Pure Facts March 2018 www.feingold.org Vol. 42, No. 3 New book helps people with "cs. See page 4 for details. Help for you and help for FAUS We are excited about this line of health-giving products that might be the best next step for children who have improved on the Feingold Diet but are still having problems. And for the rest of us, it’s an easy way to feel better. D avid Sandoval saw the problems that standard diets were causing for his community and watched them get worse. Even health food companies were cu(ng quality. As a result, he start- ed his own nutri"onal company and called it Purium — a blend of Pure and Premium. The products are made from whole food, providing nature’s resources to help people live healthy, disease-free lives. Purium uses the purest foods available and processes them in ways that retain their vitality. They know the farmers, and manufacture all of the products in a facility that is cer"fied organic and non-GMO verified, with exac"ng quality control. All 70 of Purium’s products are Feingold- accepted; see details on the products, success, and ordering in this newsle5er. Purium is rapidly expand- ing, with a 276% growth in just three years. The company’s new ini"a"ve supports the work of non-profits, and Purium will give FAUS 20% of the money earned from each member’s order. The goal is to partner with at least 1,000 non- profits, and the Feingold Associa"on is excited to be one of them! Purium offers whole-food products for kids and adults. The kids’ products help with healthy growth, focus and immune support. Adult products include nutri"onal shakes and help with sleep, heart health, stamina, weight, memory and more. There are new products to detoxify your body from glyphosate (Round-Up) and other toxins. An exciting innovation unheard-of in industry is Purium’s profit-sharing plan. Purium’s basic beliefs What you choose to eat can heal you, or it can harm you. The worst offenders are: synthe"c colors, flavors and sweeteners, factory meat, high fructose corn syrup and GMOs, plus the glyphosates (Round-Up) used on them. Purium combines the principles of Naturopathy—your body can heal itself if it is given the proper tools , along with Phytochemistry — finding the healing power in plants, and this is the basis of the products. These principles fit so well with the work of Dr. Feingold. We believe that he was the first traditionally-trained Western physician to understand that food can have many different effects, including influencing behavior, mood and cognition. Purium and Feingold share the same core beliefs

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Page 1: Pure Facts - The Feingold Diet · Purium products Go to . Select shop and then quick-shop. (Products are listed alphabe"cally). Select the products, adding them to your cart. When

Pure Facts March 2018 www.feingold.org Vol. 42, No. 3

New book helps

people with "cs.

See page 4 for


Help for you and help for FAUS

We are excited about this line of health-giving products that might be the best next step

for children who have improved on the Feingold Diet but are still having problems. And

for the rest of us, it’s an easy way to feel better.

D avid Sandoval saw the problems

that standard diets were causing

for his community and watched them get

worse. Even health food companies

were cu(ng quality. As a result, he start-

ed his own nutri"onal company and

called it Purium — a blend of Pure and

Premium. The products are made from

whole food, providing nature’s resources

to help people live healthy, disease-free

lives. Purium uses the purest foods

available and processes them in ways

that retain their vitality. They know the

farmers, and manufacture all of the

products in a facility that is cer"fied

organic and non-GMO verified, with

exac"ng quality control.

All 70 of Purium’s products are Feingold-

accepted; see details on the products,

success, and ordering in this newsle5er.

Purium is rapidly expand-ing, with a 276% growth in just three years.

The company’s new ini"a"ve supports the work

of non-profits, and Purium will give FAUS 20% of

the money earned from each member’s order.

The goal is to partner with at least 1,000 non-

profits, and the Feingold Associa"on is excited to

be one of them!

Purium offers whole-food products for kids and adults. The

kids’ products help with healthy growth, focus and immune

support. Adult products include nutri"onal shakes and

help with sleep, heart health, stamina, weight, memory

and more. There are new products to detoxify your body

from glyphosate (Round-Up) and other toxins.

An exciting innovation — unheard-of in industry — is Purium’s profit-sharing plan.

Purium’s basic beliefs

• What you choose to eat can heal you, or it can harm you.

• The worst offenders are: synthe"c colors, flavors and sweeteners, factory

meat, high fructose corn syrup and GMOs, plus the glyphosates (Round-Up)

used on them.

Purium combines the principles of Naturopathy—your body can heal itself if it

is given the proper tools , along with Phytochemistry — finding the healing

power in plants, and this is the basis of the products.

These principles fit so well with the work of Dr. Feingold. We believe that

he was the first traditionally-trained Western physician to understand

that food can have many different effects, including influencing behavior,

mood and cognition.

Purium and Feingold share the same core beliefs

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2 Pure Facts / March 2018

Feingold and Funding

Many people believe that a non-profit organization does not need money, but, sadly, that isn’t the case.

E ven though most of the people involved with the Associa"on

are volunteers (and they help us even further by paying their own

expenses), we have a "ny staff doing the day-to-day work needed to

research food, publish literature, keep our finances straight, develop

our web site, do outreach, answer the phone, and generally run a

na"onal organiza"on.

The Post Office charges us for postage just

as it charges a for-profit business. When

we par"cipate in a conference, we have to

pay for our exhibit table and for shipping

the materials to our volunteers. The print-

ers need to be paid, as does our auditor, and the cost of printer

cartridges alone is an eye-opener!

The income from membership is not enough to pay our actual expen-

ses, but we have stubbornly resisted increasing the cost of membership.

Unlike many na"onal support organiza"ons, we do not get funding

from Big Pharma (nor do we want it!). Fund-raisers and dona"ons help,

but the prospect of a source of income from a company whose products

are squeaky clean and have the poten"al to offer tremendous benefits

to our members, and whose message is aligned with ours, is exci"ng!

We are grateful to the many

companies that support our work

by donating products to our

goodie bag fund-raisers and by

advertising in our online news-

letter, Feingold Family Pages.

How to order Purium products

Go to www.iShopPurium.com.

Select shop and then quick-shop.

(Products are listed alphabe"cally).

Select the products, adding them to

your cart.

When you check out, use GiD Card

Code Feingold for a $50 discount on

your first order of $75 or more.

Feingold will receive 20% of your

order as a dona"on from Purium.

When you place future orders, you

will receive a 15% to 25% discount,

and Feingold will con"nue to receive

a 20% dona"on on your orders.

60-day money-back guarantee.

A different kind of business

David Sandoval and Amy Venner started Purium aDer the

worst riots in Long Beach history because they believe in

Gandhi’s philosophy, “Be the change you wish to see in the

world,” and the importance of healing one’s own community.

Among their many ini"a"ves are these:

• Helped 200 rice farmers in Thailand reject Monsanto and

embrace organic farming through the support of microloans.

• Took in an 860-pound man to live with him for 5 months

and supported him in his weight-loss goals as he overcame

obesity by nourishing his body.

• Donated 700 pounds of rice bran solubles to a no-kill horse

rescue in Valley Center, California.

• Donated disaster relief superfood powders to families aDer

hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Shipped truck-loads of products

to vic"ms of fires in Northern California.

• Helped design and provide nutri"on support for cancer

treatments at the Block Ins"tute.

• Wrote the former NFL’s Players Associa"on protocols for

healing from football injuries.

• Through radio broadcasts , played a major role in the

banning of trans fats in New York.

A solution for the ugly side of the beauty business

David has received much recogni"on in Holly-

wood, par"cularly for his program, “Super

Food for Super Models,” which has been

credited for elimina"ng anorexia and bulimia

in the California modeling community by

using nutrient-dense Purium products so the

body does not crave calories.

Dave received the International Community Inspiration Award

The reward was given for his humanitarian

work and his dedica"on to crea"ng quality

ingredients. His understanding of phyto-

chemistry led to the crea"on of his book,

The Green Foods Bible. Dave is one of ten

recipients to receive a special honor and

shares the award with past recipient, former

President Jimmy Carter.

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Pure Facts / March 2018 3

Parents write about Purium for kids

Darcy wrote, “I’m excited to share our family’s experience with Power Kids. Two years ago

our family began purchasing Power Kids for our young son who was struggling with tooth

decay. He loved the flavor and had it almost every morning with breakfast. That addi"on,

plus shiDs in his diet, con"nue to support him two years later. The decay has completely

stopped and no new issues have formed. The den"sts are amazed and we are beyond


Darcy uses Power Kids with water or apple juice.

“It’s almost "me for school. Eli had trouble waking up. He has been pe(ng the cat,

looking for his shoes, dawdling, and wandering around. He can’t find the homework

he did last night, and he hasn’t even started ea"ng breakfast. I’ve warned, cajoled,

pleaded, but it did no good. Do I make him and his brother late for school again? Or

do I send him off with an empty stomach?

“Now there’s a new answer, a delicious chocolate shake. I mix it with water, almond

milk, or other liquid. When he climbs into his car seat, I give him the shake to drink on

the way to school. Crisis averted; stress melts away. This is a nutri"ous solu"on that

keeps the family peace.”

Marty uses MVP Kids Chocolate shake (Feingold Stage Two) with milk or almond milk.

“The doctor at Savannah’s annual physical said she was worried because Savannah

was not growing. At age 10 she was the size of a 6-year-old. She had barely grown in

the past two years and the doctor predicted that her height as an adult would be only

4’ 10” — very short! She would never be able to buy clothes in the adult sec"on.

What to do? Was it "me for HGH shots? How would those chemicals affect her body

and her brain? A friend told us about the healthy shakes and supplements that are

Feingold-approved and kids like the taste. Success! Savannah is drinking the shakes

and taking the supplements. Fast forward two years. Savannah has grown 3 inches a

year for the last two years and is s"ll growing!”

Ben gives her L.O.V. Super Meal Original with apple juice, Cracked Cell Chlorella,

Super Amino. In addi"on, she is on the Feingold Diet.

Editor’s Note: Imagine how much easier their mornings would be if Eli also followed the Feingold Diet!

As a teenager, Zach suffered from depression, but aDer taking the drugs his doctor

prescribed, he became manic. Then, he received another drug to “bring him down,”

but that caused him to go into anaphylac"c shock, and he ended up in the Intensive

Care Unit of the hospital.

Fortunately, Zach recovered enough to be able to go to a local community college

and then on to a 4-year college. He took Purium occasionally, but when he began

living on his own while at college and had to pay for his own food, he was much

more recep"ve to accep"ng the (free) Purium drinks his grandmother sent. He

began the day with a drink made with Vanilla MVP Sport, Can’t Beet, and frozen

strawberries. He s"ll drinks it and loves it.

Zach used Cracked Cell Chlorella and Revive It All, and found they helped him to

think more clearly. But the amazing change came when he took a big 3-dropper full

of In Focus in a glass of water and experienced a drama"c improvement in his ability

to focus. He immediately called his grandmother and asked, “Is this stuff legal?”

Today he is a senior, ge(ng all A’s and planning to con"nue for his Master’s degree.

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4 Pure Facts / March 2018

Those doctors who have found solu"ons are rou"nely

ignored, and what studies have been done have been

skewed by selec"vely looking at pa"ent feedback and

ignoring the data that does not fit in with the researcher’s

own bias. When pa"ents ask about things that might be

triggering their "cs, things like allergies, food addi"ves

and environmental chemicals, they are told that “studies

don’t support” such a link. What they are not told is that

the studies have not been conducted.

Professionals often note that tics “wax and wane,” which is

another way of saying, “They come and go, and we don’t

know why.” It’s also a way of saying, “We don’t want to

try to figure out why they come and go.”

Nonprofit support groups generally form to fill a

need that is not being met. This is the case for

the organiza"on Sheila founded, the Associa"on

for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy, or ACN, and

Sheila is well-qualified to lead such an organiza-

"on. As the parent of a child who suffered from

"cs, and with a background in science, she brings

her talents, wisdom and compassion to the

search for solu"ons. And in the 25 years she

has been doing this work, she has found many

solu"ons. Stop Your Tics by Learning What

Triggers Them focuses on the major culprits:

allergies, food, and environment.

There are be5er answers than “gene"cs” or a

regimen of harsh drugs. The book is filled with

prac"cal op"ons and includes feedback from

families that have used the Feingold Diet to help

their children. Complex condi"ons are explained

in a way that is readily understood, and Sheila’s

compassion is palpable.

Discovering what causes tics

Food additives are a common trigger for tics for children with ADHD symptoms, and

many children have been helped when they are removed.

You can order Stop Your Tics by Learning What Triggers Them through the Feingold Bookstore at:


W hy would anyone need to write a book documen"ng the

various things that have been found to trigger "cs? Isn’t

that the role of the specialists and of the na"onal organiza"on

devoted to the issue?

Sadly, many years, countless dollars, and untold suffering on the

part of pa"ents and their families have not resulted in genuine

solu"ons from the medical community or the Toure5e Syndrome

Associa"on, according to Sheila Rogers DeMare, author of Stop

Your Tics by Learning What Triggers Them.

Obvious clues, such as the increase and decrease in

"cs, should be the basis of iden"fying poten"al causes;

instead, the symptoms are given meaningless labels

like “waxing and waning” or “spontaneous remission.”

“There is something wrong when patients with

tics are offered deep brain stimulation with

surgically implanted electrodes, and strong drugs

with potential side effects, yet they have not

been informed that something as simple as diet,

or chemical exposure, or allergens may be

affecting their symptoms.”

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Pure Facts / March 2018 5

How parents have resolved their child’s tics

Many report that additives and salicylates are huge offenders, but for some children, there are other things that can bring them on.

Michelle: “When we stay on diet,

"cs go away and so do fears. His

skin rashes also cleared and so did

his dark circles. It’s really been


Celeste: “My son’s "cs and anxiety,

among other things, disappeared.

We are beyond basic Feingold,

though, with some of the other

sugges"ons and gluten-free.”

Angela: “Any "me my daughter

eats off diet her "cs are hugely

increased. When she s"cks with

her diet, we don’t qualify for a

Toure5e’s diagnosis.”

Both aspartame and MSG are very damaging to the nervous system.

Jackie: “No, the "cs and OCD did

not go away. It does make it

easier for her to verbalize and

work through the anxious

thoughts. Feingold helps my child

stay calm and not explode in


Kathryn: “Feingold, plus removing

gluten, stopped "cs here. It may

also be worthwhile to remove the

addi"ves that are in parentheses

such as MSG, corn sweeteners,

sodium benzoate, nitrites, etc.”

Beth: “You might want to consider


O ne mom wrote on our message board: “Can anyone who has used

anything natural to help with "cs please let me know what worked for

you? My daughter’s doctor recommended a heart medica"on to a5empt to

relieve her constant "c. We do NOT want to go that route!”

Here are some of the responses other moms offered:

Jacqueline: “Weekly pediatric

craniosacral chiroprac"c com-

pletely got rid of my son’s "cs.

When we don’t go back for 2 or 3

weeks, the behavior is off the

charts, and aDer 4 weeks I no"ce

the "c slowly coming back.

Terri: “I know meds prescribed

for anxiety have caused my niece

to clear her throat all the "me.

She stopped doing this when she

stopped taking the meds.”

Laura: “Dyes and salicylates can

both be triggers. My son’s "cs

have completely gone away but

can be triggered for a short "me

if he eats the wrong things.”

Kim: “The Stage Two fruits and

vegetables trigger my daughter’s

"cs. I no"ced they changed

seasonally, which makes sense

because we ate fresh fruits and

vegetables that were in season.”

Sheila: “My son most likely had

Toure5e’s but had to have the

"cs and OCD behavior for 6

months for a true diagnosis.

Thankfully, we found Feingold,

and within a week he was


Jane: “When we started the diet

5 years ago, my son had "cs,

OCD tendencies, and anxiety. He

also did a lot of chewing on his

clothes, tantrums, excessive

talking, among other things.

Now, I don’t see any of those

things. None. He is so smart and

kind and wonderful.”

Jamie: “We have had some luck

with fish oil, a mul"vitamin, and

Natural Calm (magnesium). I’m

not sure what helps, but when

we stop, the "cs increase.

Ge(ng enough sleep is also

important for my kiddo.”

Kara: “You might have to do

some tweaking ‘beyond

Feingold.’ While cu(ng out the

addi"ves, some folks experience

greater improvement by elimi-

na"ng dairy/wheat/soy and some

other things.”

Cat: “My guy would chew his

clothes. He did this for years!

One week on straight Feingold

and it stopped.

The first indica"on of a reac"on

for us is the shirt-chewing. It will

start within 10 minutes of ea"ng

the wrong thing.”

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6 Pure Facts / March 2018

Feingold Foodie Heaven in Ohio

Grateful thanks to Martha for letting us know about this chain of five restaurants — four

in Columbus and one north of Cincinnati.

N orthstar Cafés are bright, a5rac"ve restaurants

featuring healthy, fresh food that is locally

sourced and used to prepare delicious, crea"ve menu

op"ons made from scratch. The carefully craDed and

presented food gets rave reviews from a loyal base of


The emphasis is on casual dining, and the facility is set up to provide fast service.

Happily, there are many tables both indoors and outside for this popular spot.

Northstar offers breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner as well as large, yummy

cookies. Both carnivores and vegetarians will find many choices, and the staff can

help you customize the food to your needs, including gluten-free and dairy-free.

Much of the fresh food they serve is organic.

Even the juices are fresh-squeezed, and the jams are homemade.

Popular dishes include their Cloud Nine Rico5a Pancakes,

Chopped Salad (loved even by people who don’t much care

for salads), Buddah Bowl with fresh veggies and peanut

sauce, Sweet Potato Hash and Housemade Granola with

Yogurt and Fresh Fruit.

Diners comment on the friendly staff and great customer service.

More Foodie Heaven at Earth Fare

This super-healthy market is on the Feingold Diet — and more!

E arth Fare began in North Carolina in 1975, and

has grown to 46 stores in 10 states. Most are

located in the South, but a sprinkling of them can be

found in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. Stores have

recently opened in Fairfax and Roanoke, Virginia, with

a new one planned for Williamsburg.

All of the food is free of the Feingold no-no's plus HFCS,

trans-fats, bleached flour, an"bio"cs and growth

hormones. The house-brand foods are made with only

non-GMO ingredients. Eco-friendly materials are used

in the stores and products.

Shoppers can eat in the store as well as shop, since

there is a salad bar, a hot-foods bar, a pizza sta"on,

and a sandwich counter. Prepared foods are available

to take home for an easy dinner.

Earth Fars offers highly desirable, but hard to find,

grass-fed, pasture-raised meat. The deli meat is

naturally cured, and the fresh seafood is sustainably


There’s lighter refreshment at the Heirloom Organic

Juice Bar offering organic coffee, smoothies and juices.

The bakery is also popular with Feingold families.

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Pure Facts / March 2018 7

PIC Report

The following products have been researched

and may be added to your Foodlist and Shopping


Stage One Purium products

The following are Gluten-free and Casein-free:

40x Aloe Vera Concentrate (Immune Support)

Advanced Probio"c Blend (Immune Support)

Bee Energe"c (Sports & Fitness)

Carrot Juice Plus (Diges"on & An"-aging)

Cracked Cell Chlorella (Detox)

Enzyme Advantage (Immune Support)

Fulvic Zeolite (Detox)

Green Spectrum, Lemon (Cleanse)

Green Spectrum, Original (Cleanse)

Ionic Elements (Supports Immune Func"on)

Joint-Flex (An"-Aging)

Kids In Focus (Supports Calm Behavior & Focus)

More Greens (Immune Support)

Organic Barley Green Juice (Detox)

Organic Kamut Blend (Detox)

Organic Tropical Oil—coconut oil (Weight Loss)

Power Shake—Original (Nutri"on)

Renew Hair Skin & Nails (An"-aging)

Revive It All (An"-aging)

Rice Bran Solubles (Healthy Glucose, Weight & Cardio)

Spirulina Caps or Powder (Immune Support)

Spray CHILL (Stress Reduc"on)

Spray EASE (Reduce Aches)

Super Life Formula (Healthy Hormone Levels)

Super Lytes (Electrolyte, Magnesium, Potassium)

Super Xanthin (Eye, Skin, Heart Health)

Vir U Sure (Immune Support)

White American Ginseng (An"-aging)

Women’s Defense (Immune Support)

The following are Casein-free:

Ac"vated Barley (Weight Loss)

Bio Regen (Proper Sleep & Joint Func"on)

Biome Medic (Immune Func"on & Diges"on)

This product is Gluten-free:

Creamy Vanilla Meal Op"on (Weight Loss)

Stage Two Purium products

The following are Gluten-free and Casein-free:

Aloe Digest (Healthy Diges"on) (apples)

Apothe Cherry (An"-aging, Sleep)

Bio Fruit (An"-aging) (acerola cherry, apples, apricots,

cherries, grapes, oranges, prunes, tangerines)

Bio Relax (Calming & Sleep) (cherries, cranberries)

C From Nature (An"-aging) (cherries, oranges,

rose hips)

Can’t Beet This (Energy, Blood Sugar) (coffee, oranges)

Coco Hydrate (Hydra"on, Electrolytes) (raspberries)

Cocoa Mint Spirulina (Sports & Fitness) (berries)

CONTROL Pre-Meal Capsules (Weight Loss) (green tea)

Daily Fiber Blend—Caramel Apple (Cleanse)

Daily Fiber Blend—Original (Cleanse) (apples)

Heart Aid (An"-aging) (cayenne pepper, grapes)

Herbal Fiber Cleanse (Detox) (apples, raspberries)

Men’s Defense (Immune Support) (tomatoes)

MVP Kids Mul" Vitamin + Protein Chocolate Shake

(Protein & Energy) (berries, oranges, tea)

MVP Sport—Chocolate (Protein, Enzymes, Probio"cs

& Appe"te Control) (acerola cherry)

MVP Sport—Vanilla (Protein, Enzymes, Probio"cs &

Appe"te Control) (acerola cherry)

Power of 10 Veggies (An"-aging) (apples, raspberries)

Power Kids (Nutri"on Drink) (apples, berries, currants,

cranberries, maqui berry)

Power Shake—Apple Berry (Nutri"on) (raspberries)

Spray CHARGE (Energy) (coffee, green tea)

Spray CONTROL (Weight Loss) (apples)

Super CleansR (Detox) (cloves)

Super Meal LOV Vanilla Chai (Op"mum Nutri"on)

(acerola cherry, apples)

Super Meal LOV—Original (Op"mum Nutri"on)

(acerola cherry, apples)

Immune Shield (for Kids) (coffee, tea, berries)

This product is Casein-free:

Scoop of Greens (Weight Loss) (apples)

This product is Gluten-free:

Immuno Max (Immune Support) (tea)

See page 2 for details on ordering these products.

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Pure Facts

Editor: Jane Hersey

Contributing to this issue:

Carolyn Allen

Cindy Harrell

Elizabeth Kellum

Pure Facts is published ten times a year and is a portion of the ma-terial provided to members of the Feingold® Association.

Membership provides the Fein-

gold Handbook including recipes and a two-week menu plan, a Foodlist book containing thou-sands of acceptable brand name foods, an electronic Getting Start-ed Foodlist, a Fast Food Guide, telephone and E-mail Help-Lines, and access to our members’ Face-book with information and sup-port from experienced volunteers, and a subscription to Pure Facts.

For more information or details on membership outside the US, contact FAUS, 11849 Suncatcher Drive, Fishers, IN 46037 or email [email protected].

The articles in this newsletter are offered as information for Pure Facts readers, and are not intend-ed to provide medical advice. Please seek the guidance of a qualified health care professional concerning medical issues.

www.feingold.org ©2018 by the Feingold Association

of the United States, Inc.

The Feingold Association of the

United States, Inc., is a non-profit

organization that was founded in

1976. The program is based on a diet

eliminating synthetic colors, artificial

flavors, aspartame and the preserva-

tives BHA, BHT and TBHQ. Our

mission is to increase public aware-

ness of the effects of food and addi-

tives on behavior, learning and


The Feingold Association does not

endorse or assume responsibility for

any product, brand, method or treat-

ment. The presence (or absence) of a

product on a Feingold Foodlist, or the

discussion of a method or treatment

does not constitute approval (or dis-

approval). The Foodlists are based

primarily upon information supplied

by manufacturers and are not based

upon independent testing.

8 Pure Facts / March 2018

Green Eggs and Ham Alert!

Caesar was warned to “Beware the Ides of March,” but Feingold families need to beware the 2nd of March. It’s Dr. Seuss Day!

O ne of our members posted this note on our Facebook last March:

“I am so angry right now. As we all know, Dr. Seuss week was last

week. My daughter (age 6) has had perfect conduct all year, literally.

Last Thursday she came home a complete spazz. Couldn’t stay seated,

couldn’t complete thoughts, cha5y, bouncy, distracted, hyper, silly. None

of this is terrible, but dras"cally different from my calm daughter. I knew

it was a reac"on, a big one, but could not figure out what to do.

“The next day, the teacher posted that they had green eggs and ham and

how fabulous it was. I knew instantly that was the culprit. I asked my

daughter if she had some. She said, ‘Yeah and they were really good!’

“So, over the weekend I tried to write a

note to her teacher, but it turned out

to be a 3-page le5er. I explained the

importance of Feingold for behavioral

reasons and that my daughter got her

first bad conduct grade on Thursday, so

she may have no"ced a big change also.

I said that reac"ons can last 2 days to 2

weeks, and she starts off ac"ng hyper

and spas"c, but as she comes down, the

behavior turns to angry.

“I told her that I explained to my daughter that eggs are okay, but green

eggs are not real, and they were dyed. I told her how it’s hard for teach-

ers to keep up with the details of the program, so the rule is simply not

feed her at all. Blah, blah for 3 pages.

“So, this aDernoon her teacher called me about her behavior for the past

few days! My daughter has been rude, hateful, and aggressive and even

pushed a boy for cu(ng in line. I could not believe she was telling me

what I had already told her!

“I said, ‘Yes, this is why we don’t do dyes, and as I said in my le5er,

reac"on "me is 2 days to 2 weeks, and it starts out as being hyper and

spas"c and turns to defiant, aggressive, and angry as she comes down.

So, you’re seeing that play out.’ She said yes, she’s just wondering where

that sweet girl is. I said, ‘Well, if you don’t feed her dyes you won’t see

a reac"on, so it’s very important for the school to adhere to the diet.’

“She said she just wanted to have a phone conference about it so I know

what’s going on, and I’m like ‘DON’T FEED HER ANYTHING, THAT’S

WHAT’S GOING ON.’ I said, ‘I’m very glad that I’d already addressed what

happened at school and that I let you know how it would affect her, and

that you are seeing it happen.’”

Will your child’s class be making green eggs? Happily, there are natural colors available; see ConfectionCrafts.com.