There is a very thin difference between being educated and being literate, from knowing the alphabets to knowing what you can create with it. The difference lies in knowing the meaning of your name and creating one for it. The understanding of the powers of the knowledge you possess and the application of it combined with one’s own ideas .The wings of curiosity and imagination are dying a slow and painful death in the name of competition, the basic meaning of education has remained to get a valuable degree and get a comfortably paid job using the same. As soon as a child reaches school, the concept of tuitions or coaching start following him as a shadow, he thus makes no effort to build his own way, but walks on the path enlightened by others. The lack of quality primary education is resulting in serious long term damage to the Nation. The way we think, we perceive is so sieved with thoughts of some stranger, that it ruptures our own power to think and command. The ability to go through with the journey that will build up self control and perseverance in oneself is travelled with a competitive tutor ahead. No doubt that our elders were correct about our real grooming years being the one we spent being educated, but with such a system of absurd rules and regulations, do we really think we let ourselves grow and groom? Not only, is the syllabus provided by the CBSE or state boards insufficient to cater to the needs of a student but also, the way it is being taught makes it nothing more than theory to be remembered by mugging up. Exceptions always float up in the water like oil but the amount of water always remains more. The mere observation of it gives a simple and unique idea build on the lines of initiatives like “Teach India”, testing the ability of human mind to work without a leader. However, the acceptance of a greedy mind pertains. India has a large untapped resource of teaching talent waiting to happen. No doubt, teaching is an art for the highest but what if we let our little wonders take a go at it? Let a student teach another? So many children around us need tutoring like children of your maid, helper, cleaner etc, why not start the charities at home and help them learn the wonders of education and help oneself while at it? The concept being , all the kids above the age of 12 years and a recommendation by their respective principals should be allowed to register one less privileged child with them and promise to try to nurture and groom them. A monthly report of the child should be submitted to the respective principal and the child should also be registered for exam held by the government every year for such children, If the child scores satisfactory in exam, the mentor student will be awarded with certificates from the government and on collection of 3 such certificates of excellence will earn you 3.5% extra in your board exams and also a letter of recommendation. A child learning a new phenomenon is bound to develop more understanding and curiosity towards it if they start teaching it to someone else, most of the students engage in it while preparing their friends for exams, now they can extend that help to others, which will not jus earn them advantage but a sense of self satisfaction and open up their minds to understand the concept and not just know it by heart.

purva Dashottar - Madhya Pradesh - Essay 2

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The primary education system in India is abysmal and its deteriorating day by day which leads to illiteracy and poverty in the country. What do you think are the reasons behind the poor primary education system? How do you suggest approaching this problem to improve the primary education system in India?

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Page 1: purva Dashottar - Madhya Pradesh - Essay 2

There is a very thin difference between being educated and being literate, from knowing the

alphabets to knowing what you can create with it. The difference lies in knowing the

meaning of your name and creating one for it. The understanding of the powers of the

knowledge you possess and the application of it combined with one’s own ideas .The wings

of curiosity and imagination are dying a slow and painful death in the name of competition,

the basic meaning of education has remained to get a valuable degree and get a comfortably

paid job using the same. As soon as a child reaches school, the concept of tuitions or

coaching start following him as a shadow, he thus makes no effort to build his own way, but

walks on the path enlightened by others.

The lack of quality primary education is resulting in serious long term damage to the Nation.

The way we think, we perceive is so sieved with thoughts of some stranger, that it ruptures

our own power to think and command. The ability to go through with the journey that will

build up self control and perseverance in oneself is travelled with a competitive tutor ahead.

No doubt that our elders were correct about our real grooming years being the one we spent

being educated, but with such a system of absurd rules and regulations, do we really think

we let ourselves grow and groom?

Not only, is the syllabus provided by the CBSE or state boards insufficient to cater to the

needs of a student but also, the way it is being taught makes it nothing more than theory to

be remembered by mugging up. Exceptions always float up in the water like oil but the

amount of water always remains more. The mere observation of it gives a simple and unique

idea build on the lines of initiatives like “Teach India”, testing the ability of human mind to

work without a leader. However, the acceptance of a greedy mind pertains. India has a large

untapped resource of teaching talent waiting to happen. No doubt, teaching is an art for the

highest but what if we let our little wonders take a go at it? Let a student teach another? So

many children around us need tutoring like children of your maid, helper, cleaner etc, why

not start the charities at home and help them learn the wonders of education and help oneself

while at it? The concept being , all the kids above the age of 12 years and a recommendation

by their respective principals should be allowed to register one less privileged child with

them and promise to try to nurture and groom them. A monthly report of the child should be

submitted to the respective principal and the child should also be registered for exam held by

the government every year for such children, If the child scores satisfactory in exam, the

mentor student will be awarded with certificates from the government and on collection of 3

such certificates of excellence will earn you 3.5% extra in your board exams and also a letter

of recommendation. A child learning a new phenomenon is bound to develop more

understanding and curiosity towards it if they start teaching it to someone else, most of the

students engage in it while preparing their friends for exams, now they can extend that help

to others, which will not jus earn them advantage but a sense of self satisfaction and open up

their minds to understand the concept and not just know it by heart.

Page 2: purva Dashottar - Madhya Pradesh - Essay 2

On the other hand, the Government Schools all over the country need to given up to NGOs

or companies like ITC to be run semi privately with the Government. Privatisation has

shown wonders in every other sector in the country and is worth giving a shot in the

Education Department as well. Workshops should be held by the government for the teachers

to convey to them the essence of teacher- student relationship and the importance of

understanding of the topic by the students, by rule, no teacher having not attended this

annual workshop should be allowed to work in government schools. Parents of students

starting primary school should be given counselling by a government approved counsellor

regarding the importance of moral and ethical base with content.

All these steps might sound small but they will help the system to take the first step of the

revolution inevitable in the future .