How did you attract/address your audience? In our media product, the two-minute opening to our thriller film ‘NUMB3R5’ we tried to entice to a certain target audience which was adults ages 16-34, both genders and those in groups C2,D and E. once we figured out the target audience we had to think of how to include the audiences opinions/views. This would to maintain the interest of the viewers. As a group we got handed the task to collect research. In the end as a group we never collected any research so then I took it in as my responsibility to collect the research. So I did this by creating a questionnaire and handing it to a bunch of people to complete. Overall I think I handed out 11 questionnaires as I believed it was enough. The questions were both open and closed. The questions included “what gender would you prefer the main character to be” to an open question like “what props do you think are appropriate for a thriller/horror movie?”. I think out of 4 in a group 2 actually worked on the questions which went into the questionnaire. We got given the choice of either creating a focus group, questionnaires or even interviewing people. When creating a plan for the questions I drafted the pros and cons of questionnaires. The pros were; it’s easy, quick, you can give a large sample, its straight forward, convenient, cheap and good statistical evidence. However the cons were that it can lack depth, it’s not possible to explain points, it’s inflexible and open-ended questions cam generate large amounts of data that can take a long time to process and analyse. From drafting the pros and cons we agreed to use questionnaires and stick to a reasonable amount to

Question 5

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How did you attract/address your audience?

In our media product, the two-minute opening to our thriller film ‘NUMB3R5’ we tried to entice to a certain target audience which was adults ages 16-34, both genders and those in groups C2,D and E. once we figured out the target audience we had to think of how to include the audiences opinions/views. This would to maintain the interest of the viewers.

As a group we got handed the task to collect research. In the end as a group we never collected any research so then I took it in as my responsibility to collect the research. So I did this by creating a questionnaire and handing it to a bunch of people to complete. Overall I think I handed out 11 questionnaires as I believed it was enough. The questions were both open and closed. The questions included “what gender would you prefer the main character to be” to an open question like “what props do you think are appropriate for a thriller/horror movie?”.

I think out of 4 in a group 2 actually worked on the questions which went into the questionnaire. We got given the choice of either creating a focus group, questionnaires or even interviewing people. When creating a plan for the questions I drafted the pros and cons of questionnaires. The pros were; it’s easy, quick, you can give a large sample, its straight forward, convenient, cheap and good statistical evidence. However the cons were that it can lack depth, it’s not possible to explain points, it’s inflexible and open-ended questions cam generate large amounts of data that can take a long time to process and analyse.

From drafting the pros and cons we agreed to use questionnaires and stick to a reasonable amount to hand out, because if we handed 50 out then it would take a long time to analyse and collect the feedback. I believe we chose the right way to attract/address the audience, the outcome was as expected so we were relatively pleased, although next time I would hand out 10 extra and interview a handful of people so our research varied.