QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)

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  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis

    Contents (lecture-wise):

    Lecture-01: Course Outline

    Lecture-02: Inventory Model (Risk, Certainty, Expected Value, Payoff Matrix, EVR)

    Lecture-03: Opportunity Loss method, EVLO, EVPI, EVC, Incremental Analysis

    Lecture-04: Lab Class (Payoff table, Opportunity Loss table in Excel)

    Lecture-05: Introduction to Probability, Using tree diagrams for mutually exclusive events

    Lecture-06: Problems solved with tree diagrams

    Lecture-07: Bayes Theorem

    Lecture-08: Decision Analysis (Using Bayes theorem), Decision tree diagram

    Lecture-09: Introduction to Linear Programming (LP) Modelling

    Lecture-10: LP modelling exercises

    Lecture-11: Lab Class (Data input in Excel and using Solver)

    Lecture-12: Transportation Model and Assignment Model (LP modelling)


    Contents (topic-wise):

    Payoff Table, Opportunity Loss Table, EVR, EVC, EVLO etc: Lectures 02-04

    Probability, Tree Diagram, Bayes theorem: Lectures 05 to 08

    Decision Analysis, Decision tree: Lecture-08

    LP modelling: Lectures 09 to 12

    Transportation and Assignment Model: Lecture-12

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    February 18, 2013Course Outline

    1. Concepts of Probability

    2. Decision Analysis

    3. Linear Programming (LP) Model (Use of excel)

    4. Forecasting Techniques

    5. Critical Path Method (CPM)

    6. Waiting Line Model

    7. Markov Process Model

    8. Others

    Solving of problems is not expected, as they will be solved by simulation. The goal is to

    build models based on the variables and conditions.

    Reference Material

    Either Quantitative Methods for Business or An Introduction to Management Science

    (both by) Anderson Sweeney and Williams

    Mark Distribution

    Quiz - 15%

    MT - 25%

    FT - 35%

    Assignments - 15%

    Class - 10%

    Grade Boundary

    A: 90+

    B+: 85-90

    B: 80-85

    C+: 75-80C: 70-75

    D+: 65-70

    D: 60-65

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    February 20, 2013Decision Making

    Uncertain Risk Certain

    Risk situation: Where some of the components are certain and some are uncertain.

    The idea of probability is related with risk.

    => The more information we collect, the more we move towards certainty.

    For example, if a weatherman forecasts that there is a 90% chance of raining tomorrow, it

    means that out of 100 days it will rain on 90 days.

    The certain component here is that it will rain on 90 days. The uncertain component is thatwe do not know if a given day or group of days fall within the 10 days or the 90 days.

    Expected Value:A predicted value of a variable, calculated as the sum of all possible

    values each multiplied by the probability of its occurrence.

    For XYZ Bread Manufacturing Company (the significance of bread here is that it is a

    perishable good i.e. if 42 units are produced when there is a demand of 40, then 2 units will

    be wasted as they cannot be stored for sales next day).

    Demand = 40-44 [25 different outcomes e.g demand is 40, production is 41 is 1 outcome]

    Selling Price = Tk.38; Variables Cost = Tk.25; Fixed Cost = Tk.200

    Table 1.1 Payoff Matrix / Profit Matrix

    Decision Alternatives (Productions)

    Probability Demand 40 41 42 43 44

    10% 40 320 295 270 245 220

    20% 41 320 333 308 283 258

    40% 42 320 333 346 321 296

    20% 43 320 333 346 359 334

    10% 44 320 333 346 359 372

    100% Expected


    320 329.2 330.8 317.2 296

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    5 expected values (EVs) for each of the production levels (in units) have been found. The

    optimum expected value is known as Expected Value under Risk (EVR).

    Thus, here EVR = Tk. 330.8 (at 42 units of production).

    Note, for the first cell (Demand=40, Production=40) the formula R=38*40-40*25-200 has

    been used. However from then on, the values of cells adjacent to each other have been

    found using marginal cost, marginal and marginal profit principles.

    In the short-term, the models may produce undesired outcome. However, in the long-term,

    these models help us make more correct decisions and we would have made without them.

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    February 27, 2013

    OL (Opportunity Loss): Loss incurred by not taking the best decision.

    CM (Contribution Margin): Marginal profit per unit of sale (Selling price - Variable cost)

    OLU(Opportunity Loss of Understocking) = CM (Contribution Margin)

    OLO(Opportunity Loss of Overstocking) = VC (Variable Cost)

    For XYZ Bread Manufacturing CompanyDemand = 40-44; Selling Price = Tk.38; Variables Cost = Tk.25; Fixed Cost = Tk.200

    Table 1.2 Opportunity Loss table

    Production -->

    Probability Demand 40 41 42 43 44

    10% 40 0 25 50 75 100

    20% 41 13 0 25 50 75

    40% 42 26 13 0 25 50

    20% 43 39 26 13 0 25

    10% 44 52 39 26 13 0

    ELO 26 16.8 15.2 28.8 50

    + + + + + +

    EV 320 329.2 330.8 317.2 296

    = = = = = =

    EVC 346 346 346 346 346

    *Only the ELO are calculated from this table. EV had been calculated in the payoff matrix.

    Here, the ELOR (Expected Opportunity Loss under Risk) is 15.2 (for 42 units). It is also

    the EVPI (discussed below). Therefore, the best decision is to produce 42 units.

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    ELO (Expected Opportunity Loss)

    EV (Expected Value):A predicted value of a variable, calculated as the sum of all possible

    values each multiplied by the probability of its occurrence.

    EVR (Expected Value under Risk)

    EVC (Expected Value under Certainty)

    EVPI (Expected Value of Perfect Information)

    For calculation of EVC, the situation has no uncertain components, i.e. we know exactly

    which days the demand will be x. Thus, there will never be any case of overstocking or

    understocking. Consequently, there will be no opportunity loss.

    Thus, we can say that Opportunity Loss occurs due to lack of information.

    Table 1.1 Payoff Matrix / Profit Matrix

    Decision Alternatives (Productions)

    Probability Demand 40 41 42 43 44

    10% 40 320 295 270 245 220

    20% 41 320 333 308 283 258

    40% 42 320 333 346 321 296

    20% 43 320 333 346 359 334

    10% 44 320 333 346 359 372

    100% Expected


    320 329.2 330.8 317.2 296

    Here, EVC = (320 * 0.1) + (333 * 0.2) + (346 * 0.4) + (359 * 0.2) + (372 * 0.1)

    = 346

    EVC = EVR + EVPI , or EVPI = EVC - EVR

    Thus, EVPI = 346 - 330.8 = 15.2 = ELOR (found above)

    EVPI = ELOR , i.e. the value of perfect information is the opportunity loss under risk

    And for each level of production, EV + ELO = EVC (refer to Table 1.2)

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    Incremental Analysis

    Probability of selling the additional unit: (refer to Table 1.1 or 1.2 for probability values)

    40th- 100%

    41st- 90%

    42nd- 70%

    43rd- 30%

    44th- 10%

    For 41stunit, probable profit (? term) = (13 * 0.9) - (25 * 0.1) = 9.2

    Since the value is greater than zero, it is profitable to produce the 41stunit.

    OLup - OLo(1-p) = 0, where p = probability of selling; (1-p) = probability of not selling

    The above equation helps us find the minimum value of p for which loss is not made.

    Thus, p = OLO/ (OLO+ OLU), where OLO= VC; OLU= CM = SP - VC

    This value of p is a minimum value. If, for example, p = 0.68 (or 68%) then up to the 42nd

    unit should be produced. The 43rd unit should not be produced because 68% > 30%. Even if

    p is 30.5%, then only 42 units should be produced. 43 units should only be produced when p

    is below 30%, for example 25%.

    Single-Period Inventory Models with Probabilistic Demand

    Method Advantages Disadvantages

    Payoff Table /

    Payoff Matrix

    can be used to directly find the


    ELO can be found indirectly by

    working backwards from EVC

    = EV + ELO

    calculations are complex

    and time-consuming

    ELO cannot be found




    can be used to direclty find the


    simpler calculations

    does not reveal all

    information e.g EVC,




    very simple and more viable

    for larger numbers of

    production/demand values

    only SP, VC, p values needed

    does not reveal any

    information about EVC,


    When only the decision is needed, Opportunity Loss method and Incremental Analysis

    Method offer quick anwers. However, the Payoff Table is needed when more detailed

    information e.g. about EVC and EVRis needed.

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    Single-Period Inventory Model with Probabilistic Demand

    [Excerpt from An Introduction to Management Science 13E, page-474]

    In situations in which the demand rate is not deterministic, other models treat demand as

    probabilistic and best described by a probability distribution. In this section we consider a

    single-period inventory model with probabilistic demand.

    The single-period inventory model refers to inventory situations in which one order is placed

    for the product; at the end of the period, the product has either sold out or a surplus of

    unsold items will be sold for a salvage value. The single-period inventory model is

    applicable in situations involving seasonal or perishable items that cannot be carried in

    inventory and sold in future periods. Seasonal clothing (such as bathing suits and winter

    coats) is typically handled in a single-period manner. In these situations, a buyer places

    one pre-season order for each item and then experiences a stockout or holds a clearance

    sale on the surplus stock at the end of the season. No items are carried in inventory and

    sold the following year. Newspapers are another example of a product that is ordered one

    time and is either sold or not sold during the single period. Although newspapers are

    ordered daily, they cannot be carried in inventory and sold in later periods. Thus,

    newspaper orders may be treated as a sequence of single-period models; that is, each day

    or period is separate, and a single-period inventory decision must be made each period

    (day). Because we order only once for the period, the only inventory decision we must

    make is how much of the product to order at the start of the period.

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    March 6, 2013[LAB CLASS]

    p = quantity produced

    d = quantity demanded

    SP = selling price

    VC = variable cost

    FC = fixed cost

    CM = contribution margin = SP - VC

    Use IF function to formulate:

    1. Profit = p x SP - p x VC - FC (when production demand)

    [Using IF, for payoff matrix]

    2. Opportunity Loss = (d - p) x CM (when production demand)

    [Using IF, for opportunity loss method]

    3. Units to produce = Index (Production array, 1,

    (Match (EVR/ELOR, EV/ELO array, 0)


    e.g. =Index($C$8:$G$8,1,Match(H14,C14:G14,0))

    or =Index($C$8:$G$8,1,Match(Max(C14:G14),C14:G14,0))

    Note that H14 = Max (C14:G14) i.e. EVR = Max (EV array)

    [Using INDEX and MATCH, for payoff matrix method or OL method]

    Excel functions used: SUM, IF, MIN, MAX,

    New Excel functions: SUMPRODUCT, INDEX, MATCH

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    March 10, 2013

    Probability:A number expressing the likelihood that a specific event will occur, expressed

    as the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the number of possible occurrences

    Experimente.g. toss a coin

    Event / Outcomee.g. getting heads or tails

    Marginal Probability: Probability with only one condition/criteria

    e.g. P(A) , P (B)

    Joint Probability: Probability with more than one condition/criteriae.g. P(AB) , P(AUB); P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(AB);

    P(AUBUC) = P(A) + P(B) + P(C) - P(AB) - P(AC) - P(BC) + P(ABC)

    Conditional Probability: Probability when one or more outcome has already occurred or is

    given. The sample size or sample space becomes smaller when using this condition.

    e.g. P(A|B); P(A|B) = P(AB) / P(B)

    Mutually Exclusive Events: Two events are said to be mutual if one cannot occur

    simultaneously with the other.

    e.g. heads and tails, king and ace

    For mutually exclusive events A and B: P(AB) = 0; P(AUB) = P(A) + P (B)

    Independent Events: Two events are said to be independent of each other if the

    occurrence of one event does not affect the occurrence of the other.

    e.g. picking cards with replacement; a coin landing on heads and die landing on six.

    Two events, A and B, are independent only when: P(A) = P(A|B), i.e the marginal probability

    of one of an event is the same as its conditional probability (given the other event).

    For independent events A and B: P(AB) = P(A).P(B); P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A).P(B)

    Note: Two events cannot simultaneously be mutually exclusive and independent.

    But can two events can simultaneously be mutually inclusive and dependent.

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    Picking an integer from 1 to 10. Sample space is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).

    P(T) = probability of multiple of 3

    P(E) = probability of even number

    P(T) = 0.3; P(E) = 0.5; P(TE) = 0.1; P(TUE) = 0.7; P(T).P(E) = 0.15

    Since P(TE) 0, the events are not mutually exclusive

    Since, P(TE) P(T).P(E), the events are not independent

    Thus the events are neither mutually exclusive nor independent. That is, they are

    dependent mutually inclusive events.


    For all events:

    1a. P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(AB)

    1b. P(AUBUC) = P(A) + P(B) + P(C) - P(AB) - P(AC) - P(BC) + P(ABC)

    2a. P(A|B) = P(AB) / P(B) or,

    2b. P(AB) = P(A|B) / P(B) or,

    2c. P(B) = P(AB) / P(A|B)

    For mutually exclusive events:

    3. P(AB) = 0

    4. P(AUB) = P(A) + P (B)

    For independent events:

    5. P(AB) = P(A).P(B)

    6. P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A).P(B)

    The branches of tree diagrams represent mutually exclusive events

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)



    There are: 10 cups with milk and sugar

    8 cups with milk and no sugar

    6 cups with no milk and sugar

    4 cups with no milk and no sugar

    1. If we randomly pick one cup what is the probability that:

    a) it will contain sugar

    b) it will contain no milk

    c) given that it contains sugar, what is the probability that it will contain milk

    d) it will contain both sugar and milk

    2. Are the events sugar and milk independent?


    [Use table, NOT venn diagram]

    Milk No Milk Total

    Sugar 10 6 16

    No Sugar 8 4 12

    Total 18 10 28

    1a) P(S) = 16/28

    1b) P(M) = 10/28

    1c) P(M|S) = 10/16

    1d) 10/28

    2. P(M) = 18/28; P (M|S) = 10/16; P(M) P(M|S)

    Therefore, the cup containing milk and the cop containing sugar are not independent events.

    Note: Another case of events that are neither independent nor mutually exclusive.

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)



    Draw 2 cards from a deck and calculate the probability of getting one ace.


    [Use tree diagram or direct method. Tree diagram is preferred in complex problems, e.g.

    those with more than 4 final outcomes.

    Probability of getting one ace = P(AA) + P(AA)

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    March 13, 2013Problem-1:

    H, C and F represent claims for health, car and flat respectively.

    P(H) = 0.4; P(C) = 0.3; P (F) = 0.2

    What is the probability that a person will file claim for:

    a) car and flat

    b) flat or car but not both

    c) exactly 2 claims

    d) car and health but not house

    e) any one claim


    a) For car and flat, P = P(HCF) + P (HC) = 0.024 + 0.096 = 0.12

    Note: Its no mention whether flat or no flat, so both combinations of car and house have

    been taken.

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    b) For flat or car but not both, P = P(F) + P(C) + P(HF) + P(HC)

    = 0.084 + 0.144 + 0.056 + 0.096

    = 0.38

    (Again, House is not important here. All combinations that have either F or C but not FC

    have been taken).

    c) For exactly to claims, P = P(FC) + P(HC) + P(HF)

    = 0.036 + 0.096 + 0.056

    = 0.188

    d) P(HC) = 0.096

    e) For any one claim, P = P(H) + P(F) + P(C)

    = 0.224 + 0.084 + 0.144

    = 0.452


    The probability that a customer will buy a pen is 30% and a book is 40%. What is the

    probability that:

    a) he will buy only a pen

    b) he will buy both the pen and the book

    c) either the pen or the book (but not both)

    d) 2 consecutive customers dont buy anything

    Solution-A (with Tree diagram):

    a) P(PB) = 0.18; b) P(PB) = 0.12;

    c) P(PB) + P(PB) = 0.18 + 0.28 = 0.46; d) [P(PB)]2= 0.422= 0.1764

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    Solution-B (without Tree diagram):

    a) P(PB) = 30% x 60% = 0.18

    b) P(PB) = 30% 40% = 0.12

    c) P(Only pen) + P(Only book) = P(PB) + P(PB) = (30% x 60+ (70% x 40%) = 0.46

    d) P(two customers buy nothing) = [P(Nothing)]2= (70% x 60%)2= 0.422= 0.1764


    You have 2 red and 2 black marbles. If you randomly pick 2 marbles, what is the probability

    that both will be back (without replacement).

    Note: Unless replacement is mentioned explicitly, it will always be without replacement.

    Solution-A (with Tree diagram):

    P(BB) = 1/6

    Solution-B (without tree diagram):

    P(BB) = 2/4 x 1/3 = 1/6

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)



    From a deck of cards, you pick 2 cards. What is the probability that you will get an Ace and

    a King (in any order)?

    Solution-A (with Tree diagram):

    P(Ace and King) = P(AK) + P(KA) = 4/663 + 4/663 = 8/663

    Solution-B (without Tree diagram):

    P(Ace and King) = P(AK) + P(KA)

    = (4/52 x 4/51) + (4/52 x 4/51)

    = 4/663 + 4/663

    = 8/663

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)



    From a deck of cards, you pick 2 cards. What is the probability that you will get an Ace and

    a King of the same suit (in any order)?

    Solution-A (with Tree diagram):

    P(AK of same suit) = 2/663

    Solution-B (without Tree diagram):

    P(AK of hearts in this order) = 1/52 x 1/51 = 1/2652

    P (AK of hearts in any order) = 2 x 1/2652 = 1/1326

    P( AK of any suit in any order) = 4 x 1326 = 2/663

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    March 20, 2013Bayes Theorem


    P(X) = 30%; P(E|X) = 10% where E = error

    P(Y) = 20%; P(E|Y) = 20%

    P(Z) = 50%; P(E|Z) = 5%

    To find: P(X|E)

    Sample Space:


    1.Find joint probabilities [i.e. P(KE) ]

    2. Find marginal p of E [ P(E) = sum of all P(KE) ]

    3. Find all the P(K|E) using P(K|E) = P (KE) / P(E)

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)



    Events Marginal









    Conditional P

    (given Error)


    X 0.30 0.10 0.03 0.316

    Y 0.20 0.20 0.04 0.421

    Z 0.50 0.05 0.025 0.263

    Total P(E) = 0.095 1


    Three typists are working. The probability of work being doen by each typist and the

    corresponding chances of error are given:

    P(A) = 25%; P(E|A) = 20%

    P(B) = 45%; P(E|B) = 25%

    P(C) = 30%; P(E|C) = 10%

    Given that there is error, what is the probability that

    (1) A typed it (2) B typed it (3) C typed it


    Events Marginal









    Conditional P

    (given Error)


    A 0.25 0.20 0.05 0.260

    B 0.45 0.25 0.1125 0.584

    C 0.30 0.10 0.03 0.156

    Total P(E) = 0.1925 1

    Probability that (1) A typed it is 0.260, (2) B typed it is 0.584, (3) C typed it is 0.156


    There will be a football match tomorrow. It rained 5 days each year. Weatherman

    forecasted rain for tomorrows match. When it rains, he forecasts 90% of the time. When it

    doesnt rain, he forecasts rain 20% of the time. So given that he forecasted rain tomorrow,

    what is the probability that it will rain?

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    Let the events Raining be R, not raining be N, and weatherman forecasts rain be F.


    P(R) = 5/365; P(N) = 360/365; P(F|R) = 90%; P(F|N) = 20%

    Events Marginal









    Conditional P

    (given Error)


    R 5/365 0.90 0.0123 0.0587

    N 360/365 0.20 0.1973 0.9413

    Total P(F) = 0.2096 1

    Thus, the probability of rain tomorrow given that weatherman forecasted rain is 0.0587

    *Note: If P(F|N) decreases, e.g. 10%, then P(R|F) will increase since it means accuracy

    is increasing. [When P(F|N) = 10%, P(R|F) = 0.11 > 0.0587 ]

    Discrete Probability Distribution: (Most probably not in syllabus)

    1. Binomial Distribution

    2. Poisson Distribution

    Conditions of binomial distribution:1. There are 2 events/outcome

    2. Outcomes are independent of previous outcome

    Binomial distribution:

    (p+q)n ; where p is the probability of success, q = (1-p) is the probability of failure and n is

    the number of experiments

    (p+q)10 = p10+ (AB)/C p9q + ..

    where, A = power of p in previous term

    B = coefficient of previous term (AB/C of previous term)

    C = position no. of previous term (in this case, 1)

    Probability of a single term (the rthterm:

    P of (r+1)thterm = ncrpn-rqr

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    In binomial distribution, n is finite. In poisson distribution n is infinite.

    We can only measure success in Poisson distribution, not failure. This is because the

    variable is distributed over space and time. For example, we can measure the road

    accidents in Dhaka-Chittagong highway from 5pm to 6pm on a day, but we cannot the

    measure the number of road accidents averted.

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    March 30, 2013Decision Analysis


    Given: Payoff table (the values express revenue/profit)

    Decision High Demand (h) Low Demand (l)

    Large Plant 200,000 -180,000

    Small Plant 100,000 -20,000

    Do nothing 0 0

    The company can buy a report which may show the market has favorable conditions (F) or

    unfavorable conditions (U). Given that P(F|h) = 70%, P(F|l) = 20%, P(h) = 50%, P(l) = 50%,

    find the expected value of the report and the expected value of sample information.


    When report is Favorable (F):

    Variable P(k) P(F|k) P(kF) P(k|F)

    h 0.50 0.70 0.35 0.778 [0.35/0.45]

    l 0.50 0.20 0.1 0.222 [0.1/0.45]

    Sum 0.45 = P(F) 1

    EV of Large Plant = (200,000 x 0.778) + (-180,000 x 0.222)

    = 115,555.56

    EV of Small Plant = (100,000 x 0.778) + (-20,000 x 0.222)

    = 73,333.33

    EV of Do Nothing = (0 x 0.778) + (0 x 0.222)

    = 0

    *EV of Do Nothing is always zero as we actually are not producing anything

    EVR when favorable = EVRF= 115,555.56 [largest value among the three]

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    When report is Unfavorable (U):

    Variable P(k) P(U|k) P(kU) P(k|U)

    h 0.50 0.30 [1- 0.70] 0.15 0.273 [0.15/0.55]

    l 050 0.80 [1 - 0.20] 0.4 0.727 [0.4/0.55]

    Sum 0.55 = P(U) = 1 - P(F) 1

    EV of Large Plant = (200,000 x 0.273) + (-180,000 x 0.727)

    = -76,363.63 [negative value means loss is made]

    EV of Small Plant = (100,000 x 0.273) + (-20,000 x 0.727)

    = 12,727.27

    EV of Do Nothing = 0

    EVR when unfavorable = EVRU= 12,727.27

    EV of Report = EVRFx P(F) + EVRUx P(U)

    = (115,555.56 x 0.45) + (12,727.27 x 0.55)

    = 59,000

    Without Report:

    EV of Large Plant = 200,000 x P(h) + (-180,000) x P(l)

    = (200,000 x 0.5) + (-180,000 x 0.5)

    = 10,000

    EV of Small Plant = 100,000 x P(h) + (-20,000) x P(l)

    = (100,000 x 0.5) + (-20,000 x 0.5)

    = 40,000

    EV of Do Nothing = 0

    EV of without report = EVR = 40,000

    To find Expected Value of Sample Information (EVSI)

    EV of Report = 59,000; EV without report = 40,000

    Thus, EVSI = 59,000 - 40,000

    = 19,000

    So, the company should buy the report if price of the report is less than 19,000.

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  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)



    Given two routes, one of which uses the expressway, and the time taken to travel:

    Expressway Open (s1) Expressway Jammed (s2)

    Queen City Avenue

    (Route 1)

    30 minutes 30 minutes


    (Route 2)

    25 minutes 45 minutes

    Based on their experience with traffic problems, Rona and Jerry agreed on a 0.15

    probability that the expressway will be jammed.

    In addition, they agreed that weather seemed to affect the traffic conditions on the

    expressway. Let: C = clear; O = overcast; R = raining

    The following conditional probabilities apply:P(C|s1) = 0.8; P(O|s1) = 0.2; P(R|s1) = 0.0 [Note that 0.8+0.2+0.0 = 1]

    P(C|s2) = 0.1; P(O|s2) = 0.3; P(R|s2) = 0.6 [Note that 0.1+0.3+0.6 = 1]

    Which route should be selected if the weather is: (a) clear, (b) overcast, (c) raining

    (d) What is the expected travel time?


    For Clear weather:

    Variable P(k) P(C|k) P(kC) P(k|C)

    s1 0.85 [1-0.15] 0.80 0.68 0.978 [0.68/0.695]

    s2 0.15 [given] 0.10 0.015 0.022 [0.015/0.695]

    Sum 0.695 = P(C) 1

    EV of Route 1 = 30

    [Route 1 does not use the expressway, so probability of s1 and s2 has no effect on it]

    EV of Route 2 = 25 x P(s1|C) + 45 x P(s2|C)

    = (25 x 0.978) + (45 x 0.022)

    = 25.44

    EVR of Clear = EVRC= 25.44 [Smallest value is EVR as it is regarding time taken]

    (a) Route 2 should be selected if weather is clear as it will take less time to travel.

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    For Overcast weather:

    Variable P(k) P(O|k) P(kO) P(k|O)

    s1 0.85 0.20 0.17 0.791 [0.17/0.215]

    s2 0.15 0.30 0.045 0.209 [0.045/0.215]

    Sum 0.215 = P(O) 1

    EV of Route 1 = 30

    EV of Route 2 = 25 x P(s1|O) + 45 x P(s2|O)

    = (25 x 0.791) + (45 x 0.201)

    = 29.18

    EVR of Overcast = EVRO= 29.18(b) Route 2 should be selected if weather is overcast as it will take less time to travel.

    For Rainy weather:

    Variable P(k) P(R|k) P(kR) P(k|R)

    s1 0.85 0.00 0.00 0 [0/0.09

    s2 0.15 0.60 0.09 1 [0.09/0.09]

    Sum 0.09 = P(R) 1

    EV of Route 1 = 30

    EV of Route 2 = 25 x P(s1|R) + 45 x P(s2|R)

    = (25 x 0) + (45 x 1)

    = 45

    EVR of Rainy = EVRR= 30

    (c) Route 1 should be selected if weather is rainy as it will take less time to travel.

    (d) Expected time to travel = [P(C) x EVRC]+ [P(O) x EVRO] + [P(R) x EVRR]

    = (0.695 x 25.44) + (0.215 x 29.18) + (0.09 x 30)

    = 26.65

    ___________________________________The End_________________________________

    Note that for the marginalpvalues of weather found in this problem, P(C) + P(O) + P(R) =1

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  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    March 31, 2013Linear Programming (LP)

    Things to do:

    1. Develop the LP model

    2. Input the data into MS Excel and use Solver to find the answer

    Note: We DONT have to know how to solve the LP problems manually.

    LP Requirements:

    Maximize or minimize an objective function (MAX or MIN) Constraints acting as a limiting factor, introduced by S.T. (Subject to)

    There must be alternatives available

    Mathematical relationship is linear (power of decision variables is 1, i.e. no x2, x3...)

    Basic Assumptions of LP:

    Certainty (e.g. raw materials per unit / profit per unit is fixed/constant)

    Proportionality (e.g. profit for 10 units = profit for 1 unit x 10)

    Additivity (e.g. Profit from A and B = Profit from A + Profit from B)

    Divisibility (e.g. non-integer solutions such as no. of chairs produced = 2.5)

    Steps to develop LP model:

    1. Understand the problem

    2. Identify the decision variables

    3. Determine the objective function in terms of decision variables

    4. Determine constraints in terms of decision variables

    5. State the non-negative constraints

    Special Conditions in LP Models:

    Alternate optimal solutions (when objective line is parallel to a constraint line) Redundant constraints

    Unbounded solutions


  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)



    Blue Ridge Hot tubs produces two types of tubs, X and Y. Their details are given below:

    Type X Type Y

    Pumps 1 1

    Labor 9 hrs 6 hrs

    Tubing 12 feet 16 feet

    Unit profit $350 $300

    There are 200 pumps, 1566 hours of labor and 2880 feet of tubing available.



    = number of type X to produce;

    x2= number of type Y to produce

    MAX: 350x1+ 300x2S.T. : x1+ x2 200

    9x1+ 6x21566

    12x1+ 16x2 2880

    x1 0 ; x2 0

    Note: The objective here is to maximize the profit function. The first constraint is about

    pump capacity, the second constraint relates to labor capacity, the third constraint is about

    tubing capacity, and the final constraints are for non-negativity.


    Two types of paint jobs can be done. A and B are raw materials required:

    Exterior Paint Interior Paint

    No. of units of A required 1 2

    No. of units of B required 2 1

    Revenue 3000 2000

    Only 6 units of A and 8 units of B can be used. No more than two interior paint jobs can be

    done. At least one more exterior paint job than interior paint job needs to be done.

    Develop an LP to maximize the revenue.

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    x1= no. of exterior paint jobs

    x2= no. of interior paint jobs

    MAX: 3000x1+ 2000x2

    S.T. : x1+ 2x2 6

    2x1+ x2 8

    x1- x2 1

    x2 2

    x1 0

    x2 0

    Note: The objective here is to maximize the revenue function.The first constraint is about maximum capacity of resource A (which is 6) and the second

    constraint is about capacity of resource B (which is 8).

    The third constraint expresses that there is AT LEAST one more exterior paintjob than

    interior paintjob.

    The fourth constraint is about maximum number of interior paintjobs that can be done.

    Last 2 constraints are for non-negativity.

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    April 1, 2013Problem-1

    ICT has $5 million available for immediate investment and wishes to do two things:

    (1) maximize the interest earned on the investments made over the next one year and

    (2) satisfy the diversification requirements as set by the board of directors. The specifics of

    the investment possibilities are as follows:

    Investment Interest earned (%) Maximum investment($ millions)

    Trade credit 7 1.0

    Corporate bonds 11 2.5

    Gold stocks 19 1.5

    Construction loans 15 1.8

    In addition, the board specifies that at least 55% of the funds invested must be in gold

    stocks and construction loans, and that no less than 15% be invested in trade credit.

    Develop the LP model.

    Solution:x1= investment in trade credit ($ millions)

    x2= investment in corporate bonds ($ millions)

    x3= investment in gold stocks ($ millions)

    x4= investment in construction loans ($ millions)

    MAX: 0.07x1+ 0.11x2+ 0.19x3+ 0.15x4

    S.T. : x1+ x2+ x3+ x4 5

    x1 1

    x2 2.5

    x3 1.5

    x4 1.8

    x3+ x4 0.55 (x1+ x2+ x3+ x4)

    x1 0.15 (x1+ x2+ x3+ x4)

    x1, x2, x3, x4 0

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    1. Objective is to maximize interest earned, so objective function is sumproduct of array of

    interests and the types of investment. The decision variables are the particular types of


    2. First constraint expresses that total investment cannot exceed allotted sum of $5 million.

    3. Constraints 2-5 express the maximum investment capacity for each type of investment.

    4. Constraint 6 expresses at least 55% of total investment must be in gold + construction.

    5. Constraint 7 expresses that at least 15% of total investment must be in trade credit.

    6. Non-negative constraints


    MSA, a surveying agency, must conduct a survey that satisfied the following requirements:

    1. Survey at least 2,300 US households in total.

    2. Survey at least 1,000 households whose heads are 30 years of age or younger.

    3. Survey at least 600 households whose heads are between 31 and 50 years of age,

    4. Ensure at least 15% of those surveyed live in a state that borders Mexico.

    5. Ensure that no more than 20% of those surveyed who are 51 years of age or over

    live in a state that borders Mexico.

    MSA decides that all surveys should be conducted in person. It estimates that the costs of

    reaching people in each age and region category are as follows:

    Region Age 30 Age 31-50 Age 51

    State Bordering Mexico 7.5 6.8 5.5

    State not bordering Mexico 6.9 7.25 6.1

    MSAs goal is to meet the above sampling requirements at the least possible cost.

    Note: With three age groups and two geographic groups, there are 6 different combinations

    of population. Moreover, there are specific constraints in the problem such as the group of

    people in Age 51 who are living in a state that borders Mexico. Thus there must be 6

    decision variables, for each of the combinations. In LP problems like these, it helps to

    visualize the decision variables in a table/array format (shown below), as it is more

    convenient to input these decision variables when using excel to solve.(This table is to help visualize, and is NOT needed when developing the LP model):

    [x1...x6represents no. of people] Age 30 Age 31-50 Age 51

    State Bordering Mexico x1 x2 x3

    State not bordering Mexico x4 x5 x6

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    x1= No. of people in age 30 living in a state bordering Mexico

    x2= No. of people in age 31-50 living in a state bordering Mexico

    x3= No. of people in age 51 living in a state bordering Mexico

    x4= No. of people in age 30 living in a state NOT bordering Mexico

    x5= No. of people in age 31-50 living in a state NOT bordering Mexico

    x6= No. of people in age 51 living in a state NOT bordering Mexico

    MIN: 7.5x1+ 6.8x2+ 5.5x3+ 6.9x4+ 7.25x5+ 6.1x6

    S.T. : x1+ x2+ x3+ x4+ x5+ x6 2300

    x1+ x4 1000

    x2+ x5 600

    x1+ x2+ x3 0.15 (x1+ x2+ x3+ x4+ x5+ x6)

    x3 0.20 (x3+ x6)x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 0

    Note: The first 5 constraints correspond to the constraints numbered 1-5 in the problem,

    and the last constraint is for non-negativity. The 5th constraint does not take the entire

    population of people surveyed as it is mentioned in the problems constraint no.5 of those

    surveyed who are 51 years of age or over so only 20% of (x3+ x6) is taken.


    You need to buy some filing cabinets. You know that Cabinet X costs $10 per unit, requires

    six square feet of floor space, and holds eight cubic feet of files. Cabinet Y costs $20 per

    unit, requires eight square feet of floor space, and holds twelve cubic feet of files. You have

    been given $140 for this purchase, though you don't have to spend that much. The office

    has room for no more than 72 square feet of cabinets. How many of which model should

    you buy, in order to maximize storage volume?


    Drawing the table makes the problem very easy to model.

    Cabinet X Cabinet Y Maximum

    Cost $10 $20 $140

    Floor Space 6 sq. ft. 8 sq. ft. 72 sq. ft.

    Storage Volume 8 cu. ft. 12 cu. ft. [Objective]

    Thus, objective is to maximize storage volume.

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    x1= no. of Cabinet X

    x2= no. of Cabinet Y

    MAX: 8x1+ 12x2

    S.T : 10x1+ 20x2 140

    6x1+ 8x2 72

    x1, x2 0


    XYZ bank has 12 full time tellers. The number of teller required per hour is given below:

    Time No. of tellers required

    9-10 10

    10-11 12

    11-12 14

    12-1 16

    1-2 18

    2-3 17

    3-4 15

    4-5 10

    The bank is considering hiring some part time tellers. If it is economically viable, they will

    reduce the number of full time employees.

    Full Time Tellers:

    Work from 9 AM 5 PM

    Take a 1 hour lunch break, half at 11, the other half at noon

    Cost $90 per day (salary & benefits)

    Part Time Tellers:

    Work 4 consecutive hours (no lunch break)

    Are paid $7 per hour ($28 per day)

    Part time teller hours cannot exceed 50% of the days minimum requirement

    Develop the LP Model

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    p1= No. of part-time employees starting work at 9

    p2= No. of part-time employees starting work at 10

    p3= No. of part-time employees starting work at 11

    p4= No. of part-time employees starting work at 12

    p5= No. of part-time employees starting work at 1 x = No. of full-time employees

    MIN: 90x + 28(p1+ p2+ p3+ p4+ p5)

    S.T. : x + p1 10 [Note: for 9-10 timeslot]

    x + p1+ p2 12 [Note: for 10-11 timeslot]

    x/2 + p1+ p2 + p3 14 [Note: for 11-12 timeslot]

    x/2 + p1+ p2 + p3+ p4 16 [Note: for 12-1 timeslot]

    x + p2 + p3+ p4 + p5 18 [Note: for 1-2 timeslot]

    x + p3+ p4 + p5 17 [Note: for 2-3 timeslot]

    x + p4 + p5 15 [Note: for 3-4 timeslot]

    x + p5 10 [Note: for 4-5 timeslot]

    4(p1+ p2+ p3+ p4+ p5) 56

    x 12

    p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, x 0

    Note: The objective here is to minimize daily cost (salary). The daily salary of full-timers is

    $90. Part-timers earn $7 an hour and work for 4 consecutive hours (which means minimum

    and maximum 4 hours) so their daily salary is $28. The decision variablesare the number

    of part-timers that have started to work at each timeslot beginning and the number offull-timers. Note that there are only 5 decision variables of part-timers as part-timers cannot

    work 4 hours if recruited after 1-2 timeslot (the work-day ends at 5).

    The first 8 constraints are about the minimum number of full-time + part-time workers

    required for each of the 8 time-slots. At each slot till the 1-2 slot, a new set of part-timers

    join in (from p1to p5). Each set of part-timers leave after 4 hours, for example the ones that

    joined in 9-10 timeslot (p1) are found in 9-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-1: these four timeslots.

    Finally, note that in the 11-12 and 12-1 timeslots, the number of full-time workers is halved

    as half of the full-time workers leave for lunch.

    The 9th constraint: 4(p1+ p2+ p3+ p4+ p5) 56 relates to Part time teller hours cannot

    exceed 50% of the days minimum requirement. The days minimum requirement (112) is

    found by adding all of the 8 entries for no. of tellers required in the problems table. Then it

    is halved (56), and the total part-time hours are found by adding all the part-timers and

    multiplying with 4 as each part-timer works for 4 hours.

    The 10th constraint expresses that number of full time employees is at most 12.

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    April 3, 2013[LP Lab Class]

    Read this if you feel technologically challenged, at least as far as MS Excels Solver is

    concerned. Warning: reading the next few lines may slightly lower your self-esteem.

    [These steps have been taken (and modified) from Computer Shikkha by Arman Pavel. ]

    0. Input all your data.

    1. Open Solver. You can find it in the Data pane or Data menu.

    2. Click Objective Function / Set Objective box and select the cell that has the function

    that you need to maximize or minimize.

    3. Select either the Max or Min radio button below the Objective box depending on what you

    need to do.

    4. Click the By changing variable cells box and select ALL the cells that contain the

    decision variables. You should input the data in array format so that you can just select

    the array here. For example $A$1:$C$3 is an array that includes the 9 cells A1, A2, A3, B1,

    B2, B3, C1, C2 and C3.

    5. Click Add beside the Subject to the Constraints box. Then select the appropriate cells

    for the cell reference boxes and make sure that the sign is appropriate ( , = , )

    6. After adding all the constraints, make sure that Make unconstrained variables

    nonnegative box is checked (by default, it IS checked) and change Select a Solving

    Method to Simplex LP (usually it is set at GRG Nonlinear by default).

    7. Click Solve, then whatever dialog box appears click OK.

    8. [Depending on luck] EITHER watch the magix happen OR freak out as it doesn't work

    Note: Refer to the excel files in the group in case you have any problems whatsoever.

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis


    April 7, 2013Transportation Model (LP):

    Decision: How much to ship from each origin to each to destination?

    Objective: Minimize shipping cost

    i) A balanced transportation model is one where total demand is equal to total supply:

    Since all supplies will be used supply constraints have =

    Since all demands are satisfied demand constraints have =

    ii) If demand exceeds supply (unbalanced transportation model):

    Since all supplies will be used supply constraints have =Since not all demands can be satisfied demand constraints have

    iii) If supply exceeds demand (unbalanced transportation model):

    Since not all supplies will be used supply constraints have

    Since all demands can be satisfied demand constraints have =


    Cost of transporting from each origin to each destination:

    Albuquerque Boston Cleveland

    Des Moines 5 4 3

    Evansfield 8 4 3

    Fordville 9 7 5

    Capacity of units:

    Des Moines 100 Albequerque 300

    Evansfield 300 Boston 200

    Fordville 300 Cleveland 200

    Total 700 Total 700

    *Note that total capacity of units demanded (Destination) and supply (Origin) sides are

    equal (700 units). Thus, this is a balanced model.

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    Let no. of units to be shipped from Des Moines to Albuquerque = x 11

    Let no. of units to be shipped from Des Moines to Boston = x12

    Let no. of units to be shipped from Des Moines to Cleveland = x13

    Let no. of units to be shipped from Evansfield to Albuquerque = x 21

    Let no. of units to be shipped from Evansfield to Boston = x22

    Let no. of units to be shipped from Evansfield to Cleveland = x 23

    Let no. of units to be shipped from Fordville to Albuquerque = x31

    Let no. of units to be shipped from Fordville to Boston = x32

    Let no. of units to be shipped from Fordville to Cleveland = x 33

    MIN: 5x11+ 4x12+ 3x13+ 8x21 + 4x22+ 3x23+ 9x31+ 7x32+ 5x33

    S.T: x11+ x12+ x13= 100

    x21+ x22+ x23= 300


    + x32

    + x33

    = 300

    x11+ x21+ x31= 300

    x12+ x22+ x32= 300


    + x23

    + x33

    = 200

    x11, x12, x13, x21, x22, x23, x31, x32, x33 0

    Note:1. The objective is to minimize the cost function, thus objective function is the

    sumproduct of the array of no. of units (shipped from each origin to each destination) and

    the unit cost of transportation. The decision variables here are the no. of unitsshipped

    from each origin to each destination, and as there are six combinations, there are 9

    decision variables from x11to x33

    2. Constraints 1-3 are for origin/demand-side. The 1st constraint is for Des Moines, 2nd

    constraint for Evansfield and so on. = is used as this is a balanced transportation model.

    3. Constraints 4-6 are for destination/supply-side. The 4th constraint is for Albuquerque, 5thconstraint is for d-2 and so on. = is used as this is a balanced transportation model.

    4. The final (7th) constraint is for non-negativity.

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    Assignment Model (LP):

    Assignment models are like transportation models, except you decide whether or to assign

    a source to a destination (or employee to a task).

    Decision: Which assignee (person) to assign to which assignment (task)?

    Objective: Minimize cost

    1-to-1 relationship between assignments and assignees, i.e. each assignment must

    get AT MOST 1 assignee, and each assignee must get AT MOST 1 assignment

    Decision variables are binary, i.e. they can only be either 0 or 1. For example,

    John-1 = 0 means that John will not perform assignment-1 and John-1 = 1 means

    that John will perform assignment-1.


    Cost of given programmers performing each task:

    Task-1 Task-2 Task-3

    Adams 11 14 6

    Brown 8 10 11

    Cooper 9 12 7


    Adams doing Task-1 = x11 Adams doing Task-2 = x12; Adams doing Task-3 = x13

    Brown doing Task-1 = x21 Brown doing Task-2 = x22; Brown doing Task-3 = x23

    Cooper doing Task-1 = x31 Cooper doing Task-2 = x32; Cooper doing Task-3 = x33

    MIN: 11x11+ 14x12+ 6x13+ 8x21 + 10x22+ 11x23+ 9x31+ 12x32+ 7x33

    S.T: x11+ x12+ x13= 1

    x21+ x22+ x23= 1

    x31+ x32+ x33= 1

    x11+ x21+ x31= 1x12+ x22+ x32= 1

    x13+ x23+ x33= 1

    x11, x12, x13, x21, x22, x23, x31, x32, x33 0

    x11, x12, x13, x21, x22, x23, x31, x32, x33 1

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    1. The objective is to minimize the cost function, thus objective function is the

    sumproduct of the array of each assignee doing each assignmentand the unit cost of

    doing the work. The decision variables here are assignees doing assignments.

    2. The last two constraints (constraints 7 and 8) are to express that the value of decision

    variables can only be either 1 (for assignee doing the assignment) and 0 (for assignee not

    doing assignment).

    3. Constraints 1-6 are for 1-to-1 relationship of assignees/people and assignments/tasks.

    The first three constraints are to express that each assignee/person can perform AT LEAST

    and AT MOST one task only. Since total value is 1 and decision variables can only take

    values of either 1 or 0, only one of the three decision variables in the constraint will be

    equal to 1 and the other two will equal zero. For example, x11

    + x12

    + x13

    = 1 is the

    constraint for Adams. If x12= 1, this means x11=x13=0, which means that Adams will be

    performing task-2 and not performing task-1 and task-3.

    Similarly, the last three constraints are to express that each assignment/task can be

    performed by AT LEAST and AT MOST one assignee/person only.

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    K102: Quantitative Analysis

    Single-Period Inventory Models with Probabilistic Demand

    p (Quantity Produced)

    d (Quantity Demanded)

    SP (Selling Price)

    VC (Variable Cost)

    FC (Fixed Cost)

    CM (Contribution Margin): Marginal profit per unit of sale

    EV (Expected Value):A predicted value of a variable, calculated as the sum of all possible

    values each multiplied by the probability of its occurrence.

    EVR (Expected Value under Risk)

    EVC (Expected Value under Certainty)

    OL (Opportunity Loss): Loss incurred by not taking the best decision.

    OLU(Opportunity Loss of Understocking)

    OLO(Opportunity Loss of Overstocking)

    ELO (Expected Opportunity Loss)

    ELOR (Expected Opportunity Loss under Risk)

    EVPI (Expected Value of Perfect Information)

    CM = SP - VC

    EVR = maximum EV value in a risk situation

    ELOR = minimum ELO ina risk situation

    EVC = EV + ELO (in other words, OL is the gap between EV of certainty and EV without it)

    EVC = EVR + ELOR

    EVC = EVR + EVPI (difference in EV of certain and risk situation is caused by perfect info)

    EVPI = EVC - EVR

    EVPI = ELOR (opportunity loss under risk comes from lack of perfect information)ELOC = 0 (in a certain situation, there is no lack of perfect information, thus no OL)

    OLO= VC

    OLU= CM = SP - VC

    p = OLO/ (OLO+ OLU) (this is the minimum value of p used in incremental analysis)

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    1. Profit = p x SP - p x VC - FC (when production demand)

    [Using IF, for payoff matrix]

    2. Opportunity Loss = (d - p) x CM (when production demand)

    [Using IF, for opportunity loss method]

    3. Units to produce = Index (Production array, 1,

    (Match (EVR/ELOR, EV/ELO array, 0)


    e.g. =Index($C$8:$G$8,1,Match(H14,C14:G14,0))

    or =Index($C$8:$G$8,1,Match(Max(C14:G14),C14:G14,0))

    Note that H14 = Max (C14:G14) i.e. EVR = Max (EV array)

    [Using INDEX and MATCH, for payoff matrix method or OL method]

    4. probability = p0= VC / (VC + CM)

    Units to produce = whichever level of demand has highest probability of selling

    additional unit that is less than or equal to p0=if(E32

  • 8/10/2019 QA Suarez (Updated Apr-14)


    Bayes Theorem:

    1.Find all the joint probabilities [i.e. P(KE) ]

    2. Find marginal probability of E [ P(E) = sum of all P(KE) ]

    3. Find all the P(K|E), using P(K|E) = P (KE) / P(E)

    Steps to develop LP model:

    1. Understand the problem

    2. Identify the decision variables

    3. Determine the objective function in terms of decision variables

    4. Determine constraints in terms of decision variables

    5. State the non-negative constraints