.? (a / the )

19) Do as directed :- (7)

a) You enjoy playing games, ________________? ( Add a question tag) b) Radha has prepared this project___________ ( complete it by using reflexive pronoun) c) We shouted in a loud voice. ( replace the adverb phrase with an adverb.) d) A poor family suffers from its ______ ( use an abstract noun) e) Ram got a prize. ( change into a negative sentence) f) She burns her hand . ( change into past tense) g) Do Ananya speak English ? ( rewrite correctly)

20. Read the given passage carefully and find the error in each line. Write the error and the correct

answer in your copy as shown in the example. Do not copy the whole question.

Error Answer

We visit Shimla during the last summer ex. visit visited

vacation. We catched the small train a) _______ _______

from Kalka for Simla. The railway journey b) _______ _______

was very pleasant and enjoyable. The scenery is c) _______ _______

very charming. There were a lot of d) _______ _______

greenery all round. They looked beautiful e) _______ _______

in the valleys. Hill were covered with f) _______ _______

trees and other vegetation.

21. In the following passage a word is missing in each numbered line. Write the answer along with

the pre-word and post word as given in the example. Do not copy the whole passage.

Pre-word answer post-word

New year is always event to be Ex. always an event

celebrated. People celebrate with fun and a) _______ _______ _______

joy. The New year is welcomed midnight. b) _______ ______ _______

They sing, dance drink. However, many c) _______ _______ _______

other people it calmly. They exchange good d) _______ _______ _______

wishes among themselves. This year celebrated e) _______ _______ _______

it in different way. We distributed clothes and f) _______ _______ _______

grocery to the poor families.

22. Read the following jumbled phrases carefully and rearrange them to form meaningful sentence in

each case.

a) by / the door /whom / opened was ?

b) the brave / admired / everywhere / are

c) one / one‟s / keep / should / promise

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23. Fill in the blanks with articles (a, an, the)

I spent my summer vacation on _______ island. One day I went for _____ long walk. _______

sun was bright that day. I walked beyond ________ small cottages, till I reached ________

seashore. There I saw _______ sand castle. I wondered whether ________ child or ________

adult had made it. I peeped through _______ opening in the castle and saw ______ old coin lying


24. Do as directed.

a) He left the room in a hurry (replace the adverb phrase with an adverb)

b) Be careful, dear, or else you‟ll hurt __________ (Insert a reflexive pronoun)

c) We exercise everyday (Change it into a negative sentence)

d) Radha, in addition to her brother _______ (have / has) come. (Fill in the blank choosing the

correct word from the bracket)

e) We are better than our forefathers, ___________ ? (Add a question tag)

f) That woman is waiting to see you (Change it to the plural form)

25. The following passage has not been edited . There is one error in each line. Underline the

error and write the correct word in the space provided . The first one has been done for you as an

example. (3)

Planning is a first and foremost the

step in our day-of-day activities. a)________

We should to plan well and also well b)________

in advance for fulfill our ambitions. c)________

Planning are essential for making d)________

and shape our “tomorrow”. Planning e)________

bringing in us increased awareness. f)________

26. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Put a ( / ) the place of

omission and write the correct word in the space given below. The first one has been done for

you as an example. (3)

The house wife / her daily domestic planning. has

A teacher does his planning what / teach. a)__________

Planning requires support cooperation of the b)__________

persons concerned the activities. He who c)__________

cannot does not plan, has little chance for his d)__________

progress. There no job which is too small for e)__________

planning. Efficient performer great planners f)___________

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27. Rearrange the following jumble words to form meaningful sentences. (1x3=3)

a) prizes / the / winners / given / were

b) is / a / the / coloured / sketch / with / pencil

c) made / when / ? / movie / was / the / first

28. In the given sentences , both the subject and the verb are in the singular form. Change them

to the plural form. (1x5=5)

a) The boy goes to the library every week.

b) She laughs loudly.

b) The women is waiting to see you.

c) The dog barks at stranger.

d) The maid cleans the floor daily.

29. Do as directed : (1x6=6)

• February has _________________________ days then March. (Determiner)

• Raman is ________________ tallest boy of our class. ( determiner)

• Past form of „flow‟

• He completed his works.( change in to negative)

• He fought in the war with courage. ( Replace with adverb )

• A curious person is full of _________________ ( abstract Noun)

30. In the following passage, each line has an error. Write the error and the correct answer in

your answer sheet against the correct number: (½x6=3)

Error Correct

Mostly children have fascination in ____in______ _for____

sweets. They are very fond for chocolates. ____________ _______

Chocolates are the main cause for ____________ _______

tooth decay which can be avoided in ____________ _______

brushing the teeth on regular intervals. ____________ _______

Bacteria thrive in sweets and do a lot ____________ _______

for damage to the teeth. Teeth, a unique ____________ _______

Q.31.Put the words in correct order to make a sentence [1 x 3]=3marks

d) the land elephant largest is animal the on. e) repaired was my mechanic by a car. f) cutting the down mango timber-workers are the tree.

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32.The following passage is not edited. There is an error in each line. Underline the error and write the

correct word against it. (3)

In the old city in Benares there lived a) _____________

a shoemaker called Bhiku. He is a good b) _____________

craftsman and knew how to making fine shoes. c) _____________

People was even willing to offer gold for his shoes d)_____________

yet he remained a poorest shoemaker e) _____________

in the land. It is really strange. f) _____________

Q33.Rearrange the words given below to form a meaningful sentence. (3)

(a) no sound/ Early/had/ moving /pictures.

(b) talking/made/ picture/was/The first /in/1927

(c) nickelodeons/the film/were/in/shown


1. Write any two. [4]]

i. „Noble animal, your goodness puts mankind to shame.‟ Discuss the character of the forester and

the white elephant in the light of this comment by the king.

ii. Every incident of Gandhiji‟s life taught him something. Write down about these incidents and

lessons learnt from them.

iii. How did the three animals – the fish, the buck and the jackal, repay the kindness of the young


2. Write any one. [3]

i. What is Alliteration? Give two examples of it.

ii. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow is unborn but today is a gift. That‟s why it is called „present‟. How

can one make one‟s present a worthy gift?

D.3. Write any four. [8]

i. What did Daddy finally decide to become when he grew up?

ii. How did the king help the white elephant?

iii. Why did Gandhiji dislike games and gymnastics?

iv. What happens if we throw the hours away?

v. How did the young man finally conquer the princess?

Q.4. Read the extract and chose the correct options. [4]

A) No time to see, in broad daylight,

Stream full of stars, like skies at night.

i) These above lines are from the poem : a) Daffodils b) leisure c) Today and Tomorrow d) Bharat Desh

ii) Name of the poet of the above poem is a) J.E. Carpenter b) William Wordsorth c) By SubramaniaBharati

d) W.H.Devis

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iii) In the second line of the above extract the figure of speech used is- a) Alliteration b) Personification c) Metaphor d) Assonance

iv) Two rhyming words in the above stanza are a) Grass –pass b) Care –stare c) Glance –Dance d) Daylight-night

5.Today I know that physical training is as important as mental training. The reason for my dislike

forgymnastics was my keen desire to serve as nurse to my father. . [4]

i) The above extract is from the chapter a) The white elephant b) My Experiment with Truth c)The Helpful Young Man

d) How daddy decided what he wanted to be

ii) Who is ‘I’ in the above extract a) Harischandra b) Shravankumar c) M.K .Gandhi d) Jawaharlal Nehru

iii) The writer of the chapter is a) Alexander Raskin b) Ruskin Bond c) M.K.gandhi d) Shaharyar

iv) The narrator disliked gymnastics because a) He wanted to study b) He did not want to got to school c) He wanted to serve

his father d) Gymnastic had no value at all

6.Answer the following questions briefly.(Any four) [8]

a) Why did Daddy want to be a night watchman ? (How Daddy decided what a wanted to Be)

b) How did the white elephant help the forester? (The white elephant)

c) What does the speaker miss because of lack of time? (Leisure )

d) Why did Gandhiji steal gold from his brothers armlet?(My Experiment with True)

e) How can we command the present ?(Today and Tomorrow)

7. Value based questions [3]

First of all, you should be a good human being’ What according to you should be the traits of a good

human being?

8. After meeting the officer, daddy feels ashamed of himself. He makes a resolution. Imagine yourself

to be Daddy and write a dairy entry expressing your feelings.

9. Read the extract and choose the correct answer from the options given against each question.


What is this life if, full of care we have no time to stand and stare No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows.

[a] These lines are from the poem:- [i] Bharat desh [ii] Today and Tomorrow [iii] leisure

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[b] The name of the poet is:- [i] W.H. Davies [ii] J.E. Carpenter [iii] Subrahmanium Bharati [c] “care” here means:- [i] worries [ii] Journey [iii] pleasures [d] The rhyme scheme of the given stanza is:- [i] aaaa [ii] abab [iii] aabb [e] These lines express the poet’s:- [i] happiness in his life [ii] Satisfaction with the present life [iii] Dissatisfaction with the present life [f] ‘No time to stand beneath the boughs” is an example of:- [i] Simile [ii] Personification [iii] Alliteration 10) Answer any five of the following questions in about 30-40 words each: [10]

a] Why was Daddy ashamed of himself after meeting the officer? What did he learn? b] Why did the forester want to capture the white elephant? c] Why did Gandhiji feel ashamed of himself during his visit to South Africa? d] Why did the princess smash the mirror at last? e] Why did the young man go to the remote sea? f] How can we command the Present?

11) How did the young man’s goodness fetch him support in the time of need? (3) 12) a) Imagine yourself to be little Daddy. Write a diary entry expressing what you want to be (6 )

13. Read the extracts and answer the questions that follows: (4)

A. “We may all command the present If we act and never wait, But repentance is the phantom , Of a past that comes too late.” i) Name the poem and the poet?

a) Travel plans-Bobby Katz b) Leisure –W.H. Davies c) Today and Tomorrow – J.E. Carpenter d) Solitary Reaper-Wordsworth

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ii) How can we command the present? a) If we act in the future b) If we act in the present c) If we act in the past d) None

iii) What is the meaning of the word “repentance”? a) Feeling of relaxation b) Feeling of happiness

c) Feeling of sorrow d) Feeling of regret or remorse

iv) The poem conveys the message about a) the misuse of time b) the importance of time

c) the shortage of time d) none

14. “No time to stand beneath the boughs (4) And stare as long as sheeps or cows No time to see when woods we pass where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.” i) What is the rhyme scheme of the stanza?

a) abab b) aabb c) abcd d) abba ii) The poet feels sorry because of

a) wastage of time b) lack of time c) lot of time d) none

iii) Name the literary device used in the 3rd line ? a) Simile b) Personification c) alliteration d) none

iv) “stare” means a) To look fixedly at b) to ignore something

c) to overlook something d) to look out of anger 15. How did the Forester’s treachery puts mankind to shame ? ( 30- 40 words) (3) 16.Answer any FOUR of the following in 30 words each (8)

a) How did Gandhiji make the confession? b) What do “stars in the stream “refer to in the poem “Leisure”? c) How was the young man’s goodness repaid in time of need? d) Why did Daddy want to be a night watchman? e) Why should we not put off any work /deed till tomorrow?

17 . Imagine yourself to be Gandhij. Write a letter to your friend describing briefly about the two incidents and the lesson you learnt? (6)

18. Read the following extracts from the poem and answer the questions that follows.

a) “No time to see, when woods we pass,

where squirrels hide their nuts in grass,

No time to see in board daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night”,

i) Name the poem and the poet.

ii) What do „Stars in the stream‟ refer to ?

iii) What is the literary device used in the 1st and 3

rd line ?

iv) What do you mean by the word „broad‟ ?

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b) “Every moment has its duty,

who the future can foretell ?

Then why put off till tomorrow

What today can do as well ?

i) What do you mean by the phrase „put off ‟ ?

ii) What does every moment have ?

iii) Why should we not put off any work till tomorrow ?

iv) What is the rhyme scheme of the stanza ?

19. Answer any four of the following questions in about 20 – 30 words each.

a) What did Daddy finally decide to be when he grew up ?

b) How did the forester respond to the white elephant‟s good deed ?

c) What made Gandhiji feel ashamed of himself during his visit to South Africa ?

d) What proclamation had the princes of the strange palace made ?

e) Why did Gandhiji dislike games and gymnastics ?

20. Write a letter to your brother living in a hostel to maintain a balance between playing games and

studying so as to make to the most productive use of his time.


Gandhiji‟s father experiences mixed feelings for his son on receiving the confession note. He pens

down his feelings in the form of a diary entry. Imagine yourself in his place and a write a diary

entry in about 80 – 100 words.

21. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : [4]

No time to see , when words we pass

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass

• Name the poem and the poet. [1]

• What does the oet see while passing through the words ? [1]

• Why does the poet find no time ? [1]

• What is the mood of the poet :sad or joyful [1]

22. How did the king help the white elephant ? [3]

23. Suppose you are the Princess of the strange palace. You felt highly impressed by the

intelligence of the young man and agreed to marry him the next day. Write a diary page

expressing yours feelings before the marriage.

24. (A) Read the extracts given and answer the question that follow.

“ He had made gymnastics and cricket compulsory and I disliked both.

a) Who is the speaker of the above line ? (1)

b) What does „He „ refer to, here ? (1)

c) What does „ both „ refer to, here ? (1)

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d ) The speaker disliked both because of the idea that they were of no ……….in studies .

( use a suitable word in the blank ) (1)

(B) Every moment has its duty,

Who the future can foretell?

Then why put off till tomorrow

What today can do as well?

a) Name poem and the poet. (2 )

b) We should not put off works till tomorrow because future is …………

(fill in the blank with one word ) (1)

c) Which word in the extract has the same meaning as „ to inform in advance‟?


Q25. What guilt did Gandhiji confess to his father? How did he make it and why ?

(30-40 words) (3)

Q 26. „Noble animal, your goodness puts mankind to shame.‟ Write the contrast between the

forester and the white elephant in the light of this comment made by the king . Word

limit (80-90 words). (6)

Q.27) Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. Write the correct option

in your answer sheet.

A) No time to stand beneath the boughs (1x4=4)

And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

i) Name the poet of the poem.

a) William Blake c) W. H. Davies

b) P.B.Shelley d) J.E. Carpenter

ii) What does the poet miss when he passes through the woods?

a) boughs of the trees c) squirrels hiding their nuts

b) sheep and cows d) flowing streams

iii) Which literary device has been used in the third line of the extract?

a) Simile c) Metaphor

b) Personification d) Alliteration

iv) Why is the poet not able to stand beneath the boughs?

a) he is blind c) he doesn‟t have leisure time

b) he is least interested d) he lacks adventurous spirit

28) Every moment has its duty, (1x4=4)

Who the future can foretell?

Then why put off till tomorrow

What today can do as well?

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i) Name the poem.

a) Leisure c) Our tree

b) Bharat Desh d) Today and tomorrow

ii) We should not waste our time because

a) Every moment has its duty c) the poet says so

b) We can‟t do our work otherwise d) all of the above

iii) When should we complete today‟s work?

a) Tomorrow c) Today

b) Never d) Anytime

iv) What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?

a) aabb c) abab

b) abcb d) abcd

29) Answer the following questions in 30-40 words. (Any four) (2x4=8)

a) Why was Daddy ashamed of himself after meeting the officer?

b) How did the forester repay the elephant‟s good deed?

c) Why did Gandhiji dislike games and gymnastics?

d) What was the condition laid down by the princess of the strange palace?

e) How did the king help the white elephant?

30.Imagine yourself to be Gandhiji. Write down a letter to your friend expressing how relieved

you felt after writing out the confession note to your father. (6)

Q31.Read the following extract and answer the questions : [3]

Don’t tell me of tomorrow

There is much to do today .

That can never be accomplished ,

If we throw the hours away

(a) Name the poem and the poet .

(b) What happens if we throw the hours away ?

(c) Why does the poet want not to keep the works for tomorrow ?

32. Describe the importance of love for animals on the face of the selfishness of human beings.


Q33. Why should we utilise the present time purposefully. Describe in 40-50 words in respect to

the poem „today and tomorrow‟.

34. Read the following extracts and answers the questions that follow. Write the correct option

in your answer sheet. (1x4=4)

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A. “ What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the bough

And stare as long as sheep or Cows”

a) What is the poet‟s opinion about life ____________.

i) One should not enjoy beauty of nature.

ii) Life is not worth living, if we are not enjoying the beauties of nature.

iii) Nature is beautiful gift of God.

iv) The world is full of nature.

b) Who does not have time?

i) Nature ii) God iii) The poet and people iv) Sheep

and cows

c) „ No time‟ means –

i) Life in village ii) busy life in the city where people don‟t have time

for anything.

iii) Beauty of Nature. iv) Poet wasting his time.

d) What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza?

i) aabc ii) abbc iii) abba iv) aabb

35. `First of all, you should be a good human being‟. What according to you should be

the traits of a good human being? (Write within 30-40 words)


16. Answer any four of the following in 30 words each.


a) What was Daddy‟s plea in favour of being an Ice-cream seller?

b) Why should we not put off the work/ good deed till tomorrow?

c) Which two books inspired Gandhiji a lot during his childhood and what did he learn from

those books?

d) How did the three animals-the fish, the buck and the jackal help the young man?

e) Why did the white elephant refuse to eat anything in the palace?

36. You are White elephant. After reaching back to your mother and finding her safe, your heart

filled with gratitude for the king. Write a letter to the king expressing your gratitude. (6)


Imagine yourself to be Gandhiji. Write diary entry expressing your feeling about the day when

you have stolen the gold from your brother‟s armlet.

37. How did the young man finally conquer the princess? [3]

38.Imagine yourself to be Gandhiji. Your conscience hurts you for stealing the gold. Write a diary entry about your decision of telling the truth to your father. [4]