Analysis of my production work BY KYLE TURNER

Question 1 conventions (p1)

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Analysis of my production workBY KYLE TURNER

Conventions of form and genreThis shot within our trailer shows how we have conventionally used low-key lighting in order to portray a sense of danger for the character. Low-key lighting is typically used In horror trailers as the dark is associated with bad things happening therefore we have used this technique to create tension and suspense at this part in the trailer. We were able to change the contrast of lighting through the adobe software which allowed us to tint each shot in order to change the lighting effects.This wide-shot within our trailer shows how we have followed film conventions in using the rule of thirds for the positioning of characters within our shots. This is a conventional technique used in film which we have successfully incorporated into our production in order for it to be successful and conventional. We have used the rule of thirds as it follows the route of the eye (the audience firstly look at the top left then at the middle etc.) which makes our production professional and successful in its purpose of grabbing the audiences attention.

This establishing shot within our trailer shows that we have used a conventional location for the horror genre. Through using the woods it abled us to effectively portray a sense of danger as the woods is typically dark and dangerous therefore we were easily able to build up tension and suspense for the audience. Through my research I was able to distinguish that the woods was a typical location used for the horror genre and was most effective for our story line ideas.

Conventional age of character

Low key lighting

Low key lighting Conventional location

Conventional camera shot

We have used mise-en-scene effectively and conventionally in terms of costume and lighting. In this shot it shows that we have used a conventional costume for the antagonist in which he is dressed in dark clothing with his face covered. A dark costume is conventional to the genre as he is less visible which makes it more tense for the audience but also the colour black connotes danger, death etc. which is then associated with this character. In contrast, the helpless female character is dressed in casual clothes (specific to camping) which is also conventional in terms of the story line of camping. Also the composition of this shot is conventional as it shows a sense of isolation within the scene, this shows that the character is helpless which adds tension and drama to the audience. This technique and shot is conventional as it is typically used in other horror films such as The Conjuring.

These three shots of the characters in our trailer also highlight how we have followed conventions throughout our production. We have used young characters as this is typical to the horror genre in which films such as The Conjuring and Insidious have used young characters. We have used this technique as it adds more tension and drama as younger people are more vulnerable and helpless therefore the audience will develop sympathy for the characters. Thus making it more gripping and tense. Also the age of our characters is typical to our storyline of camping, therefore our storyline is more believable and realistic.

Dark clothing

Conventional costume Low-key lighting

This shot shows how we have used conventional props/costume for the horror genre. The use of a weapon is commonly used in all horror films as it creates a sense of danger and threat. We have used a weapon to empathise the characters danger and that they are fighting for survival. This helps us add drama and tension which is a conventional technique which is commonly used in professional horror films/trailers.


Conventional costume

Low-key lighting

Conventional Camera shots

This point of view shot is conventional to the horror genre as it makes the audience feel engaged. It also creates tension as it is clear that they are being watched through this shot. This shot also relates to the title screen that follows just after this shot ‘someone was watching their every move’.. This creates tension as the audience are aware what is happening but the characters don’t.

This establishing shot is another conventional camera shot as it introduces the setting and shows where the action will take place. This shot is especially effective in which it highlights the isolation of the location which empathises the characters vulnerability and helplessness. Also this shot is dark and spooky which indicates that bad things will happen. This shot helps create the atmosphere and is the beginning of the bad things that happen.

This montage of clips shows that we have used another conventional camera shots such as close-up shots. We have used close-up shots as these are very conventional to the horror genre as they show the facial expressions of the characters and their reactions. This enabled the audience to develop sympathy for them. It also adds tension and drama as it highlights the characters vulnerability.

This low-angle shot is also conventional to the genre as this particular shot shows her vulnerability and weakness as someone is standing over her. This is an effective shot for the horror genre as the audience sympathise with the character.

The position of the camera being a low-angle shot is another conventional shot used in horror films. We have used a low-angle shot to show the antagonists power and dominance in contrast to the female characters being weak and defenceless. This shot is also used to mimic the character staring into the camera that the female character has dropped. This reinstates the storyline of the girls recording their adventure in the woods. This shot is conventional and typically used in other horror films but in this case is effective as we see the ‘killer’ close-up which is engaging and scary.

We have used several shot types that are not necessarily conventional or typically used however we have used them for a variety of reasons. Mainly because these types of shots we have used create an impact on the audience and creates a sense of shock. They also add drama and tension which is a clear aim of our trailer. They also show our wide range of camera work ability, and that we have been creative in our production to make it stand out.

The composition of this shot is extremely effective and is conventional in terms of the positioning of the characters. This shot shows her to be weak and defenceless which therefore creates sympathy/empathy. The composition is effective as there is a rising sense of danger which makes the trailer gripping.These kinds of shots are conventional as they hook the audience and make the trailer effective in its purpose of entertainment.

Conventions of formThere are a variety of features that show that I have followed the conventions of form. The main image on the poster is central to the page and of main focus which Is very conventional and typically used in other film posters. The title of the film is in the largest font and is bold and bright so that it is the main focus of the film poster. The white font style stands out on the black background which makes it bright and eye-catching. This is conventional as shown in the professional film poster as the title is also the main focus and your eye is drawn to the title.

The overall layout of my film poster is conventional and follows the layout of most film posters. The blocking bill is placed at the bottom of the poster just under the film title and the image is central to the page and lastly, the slogan is at the top of the page. This structure is conventional and is used in many film poster therefore my film poster is successfully in terms of it being conventional. The overall colour-scheme of my poster is dark, and the image has low-key lighting which is conventional as it makes everything on the page stand out. It makes the poster eye-catching.

The layout of my film poster follows all of the conventions similar to other horror film magazine. My magazine title is the largest font and the most eye-catching. The image is central to the page which is a typical convention of a magazine. I have used a variety of headlines related to my film title and magazine which are conventional to other horror magazines such as ‘exclusive interviews’ and ‘behind the scenes’. These headlines make the audience interested and engaged in the magazine and it makes them want to read further. The second largest font is the film title which is also conventional to have on a film magazine.

My magazine follows a consistent house-style and colour-scheme throughout which is a key convention for magazines. The black and white colour-scheme is typical of the genre as black connotes danger/death and white is associated with supernatural.

My magazine conventions

House-style:I have followed a consistent house-style throughout my magazine and poster which is conventional to the horror genre. The font styles I have used are sans serif and mostly are capitalised. This enabled me to portray it in an informal manner but still keep the scary horror theme which will appeal to my target audience.

Colour-scheme:I have used a consistent colour-scheme throughout my magazine poster and horror magazine which is conventional to the horror genre. I have used the colours: black, white and grey. These three colours are typically associated with the horror genre as they all connote different things (black connotes danger/death, white and grey connotes supernatural)

Layout:I have structured my ancillary products in the route of the eye which is a key convention of magazines and posters as the most important information is read. In both magazine and poster, my main image is central and of main focus. Also both of the products have a dark black background to create a colour contrast of black and white. Therefore everything on the page will stand out and be eye-catching.

Headlines:I have used a variety of conventional headlines that are typically used in other professional magazines. For example I have used headlines such as ‘Exclusive interviews’ which are commonly used in magazines as it interests and engages the reader.

Image:I have used a conventional image to my genre as it is shocking and scary which would appeal to my target audience, also it fits with my colour scheme of black and white. The image is one of the main characters which is conventional and similar to other magazines.