Purpose Class Work

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  • 8/2/2019 Purpose Class Work


    1. What themes do you want to pursue and how do you want to exemplify them? (Think of

    themes you have seen in books, movies, and video games before. What themes can you

    pick out from those examples? What will you include in your concept and how do you want

    those themes to play out?)

    I want to pursue a theme that any common man or woman can rise up from any

    situation they may be in (whether its financial, emotional, or physical) and reach thelevel of success. Another theme that I want to work with is the idea that simple people

    can make major changes to the world for the better.

    2. What social issues do you want to foreground?

    I want to deal with the social issue that Science & Art are in a never ending battle with

    religion and the church.

    3. What perspective of the event do you want to show? What is your statement about this

    event? What is your rhetorical argument?

    The rhetorical argument is that there are simple common people all around us and

    even someone who feels like they have no major role in society can start a revolution

    and change the course of history. I want to show the view from the man who is

    making the changes in the world.

    4. How are you conveying this perspective in a unique manner? What is different about your

    representation that allows your audience to see it in a new way?I want to take the reader through the journey by constantly getting internal dialogue

    from the main character. This will allow the reader to see a world that they have never

    been to and get a perspective that you cant often get from movies.

    5. How do you want to foreground this (narrative or ideological) perspective in your concept?

    (Example: Do you want to show poverty by creating a main character that is homeless, or do

    you want to set the scene or have an accumulation of events that present aspects of


    I want the foreground to be established through the main characters eyes. I want thestory to start with going over the average day of the main character. A long the way,

    the reader will be able to hear the thoughts he has about his surroundings which will

    reveal his social status, job, and personality to the reader.

    6. Give a quick description of how your plot and events will contribute to your unique

  • 8/2/2019 Purpose Class Work



    I feel that having the reader follow along with the main character through his day will

    help get the reader out of their own shoes and into a new life that they arent used to.

    7. Give a quick description of how your characters will contribute to your unique perspective.

    The family members of the main character will help give different perspectives on

    peoples opinions towards what the main character wants to do.

    8. After seeing your book, movie, or video game, what is it that you want your readers to

    understand? What do you want to achieve? Look back to what you have written and think

    about how all of these ideas to come together.

    a. I want the audience to take away that no matter how small they feel, they can

    conquer and goal and rise up to a level of greatness.