WYEE WHISPER NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WYEE PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality Learning, Respectful and Responsible Living Wyee Road, Wyee NSW 2259 Ph. (02) 43571225 Fax (02) 43571828 [email protected] www.wyee-p.schools.nsw.gov.au Term 1 Week 9 2019 A Proud Member of Important Dates 29/03/19 Mufti Day for Easter Raffle 02/04/19 Cross Country 03/04/19 P&C Disco 6pm to 7.30pm 09/04/19 Canteen Easter Lunch 10/04/19 Easter Hat Parade 9.30am to 11.30am FoodWorks Wyee Open 7 days 5am-10pm Phone 4357 1600 Wyee Shopping Village Dear Parents, Special Events Coming Up We have a busy end of the term scheduled with our Cross Country, our Easter Hat celebrations and Anzac Day. Please ensure you read this newsletter carefully so you know what is going on in the final 3 weeks of term. P&C News Last week we held our P&C AGM. Thank you to all who attended. Congratulations to our new P&C executive for 2019: President - Tammy Barling; Vice President – Karissa Herder; Treasurer – Sarah Murray and Secretary – Leigh-Anne Morris. A lot of exciting ideas were discussed at the general meeting that followed the AGM and we have a great group of eager parents to ensure they occur. Please feel free to come along and join us at the P&C meeting next term. Storybox Online – FREE resource for you! Reading aloud to children greatly improves language and literacy skills, especially in the early years of a childs development. Sadly, studies show that many children are not read to frequently enough. At Wyee Public School, we want to help our students become excited about reading, inspire their imaginations, and let them have fun with stories. This year we have purchased an online resource called Story Box Library. This resource has over 200 quality picture books read by amazing story tellers. Families can access this wonderful resource by logging onto https://storyboxlibrary.com.au Username: wyeeps Password: wyeeps19 PSSA Knockouts It is that time of year when our PSSA teams begin to play their knockout games. Last week our Boys cricket team won their first game against Rathmines PS. Well done boys! Thank you to Mrs Nichols who trained the boys and prepared them for victory! The Boys softball team will play their first game this Thursday against Morisset PS at Morisset. Good luck boys. Thank you to Mrs Field for her coaching of the boys and girls teams. The girls softball team will be competing in a gala day in May to play the first few rounds of their competition. Our girls netball and girls and boys soccer teams are also busy preparing with Mrs Sue and Miss Clapham for their games next term. All students in these teams will receive more information from their coaches as the games are scheduled. Have a great fortnight! Lyndal Coleman Principal Did you know? The most used letter in the English alphabet is 'E', and 'Q' is the least used! 103 Wyee Road Wyee Ph: 4357 1335 www.wyeenursery.com.au

Quality Learning, Respectful and Responsible Living · Earth Hour This Friday, 29th March, we will be celebrating Earth Hour. For one hour we will turn off our lights and safe power

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Page 1: Quality Learning, Respectful and Responsible Living · Earth Hour This Friday, 29th March, we will be celebrating Earth Hour. For one hour we will turn off our lights and safe power





















Quality Learning, Respectful and Responsible Living

Wyee Road, Wyee NSW 2259 Ph. (02) 43571225 Fax (02) 43571828 [email protected] www.wyee-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Term 1 Week 9 2019 A Proud Member of

Important Dates


Mufti Day for Easter Raffle


Cross Country

03/04/19 P&C Disco

6pm to 7.30pm

09/04/19 Canteen Easter Lunch

10/04/19 Easter Hat Parade 9.30am to 11.30am

FoodWorks Wyee Open 7 days

5am-10pm Phone 4357 1600

Wyee Shopping Village

Dear Parents, Special Events Coming Up We have a busy end of the term scheduled with our Cross Country, our Easter Hat celebrations and Anzac Day. Please ensure you read this newsletter carefully so you know what is going on in the final 3 weeks of term.

P&C News Last week we held our P&C AGM. Thank you to all who attended. Congratulations to our new P&C executive for 2019: President - Tammy Barling; Vice President – Karissa Herder; Treasurer – Sarah Murray and Secretary – Leigh-Anne Morris. A lot of exciting ideas were discussed at the general meeting that followed the AGM and we have a great group of eager parents to ensure they occur. Please feel free to come along and join us at the P&C meeting next term.

Storybox Online – FREE resource for you! Reading aloud to children greatly improves language and literacy skills, especially in the early years of a child’s development. Sadly, studies show that many children are not read to frequently enough. At Wyee Public School, we want to help our students become excited about reading, inspire their imaginations, and let them have fun with stories. This year we have purchased an online resource called Story Box Library. This resource has over 200 quality picture books read by amazing story tellers. Families can access this wonderful resource by logging onto https://storyboxlibrary.com.au Username: wyeeps Password: wyeeps19

PSSA Knockouts It is that time of year when our PSSA teams begin to play their knockout games. Last week our Boys cricket team won their first game against

Rathmines PS. Well done boys! Thank you to Mrs Nichols who trained the boys and prepared them for victory!

The Boys softball team will play their first game this Thursday against Morisset PS at Morisset. Good luck boys. Thank you to Mrs Field for her coaching of the boys and girls teams.

The girls softball team will be competing in a gala day in May to play the first few rounds of their competition.

Our girls netball and girls and boys soccer teams are also busy preparing with Mrs Sue and Miss Clapham for their games next term.

All students in these teams will receive more information from their coaches as the games are scheduled.

Have a great fortnight!

Lyndal Coleman Principal

Did you know? The most used letter in the English alphabet is 'E', and 'Q' is the least used!

103 Wyee Road Wyee Ph: 4357 1335 www.wyeenursery.com.au

Page 2: Quality Learning, Respectful and Responsible Living · Earth Hour This Friday, 29th March, we will be celebrating Earth Hour. For one hour we will turn off our lights and safe power

WYEE PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality Learning, Respectful and Responsible Living

Week 8 Award Winners

Awards Literacy Mathematics Waiylaa Principal

KF Bailey Grace Zane Scarlett

KG Kaylah Inara Marley Madeline

1O Ryan Angus Holly Linkin

1/2G Sienna E Indica Sienna Mackenzie

2/3C Jade Tahlia Braxton Bethany

3/4H Sophie Deagan Isobel Ella

4S Taj Taylor Jayden Darcy

5/6O Roxy Jeremy Jaida Mia

5/6S Isaac Oliver Cameron Jaymee-Lea

Library 2/3C

Week 7 Award Winners

Awards Literacy Mathematics Waiylaa Principal

KF Zara Xander Cayde Alanah

KG Heath Jade Quinn Lachlan

1O Amelia Ted Charlie Deklyn

1/2G Ashton Cruz Lachlan Cora

2/3C Cody Kadyn Jade Matthew

3/4H Lilian Axel Tyler Rosie

4S Joseph Jakob Tennyson Cooper

5/6O Ellie Roxy Roman Lochlan

5/6S Reagen Trait Clay Tilysha

Library 1O

Cross Country Our school cross country will be held on Tuesday 2nd April commencing at 9.40am. All students aged 5-7 will run on the bottom oval. Students aged 8-13 will run around the outside of the school. Parents are welcome to come along and spectate and are invited to stay and have lunch with their child/ren after the event. Parent lunch order forms were sent home today, Monday 25th March, for parents wishing to order lunch from the canteen. To ensure the safety of our students, please do not park on the school side of either Badgewoi Street or Collungra Street after drop off. We need the grass area clear for students to run.

Mufti Day—Easter Egg Donations This Friday, 29th March, is a mufti day for students who wish to participate. Children who wear mufti are asked to bring along an Easter Egg (in lieu of a gold coin donation) which will be used to make up our raffle prizes for this year’s Easter Mega Raffle. Mega raffle tickets have been sent home today and will be drawn at the Easter Hat Parade Wednesday 10th April. Please return all raffle tickets (sold and unsold) by Monday the 8th April.

Earth Hour This Friday, 29th March, we will be celebrating Earth Hour. For one hour we will turn off our lights and safe power options to help our environment. The official Earth Hour is Saturday 30th March and it would be great for you to host this cause at home. Go Wyee!

ANZAC Day Special Assembly Our ANZAC Ceremony this year will be held on Friday 12th April commencing at 12.15pm. Students are asked to provide flowers on the day to be laid during the ceremony. Parents and members of the community are invited to attend. Please meet on the grassed area, around the flagpole, at the front of the school. Alternatively, in case of bad weather please meet in the school hall.

ANZAC Day March The Doyalson-Wyee RSL Sub Branch has invited Wyee Public School students to participate in the march and commemorative ANZAC service on Wednesday 25th April. All students who wish to attend will assemble on the lawn area at the Raw Challenge Course at 8.00am. Mrs Moulder will be attending and will display the school banner at our meeting point. School leaders are expected to attend if possible.

P&C Disco

When: Wednesday, 3th April Time: 6.00pm to 7.30pm Where: Wyee Community Hall Entry: $2 per person

Meal Deals $5.00 includes Hot Dog, Water, Chips and Chocolate

Page 3: Quality Learning, Respectful and Responsible Living · Earth Hour This Friday, 29th March, we will be celebrating Earth Hour. For one hour we will turn off our lights and safe power

WYEE PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality Learning, Respectful and Responsible Living

Easter Hat Parade – April 10th Our annual Easter Hat Parade will be held on Wednesday 10th April commencing at 9:45am Students in K-2 are encouraged to come adorned in creative Easter hats they have made at home. There will also be a boiled or plastic egg decorating competition for students in years 3-6. There

will be a K-2 category for the egg decorating if students also wish to participate in this. Prizes will be awarded for the most creative and unique entries. The Easter Raffle will be drawn following the parade and families

are invited to stay and enjoy lunch with their children. Parent lunch order forms were sent home today, Monday 25th March, for parents wishing to order lunch from the canteen.

Home Reader Winners

Congratulations to Stephanie, Home Reader Winner for week 7 and Zac and Inara winners for Week 8.

Stewart House Donation Drive 2019 Stewart House envelopes have been sent home with students recently. You have the chance of winning a $4000 holiday with each donation envelope. Simply place $2 in the Stewart House envelope and return it to the school office on or before 10th May Your donation will help support 1,700 children who attend Stewart House each year from public schools across NSW and the ACT. Good luck everyone!

Library News Book Club brochures were handed out last week. Orders may be placed online via the following link: http://www.scholastic.com.au/schools/bookclub/.

Congratulations to our Student Representative Council for 2019

Page 4: Quality Learning, Respectful and Responsible Living · Earth Hour This Friday, 29th March, we will be celebrating Earth Hour. For one hour we will turn off our lights and safe power

PBL Focus

Local Agent : Local Knowledge Great Results : Kelly Jackson 4357 1237 : 0417 214 114

In Weeks 7 to 10 teachers are delivering lessons and holding discussions with students in relation to bullying. Students will take part in discussions and activities to learn what bullying is, the different types of bullying, the effects of bullying and strategies to use to respond to bullying. Students will learn how to be an upstander. An upstander is someone who recognises when something is wrong and acts to make it right. To reinforce this important message, please take some time in your day, this could be in the car or at the dinner table, to talk to your children at home about being an upstander and not a bystander.

Staff Professional Learning – Weeks 9 and 10

Date Professional Learning Event Staff attending


12 - 3:30 L3 training

Mrs Melvin

Miss Clapham

Mrs E O’Brien


8:15 – 9:15am

The NEW Science Syllabus Whole staff

5/4/19 WSLA Principal’s Meeting Mrs Coleman