What are DogRocks? Inquisitive Customer Dog Rocks are a 100% natural Australian product that can save your lawn from burn marks that your dog’s urine can cause. They are what is called a paramagnetic igneous rock, think of Dog Rocks as acting as a sponge when placed in water – absorbing impurities that cause urine marks. DogRocks Team What do they do? DogLover201 Dog Rocks filter out impurities from water such as tin, ammonia and nitrates. These impurities are usually passed out through urine, and when grass meets these elements it results in dead, yellow patches on your lawn. DogRocks Team

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What are DogRocks?

Inquisitive Customer

Dog Rocks are a 100% natural Australianproduct that can save your lawn fromburn marks that your dog’s urine cancause. They are what is called aparamagnetic igneous rock, think of DogRocks as acting as a sponge when placedin water – absorbing impurities that causeurine marks.

DogRocks Team

What do they do?


Dog Rocks filter out impurities from watersuch as tin, ammonia and nitrates. Theseimpurities are usually passed out throughurine, and when grass meets these elements itresults in dead, yellow patches on your lawn.

DogRocks Team


Why does my dogs urine burn grass?


Dog urine contains a large amount of urea.This is a waste product which is the result ofthe chemical reaction that goes on whendigesting the amino acids which make upproteins. Protein is broken down in the dog’sstomach to make energy, water, carbondioxide and ammonia (a compound of nitrogenand hydrogen). Ammonia is toxic to the body,so it is converted inside the liver of the dog toa non-toxic compound called urea. Urea is acompound of nitrogen. Nitrogen is the mainelement contained in lawn fertilizers and ureais an extremely strong version of this. Whenyour dog pees on the lawn it cannot cope withthe overload of nitrates, so the grass is burntand then dies.

DogRocks Team

Will DogRocks harm my dog's health?

Buddy's Owner

The product is completely natural and will notchange the pH balance of your dog’s urine sowill cause no harm to your dog at all. Pleaseensure you follow the direction of use.

DogRocks Team

Why do I need to change my DogRocks every2 months?


Dog Rocks act like a sponge or a filter, theyreach their saturation point after this periodand are no longer able to absorb any moreimpurities.

DogRocks Team

Our product is 100% natural, the only processthe rocks go through after being mined fromthe earth is sizing to avoid choking hazards.Your Dog Rocks may alter in size from pack topack, but the weight remains checked.

DogRocks Team

How long do they take to work?


Dog Rocks take just 8-10 hours to startworking in the water. With proper lawnmaintenance you will see vast improvementsin 3-5 weeks. You will not see any differencein the rock when it’s working.

DogRocks Team

Are DogRocks natural?


Convenient, natural and hassle free – DogRocks are user friendly. Simply wash therocks, and then leave them in your pet’s waterbowl replacing them every 2 months. If yourpet does not like anything in their bowl, placethe rocks in a jug/pitcher with 2L of waterdecanting from there to the bowl. Ensure therocks have 8-10 hours contact with the waterbefore it is drunk. Dog Rocks are endorsed byvets and pet-parents with over 2 million packssold worldwide.

DogRocks Team

Why Dog Rocks?


Yes, Dog Rocks are regularly tested – havingbeen on the market since 2003 and goingthrough multiple tests prior to this. Endorsedby vets and pet-parents worldwide.

DogRocks Team

Are Dog Rocks laboratory tested?

Herbie's Dad

What are the ingredients?

George the Dog Owner

Dog Rocks are a paramagnetic igneous rock,absolutely zero ingredients are added. Theproduct comes straight from the earth, theonly process they go through is sizing to avoidchoking hazards.

DogRocks Team

We recommend topping up rather thanreplacing all the water, however if you need toclean the bowl do so at night before bed andplace the Dog Rocs back in the bowl afterrefilling with fresh water. Dogs generally drinkless and night so this will give the rocks timeto absorb the excess nitrates.

DogRocks Team

What about cleaning my dog’s bowl?


Can cats drink the same water?


Yes, DogRocks are safe for cats too.

DogRocks Team

Can I use Dog Rocks after re-turfing orfertilizing my grass?


When using grass fertilizers and re-turfingyou will need to up your dosage of Dog Rocks.New-sod uses nitrates and to be fully effectivewe would suggest doubling your usualrequirement for 6 weeks whilst the fertilizerbreaks down into the soil.

DogRocks Team

Will using Dog Rocks fix my current burnmarks?


Dog Rocks cannot fix previous dead patches,but with proper lawn maintenance you willsee vast improvements in 5 weeks.

DogRocks Team

Do I need a pack for each of my dogs andeach water bowl?


Yes, to be fully effective you need to ensurethat each source of water has been treatedwith Dog Rocks. One pack of 200g will treat2L of water, if you have multiple pets you mayneed to up this recommended dosage.

DogRocks Team

Do I need to feed my dog a specific diet?


A high protein diet such as raw can hinder theeffectiveness of Dog Rocks. A premium drydog food is the perfect accompaniment to therocks.

DogRocks Team