Pulse | September 2013

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Page 2: Pulse | September 2013

Come join us for a night of celebration as we welcome new lives into the world and new lives into Christ through baby dedications and water baptisms. Being a community of believers, this is a night we should not want to miss.

If you have a baby you would like to have dedicated, you can go online or open our mobile app to get signed up. We just need some basic information about your child and a photo we can use at Family Night.

If you have recently given your heart to the Lord or have rededicated your life and want to be water baptized, there is a class we would like for you to attend. So stop by our website, open our mobile app, or visit a kiosk out in the lobby and sign up for a class.

You must be signed up for Family Night by September 22 to participate. So sign up today!

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ARE YOU NEW TO THE BRIDGE?Here are some things that we think are imperative to your journey here, as you

explore what The Bridge has to offer you and your family.

Need information? You can find it all in this magazine, on our website,

or through our mobile app “MyBridge.” You can get details on all

upcoming events, signup for classes, and much more!

Stop by Fresh Start after the service. Here you will find someone from

our staff who would like to meet you and answer any questions you

may have about our church.

In a large church, the key to making friends and having community is

joining a small group. We know you’re busy, so we offer small groups

on Sunday’s at 9:30 and 10:45AM to make the most of your time here.

We feel our students and kids experiences are some of the best

around, so make sure your kids don’t miss out on the amazing things

we have going on for them.






I want to welcome you to The Bridge.

We are so glad you chose to take time

out of your busy schedule to check out

what we have to offer. We want to help

you get to the other side!

- Pastor McNabb

Traditional Worship ExperienceSundays at 8:15AMThis experience offers a variety of hymns and sacred songs.

Modern Worship ExperienceSundays at 9:30AMThis experience has a more laid back atmosphere & guitar driven worship.

Blended Worship ExperienceSundays at 10:45AMThis experience includes upbeat worship with a choir and orchestra.

PM Worship ExperienceSundays at 6:30PMThis experience we come together as a whole to worship.

Wed. Traditional Worship ExperienceWednesdays at 7:15PMThis experience offers a variety of hymns and sacred songs and messages from Ken McGee.

Drive Worship ExperienceWednesdays at 7:30PMThis experience has a more laid back atmosphere & messages from Rob McClure.


Our trained nursey staff is available during all worship experiences. For a full list of

other opportunities please check out the Get Connected section of Pulse.

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The North Yungas Road in Bolivia is believed by many to be the

most dangerous road on the planet. So dangerous in fact, that

is has earned the name, “The Death Road.” The road covers a

40-mile stretch between the mountain town of La Paz and the

rainforest lowland of Coroico. It descends over 10,000 feet with

incredibly sharp turns and has narrow passages to navigate, all

while trying to avoid a 2,400 foot drop on one side. The road is

extremely dangerous, and it is estimated that between 200-300

travelers are killed annually. With its extreme drop-offs, single

lane roads (no wider than 10ft) and unpredictable weather, one

can start to see why this road is so dangerous, but when you

add the fact that there are no guardrails along the way…it all

becomes clear.

Guardrails can make all the difference. They offer huge

amounts of protection to us whenever the road that we are

on begins to twist, turn and become unpredictable. The

crazy thing is that we usually don’t notice guardrails until we

actually need them. It’s amazing how something so valuable

and potentially life saving can be overlooked or perceived as

something “ordinary”, even though they can often mean the

difference between arriving at your destination or completely

derailing. We need guardrails in our lives.

I will never forget a late night run to the bookstore that

Brittanie and I took in December of 2006. After having

watched the news that evening, we knew that the Dallas/Ft.

Worth Metroplex was about to get slammed by a freak winter

ice storm. Obviously, this kind of storm was a pretty foreign

concept for most of those living in the area. Having grown up

in Colorado, Brittanie and I both felt pretty confident driving

in winter weather; however, we also understood that living in

a metro area of millions of people who hadn’t been exposed to

snow and ice very often, the best decision during winter storms

was to just stay off the roads until it all melted. (You know, too

many crazies on the road!) So, having seen the news report

and already witnessing the freezing rain that was beginning

to fall, we made the decision to run to the bookstore and

grab a couple of books and a movie before the “major” storm

hit! We knew that once the road iced up we were going to be

cooped up indoors for the next couple of days. What better

way to spend a major winter storm then by watching movies

and reading a good book? It seemed to be the perfect plan. So,

Brittanie, who was 5 months pregnant with the twins at the

time, and I loaded up our oldest son Jordan into our small SUV

and ventured out on that cold wet night.

Heading towards the interstate we had to exit onto one of

Dallas’s giant overpasses. It was at the top of this overpass

that we happened to hit an icy patch that sent our vehicle

skidding out of control. I tried to regain the ability to steer,

but there was simply nothing that I could do. In that moment

my family was forced to stare wide eyed at what seemed to

be our inevitable plunge off the 70ft high overpass. We were

completely out of control, and the thought that passed through

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my mind was, “So, this is how it ends

for us, I hope it doesn’t hurt when we

hit the ground.” To say that we were

terrified in that moment would be

a huge understatement! We slipped

across the road, closer and closer to

the edge, until something completely

unexpected happened. Our SUV

slammed into a concrete guardrail

at the top of the overpass. While I

was panicking about plunging to our

deaths, I had completely forgotten

about the guardrails that had been

placed there to prevent drivers from

veering off of the road. There is no

other way to look at this scenario. The

guardrails at the top of the overpass

that day saved my family’s lives.

Guardrails are something no one

really notices…until we need them, and

then, more often than not, they are

a lifesaver. That night in Dallas, my

family would have paid dearly had it

not been for the barrier that protected

our vehicle from tumbling over the

edge of that overpass. Guardrails are

of great importance in our lives.

The reason that we have chosen to

do a church wide series throughout

the month of September on the topic

of Guardrails is because we ALL need

some kind of system in place to keep us

from straying away from the path that

leads towards God. Guardrails simply

represent the system that is designed

to prevent travelers from swerving off

their paths and finding themselves

far from their intended destination.

Danger lurks around many of the turns

in life, and if we don’t have a protective

system for accountability in place

to keep us on the road, our ultimate

goal of a relationship with Jesus can

be put in jeopardy. We all have the

desire to stay on the right track, but

so many of us end up way off course.

The truth is, if you asked anyone to

look back over their life, every decision

that they regret was a result of their

own failure to put guardrails in place

to protect their lives from those steep

edges and drop-offs that life presented.

Is it possible that your greatest regret

in life could have been avoided if you

would have established a guardrail

sooner? This series is designed to

challenge you and your family to build

protective barriers in your life so you

can avoid the disasters that happen

without them.

Proverbs 4:26 says,

“Ponder the path of your feet; then all

your ways will be sure.” This verse reminds us that we are the

ones who have the responsibility of

being aware of what path our feet are

on. Part of “pondering the path,” is

about discerning whether or not you

have a proper system of accountability

in place to help you stay on the right

road. This means you have to establish

healthy boundaries and guardrails in

your life to ensure that you stay on the

road that leads towards Jesus and all

of the blessings that He desires for you

and your family.

by Doug Wyatt@dougwyatt


Where are my weaknesses? (What are

the areas of your life that you are most

vulnerable to falling off the path that God

has intended? This may be where you need

to establish your first guardrail.)

What guardrails do I need to put in

place to protect my family? (In order to

help your family get to where they have

the greatest opportunity to grow in their

relationship with God, what systems do

you need to put in place to foster that


Who in my life can I count on to be a

“guardrail” for me? (In life we need people

who can keep us accountable, especially

in those areas that we are weak. God

strategically places people in our lives

who value and care about us, people who

want the very best for our lives. Is there

someone in your life that you can share

your struggles with, that can serve as your

guardrail when you face those dangerous

curves that life dishes out?)

Who in my life can I be a “guardrail” for?

(As much as we need to be responsible for

our own lives, we are often put in great

positions to help those around us. Perhaps

the guardrail that another person needs

to stay on course is you.)

Who can I invite to church this month

as we learn about the importance of

guardrails in our lives? (Don’t miss an

opportunity this month to invite someone

to church who may need a brand new


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Have you been attending The Bridge for a while, and are looking for the next step? Maybe its time for you to become a member of The Bridge. So what does that mean?

Membership at The Bridge involves serving, giving and participating in Biblical community. In our member-ship class, you’ll learn the vision and values of The Bridge. At the end of the class you’ll have an opportunity to become a member of The Bridge.

Membership Class is designed for 16 year olds and up. Sign up online, through our mobile app, or at one of the information center kiosks out in the lobby. This class is a requirement for membership.


Yellow school busses driving their morning routes, teachers decorating bulletin boards and kids packing their back packs with crayons, rulers and their favorite books. Put it all together and what do you get?

That’s right, it’s time to go BACK TO SCHOOL!

Mommies everywhere can be heard breathing a sigh

of relief, kids can be heard grumping and growling at

their return to early bedtimes, and dads, well let’s be

honest, dad’s back-to-school routine is nearly identical

to his year round routine, so dads just keep doing what

dads do!

Back to school means different things to different

families. Some of us have one or two children who

attend the same school, some of us have several

children all attending classes at different school sites,

and there are even those who attend school in their

very own home with their siblings as classmates and

their mom pulling double, triple and quadruple duty as

not only mom, but also as teacher, counselor, principle

and lunch lady!

No matter what going back to school looks like for

your family, this milestone day weaves a common

thread between us all. Back to school marks time. That

first day of each new grade brings butterflies in our

stomachs and new shoes on our feet! We take way too

many pictures of our kids as they head out the door,

worry about them all day hoping they will make new

friends and have someone to sit with at lunch, and we’re



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most of all eager to hear all of our kid’s

“first day” stories when they hop in the

car late in the afternoon. Back to school

allows us a moment in time to truly SEE

how big our kids are getting and almost

freeze a single day that we will carry in

our memories our entire lives.

We prepare our kids to go back to school

with new backpacks, sharp pencils and

fresh notebooks of crisp white paper,

but as we dress our kids in their new

first day of school outfits and strap on

their filled to the brim backpacks, we

can’t forget to equip them with the most

important school supply of all. We have

to make sure our children go back to

school with a strong family bond behind

them and a personal relationship with

Jesus within them.

God’s word lays out our responsibilities

as parents quite clearly. Proverbs 22:6

says “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” And Ephesians

6:4 says “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” If we work so hard and plan

so far ahead to make sure our kids go

back to school with the exact brand of

erasers the teacher asked for then how

much more important is it to prepare

them with a faithful spirit and joyful

heart? Our children rely on us to equip

them for life, and there’s no greater way

to send them into this world than with

Jesus in their heart!

Just like going back to school looks

different for each family, there are also

many ways to help prepare your child to

face the world and keep their faith. Many

families pray together before they start

their day, others conduct Bible studies

over dinner. It’s important that you find

what works for you! It’s a given that your

schedule is going to get busy. Yes, your

daughter is going to remember a book

report that’s due tomorrow as you tuck

her into bed, your son is going to refuse

to get dressed and insist he go to school

in his Superman costume, and your

work is going to call and say they need

you to come in on the very day of your

first grader’s music performance. Life

happens, but by growing our families

to be strong and teaching our children

to love the Lord we are one step ahead!

It’s like we have the back-to-school study

guide before anyone else in the class!

Use it! Get ahead! Build a Godly family!


“We have to make sure our children go back to school

with a strong family bond

behind them and a personal

relationship with Jesus within

them.”by Erika Knight


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“Angels” Join us as we lift the veil between the visible and the invisible world and look at eye-opening accounts of these behind-the-scenes agents.Ages: 30’s thru 50’sLeader: Kenny McGeeRoom: 201

“Running with Giants”Come and find inspiration and encouragement from the lives of Old Testament personalities.Ages: 30’s thru 50’sLeader: Roy PeckRoom: 203

“Importance of Community”Join us as we dive into what role Community should play in our lives as followers of Jesus.Ages: 40’s thru 60’sLeader: Elaine ArnoldRoom: 104

“America’s Godly Heritage”Join us as we look at what was intended for America by the Founders and what can be done to return America to its original guiding philosophy.Ages: 40’s thru 60’sLeader: Ed DamronRoom: 202

“Miracles of Jesus”Come and learn what the Bible holds about the miracles of Jesus.Ages: 40’s thru 60’sLeader: Kathleen WilcoxsonRoom: 105

“Psalms”We are taking an in depth look into the Psalms and discovering what they mean for us today.Ages: 50’s and upLeader: Kenneth McGeeRoom: 100

“Hindsight Which Leads to Forsight”We are looking at lessons from the Old Testament that teach principles useable today.Ages: 50’s and upLeader: Ken IsomRoom: Chapel


“Gods at War”Join us as we try to recognize that there are false gods at war within each of us, battling for control in our lives, which keep us from truly following Jesus.Ages: Young MarriedsLeader: Ryan SummersRoom: 205

“Books of James, John, & Peter”Come discover God’s word verse by verse and learn what it is we should be learning from it.Ages: All AgesLeader: Rob McClureRoom: 105


Foundations of FreedomCome join us on a journey to become the person God has created you to be.Ages: All AgesLeader: Linda McNabbRoom: 200

Fresh StartSeptember 86:30PM in The CommonsHave you recently started attending The Bridge? We want to meet you! Come and meet Pastor McNabb and get to know a little bit more about how we do church.

Baptism ClassSeptember 229:30/10:45/5:00 in Rm102Baptisms will happen as a part of Family Night on September 29. You can sign-up through our mobile app, website, or one of our kiosks out in the lobby.

Membership ClassSeptember 8 & 159:30 & 10:45AM in Rm102Join us for one of our mandatory membership classes where you’ll learn the vision and values of The Bridge. You can sign-up though our mobile app, website, or one of our kiosks out in the lobby.

HIS 24/7 Bible DiscipleshipSundays at 10:45AMCome discover the basic Biblical principles to help you grow your relationship with God.Ages: All AgesLeader: Ken IsomRoom: 100

Corporate PrayerSundays at 6:00PMTuesdays at 9:00AMJoin us in the Chapel every week for a time of prayer.

Divorce CareWednesdays at 7:15PMDon’t go through separation or divorce alone. The journey is not easy, so come and let us walk with you.Leader: Donny HilbernRoom: 104

GriefShareWednesdays at 7:15PMJoin a caring group of people who will walk along side you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.Leader: Jerry & Liz RichRoom: 102

Living Free Addiction RecoveryWednesdays at 7:15PMCome and us help you on the road to overcoming addictions and breaking free from life controlling issues.Leader: Ken IsomRoom: End Zone

Financial PeaceWednesdays at 7:15PMDo you struggle financially? Come and learn how to handle money God’s way.Leader: Chet & Andrea HornRoom: 100

Men’s BreakfastSeptember 147:30AM in The VenueCome and hang out with guys and enjoy a man sized breakfast.

GET CONNECTEDWe believe it is vital that everyone who comes through our doors feel welcomed, connected with God, and connected with great people to do life with! So here we

have a ton of avenues available for you to be a part of: small groups, special events, volunteer teams and more. We want to create ample opportunities for you to build incredibly fun, healthy friendships as well as help you flourish in your relationship with God! Your life is valuable! Get yourself connected today!



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ManDaySeptember 21 3:00PM at Ramey RanchCome enjoy a campfire lunch, skeet shooting, fishing &archery. (1/4 mile West of Richland Rd on SW 89th St) Bring your own ammo. No rifles or pistols are allowed. $10 for adults, $5 for kids

“Gideon” Bible StudyWednesdays at 7:15PMJoin us as we learn how our weakness is God’s strength.Leader: Dorcas SchroederRoom: 105

“Law of Love” Bible StudyTuesdays at 10:00AMJoin us as we take an in depth look and discover the pages of Deuteronomy.Leader: Carroll HarrellRoom: 202

“Our Covenant God”MOM’s ClassTuesdays at 10:00AMCome spend some time with the ladies while we take care of your kids. It’s just the break you’re looking for.Leader: Kathy McGeeRoom: 104

PrimetimeTuesdays at 10:00AMJoin us for Bible teaching and a variety of activities & events to energize the soul.Leader: Ken IsomRoom: Venue

RoadtripSeptember 20 at 10:00AMWe are headed to the Cherokee Strip Museum and then a look around town in Enid. Cost is $15.00, which includes your lunch.

Yellow Rose Dinner TheaterOctober 1 at 6:30PMThis District Heritage event includes the show, meal, and gratuity for $42.00. You must RSVP by September 17th.

Bridge KidsSundays at 8:15/9:30/10:45AMJoin us for exciting worship, fun games, and Biblical lessons every week!

Boys & Girls ClubsWednesdays at 7:15PMWe offer fun filled programs every week for boys (Royal Ranger) and girls (mPact) that help them grow in their walk with God.

mPact Girls SleepoverSeptember 20 at 7:15PMCome ready to hang out, play carnival games, and eat snacks!Cost is $7 per person(not to exceed $20 per family)

BGMC Buddy Bike RunOctober 198:30AM in West Parking Lot Cost is $30 per biker/$50 per couple. Event will start at 9AM and end at noon with a cookout style lunch and giveaways.

BGMC DinnerSeptember 256:00PM in The VenueCome enjoy fellowship, catch a quick meal before service, and support missions.

New! Bridge 5.6Sundays at 10:45AMBridge 5.6 will be able to provide a relaxed atmosphere for young 5th and 6th grade students so that they can begin to find their place in the youth group. They will have the opportunity to be

a part of a full service and small group time specifically designed around them in the Bridge Students building. For more information go to thebridgeag.org/students.

Bridge StudentsWednesdays at 7:15PMJoin us for our weekly worship experience in the Bridge Students building.

Sunday Small GroupsSundays at 10:45AMGet connected in a weekly small group! This is a great way to learn more on specific topics throughout the Bible. 7th-8th Grade: Room 2039th-11th Grade: Room 20112th Grade: Room 204

Family GroupsMonday’s at 7:00PMFamily Groups provide a fun and relaxed atmosphere for students to discuss relevant and practical topics under the guidance of Bridge Students Adult leaders. More information on the different locations can be found at thebridgeag.org/students

Mustang vs. PCN FootballSeptember 126:00PM at Bridge StudentsCome hang out with us as we support our Mustang Broncos at Putnam City North! We will meet at the Youth Building at 6:00 PM and leave by 6:15 PM. We will return home around 10:00 PM. All you will need is $5 for your admission.

Corn MazeOctober 45:00PM at Bridge StudentsWe will leave at 6:00PM to drive to P-Bar Farms in Hydro, OK. We will get to walk through the corn maze, go on a hayride, grill hot dogs, and roast s’mores. The cost is only $12 and includes all activities and dinner.

“How to Ruin Your Life By Thirty”Sunday’s at 10:45AMJoin us for this discussion based small groups designed for college age students.Leader: Doug & Brittanie Wyatt Room: 204

Serving is not just about helping others. What you’ll find out when you serve is that serving others is also the best way to grow in your relationship with God. For a full listing of all the different ways you can get involved here in the church and out in our community visit thebridge.agorg/serve

Back in the spring of this year I was able to attend a life-changing conference at Gateway Church in Dallas. It was a deep experience with the Lord that has changed the way I think, the way I view God, and my understanding of God’s vision for my life. It was Amazing! Freedom ministry has taken me from trying harder to be a better person, to focusing on the person God created me to be. It’s a whole new way of thinking, of seeing, and of hearing God’s voice in your life.

I decided to bring this teaching to our church in the form of a small group which will be meeting on Wednesday nights starting September 11 at 7:15PM in Room 200. It turns out that everyone needs freedom from something in their life. If God is speaking to you to take this journey with me, please join me for the next chapter in the life God created you to live.

-Linda McNabb








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Yes, The Bridge is a large church with

a lot of people attending services each

Sunday, but church is more than a


It’s people living life together and

helping one another throughout our

cities to serve our cities.

Each week hundreds of people meet in

smaller communities to learn about God,

pray, laugh, and live.

We call these Small Groups—and they’re

what keep us together. And they’re the

way we grow smaller and the only way

to not get lost in the crowd. Central to

Small Groups are three ideas: Image,

Body, & Ownership.

IMAGEWe are all made in the image of God,

and part of that image is community.

Through the Christian doctrine of the

Trinity, that God is one God who exists

eternally as three persons in eternal,

perfect community, we understand

that humans not only long for but are

also made for community to reflect the

image of the Triune God.

Much of the loneliness, pain, and

fragmentation we feel in life are a result

of sin marring our image of God and

putting a wedge between community

and relationships as God designed

them. Small Groups at The Bridge seek

to redeem community by making ways

to meaningfully connect with other


BODYIn the Bible, the church is spoken of as

a body often. This imagery points to the

reality that we are all interconnected

and depend on one another in life—

much like a body relies on all its parts to

function well. This is very different from

the way most people view church—

which is generally an event you attend

on Sundays to be checked off the

calendar. At The Bridge, we believe that

while Sundays are important, the church

is not a service, but it is the people who

come together to worship on Sundays

and then live life throughout the week

at home, work, and society.

As the church, Christians are to take the

primary role in serving each other and

their cities, helping each other grow to

be more like Jesus, and caring for the

hurting and injured members of the

body, as well as sharing the good news

of Jesus.

In a large church like ours, Small Groups

are the best and primary way in which

we do this.

OWNERSHIPAs the church, it’s the duty and

responsibility of Christians to not

rely on a handful of pastors and paid

staff to fulfill the church’s calling to

make disciples. Rather, we believe it’s

important for all Christians to take

ownership of their role in the church’s

calling by participating in making

disciples and growing as disciples.

Small Groups are active groups. More

than just a Bible study or a prayer

group—though those are elements—

members take the initiative to

challenge our inclination to apathy

by actively caring for one another,

building friendships with one another,

participating in serving the city through

various charities and outreaches, and

learning more about the Bible and Jesus


This moves the traditional dynamic

of church as one of attendance to one

of participation. This leads to real and

lasting change, both personally and in

our families, communities, and cities.


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WORSHIP PLAYLISTMusic that should be in your ears, on your phones, and turned up loud.


HILLSONGGlorious Ruins



is a stirring collection of in-spirational songs that blends the best of modern-day production and pop-style

songwriting with a fervent belief in the healing and transformative power of God.

is an acknowledgment of humanity and a bridge to redemption. This declaration of the saving power of Christ

reminds us that we can look to the Cross throughout life, in times of success or failure, and that Christ is there with us.

Their lyrics connect to the heart instantaneously. Their melodies move your soul.

They totally get the conflict, the struggles, the joy and the transformation of living a Chris-tian life.

The driving guitars and elec-tronic beats create a worship experience that is anything but ordinary. Citizens is a

great blend of original music with new twists on hymns like “I Surrender All” and “Praise to the Lord”.























JOIN A GROUPIf you’re looking to get more connected

at The Bridge, Small Groups are the way

to do it, and while it’s always scary to

meet new people and be a stranger, we

promise you won’t be a stranger for long!

Check our Get Connected page to see all the small groups that are currently meeting.

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AM / Norm EdwardsMissionary to Eurasia

PM / Tour of the World Missions Dinner


TRADITIONAL / Garo NargizMissionary to Brazil DRIVE / Bill HicksMissionary to China


AM / Dean GalyenMissionary to Africa

PM / Chet CaudillNational STL Director