1 Balancing Balancing ePortfolio ePortfolio as as T est estwith with ePortfolio ePortfolio as as Story toryDr. Helen Barrett Dr. Helen Barrett International Society for International Society for Technology in Education and Technology in Education and University of Alaska Anchorage University of Alaska Anchorage Three Topics in this Three Topics in this Presentation Presentation Assessment - for what purpose? Assessment - for what purpose? OF or FOR Learning? OF or FOR Learning? Conflicting Paradigms Conflicting Paradigms in Electronic Portfolio in Electronic Portfolio Development Development Assessment Management or Assessment Management or ePortfolio ePortfolio? Electronic Portfolios as Electronic Portfolios as Digital Stories Digital Stories Deep Learning and Intrinsic Motivation Deep Learning and Intrinsic Motivation A few thoughts about A few thoughts about Assessment -- What Type? Assessment -- What Type? Assessment OF Assessment OF Learning? or Learning? or Assessment FOR Assessment FOR Learning? Learning? Purposes of Purposes of Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment for for learning learning (formative or classroom-based (formative or classroom-based assessment) is different from assessment) is different from assessment assessment of of learning learning (summative assessment) (summative assessment) An important aspect of assessment An important aspect of assessment for for learning is the learning is the formative formative use of use of summative summative data. data. Assessment Assessment OF OF Learning= Learning= Summative Summative Involves judging pupils' performance Involves judging pupils' performance against national standards (level against national standards (level descriptions). descriptions). Teachers often make these judgments at Teachers often make these judgments at the end of a unit of work, year or key stage. the end of a unit of work, year or key stage. Test results also describe pupils Test results also describe pupils performance in terms of levels. performance in terms of levels. Carried out for the purposes of grading Carried out for the purposes of grading and reporting (ARG, 1999). and reporting (ARG, 1999). Time Perspective: Past -> Present Assessment Assessment FOR FOR Learning = Learning = Formative Formative While it is not the only purpose, While it is not the only purpose, Assessment Assessment for for learning is one of the learning is one of the most important purposes of assessment. most important purposes of assessment. While assessment While assessment of of learning has well learning has well established procedures, assessment established procedures, assessment for for learning requires some theoretical ideas to learning requires some theoretical ideas to be put into practice if the potential benefits be put into practice if the potential benefits are to be gained. are to be gained. Time Perspective: Present -> Future

Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or

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Page 1: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or



““ePortfolioePortfolio asas TTestest”” withwith

““ePortfolioePortfolio asas SStorytory””

Dr. Helen BarrettDr. Helen Barrett

International Society forInternational Society for

Technology in Education andTechnology in Education and

University of Alaska AnchorageUniversity of Alaska Anchorage

Three Topics in thisThree Topics in this


�� Assessment - for what purpose?Assessment - for what purpose?

�� OF or FOR Learning?OF or FOR Learning?

�� Conflicting ParadigmsConflicting Paradigms in Electronic Portfolioin Electronic Portfolio


�� Assessment Management or Assessment Management or ePortfolioePortfolio??

�� Electronic Portfolios asElectronic Portfolios as Digital StoriesDigital Stories

�� Deep Learning and Intrinsic MotivationDeep Learning and Intrinsic Motivation

A few thoughts aboutA few thoughts about

Assessment -- What Type?Assessment -- What Type?

�� Assessment OFAssessment OFLearning? orLearning? or

�� Assessment FORAssessment FORLearning?Learning?

Purposes ofPurposes of


�� AssessmentAssessment forfor learning learning

(formative or classroom-based(formative or classroom-based

assessment) is different fromassessment) is different from

assessmentassessment ofof learning learning

(summative assessment)(summative assessment)�� An important aspect of assessment An important aspect of assessment forfor learning is the learning is the

formativeformative use of use of summativesummative data. data.

AssessmentAssessment OFOF Learning= Learning=

SummativeSummative�� Involves judging pupils' performanceInvolves judging pupils' performance

against national standards (levelagainst national standards (leveldescriptions).descriptions).

�� Teachers often make these judgments atTeachers often make these judgments atthe end of a unit of work, year or key stage.the end of a unit of work, year or key stage.

�� Test results also describe pupilsTest results also describe pupilsperformance in terms of levels.performance in terms of levels.

�� Carried out for the purposes of gradingCarried out for the purposes of gradingand reporting (ARG, 1999).and reporting (ARG, 1999).

Time Perspective: Past -> Present

AssessmentAssessment FORFOR Learning = Learning =


�� While it is not the only purpose,While it is not the only purpose,

AssessmentAssessment forfor learning is one of thelearning is one of the

most important purposes of assessment.most important purposes of assessment.

�� While assessmentWhile assessment ofof learning has welllearning has well

established procedures, assessmentestablished procedures, assessment forfor

learning requires some theoretical ideas tolearning requires some theoretical ideas to

be put into practice if the potential benefitsbe put into practice if the potential benefits

are to be gained.are to be gained.

Time Perspective: Present -> Future

Page 2: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Principles ofPrinciples of

Assessment FOR LearningAssessment FOR Learning

�� Definition:Definition:

Assessment for Learning is theAssessment for Learning is the

process of seeking and interpretingprocess of seeking and interpreting

evidence for use by learners andevidence for use by learners and

their teachers to decide where thetheir teachers to decide where the

learners are in their learning, wherelearners are in their learning, where

they need to go and how best to getthey need to go and how best to get




Assessment OF Learning*Assessment OF Learning*

�� Checks what has been learned to dateChecks what has been learned to date

�� Is designed for those not directly involved inIs designed for those not directly involved indaily learning and teachingdaily learning and teaching

�� Is presented in a formal reportIs presented in a formal report

�� Usually gathers information into easily digestibleUsually gathers information into easily digestiblenumbers, scores and gradesnumbers, scores and grades

�� Usually compares the student's learning withUsually compares the student's learning witheither other students or the 'standard' for a gradeeither other students or the 'standard' for a gradelevellevel

�� Does not need to involve the studentDoes not need to involve the student


Assessment FOR LearningAssessment FOR Learning

�� Checks learning to decide what to do nextChecks learning to decide what to do next

�� Is designed to assist teachers and students.Is designed to assist teachers and students.

�� Is used in conversation about learningIs used in conversation about learning

�� Usually detailed, specific and descriptiveUsually detailed, specific and descriptivefeedback in words (instead of numbers, scoresfeedback in words (instead of numbers, scoresand grades)and grades)

�� Usually focused on improvement, compared withUsually focused on improvement, compared withthe student's 'previous best' and progress towardthe student's 'previous best' and progress towarda standarda standard

�� Needs to involve the student -- the person mostNeeds to involve the student -- the person mostable to improve learningable to improve learning


10 AFL Principles - Part 110 AFL Principles - Part 1

�� AFL should be part of effective planning ofAFL should be part of effective planning of

teaching and learningteaching and learning

�� AFL should focus on how students learnAFL should focus on how students learn

�� AFL should be recognized as central toAFL should be recognized as central to

classroom practiceclassroom practice

�� AFL should be regarded as a key professionalAFL should be regarded as a key professional

skill for teachersskill for teachers

�� AFL should be sensitive and constructiveAFL should be sensitive and constructive

because any assessment has an emotionalbecause any assessment has an emotional


10 AFL Principles - Part 210 AFL Principles - Part 2

�� AFL should take account of the importance ofAFL should take account of the importance of(and foster) learner motivation(and foster) learner motivation

�� AFL should promote commitment to learningAFL should promote commitment to learninggoals and a shared understanding of the criteriagoals and a shared understanding of the criteriaby which they are assessedby which they are assessed

�� AFL develops learnersAFL develops learners’’ capacity for self-capacity for self-assessment so that they can become reflectiveassessment so that they can become reflectiveand self-managingand self-managing

�� AFL should recognize the full range ofAFL should recognize the full range ofachievements of all learnersachievements of all learners

�� Learners should receive constructive guidanceLearners should receive constructive guidanceabout how to improveabout how to improve

Page 3: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Overlap of Assessment Types*Overlap of Assessment Types*







*Alberta Assessment Consortium

Portfolios that supportPortfolios that support

Assessment FOR LearningAssessment FOR Learning�� Purpose of portfolio agreed upon with learnerPurpose of portfolio agreed upon with learner

�� Artifacts selected by learner to tell the story of their learningArtifacts selected by learner to tell the story of their learning

�� Portfolio maintained on an ongoing basis throughout thePortfolio maintained on an ongoing basis throughout theclass, term or program - time flexibleclass, term or program - time flexible

�� Portfolio and artifacts reviewed with learner and used toPortfolio and artifacts reviewed with learner and used toprovide feedback to improve learningprovide feedback to improve learning

�� Portfolio organization is determined by learner or negotiatedPortfolio organization is determined by learner or negotiatedwith mentor/advisor/teacherwith mentor/advisor/teacher

�� Rarely used for high stakes decisionsRarely used for high stakes decisions

�� Formative - what are the learning needs in the future?Formative - what are the learning needs in the future?(Present to future)(Present to future)

�� Fosters Intrinsic motivation - engages the learnerFosters Intrinsic motivation - engages the learner

�� Audience: learner, family, friends - learner can chooseAudience: learner, family, friends - learner can choose

Portfolios used forPortfolios used for

Assessment OF LearningAssessment OF Learning�� Purpose of portfolio prescribed by institutionPurpose of portfolio prescribed by institution

�� Artifacts mandated by institution to determine outcomes ofArtifacts mandated by institution to determine outcomes ofinstructioninstruction

�� Portfolio usually developed at the end of a class, term orPortfolio usually developed at the end of a class, term orprogram - time limitedprogram - time limited

�� Portfolio and/or artifacts usually "scored" based on a rubricPortfolio and/or artifacts usually "scored" based on a rubricand quantitative data is collected for external audiencesand quantitative data is collected for external audiences

�� Portfolio is usually structured around a set of outcomes,Portfolio is usually structured around a set of outcomes,goals or standardsgoals or standards

�� Sometimes used to make high stakes decisionsSometimes used to make high stakes decisions

�� Summative - what has been learned to date? (Past toSummative - what has been learned to date? (Past topresent)present)

�� Requires Extrinsic motivationRequires Extrinsic motivation

�� Audience: external - little choiceAudience: external - little choice

Resources and Readings onResources and Readings on

Assessment FOR LearningAssessment FOR Learning

�� My website for articles not available online:My website for articles not available online:


�� Assessment Reform GroupAssessment Reform Group


�� Principles of Assessment for LearningPrinciples of Assessment for Learning


Assessment SystemsAssessment Systems

and Electronic Portfolios:and Electronic Portfolios:

Balancing AccountabilityBalancing Accountability

with Learningwith Learning

©©2004, Helen C. Barrett2004, Helen C. BarrettJudy Wilkerson & William Steve LangJudy Wilkerson & William Steve Lang

Accountability SystemAccountability System(based on Assessment Triangle)(based on Assessment Triangle)

Congruent withCongruent with



Tasks, RubricsTasks, Rubrics

and Record ofand Record of


Analysis andAnalysis and



Feedback LoopFeedback Loop

for Continuousfor Continuous


Page 4: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Congruence with ConceptualCongruence with Conceptual


�� Create a system that is congruentCreate a system that is congruent

with your underlying learningwith your underlying learning

philosophy orphilosophy or conceptual frameworkconceptual framework

�� behaviorismbehaviorism vsvs. constructivism. constructivism

�� positivismpositivism vsvs. hermeneutics. hermeneutics

�� portfolio as portfolio as testtest vs vs..

portfolio as portfolio as storystory

Tasks, Rubric, Record ofTasks, Rubric, Record of


�� Identify tasks or situations that allowIdentify tasks or situations that allowone to observe studentsone to observe students’’performanceperformance……

�� Create rubrics that clearly differentiateCreate rubrics that clearly differentiateperformance (3 or 4 levels only)performance (3 or 4 levels only)

�� Create a recordkeeping system to keepCreate a recordkeeping system to keeptrack of the rubric/evaluation datatrack of the rubric/evaluation data

�� based on multiple measures/methods)based on multiple measures/methods)

Reporting System andReporting System and

Feedback LoopFeedback Loop

�� Create a reporting processCreate a reporting process

�� to summarize assessment datato summarize assessment data

�� to be able to draw inferencesto be able to draw inferences

from performance evidencefrom performance evidence

�� to use for programto use for program


Which approach should you take?Which approach should you take?

�� Are you looking for anAre you looking for an

electronic portfolioelectronic portfolio……

�� Or anOr an assessmentassessment

management systemmanagement system??

�� WhatWhat’’s the difference?s the difference?

Along a ContinuumAlong a Continuum


�� ElectronicElectronicPortfolioPortfolio

�� Multiple:Multiple:�� LearningLearning

�� AssessmentAssessment

�� EmploymentEmployment

�� AssessmentAssessment



�� Single:Single:

�� AssessmentAssessment

Data StructureData Structure

�� ElectronicElectronicPortfolioPortfolio

�� varies with the tools usedvaries with the tools usedto create the portfolio;to create the portfolio;most often common datamost often common dataformats (documents oftenformats (documents oftenconverted to HTML,converted to HTML,PDF)PDF)

�� AssessmentAssessment



�� most often uses amost often uses a

relational database torelational database to

record, report datarecord, report data

Page 5: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Primary Type of DataPrimary Type of Data

�� ElectronicElectronicPortfolioPortfolio

�� QualitativeQualitative

�� AssessmentAssessmentManagementManagementSystemSystem

�� QuantitativeQuantitativeandandQualitativeQualitative

Data StorageData Storage

�� Electronic PortfolioElectronic Portfolio

�� multiple options:multiple options:


videotape, DVD,videotape, DVD,

WWW server, LANWWW server, LAN

�� AssessmentAssessment



�� LAN or secureLAN or secure

WWW serverWWW server

•Digital Divide Issues

Technology SkillsTechnology Skills


�� Electronic PortfolioElectronic Portfolio�� MediumMedium––>High>High

�� More advanced skills:More advanced skills:information designinformation designthrough hyper linking,through hyper linking,digital publishingdigital publishingstrategies, filestrategies, filemanagementmanagement

�� AssessmentAssessmentManagementManagementSystemSystem�� LowLow––>Medium>Medium

�� Minimal skills,Minimal skills,equivalent to using aequivalent to using aweb browser andweb browser andadding attachments toadding attachments toan e-mail messagean e-mail message

Technology Skills DemonstratedTechnology Skills Demonstrated

�� ElectronicElectronicPortfolioPortfolio

�� MediumMedium ––> High> High

�� depending ondepending ontools used totools used tocreate portfoliocreate portfolio

�� AssessmentAssessment



�� LowLow ––> Medium> Medium

�� depending on thedepending on the

sophistication of thesophistication of the

artifacts added toartifacts added to

the portfoliothe portfolio

Control of Design & LinksControl of Design & Links

�� ElectronicElectronic


�� under control ofunder control of



�� AssessmentAssessment



�� controlled bycontrolled by



•Hyperlinking reinforces metacognition*

•Design=Individuality*Portland State University

Choice of ArtifactsChoice of Artifacts

�� ElectronicElectronic


�� LearnerLearner

�� AssessmentAssessment



�� InstitutionInstitution

Page 6: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Locus of ControlLocus of Control

�� ElectronicElectronic


�� Student-Student-


�� AssessmentAssessment



�� Institution-Institution-


Electronic Portfolio or AssessmentElectronic Portfolio or Assessment

Management System?Management System?

Cautions about Portfolio UseCautions about Portfolio Use(Lucas, 1992)(Lucas, 1992)

1.1. The weakening of effectThe weakening of effectthrough careless imitationthrough careless imitation

2.2. The failure of research toThe failure of research tovalidate the pedagogyvalidate the pedagogy

3.3. The co-option by large-scaleThe co-option by large-scaleexternal testing programsexternal testing programs

(Lucas, Catharine. 1992. Introduction: Writing Portfolios - Changes and(Lucas, Catharine. 1992. Introduction: Writing Portfolios - Changes andChallenges.Challenges. Portfolios in the Writing Classroom: An IntroductionPortfolios in the Writing Classroom: An Introduction, ed., ed.Kathleen Blake Yancey. Urbana, Illinois: NCTE: 1-11)Kathleen Blake Yancey. Urbana, Illinois: NCTE: 1-11)

LeeLee Shulman Shulman’’ss 5 dangers of5 dangers of


1.1. "lamination""lamination"

2.2. "heavy lifting""heavy lifting"

3.3. "trivialization""trivialization"

4.4. "perversion""perversion"

5.5. "misrepresentation""misrepresentation"Shulman, Lee (1998)

"Teacher Portfolios: A

Theoretical Activity" in

N. Lyons (ed.) With

Portfolio in Hand. (pp.

23-37) New York:

Teachers College Press.

LeeLee Shulman Shulman’’ss 5 dangers of5 dangers of


1.1. "lamination""lamination"- a portfolio- a portfoliobecomes a merebecomes a mereexhibition, a self-exhibition, a self-advertisement, toadvertisement, toshow offshow off

Shulman, Lee (1998)

"Teacher Portfolios: A

Theoretical Activity" in

N. Lyons (ed.) With

Portfolio in Hand. (pp.

23-37) New York:

Teachers College Press.

LeeLee Shulman Shulman’’ss 5 dangers of5 dangers of


2.2. "heavy lifting""heavy lifting" --a portfolio donea portfolio donewell is hardwell is hardwork. Is it worthwork. Is it worththe extra effort?the extra effort?

Shulman, Lee (1998)

"Teacher Portfolios: A

Theoretical Activity" in

N. Lyons (ed.) With

Portfolio in Hand. (pp.

23-37) New York:

Teachers College Press.

Page 7: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


LeeLee Shulman Shulman’’ss 5 dangers of5 dangers of


3.3. "trivialization""trivialization" - -documentingdocumentingstuff that isn'tstuff that isn'tworthworthreflecting uponreflecting upon

Shulman, Lee (1998)

"Teacher Portfolios: A

Theoretical Activity" in

N. Lyons (ed.) With

Portfolio in Hand. (pp.

23-37) New York:

Teachers College Press.

LeeLee Shulman Shulman’’ss 5 dangers of5 dangers of

portfoliosportfolios4.4. "perversion""perversion" - when - when

used as a form of highused as a form of high

stakes assessment stakes assessment ““whywhy

will portfolios be morewill portfolios be more

resistant to perversionresistant to perversion

than all other forms ofthan all other forms of

assessment have been?assessment have been?””Shulman, Lee (1998)

"Teacher Portfolios: A

Theoretical Activity" in

N. Lyons (ed.) With

Portfolio in Hand. (pp.

23-37) New York:

Teachers College Press.

LeeLee Shulman Shulman’’ss 5 dangers of5 dangers of


5.5. "misrepresentation""misrepresentation"

- does "best work"- does "best work"


"typical work" --"typical work" --

not a true picture ofnot a true picture of


Shulman, Lee (1998)

"Teacher Portfolios: A

Theoretical Activity" in

N. Lyons (ed.) With

Portfolio in Hand. (pp.

23-37) New York:

Teachers College Press.

Contrasting Paradigms ofContrasting Paradigms of


�� PositivismPositivism

�� ConstructivismConstructivism

F. Leon Paulson & Pearl Paulson (1994)F. Leon Paulson & Pearl Paulson (1994)““Assessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist ParadigmAssessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist Paradigm””

in Fogarty, R. (ed.) (1996) in Fogarty, R. (ed.) (1996) Student PortfoliosStudent Portfolios..Palatine: IRI Skylight Training & PublishingPalatine: IRI Skylight Training & Publishing

Positivist PortfoliosPositivist Portfolios

““ The purpose of the portfolio is to assessThe purpose of the portfolio is to assesslearning outcomes and those outcomeslearning outcomes and those outcomesare, generally, defined externally.are, generally, defined externally.Positivism assumes that meaning isPositivism assumes that meaning isconstant across users, contexts, andconstant across users, contexts, andpurposespurposes…… The portfolio is a receptacleThe portfolio is a receptaclefor examples of student work used tofor examples of student work used toinfer what and how much learning hasinfer what and how much learning hasoccurred.occurred.””

F. Leon Paulson & Pearl Paulson (1994)F. Leon Paulson & Pearl Paulson (1994)““Assessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist ParadigmAssessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist Paradigm””

in Fogarty, R. (ed.) (1996)in Fogarty, R. (ed.) (1996) Student PortfoliosStudent Portfolios..Palatine: IRI Skylight Training & PublishingPalatine: IRI Skylight Training & Publishing

Constructivist PortfoliosConstructivist Portfolios

““ The portfolio is a learning environment inThe portfolio is a learning environment inwhich the learner constructs meaning. Itwhich the learner constructs meaning. Itassumes that meaning varies acrossassumes that meaning varies acrossindividuals, over time, and with purpose.individuals, over time, and with purpose.The portfolio presents process, a recordThe portfolio presents process, a recordof the processes associated withof the processes associated withlearning itself; a summation of individuallearning itself; a summation of individualportfolios would be too complex forportfolios would be too complex fornormative description.normative description.””

F. Leon Paulson & Pearl Paulson (1994)F. Leon Paulson & Pearl Paulson (1994)““Assessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist ParadigmAssessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist Paradigm””

in Fogarty, R. (ed.) (1996)in Fogarty, R. (ed.) (1996) Student PortfoliosStudent Portfolios..Palatine: IRI Skylight Training & PublishingPalatine: IRI Skylight Training & Publishing

Page 8: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Tension between twoTension between two

approachesapproaches““ The two paradigms produce portfolioThe two paradigms produce portfolio

activities that are entirely different.activities that are entirely different.””

““The positivist approach puts a premium onThe positivist approach puts a premium onthe selection of items that reflectthe selection of items that reflect outsideoutsidestandards and interestsstandards and interests..””

““The constructivist approach puts a premiumThe constructivist approach puts a premiumon the selection of items that reflect learningon the selection of items that reflect learningfrom the studentfrom the student’’s perspectives perspective..””

F. Leon Paulson & Pearl Paulson (1994)F. Leon Paulson & Pearl Paulson (1994)““Assessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist ParadigmAssessing Portfolios Using the Constructivist Paradigm””

in Fogarty, R. (ed.) (1996) in Fogarty, R. (ed.) (1996) Student PortfoliosStudent Portfolios..Palatine: IRI Skylight Training & PublishingPalatine: IRI Skylight Training & Publishing

Tension between twoTension between two


““ It is important to It is important torecognize the dangers ofrecognize the dangers ofthe portfolio process--the portfolio process--the possibilities forthe possibilities fortrivialization as well astrivialization as well asmindlessmindless

standardizationstandardization..”” (p.5)(p.5)

Lyons, Nona (1998) Lyons, Nona (1998) With Portfolio in HandWith Portfolio in Hand..Teachers College PressTeachers College Press

How do we create anHow do we create an


Assessment andAssessment and

Accountability SystemAccountability System……

Without losing the power of theWithout losing the power of the

portfolio as a student-centeredportfolio as a student-centered

tool for lifelong learning andtool for lifelong learning and

professional development?professional development?

How do we maintainHow do we maintain

thethe authenticityauthenticity of the of the

portfolio processportfolio process……

And help our teacher candidatesAnd help our teacher candidates

develop the skills and attitudesdevelop the skills and attitudes

necessary to implement this strategynecessary to implement this strategy

with their own students once theywith their own students once they

have their own classrooms?have their own classrooms?


Voice = AuthenticityVoice = Authenticity

�� multimedia expands the "voice" inmultimedia expands the "voice" in

an electronic portfolioan electronic portfolio

(both literally and rhetorically)(both literally and rhetorically)

�� personality of the author is evidentpersonality of the author is evident

�� gives the reflections a uniquenessgives the reflections a uniqueness

�� gives the feeling that the writer isgives the feeling that the writer is

talking directly to the reader/viewertalking directly to the reader/viewer

Why?Why?�� Learner Ownership andLearner Ownership and

Engagement with PortfolioEngagement with Portfolio

�� Emotional Connection to ProcessEmotional Connection to Process

�� Learner's Authentic Learner's Authentic VoiceVoice

�� Portfolio as Portfolio as StoryStory

�� Portfolio as Lifelong Learning/Portfolio as Lifelong Learning/Professional Development ToolProfessional Development Tool

�� SupportSupport deep learningdeep learning

Page 9: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Who?Who?�� Who has successfully keptWho has successfully kept

these two strategiesthese two strategiesseparate, but connected?separate, but connected?�� Baylor University College of EdBaylor University College of Ed

�� University of Denver (campus-University of Denver (campus-wide)wide)

�� Ball State University College of EdBall State University College of Ed

Baylor ExampleBaylor Example

University of DenverUniversity of Denver

http://portfolio.http://portfolio.dudu..edueduBall StateBall State


�� Student-createdStudent-created


portfolio PLUSportfolio PLUS

University of WashingtonUniversity of Washington

�� Catalyst PortfolioCatalyst Portfolio


�� Student Learning ObjectivesStudent Learning Objectives

System (SLO)System (SLO)


University of WashingtonUniversity of Washington’’s Catalysts Catalyst


Page 10: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


University of WashingtonUniversity of Washington’’ss

Student Learning ObjectivesStudent Learning Objectives

(SLO)(SLO)�� four web applicationsfour web applications

�� SLO EncoderSLO Encoder - faculty encode the - faculty encode the SLOsSLOs for theirfor theircoursescourses

�� SLO ReporterSLO Reporter - a tool for viewing information in - a tool for viewing information inthe databasethe database

�� MyLOMyLO - SLO Student system - to view their- SLO Student system - to view theirpersonal learning objective profilepersonal learning objective profile

�� SLO Admin SystemSLO Admin System - a non-technical tool to - a non-technical tool toperform basic system administration tasksperform basic system administration tasks

How can we address bothHow can we address both

types of portfolios?types of portfolios?

Use three different systems that areUse three different systems that aredigitally linked:digitally linked:

I.I. A digitalA digital archivearchive of a learner of a learner’’s works work

II.II. An institution-centered An institution-centered databasedatabase to tocollect faculty-generated assessmentcollect faculty-generated assessmentdata based on tasks and rubricsdata based on tasks and rubrics

III.III. A student-centered A student-centered electronicelectronicportfolioportfolio


Begin Here

Learning Experiences embedded in curriculum


I.Digital Archive

of LearnerArtifacts

(Working Portfolio)

Interactive Process

Evidence =+Artifacts+Reflection+Validation

Page 11: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Interactive Process


Tasks &

Rubrics for


Reflectionon Learning

(self-selectedartifacts for self-

evaluation)Evidence =+Artifacts+Reflection+ValidationAssessor Learner

Positivist Paradigm(Evaluation and

Making Inferences)

Portfolio as Test





Perf tasks


Tasks &

Rubrics for


Data collected for



(high stakes)

and for accreditation

Page 12: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or



(institution-centereddata management


Resulting in…

Institution-centeredaggregated dataleading tocertification/licensureand accreditation

Focus on



External Locus of Control

• Includes prescribed artifacts

and rubrics

• Requires database to manage


• Focuses on faculty's formative

and summative evaluations


I.Digital Archive

of LearnerArtifacts

(Working Portfolio)

Page 13: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or



Paradigm(Making Meaning and

Assessment as Learning)

Portfolio as Story



artifacts from




Reflectionon Learning

(self-selectedartifacts for self-



artifacts and

reflections to meet





(presentation portfolios for multiple purposes)

Resulting in…

Student-centereddocumentation ofdeep learning,for developing self-concept andpresentation to multiple audiences(peers, employers, etc.)

Page 14: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Deep LearningDeep Learning

�� involves reflection,involves reflection,

�� is developmental,is developmental,

�� is integrative,is integrative,

�� is self-directive, andis self-directive, and

�� is lifelongis lifelong

Cambridge (2004)Cambridge (2004)

Focus on




Internal Locus of Control

• Includes choice of artifacts

• Results in personalized


• Focuses on learner's

celebration of uniqueness


Both approaches result in a:

One final thoughtOne final thought……

�� Assessment of LearningAssessment of Learning

�� Portfolios for LearningPortfolios for Learning

�� What about Motivation?What about Motivation?

Components of PortfolioComponents of Portfolio


�� ContentContent

�� PurposePurpose

�� ProcessProcess

Page 15: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Components of PortfolioComponents of Portfolio


�� Content:Content:evidenceevidence(artifacts +(artifacts +reflections)reflections)

Components of PortfolioComponents of Portfolio


�� Purpose:Purpose:the reason for developing thethe reason for developing theportfolioportfolio –– includes audience includes audience�� Learning & professionalLearning & professional


�� AssessmentAssessment

�� EmploymentEmployment

Components of PortfolioComponents of Portfolio


�� Process:Process:�� tools usedtools used

�� sequence of activitiessequence of activities

�� rulesrules

�� evaluation criteria (rubrics)evaluation criteria (rubrics)

�� collaboration/conversation collaboration/conversation

Developmental Levels ofDevelopmental Levels of

Portfolio ImplementationPortfolio Implementation

�� Extrinsic MotivationExtrinsic Motivation––institutional directed content, purpose &institutional directed content, purpose &processprocess –– external locus of controlexternal locus of control

�� Mixed MotivationMixed Motivation––learner ownership over one or two of thelearner ownership over one or two of thecomponentscomponents

�� Intrinsic MotivationIntrinsic Motivation——learner ownership of content, purposelearner ownership of content, purposeand processand process


Learner Ownership and Control of Electronic Portfolio Development

Contents Contents Contents

Purpose Purpose


Learner Control vs. Organizational ControlAssumption:

Greater Learner Control leads to more Intrinsic Motivation








TheThe ePortfolioePortfolio as aas a

Story of LearningStory of Learning

Digital StorytellingDigital Storytelling

as Reflectiveas Reflective


Page 16: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Linking TwoLinking Two

Dynamic ProcessesDynamic Processes

to Promote Deepto Promote Deep


Portfolio DevelopmentPortfolio Development


Digital StorytellingDigital Storytelling

Constructed MeaningConstructed Meaning

"The portfolio is a laboratory"The portfolio is a laboratorywhere students constructwhere students constructmeaning from theirmeaning from theiraccumulated experience."accumulated experience."(Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.5)(Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.5)

Portfolio tells a StoryPortfolio tells a Story"A portfolio tells a story. It is the"A portfolio tells a story. It is thestory of knowing. Knowing aboutstory of knowing. Knowing aboutthings... Knowing oneself...things... Knowing oneself...Knowing an audience... PortfoliosKnowing an audience... Portfoliosare students' own stories of whatare students' own stories of whatthey know, why they believe theythey know, why they believe theyknow it, and why others shouldknow it, and why others shouldbe of the same opinion.be of the same opinion.””(Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.2)(Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.2)

Portfolios tell a StoryPortfolios tell a Story

““A portfolio is opinionA portfolio is opinionbacked by fact...backed by fact...Students prove whatStudents prove whatthey know withthey know withsamples of their work.samples of their work.””(Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.2)(Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.2)

Handout:Handout: ePortfolio ePortfolio asas

StorytellingStorytellingPortfolio DevelopmentPortfolio Development


Page 17: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Portfolio ProcessesPortfolio Processes


�� CollectingCollecting

�� SelectingSelecting

�� ReflectingReflecting

�� ProjectingProjecting

�� CelebratingCelebrating

+ Technology+ Technology

�� ArchivingArchiving

�� Linking/ThinkingLinking/Thinking

�� StorytellingStorytelling

�� CollaboratingCollaborating

�� PublishingPublishing

Reflective Questions that tie the Past to theReflective Questions that tie the Past to the


Linked to…Linked toLinked to……





Center for Digital StorytellingCenter for Digital Storytelling


Digital Storytelling ProcessDigital Storytelling Process

�� Learners create a 2-4 minuteLearners create a 2-4 minutedigital video clipdigital video clip

�� First person narrativeFirst person narrative

�� Told in their own voiceTold in their own voice

�� Illustrated by (mostly) stillIllustrated by (mostly) stillimagesimages

�� Music track to add emotionalMusic track to add emotionaltonetone

What is Digital Storytelling?

• Go to DVD - Play Digital Storytelling

Page 18: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Why include DigitalWhy include Digital

Storytelling inStorytelling in


Learner MotivationLearner Motivation

and Affectand Affect

Brain ResearchBrain Research

Storytelling as ReflectionStorytelling as Reflection((SchSchöönn, 1988), 1988)

“…“…for storytelling is thefor storytelling is the

mode of description bestmode of description best

suited to transformation insuited to transformation in

new situations of action.new situations of action.””

Storytelling as ReflectionStorytelling as Reflection((SchSchöönn, 1988), 1988)

““Stories are products ofStories are products ofreflection, but we do notreflection, but we do notusually hold onto themusually hold onto themlong enough to makelong enough to makethem objects of reflectionthem objects of reflectionin their own right.in their own right.””

Storytelling as ReflectionStorytelling as Reflection((SchSchöönn, 1988), 1988)

““When we get into the habitWhen we get into the habitof recording our stories, weof recording our stories, wecan look at them again,can look at them again,attending to the meaningsattending to the meaningswe have build into them andwe have build into them andattending, as well, to ourattending, as well, to ourstrategies of narrativestrategies of narrativedescription.description.””

Examples of ReflectiveExamples of Reflective


�� Go to DVD - Play Go to DVD - Play ““Full CircleFull Circle””

�� Go to DVD - Play Go to DVD - Play ““HakuinHakuin””

Constructivist Approach to Project-Based "Assessment-as-Learning"

Constructivist Approach to Project-Constructivist Approach to Project-Based "Assessment-as-Learning"Based "Assessment-as-Learning"

Page 19: Purposes of Assessment Assessment OF Learning? or


Learner Ownership andEngagement with Portfolio

Learner Ownership andLearner Ownership andEngagement with PortfolioEngagement with Portfolio

�� The tools should allow theThe tools should allow the

learner to feel in control of thelearner to feel in control of the

process, including the "lookprocess, including the "look

and feel" of the portfolio.and feel" of the portfolio.

My StoryMy Story

�� Go to DVD - Play Go to DVD - Play ““ChoicesChoices””

DonDon’’t double your learning!t double your learning!

Consider Cognitive Overload!Consider Cognitive Overload!

�� When learningWhen learning new toolsnew tools,,

useuse familiar tasksfamiliar tasks;;

�� When learningWhen learning new tasksnew tasks,,

useuse familiar toolsfamiliar tools..Barrett, 1991Barrett, 1991

My Final WishMy Final Wish……

May all yourMay all your

eelectronic portfolioslectronic portfoliosbecome dynamicbecome dynamiccelebrations ofcelebrations of

learninglearningacross the lifespan.across the lifespan.

Dr. Helen BarrettDr. Helen Barrett

�� Co-DirectorCo-Director ISTEISTE’’ssCommunity & AssessmentCommunity & Assessmentin PT3 Catalyst Grantin PT3 Catalyst Grant

�� hbarretthbarrett@@isteiste.org.org

�� http://http://electronicportfolioselectronicportfolios.org/.org/