Question 5

Question 5

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Question 5

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Big bold title to attract the reader into the magazine, the colours I have used are still dark however they are not as negative as most rock magazines, which is what I was aiming for.

Model on the front cover has long hair, is somewhat stylish but colour again to give less of a negative vibe and making the magazine more positive.

Band lists, bands which are rock backs however not too “heavy” so will appear to the more positive side of rock, Also related to the Isle of Wight festival, an event in which the target audience would participate in.

Competition to win tickets to a festival that the target audience would participate in which is actually quite expensive. An exclusive interview with a

new and upcoming rock band to draw readers in.

Front Cover

Page 3: Question 5

Pictures of different areas all orientated around music to interest the reader into reading those pages.

Interviews, Reviews and Cool stuff to entice the reader into looking into the magazine a bit more including some well known bands such as Green Day.

Heading with “Win Tickets to IoW!” to draw in the reader to something they have a chance of winning that they are interested in.

Heading with “Lessons with Larry” to interest those who are learning to play guitar, which is usually associated with the target audience I am aiming at. And for those interested in Amps and for those who play drums there is a section for those too.

A colour scheme that uses some dark colours however doesn’t have such a negative vibe, again the way I was hoping my magazine to go.

Contents Page

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Double Page Spread

Big picture of the band to be able to get a good view of what they look like. Also the way they are dressed is quite casual and stylish way, although their styles are different to represent their personality which may make them appeal to a wider audience.

Text with a font that is quite vibrant to draw them to the page, the colour choice doesn’t give off to much of a negative feel either, which again is what I was aiming for.

I added two palm trees using Photoshop with a quite bright green colour again to boost the vibe positively

Text with the interview of the band with a nice font that is easy to read but is aesthetic.