Pulse Issue 2

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  • 8/14/2019 Pulse Issue 2


    Chers collgues,

    Bienvenue la facult des sciences mdicales

    de luniversit libanaise. On se permet cet

    gard de vous fliciter cordialement au nom

    de MEDCLUB et du comit des tudiants

    davoir atterri chez nous ! Vous venez de

    franchir un grand pas lissue du concours

    dentre et ce que vous avez achev est sans

    doute grandiose, mais ce nest que la premire

    station dune vocation sacre, dun priplelong mais harmonieux on espre.

    A lheure actuelle, beaucoup de clichs se

    heurtent notre regard et coute ; en fait,

    beaucoup pensent que la mdecine est un

    mtier comme tous les autres, ou que cest un

    chemin pour faire beaucoup de fric

    Effectivement, notre pays nest pas en pnurie

    de mdecins, nanmoins, et comme le dit

    Montesquieu, ce nest pas les mdecins qui

    nous manquent, cest la Mdecine.

    Assez de philosophie et de littrature; passons des choses pratiques, savoir:

    - Un ensemble de changements-rnovations

    a t mis en place sous la direction du

    nouveau doyen Dr. Pierre Yared. En gros,

    MABROUK!In this issue

    MABROUK! 1

    Nobel Prize forMedicine 2008




    Douleur etMembre



    Working Hand

    by Hand...




    Pursuitof Happiness





    Amour... 7

    First Aid, CPR?? 7





    October 2008Issue 2


    prsence obligatoire

    et systme dexamens

    en bloc (tant mieux

    pour certains, Hlas

    p o u r d a u t r e s ) .

    - D a u t r e p a r t ,

    MEDCLUB et le

    comit des tudiants vous invite partager

    vos dsirs, vos opinions et toutes nouvellesides afin damliorer la vie tudiante au sein

    de la facult, de crer un esprit de support

    acadmique et de solidarit amicale et


    Nous vous esprons une anne fructueuse,

    signant votre parcours la recherche dun

    savoir et dun savoir-faire. Soyons solidaires

    pour que -si on nous nomme la crme de la

    socit - nous soyons vraiment la hauteur

    de ce titre. Bonne anne acadmique tous

    et toutes.C.Homsy


    [email protected]

    1: .

    This is the USMLE conference

    MEDCLUB held last year in

    the grand amphitheatre

    Hopefully, with the supportof the facultys administra-

    tion and student committee

    and with the collaboration of

    our fellow students, we shall

    be able to reorganize such

    meetings that are crucial for

    our future.

    Working Hand by Hand...

  • 8/14/2019 Pulse Issue 2


    [email protected]


    Nobel Prize for Medicine 2008 Split between Cervical

    Cancer and HIV Research

    The Nobel prize for physiology

    or medicine has been awardedto three scientists for the discov-

    ery of the HIV virus and for the

    virus that causes cervical cancer.

    Half of the prize fund has gone

    to the German scientist Harald

    zur Hausen for his discovery that

    human papilloma virus causes

    changes that lead to cervical

    cancer in women. The other half

    will be shared jointly betweenFranoise Barr-Sinoussi and Luc

    Montagnier, two French scien-

    tists who discovered the human

    immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

    the virus that cases Aids.

    Zur Hausen went against the

    prevailing scientific view in the

    1970s and pursued the idea that

    DNA from HPV could integrate

    into the DNA of host cells and

    cause them to divide uncontrol-

    lably. It has subsequently been

    shown that 15 HPV types put

    women at risk of cancer. The

    virus can be detected in 99.7%

    of women with cervical cancer which affects around 500,000 woman worldwide each year.

    His discovery has led to a vaccine that protects women against the virus and so prevents them from develop-

    ing cervical cancer.

    Barr-Sinoussi and Montagnier, who were both at the Institute Pasteur in Paris in the early 1980s, were the

    victors in a scientific race to identify the causative agent behind a novel immunodeficiency syndrome that

    had emerged in 1981.

    To find out what was causing Aids, the researchers cultured cells from swollen lymph nodes collected from

    patients in the early stages of disease. In 1983 they found particles of a retrovirus now known as HIV bud-

    ding from the cells. Around 33 million people are now infected with HIV.

    Barr-Sinoussi and Montagnier have long been in the frame for a medicine Nobel, but many observers had

    expected the American scientist Prof Robert Gallo to be jointly honoured for his role in the virus's discovery.

    The chair of the Nobel committee Prof Bertil Fredholm dismissed suggestions that Gallo deserved an equal

    stake though. "I think it is really well established that the initial discovery of the virus was in the Institute Pas-

    teur," he said.guardian.co.uk

    Monday October 06 2008

  • 8/14/2019 Pulse Issue 2



    [email protected]















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  • 8/14/2019 Pulse Issue 2




    Basic Otorhinolaryngology


    Langman's Medical


    "Religion consists of a

    humble admiration of

    the illimitable superior

    spirit who reveals him-

    self in the slight details

    we are able to perceive

    with our frail and fee-

    ble mind."




    www. library.med.utah.edu/






    [email protected]


    Have You Ever Thought About Postmortem


    Are You Aware of its Life Saving Potential?

    Lets put it in simple terms...

    Douleur et Membre FantmeLe terme de membre

    fantme est utilis

    pour dcrire les dif-

    frents types de sensa-tions vcues par lam-

    put dans le "morceau "

    qui a t sectionn.

    La douleur fantme se

    dfinit comme une sen-

    sation douloureuse perue dans un membre

    fantme .

    Lablation dun organe interne tel que : penis,

    vessie, rectum, peut donner ces mmes sen-

    sations, la personne conserve ou prouve la

    sensation de lorgasme ou de ljaculation,celle de passer des gaz ou encore dur-


    Les sensations fantmes surviennent chez

    90% des amputs. Quant aux douleurs

    fantmes, on les constate chez environ 70%

    des amputs pendant les premires semaines

    suivant leur opration. Mais ces douleurs

    peuvent apparatre des mois ou mme des

    annes aprs lamputation. Gnralement,

    les douleurs au membre fantme diminuent

    en frquence et en intensit au fil du temps.Toutefois, elles peuvent devenir chroniques

    et dbilitantes .

    Beaucoup de recherches ont t faites pour

    tenter de dterminer pourquoi les personnes

    amputes continuent de ressentir des

    douleurs au membre fantme longtempsaprs leur amputation. Les thories de la

    douleur mmoire et de la porte de con-

    trle de la douleur expliqueraient possible-

    ment l'existence d'une image-mmoire cen-

    trale du corps dans le cerveau. Mme lor-

    squ'une partie du corps n'existe plus, cette

    image centrale demeure inchange. Des sen-

    sations ou des douleurs au membre fantme

    peuvent tre ressenties lorsque le cerveau

    envoie des messages persistants aux mem-

    bres manquants.Lun des traits les plus tonnants de ces ex-

    priences fantmes, cest quelles ont un

    caractre rel, et le fait de porter une

    prothse peut augmenter ce caractre .

    Donc ce nest pas tre fou de vivre ces sensa-

    tions, et tant que ces sensations ne sont pas

    dplaisantes, il ny a pas de rel problme.

    Par contre un traitement spcifique devient

    ncessaire ds lors que cette sensation

    fantme devient gnante, douloureuse, ou


  • 8/14/2019 Pulse Issue 2


    Special points of


    [email protected]

    [email protected]


    " "


    The life and death of

    Terri Schiavo has

    become a touchstone

    in American culture.

    Schiavo, the profoundly

    incapacitated Florida

    woman whose family

    split over whether she

    would have preferredto live or die, forced

    Americans into a

    conversation about the

    end of life. Schiavo,

    who lingered for 15

    years in what doctors

    describe as a

    persistent inactive

    state died nearly two

    weeks after her feeding

    tube was removed. Thehusband Michael,

    painted by some as a

    villainous adulterer,

    sought to have her feeding tube withdrawn.

    And the parents determined to keep their

    daughter alive. Her case raised questions

    about the proper role of government in

    private family decisions. But her legacy may

    be that she brought an intense dimension to

    the battle over what is known as the culture

    of life;

    In considering a case for euthanasia, it should

    be kept in mind that nowhere in the long

    history of disagreement among doctors about

    Euthanasia: Mercy Killingthe certainty of the

    prognosis of death has

    the question been

    resolved as to where

    one draws the line and

    determines that the

    patient is actually

    dying: A patient who is

    seriously ill may ormay not be dying.

    However, religions

    advice us not to lose

    f a i t h i n t h e

    benevolence of God,

    who is able to conjure

    miracles. Moreover,

    the soul is a gift

    bestowed by God, so

    its end is the property

    of the divine will.Finally, mercy killing

    remains a humanity,

    e t h i c a l l y , a n d

    religiously shunned act despite the fact that it

    has been legalized in some countries of the

    world; we should give the terminally-ill

    people the right to die with dignity.

    Moreover, the role of medicine is to save life

    not to put an end to it. We recall Sartres

    statement, If we apply mercy killing, then all

    hospitals will transform into grave yards.


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  • 8/14/2019 Pulse Issue 2


    Take a moment and ask yourself:Am I Trully Happy?Happiness is a universal feeling, yet

    every one has his own definition of the term. Is it merely a pleasantsensation? Can we tell if someone ishappy just by the way he looks,talks or behaves?True, happiness can manifest indifferent forms yet it can not bematerialized. True, happiness might

    reflect on the surface yet It radiatesfrom deep within. Happiness is astate of the mind, of the soul. It is asublime feeling that encompassesour emotional and social wellbeing. Happiness is hope, dreams,peace, friendship, love Happiness

    Pursuit of HappinessDid YouDid YouDid YouDid You


    -The largest cell in

    the human body isthe female egg.

    -The smallest cell in

    the human body is

    the male sperm.

    -Wayne McLaren, the

    first owner of the

    Marlboro Company,

    died of lung cancer.

    -Aspirin has neverbeen approved nor

    rejected by the FDA.

    -Like fingerprints,

    every person has a

    unique tongue print.

    -Statins are the best-

    selling drugs in the

    history of medicine.

    -90,000 patients dief r o m h o s p i t a l -

    acquired infections

    each year in the U.S.

    -On freshly washed

    (with soap) and

    rinsed skin, there

    may be as many as

    20 million bacteria.

    on every square inch.

    follows givinghappinessTo meet true

    h a p p i n e s s ,simply look at achilds face.You can easilytell that hes happy but what makeshim happy??Where do we find happiness? Withwhat or with whom? Nobody can

    say for sure because we seek itdifferently. Yet one thing is forcertain true happiness never fades.True happiness is worth sacrificingfor


    [email protected]





    . ,

    : """"








    : ,



    , ...

  • 8/14/2019 Pulse Issue 2


    [email protected]


    Le chemin que vous

    parcourez en une

    vie dpend de votre

    tendresse envers les

    jeunes, de votre

    compassion pour lespersonnes ages, de

    votre sympathie

    envers ceux qui lut-

    tent et de votre

    tolrance l'gard

    des faibles et des

    forts; car un

    jour,vous aurez t

    tout cela.


    A normal individual

    is a person who has

    not been sufficiently


    There is never a lack

    of means, there is

    never a shortage of

    temptations, there

    is always a feeble


    Lamour a ses raisons que la raison neconnat pas . Ainsi lamour est-ilinconscient, irrationnel, pur fatalit oubien cest une mosaque construite avec

    finesse et sympathie ?Si lamour existe demble, cela veut direque toute relation en dehors de ce cadreest infertile et dans ce contexte lamournous transcende , il est au dessus denous ;or en ralit lamour est unnouveau-n qui grandit et pas un Dieuqui nous asservit...

    La passion, loin dtre de lamour vrai

    nous procure un sentiment de bien-treimmdiat, une dcharge lectrique,adrnergique rgie par le cerveau desmotions et de ce fait on a tendance sublimer la personne rencontre et projeter ce sentiment de bien-tre dansle future. Il y a donc une privation de tout jugement objectif qui doit treprsent dans une relation...Une fois

    limage de lautre idalis, dpasse, lemal peut tre aussi intense que lebonheur senti auparavant. Dans certainscas rares , linstallation des canaux decommunication peut aider surmonterla chute.

    Amour...Par contre, le vrai amour ne sancre pasdans le fantasme mais dans la ralit carle but dune relation amoureuse estdembellir la ralit, pas de fuir dans un

    rve qui tt sera rattrap par la ralit. Ainsi lamour nexiste pas demble carlamour est conscience , cest un actevolontaire qui connat lautre , acceptelautre , voit lautre dans son quotidien ,peroit lautre de mme quil apprend vivre avec limperfection de lautre .

    Au premier coup doeil , sympathie,attachement, attirance peuvent merger

    alors que lamour est fond sur laconscience et nest consolid que par sapropre force..

    Sa force est son moteur , qui doit trealiment , par les actes, les mots , lesbeaux moments, lpreuve de lautre , lesolide et la raison...

    Enfin , un clair , une angine de passionne suffisent pas pour se dfinir avec une

    personne...mais cest lamour , le vraiamour , qui donne jamais quand ilgrandit, petit petit dans une terrefertile.

    P. Kaazan

    Despite the fact we are medical students,

    most of us are unfamiliar with first aidand CPR skills. Because such course is not

    included in our curriculum, and seen the

    rarity of time at our disposal, a quick free

    online course is our suggestion to you.

    C h e c k o u t t h i s w e b s i t e :

    xxxxxxwww.firstaidweb.comIt offers an illustrated course with a re-

    view and quiz sections to master the basic

    skills of first aid.

    Remember CPR could make the differ-ence between life and death.


  • 8/14/2019 Pulse Issue 2


    Dear Students, for those of you who would like to take share in MEDCLUB activities

    or have articles published in PULSE, please send your suggestions to our email

    [email protected] or contact us on these numbers 03756018-03085710.

    We would be more than pleased to publish your work in the upcoming issues.

    Thank you.


    Man With Twin

    Living Inside Him!A 36 year old farmer

    from India was

    emergently taken to

    the hospital anddoctors at the hospital

    believed he had a

    giant tumor. When

    they operated to

    remove the bulge in

    his belly it was

    discovered that he

    had a partially grown

    twin inside of his body

    which had been there

    since birth. Thiscondition is an

    e x t r e m e l y r a r e

    situation that occurs

    when a fetus gets

    trapped inside its

    twin. The trapped twin

    may survive as a

    parasite even past the

    time of birth by

    leaching its twins

    blood supply until itbecomes quite large

    and starts to harm the


    This project is

    still in its infancy,

    lets help keep it




    The Editor

    H. Bitar

    [email protected]


    Mdic Astro

    Une rubrique ironique pour rendre

    comique la critique.

    2me anne: Syndrome dEuphorie Post Concours qui durera prs de 9 mois.

    Trouble de comportement, envie quotidienne de faire la fte, extrme sentiment

    de satisfaction Enfin, la vie en rose (pas pour longtemps, la plante FSM vous leconfirmera).

    3me anne: Grands vertiges, tat de confusion, choc bactrien!! La mdecine

    commence vous montrer ses crocs! Accrochez-vous: ce nest que le dbut!

    Mais bon, essayer plutt de la croquer pleines dents.

    4me anne: Ambiance plutt cool pour une rentre prcoce.

    Etat dhypersomnie diurne avant, pendant et aprs les cours! Prsence obliga-

    toire!! Et surtout si cest aprs tant dabstinence!

    5me anne: Ouverture, trs prochainement dune garderie pour enfants la

    FSM! Il parait que nos 5me anne seront trs bientt spcialiss en pdiatrie!!

    Mais arrtez de pleurnicher! Voyons!6me et 7me annes: Gardes de nuit et rotations entre les diffrents services, de

    quoi en devenir hypoglycmique! Une bonne barre chocolate fera laffaire et

    surtout beaucoup beaucoup de patience!!! Grrrrr

    Bienvenue pour les 2mes.


    Doctor: "I've got very bad

    news - you've got cancer

    a n d A l z h e i m e r ' s "

    Patient: "Well, at least I

    don't have cancer"

    Patient: I always seespots before my eyes.

    Doctor: Didn't the new

    g l a s s e s h e l p ?

    Patient: Sure, now I see

    the spots much clearer.

    What's the difference

    between a general practi-

    tioner and a specialist?One treats what you

    have, the other thinks

    you have what he treats.