Qt Basics GKO 2010

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  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    Qt basics

    Tarmo Aidantausta, Digia Plc

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    2 © 2010 Digia Plc

    Qt basics: About me

    • I'm a Noia !erti"ied Qt De#elo$er%

    • I &a#e around ear o" e($erience )it& it%

    • I can read, co$, $aste and mae lists%

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    * © 2010 Digia Plc

    Qt basics: +#er#ie)

    • Presentation co#ers onl basics o" Qt and sim$lecom$onent and gra$&ics $rogramming%

    • &at is Qt-

    • &at can ou do )it& it-• !an I do console a$$lications-

    • !an I do gra$&ical user inter"aces-

    • & )ould I )ant to use it-

    • &at do I need to no) to use it-

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    . © 2010 Digia Plc

    Qt basics: +#er#ie)

    • &at are t&e "undamentals o" Qt-

    • /o) do I do I a$$lications )it& it-• /o) do I do /ello orld-

    • /o) do I do e#ents-

    • /o) do I do com$onents-

    • 3ost o" t&e in"ormation &as been gat&ered and somee#en 4ust 5uoted as is "rom &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6 %

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    7 © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at is Qt-

    • Qt is a cross8$lat"orm a$$licationand I "rame)or%

    • sing Qt, ou can )ritea$$lications once and de$lot&em across desto$, mobile and

    embedded o$erating sstems)it&out re)riting t&e source code%

    • Qt is $artl !99 and $artl nati#ecode de$ending on $lat"orm%

    • Qt I APIs )ra$ nati#e I



    Windows Kernel Mac Kernel

    Win32 GDI Carbon / Cocoa

    Qt/Windows Qt/Mac

    Linux Kernel




    Qt !"Is

    !##lication 1 !##lication 2 !##lication 3

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at is Qt-

    • +""icial su$$ort• ;mbedded

    • indo)s

    • 11

    • indo)s !;

    =0• 3eeo

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    ? © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at is Qt-

    • According to ii$edia@ &tt$:66en%)ii$edia%org6)ii6Qt@toolitB B t&ere's bindings to Qt "rom:

    • Pt&on• P=ide @

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    H © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at can ou do )it& it-

    • ou can do ant&ing )it& it%

    • T&ere's $lent o" stu""%

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    J © 2010 Digia Plc

    !an I do console a$$lications-

    • es, ou can%

    • Qt!ore &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65tcore%&tml• T&e Qt!ore module contains core non8I "unctionalit%

    • Q!oreA$$lication 8 ;#ent loo$ "or console Qt a$$lications

    • &tt$:66doc%trolltec&%com65corea$$lication%&tml

    • QtNet)or &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65tnet)or%&tml• T&e QtNet)or module o""ers classes t&at allo) ou to

    )rite T!P6IP clients and ser#ers%


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    !an I do console a$$lications-

    • Qt>ml &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65t(ml%&tml• T&e Qt>ml module $ro#ides a stream reader and )riter

    "or >3< documents, and !99 im$lementations o" =A>and D+3%


  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    11 © 2010 Digia Plc

    !an I do gra$&ical user inter"aces-

    • +" course ou can%

    • %%%multi$le )as

    • ou can use all t&e $re#iousl mentioned non8I modules%

    • T&ese are some o" t&e )idgets "rom t&e Qtui module:•

    &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6galler%&tml• /ere are all t&e classes under Qtui module:

    •  &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65tgui%&tml

    • ou can e#en do *D gra$&ics )it& it:• Qt+$en< &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65to$engl%&tml

    • T&e Qt+$en< module o""ers classes t&at mae it eas to use+$en< in Qt a$$lications%

    • ;(am$les can be "ound "rom: &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6e(am$les%&tmlEo$engl


  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


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    !an I do gra$&ical user inter"aces

    • T&ere's e#en a )eb bro)ser ou can embed into oura$$lication:

    • Qtebit &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65t)ebit%&tml

    • QtebKit $ro#ides a )eb bro)ser engine t&at maes iteas to embed content "rom t&e orld ide eb intoour Qt a$$lication%

    •  &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6e(am$les%&tmlE)ebit

    • Qt=#g &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65ts#g%&tml• T&e Qt=#g module $ro#ides classes "or dis$laing t&e

    contents o" =L "iles%


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    1* © 2010 Digia Plc

    & )ould I )ant to use it-

    • ou are a NERD and )ant to s&o) o"" our gra$&ical$rogramming sills-

    • Qt &as a 5uite good $enetration on di""erent $lat"orms%

    • It's "airl straig&t8"or)ard to $ort our a$$lication to

    $lat"orms )&ere Qt is su$$orted%• Qt &as been around "or a long time, so it &as matured as a


    • It adds some)&at automatic memor management on to$ o"!99 t&roug& di""erent means%

    • T&ere's $lent o" com$onents%• Mecause Noia is using it

    • obs-

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    1. © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at do I need to no) to use it-

    • As mentioned be"ore Qt &as bindings "or di""erentlanguages, but best su$$ort is "or !99%

    • I t&in t&at le#el "or learning Qt is 4ust basics o"$rogramming and !99%

    I &ad onl done some !99 be"ore started, but $lento" $rogramming @mostl )it& a#aB%

    • Kno)ing about !99 &el$s%• Pointers• Fe"erences•

    3acros• Tem$lates• All t&at )eird stu"" 

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    17 © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at are t&e "undamentals o" Qt-

    • =ource: &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6ob4ect%&tml

    • 3ostl automatic memor management t&roug&di""erent means

    • &ierarc&ical and 5uerable ob4ect trees t&at organiOe

    ob4ect o)ners&i$• &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6ob4ecttrees%&tml

    • Im$lemented )it& Q+b4ects

    • im$licitl s&ared classes• &tt$:66doc%trolltec&%com6s&ared%&tml

    • #ariet o" di""erent smart $ointers

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    1 © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at are t&e "undamentals o" Qt

    • ob4ect communication met&od called signals and slots• &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6signalsandslots%&tml

    • Im$lemented t&roug& 3+!&tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6moc%&tmlEmoc

    • e#ents and e#ent "ilters• &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6e#entsand"ilters%&tml

    • 5uerable and designable ob4ect $ro$erties• &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6$ro$erties%&tml

    • Im$lemented t&roug& 3+!


  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


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    &at are t&e "undamentals o" Qt

    • conte(tual string translation "or internationaliOation• &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6i1Hn%&tml

    • =im$l use Q+b4ect::tr@Te(tB

    • inter#al dri#en timers

    • &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6timers%&tml• ell lea#e t&ese out, but its good to mention t&em%

    • Q+b4ects accom$anied )it& moc are mostl t&esource o" magic in Qt

    • T&e enable some o" t&e cool "unctionalit based on

    in&eritance "rom Q+b4ect and code generation%

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    1H © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at are "undamentals o" Qt-

    • T&e 3eta8+b4ect !om$iler, moc, is t&e $rogram t&at&andles Qt's !99 e(tensions%

    • &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6moc%&tmlEmoc

    • Pro#ides us t&e Qts 3eta8+b4ect =stem• &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6metaob4ects%&tml


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    /ierarc&ical and 5uerable ob4ect trees

    • =ource: &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6ob4ecttrees%&tml

    • Q+b4ects organiOe t&emsel#es in ob4ect trees%

    • &en ou create a Q+b4ect )it& anot&er ob4ect as$arent%

    • It's added to t&e $arent's c&ildren@B list%• It is deleted )&en t&e $arent is%

    • A Q=&ortcut @eboard s&ortcutB is a c&ild o" t&erele#ant )indo)%

    =o )&en t&e user closes t&at )indo), t&e s&orcut isdeleted too%

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    20 © 2010 Digia Plc

    !onstruction6Destruction +rder o"Q+b4ects

    • ou can construct a tree o" Q+b4ects in an order ou )ant%• +" course ou &a#e to create t&e Q+b4ect be"ore ou can use it

    as a $arent%

    • A"ter t&e ob4ect tree &as been created, it can be destroedin an order%

    • &en an Q+b4ect in t&e tree is deleted• i" t&e ob4ect &as a $arent

    • t&e destructor automaticall remo#es t&e ob4ect "rom its $arent

    • i" t&e ob4ect &as c&ildren• t&e destructor automaticall deletes eac& c&ild

    • No Q+b4ect is deleted t)ice, regardless o" t&e order o"destruction%

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    !onstruction6Destruction order o"Q+b4ects

    • It loos somet&ing liet&is: $arent

    c&ild c&ild c&ild


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    /ierarc&ical and 5uerable ob4ecttrees

    • e do a delete on onec&ild: $arent

    c&ild c&ild c&ild


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    /ierarc&ical and 5uerable ob4ecttrees

    • e get:


    c&ild c&ild

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    2. © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at is t&e stac-

    • =tac is somet&ing lie:

    • Image source:&tt$:66)))%a$artmentt&era$%com6uimages6n6.81?8stac8dra)ers81%4$g

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    27 © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at is t&e stac-

    • =ource: &tt$:66en%)ii$edia%org6)ii6!allstac

    • A call stac is a stac data structure• stores in"ormation about t&e acti#e subroutines

    • T&is ind o" stac is also no)n as

    • an e(ecution stac• control stac• "unction stac• run8time stac• t&e stac

    • &en memor allocation &a$$ens to t&e stac• It )ill be automaticall released a"ter it goes out o"


  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    2 © 2010 Digia Plc

    &at is t&e &ea$-

    • =ource:&tt$:66en%)ii$edia%org6)ii6Dnamicmemorallocation

    • dnamic memor allocation• also no)n as &ea$8based memor allocation

    • is t&e allocation o" memor storage "or use during t&e runtime

    • Dnamicall allocated memor e(ists until it is released• e($licitl b t&e $rogrammer

    • lie in !99

    • b t&e garbage collector• lie in a#a and !E

    • T&is is in contrast to static memor allocation, )&ic& &as a "i(edduration% It is said t&at an ob4ect so allocated &as a dnamicli"etime @as in stacB%

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    Im$licitl s&ared classes

    • =ource: &tt$:66doc%trolltec&%com6s&ared%&tml

    • &en ou see stac allocated ob4ect• t&e mig&t not al)as be storing all t&e data in t&e stac

    • Mut data mig&t be in t&e &ea$• t&e stac is onl used "or automatic dere"erencing

    • =tac ob4ects $oint to a &ea$ allocated s&ared data%

    • A s&ared class consists o":• a $ointer to a s&ared data bloc t&at contains:

    • a re"erence count• t&e data%

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    Im$licitl s&ared classes

    Im$licitl s&aredclass

    re"erence count data



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    Im$licitl s&ared classes

    • &en a s&ared ob4ect is created• it sets t&e re"erence count to 1

    • t&e re"erence count is incremented )&ene#er a ne)ob4ect re"erences t&e s&ared data

    • and decremented )&en t&e ob4ect dere"erences t&es&ared data

    • T&e s&ared data is deleted )&en t&e re"erence countbecomes Oero

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    *0 © 2010 Digia Plc

    Im$licitl s&ared classes

    • =o )&en ou see somet&ing lie:• Q=tring "oo R S"ooS

    • Q=tring "oo is in t&e stac• MT it &as a re"erence to a data bloc )&ic& &as

    • a re"erence count• 1

    • and t&e data• S"oo

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    *1 © 2010 Digia Plc

    Im$licitl s&ared classes

    • =o )&en ou do Q=tring bar R "oo• Q=tring class no) does a s&allo) co$ @to t&e stacB

    • t&e "oo and bar no) actuall $oint to t&e =A3; data bloc

    • onl t&e re"erence count )as increased• 2

    • I" ou no) do bar%a$$end@SbarSB• No) t&e Q=tring class does a dee$ co$ "or bar%

    • T&e data "rom "oo )as co$ied%• SbarS )as a$$ended to it%

    • re"erence count is no) 1

    • "oos re"erence count is no) 1%

    • =im$le, isnt it

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    Di""erent smart $ointers

    • =ource: &tt$:66labs%trolltec&%com6blogs6200J60H6276count8)it&8me8&o)8man8smart8$ointer8classes8


    Q=&aredDataPointer 6


    Im$lements s&aring o" data@not o" $ointersB, im$licitl ande($licitl, res$ecti#el% T&eQ=&aredDataPointer classre$resents a $ointer to anim$licitl s&ared ob4ect%

    Q=&aredPointer Im$lements re"erence8countedstrong s&aring o" $ointers%Q=&aredPointer )ill delete t&e

    $ointer it is &olding )&en itgoes out o" sco$e, $ro#ided noot&er Q=&aredPointer ob4ectsare re"erencing it%

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    ** © 2010 Digia Plc

    Di""erent smart $ointers

    QeaPointer Im$lements re"erence8counted )ea

    s&aring o" $ointers% T&e QeaPointer isan automatic )ea re"erence to a$ointer in !99% It cannot be used todere"erence t&e $ointer directl, but itcan be used to #eri" i" t&e $ointer &asbeen deleted or not in anot&er conte(t%

    QeaPointer ob4ects can onl becreated b assignment "rom aQ=&aredPointer%

    Q=co$edPointer 6Q=co$edArraPointer

    Im$lements non8re"erence8countedstrong $ointer )ra$$er

    @Q=&aredPointers little brot&erB% T&eQ=co$edPointer class stores a $ointer toa dnamicall allocated ob4ect, anddeletes it u$on destruction%

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    *. © 2010 Digia Plc

    Qt ob4ect model: =ignals and slots

    • =ource: &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6signalsandslots%&tml

    • It's a )a "or Q+b4ects to communicate )it&outno)ing eac& ot&er%

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    *7 © 2010 Digia Plc

    =ignals and slots

    • =ignals are emited%• =lots recei#e signals%

    • =ignals and slots are connected t&roug&Q+b4ect::connect

    • 3an slots can be connected to a signal%• =ignals can be connected to signals%

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    =ignals and slots

    QObject* sender = new QObject;

    QObject* receiver = new QObject;

    /* This will connect the signal for senders destruction

    * to receivers deleteLater. It will result to a situation

    * where if sender is deleted, the signal destroyed()

    * will be sent ust before destruction and it will trigger* the receivers deleteLater which will result the receiver

    * being deleted as well. */

    QObject!!connect(sender, SIGNAL(destroyed()),

    receiver, SLOT(deleteLater()));


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    ;#ents and e#ent "ilters

    • =ource: &tt$:66doc%trolltec&%com6e#entsand"ilters%&tml

    • In Qt, e#ents are ob4ects, deri#ed "rom t&e abstractQ;#ent class%

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    /o) e#ents are deli#ered-

    • =ource:&tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6e#entsand"ilters%&tmlE&o)8e#ents8are8deli#ered

    • As e#ent occurs•

    Qt creates an e#ent ob4ect to re$resent it• b constructing an instance o" t&e a$$ro$riate Q;#ent

    subclass• &tt$:66doc%trolltec&%com65e#ent%&tml

    • ie% Q3ouse;#ent, QKe;#ent, QPaint;#ent

    • deli#ers it to a $articular instance o" Q+b4ect @or one o"

    its subclassesB b calling its e#ent@B "unction


  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


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    /o) e#ents are deli#ered-

    • e#ent@B "unction does not &andle t&e e#ent itsel" • but based on t&e t$e o" e#ent deli#ered

    • it calls an e#ent &andler "or t&at s$eci"ic t$e o" e#ent

    • sends a res$onse based on )&et&er t&e e#ent )as acce$tedor ignored

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    ;#ent t$es

    • =ource:&tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6e#entsand"ilters%&tmlEe#ent8t$es

    • 3ost e#ent t$es &a#e s$ecial classes

    • As said earlier, t&e are descents o" Q;#ent• &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65e#ent%&tml

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    ;#ent t$es

    • common ones are:• QFesiOe;#ent &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65resiOee#ent%&tml

    • FesiOe e#ents

    • QPaint;#ent &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65$ainte#ent%&tml• Paint e#ents

    • Q3ouse;#ent&tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65mousee#ent%&tml

    • 3ouse e#ents

    • QKe;#ent &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65ee#ent%&tml• Ke e#ents

    • Q!lose;#ent &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65closee#ent%&tml• !lose e#ents @lie )indo), dialog, a$$licationB

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    ;#ent &andlers

    • =ource:&tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6e#entsand"ilters%&tmlEe#ent8&andlers

    • suall t&ere's a #irtual "unction in a base class%•

    lie Qidget• /andling an e#ent &a$$ens so t&at:

    • ou in&erit t&e class and im$lement t&e #irtual "unction%

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    ;#ent "ilters

    • =ource:&tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6e#entsand"ilters%&tmlEe#ent8"ilters

    • It is $ossible to )rite e#ent "ilters•

    ;#ent "ilters can loo or e#en interce$t t&e e#ents• In&erit Q+b4ect

    • Im$lement bool Q+b4ect::e#entGilter@Q+b4ect Uob4ect,Q;#ent Ue#entB

    • T&e )or $er Q+b4ect basis• ou set an e#ent "ilter to a Q+b4ect )it&

    • Q+b4ect::install;#entGilter@B&tt$:665t%noia%com6doc65ob4ect%&tmlEinstall;#entGilter

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    Querable and designable ob4ect$ro$erties

    • =ource: &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6$ro$erties%&tml

    • A $ro$ert be&a#es lie a class data member%

    • It &as additional "eatures accessible t&roug& t&e 3eta8+b4ect =stem%

    • It is im$lemented t&roug& moc %• Needs Q+M;!T in t&e class &eader declaration%

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    Querable and designable ob4ect$ro$erties

    • ou can do somet&ing lie:$ %&''T+(bool enabled - isnabled IT setnabled)

    • bool re"ers to t&e t$e o" t&e $ro$ert

    • enabled is t&e $ro$ert name

    • F;AD ob#iousl re"ers to t&e reading

    • is;nabled is t&e "unction called "or reading• it &as to &a#e a $ublic im$lementation

    • FIT;, again ob#iousl, re"ers to )riting

    • set;nabled is t&e "unction to be called )&en )riting• it &as to &a#e a $ublic im$lementation

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    3oc and meta8ob4ect model

    • =ource: &tt$:665t%noia%com6doc6moc%&tmlEmoc

    • T&e 3eta8+b4ect !om$iler, moc, is t&e $rogram t&at&andles Qt's !99 e(tensions%

    • Pro#ides us t&e Qts 3eta8+b4ect =stem

    • 3agic &a$$ens t&roug& macros lie:• Q+M;!T

    • QPF+P;FT

    • Q;N3=

    • signals:

    • $ublic slots:

    • $ri#ate slots:

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    3oc and meta8ob4ect model

    • T&is moc tool reads our &eader "ile

    • Tries to "ind t&e Q+M;!T macro

    • enerates meta8ob4ect code "or t&ose classes• code "or signals and slots

    • )&ere signals, $ublic slots or $ri#ate slots are used• code "or $ro$erties

    • )&ere QPF+P;FT is used

    • code "or enums• )&ere Q;N3= is used

    • Fegistering an enumeration t$e maes t&e enumeratornames a#ailable "or use in calls to Q+b4ect::setPro$ert@B%

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    /o) do I do I a$$lications )it& it-

    • ou can do )it& a designer lie in Qt !reator

    • +r lie real N;FD=, b &and%• ea&, 4ust idding%%%

    • T&e Qt !reator is mostl in t&e )a o" ou )ant to do

    ant&ing more com$licated%• Its also "airl cumbersome to add our o)n

    com$onents to t&e designers com$onent librar%

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    /o) do I do I a$$lications )it& it-

    • T&eres @at t&e momentB t)o )as o" doing I%• Qidget based a$$roac&

    • ou do in&erit Qts com$onents and add "unctionalit• In&erit 4ust Qidget

    • Im$lement Qidget::$aint;#ent@QPaint;#entUB• do custom $ainting )it& QPainter

    &tt$:66doc%trolltec&%com65$ainter%&tml• se Qts stle s&eets to stle t&e )idgets

    • &tt$:66doc%trolltec&%com6stles&eet%&tml

    • ra$&ics Lie) "rame)or• Totall custom dra)ing%• !an use Qidgets in ra$&ics Lie) t&roug& $ro(s%• &tt$:66doc%trolltec&%com6gra$&ics#ie)%&tml

    • Qt Quic• !ustom I

    • Declarati#e descri$tion o" t&e I )it& ;cma=cri$t

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    70 © 2010 Digia Plc

    /o) do I do /ello orld-

    include 0QtGui/QApplication#

    include 0QtGui/QLabel#

    int 1ain(int argc, char **argv)


    QApplication a(argc, argv);

    /** 3reate %Label to stac4* so we don5t have to delete it. */

    QLabel label(67ello orld86);

    /** 9how it8 */


    /** :ic4 off the event loo. */  return a.e

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    71 © 2010 Digia Plc

    /o) do I do /ello orld-

    • A bit more com$licated /ello orld )it&Q3ainindo), QGrame, QLMo(

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    72 © 2010 Digia Plc

    /o) do I do e#ents-

    • =ending e#ents$ bool %3orelication!!sendvent(%bect*

    receiver, %vent* event)

    • Fecei#ing e#ents•

    se t&e s$ecialiOed e#ent &andlers• $aint;#ent• resiOe;#ent

    • etcV

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    7* © 2010 Digia Plc

    /o) do I do signals and slots-

    • Ill s&o) t&e e(am$le code%%%

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    7. © 2010 Digia Plc

    /o) do I do com$onents-

    • T&e basic idea is to &a#e #er atomic use cases%

    • Tr to ee$ t&e de$endencies as lo) as $ossible%

    • se signals and slots "or communication%

    • Tr to use basic t$es as $arameters "or t&e signals

    and slots

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    77 © 2010 Digia Plc

    /o) do I do com$onents-

    • A sim$le com$onent )it&out gra$&ical inter"ace%• Q!ounter : $ublic Q+b4ect

    • $ublic• int #alue@B

    • $ublic slots• increment@B• increment@int amountB• decrement@B• setLalue@int ne)LalueB

    • signals• #alue!&anged@int ne)LalueB• #alue!&anged@const Q=tringC #alueB• #alue!&angedDelta@int deltaB

    • $ri#ate• int m#alue

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


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    /o) do I do com$onents

    • e )ra$ t&at Q!ounter to a gra$&ical re$resentation• Qra$&ical!ounter : $ublic Q

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    7? © 2010 Digia Plc

    /o) do I do com$onents-

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    7H © 2010 Digia Plc

    /o) do I do com$onents-

    • T&en )e need a reset button%• Gor t&at )e'll create a iterator )&ic& iterates o#er


    • T&e iterator )ill send a re"erence to a "oundQra$&ical!ounter e#er time it "inds one%

    • e'll use t&e Q+b4ects ob4ect tree "eature to im$lement t&is"eature

    • Q+b4ects are usuall created b assigning a $arent%

    • T&at created ob4ect )ill be t&e c&ild o" t&e $arent ob4ect

    • T&e tree can be easil iterated%

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


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    /o) do I do com$onents-

    • Vreset button continues:• e'll )ire 4ust an ordinar QPus&Mutton to a slot )&ic&

    )ill gi#e t&e Q!ounterIterator a starting $oint "oriteration

    • e'll )ire t&e "ound signal to one o" t&e slots )&ic& )ill

    reset t&e counter%

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    0 © 2010 Digia Plc

    /o) do I do com$onents-

    • + so )e'#e glued all t&is toget&er )it& code%%%

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    1 © 2010 Digia Plc

    Qt Quic

    • &tt$:66doc%5t%noia%com65t5uic%&tml

    • Qt ser Inter"ace !onstruction Kit

    • Girst bundle release o" Qt Quic on .%?

    • Tec&nolog to build intuiti#e modern8looing "luid user inter"aces

    Qt Quic is conce$t o" • Tools:

    • Qt!reator

    • Q3< Designer

    • Q3

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


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    • =cri$t language

    • ses a#a=cri$t as glue code "or controlling t&e be&a#iour o"t&e user inter"ace

    • Declarati#e )a to de"ine I be&a#iour

    • !ontains set o" #er basic user inter"ace controls called as Q3<elements "or e(am$le

    • &tt$:66doc%5t%noia%com65declarati#eelements%&tml

    • Fectangle

    • Te(t

    • Image

    • Glicable• ;lements &a#e $ro$erties )&ic& can &a#e bindings to ot&er


  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    * © 2010 Digia Plc


    • !om$lete a$$lications can be made )it& Q3< 9 a#a=cri$t ande(ecuted b Q3

  • 8/20/2019 Qt Basics GKO 2010


    . © 2010 Digia Plc

    Qt Quic lins

    • Qt .%? and Qt !reator• &tt$:665t%noia%com6do)nloads6

    • Qt Quic documentation• &tt$:66doc%5t%noia%com65t5uic%&tml

    • Qt Quic Plaground• &tt$s:66$ro4ects%"orum%noia%com65t5uic$laground

    • Qt Mubble

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    • I" )e &a#e time "or anV

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    T&an ou


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