QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,

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Page 1: QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,







1T h i s b o o k b e lo n g s T o

D A I L Y B I B L E S T U D Y a n d A C T I V I T Y G U I D E


Page 2: QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,


You have now studied about the week God created our world. God knew what to make first, second,

then third, fourth, and fifth. On a blank piece of paper, draw pictures of the different things God made each day of the Creation week.

Six thousand years ago, God filled the earth with liv-ing creatures on the sixth day of Creation. Read Genesis 1:24. On your paper, draw a picture of the creations you just read about.

Cattle, creeping things, and beasts of the earth are animals—as are birds and fish. Look at Genesis 1:26. What was God preparing to create? _____________________ Indeed, God created all living things, every animal, and God created people

What’s the difference between a human being and other living creatures? You can see, hear, feel, smell, and taste! You can also sense emotions. Animals have these same senses. Animals can even sense emotions! Have you ever seen a happy dog or scared cat? Have you ever had a pet lovingly cuddle up to you when you’re sad or lonely?

The difference between you and an animal is that you were made in God’s image. You can think and make choices. You can learn and understand new things and make decisions based on what you learned.

Animals don’t have minds like you do. Animals have instincts given to them by God. Animals can be taught tricks. However, they cannot choose right from wrong. Only you, made in the image of God, can understand and make decisions between right and wrong.

ENHANCING THE LESSONEnjoy a family hike and take along several jars or

boxes with lids. Search and collect small living creatures. Look for ants, sow bugs, beetles, grasshoppers, worms, caterpillars, frogs or toads, lizards, snails or slugs, and spi-ders. Bring them all together to study them, learn their names, and to find out where they live. After exploring the creatures collected, let them go back to their homes. Just imagine, the small collection of living creatures found on your hike is just a small sampling of all the living creatures God created on the sixth day of Creation.

MATERIALSBible; hymnal; pencil

MEMORY VERSE“ And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).

REFERENCESGenesis 1:24-26; 2:19, 20; 41:1–33; 3:13; 4:2; Isaiah 11:6–8; Early Writings, p. 18; Education, pp. 117, 131

SONG SUGGESTIONS• “ I Sing the Mighty Power of God”

(Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal, no. 88)• “The B-I-B-L-E”• “Lord, Who Made the Earth”• “He Loves Me, Too!”







2 PRIMARY | YeAR A | QtR 1 | Lesson 5

Page 3: QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,

This week we are talking about God making land ani-mals on day six of the creation week. Read Genesis

1:24—28.Can you think of a land animal that lives on a farm?

These are work animals or livestock.Do you have a land animal that lives at your home?

These are considered pets. Name an animal that has fur or hair.Name an animal that grows inside the mother’s body.Name an animal that drinks milk from its mother.An animal that has fur or hair and that grows inside its

mother’s body and drinks its mother’s milk after birth is part of a special group of animals called mammals. Some mammals live on land, some live in the water, and some even fly! There are more than 4,200 kinds of mammals! And God made them all on the sixth day of Creation!

How were the animals made? Read Genesis 2:19.How did all the animals and birds get their names?

Read Genesis 2:20.In the Garden of Eden, all the animals loved and trust-

ed Adam. They enjoyed being around him. There was no fear, only trust.

Today, not all animals trust us. Our pets trust us, though. God gave us pets and He expects us to be responsible and take good care of them.

Do you have a pet? What do you have to do to take good care of it?

Make sure you take good care of all your pets. God created them for you to love and enjoy. He wants you to care for them just as Adam cared for the animals in the Garden of Eden.

SUNDAYMATERIALS: Bible; hymnalMEMORY VERSE: Record yourself reading the memory verse







Did you know that dogs come in all sizes? If you can find a picture of a Newfoundland, you will see they are very big dogs. God made the fur of a Newfoundland unique. It doesn’t get wet, just like the feathers of birds and ducks. Newfoundland dogs have webbed feet similar to a duck, so they are great swimmers. They can be a big help to fishermen by taking out or bringing in the fishing net. Many times, the Newfoundland is helpful in rescuing someone having trouble in the water. The Newfoundland will

swim out and help to bring the person to dry land.

YeAR A | QtR 1 | Lesson 5 | PRIMARY 3

Page 4: QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,






4 PRIMARY | YeAR A | QtR 1 | Lesson 5

What land animals have you seen in a zoo? Do you know the names of some land animals

that roam wild in fields and forests? Have you ever seen a kangaroo, opossum, or koala

bear? These animals belong to the marsupial family of mammals who live on land. When a baby marsupial is born, it climbs into a pouch on its mother’s tummy, where it is protected and warm. In the pouch, it can drink its mother’s milk and grow big. Who tells a baby kangaroo, opossum, or koala bear to crawl into its mother’s pouch?

Bats are the only mammals that fly; their bodies are cov-ered with fur, but their wings are covered with skin. When bats stretch out their arms, the skin stretches to form a wing! They sleep all day and search for food at night. As a bat flies, it makes a high-pitched squeaking sound. The sound goes ahead of him. If the sound bounces off something and comes back to him, he hears it and can avoid bumping into things while he’s flying. This is called echolocation. Who tells the bat to squeak while flying?

Some mammals live in the water. They may look like fish, but God made them different from fish. Dolphins, whales, porpoises and manatees all breathe air and give birth to live babies and they feed their young with milk!

Isn’t it amazing how God made so many different mammals? How do you suppose He could make so many animals in just one day? Read Psalm 33:6–9.

Just by God speaking the words all these wonderful animals became a reality, formed out of the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:19).

As you pause for prayer, take a moment to thank God for all his wonderful creations. Ask Him to help you learn how to care for the creatures He so lovingly made.

ENHANCING THE LESSONSome bats make the squeaks needed for echoloca-

tion with their mouths. Some send out sounds through their noses! Bats that echolocate with their nose often have special flaps and folds of skin on their faces called “nose leaves.” Scientists think that the nose leaves help the bats send the sounds in different directions.

MONDAYMATERIALS: Bible; hymnalMEMORY VERSE: Listen to the memory verse recording and song


A mammal is a warm-blooded animal that breathes air, has a backbone, and has fur or hair. Mammal babies typically grow inside their mother’s body, typically are born live, and feed on the moth-er’s milk.

Warm-blooded animals stay warm inside their body even if the outdoor temperature is super-cold or super-hot.

What mammals can you name? Can you draw one?

Page 5: QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,





YeAR A | QtR 1 | Lesson 5 | PRIMARY 5


As we continue studying about living creatures that God made on the

sixth day, we cannot forget the reptiles and amphibians.

Can you name some reptiles? A reptile is an animal covered in

scales or bony plates.Most reptiles hatch from eggs.Baby reptiles can care for them-

selves as soon as they are born.Most reptiles hibernate, or sleep

for a long time, in winter.Reptiles have a backbone.Reptiles are cold-blooded. When

the air is warm, reptiles are warm. When the air is cold, reptiles are cold.

A snake is one reptile that you might be thinking of. Not very many people like snakes, though. They’re scary and some are dangerous.

Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe, but they also like the water.

There are other land animals that like the water. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are called amphibians. They all are born as eggs in water. Soon, the eggs hatch into tadpoles, which breathe with gills, just like fish! Then they grow legs.

As their legs get longer, the tail of the frog and toad gets shorter and shorter. As a salamander grows legs, it also grows a long tail. Soon they grow lungs, leave the water, and live on the land. They still live close to the water, though, because, guess where they will lay their eggs?


When God made amphibians, He gave them water bodies and land bodies. Isn’t that amazing?

When God made reptiles, He gave them land bodies that enjoy water. Interesting, yes?

Today you have another chance to thank God for such a wide variety of creations. God truly loves variety, doesn’t He?

ENHANCING THE LESSONWhy do you think people tend to fear snakes? Read

Genesis 3:14 where God cursed the snake. God also used the term serpent in Revelation 12:9 to refer to someone. Who?


TUESDAYMATERIALS: Bible; hymnalMEMORY VERSE: Sing the memory verse with the app

Page 6: QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,






6 PRIMARY | YeAR A | QtR 1 | Lesson 5

WEDNESDAYMATERIALS: Bible; hymnal; pencilMEMORY VERSE: Sing the memory verse with the app

This lesson is about the smaller creatures that are often not seen so easily. Read Genesis 1:24, 25. Did you

know God talks about insects in the Bible? Read Proverbs 6:6 and Exodus 23:28. Spiders and insects might be very small, but God gave them a special job to do.

Spiders are from the arachnid family, which includes ticks, scorpions, and mites. Members of the arachnid family have two main body parts and eight legs. Spiders help us by eating bugs that could become a nuisance. Have you ever watched a spider make a web? They do such a neat, careful job that it is one of the strongest nets ever created. They build webs up high as well as down low on the ground. There’s even a trap-door spider who makes her home in the ground!

Can you draw a spider?

Insects are different from spiders. There are many insects of all different shapes and sizes. Some fly. Some crawl. Some hop. Some buzz, some glow, and some make “music.”

Unlike a spider, an insect has three body parts and only six legs. Try drawing an insect.

Some insects live underground. Can you guess who that might be? Ants! Ants live together in communities called colonies. The members of the ant colony are the queen, worker, and drone, and each has a special job. Their colony could not live without them, just like you are important in your family. When ants go hunting for food they leave a chemical trail for other ants to follow. Everyone is important in their colony and they all work hard every day to help each other.

Bee colonies are much the same as ant colonies. The queen must be taken care of so that more bees can be added to the hive. Some worker bees take care of the hive so that when the pollen and nectar-gathering worker bees come home, they have a nice clean place to put the sweet reward of a long day’s work: honey! Can you draw four bee wings on one of these insects? After drawing, remember to pause for prayer and thank God for all the different spiders and insects that He created.


Some insects have four wings, as a butterfly. Some insects have two wings, as a fly.Other insects have no wings!How many types of insects can you draw?

Page 7: QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,





YeAR A | QtR 1 | Lesson 5 | PRIMARY 7


God created you with five senses by which you understand the world: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Emotion is an inward response that affects your judgment and decision making.

What are some emotions you have felt before? Often, your emotions are based on how another person treats you.

Do other people have feelings based on how you treat them? Of course they do!

Try to figure out how another person might be feeling based on how you are treating them. Is it good? Is it bad? Should you change how you are treating them? If you’re not sure, pray to God about it. He will help you.

Other people experience the same emotions as you do. One of the most important lessons you can learn is how to understand how another person feels. It’s called empathy. Having empathy for another person means you care about how they feel. Having empathy means you try your best to never hurt another person’s feelings.

After making all those animals, beasts, cattle, and creeping creatures, God

said it was time to make something very special. Read Genesis 1:26.

The earth was ready for the most special creation of all: a man and a woman.

God could have said, “Let there be a man and a woman,” and they would have appeared. He did not do that, though.

Instead, God formed a man with His own hands. God took dust of the ground and made a man in His image. That means the man looked like God and could think like God. After God finished forming the man from the dust, was the man alive? Could he see or hear or speak?

The Bible says in Genesis 2:7 that God breathed into the nose of that mud creation and gave it the breath of life! The man became a living soul, and God named him Adam.

If you blew air into a mud creation, would it come to life? No. Only the God of heaven has the power to give life. All life comes from God.

Adam could see, hear, feel, smell, and taste! He could talk, pet animals, eat, and think. He could also sense emotions. When Adam first came to life, what expression do you think he had on his face?

Adam was made in God’s image. He had the ability to think and make choices. He could learn and understand new things and make decisions based on what he was learning.

Having God as his teacher, Adam must have learned a lot of amazing things in a very short amount of time! The classroom was the garden, and the creations of nature were his textbook.

You are like Adam. When you read your Bible, when you spend time studying the things of nature, you are learning from God. Knowing God wants to be your Teacher should make you feel very special.


Both Abraham and David talked about being made of dust. Check it out! Read Genesis 18:27 and Psalm 103:14.

Try forming a man out of dirt. You’ll need a little bit of water to help the dirt form into a shape.

THURSDAYMATERIALS: Bible; hymnal; small box or tray of moist dirtMEMORY VERSE: Sing the memory verse with the app

Page 8: QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,






8 PRIMARY | YeAR A | QtR 1 | Lesson 5

FRIDAYMATERIALS: Bible; hymnal MEMORY VERSE: Write the memory verse on this page


Rib Bone Recipe2 cups flour1 cup salt1 cup waterStir until almost fully mixed. Turn out onto a

floured surface and knead until smooth. Form into “rib” bones (there will be plenty of dough for other bones, too). Place “bones” on a baking sheet and bake at 250 degrees for about 3 hours.

There’s one more exciting thing that happened on the sixth day! Read Genesis 2:18–23. God created a woman, and Adam named her Eve

(Genesis 3:20). Like Adam, Eve could see, hear, feel, smell, and taste!

She could talk, eat, think, and sense emotions. When Adam first saw Eve, what expression do you suppose was on his face?

Adam and Eve were both made in God’s image. They had the ability to think and make choices. They could learn and understand new things and make decisions based on what they learned.

Do you think that first Friday in the Garden of Eden was a special time?

Adam and Eve must have had a wonderful Friday with God. Surely, God showed them all the different animals, flowers, trees, and plant foods. Do you think they met any angels?

What a wonderful day they had with their Creator. There was no sadness, but God gave them one special rule: they must not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Remember the argument Satan started in heaven? There was only one way to settle the argument. Adam and Eve were created to help decide who would be the best leader in heaven—who offered the best rules, the most freedom, the purest joy.

As evening came, they prepared for the best day of the whole Creation week: the Sabbath, the seventh day of the Creation week.

Make sure you do what you can to help your family be ready for the Sabbath. God has a blessing prepared just for you!

ENHANCING THE LESSONHow can you help solve the argument Satan started?

Can you help decide who would be the best God? Did you know that how you behave, how you think and speak, and the things you choose to do are all part of your character? The character you choose demonstrates whom you serve: God or Satan (Romans 6:16).

Before ending worship, sing “Crowning Jewel of Creation” (Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal, no. 385).

True or false: Women have one more rib than men have.

Answer: Humans and mice can re-grow removed ribs within a matter of months. The rib is the only bone in our body that can regenerate itself. When a rib is removed but the perichondrium (pronounced /peri’kändrēm/) is left, the missing rib entirely repairs itself within one to two months. Quite often doctors will carefully remove a rib and use it to rebuild or replace damaged jaw bones and eye sockets. Not only does the patient get their face reconstructed, but in time the rib grows back! Answer: men and women both have twelve pairs of ribs.

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Page 10: QUARTERLY EMPHASIS: GOD OF LOVE · Lizards, turtles, alligators, and crocodiles are very interesting reptiles. They have the ability to live on the land and they love to sunbathe,


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