Quality Management in Higher Educational Institutions: A Planning & control Approach Presentation by : Prof. Mohi-ud-Din Sangmi Head,Department of Business and Finance & Director, Academic Staff College University of Kashmir Email: [email protected]

Quality Management in Higher Educational Institutions

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Page 1: Quality Management in Higher Educational Institutions

Quality Management in Higher Educational Institutions: A Planning

& control Approach

Presentation by : Prof. Mohi-ud-Din Sangmi

Head,Department of Business and Finance & Director, Academic Staff College

University of Kashmir Email: [email protected]

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Quality Slogan

We will deliver defect-free products/ services to our users on agreed costs

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Quality is conformance to requirements. The requirements are all the commitments involved in giving the customer what was agreed upon. Some of them are administrative, some are procedural, some involve product specifications.

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• The ultimate test of quality is –whether it meets/surpasses expectations of its end users.

• All individuals, deptts., sub-units of an organisation must strive for conformity to specifications that meet or surpass expectations of the users.

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7 C’s of Quality

Customer focus Culture Commitment Continuous improvement Cooperation Communication Control

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ISO-9000 Requirements (adjusted)

• Design of guidelines for quality standards developed by International organization for standardization :

• Inspecting processes continually

• Maintaining equipment and infrastructure

• Training Manpower

• Testing and evaluations

• Dealing with complaints and grievances

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Quality In Higher Education:NAAC

Criteria (units of assessment)

Criteria Universities Affiliated/ Constitutent college

Autonomous college

1 Curricula Aspects 15 10 15

2 Teaching, Learning and Evaluation 25 40 30

3 Research, consultancy and extension 15 05 10

4 Infrastructure and learning resources 15 15 15

5 Student support and progression 10 10 10

6 Organization and Management 10 10 10

7 Healthy practices 10 10 10

Total 100 100 100

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Quality Mgt. System

• Mission

• Vision

• Objectives

• Strategies/ Policies

• Operations

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• Basic thought of the organisation

• Scope of operation in terms of products and markets/jurisdiction or of services and client

• Mission tells--what an organisation is and why it exists?

• Mission is the purpose or reason for the organisation’s existence

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• Forward looking view of what an organisation wishes to become in future

• Vision is future aspirations that lead to an inspiration to be the best in one’s field of activity

• It is like a dream that is hazy and vague

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Mission and vision of K. U.

To create intellectually stimulating environment, promote excellence in teaching, research and extension activities, and facilitate academic freedom, diversity and harmony.

To be a world class university committed to create and disseminate knowledge for human development and welfare.

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Objectives of an Educational

Organization • Impart higher education in specified field

• Conduct of examinations leading to award of degrees

• Provide Research facilities

• Cultivate Moral, Human and Social values in students

• Facilitate to Develop Personality of students

• Prepare students to be responsible citizens

• Help to get the employment

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Quality Management Systems Design

• An infrastructure suitable for learning

• A curriculum as per needs with the specified period of completion

• A clear pedagogy: lectures, tutorials, expert interactions, practical's, field visits, etc.

• A unambiguous system of examination and award

• Policy for sports, cultural and co-curricular activities

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Quality Management systems Implementation

• Staffing the organisation : Recruitment, compensation.

• Training the staff for the new curriculum : induction, programme- wise, degree-wise

• Motivation

• Follow-up

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Quality Management systems Administration

• Allocation of responsibility

• Direction and motivation

• Arrangement of resources and infrastructure which help disseminate knowledge through classroom teaching and through expert interaction, practicals and field work.

• Developing evaluation and award degrees

• Measurement system

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Quality Management Systems*

• Students

• Teachers

• Infrastructure

• Administration

• Finance

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Student Sub-system*

• Performance Areas:-

• Examination

• Sports

• Cultural activity

• Research

• Publication

• Placement

• Post placement behavior

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Student Sub-system measurements

• Examination: i) Ratio of pass to total students

appeared in exams; ii) % of distinctions/ first classes/honours

• Sports & Culture i) participation : Ratio of active participants in sports to total No. of students; ii) Excellence: Ratio of students representing State/country to No. of active participants; iii) Excellence :No. of students having won prizes to No. of participants

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Criteria Plan/Target Actual Deviation


i) Ratio of pass to total students

95% 90% -5 A

ii) % of distinctions 60% 65% +5 F

iii)% of first class 35% 30% -5 A

iv)% of 2nd class 5% 2% -3 A

v)% of 3rd class 0% 1% -1 A

vi) % of fail 0% 2% -2 A

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Sports and cultural activities

Plan/target Actual Deviation

i) Participation

Ratio of active participants in sports to total No. of students

70% 60% 10 A

ii) Excellence

a) Ratio of participants who won prizes to total no. of participants

50 20 30 A

b) Ratio of participants representing country/ state to total participants

10 3 7 A

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Student Sub-system measurements Research and Publications

• Research success: i) No. of projects successful to No. of projects sanctioned; ii) No. of awards won to No. of projects sanctioned; iii) No. of patents filed to No. of projects sanctioned.

• Publications : No. of papers published to No. of papers submitted to journals;

• Participation : i)No. of students involved in research to total No. of students; ii) No. of students participated in research conferences to total No. of students in research

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Criteria Plan/ target Actual Deviation

Success in Research

i) No. of projects successful to No. of projects sanctioned;

20 15 5 A

ii) No. of awards won to No. of projects sanctioned

5 3 2 A

iii) No. of patents filed to No. of projects sanctioned

5 2 3 A

Publications :

No. of papers published to No. of papers submitted to journals;

10 11 1F

Participation :

i)No. of students involved in research to total No. of students;

50% 30% 20%A

ii) No. of students participated in research conferences to total No. of students in research

30% 30% -

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Student Sub-system measurements: Placement and employment

• No. of students getting jobs within one year to no. of students passing out per year

• No. of students getting laurels to total no. of students placed

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Teacher subsystem*

• Teaching load

• Academic achievements

• Research and publications

• Sports and Cultural activities

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Teacher subsystem-Measurements workload

• Teaching hours / classes per day/per week

• Checking of assignments

• Guiding projects

• Supervising exams

• Assessing answer sheets

• contribution Institutional life

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Teacher subsystem measurements Academic achievements

• Qualification: i) No. of teachers with PhD. Degrees to total no of teachers ;

• Awards & certificates: i) No. of awards received by teachers to total no. of teachers

• Visiting prof./ teachers : i) No. of teachers visiting other institutions to total no. of teachers; ii) No. of teachers visiting this institution to total no. of teachers

• Advisory Role : i) No of advisory positions held by teachers to total no. of teachers

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Teacher sub-system measurements Research & publication

• Research participation: i) No. of teachers involved in research to total no. of teachers ; ii) No. of teachers guiding research to total no. of teachers

• Excellence: i) No. of projects successfully completed to no. of projects sanctioned ; ii) No. of designs patented to no. of projects sanctioned

• Publications : i) No. of research papers published to total no. of papers submitted; ii) No. of books authored to total no. of teachers

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Infrastructure sub-system*

• Buildings & equipments • Library • Laboratory and research facilities • Computers, typing & stationary items • Sports facilities • Cultural facilities • Office & administrative assistance • Academic –industry collaborations • Miscellaneous

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Infrastructure sub-system measurements: Building & Equipments

• Rooms: I) No. of rooms available to total no. of classes / students;

ii) No. of rooms to total no. of staff; • Space: i) Space in sq.feet per rorom to no. of students/ classes ;

ii) space of corridors to total no. of students /staff; iii) office space to total no. of students; iv) No. of notice boards to total no. of students

• Furniture : No. of benches/ chairs to total students • Washrooms : i) No. of washrooms to total no. of students ;

ii) No. of washrooms for females/males to total no. of females/ males .

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Infrastructure sub-system: Library

• Books: i)No. of books to total no. of students ii) No. of books subject-wise to no. of students

• Magazines/newspapers: i) No. of magazines to students

• Chairs/ benches: No. of benches/ chairs to total students / staff

• Manpower: No. of library staff to no. of students

• Light: No of light points to total benches/ chairs

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• Space : i) space in sq. feet to total no. of students for each lab ; ii) points of experiment to total no. of students;

• Equipments: i) No. of equipments to total no. of students

• Frequency of experiments: i) No. of hours provided/ allowed per student per day ; ii) No. of times experiment is done in a day/ week

Infrastructure sub-system: Laboratory

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Infrastructure sub-system ( others)

• Computers, & printing, typing & stationary


• Telephone-internal / external

• Photostate/xerox

• Sports facilities &Cultural facilities

• Office & administrative assistance

• Academic –industry collaborations

• Miscellaneous: internet & IT

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Administration Sub-system*

• Academic

• Establishment

• Infrastructure maintenance and development

• Security

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Administration Sub-system measurements: Academic

• Planning and developing curricula

• Approving the same through various bodies

• Admission policy

• Statutes

• Examination mechanism

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Administration Sub-system : Establishment

• Recruitment, transfer, promotion ,superannuation, etc.

• Direction about jobs from time to time

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Administration Sub-system infrastructure & maintenance

• Appraisal on the scale regarding : • Buildings • Equipments • Transport • Hostels • Lawns and Gardens • Residential quarters • Student services • Security of material and personnel

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Finance subsystem

• Payments: • Infrastructure Funding: increase /decrease to previous

years • Equipment Funding: Lab.,library- new and maintenance • Salaries / benefits for staff: Ratio of teaching to non-

teaching • Research funds for: i) teachers ii) students • Student activities: sports, welfare,literary and cultural • Income: • Fees and Donations: increase/ decrease to previous years • Grants: increase/ decrease to previous years

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Finance sub-system

• Budgeting

• Funds mgt.

• Accounting as per Accounting standard

• Reporting-Balance sheet/ Income and Exp. statement

• Auditing

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Quality Management: • Focusing on satisfying customer-student/employer

• Striving for continuous improvement

• Fully involving the entire manpower

• Actively involving and supporting top mgt.

• Using unambiguous and objective measures

• Recognising quality achievements in a timely manner

• Continuously providing training on quality mgt.

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