Name __________________________________________ Date ___________ Class _______ Period _____ Quaestio: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Rise of Nationalism Directions: Examine the documents below and answer the questions that follow. 1. Which of the listed features do you think plays the largest role in shaping a national identity? Explain. 2. Which feature do you think contributed most to Italian Nationalism? Explain. 3. What types of nationalist movements can evolve in lands with culturally distinct groups? 4. What must be present for state building to take place? 5. Examine the two symbols of Nationalism on the screen. What does each of them bring to mind for you personally? How can nationalism be both a positive and negative force?

Quaestio Rise of Nationalism - mrcaseyhistory · Resurgence of Italy Infographic:Unifying!Italy! Examine%the%map%and%text%onpage%inthe%textbook.% % 7. During%what%time%period%was%the%greatest%share%territory%unified

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Page 1: Quaestio Rise of Nationalism - mrcaseyhistory · Resurgence of Italy Infographic:Unifying!Italy! Examine%the%map%and%text%onpage%inthe%textbook.% % 7. During%what%time%period%was%the%greatest%share%territory%unified

Name  __________________________________________      Date  ___________      Class  _______      Period  _____    

Quaestio:  ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Rise of Nationalism Directions:  Examine  the  documents  below  and  answer  the  questions  that  follow.  


1. Which  of  the  listed  features  do  you  think  plays  the  largest  role  in  shaping  a  national  identity?  Explain.  


2. Which  feature  do  you  think  contributed  most  to  Italian  Nationalism?  Explain.  


3. What  types  of  nationalist  movements  can  evolve  in  lands  with  culturally  distinct  groups?        

4. What  must  be  present  for  state  building  to  take  place?        

5. Examine  the  two  symbols  of  Nationalism  on  the  screen.  What  does  each  of  them  bring  to  mind  for  you  personally?  How  can  nationalism  be  both  a  positive  and  negative  force?  



Page 2: Quaestio Rise of Nationalism - mrcaseyhistory · Resurgence of Italy Infographic:Unifying!Italy! Examine%the%map%and%text%onpage%inthe%textbook.% % 7. During%what%time%period%was%the%greatest%share%territory%unified

How  did  the  lyrics  of  an  opera  help  unite  all  Italians?  During  the  1800s  most  Italians  were  unhappy  being  part  of  the  Austrian  Empire.  They  were  beginning  to  yearn  to  have  their  own  nation,  an  Italian  nation.  Someone  had  to  put  these  yearnings  into  words,  however,  and  that  someone  was  Giuseppe  Verdi,  an  Italian  composer.  In  the  lyrics  to  some  of  his  operas,  Verdi  called  for  the  Italian  people  to  unite.  Italians  especially  identified  with  his  opera,  Nabucco.  It  featured  singers  praising  their  home-­‐  land  with  the  lyrics,  “Go,  settle  on  the  cliffs  and  hills,  where  the  sweet  breezes  bring  the  warm,  soft  fragrances  of  your  native  land.  .  .  Oh  my  father-­‐  land  so  beautiful  and  lost!”  These  words  reminded  Italians  of  the  beauty  of  their  own  land  and  the  fact  that  it  was  under  Austria’s  control.  Verdi’s  music  became  a  kind  of  national  anthem  for  Italians  seeking  unification,  inspiring  them  and  urging  them  to  act.  The  popularity  of  his  music  not  only  made  Verdi  an  international  star,  but  also  helped  spread  the  message  of  Italian  nationalism.    

6. How  did  the  music  of  Giuseppe  Verdi  inspire  nationalism  among  Italians?  


Unification of Italy A  Divided  Italy  

• Since  the  fall  of  the  _____________  Empire,  and  throughout  the  Middle  Ages,  Italy  was  culturally  and  politically  _____________  

• The  _____________  was  a  continuous  influential  force  in  Italy,  at  times  ruling  over  much  of  central  Italy  

• During  the  Renaissance,  _____________________  criticized  Italian  for  allowing  other  countries  take  power  in  their  land,  wanting  Italians  to  come  together  for  their  mutual  defense  

• France,  Spain,  and  Austria  had  all,  at  different  points,  invaded  and  conquered  different  parts  of  Italy,  often  fighting  over  it  

• __________________  dominance  of  Mediterranean  trade  weakened  Italy  economically    

Impact  of  Napoleon  • French  conquest  under  ________________  created  a  unified  Italy  with  unified  equal  laws,  laying  the  

foundation  for  a  _____________  to  come  • After  the  restorations  of  the  Congress  of  ______________,  most  of  northern  Italy  was  ruled  by  

_______________,  southern  Italy  was  ruled  by  Spanish  ________________,  Tuscany  was  independent,  and  Piedmont  was  heavily  influenced  by  _____________  


Rise  of  Nationalism  • Nationalist  leader  Giuseppe  _____________  created  the  Young  Italy  movement,  calling  for  a  

Nationalist,  _________________,  Democratic,  egalitarian,  bottom  up  unification  of  Italy  guided  not  by  the  elites  but  by  the  people  through  ______________________  action  

• 1848-­‐49:  Revolts  against  Austria  were  unsuccessful  but  showed  the  growing  power  of  _________________  

• Some  Italians  thought  the  _____________  would  be  perfect  to  unite  Italy,  but  when  he  failed  to  take  a  stand  against  Catholic  Austria,  Piedmont-­‐Sardinia  stepped  up  to  fight  them  

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The  Mastermind  • 1852:  Count  Camillo  _____________  became  __________________________  of  Piedmont-­‐Sardinia  

under  King  Victor  Emmanuel    • Inspired  by  British  industrial  growth,  he  wanted  to  unite  Italy  economically  using  

__________________  • More  _______________  than  Mazzini,  he  agreed  that  foreign  powers  should  be  expelled,  but  

believed  that  unification  had  to  be  guided  by  elites  • More  of  a  Piedmontese  patriot  than  an  Italian  nationalist,  he  wanted  a  united  Italy  ruled  by  

__________________________    • Cavour  worked  closely  with  nationalist  groups  in  different  parts  of  Italy  to  develop  connections  and  

extend  his  influence,  able  to  get  _______________  and  ___________________  working  together    

The  Setup  • 1855:  Piedmont-­‐Sardinia  developed  good  relations  with  Britain  and  France  by  joining  them  to  fight  

Russia  in  the  ______________  War  • 1858:  Cavour  secretly  met  with  Louis-­‐Napoleon  Bonaparte,  aka  _______________  of  France  

Napoleon  III,  during  which  France  promised  to  _____________  Piedmont-­‐Sardinia  if  it  were  attacked  by  Austria,  and  then  they  planned  to  _____________  that  very  attack  

• In  exchange,  Cavour  agreed  to  cede  two  territories,  Savoy  and  Nice,  to  _____________,  and  to  arrange  a  marriage  between  Napoleon  III’s  cousin  and  the  daughter  of  King  ____________________________  

• _________:  Piedmont  provoked,  Austria  declared  war  on  Piedmont,  and  France  came  to  its  aid  • Though  winning,  Napoleon  III  wanted  to  make  peace  with  Austria  to  restore  ________________,  

but  when  more  and  more  Italian  Nationalists  began  ________________  for  unification  (thanks  to  Cavour’s  hard  work),  Napoleon  realized  quitting  the  war  with  Austria  would  only  lead  to  ___________  stability,  and  was  forced  to  continue  the  fight  

• In  the  end,  Lombardy  was  transferred  from  Austria  to  Piedmont,  and  the  Central  Italian  states  voted  by  ____________________  to  join  with  Piedmont  as  well  


Red  Shirts  in  the  South  • Nationalist  and  ally  of  Mazzini,  Giuseppe  ___________________,  set  out  with  1000  Red-­‐Shirted  

volunteers  to  take  over  Southern  Italy  and  create  an  Italian  _______________  • _____________  supported  him  with  ships  and  weapons,  but  when  Garibaldi  successfully  took  Sicily  

and  Naples  and  marched  on  to  take  _____________,  Cavour  feared  he  would  set  up  his  own  republic,  and  that  a  takeover  of  Rome  would  provoke  intervention  from  Catholic  France  and  Austria  

• Instead,  Cavour  sent  troops  to  the  _____________  States  and  blocked  Garibaldi  from  taking  Rome  • Despite  his  desire  for  a  Republic,  to  avoid  a  ________________,  Garibaldi  agreed  to  join  Southern  

Italy  to  the  ______________  of  Piedmont-­‐Sardinia    

New  Italian  Nation  • 1866:  Italian  support  for  Prussia  in  Austro-­‐Prussian  War  won  them  _____________  from  Austria  • 1870:  French  weakness  during  Franco-­‐Prussian  War  allowed  Italian  conquest  of  _____________  • Modernized  North  imposed  it’s  __________________,  laws,  and  _____________on  the  whole  

peninsula  • Poor  __________  south  suffered  from  overpopulation  and  lack  of  education,  land  reform,  and  

infrastructure  • Angry  Pope  forbade  __________________  from  participating  in  the  new  government  • Without  competent  leaders  after  Cavour,  Italy  became  a  weak  and  unstable  state  until  20th  century  

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Resurgence of Italy Infographic:  Unifying  Italy  Examine  the  map  and  text  on  page  in  the  textbook.    

7. During  what  time  period  was  the  greatest  share  territory  unified  in  Italy?      

8. Which  territories  did  the  Italians  lose  to  France  during  their  process  of  unification?      

9. Which  territory  did  Italy  gain  from  Austria  in  1866?      

10. What  route  did  Garibaldi’s  expedition  take?      

11. It  is  often  said  that  Giuseppe  Mazzini  was  the  ”heart”  of  Italian  unification,  that  Count  Camillo  Cavour  was  the  “brains,”  and  that  Giuseppe  Garibaldi  was  the  “sword.”  Do  you  think  these  names  make  sense?  Why  or  why  not?  

       “Nationalism  has  become  general;  it  grows  daily;  and  it  has  already  grown  strong  enough  to  keep  all  parts  of  Italy  united  despite  the  differences  that  distinguish  them.”  —Count  Camillo  Cavour  

12. Based  on  the  quote  and  your  familiarity  with  Cavour,  do  you  think  he  was  a  true  nationalist  like  Mazzini  and  Garibaldi,  or  was  he  merely  a  political  opportunist?  


“Right  Leg  in  the  Boot  at  Last”  In  this  1860  British  cartoon,  the  king  of  Piedmont  Sardinia  is  receiving  control  of  lands  taken  by  the  nationalist  Garibaldi.  The  act  was  one  of  the  final  steps  in  unification  of  Italy.    

1. What  symbol  does  the  cartoonist  use  for  the  soon-­‐to-­‐be  nation  of  Italy?  


2. How  is  Garibaldi  portrayed  in  the  cartoon?  How  does  this  portrayal  reflect  his  role  in  the  unification  process?  


3. What  does  the  title  of  this  cartoon  say  about  the  cartoonist’s  view  of  Italian  unification