90 Day Goal & Task Planner for Small Business Owners Overview Small business owners are most effective when they work from a comprehensive plan. To be successful, goals should be articulated, specific, measurable and time-activated. The planning process paves the way for flawless implementation. Instructions Every 90 days, use this template to check in on your business and personal goals, prioritize your projects and implement your tasks. This workbook has been adapted from the small business Annual Planning Retreat Planapaloozah™ offered annually by Cena Block at SaneSpaces.com. For more information on the Planapaloozah Self-paced Home Study System go here: http://sanespaces.com/prm/planning/ ©2019 Sane Spaces, LLC – All Rights Reserved Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

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Page 1: Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

90 Day Goal & Task Planner for Small Business Owners Overview Small business owners are most effective when they work from a comprehensive plan. To be successful, goals should be articulated, specific, measurable and time-activated. The planning process paves the way for flawless implementation. Instructions Every 90 days, use this template to check in on your business and personal goals, prioritize your projects and implement your tasks.

This workbook has been adapted from the small business Annual Planning Retreat Planapaloozah™ offered annually by Cena Block at SaneSpaces.com. For more information on the Planapaloozah Self-paced Home Study System go here: http://sanespaces.com/prm/planning/

©2019 Sane Spaces, LLC – All Rights Reserved


Page 2: Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

Sane Spaces, LLC Coaching Template: Quarterly Plan & Review

This tool is one of many templates created for Planapaloozah™, the annual business planning retreat for small businesses by Sane Spaces, LLC Module: Business Snapshot-©2017 Sane Spaces, LLC Cena Block, All rights reserved. [email protected]

Sane Spaces, LLC, offers business strategy coaching and training to individuals, groups and organizations

Quarterly Review Today’s Date ______________________ Usethistemplatetocaptureyourthoughtsoverthepast3months.


Self Care

Fitting It All In

Income Expenses

Wins Disappointments





Page 3: Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

Sane Spaces, LLC Coaching Template: Quarterly Plan & Review

This tool is one of many templates created for Planapaloozah™, the annual business planning retreat for small businesses by Sane Spaces, LLC Module: Business Snapshot-©2017 Sane Spaces, LLC Cena Block, All rights reserved. [email protected]

Sane Spaces, LLC, offers business strategy coaching and training to individuals, groups and organizations


Looking Back - Past Quarter Review (Gap Analysis) Business From ______ To ______

Top Accomplishments

Biggest Disappointments

Personal From ______ To ______

Top Accomplishments

Biggest Disappointments

Big Wings

Page 4: Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

Sane Spaces, LLC Coaching Template: Quarterly Plan & Review

This tool is one of many templates created for Planapaloozah™, the annual business planning retreat for small businesses by Sane Spaces, LLC Module: Business Snapshot-©2017 Sane Spaces, LLC Cena Block, All rights reserved. [email protected]

Sane Spaces, LLC, offers business strategy coaching and training to individuals, groups and organizations


90-Day Activator: Top 3 Goals for Next Quarter 3monthsfromnow,whatwouldyouliketohaveaccomplished?Focusinonthemostpressing(Top3)businessandpersonalgoals.Theyshouldbebroadenoughtoholdyourfocusfor90days(threemonths).


Top 3 Business Goals From ___________ To ___________ 1. 2. 3.

Top 3 Personal Goals From ___________ To ___________ 1. 2. 3.

Page 5: Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

Sane Spaces, LLC Coaching Template: Quarterly Plan & Review

This tool is one of many templates created for Planapaloozah™, the annual business planning retreat for small businesses by Sane Spaces, LLC Module: Business Snapshot-©2017 Sane Spaces, LLC Cena Block, All rights reserved. [email protected]

Sane Spaces, LLC, offers business strategy coaching and training to individuals, groups and organizations


Monthly Priorities: Priorities By Month For Next Quarter Month ________________ Month __________________

1. 2. 3. Personal

1. 2. 3. Personal

Month ________________ Month __________________ 1. 2. 3. Personal

1. 2. 3. Personal

Page 6: Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

Sane Spaces, LLC Coaching Template: Quarterly Plan & Review

This tool is one of many templates created for Planapaloozah™, the annual business planning retreat for small businesses by Sane Spaces, LLC Module: Business Snapshot-©2017 Sane Spaces, LLC Cena Block, All rights reserved. [email protected]

Sane Spaces, LLC, offers business strategy coaching and training to individuals, groups and organizations


Client Attraction Pipeline Planning INSTRUCTIONS – Evaluate where you are today regarding in your current business development tasks. Use prompts to identify your action steps for the next 90 Days.

Current Pipeline How many connections do you

have now?

Satisfaction? The last time you reached out,

what did you do?

Action? What action(s) you can take to serve

and attract this group?

New Leads

New Prospects

Email Subscribers

Joint Venture Pipeline Partner Opportunities


Social Media Connections

Page 7: Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

Sane Spaces, LLC Coaching Template: Quarterly Plan & Review

This tool is one of many templates created for Planapaloozah™, the annual business planning retreat for small businesses by Sane Spaces, LLC Module: Business Snapshot-©2017 Sane Spaces, LLC Cena Block, All rights reserved. [email protected]

Sane Spaces, LLC, offers business strategy coaching and training to individuals, groups and organizations


Business Development Task Planning INSTRUCTIONS – Evaluate where you are today regarding your current business development tasks. Use prompts to reflect on the past quarter and identify actions for the next 90 Days.

Business Task Current: How is this task

managed currently?

Satisfaction? How do you


Obstacles? What’s in your way?

Actions? What will improve 90-

day outcomes?

Attracting New Clients

Closing Sales

Following Up

Systematizing Tasks

Mastering Time

Money Matters

Project Management


Client Care & Nurture


Money On The Table


Social Media


Page 8: Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

Sane Spaces, LLC Coaching Template: Quarterly Plan & Review

This tool is one of many templates created for Planapaloozah™, the annual business planning retreat for small businesses by Sane Spaces, LLC Module: Business Snapshot-©2017 Sane Spaces, LLC Cena Block, All rights reserved. [email protected]

Sane Spaces, LLC, offers business strategy coaching and training to individuals, groups and organizations


Actions To Start, Stop & Continue for the next 90 Days INSTRUCTIONS – Powerful project planning means heightened FOCUS. To improve your focus, you must let go of that which does NOT serve your goals. List what you need to stop, start and continue to do to meet your business and personal goals.

What To Stop Doing To Meet Business & Personal Goals

Next Quarter

What To Start Doing To Meet Business & Personal

Goals Next Quarter

What To Continue Doing To Meet Business & Personal

Goals Next Quarter

My Next Quarterly Review Date Will Be:

My Accountability Partner Is:

Page 9: Quarterly Business Plan & Review: 90 Day Goal & Task Planner

Sane Spaces, LLC Coaching Template: Quarterly Plan & Review

This tool is one of many templates created for Planapaloozah™, the annual business planning retreat for small businesses by Sane Spaces, LLC Module: Business Snapshot-©2017 Sane Spaces, LLC Cena Block, All rights reserved. [email protected]

Sane Spaces, LLC, offers business strategy coaching and training to individuals, groups and organizations


Who is Cena Block?

Certified Organizer Coach | Productivity Consultant | Sanity Strategies For ADHD Entrepreneurs I help professional women & ADHD entrepreneurs focus, frame and finish to restore their sanity!

Cena Block helps entrepreneurs with no time and too many tasks on their plate escape overwhelm, align, prioritize, systematize, and define the support they need to regain their sanity and time. Through targeted coaching and signature programs content, emerging business owners learn implement daily practices and strategies to create their life-centered business in place of being strung-out and frantic. Clients praise Cena for helping them clear the fog, establish time-saving systems, focus, raise rates, and create signature marketing content to create incredible results they once thought were impossible. 25+ years in corporate as a performance, process & training expert while raising her young family, helps Cena know what it takes to wear the many hats of today’s entrepreneurs wear. Cena will help you discover and ignite your small biz mojo. You'll get the results you want because you'll stop wasting your time, and focus on what matters most to get where you want to go and achieve the results you desire. Cena firmly believes that self-employed parents will change the world, first by centering on what being an amazing parent means to them, and then by prioritizing their brilliance-based business tasks, while designing sanity systems and hiring a stellar support team for everything else! Download Cena's business planning tools here: http://www.sanespaces.com. Want to learn more about how coaching may help you soar? Schedule a complimentary Discovery Call at bit.ly/ChatCena

*For the complete Planapaloozah™ Self-Paced Home Study Course: http://sanespaces.com/prm/planning