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2014 Joint Annual Review - Kosovo

Education Strategic Plan

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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 5

2. MAIN TRENDS .......................................................................................................... 6

3. PRE-SCHOOL AND PREPRIMARY EDUCATION ................................................. 15

4. PRE-UNIVERSITY EDUCATION .........................................................................................19

5. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ................................................................................................30

6. TEACHERS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT .................................................................38

7. HIGHER EDUCATION ..........................................................................................................44

8. ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING ...............................................................................56

9. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY .............................................61

10. CAPACITY BUILDING ........................................................................................................63

11. CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ...................................................................................................64

12. FINANCING ...........................................................................................................................66

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Glossary of acronyms

KAA Kosovo Accreditation Agency

VET Vocational Education and Training

NQA National Qualification Authority

EPAK Employment Promotion Agency

CSAA Curriculum, Standards and Assessment Agency

SNE Special Needs Education

LLL Lifelong Learning

BMZ German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and


EU European Union

ECDL European Computer Driving License

EA Education for All

ETF European Trading Foundation

KBPT Kosovo Bologna Promoters Team

ENQA The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher


LGF Local Government Fund

PUEAG Pre-university Education Advisory Group

IPA Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance

HEI Higher Education Institutions

CPEET Council for Pre-University Education and Training

MEF Medium-Term Expenditure

KEC Kosovo Education Centre

EQF European Qualification Framework

KCF Kosovo Curriculum Framework

NQF National Qualification Framework

NSC National Science Council

HCNM High Commissioner on National Minorities

NCTL National Council for Teacher Licensing

LPUE Law on Pre-University Education

MEST Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance

PFM Public Financial Management

MCR Ministry for Communities and Return

MCYS Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

MLSW Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

SME Small and Medium Enterprises

KCC Kosovo Chamber of Commerce

KESP Kosovo Education Strategic Plan 2011-2016

IDEP Institutional Development for Education Project

CC Competence Centres

CE Centre of Excellence

SWAE Sector-wide Approach To Education

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Members of the coordination group: Ferit Idrizi, Hanëmsha Latifi, Afërdita Kryeziu,

Minire Gashi, Enver Mekolli.

Members of the working group: Ferit Idrizi, Hanëmsha Aliu- Latifi, Azem Azemi, Aferdita

Kryeziu, Enver Mekolli, Esat Mazreku, Nita Dermaku, Avni Rexha, Lulavere Behluli, Mimoza

Hasani, Arbër Salihu, Afrim Rrahmani, Laberi Luzha, Ryve Prekorogja, Enesa Kadiq, Bekim

Samadraxha, Kumrije Gagica, Burim Gashi, Igballe Cakaj, Minire Gashi, Arta Bruqaj, Ardiana

Shabaj, Ukë Osmanaj, Sybille Jester, Elhame Shabani, Shpresa Kokollari, Naxhije Shala-Ajvazi,

Naime Reqica, Isuf Gashi, Habib Aliu, Valon Alimusaj

Editorial Board: Xhavit Dakaj, Alush Istogu, Agim Berdyna, Fadile Dyla, Isni Kryeziu,

Defrim Gashi, Drita Kadriu, Murteza Osdautaj, Fehmi Zylfiu

Professional Support: CPM/SSD Consulting, Armend Muja, Ruzhdi Halili, Auron Pasha,

Dukagjin Pupovci

Translation: Global Consulting and Development Associates

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, MEST 2015


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Kosovo Education Strategic Plan 2011-2016 (KESP), was developed as a five-year plan that sets out

the Kosovo education sector development within the lifelong learning and inclusive education

framework. The plan is based on the student-centred learning model, provision of equal opportunities

and quality education for all. From the perspective of educational structures, an important place for

organizing services takes the decentralization of management and organization of education at the

municipal and school level and the widening of education financial basis. The Education Sector

Strategic Plan is disaggregated into eight programme areas for which the results and specific

indicators are developed. These eight areas are: (1) Preschool education(PEE) and pre-primary

education (PPE); (2) Pre-University Education (PUE), (3) Vocational Education and Training (VET),

(4) Teachers Professional Development (TPD); (5) Higher Education (HE) and Science; (6)

Information Technology and Communication (ICT) and (7) Capacity Building.

MEST is committed and dedicated to the implementation of KESP (Kosovo Education Strategic

Plan), as a strategic document that guarantees successful reform and increase of the quality learning

and studying at all levels of education in Kosovo. Therefore, the strategic technical group (task force)

is established, as an internal body of MEST, responsible for implementation of KESP. This technical

group is functioning since the beginning of 2012. However, considering that the area of education

and knowledge goes beyond MEST, , it needs the support from other ministries and local and

international institutions in order to link vocational schools with the labour market. Therefore, MEST

deems as necessary even more closer cooperation with all ministries, in particular with the Ministry

of European Integration, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Ministry of Trade and Industry,

Ministry of Local Government Administration, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance and others.

This cooperation can be achieved through KESP Steering Committee, a body which helps in

successful implementation of KESP, and through this in successful reform of the entire education

sector in Kosovo aiming at transforming it into a economic and social development pillar.

In addition to the annual review process, this year KESP's uniqueness is that the implementation

framework has reached the mid-term review period providing the stakeholders with the opportunity

to comprehensively review the achievements and objectives. The working group appointed by the

MEST, in addition to annual reporting of achievements, this year is trying to provide data on general

trends 2011 - 2014. The review methodology is based on the questionnaire delivered to the

coordination points of contact for each programme, field reports, semi-structured conversations with

key informants and EMIS statistical data analysis, KAS and international reports for comparative


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Labour Force Survey 2013 shows that the labour market in Kosovo is in a more difficult situation

compared to other Western Balkans countries and the 28 EU member states. The participation rate of

the working age population (15-64 years) in the labour force in Kosovo is only 40.5%, of which 30%

are unemployed, while 59.5% of the population is considered economically inactive, which means

that they are not employed and they are not active in seeking employment. Meanwhile, in the

Western Balkan countries the participation rate of the working age population in the labour force

ranges from 43% to 68%, and 71.8% in the European Union (EU 28). These differences are partly

explained by the fact that Kosovo has a young population and many of these young people are still in

school (and therefore classified as inactive). Another concern is that over the coming years the

possibility for inactive population to grow remains high, since every year approximately 33.000 to

34.000 young people become part of the working age population, while only about 10,000 are

removed from the working-age population (i.e. 64-year-olds become 65 years old). A particular

concern for Kosovo are the 124,500 young people (15-24 years) that are not in education,

employment and training (NEET). They represent about 35.3% of the young people (KAS, LFS


Education for Employment - The quality of education, gross enrolment rates and the number of

years spent on education are essential for human capital formation and represent a key input in

improving productivity and employment opportunities. Unemployment levels in Kosovo are

generally high but there seems to be a clear correlation between the level and type of education with

employment levels. The lowest unemployment rates are among the population groups that have

tertiary (15.5 percent) and upper secondary professional (27.6 percent) qualifications.

Unemployment levels among population groups with upper secondary general education and

elementary education are above the average levels unemployment (KAS, 2013). These data point

towards the need to both increase the number of years spent in education and improving education-

labour market relations.

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Significant progress in gross enrolment at all levels of education - gross enrolment rates in pre-

university education (primary, lower secondary and upper secondary) in 2014 were quite satisfactory,

albeit not universal. Enrolment rates in upper secondary education have improved significantly in

recent years compared to a rather low 2011 baseline in comparative terms. MEST still remains to

address participation of all social groups and people with special needs. Enrolment rates in pre-

primary education have remained stable at around 70 percent. MEST does not anticipate any

deterioration of enrolment rates in view of lower birth rates and the impact of demographic changes.

However, reaching enrolment targets for pre-school education (50 percent) by 2016 will be difficult.

This assumption derives in part because of little or no progress made in previous years in increasing

the number of children in pre-school education/kindergartens. This sub-sector of education is in dire

need of investments in both infrastructure and staff. Further efforts should be made to record and

register children that are involved in private and community-based pre-school institutions.


40.50% 38.90%











No Education Primary/lowersecondary

Upper secondarygeneral

Upper secondaryprofessional


Chart 1: Unemployment by level of education 2013, Source: KAS









2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014

Chart 2: GER at all levels of education 2008-2014

Preschool (3,4,5)

Pre-primary (5)

Primary (6-

Lower secondary

Upper secondary

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TABELE 1: Participation in different levels of education (ISCED)

2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014

Preschool (3,4,5) / / 26.10% 27% 27.20% 26.70%

Pre-primary (5 year) 70.10% 68.60% 71.30% 74.00% 76.30% 74.50%

Primary (6-) 103.90% 97.40% 98.10% 95.20% 97.15% 97.40%

Lower secondary 114.70% 100% 96.40% 99.90% 94.10% 93.60%

Upper secondary 81.80% 86.90% 91.80% 92.10% 97.80% 96.30%

Source: MEST EMIS. Data on gross level of inclusion from 2008-2011 are calculated on the basis of the number

of births reported by KAS. From 2010-2014 GER is calculated on the basis of projections of population and

adapted to the number of K-Serb pupils (not in EMIS).

Increased financing and investments have not produced the expected results in pupils'

achievements - an analysis of the percentage of improvement of key education inputs and pupils

achievement in national matura indicate that while there has been a significant improvement in

financing, wages, pupil-teacher ratio and pupil-class ratio over the past years, that has failed to

produce the desired impact on pupil achievement rates in exit examinations. When viewed more

closely, expenditure in new school buildings and increased expenditures on wages, while important

pre-requisites in all education systems, they do not seem to have any impact on pupil achievement. A

more statistically significant correlation is noted between teacher numbers and pupil achievement -

indicating the need to focus future strategies around teaching as a key factor.

Prioritization of quality, implementation of new curricula and achievement - during the previous

years Kosovo has initiated the implementation of a curriculum reform. The new curricula provides a

competency-based framework and a core curricula that makes teaching more concrete and allows










A 2008 B 2009 C 2010 D 2011 E 2012 F 2013 G 2014

Chart 3: Percentage of improvement of education inputs and student achievement

Expenditure in pre-universityeducation

Student achievent matura

Class-pupil ratio

Teacher-pupil ratio

Average wage

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school-based approaches. However, pupils' achievement in exit examinations need to be addressed

in the coming years. While gross enrolment is nearly universal, the focus should also shift towards

improving the quality of teaching and schools. More efforts and investments should be channelled

towards improving quality assurance mechanisms, implementation of the new curricula and

including information technology into teaching experience.

Efforts to strengthen external quality assurance mechanisms should focus on a set of combined

measures that aim at enhancing the capacities of education inspectorate, raises awareness about

quality assurance standards and where applicable offer training into the quality assurance framework.

The results in the Matura exam are far from reaching the target set within the pre-university sub-

programme. Alongside efforts to improve the achievement, particular attention should be paid to the

test administration mechanisms and forms of its implementation (computerization). During 2015, the

PISA international testing will be applied. Results of this testing will provide opportunities to analyze

and reflect on the progress and achievement on municipal basis. In terms of school infrastructure,

investment should gradually shift from construction of new school buildings to providing internal

equipment, visual aids, textbooks and information and communication technology.

The increase of teachers' salaries scale has created preconditions for attracting new and more

qualified staff into teaching. Future strategies should increasingly focus on improving teaching as it

represents an essential precondition for increasing pupils' achievement levels. Efforts to improve the

quality of teaching should centre around new projects to improve pre-service teacher qualification

programmes, establishment of a national pre-service teacher test-based licensing system and offering

more coherent professional development opportunities to the existing teachers. The percentage of

teachers aged 50 and over is above the EU average. As demonstrated in the Table below, Kosovo is

among a few EU countries with the oldest teaching workforce. Teaching staff includes very high

numbers of >50 years old and this can be challenging in implementation of new teaching methods.

The participation of staff under 30 years old is also significantly higher than the EU average.

TABLE 2: Kosovo: Teachers age-groups 2014

< 30 30-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60 years

No. 3379 6148.0 5242.0 6718.0 3262.0

% 13.65 24.84 21.18 27.14 13.18

Source: MEST/ Ministry of Public Administration 2014 and EUROSTAT 2012

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Vocational education represents one of essential priorities in helping students transition from school

to the labour market. Even though positive steps have been noted in recent years, there are still

concerns regarding the skills mismatch. Over the past four years more students in upper-secondary

education were in professional education than general education. The participation rate in vocational

education is close to EU average (Chart 6). However, the percentage of students in VET has dropped

from 56 percent in 2011 to 54 percent in 2014. The main challenges in vocational education remains

the inadequacy of cooperation with the industry and concerns that some schools specialise in areas

where there is no demand in the labour market. Professional practice for students still needs to be

developed. A notable progress this year is the completion of legal framework in vocational education

- MEST has drafted several administrative instructions to regulate the sub-sector.

Significant increase of inclusion in higher education but stagnation in quality and scientific

research - Kosovo has exceeded the goal of increasing the inclusion in higher education (35%) of the





















0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%






Chart 5: Teacher agegroups - comparative

-30 30-39 40-49 50 >

77% 70% 66%52% 50% 50% 54%

23% 30% 34%48% 50% 50% 46%












Austria Finland Slovenia Bulgaria Germany EU 27 Kosovo

Chart 6: The orientation of upper secondary pupils (general and professional)

Professional General

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18-25 age groups. In 2014 it appears that the inclusion rate is about 46%. The increase of

participation is due to the investments for opening of new public institutions of higher education and

increase of number of students in private higher education. However, increasing the number of

students has negatively affected the quality. All parameters of the student-teacher ratio, funding per

student have worsened in the past two years. If in the previous years the focus was on increasing the

participation, in the coming years the focus should be on improving the quality. This effort is also

important due to the full membership of Kosovo in ENQA in 2014.

On the other hand, a closer partnership between higher education institutions and labour market is

needed. The data indicate that the increase of students numbers' is more oriented towards 'soft skills'

than 'hard skills'. The programmes currently offered by public and private higher education

institutions do not always comply with the national development plans and labour market demand -

mining sector, energy, telecommunications, information technology, transport, agriculture and rural

development. While the number of students have doubled compared to 2011, the same cannot be

said about graduates - there is a tendency for students to enrol but to delay graduation. In addition to

concerns about education-labour market nexus and low levels of graduation, national and higher

education institutions' expenditures in research remained negligible - 0.1% of GDP. Research and

development should be a new priority and sub-program in the next KESP review.

Lagging behind in information and communication technology- Implementation of the strategy for

incorporation of the information and communication technology in teaching has not progressed as it

was expected. Increasing the quality at all levels is contingent on the ability of teachers and students

to appropriating the contemporary teaching aids and technology. Equipping the school with

computers and Internet connections have progressed but is still lagging behind. Computer-student

ratio in Kosovo schools is 1:46 and significantly lower than EU average where one computer serves

3-7 students (EC, 2013). Equipping schools with proper equipment for information technology and

computers is still far from the target.

43304 51153 5515065910 76028













2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014

Number of students in higher education 2008-2014

Public Private and non-public

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Enhanced management capacity but more is to be done in enhancing human resources and

evidence-based policy-making - Improvements at all educational levels must go hand in hand with

the strengthening of policy making and implementation capacity. Measuring of the achievement and

monitoring through EMIS is essential to help the strategic orientation of policy making and

investments. Monitoring and evaluation capacity has improved significantly in recent years but more

efforts and investments are required in data collection, processing and updating education indicators

along the guidelines of EUROSTAT-OECD-UNESCO (UOE) group. The next KESP review should

reorient education reforms towards achieving the UOE and Europe/SEE 2020. Improving the

capacities for collecting, processing and reporting education statistics is essential for both planning

and monitoring purpose and hence a priority in the coming years.

TABLE 3: Kosovo compared to Europe 2020 indicators

Source: KAS /EUROSTAT 2013 Kosovo EU Europe 2020

NEET (The rate of 15-24 age group out of education, training and employment )

35.30% 12% 10%

The graduates rate (30-34 years old) 10% 37% 40%

Inclusion of children (4-6) in the pre-school education 45% 93.90% 95%

The employment rate of the age group (20-34) 22.30% 75.50% 82%

Public expenditure in education 4.7% 5.30% -

Participation in VET 54% 50.00% -

The graduates rate (30-34) 10% 34.6% 40%

Municipalities play a key role in implementing KESP objectives. Municipal education directorates

should be assisted in preparing corresponding strategic action plans that relate to national KESP

goals and in using data for municipal planning purposes. Also, efforts should continue to ensure

awareness and incorporation of public and private institutions in relation to achieving the KESP

goals. Particular attention should be paid to building capacities for statistical data systems for

education and research. More attention is need in collecting not only the education input data but

also those of student output and performance after education especially in VET and higher education

(tracer studies and OECD PIAAC).

Demographic changes - the education sector is experiencing the impact of demographic changes.

The number of pupils in the pre-university education in 2014 is by 39,000 lower than in 2011 (9

percent). This drop in pupils numbers has been significant especially in the primary education level.

The negative trend in pupil supply in pre-university education is expected to continue with even more

significant drops in the upcoming years.

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The higher education level has seen a more positive trend in student supply. The age groups entering

higher education have increased. Kosovo is expected to have 8 percent more higher education

population in 2016 compared to the 2011 baseline (see Table below).

TABLE 3: Projections of population for age groups of ISCED levels according to KAS

2011 2014 2016 2019

Preschool (1-5 ) 182646 173930 167417 164803

Primary (6-11) 209065 185857 175040 167121

Low secondary (12-15) 138704 141773 133349 122305

Upper secondary (16-19) 142634 142383 142799 134708

Higher education (20-26) 224069 235400 241742 244942

Funding for education sector has increased steadily since 2011. Public expenditures on education

expressed in terms of percentage of annual government expenditures and compared to GDP are

comparable with regional and EU practices. Nominal expenditures have increased significantly

compared to 2011. However, expenditures per pupil capita are low compared to the regional, EU and

OECD averages. This stems partly because of a low GDP base and government budget and partly

because Kosovo has significantly more pupils per total population than other countries. On the other

hand, expenditure data of 2014 reveal that about 71.4 percent went for wages and salaries. Future

funding should focus on improving quality parameters, internal infrastructure, textbooks and visual


TABLE 5: Expenditure (million Euro) in education by standard and sub-sectors indicators 2011-2014

2011 2012 2013 2014

GDP 4,773 4,916 5,327 5,581




























2011 2012 2013 2014

Pre-University student numbers and funding trends

Student number (thousands) Expenditure('million Euro)

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Expenditures in education sector 218.9 230.4 230.5 262.3

% GDP in education 4.60% 4.70% 4.30% 4.70%

Total Government Budget 1,415 1,441 1,469 1,589

Education budget (%) 15.50% 16.00% 15.70% 16.50%

Central funding 65.4 71.4 69.9 81

Local funding (municipality) 153.5 159 160.5 181.3

Pre-university expenditure 183.95 192.57 188.80 210.99

Higher education expenditure 34.63 37.62 41.02 50.76 Source: Ministry of Finance /MEST Note (1): Local Funding includes not only the specific grant for education but also self-funding from

municipalities/municipal general grant. Expenditures at pre-university include local funding and MEST expenditures dedicated to pre-university level. Expenditures in higher education include expenditures of public education institutions, MEST expenditures for higher education, UP, KASA, KAPS, BK

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3.1 Inclusion in the pre-primary and preschool


Target 1: By 2016 all children regardless of age, gender

and ethnicity are included in pre-primary education

Target 2: By 2016, 50 per cent of children regardless of

age, gender and ethnicity are included in pre-school


Number of pupils in pre-primary education has grown significantly

since 2009. As of 2011, when the implementation of KESP started,

the number of pupils in pre-primary education has increased, while

there was a decrease in the number of pupils due to the low birth-

rate. By 2011, the inclusion assessment is done based on the birth

rate statistics from KAS. However, following the census, the

calculation based on population projections KAS- middle option,

has been conducted. In the calculation of GER in pre-primary

education, the EMIS database fails to include the number of all K-

Serb children, therefore this is reflected in the calculation - i.e. the

EMIS data is incomplete the northern municipalities do not enter

data in EMIS, however, the census reference includes it.

In general, the target of 60% of children involved in pre-primary

education has been meet and exceeded. This year, the enrolment rate

increased to 74.50%. However, the inclusion of pupils in pre-primary education is still lower than EU

average inclusion rate (95%). It is worth emphasising that the inclusion rate in this level would

increase over time, without additional investments in infrastructure and staff, due to the decrease of

birth-rate in recent years. However, efforts to increase inclusion should focus on increasing parent’s



Indicator 1: Children preschool enrolment

rate (3-5)

Situation 2013 27.20%

Target 2014 30%

Achievement 2014 26.70%

Progress 2011/2014

Indicator 2: Children pre-primary enrolment


Situation 2013 70.3%

Target 2014 70%

Achievement 2014 74.50%



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awareness and reallocation of human resources from primary level- considering that this process is

undergoing the impact of declining birth-rate.

Table 5: Population base, 3,4,5 years old according to the population projection, KAS

2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014

Population according to KAS (Population projection)

1,780,021 1,793,745 1,805,853

Population 5-6 years 29,621 29,436

Population 5-6 years Serbian municipalities 669 665

Population 5-6 year without K-Serbians 28,952 28,771

Total pupils

Pre-school population (3,4,5) 89,188 88,371

K-Serb pre-school population (3,4,5) 2,014 1,996

Pre-school population (3,4,5) without Serbians

87,174 86,375

Total pre-school and pre-primary 24134 24268 23679

On the other hand, inclusion in pre-school education (3-5) remains low compared to the target. The

inclusion rate has increased in percentage, due to the declining birth-rate, but not in numbers (about

5800). It should be emphasized that the inclusion rate in the pre-school education could be higher

than reported to EMIS. It is considered that there are 1560 pupils involved in pre-school education in

26.10% 27% 27.20% 26.70%

70.10% 68.60% 71.30% 74.00% 76.30% 74.50%











2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014

Chart 5: GER in pre-primary and pre-school education 2008-2014

Preschool (3,4,5 age) Preprimary (5 age)

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community-based centres (MEST, 2014) which are not yet integrated in EMIS. Also, it is estimated

that there is a larger number of children in private pre-school education, which not entered data

system into system. This conclusion comes from the growing number of childcare centres licensed by

MEST in recent years.

3.2 Educators training system

Target 3: By 2016 a functional system is in place and operating for accredited training

for all pre-school teachers, which improves the quality of education

Target 7: By 2016 all experts of pre-school education experts trained with

consideration for gender parity and priority training for inclusive education.

About 98% of pre-school educators, working in public nurseries, participated in trainings on

implementing the document on Early Childhood Learning and Development Standards for

children (0-6 years old). Trainings held, during this year, provided basic information on

children`s optimal development and stimulation. The training included a series of (7) seven

modules, with a total of 121 hours of training.

During 2014, the program for early childhood qualification (0-3 years old) started to be

implemented at the Faculty of Education. In the initial phase, during the year, 100 students

enrolled in this program. A challenge, and also a recommendation for the future, is to open the

same program in other Universities in different settlements of Kosovo. This would facilitate the

development of pre-school and pre-primary education in other municipalities of Kosovo.

3.3 Pre-school and pre-primary education curriculum

Target 4: By 2011, the curriculum for 0-3 years and for 3-6 is developed, screened for

gender related issues and implemented

During this year, working groups for the drafting of the core-curriculum for ISCED 0, which

includes group ages 0-5 years old, are established. These four working groups are: Coordinator

level Working group, curriculum learning area coordinators working group, university expert

working group and pre-school educators working group. A challenge in this regard remains

ensuring the participation and commitment of working groups to continue with the

implementation of priorities. On the other hand, the budget for development of core curriculum

of ISCED 0 should be increased, as well as shall be provided opportunities study visits and

exchange of experiences with developed countries.

3.4 Pre-school education management

Target 5: By 2016, e capacity of all managers improved to manage pre-school


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During 2014, all public pre-school institution directors participated in the training on inclusive

education, whereby attended (7) seven training modules of Early Childhood Learning and

Development Standards. MEST, in cooperation with MEDs and GIZ organized trainings for all

pre-school institutions directors on the Management of pre-school institutions. In the following

year, focus should be on the training of directors in school decentralization and finance


3.5 Awareness on pre-school education

Target 6: By 2016 there is full awareness of parents and community on the importance

of pre-school education

Parent’s awareness raising on the importance of pre-school and pre-primary education continued

through debates with parents, directors of public education institutions and early childhood

education experts. The data regarding increased involvement in pre-primary education shows

the level of parent’s awareness about its importance. However, in the future a program for

further awareness raising on pre-school education is required, and also efforts should increase to

expand the infrastructure and systems for accommodation of increasing demands.

3.6 Recommendations

Data reporting - it is recommended that in the calculation of inclusion in pre-school and

pre-primary education to enter data of private institutions and community based centres.

Currently, reporting is more oriented in the EMIS data provision from public sector.

Specific grant planning - it is recommended that the budget plan for the specific

education grant to make clear references and categorization for investment in the pre-

school education (kindergarten construction, expansion, recruitment, and educational

staff training).

Licensing skilled persons for child care in preschool education - draft an administrative

instruction on the training and licensing of babysitters. This would meet two key

requirements - would provide information regarding the training, and on the other hand

would impose a filtration and licensing process of individuals in this field with specific


Strengthen the community-based centres - to set up by an administrative instruction, the

functioning of community-based centres and public-private partnership pre-school


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4.1 Pre-university education management

Target 1: By 2016, capacities are to be built for a more

effective management in the central and municipal level

and effective management of school including the

mechanisms for women’s inclusion in management.

Pre-university sub-sectors management system is decentralized,

whereby the municipalities have the key responsibilities for

implementing policies and actions. However, by understanding the

importance of a coherent and data based system, MEST`s priority

was to help municipal education through policies, guidelines,

provision of data, grants, and trainings. The improvement of

management consists of both MEST and schools and municipalities

capacity building.

During the year, Education Communication plan, drafted with

support of GIZ continued its implementation. MEST and its

development partners, throughout the year, engaged at building a

sustainable Pre-university education communication and

management system. Within these engagement, continued the

implementation of the TalkON training scheme for MEST and MED

officials and school principals. During 2014, the Communication,

Management and Leadership training modules were organized.

Also, it is planed the continuation of MED trainings with the

support from Education Sector Pooled Fund and EU project on

enhancing quality of the education.

At the central level, MEST, during 2014, consolidated the organizational structure pursuant to the

instructions of the Ministry of Public Administration and respective divisions to support the decision-

making in pre-university education, capacity building for developing legal infrastructure and


Indicator 1: Number of trained school


Situation 2013 -

Target 2014 -

Achievement 2014 226

Progress 2011/2014

Indicator 2: Number of fully functional

municipalities according to determined


Situation 2013 30

Target 2014 30

Achievement 2014 30

Progress 2011/2014

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administrative instructions, drafting of professional curriculum related guidelines, establishing a

quality insurance system and advancement of teachers training process as well as of infrastructure.

Pre-university data management and operationalization was a priority during 2014. During this year

continued the collection, registration and protection of personal data in EMIS. As of this year Data

Management System established the EMIS website which is accessible and public at masht-smia.net .

Also, this year noted an addition to the system such as separate modules for 'recording school

violence cases registering , as well as a report module has been advanced, allowing the generation of

5 different types of charts. Based on the system data, MEST published the Statistical Records

2013/2014 on Public Pre-University Education, school dropout data 2013/2014 and the student’s

success 2013/2014. Data from the municipalities and educational institutions are very important to

the system maintenance; therefore during this year, MEST focused on directors and school

representatives training on data entry and processing general data for the specific grant 2015.

MEST`s also focused on enhancing measurable contribution of Municipal Education Directorates

(MED) in the implementation of central level strategic plans and policies. Many municipalities

drafted their development plans pursuant to Kosovo Education Strategic Plan (KESP). The

implementation of Education Plan of Association of Kosovo Municipalities respectively Collegium

of Education continued alongside with efforts to strengthen the voice of municipalities in policy-

making. Also, MEST supported by development partners, assisted municipalities in drafting Teacher

Development Plans. MEST supported USAID in helping 100 schools to finalise their development


With regard to the school principals training program, 2014 activities are based in the training

program prepared in cooperation with GIZ. The concerning program is reviewed in 2014 in order to

comply with the new circumstances created following the approval of the MEST`s Administrative

Instruction (AI-04/2012) on standards of professional practice of school principals, and the needs for

the school principals development. MEST, in 2014, cooperated closely with development partners,

such as EU, GIZ, and USAID. In cooperation with EU GIZ, developed a teacher training program as

a continuity of the previous program, whereby 247 school principals were included in the training

(186 Albanians, 21 Turks and 19 Serbians). In cooperation of USAID BEP, 13 master trainers have

trained and certified, and about 256 school principals were trained - in the first phase, 132 school

principals from 8 municipalities, whereas in the second phase 124 other participants. About 26% of

the trainees were women and school principals from schools of the Serbian, Turkish, Bosnian and

Gorani communities.

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4.2 Pre-university education legislation

Target 2. By 2016 legislation is fully harmonized and

finalized for the entire sub-sector of pre-university


Regarding legislation development and harmonization, activities of

2014 were oriented toward finalizing legal basis and necessary

administrative instruction for implementation of the Law on Pre-

University Education. Out of 38 Administrative Instruction in total,

of which 22 regulates and completes legal basis on pre-university

education. MEST adopted the following:

Administrative Instruction on the Categorization of Lower

and Upper Secondary Education (AI 21/2014),

Administrative Instruction on extracurricular activities (AI


Administrative Instruction on the code of conduct and

disciplinary measures for students of secondary high schools

(AI 06/2014).

Administrative Instruction on Licensing of teachers (AI

25/2014) which supplements the Administrative Instruction

on Teachers Professional Developments repealing the

previous AI on licensing (AI 5/2010).

Administrative Instruction on the conversion of attached

classes in resource rooms (AI 24/2014).

Administrative Instruction on functioning of pedagogical - psychological service in schools

(AI 34/2014) provides a regulatory framework to advance guiding services and help students

with difficulties.

The legislative agenda was very dense and still remains a challenge to ensure technical expertise and

stakeholder’s active participation in the process.

4.3 Financial decentralization

Target 3: By 2014, full responsibilities for management of finances are devolved from

the central to municipality level and further from municipality to school level

Upon the adoption of the pre-university education law, the responsibilities for sub-sector

management and financial management are transferred to Kosovo Municipalities. One KESP targets

was that; by 2014 to implement the financial decentralization, delegating financial responsibilities

of pre-university education from (i) MEST to municipalities and (ii) from MED to schools.

Therefore, in 2014 about 30 municipalities managed their finances in conformity with the Law on


Indicator 1: Number of laws adopted and


Status 2013 3

Target 2014 5

Achievement 2014 5

Progress 2016

Indicator 2: Number of adopted bylaws

Status 2013 22

Target 2014 30

Achievement 2014 32

Progress 2016

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Public Finances in local level. The Specific Municipal Education

Grant is implemented pursuant to the formula and software for

calculation of the education grant.

However, despite the progress, the transfer of these financial

responsibilities from MED to 778 schools encountered certain

challenges. The lack of technical knowledge, the lack of school

capacities for implementation of the financial management, lack of

school councils, lack of development plans and non-prioritization and

lack of MED and school capacities for monitoring and mentoring

remain some of the challenges to be handled to fully achieve the sub-

target. In the following year, it is recommended to review the

software for the financing formula, to review the Administrative

Instruction for the financing formula, build the capacities of MED

and schools for financial management and strengthen accounting and

reporting mechanisms of schools.

4.4 Quality assurance

Target 4 - By 2016, quality assurance mechanisms are

made fully functional at the national, municipal and school


In order to advance the pre-university education quality

management, MEST is focused on guidelines for increasing the

internal quality, implementation of mechanisms for external quality

assessment and capacity building of Education Inspectorate. In terms

of internal quality, MEST developed the description of student

assessment criteria, the draft-guideline for new curriculum based

assessment, prepared teacher performance assessment tools and

trained teachers on student assessment based on new methodologies.

In this context, the pilot-schools principals were instructed to prepare

teachers profile (portfolio).

In terms of strengthening quality measurement external mechanisms,

MEST conducted the Achievement Test for ninth grade students

(29,000) and Matura Exam (42,000 students), student progress

assessment (talented in any of learning areas), preparing the

graduates informational brochure, orienting program and models of

Matura Exam questions, as well as supplementing the Law on State

Matura Exam. However, piloting and implementation of international

PISA assessment was an innovation and crucial achievement in 2014.

1200 student aged 15 years old, were involved in this pilot, whereby


Indicator 1: Student-teacher ratio

Status 2013 17.5

Achievement 2014 16.9%

Progress 2011/2014

Indicator 2: Student-grade ratio

Status 2013 21.9

Achievement 2014 21.5

Progress 2011/2014

Indicator 3: Matura Exam Achievement

Status 2013 74.50%

Achievement 2014 52.60%

Progress 2011/2014


Indicator 1: Number of municipalities

governing effectively the managing

systems and finances

Status 2013 30

Achievement 2014 30

Progress 011/2014

Indicator 2: Number of municipalities

governing effectively the managing

systems and finances

Status 2013 70

Achievement 2014 779

Progress 2011/2014

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results are expected to be published in 2015. The piloting of PISA was preceded by the organization

of the conference on “PISA International assessment”, aimed at sensitizing stakeholders.

The advancement of pre-university education quality is conditioned by Education Inspectorate

capacities. Department of Inspection transition process to a independent Education Inspectorate is

formalized pursuant to the Law on Inspection of Education. MEST s currently elaborating the need

for physical and human infrastructure of the Inspectorate. By MEST new organizational structure are

completed formal procedures for the establishment of Inspectorate. Regarding the work of the

Inspectorate, the primary focus has been on advising schools in pre-university education

implementing the new curriculum, inspecting schools and teachers and guiding the education sectors

about the assessment and implementation of education laws and bylaws.

However, the over-tasked inspectors, the small number of staff, the lack of necessary logistical tools

for the work on the ground and external influences prevent the satisfactory execution of the function

of external inspection. In subsequent years, the focus should be on practical application of MEST

organizational structure and complete operationalization of the Education Inspectorate, the review

and approval of the new Law on Inspection of Education, drafting of all bylaws on inspection of

education and launching of technical assistance projects, aiming at helping in the implementation of

best international practices in external quality assessment process.

4.6 Pre-university education curriculum

Target 6: By 2016 curricula are developed and screened for gender sensitivity, piloted

and implemented for all school levels of pre-university education, followed by

respective improvement in teaching and learning methodologies and in student


2008 2009





2014, 52.50%









2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Chart 6: MEST, Matura Exam Achievements 2008-2014

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The implementation of the new curriculum was one of the

main focus points regarding pre-university education.

During the academic year 2013/2014, the Kosovo

Curriculum Framework and Core Curriculum are

implemented in 10 pilot schools in pre-primary grade and

grades 1 and 2 (curriculum stage 1), grades 6 and 7

(curriculum stage 3), and grades 10 and 11 (curriculum

stage 5). Whereas, in academic year 2014/2015, 82 new

schools piloted curriculum stage 1 and 3, by increasing the

number of schools implementing the new curricula to total

of 92. The piloting of new curriculum is conducted at all

levels of pre -university education, both in rural and urban

areas, and includes samples of all communities living in

Kosovo (with the exception of the Serbian community).

In addition to the implementation and expansion of curriculum, implementation of pilots in ten (10)

initial schools took place. During implementation analysis process, informational meetings with

municipal education officers, inspectors of education, school principals, school coordinators and

teachers of pilot schools, took place. However, the cooperation with the municipal level in

implementation of new curriculum remains a challenge. Generally, a flexible teaching plan is still a

challenge for schools, therefore it underlined the need to continue training of stakeholders involved

at the local level. Municipalities should accelerate efforts to strengthen mentoring and monitoring the

implementation mechanisms. On the other hand, the inspectors should be trained and provided with

updated information in order to monitor the implementation of teaching and learning in accordance

with the new curriculum provisions.

In order to create preconditions for the expansion of the curriculum implementation scope, the

following unified actions were taken in: (i) the translation of new curriculum and core curriculum in

Serbian, Turkish and Bosnian language, (ii) the preparation of pedagogical documentation, as mark

books, for all levels of pre-university education, 10th grade and vocational schools certificates, (iii)

cooperation with the Republic of Albania to unify pre-university education structure and the

principles of the new curriculum, (iv) training of teachers and trainers of pilot schools before and

after the implementation of the curriculum and (v) reinforcing the coordination mechanisms by the

MEST for providing a comprehensive approach for mentoring the municipalities regarding the

implementation of the curriculum and (vi) draft didactic guide for teachers in seven new curriculum

areas. As a result of piloting, emerged new needs for reviewing the curriculum (syllabi) and the need

for reinforcing and creating municipal mechanisms to support the implementation of new curricula.

4.7 Teachers licensing

Target 7- By 2014 the teacher licensing system is fully functional and supports career

development and aligned with KCF Implementation Plan

Indicator 1: The number of schools

implementing the new curriculum

Status 2013 10

Achievement 2014 92

Progress 2016

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In the process of Teachers licensing and monitoring/tracking the activities of National Council on

Teachers Licensing.

In 2014, 4500 teachers were licensed, however, up to date 22,315 teachers of different

regions are licensed.

Licensing Database program is maintained in 7 regions within Inspection Sectors. NCTL

meetings are organized and managed as well as all basic documents, emerged and approved

by NCTL, were harmonized.

The coordination with UP, namely the Faculty of Education, in establishing Teachers qualification

and advancement program/TQA. TQA program working group for teacher qualifications from HPS

level 2 to the level of 4 years Bachelor have been established. All accurate information were obtained

from MED, and according to schedule and plan delivered by the Faculty of Education, therefore

teachers were accommodated by educational groups. This stage includes 2000 teachers in TQA

program, in10 educational programs.

4.8 Inclusion in pre-university education

Target 8: By 2016 an effective system is built that allows for inclusion of all students in

compulsory education and training and is responsive to gender and the needs of

vulnerable, poor and disadvantaged students

During 2014, many activities for inclusion and education of children with special educational

needs were conducted, such as: the AI 24/2014 on conversion of attached classes in resource rooms;

the program by fields of activities (dedicated to children with special, multiple and severe needs that

includes the following areas: language, communication and skills), drafted; 20 training programs

from Resource Centres on training teachers to work with children with special educational needs,

accredited; 2,500 teachers trained in different programs (for building their capacities in the field of

inclusive education); as well as brochures, leaflets and posters with information on relevance of

inclusive education and services that provide resource centres, drafted and published.

A 3 year program was implemented from 2013 to 2015 for the training of 17 assistants and inspectors

of sign language. The project "Support to Inclusive Education Reform” funded by the Embassy of

Finland and implemented by KAPIE, is supporting 4 regular primary schools in the field of inclusive

education. In regional project 2013-2015 "Regional Support for Inclusive Education", which includes

Kosovo, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, are

included 8 schools, of which 4 primary and lower secondary schools, 2 gymnasia and 2 vocational

schools. As a result of this cooperation, the resource centre "Mother Teresa" in Prizren has received

equipment/hearing aids for pupils, in the amount of 100 thousand Euros.

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Regarding the issue of school dropout, ECMI, funded by UNICEF,

launched a project for the promotion of access and continuation of

education for vulnerable and marginalized children. This project

deals with the capacity building of municipalities and schools

through teams for prevention of schools dropouts and prevention of

non- enrolment of children. MEST has re-established a working

group to coordinate works on the issue of school dropouts. MEST

has established a cooperation system with MEDs and schools for

the reintegration of repatriated children in Kosovo education, thus

creating conditions and light criteria for enrolment and attending

classes. MEST continued holding language courses and additional

classes, which take place in those municipalities with a greater

number of repatriated persons.

During 2014, MEST implemented many activities related to

communities education. Thus, MEST, during this year,

organized elective subject “Roma language“ for the students of

Roma community (for grades 2, 3, 4) in Prizren, published the

textbook for Roma language for grade 2, reviewed of two

textbooks “Roma language for grade 3” and “Roma language for

grade 4”, has published announcement for the provision of the

school textbooks“ Albanian language for non-Albanian

community, grade 4” and “Albanian language, grade 5”, “work

book – Albanian language grade 4 for non-Albanian

communities” and “work book for grade 5 for non-Albanian

communities”, where only one author has applied with the

textbook of grade 4 and work book grade 4. Textbooks

published: Music arts, grade 5, and work book for grades 1,

gr.2 and gr. 3 in Bosnian language. Music arts gr.6, learning in

Bosnian language prepared for publishing. The textbook in

mother tongue for the students of Bosnian community, in

Switzerland, from gr.1 up to gr.9 was provided.

Financial support to pupils and students of communities MEST has granted 50 scholarships for

pupils and 35 scholarships for students of RAE, from the MEST budget. Also, it financially

supported five learning centres, in 5 municipalities, for RAE, established by the European

Commission. MEST in cooperation with REF, VORAE, British Embassy, Norwegian Embassy

granted 500 scholarships for students of lower secondary schools of RAE communities.

4.9 School environment and security

Indicator 1: Initial pupils enrolment ratio

Status 2013 98.06%%

Target 2014 100%

Achievement 2014 97.39

Progress 2016

Indicator 2: Gross enrolment ratio

Status 2013 96.3%

Target 2014 100%

Achievement 2014 95.7%

Progress 2016

Indicator 3: Gender parity

Status 2013 0.93%

Target 2014 100%

Achievement 2014 0.93%

Progress 2016

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Target 9: Schools have created non-violent and child-

friendly environments that are supportive, caring and

develop democratic values in children and offers role

models for all groups

During 2014, MEST addressed the priority of providing a secure

environment in schools and prevention of acts of violence in pre-

university education. Regarding security aspects, Strategy on

Security of Pre-University Education Institutions and Action Plan,

drafted and submitted for approval to the Government. In

addition, the Regulation 21/2013 for the Protocol for prevention

and reference of violence in the pre-university education

institutions, drafted, as well as teaching manuals for (i) preventing

violence in schools, (ii) preventing negative phenomena in upper

secondary schools and (iii) curriculum manual for safety at work,

drafted. With the adoption of the Protocol was also made possible

the creation of a separate module of EMIS for reporting and

identification of cases of violence in schools.

MEST contributed to the promotion and preparation of the ground

for the implementation of the Protocol 21/2013 on prevention and

reference of violence; it took a series of coordinating actions with

municipalities and education inspectorate; prepared the guidelines

for implementation of the Protocol; held information roundtables; prepared the training program for

trainers; initiated procedures for translation the SCREAM package to prevent child labour with ILO

assistance; and took actions aimed at protecting children from online dangers.

It is worth mentioning that it has been worked in the context of Community Safety Awareness

Program, implemented in coordination with the Police and OSCE. The purpose of this program is to

raise the awareness level of student related to community safety, by organizing lectures from police

officers and education officers. The pilot program provides four training courses in cooperation with

the police and is being implemented in the municipality of Fushe


Promotion of good health practices in pre-university education was

a priority in 2014. During this period, 12 schools throughout

Kosovo were included in health promotion. Promotion of health

and clean environment is coordinated and conducted in

collaboration with the Ministry of Health and NGOs. In order to

create a healthy environment for work, learning and life, MEST

continued with health promotion activities in schools, such as: the

selection of three distinct schools with green and clean

environment, and walk with the slogan "healthy teeth, happy child"

Indicator 1: Cases of violence in schools

Status 2013 -

Achievement 2014 4

Progress 2016


Indicator 1: Percentage of schools operating in one


Status 2013 21%

Target 2014 20%

Achievement 2014 22%

Progress 2011/2014

Indicator 2: Constructed schools

Status 2013 8

Target 2014 /

Achievement 2014 12

Progress 2011/2014

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conducted by the NGO KICKOMS, Prishtina Municipality and MEST. Also, the report on 5-year

performance for the development of inter-ministerial Strategy on health promotion schools. was

published as a manual, and a didactic manual on prevention of negative phenomena in secondary

schools was drafted as well.

The main challenges in the prevention of acts of violence in pre-university education is the provision

of inter-institutional and inter-ministerial committee cooperation on prevention, reference and

treatment, the lack of budget to improve safety in school infrastructure, lack of security cameras and

lack of emergency exits. Another challenge, and an ongoing priority, remains the provision of

professional services in schools for prevention and establishment of preconditions of minimizing the

violence phenomenon in schools.

4.10 School infrastructure

Target 11 - By 2016 at least one third of schools in Kosovo operate in a single shift,

offering quality environment with an optimum number of students in classrooms

The target for improving the software for infrastructure investment has been fully met and was

conducted the mid-term review for new investments to support the software system. There were also

created conditions for more qualitative environment and optimal number of pupils per class. There

has been progress in achieving the target of 20% of single-shift schools. In 2014, about 22% of

schools operated in a single-shift. This resulted in achieving the target of 2014 (20%) and is towards

achieving the ultimate goal of 2016 for 30% of single-shift schools.

During 2014, MEST completed the investments in 9 new school buildings, 3 buildings in co-finance

with municipalities, of which 4 are primary and low secondary schools and 5 upper secondary

schools. All these educational buildings provide a new space with approximately 50,900 m², with

investment value of € 18,750,000.00. Also, the work continues on the construction of 19 new school

buildings. MEST has supplied with school inventory 15 new schools, built by MEST, municipalities

and donors, and 26 existing schools, and has equipped 4 school gyms. During this year, the Prishtina

Model School was also completed, in co-finance with the World Bank and the Municipality of

Prishtina. Thus, the investment value for school inventory during 2014 was € 1,292,000.00.

However, in a context where municipalities play a key role in the expansion of infrastructure, it is

necessary to improve the information gathering and reporting on the infrastructure situation from

MED and to link the software system "School Mapping" with EMIS.

TABLE 7: The number of schools in pre-university level

2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014

1141 1151 1165 1161 1154

Source: EMIS 2014

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4.11 Recommendations

Priorities and actions in the following year shall focus on extending the applicability of the new

education curriculum in municipalities, levels and schools. The training of about 3,300 teachers in

core curriculum should continue. Also, continue the teachers training in accredited training programs

in the school where it continues the implementation of the new curriculum pilot program.

In addition to accelerating efforts and enhancing support for teachers professional

development and licensing, continue the training of professional staff on school management.

In this context, it should be applied the current orientation for training of 120 school

principals and 400 other professional staff members.

Continue the modernization of EMIS in order to assure the quality in the collection,

interpretation and use of data in policy making and monitoring process. Modernization of

EMIS will provide better prerequisites for the implementation of the municipal education

funding formula. The data collection system shall be harmonized and linked to teachers and

school infrastructure databases.

Implement the strategy for career guidance and counselling and promote pedagogical service

in schools.

Elaborate and analyse the PISA 2015 data and reflect on the level of achievement and follow-

up actions. Focus on practical application of MEST organizational structure and full

functioning of the Education Inspectorate, review and approval of the new Law on Inspection

of Education, drafting of all laws on education inspectorate of and initiation of technical

support projects which aim at helping the Inspectorate to implement good international

practices in the process of external quality assessment.

Implement the strategy for the advancement of information technology in teaching and


Invest on improving the security infrastructure in schools, and ensure a more advanced cross-

sector and inter-institutional coordination in the prevention of violence in schools and

continue with the promotion of good health practices. These measures should be

implemented in parallel with infrastructure investments in the construction and renovation of

school facilities.

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5.1 Linking the vocational education with labour market

Target 1: By 2014 learners’ professional practice is organized

in close cooperation with enterprises and support provided to

all for viable placements and a learners’ career orientation

and guidance system for all levels is in place.

Target 4: By 2014 links between professional profiles offered

by VET institutions labour market and HR development

strengthened and made more relevant for employment-

readiness skills

In 2014, MEST adopted the Administrative Instruction (AI

05/2014) governing objectives, structure and responsibilities of

the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult

Education (AVETAE). Council for Vocational Education and

Training operated pursuant to the law on education and vocational


Even though the Agency is functioning is still under full

consolidation process. On the other hand, the Council formalizes

the participation of institutional stakeholders, labour market and

social partners in policy-making related to vocational education

and strategic prioritization within MEST. Full operationalization

of the above mechanisms is expected to positively impact on

creating a more coherent approach in vocational education,

gathering all relevant stakeholders, both researchers and providers

of vocational education, advancing priority of VET and linking

vocational education with labour market demands.

In order to improve the linkage with the labour market, MEST,

during 2014, focused in supporting vocational schools for: (i)

increasing the number of cooperation and agreements with labour market and employment entities,

and (ii) supporting and guiding schools in implementing the Strategy for Professional Practice.

About 60% of pupils in vocational schools was provided with opportunity to engage in professional

Indicator 1: Number of pupils and the

time spent during practical work in the


Status 2013 53%

Achievement 2014 60%

Progress 2016 100%

Indicator 2: The number of enterprises

engaged in providing the practical work

Status 2013 600

Achievement 2014 1500

Progress 2016 -

Indicator 3: No. of schools with carrier


Status 2013 6

Achievement 2014 59

Progress 2016 100%

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practice and have been identified over 700 different agreements with business, public and social

entities for professional practice.

The improvement of opportunities for professional practice, but also the design of incentive

schemes, remains a priority for MEST and AVETAE for 2015, and are still needed investments and

resources to achieve the 2014 target (100% of pupils in professional practice). In addition to 6

vocational schools that had career guidance services, during 2013 there were 5 other schools that

had career guidance during this reporting period. Also, the number of trained staff within the school

for career guidance has doubled. However, drafting a strategy for career education and guidance will

create opportunities to implement this priority more systematically.

5.2 Vocational education management and finances

Target 2 – By 2014, vocational schools achieved financial and operational autonomy

In order to govern the operational and financial autonomy of

vocational education institutions, MEST adopted the Administrative

Instruction (AI 01/2014) on organization and planning of the

educational process in vocational education and training, and

Administrative Instruction (AI 07/2014) on conditions and criteria for

economic activity of VET institutions. This represents a further step

in governing conditions and criteria for economic activity of

vocational education institutions. The Administrative Instruction

enables institutions to enhance service and production activity,

manage their own source means, engage external experts in the

learning process and govern staff engagement in production and









2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013

Chart 7: EMIS, VET Schools students 2008-2014

Centers of Competence









Indicator 1: The number of schools achieving

financial and operational autonomy

Status 2013 58%

Achievement 2014 100%

Progress 2016 100%

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service activities.

Whereas, in relation to public financing of vocational education and training institutions, were

considered the opportunities for (i) the establishment of a sub-sector budget at the central and

municipal level, whereas MEST is considering the possibility of changing the funding formula by

relevant sector/profiles. Due to this legislative activity, but also other actions to train school

managers and establishment of special budget codes, therefore one can consider that the KESP target

on advancement of 61 vocational schools autonomy is achieved. However, there are some technical

difficulties in recovering own funds from municipal education budget.

MEST proposed funding model for vocational education institutions, however, this is under

development process. There are difficulties in establishing different funding levels and profiles,

depending on the particular vocational education infrastructure needs. The finalization of this process

is one of the KESP 2014 vocational education sub-program target; however, due to the need for

further discussions and elaboration, this priority activity is expected to be addressed during the next

year. Following the adoption of KESP, vocational education sector received a high percentage of

funds from development partners; however, last year noted a decline in contributions. Therefore, in

order to advance further the operational and financial autonomy, as well as to develop plans

compensation of external assistance decline, vocational education funding formula should be

addressed and resolved. Also, an action plan on employees cooperation opportunities shall be


5.3 Centres of Competences

Target 3: By 2014, Centres of Competence are integral

part of the national school-based VET system

MEST, during this reporting period, in addition to mandating

AVETAE to support the development of current Centres of

Competence (CC), approved the Administrative Instruction (AI

07/2014) which regulates advancement, autonomy and

functioning of VET institutions. These actions would result in

establishment of an institutional structure and administrative

rules for governance and promotion of Centres of Competence

in compliance with the strategic priority of vocational education

sub-program. In addition to the commitment for supporting three

current Centres, MEST drafted support plans for advancement of

two new Centres of Competence i.e. secondary school of

Machinery (Prishtina) and technical school (Prizren). The

Ministry accelerated its efforts to turn CCs as resource centres

for other vocational schools and to share good practices for

facilitating the satisfactory implementation process of vocational

Indicator 1: The number of CCs integrated in

national VET school system

Status 2013 50%

Achievement 2014 75%

Progress 2016 100%

Indicator 2: The number of CCs functioning as

resource centres (VET)

Status 2013 0%

Achievement 2014 20%

Progress 2016 100%

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education conditions and criteria. The complete implementation of other CCs advancement sub-

program targets is conditioned by budgetary constraints.

5.4 Quality assurance in vocational education

Target 5: By 2016, there is a comprehensive and functioning

evaluation and QA system implemented in the VET sector

Strategic orientation for quality advancement within KESP consists

in creating a comprehensive and functioning evaluation and quality

assurance system in vocational education. In this context, it is

prioritized the building of the structure of quality assurance and

recognition of prior learning. During 2014, MEST has approved

two Administrative Instructions to reinforce efforts for

implementing this priority, the Administrative Instruction (AI

32/2014) on the criteria and procedures for quality assurance in

vocational education and training institutions - internal processes

and the Administrative Instruction (AI 02/2014) on the number of

students with modules and VET qualifications, resources,

infrastructure, education, student safety.

The establishing of a quality management system includes also other

related legal and institutional developments. It is worth highlighting:

(i) the quality assurance internal mechanisms; (ii) programme and

institutional external quality assurance mechanisms; (iii) other

relevant mechanisms in the process assessing legal framework

implementation - Education Inspectorate. In the context of quality

assurance internal mechanisms, MEST drafted an AI that mandates

the establishment of quality assurance offices and staffing and

implementation of the annual self-assessment. During this year, all

vocational schools have completed the self-assessment reports,

although there is still room for quality improvement. The parameters

of staff, infrastructure, resources and other relevant guidelines will

enable the establishment of clear quality reference. Also, MEST adopted the Administrative

Instruction on the recognition of prior learning.

NQF is another body established by MEST for quality assurance in VET system and through which

NQA carries important functions related to quality assurance: validation (e.g. approval) of

qualifications, accreditation of institutions, assessment quality assurance (verification) and approval

of certificates issued by VET schools. NQA capacities to implement provided process for

institutional accreditation of vocational schools are limited, however, preparatory plans and

discussions took place in this regard. In addition to the New Curriculum implementation progress,

MEST engaged in schools awareness raising regarding the role of quality through trainings with

Indicator 1: The number of VET institutions

assessed by NQF

Status 2013 0%

Achievement 2014 0%

Progress 2016 100%

Indicator 2: Teachers trained in new profiles

Status 2013 120

Achievement 2014 80%

Progress 2016 100%

Indicator 3: Schools with appropriate


Status 2013 6%

Achievement 2014 10%

Progress 2011/2014 100%

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development partners. In order to facilitate the international comparison of learning, MEST, in 2014,

implemented PISA international student assessment project, and organized the Matura exam.

5.5 Occupational standards and profiles

Target 6: By 2014, VET curricula are in line with the needs of the labour market,

occupational standards and European good practice and are screened for gender orientation

In order to create a regulatory framework and advance the progress in setting occupational

standards, MEST approved the Administrative Instruction (AI

28/2014) on criteria and procedures for the verification of

occupational standard, and the Administrative Instruction (AI

03/2014) for implementation of curriculum of vocational

education for fields: administration, economy, health, horticulture,

food, machinery-electro, hotels - tourism, communication,

chemistry, technology, construction, graphic, textile, music, art

for the first and second level (Gr. X, XI and XII). In collaboration

with development partners, 27 syllabi and occupational standards

were drafted for vocational qualifications pursuant to the labour

market demands, as well as teaching materials for 8 new profiles

and guidelines for teachers. As a result of lack of funds and

technical assistance, the Ministry is still far from achieving the target of drafting 60% of the

occupational standards in 2014.

5.6 Vocational education curriculum

Target 8: By 2016, a functional National Qualifications Framework and procedures for,

accreditation and quality assurance are in place

The process of piloting new curriculum and core curriculum in vocational education is under

implementation in two schools (Lipjan and Prishtina) while in the following year, the network

coverage is extended to three schools in Gjilan, three schools in Ferizaj, six schools in Prishtina, 4

schools in Peja, 5 schools in Mitrovica, 2 schools in Prizren and 2 schools in Gjakova. Currently, the

piloting process is implemented or is under implementation in 27 vocational schools. Piloting process

was preceded by the teacher training in seminars for implementation in practice of Curriculum

Framework, methodological and practical aspects of planning the implementation of new curriculum

and teaching methodology, teaching materials and student achievement assessments. Teachers

benefited from practical guides for each field of the new curriculum.

Also, MEST has approved three Administrative Instructions: Administrative Instruction (AI 35/2014)

on criteria and procedures for validation and approval of national qualification and accreditation of

Indicator 1: The number of VET institutions

assessed by NQF

Status 2013 28

Achievement 2014 8

Progress 2016 60%

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institutions providing qualifications in Kosovo, Administrative Instruction (AI 16/2014) on

qualifications and post-secondary education modules - their appointment and function, and the

Administrative Instruction (AI 31/2014) on prior learning recognition.

5.7 Recommendations

It is recommended to increase the focus in several priorities, such as; capacity improvements in

implementation of education and professional training, improvement and development of skill

needs analysis system, quality improvement in vocational education, to implement the system for

recognition and validation of non-formal prior learning, training of vocational education teachers,

promotion and development of professional practice, capacity development and mechanisms for

career orientation, and the development of entrepreneurial financing schemes and self-employment in

vocational education.

Capacity building of VET and Adult Education institutions: In addressing the priority of

improving and development of institutions for implementation of vocational education

training and adult education, it is required to increase the commitment to operationalize the

Council of Vocational Education Training. This mechanism would improve the inter-

institutional coordination in VET and would provide a mechanism for inclusion of industrial

associations, employees and government institutions. The Agency for Vocational Education

and Training and Adult Education requires assistance to capacity building. In order to change

the funding formula, the funding scheme of vocational education schools should be revised-

by recognizing distinctions in demands to finance the other profiles schooling.

Implementation of the Torino Process: The VET and Adult Education performance

evaluation framework should be treated in the context of Torino Process. In addition, in

compliance of study recommendations, Vision for Skills 2020 in Kosovo, it should be

considered the possibility that vocational education, professional treatment and vocational

training to be implemented within a harmonized national framework for advancing the skills.

Finally, the Agency for Vocational Education Training and Adult Education, should increase

the efforts to support the two new Centres of Competence, both current vocational schools in

Prizren and Prishtina.

Development of market demands analysis system: In this context, it is required the

implementation of mechanisms for prediction of market demands based on a survey of

employees and employers. An additional contribution on implementation of this priority

would be the increased attention to the need for coordination between vocational schools and

businesses by establishing industrial councils and sub councils, in both national and local

level. Current situation field analysis would contribute in finding the best local practices.

Improvement of quality management system: In relation to the increased involvement and

improvement of conditions for vocational education, it is required improvement of quality

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management system in vocational education. Actions to advance this priority consist in

support to the National Qualifications Authority for capacity building to broaden the scope of

implementation system to the vocational education institutions. In parallel, institutions,

students and teachers awareness raising efforts shall be made in relation to the National

Qualifications Framework. The development of guidelines on framework implementation its

harmonization with the European Qualification Framework, shall advance further. Also, the

efforts to support schools in order to functionalise offices and internal processes of quality

assurance should increase.

Teachers Training: Addressing of priority for improvement of quality in vocational

education should be strengthened through increased attention to the need for training of

teachers. The main actions should focus on upgrading the qualifications through development

of a special master's program in vocational education in the Faculty of Education/University

of Prishtina. Also, a new schedule for training and allocation of additional resources should

be drafted for training and retraining of new and current teachers in the pedagogical skills

and teaching tools.

Promotion and development of professional practice: It is recommended to undertake

immediate actions to promote and develop professional practice. The functionalization of the

Council for Vocational Education Training would be a decisive step to advance this priority.

The participation of stakeholders in the labour market and the establishment local councils

and sub-councils would not only be a positive step to give the right signals to curriculum

development but at the same time would stimulate the commitment of the industry to

conclude partnerships with schools for implementation of professional practice. Also, it

should be encouraged local coordination model between schools and industry. In addition to

the need for increasing the number of organizations and businesses that provide opportunities

for internship, it should be increased the support for the development of internal capacity for

work experience, to provide maintenance for laboratories and to ensure that there is

implementation of professional practice within the curriculum.

Improvement and development of career guidance and counselling system: is essential

for increasing the vocational education graduates employment and self-employment rate.

Attention should be given to developing an integrated model for career guidance and prepare

programs and clear standards. A small number of vocational schools have such offices, but

support and efforts to achieve annual targets should increase. In this regard, it is also

important to train the teaching staff, engaged in career guidance - from 6% to 8%.

Entrepreneurship and self-employment: In addition to efforts for supporting transition of

vocational school graduates to the labour market, particular attention should be given to the

necessity to increase competencies for entrepreneurship and the establishment of schemes to

stimulate self-employment in vocational schools. A study to guide forms of coordination and

decentralization of current donor schemes and their linkage with vocational schools would

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be of great support, but at the same time, to functionalize a special scheme for entrepreneurs

and start-up within the Division for Vocational Adult Education.

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6.1 Legislation for teacher professional development

Target 1: By 2016 all administrative instructions on TD are harmonized with the effective

legislation and are being implemented

In 2014, MEST has passed an Administrative Instruction (UA 09/2014) that regulates the normative

for teaching staff at all levels of pre-university education. The main objective of this regulation was

to regulate the qualification criteria of the teaching staff in pre-school, pre-primary and pre-university

education. The legal instrument stipules that all teachers below the age of 51 that are engaged in

teaching activities and who do not have the adequate qualifications for their subject areas of teaching

will have to engage in mandatory education programmes to advance their qualifications. During the

same reporting period MEST also passed another administrative instruction (25/2014) for teacher

licensing. The purpose of the new legal instrument was to create a coherent teacher licensing system

that is based on qualifications, experience, professional development and performance. It also defines

the types of licences and the licensing criteria. The new administrative instruction also enshrine

MEST commitment to build a system that supports the implementation of a system of performance

and qualification based wage system, to provide financial assistance to institutions engaged in

teacher development and ensure that public higher education institutions offer teacher qualification

programs that meet the quality guidelines.

The legislative activity of 2014 complements the administrative instructions on teacher professional

development that were passed in 2013 related to teacher performance evaluation, financing of teacher

professional development and the modalities of implementation of teacher professional development

programs. The Administrative Instruction (UA 16/2013) defines the modalities for the

implementation of teacher professional development and defines the roles and responsibilities of

MEST and Municipal Education Directorates. The Administrative Instruction (UA 15/2013) on the

financing of teacher professional development stipulates that MEST delegates much of the budget on

teacher professional development to municipalities provided that they demonstrate the existence of

concrete projects and plans for teacher professional development and are based on training programs

from accredited institutions.

6.2 Management capacities and gender equality

Target 2: By 2016 at least 80% of MEST representatives (TTU and inspectors), MEDs

and school principals are trained in accredited leadership and management programmes

and Gender Parity is improved.

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MEST has continued to support the implementation of the Education Communication Plan which

was drafted in cooperation with GIZ. MEST, MED took part in several modules of the TalkON

Training for Communication, Management and Leadership. The Ministry has also supported

development partners' efforts on training of school directors. In cooperation with GIZ it has

reviewed the training program to account for the new requirements that stem from the Administrative

Instruction (UA 04/2012) on the Standards of Professional Practice for school directors and their

needs for professional development. MEST has also closely cooperated with EU, GIZ and USAID to

implement various school director training activities. With the assistance of EU and GIZ, the

ministry has prepared a programme for the training of trainers for the continuation of the previous

school director training programme. About 247 school directors (186 Albanians, 21 Turkish and 19

Serb) school directors were involved in programme. USAID BEP has supported the training and

certification of 13 master trainers and trained 256 school director - 132 directors fro, 8 municipalities

during the first phase and another 124 in the second phase. About 26% of the trainees were women

and participants from minority communities.

The teaching staff at all levels of pre-school and pre-university education is equally balanced

between men and women. According to EMIS data, the number of women teachers has increased

from 10905 in 2011 to 11746 in 2014. As i shown in the chart below, the percentage of women

teachers has also increased to 50% of the teaching staff.

2292523461 23171 23382 23275 23334 23480








2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

MEST EMIS 2014 - Teaching staff by gender




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6.3 Teacher professional development

Target 3: By 2014 capacities have been built for needs assessment

and evaluation of TPD.

Target 5: By 2016 MEST accredits minimum 40 TPD programmes

based on teachers’ training needs

Target 6: By 2016 MEST accredits minimum 40 TPD programmes

based on teachers’ training needs.

Target 7: By 2016 MEST in cooperation with the NQF certifies and

licenses trainers of TPD programmes (selection of trainers should

be gender balanced).

An evaluation of teacher training programs was carried out in 2014 of

course part of the catalogue. The Kosovo Pedagogical Institute has

monitored the programs for the implementation of the new curricula.

The training programs on maths and science were evaluated and

monitored by GIZ. Generally, the evaluation of training impact still

remains a challenge. During the same year, seven 7 inspectors from

regional offices were trained for transferring training data on training

database. MEST has also accredited 17 new programs for teacher

training based on the approach of the new curriculum. Another 10 new

programs were reaccredited with the assistance of USAID/BEP. That

brings the total number of accredited programs for teacher training to

31 and is close to target specified in KESP. Furthermore, 130 trainers

were trained for the implementation of the new curriculum framework

- facilitators and master trainers for subject teaching and education


During this year about 10,000 teachers took part in various training


From January to December 2014, were organized several

teacher trainings with other organizations and development

partners. In cooperation with the European Commission within the IPA 2009 project, it is

conducted training and certification of 1,300 teachers from municipalities of Drenas and

Peja. Within the Twinning Project, it is conducted teacher training for implementation of

NQF as well as were held 9 workshops with MED officials, inspectors, coordinators of

the curricular areas and teachers.

Indicator 1: Number of schools with

teacher professional development plans

Situation in 2013 12

Target 2014 12

Progress 2014 23

Progress 2011/2014

Indicator 2: Number of accredited

programs for teacher professional


Situation 2013 21

Target 2014 10

Progress 2014 31

Progress 2011/2014

Indicator 2: Number of trainers certified

Situation 2013 593

Target 2014 723

Progress 2014 130

Progress 2011/2014

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In program, "Initial Access in Experiment - IAE”, are conducted two training phases of

264 natural science teachers in municipalities of: Malisheva, Deçan, Podujeva, Ferizaj

and Skenderaj.

In program, "Critical Thinking in Reading and Writing - CTRW", was conducted training

of 230 teachers in 7 regions, during which, all participating teachers were certified with

120 hours of training. In the pilot program and implementation of the New Curriculum,

there were published 8 modules for training of 3100 teachers. Also, over 30 trainers and

3,200 teachers were trained according to the curricular areas in piloting the New

Curriculum for the 92 pilot schools in three languages (training that was conducted in

cooperation with PIK).

Agreements with AUK for training of 700 teachers, from the municipalities of Skenderaj

and Malisheva, related to ECDL first, second and third module, are approved. Also, in

ECDL first module training are involved 150 teachers from municipality of Prishtina.

In relation to implementation of the Green Package, 150 teachers from municipalities:

Prishtina, Prizren, Fushe Kosova and Obiliq have attended related training. In addition, it

was implemented the drafting of Junior Green Package, and this material is published by

the REC Office, whereby, it is expected that by 2015 to take place the teachers training in

this regard. Trainings for current and potential school principals pursuant to accredited

programs, took place. Therefore, within BEP - USAID program, two workshops

discussing training package for the selection of school principals and their deputies took


Other partners supporting implementation of teachers training are as follows: European

Commission, Council of Europe, GIZ, USAID, KulturKontakt Austria, Delux, Finnish

Program, Save the Children, the International Committee of the Red Cross, etc. Reports

released by these organizations indicate that there are over 8,000-trained teachers. 4,500

teachers from different regions are licensed.

During this year, 7 local NGOs and 26 teacher-training programs are accredited.

The agreement with KETNET for training of 300 English language teachers

The evaluation of each program and placement in the catalogue for teacher training

programme took place.

6.4 Teacher licensing

Target 7: By 2016, 90% of teachers have renewed their licences, whereas 5-10% have been

promoted to a higher-level ensuring equity and gender parity.

In the process of Teachers licensing and monitoring/tracking the activities of National Council on

Teachers Licensing.

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In 2014, 4500 teachers were licensed, however, up to date 22,315 teachers of different

regions are licensed.

Licensing Database program is maintained in 7 regions within Inspection Sectors. NCTL

meetings are organized and managed as well as all basic documents, emerged and approved

by NCTL, were harmonized.

The coordination with UP, namely the Faculty of Education, in establishing Teachers

qualification and advancement program/TQA. TQA program working group for teacher

qualifications from HPS level 2 to the level of 4 years Bachelor have been established. All

accurate information were obtained from MED, and according to schedule and plan delivered

by the Faculty of Education, therefore teachers were accommodated by educational groups.

This stage includes 2000 teachers in TQA program, in10 educational programs.

6.5 School-based teacher professional development

Target 8: By 2016 school-based professional development has been established in all

schools to ensure sustainability of training received.

Teacher professional development teams were established in 23 schools in order to advance the

process of professional development. Two members of staff from every school were invited to attend

the course and provided technical assistance for drafting of development plans. Of 23 schools, 11 are

from the municipality of Istog. Completing professional development plans for schools still remains

a challenge. Only a negligible percentage of schools have teacher development plans in place.

However, in order to advance the process, MEST has supported the establishment of 1150

professional teams. About 720 facilitators, trainers, mentors and evaluators were included in the

training process. Members of School boards including teachers, parents and school directors were

also part of the training.

6.5 Teacher qualification programmes and research

Target 10: By 2013 prior learning in non-formal education and in-service training are

recognised by teacher education faculties for purposes of teachers' (re) qualification.

Target 11: By 2016 all teacher education programmes are fully harmonised with MEST

policies, whereas 80 percent of their staff have been trained in TPD programmes.

Target 12: By 2010 there are increased research opportunities in teacher education


MEST has supported the inclusion of 2000 teachers in 10 academic qualifications programmes for

further qualification. This initiative was undertaken in order to improve the quality of teaching.

Teachers currently holding a technical vocational education from former pedagogical schools were

included into a four year bachelor programme. MEST has also supported the reform of curricula of

the Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina and other public institutions to adopt and account

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for the new curriculum framework. The Ministry supported the establishment of the Institute for

Research and Teacher Professional Development as part of its effort to stimulate research in teacher

development. However, more support is needed for the functioning of the Institute and adoption of

international best practices.

6.5 Recommendations

Further capacity development for teacher development mechanisms and drafting of school

plans for teacher development.

Implementation of teacher performance evaluation system while using best international


To support the re-qualification of 2000 teachers

To further enhance the capacities of the Faculty of Education for curricula, teaching staff and

research through the Institute for Teacher Development.

To continue training the teacher on the new curriculum framework

To explore modalities for supporting municipalities in implementing teacher grading for

different levels of licensing.

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7.1 Higher education legislation and bylaws

Target 1: By 2012, drafting of bylaws and harmonization of statutes of Higher

education institutes to the reviewed Law on Higher


Drafting of bylaws and harmonization of statutes of higher

education institutions in accordance with the reviewed law on higher

education – organization of higher education is pursuant to the Law

on Higher Education in the Republic of Kosovo (no. 04 / L-018)

adopted in August 2011. The same law was reviewed in a

consultative process, during 2014, and submitted for approval to the

Assembly of Kosovo. However, the law is not adopted yet and is in

the revision process. MEST has also drafted eight 8 Administrative

Instructions corresponding to the provisions of the law on higher

education. During this year are adopted Administrative Instructions

for governing the election process at the University of Gjakova,

University of Mitrovica and the University of Gjilan. MEST has

also adopted Administrative Iinstruction on student fees in higher

education institutions and Administrative Instruction on the matrix books with the purpose of

governing the functioning and registers.

The revision of the basic law on higher education, intends to approximate Kosovo with the

practices applicable in the European Area of Higher Education (EAHE) within the Bologna

Process. Kosovo is currently is an observer in the Bologna Group process. However, this

year is submitted the application for formal membership. Legal basis harmonizes current

educational practices with the priorities of the Bologna Group statements, especially with

regard to the harmonization of certain provisions of the law with the Law and the National

Indicator 1: Number of regulations in

higher education

Status 2013 0

Target 2014 5

Achievement 2014 4

Progress 2011/2014

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Qualifications Framework (No. 03/L-060) and facilitating the

recognition of prior learning and qualifications obtained in

other countries through the NARIC Centre.

7.2 Inclusion in Higher Education

Target 2: By 2016, participation in higher education of the

18-25 age group has reached 35% and gender parity


Target 3: By 2014, there is continuous support and equal

opportunities for inclusion in HE for all groups: ethnic, gender,

age, religion, special educational needs and other social groups.

Inclusion in higher education noted significant increase in past few

years by expanding capacity for education in public and private

education. In 2014, the number of students at the Universities of

Pristina, Prizren and Peja increased. MEST supported the operation

of three new public Universities in Mitrovica, Gjilan and Gjakova.

Inclusion of students in higher education has increased significantly

since 2011, reaching the regional average and closing up with

OECD countries. According to the data, registration rate in higher

education is about 46% of the population of 18-25 age group

(226.847) and this resulted in achieving and exceeding targets set by KESP, for about 10%. Kosovo

is among the countries with the largest number of students in the region in proportion with the











Chart 8: Number of students in HE 2008-2014

Private higher education

University of North Mitrovica

Faculty of Islamic Studies

University of Mitrovica

University of Gjilan

University of Gjakova

University of Peja

University of Prizren

University of Prishtina

Indicator 1: Participation in HE of 18-25

age groups

Status 2013 -

Target 2014 30%

Achievement 2014 46%

Progress 2011/2014

Indicator 2: Number of students per

100,000 inhabitants

Status 2013 4165

Target 2014 N/A

Achievement 2014 6644

Progress 2011/2014

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TABLE 8: Number of students in higher education

2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014

University of Prishtina 33984 41833 44130 52564 52,896 57,750

University of Prizren / / 1700 2784 5,875 7775

University of Peja / / / / 4,471 5575

University of Gjakova / / / / 182 789

University of Gjilan / / / / 486 2106

University of Mitrovica / / / / 0 2300

Faculty of Islamic Studies

/ / / / 262 262

University of North Mitrovica

9320 9320 9320 10562 10681 10264

Private Higher Education

18922 22952 26982 31013 34,685 36,709

Total 47973 62226 74150 82132 109,538 123,530

Source: The data is compiled based on different sources, by MEST, Accreditation Agency, Ministry of Finances, and self-reporting data by the institucions (University of North Mitrovica).

The collection of data in Higher Education has been challenging due to the separated

responsibilities. However, during this year, implementation of the project for building the Higher

Education Information Management System (HEIMS) is launched, which aims systematic collection

of information on institutions, staff and students in higher education. The system in question will

enable monitoring of the level of student inclusion in higher education and to assist the MEST in

improving sector governance.

Despite significant growth and achieved progress on inclusion in higher education in the last year,

number of graduates remains low in the last three years. Based on KAS data (2014), the number of

graduates at the University of Prishtina was 4,008. The number of graduates not only did not

increase, but even worsened compared to about 5,000 graduates in 2008 (KAS, 2009). This is

reflected in the relatively small number of graduates of 30-34 age groups (Europe 2020 Indicators).

The data show that based on the latest census the rate of graduates in higher education in this age

group is about 10% (calculating also the high school ISCED 4b). This percentage is significantly

lower than the regional average, EU and OECD.

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7.3Linking higher education with labour market

By 2014 study programmes are in line with the labour market needs. (the number of

accredited programs and those in collaboration with industry)

Building a system that provides clear orientation about demanded profiles in higher education in

linking labour market demands is not yet systematically concluded. The economic development in

energy, minerals, transportation, information technology, agriculture and rural development areas are

prioritized in the framework of government strategies and papers. Another cross-cutting priority is

also strengthening institutional capacity for functioning of public administration, market economy

and European integration.

Based on the data from Kosovo Accreditation Agency, it results that both programs and students'

orientation are currently not in accordance with labour market demands. In the public education

sector, the accredited programs reflect approximately the labour market demands, but the registration

data show that we have greater orientation of students in the sectors of 'soft skills' such as in socio-

economic sciences and less in 'strong skills' programs such as mining, agriculture and transport.

Programs of private providers of higher education are almost completely oriented in sectors that

demand 'soft skills'. Currently the information about the target is difficult to be introduced due to

absence of systematic data and studies that designate needs for skills in the future.














Slovenia EU 28 Croatia Macedonia Kosovo

KAS/EURSTAT: Percentage of graduates 30-34 agegroup. Kosovo graduates includes ISCED 4b, 5, 6

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7.4 Budget and Financial Management in Higher Education

Target 5: There is increased budget and improved efficiency in execution of the budget in

line with the reviewed law

Higher education budget has increased continuously since 2011 - from €34.63 million to €50.76

million in 2014. Funding the establishment of new educational

institutions, infrastructure and attainment costs of higher

education system in Kosovo are also included within this budget.

Although the nominal value of expenditure on higher education

in Kosovo rose by 32% in comparison with 2011, it should be

noted that the expenditure per capita per student have declined

for 17%. This is explained by the increase of admission of

student in higher education and improving of financial

parameters should be a priority for the upcoming years.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Business and Law

Arts and Humanities

Engeneering and Construction

Social Scienes/Journalism

Health and Welfare


Natural Sciences




AKA 2014 - Number of study programs by ISCED categories (public/private)

Public Private

Indicator1: Expenditure per capita per


Status 2013 641 Euro

Target 2014 N/A

Achievement 2014 665 Euro

Progress 2011/2014

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TABLE 11: Expenditure per capita per student

2011 2012 2013 2014

Expenditure per capita per student 755 679 641 665

Expenditure in Million euro 34,63 37,62 41,02 50,76

Number of students 45830 55348 63910 76220

Source: KFMIS/Ministry of Finance, MEST Note (1): Only students of public universities are included in the estimation Note (2): Students of University of North Mitrovica are not included in the estimation of public universities students Note(3): The budget includes expenditures for public universities, MEST, KAA and KASA

MEST in cooperation with the Office of Tempus launched the project for Public University

Autonomy and Financial Accountability. The goal of this project to draft an unified financing

formula and public institutions of higher education capacity building for accountability in

managing public money.

7.5 Scientific research, innovation and technology transfer

Target 6: By 2014, HE institutions have built capacity to

generate additional resources through research projects,

consultancy services, infrastructure, etc.

Target 8: By 2014, there is institutional support and

promotion in place for scientific research, innovation,

technology transfers

Educational institutions are primarily engaged in teaching, and

their research capacity is limited, the number of graduates in

science and technology is low, and there are very few researchers

working in the main priority areas of industrial development.

Infrastructure is inadequate and outdated in research centres and

universities. The limited funding has been the main obstacles to the

implementation of the PKK. In 2014, the Government of Kosovo, due to fiscal constraints, could

only allocate 0.1% of GDP in this field, while the Law on Scientific Research Activity anticipates

that the expenditure level shall be 0.7% of annual public expenditure level. Other reasons for the

slow development of research capacity are found in the existing stimulating frameworks of higher

education institutions. The cooperation between research institutions and the private sector is low,

while both are limited to training and consultancy services, as well as in the use of technical


Indicator 1: Annual public expenditure on

research and development

Status 2013 0.1

Target 2014 0.7%

Achievement 2014

Progress 2011/2014

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The cooperation between research institutions and private sector are low, whereas both are limited to

training and consulting services, as well as in using technical equipment. The reasons for the lack of

cooperation with the private sector are mainly the lack of interest from private companies and the

lack of incentives. Also, there is an insufficient development of connections with global networks of

research and innovation, including the relationship with the scientific Diaspora, although recent

progress has been made, as noted in the EC Progress Report 2014.

During 2014 the following major achievements have been marked:

Continued implementation of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

"Horizon 2020" by European Union. The program provides support for research activities

and innovation. In Kosovo, several activities were held aimed at raising awareness of higher

education institutions about this opportunity. In 2014 there were registered 28 applications

for projects to the Horizon 2020 and €0.26 million were allocated.

Annual conference "Science Week 2014" was held, whereby, resenting about 450

commentaries from different fields, and publishing abstracts of these commentaries, which

were distributed to participants at the conference. All presented commentaries at the

conference "Science Week 2014" were collected and are being prepared for publication.

Invitations were sent to institutions and individuals to participate with commentaries at the

annual conference "Science Week 2015" and collection of abstracts has begun. Competitions

are open to all categories of applications in science funds (grants, short-term mobility, long-

term mobility etc.).

The assessment of innovative vouchers is under process. Applications have been assessed

and funds have been allocated for: 80 short term mobility, 40 doctoral scholarships, 14

publications and scientific works (6 scientific publications from the field of language

studies) 3 from the field of historical studies, two in the field of Economics, 2 from the

field of Justice and one from the field of Environment. 12 scientific projects: (5 medicine,

1 technology, 2 in Economics, 2 Justice and 1 Environment).

Also, prices awarded: 2 "Scientist of 2014" and 1 "New Scientist 2014".

Department of Science participated in the design of additional documents arising from European

Strategy and Balkan strategy for innovation, research, development (including Kosovo).

European Strategy for Innovation and Balkans Innovation Strategy are still awaiting

Government’s adoption.

Participation in three international conferences in Montenegro, Slovenia and Croatia, to promote

scientific research activity.

5 beneficiaries from institutions have been awarded by STD in Competition for "Equipment and

supply of logistics tools and laboratories" in an amount of 10,000 Euros.

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7.6 Quality in higher education

Target 7: By 2014 there is improvement of quality in teaching and scientific research

Regarding quality assurance external mechanisms, in 2014 full membership of Kosovo in the ENQA

(European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies) was confirmed. The decision was a result of an

external evaluation by a panel of experts of ENQA during January-April 2014. The experts of

institutions governing quality standards in higher education concluded that Kosovo substantially

implements Quality Standards Guidelines and adopted practices applicable in the European Higher

Education Area. This decision that offers Kosovo 5 years membership also recommends review of

the legislative and institutional structure to strengthen the independence of Kosovo Accreditation

Agency, inclusion of students in external evaluation, support for capacity building and review of

procedures and mechanisms to appeal against accreditation decisions. In the same year, Kosovo was

the host of the General Assembly of the Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Central and

Eastern Europe.

During 2014 Accreditation Agency of Kosovo (AAK) conducted the sixth round out the external

evaluation of institutions and programs. During this year, the institution assessed and accredited 8

public institutions of higher education, 25 private institutions of higher education and three other

institutions (University of Ljubljana, International Business College in Mitrovica and a program of

EADS Business Spain). In 2014 the total number of accredited programs reached 573. Most of the

programs are Bachelor and Master's level and 29 PHD programs of University of Prishtina. Also, all

public and private institutions of higher education have internal quality assurance offices and internal

quality assurance official.

7.7 Internationalization of Higher Education

Target 9: By 2014 a system is in place and implemented for increased

internationalization of higher education and research

Internationalization of higher education during 2014 was directed in several dimensions: membership

in international organizations, promoting cross-border joint projects, international programs and

student mobility. During 2014, Kosovo became full member of ENQA. In the same year formal

application for full membership in the Bologna Process was submitted - since so far Kosovo was

only an observer.

This year was followed with implementation of several international projects that stimulate the

cooperation between higher education institutions, development of joint programs and research. It is

worth mentioning the implementation of these projects:

CONSUS - The interaction between science and society for sustainable innovations. This

project is funded by Tempus aimed at stimulating cooperation between higher education

institutions in Kosovo and Albania.

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Developing and Adapting Energy Efficiency programs - project funded by the Tempus aimed

at modernizing the Energy Efficiency programs and implementation of European quality

standards in Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia.

Development and support of University of Peja to increase international cooperation system

and quality

MEDUP - Modernization of teaching in the Faculty of Education at the University of

Prishtina - the program funded by the European Union aimed at supporting the University of

Prishtina for developing Master programs in teaching which are unified with European


Developing Geodesy Programme at the University of Prishtina - project funded by the

European Union for curriculum development and staff training according to European Area

of Higher Education practices

FAITH - Development and modernization of financial management capacities in public

institutions of higher education under the Bologna Process practices

ONE Health - supporting staff to enhance cooperation with European institutions of higher

education in medical field

ModPHD - project funded by Tempus to modernize the third cycle programs of higher

education level and to develop a new Phd program in Economics at the University of


Siheksu - Supporting the internationalization of higher education in Kosovo through the

assistance for establishment of Kosovo's Student Union and membership in the European

Student's Union.

As far as student mobility is concerned, MEST in collaboration with development partners has begun


Transformative Leadership Project in collaboration with USAID - support to Kosovo

students for master studies and professional studies in the USA.

While CEEPUS program this year marked progress, compared with previous years. All

private institutions of Higher Education were registered in the program as well as the

increased interest of faculties to create new networks. Overall in 2014 we had 16 Incoming

mobility (that came to Kosovo from other countries), mainly from Austria, Bulgaria, Poland,

Albania, Slovenia and 32 Outgoing Mobility (from Kosovo to other countries) mainly in

Slovenia, Bulgaria, Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Albania. MEST covered the expenses for

professors and students, by providing monthly grants and travel expenses. More information

about the CEEPUS program can be obtained on the website: www.ceepus.info.

Collaboration with the University of Sheffield and awarding of 42 full scholarships and 16

partial scholarships to study at City College / University of Sheffield at all levels.

Awarding of two scholarships to study in Croatia in cooperation with the Croatian Embassy

Awarding of three scholarships to study in Slovakia in cooperation with the Slovak Embassy

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7.8 Infrastructure in higher education

Target 10: By 2016 there is increased space and modernization of environment for

studies and scientific research work

In order to accommodate the growing number of students and to provide prerequisites for a higher

quality education, the Ministry has also invested in the infrastructure of higher education institutions:

Renovation of the University of Gjilan building (27, 018 €)

Renovation of the University of Gjakova building (123,517 €)

Renovation of the University of Peja building (33, 337 €)

Renovation of the University of Mitrovica building (161,577.00€),

Renovation of the University of Prizren and University Library buildings (358,769.95 €)

7.9 Recommendations

Recommendations for ongoing priorities and actions with regard to higher education should focus on

improving the level of involvement in higher education, modernization of governance at higher

education, enhancement of quality in higher education, strengthening the cooperation with the market

labour and employment of graduates and internationalization of higher education.

Improving the involvement in higher education, the following actions should focus on

increasing the number of students in education as drivers of economic competitiveness and

social progress. More students should be encouraged to be involved in higher education to

achieve the goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The actions that need to be taken in this aspect

should consist in promoting and raising self-awareness about the importance of higher

education particularly in the age groups above 25 years old, to revise administrative and

cultural barriers that limit the provision of equal opportunities in higher education. A special

attention should be paid to sensitive socio-economic groups such as women, those on social

assistance and communities.

It is recommended to invest in expanding the infrastructure of the newly-established higher

education public institutions: University of Prizren, University of Mitrovica, University of

Gjakova, and University of Peja. In terms of this priority, it is recommended to elaborate and

implement measures to institutionalize the role of students in managing higher education

institutions through establishment of Kosovo Student's Union and establishment of National

Student Register. Also reviewing and improving administrative measures to enable

alternative routes for inclusion in higher education and for completion of studies according to

the recommendations of Declaration of Bucharest.

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Modernization of governance at higher education: it is recommended to discuss regulatory

forms on governance and financing of public education. The actions should focus on the

adoption of the Law on Higher Education, to elaborate options and alternatives to ensure

financial autonomy but also to ensure accountability through the implementation of modern

accounting systems. Primary and secondary legislation should reflect the conclusions of the

European Higher Education Area in the Communication of Bucharest (2012) about

management and financing of higher education issue. In addition the establishment of the

Conference of Rectors of Kosovo - as a non-governmental organization should be supported

that provides a unified platform to represent the interests of higher education institutions.

Enhancement of quality in higher education: Besides increase of students’ number and

increase of higher education institutions number, special attention should be paid to the

enhancement of quality in higher education. The quality assurance system should be fully

implemented and based on European Standards Guidelines (ESG) and recommendations of

ENQA. The National Quality and Accreditation Agency of Kosovo should be supported in

implementing the final conclusions of ENQA external assessment panel. It is recommended

to revise administrative guidelines and internal regulations to fully harmonize the practice of

external assessment of institutions and appeal mechanisms.

Besides strengthening external quality assurance mechanisms, attention should be paid to

further strengthening and functioning of internal quality assurance mechanisms in the new

public institutions and private education providers. It is recommended to maintain the support

to ensure continuous membership in ENQA and EQAR. Also, besides the development of

institutions of higher education and the development of European Higher Education Area, it

is recommended to initiate a research project to develop a methodology for raging of

educational institutions. This approach can be modelled in European multi-disciplinary


Linking of labour market and employment: In the following year extra attention is

recommended toward importance of linking institutions and study programs with the labour

market economy and demands. This will enable to improve supply and create preconditions

for increasing the employment rate of graduates. The actions that should be undertaken to

implement this recommendation should focus on formalizing a mechanism for alignment

between industry and higher education institutions (Kosovo Forum for Cooperation between

industry and higher education institutions). MEST should explore the possibility of instituting

this need through an Administrative Instruction. Also, according to the study

recommendations Vision for Skills 2020 should promote inclusion of entrepreneurial and

business training as part of all higher education curricula.

Development and accreditation of new programs for higher education should be related to

direct information signalling market requirements. Analysis that predicts trends and future

requirements in the upcoming years shall be based on a comprehensive study and the same

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shall be presented to MEST and the National Quality Council. Along with the increased

involvement of students in higher education, special attention should be paid to the

competencies and skills gained in higher education. To obtain this information an opportunity

for a survey / research on adult competencies modelled according to OECD practices should

be explored. MEST should increase the support and promote the establishment of centres for

transfer of knowledge and career centres in higher education institutions.

Internationalization of higher education: It is recommended to strengthen the effort to

further internationalization of higher education in Kosovo. This consists in increasing the

participation in international organizations, exchanges and mobility opportunities. The main

actions consisting in this priority should focus on formalizing Kosovo's participation in

Bologna follow-Up Group proceedings and implementation of standards and practices of the

European Higher Education Area. In line with this priority an initial study should be initiated

to analyze the degree of implementation of the Bologna Process in Kosovo. Efforts should be

added to the full implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention of Qualifications

within the ENIC-NARIC network as well as through bilateral agreements. In terms of quality

of education, the support for continued membership in ENQA/EQAR should continue.

Special attention should also be focused on strengthening initiatives for joint programs

between academic institutions of Kosovo and those in Europe. This requires institution's

awareness of the opportunities offered within the Tempus Programme. Also, the higher

education institutions should be encouraged to join the European University Association.

Mobility of staff and students is an essential mechanism to reinforce this priority and

therefore it is recommended to work on awareness on the opportunities of bilateral Erasmus

programs and bilateral exchange schemes. Finally, implementing measures for support and

increase of awareness for participation of institutions of higher education in scientific

research programs such as Horizon 2020.

Improving governance and legal framework: Priorities and Recommendations arising as a

result of the annual review of component focus on enhancing and reviewing of governance of

research and innovation, improving quality and productivity in research, promoting of

scientific based innovation and to support the internationalization of research. Regarding the

issue of improving the governance and legal framework, it is recommended that the

reforming initiative focus on finalizing and adopting the National Innovation Strategy,

reviewing of National Strategy of Research, developing information systems and statistics in

measuring the scientific research and designing a concept document for research quality

assurance. In terms of the legal framework it is required to adopt the Law on Financing of

Scientific Research, to adopted the Law on the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo and

to increase the inter-institutional cooperation with Agency for Industrial Property.

Scientific Research Quality Improvement: In order to strain efforts for research quality

improvement and increase productivity it is recommended to take reforming measures to

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revise and extend financing schemes of research, to establish a National Fund for Research

and Development - for basic research funding and participation of enterprises. In this regard

the implementation of the National Programme for Research and Science should be

accelerated and establishing of network of center of excellence in research and to increase

financial support for the student's scheme in PhD and post-PhD studies. Also, awareness

about the profession of researchers should be promoted and raised in accordance with the

Code of Good Practice of the European Charter for Researchers. It is recommended to strain

the interlinking and involvement of private sector of economic priority areas through access

of the 'triangle of knowledge'. Finally, a comprehensive process for evaluating research and

development should be developed.

Innovation based on research and knowledge transfer: Research and development are

seen as priority areas for economic development strategy. SEE2020 strategy is

recommended to promote innovation based on research and transfer of knowledge. In

line with this priority, it is recommended to increase efforts to strain the capacity of the

Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer, to support 'triple-helix' initiatives for

cooperation between research, industry and higher education institutions within industrial

clusters, to support institutions of higher education and vocational education in creating

knowledge transfer centres, establishing incubators for training in entrepreneurship and

start-ups and to encourage academic and vocational programs through joint partnership of

educational institutions and industry.

Internationalization of research and scientific research: One priority and

recommendation for the upcoming year is to increase effort for internationalization of

research and scientific research. In this context it is recommended to focus actions on

promoting and supporting local institutions and organizations to join in EIRMA

(European Industrial Research Management Association), European Association of

Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO), Business Europe Initiative, European

University Association (EUA) and European Roundtable. Also, the capacity to support

and promote cross-border cooperation in research and scientific research within the

framework of Horizon 2020 should be promoted, to increase activities and contributions

within the Western Balkan Initiative and Innovation (WISE). Finally, in order to

compensate the lack of information about innovation activity a concept document shall be

drafted to implement EU methodology for measuring innovation.

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8.1 Legislation on adult education and training

Target 1: By 2016 all laws and regulations on adult education are reviewed, approved

and implemented.

During 2014, MEST activities were oriented in the drafting and approval of the Administrative

Instructions deriving from the Law on Adult Education and Training (04/L-143). As a result, has

been drafted and approved the Administrative Instruction (AI 11/2014) governing the contract

content for organizing of AET for candidates and employers. In order to encourage lifelong learning

MEST drafted and adopted the Administrative Instruction (AI 12/2014) on exceptions in age on the

occasion case of enrolment in education and training for adults. Also, the Administrative Instruction

(AI 13/2014) Annual work plan and development plan of providers of education for adults, drafted

and adopted. On the other hand, a special achievement which has relevance for this sub-program is

the adoption of Administrative Instructions for prior learning recognition and capacity building of the

National Qualifications Authority. The primary challenge in the legislative aspect is transitional

provisions of the Law on Adult Education and Training and related financing. Therefore it is

recommended that ETA to be introduced as new policy in the funding formula for the coming year.

8.2 System management and stakeholders coordination

Target 2: By 2016, develop a functioning system of AE and NFE.

Target 3: By 2014, sufficient administrative, professional and research capacities are

built to the AE and NFE.

Target 5: By 2014, coordinated efforts between MEST and MLSW, MTI and MKYS,

social partners and municipalities (with substantial minority communities and groups at

risk) in the field of AE are established.

The key mid-term goal within this target have been the institutional capacity building, promotion of

vocational education and linking with non-governmental providers in the promotion of the adult

education and training. In 2014 MEST approved the Administrative Instruction (UA 05/2014) that

sets the purpose, structure and responsibilities of the Agency of the Vocational Education and

Training and Adult Education (AVETAE). The agency has started functioning and is under

consolidation process. On the other hand the Agency Council formalizes the participation of

institutional actors, labour market and social partners in policy-making of vocational education and

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strategic prioritization within the MEST. The functionality of these mechanisms is expected to

positively impact on creating a more coherent approach to vocational education, to gather all relevant

stakeholders both providers as well as researchers of adult education and training.

During 2014, the implementation of projects on adult education and training has continued. In

cooperation with the Vo-RAE organization a project on 'Literacy for Women and Girls’ first level

(grades 1-5) is implemented in six municipalities of Kosovo: Fushe Kosova, Graçanica, Gjilan,

Podujeva, Ferizaj, Prizren. During this period, the implementation of the project on literacy for

blind people (Braille) has continued in cooperation with the Kosovo Association of the Blind. As

a result, 7 trainers have been trained who will be working in continuation and a program was

initiated on orientation, mobility and skills of the blind with 40 participants from Mitrovica, Peja,

Ferizaj and Gjilan.

Another orientation of MEST activities was development of

education programs on compensatory education (grade 6-9) for

adults. Compensatory education is developed in Prishtina and

Fushe Kosova, whereas vocational education is developed in al

vocational schools (technical, economic, agricultural) in Kosovo.

In the first semi-annual, the first phase of the project has ended

(academic year) on compensatory education, developed within the

vocational education in all vocational schools (technical,

economic, agricultural) in Kosovo, whereas the other phase

continued from September. Also, the announcement was published

for enrolment of students in non-formal education, candidates were

accepted and lessons began in all Kosovo vocational schools.

Trainers were trained for compensatory lessons in the Municipality

of Obiliq who work with the students who attend compensatory


Teachers and administrative staff training working with the providers of adult education, is an

important aspect in addressing of this priority. In conformity of this goal, the group on drafting

the training program for teachers working with adults in vocational schools is established. In

cooperation with DVV International, adequate programs for training of these teachers are

developed. Also, in cooperation with DVV International, the Ministry of Labour, and University

of Prishtina trainings for trainers for Regional Training Centre were organized, whereby total of

57 participants attended. An important element in this regard is the curriculum for global adult

learning and education (Curriculum Globale) which is translated into Albanian and has been

provided to all providers of adult education. As part of these activities is the translation, printing

and distribution of andragogic manual for educators implemented in cooperation with DVV

International and with the support of GIZ and SDC.

Indicator 1: Number of participants in

education for adults

Status 2013 -

Target 2014 2400

Realization 2014 2400

Progress 2011/2014

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During the same period, the promotion of lifelong education, continued. In 2014, a regional

conference for lifelong education was organized, the festival on adult education and training was

organized, and a brochure published dedicated to education of the adults and lifelong learning.

Within the week of adult education and lifelong learning, the conference with 77 participants

from MEST, MED and development partners, organized. The purpose of this conference was to

improve inter-institutional coordination for adult education and training. During the fair,

"EduKos' the activities of adults in vocational schools, regional training centres and adults

formal and non-formal education providers were promoted and presented. The fair was attended

by 1,200 visitors.

Aiming at enhancing coordination between stakeholders, MEST in consultation with line

ministries, NQA, donor organizations and social partners agreed to establish four sub-working

groups which will follow the processes of capacity development of adult vocational education

and training. These sub-working groups will address issues of labour market and career

counselling, qualifications and curricula, quality assurance and adult education. MEST supports

DVV International programs for the advancement of learning for adults and entrepreneurship

within SEECEL regional project.

8.3 Quality assurance in adult education and training

Target 4: By 2016 develop a functioning system of AE and NFE

Development of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) was a key initiative. NQF allows the

prior learning recognition, and potentially provides a national system of prior learning recognition

(PLR, also known as the validation of non-formal learning), a special benefit for adult learners who

may require recognition, legalization and certified skill without the need to repeat learning. National

Qualification Authority managing NQF, developed national guidelines on prior learning recognition

to be used by providers of VET programs, social partners, employers, employers’ organizations,

employees in unions, and organizations supporting job-seekers. NQA developed Administrative

Instruction on Prior Learning Recognition as well as developed workshops for the drafting of more

specifically legal framework and infrastructure for accreditation of VET providers, with national

standards and monitoring and review systems for the implementation of the PLR - prior learning

Recognition, interrelation with the European Instructions. During 2014, NQA organized 5 rounds of

the qualification validation process and accreditation of assessment and providers institutions for the

qualifications developed by national and international verified standards.

8.4 Financing of adult education

Target 6: By 2014 sustainable and efficient financial support is provided for AE and


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Financing of adult education is mostly done in cooperation with development partners. Yet there is

no inclusion of vocational education and training in the education funding formula. However, in the

following years finding creative schemes for co-education and training of adults in cooperation with

the Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Trade, Chamber of Commerce and the social partners must be

prioritized. The following goal should also be directed at stimulating contributions to the industry in

adult training and education.

8.5 Recommendations

Financing of adult education - a financing formula shall be developed and inclusion of this

priority in the budget of MEST 2015/2016

Coordination of activities in adult education and training - should be focused on improving

mechanisms for coordination of activities within this priority. Coordination between actors

should focus on the framework of the Council for Vocational Education and Training and

Adult Education under the sub-working groups. Coordination mechanisms should also

include efforts to draft and implement a unified framework of performance and budgetary


Improving quality management system: Regarding the increased inclusion and improving

conditions for vocational education, the improvement of quality management system in

vocational education is also required. Actions to improve this priority consist in support of

the National Qualifications Authority to develop the capacity for extension and expansion the

scope of the accreditation of adult education providers.

Advancement of implementing the system for recognition and validation of prior

learning: It is recommended to advance the implementation of system for formal recognition

and validation of prior learning. In the context of this priority, efforts should be added to

raise awareness among adults and institutions providers of adult education.

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a cross-cutting area, whose main goal is the

integration of this technology in education in Kosovo. Through application of this technology it is

aimed to achieve total increase of the quality of education. MEST, within its organizational structure,

planed the establishment of an ICT department, which will deal with the integration of this

technology into the education system in Kosovo. During 2013 the approval was not granted by the

Ministry of Public Administration. MEST has limited capacities in managing the processes in the

area of Primary Target of this ICT sub-programme, that by the end of 2014 have been covered by the

support provided by donors. Equal access to quality ICT-led by demand that meets individual needs,

social, economic and advances the goals of inclusion and equality establishment.

9.1 Access in information and communication


Target 2: By 2016 the provision of adequate infrastructure

for ICT

Target 3: By 2016 development of human resources

capable of applying ICT

The scale and distribution of ICT in order to facilitate the

inclusiveness has progressed during 2014 compared to the previous

year. Number of schools with adequate ICT equipment increased

from 467 as it was in 2013 to 523 in 2014. This increase improves

the percentage of schools with adequate equipment with information

and communication technology at 44.4%. On the other hand,

improvement of equipment and distribution of ICT has resulted in

an improvement in the proportion of computers per student from 1:

51.4 as it was in 2013 to 1: 46.1 computers per student. The number

of computers at schools has increased from 7657 to 8693. Also, the

list from 12913 of trained staff for ECDL that was in 2013 is added

another 850 in 2014. From these figures it appears that around 57%

of the teaching staff is trained on ICT use.

Indicator 1: Number of students per


Status 2013 51

Target 2014 N.A

Achievement 2014 46

Progress 2011/2014

Indicator 2: Percentage of ICT trained


Status 2013 54.2%

Target 2014 70%

Achievement 2014 57%

Progress 2011/2014

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2012 2013 2014

Number of schools with ICT adequate equipment 467 523 523

Number of computers at schools 7657 7657 8693

Number of schools with access in internet 415

8.3 Strategy for the information and communication technology

Target 1: By 2011 an ICT Strategy is in place and operational.

In relation to MEST E-Learning Strategy, implementation of the platform edu.net continued and the

platform Moodle for teaching is operational. With the support from the European Commission a

tender has opened for equipping schools for teaching resources and it was worked on the installation

and functioning of ICT labs. Microsoft supported MEST in providing adequate software licenses for

use of ICT equipment in schools. In terms of maintenance, during this year Technical clubs of

students in 25 schools are established.

8.4 Integration of information technology in teaching

Target 3: By 2016 draft curricular is in place that integrates the use of ICT and e-

Learning aligned with international standards

Electronic platform MODDLE is operational and the publication of pedagogic electronic (project

funded by the EU) content started. Electronic platform “Kosovo Education Network” (involving here

MOODLE) is established. The project: “Modernization of education system in Kosovo through

electronic learning and digitalization of Matura exam” is ongoing, working on the digitalization of

the State Matura and development of a portal, in the framework of which is included electronic

learning software on the ICT and entrepreneurship subject. Under Twinning Project (currently

supported by Finland and Austria) an state of play analysis in pilot schools is developed in order to

implement the new curriculum related to information technology infrastructure and education tools,

and based on the results derived from this analysis, it will be invested in these schools. Also, JAICA -

supports MEST in establishing of one centre of competences by increasing human capacities through

training of teachers in Japan.

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Daily basis capacity building in management is the ESPF support concept in order to enable

MEST to manage itself under the agreement with donors. Therefore, the number of interventions,

training, workshops, courses, etc., is not important, because important is the impact on the

quality of the education sector. By this indicator it cannot be measured. The overall achievement

during 2013/2014 is ESPF ownership at the MEST, which is being recognized more and more as

an efficient and effective donor coordination and progress is noted in integrating ESPF

mechanism in daily work of MEST. The goal for 2014 was implementation ESPF's work plan,

the CB development plan and relevant budget, the approval of these two documents by ESPF

Steering Committee and start of implementation of the procedure in MEST everyday's activities.

This goal is achieved.

The first target for 2014 was MED and schools Needs Assessment Report and Capacity

Building Plans (CB Plans) for all MED and schools. This is achieved partly because it is

produced only a CB Plan and not individual plans of MED and schools individually

based on their needs.

The second target for 2014 was the international tender on consultancy for CB in MEST

and beginning of implementation of activities for CB in April. Due to the many delays in

the bidding process, the engagement of consultants began in September, so until now

only a small number of activities were implemented. Delays in this tendering procedures

was as the result that Kosovo conducted for the first time an international tender for

consultancy services, therefore this intensive process of gaining experience has been

positive for all stakeholders.

The third target for 2014 was to implementation of English language courses for all

MEST staff. The first round of courses noted non-satisfactory outcomes due to poor

organization by the British Council, and due to non large participation of MEST staff (see

report on English language courses dated 25/07/2014).

The main challenge is the workload of staff, therefore absorptive capacity for capacity

building measures, whether it is training, on-job training, peer to peer, support the application

of skills learned in daily working.

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Diaspora has also been one of the priorities of MEST, organizing supplementary learning to

students repatriated in cooperation between MEST, MIA and the Council of Europe. The project

started monitoring on March 15, 2014 and ended on June 21, 2014, and monitoring of

supplementary learning in 10 municipalities for repatriated children, took place. 1168 requests

for equivalence and recognition of documents of pre-university education, implemented, 33

meetings with the Commission for equivalence and recognition of documents of pre-university

education were held, as well as were conducted official visits abroad by the Commission for

equivalence and recognition of documents in the pre-university education in: Albania,

Montenegro and Macedonia.

During 2014, many activities for inclusion and education of children with special educational

needs were conducted, such as: the AI 24/2014 on conversion of attached classes in resource rooms;

the program by fields of activities (dedicated to children with special, multiple and severe needs that

includes the following areas: language, communication and skills), drafted; 20 training programs

from Resource Centres on training teachers to work with children with special educational needs,

accredited; 2,500 teachers trained in different programs (for building their capacities in the field of

inclusive education); as well as brochures, leaflets and posters with information on relevance of

inclusive education and services that provide resource centres, drafted and published.

A 3 year program was implemented from 2013 to 2015 for the training of 17 assistants and inspectors

of sign language. The project "Support to Inclusive Education Reform” funded by the Embassy of

Finland and implemented by KAPIE, is supporting 4 regular primary schools in the field of inclusive

education. In regional project 2013-2015 "Regional Support for Inclusive Education", which includes

Kosovo, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, are

included 8 schools, of which 4 primary and lower secondary schools, 2 gymnasia and 2 vocational

schools. As a result of this cooperation, the resource centre "Mother Teresa" in Prizren has received

equipment/hearing aids for pupils, in the amount of 100 thousand Euros

During 2014, MEST adapted its agenda to the very important process for Kosovo, that of

European Integration. Thus, within the Stabilization and Association Process Dialogue (SAPD)

sectoral meetings of SAPD’s were developed twice a year in sectoral groups “Social Innovation

and Cohesion” and “Justice, Freedom and Security”. Stabilization and Association Agreement

Action Plan 2014 (SAAAP) set up actions necessary to implement the European agenda and

progress in the process of EU integration of Kosovo in compliance with the priorities identified

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by the European Partnership. Until now, MEST reported regularly as required, as well as

reported regularly in Visa Liberalization Steering Committee regular meetings on the progress

made related to issues covered by the visa liberalization dialogue within the SAPD.

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Funding for education sector has increased steadily since 2011. Public expenditures on education

expressed in terms of percentage of annual government expenditures and compared to GDP are

comparable with regional and EU practices. Nominal expenditures have increased significantly

compared to 2011. However, expenditures per pupil capita are low compared to the regional, EU and

OECD averages. This stems partly because of a low GDP base and government budget and partly

because Kosovo has significantly more pupils per total population than other countries. On the other

hand, expenditure data of 2014 reveal that about 71.4 percent went for wages and salaries. Future

funding should focus on improving quality parameters, internal infrastructure, textbooks and visual


TABLE : Expenditure (million Euro) in education by standard and sub-sectors indicators 2011-2014

2011 2012 2013 2014

GDP 4,773 4,916 5,327 5,581

Expenditures in education sector 218.9 230.4 230.5 262.3

% GDP in education 4.60% 4.70% 4.30% 4.70%

Total Government Budget 1,415 1,441 1,469 1,589

Education budget (%) 15.50% 16.00% 15.70% 16.50%

Central funding 65.4 71.4 69.9 81

Local funding (municipality) 153.5 159 160.5 181.3

153.50 159.00 160.50 181.30

65.40 71.40 69.9081.008.20

12.70 16.00









2011 2012 2013 2014

Expenditures in education sector 2011-2014

Local funding Government funding Development partners

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Pre-university expenditure 183.95 192.57 188.80 210.99

Higher education expenditure 34.63 37.62 41.02 50.76 Source: Ministry of Finance /MEST Note (1): Local Funding includes not only the specific grant for education but also self-funding from

municipalities/municipal general grant. Expenditures at pre-university include local funding and MEST expenditures dedicated to pre-university level. Expenditures in higher education include expenditures of public education institutions, MEST expenditures for higher education, UP, KASA, KAPS, BK

12.1 Government funding for education

During 2014, the main financial expenditures were on:

The education sector in the Republic of Kosovo was subject to reforms in all sub-sectors. The

aim of these efforts was to address the main challenges in improving enrolment and

improvement of equal access to education under budgetary constraints.

There were investment in new infrastructure projects and refurbishment of the existing


Implementation of the teacher professional development in the areas of Teacher Qualification

Advancement. European Computer Driving License and Teacher Licensing

Piloting of the new curricula in 82 new schools - totalling 92

Financial decentralisation at local municipal level

Free text books for mandatory education (1-9)

Support for 'ATOMI' - offering of services for pupils of pre-university education in all

Kosovo municipalities for pupils with exceptional talent

MEST implemented the matura examination, external examination for 9th grade and pilot

exxamination for 5th grade

Modernisation of education system through e-Education which deals with digitalisation of


Activities to support education of diaspora in albanian language

MEST has continued efforts to implement inclusive policies for creating a friendly

environment, with equal access for all in pre-university education and higher education.

MEST will aim to provide further assistance for minority communities, physically disabled

students and marginalised groups. Assistance was provided for the process of readmission.

Science Week programme was implemented: support for scientific projects, publication of

scientific works, support for mobility grants and access into international electronic libraries

Five-year project 'Transformational Leadership' in cooperation with USAID - the project

offers assistance for master and professional studies in USA.

Support for 22 books/publications of the Faculty of Medicine

All public universities offered scholarships for distinct students of bachelor and master


Scholarships in cooperation with the University of Shefield/City College at all levels

The aim of MEST was and will be to develop vocational education. This is a pre-condition

for improving labour market entry profiles and cooperation with industry

Support adult education and life-long learning.

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The Annex 1 below offer an overview of financial expenditures on education from 2011-2014 and

the budget approved for 2015. It also offers information about the budget for capital investments for


12.2 Donations from development partners

Donations from development partners for KESP implementation in 2011 were mainly oriented in

pre-university and vocational education. However, donor assistance in 2014 has changed

significantly in terms of priorty sub-sectors - teacher professional development, higher education and

vocational education were prioritised. The Annex 3: below offers an overview of donor assistance

for KESP 2011-2014.


1 SIMFK-SistemiinformativimenaxhimitfinanciarnëKosovë


























2011 2012 2013 2014

Donors by KESP sub-programs 2011-2014


Teacher development




Higher Education

Capacity development

Adult Education

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Annex 1: Education Sector finance (government grant, fees and loans) Kod

i i Pro


Sub-programs No.staf 2011 2012 2013 2014 Approved


Capital investments


Total: MASHT/Arsimi i Lartë, UP, ASHAK , BK, AKSP








231 Academy of Science and Arts

55 437,151




1,209,375 -

915 Kosovo Academy for Public Safety 197 - - - 2,597,233



909 National Library 85 - - - 575,105 665,265 -

242 University of Prishtina 2230







General grant-10 2230 14,964,725






Fees' (21-22) 9,164,641 9,406,776



5,639,823 -

208 MEST Total 1,886







MEST General grant








MEST (own incomes 21-22) - 2,236,681




1,674,401 -

MEST (loans) - - - -




Total Higher Education and Science

924 6,794,513






General grant-10

924 5,123,698






Own resources (21-22) - 1,670,816




1,420,728 -

905 Student centre

249 3,144,403



4,333,074 4,129,056


917 Bilateral agreements - 178,478 328,478 176,905 178,478 2,178,478

909 National and University Library - 581,607 681,843 663,510 - - -

906 Institutes - 817,271 - - - - -

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970 Albanological Institute 51 - 576,447 589,429 637,842 740,888 -

971 Institute of History 31 - 308,954 296,864 321,554 375,847 -

972 Leposavic Institute 14 - 3,458 6,748 10,923 77,788 -

973 Kosovo Accreditation Agency 9 - 399,590 546,147 645,698 536,539 -

919 University of Prizren 130 2,072,755



2,419,321 3,146,267


974 University of Peja 155 - -


2,508,749 2,717,541


977 University of Gjilan 95 - - 125,921 691,903 1,823,574


978 University of Gjakova 95 - - 156,580 685,341 1,923,574


979 University of Mitrovica 95 - - 122,643

1,052,650 1,923,574


982 Capital investemnts in HE - - - - - 236,000 236,000

Total Pre-University Education 730 3,917,160 4,068,482





General grant -10 730 3,917,160 4,068,482





Loans - - - - - 2,931,000


900 National Qualifications Authority 6 - 248,209 247,240 212,638 257,189 -

908 Children with special needs 208 1,609,645



1,418,561 1,631,707 -

910 Teacher Training - 970,271 847,337 704,062 690,612 728,383 -

911 Curriculum development - 208,265 238,258 243,565 205,935 213,434 -

918 Kosovo Pedagogical Institute 21 128,979 164,011 277,654 268,449 304,523 -

925 Basic Education Programe - 1,000,000



1,000,000 1,000,000 -

975 Agency for Vocational and Adult Education 495 - - - 50,434 3,062,847 -

981 Capital investements in PUE - - - - - 10,489,000


495 Co-financing with Mitrovicës së Veriut, Zveçanit, Zubin Potokut dhe Leposaviqit - - - - -



Central Administration Total 232 30,149,301






General grant-10 232




28,815,704 8,322,833


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Own incomes (21-22) - 565,866 201,200 227,731 283,748 253,673 -

Loans - - - -

2,000,000 600,000 -

113 Central Administration 160




30,909,249 8,442,426


114 Office of the Minister 9 151,995 200,686 207,079 190,203 208,411 -

980 Education Inspectorate 63 - - - - 525,669 -

Municipal Education Finance -








Education Special Grant and Government grant







Own resources (21-22) 8,437,201 10,095,422





Total Education Finance 218,939,720






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Annex 2: The cost of KESP implementation for 2014

Sub-programs Total cost 2014 Total investment 2014 Total planned

minus investments 2014

Percentage of KESP implementation 2014

1. Pre-University Education

44,182,229 34,083,191 (10,099,038) 77.1%

2. Pre-School Education 3,216,720 681,315 (2,535,405) 21.2%

3. VET

8,648,740 3,051,326 (5,597,414) 35.3%

4. Teacher Professional Development

2,064,930 9,813,283 7,748,353 475.2%

5. Higher Education 19,118,860 17,661,126 (1,457,734) 92.4%

6. Adult Education 1,136,010 48,590 (1,087,420) -4.3%

7. ICT 15,356,800 2,613,512 (12,743,288) 17.0%

8. Capacity Development

300,250 1,154,330 854,080 384.5%

Total 94,024,539 69,106,674 (24,917,865) 73.5%

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Annex 3: TABLE: Donations from development partners - pledges and disbursments 2011-2015

KESP sub-programs

Total value of commitments in 2011

Total vale disbursed


Total commitmnts


Total disbursements


Total commitments


Total disbursements


Total commitments


Total disbursements


Total commitments


Total disbursements


Adult education



810,909.90 676,834


- -



Capacity development






- 3,134,728




Higher education






4,172,652 11,004,164




ICT 1,834,672





- -










185,000 399,460










2,659,545 1,356,855




Teacher professional development






5,197,956 4,179,741




VET 9,168,176





3,792,052 5,104,454




Total 26,521,944





16,007,206 25,179,401

18,410,045 8,963,573
